Straits Echo, 26 May 1906

Total Pages: 10
1 10 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1355 1 SOLE Ad ENTS. ASAH I BEER uasa ihvsv TIANG UE CO, BANKS Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China. Hongkong Shanghai Banking Corporation. INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER. Capital Paid"up Reserve Fund Referve Liability of Pronrietorg Ji Boo*ooo Jf 975,000 £BOO,OOO Head Office: HATTON COURT, THREADNEKDLK STREET, LONDON. Agencies and Branches.
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  • 851 2 8ibaits Companies Manage» in Ceylon. '1 MK p.occ.diugs at the Serein ban ifftlKd forth the following let lor iu the Ccylvii U rcer, sigLe I Sliaicholder The losuit of the fc'o;emban imetiug will Vie a caution iu dealing with rubber shares. It is difficult to follow Mr. Luwiu (a
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  • 577 2 Ceylon Journalist’s Vivid Story of Suffering. He fills How Cure Came at Last through Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills. Mr. WacJ l>e Niese of tie “Ceylou Stauduid is oue of the most popular youug journalists iu (.’pylon, and hi* articles and reports on turf au«l spoiling matters
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 1563 2 Sunlight Soap Half the wear of clothes wash3d with Impure soaps is clue to the rubbing and beating neeoed to remove the dirt. Sunlight Soap does the washing Itself, being a pure soap, nothing but soap. It dissolves all impurities, and when the clothes are rinsed the stains are Cleared
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  • Shipping.
    • 112 3 Canton, Br. s.s 105, Mericau, 20th May, Teluk Ausou, 25 h May, Gen K —Ah Hing. Teesta, Br. s s., 8,428, L*e, 26th May, Singapore, 24th Mav, Gen., II. L. A Co. G. ArcAU, Br. s s., 2,061, Dei sou. 25: h May, Hongkong, 12th Mav, Gen —A. A.
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    • 110 3 26th May. Dot hi, for Ceylon, Australasia, India, Aden, Mauritius, Egypt an 1 via Briudisi for Euroj e, etc. A nt Sang, for Singapore a nd Hongkong. G A pear, for Calcutta. Fitzpabirk, for Rangoon. Area Mam, for Colombo and Tuticoriu Teesta, for Negapatain and Madras. Han Wltnft Soon,
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  • 30 3 Vessel» t'rout Atjenls Due Beuveuue Siugapore jS.ii.&Oo. 5 th Juu«. Alesia Hamburg IVM A (Jo. 7tb Heua rt v bomlou lOiii C. F. L ieisz China BMACo. 11th
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  • 35 3 1 tfHtseh fur -1 <fcntt Itenvee •1 Kenvenue Loudon s:n&Co. •Mli June. Alesiii Smgapoie 15. M <fcCo. 7 tli Heuarly Singapore S. 15. A Co. 10th 0. F. ijiieisz Hamburg 15 M ACo. lltli
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  • 19 3 For Port Swettenham —Per Mary Austin, 28th instant, 1 p.m. Batu Balira—Per Pailang, 28tb instant, 1 p.m.
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  • 12 3 P«r Tee ft, from Singapore Sergeant Phillips, Mr. S. M Idid.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1051 3 (SHIPPING.) TAC IS. HI. Go. Mail Sorvico. Outwards. FAKES BY MAIL STEAMERS. 1st Class 2mi Class To Ijoudou by Sea r Gib£56 i by To Marseilles or Gib* raliar £40 f extra steamers Intermediate Service. w e<l number of passeugers. Outwards. Horn: wards ts.s. Japan 29 May fs.8. Sardinia 12Juue
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    • 98 3 PASSAGES to EUROPE, via MADRAS. PASSAGES nm be booked per British India Steam Navigation Company's Steamers from Penang, via Madras, to Port Said, Genoa, Marseilles, Plymouth and London. HUTTENBACH, LIEBERT Co., AGENTS. 11-4-06 232 ILVXTER Co.’s BEST NAVY CANVA». SANDILANDS, BUTTERY Co. DAVID CORSAR SON’S WELL-KNOWN EXTRA NAVY CANVAS, No.
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  • 103 4 Justice satitifteeeverybody and justice alone.— Emi r son. Established June Ist, 1903. Published daily (except Sundays.! AT TH* CRITERION PRESS, Lid., No. 226 232, Beach St reel. Penang PRICE DAILY LOCAL iii per annum OUTBTATIONB Postage Extra. VAIL EDITION (Post Free» $lO CABLE ADDRESS: Echo—Penang.” Telephone N<*.
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  • Current Topics.
    • 267 4 In another column will be found an ac- count given by the correspondent of the Time* of the treatment meted out to the unfortunate Chinese who were suflFerers by the San Francisco disaster. It makes anything but pleasant leading and will not. we imagine, tend to l eal
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    • 358 4 Wk think that the Municipal Commissioners did i tiie right thing at yesterday’s meeting on the Band question in deciding to call a public meeting to discuss the matter. There are very many diverse opinions on the matter of how our Baud should be run and a public
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  • 134 4 St. Xavier's institution broke up this morning aud the two hundred boarders dispersed in all directions, for the midsummer holidays. One party left for Ceylon by the mail Delhi, in charge of Bro. Adriau, who goes there for a health trip. These bovs belong to some of the
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  • 280 4 Tub Annual Dance. Thk annual dance a)£ the Penang Volenti ers took place last eveuing at the Drill Hall, Fort Cornwallis, aud was one of the most pleasant functions of its kind which we have attended. Before dancing c«Mnuieuced the prizes won during the year wee distributed to
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  • 593 4 Me sting of Municipal Commissioners. Yesterday a special meeting of the Municipal Commissioners was held to consider the Baud question aud there was a full attendance. Mi llaliifax. the President, opened proceedings by asking to be allowed to withdraw his previous motion that the Bandsmen la* given uotiee.
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  • 94 4 A Geueral Meeting of the members of the above Club was held ou the afternoon of the 21st iustuut, the busiuess being to elect office bearers for the preseut year. The following gentlemen were eventually appointed Messrs Chooug Ah Fah (President) Wong Tong Sam Vice-President Chooug
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  • 144 4 A very successful Gymkhana was held at Tapah on Thursday last uuder the auspices of the Malay Schools. The boys fiom the neighbouring districts were also invite and everything went merrily as the proverbial marriage bells. The eveuts contested were running, jumping, cycling, tug-of-war, etc., live of
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  • 160 4 St. X I vs. P. 11 C. A very keeuly coutestel game of football cime off ou the Esplanade yesterday afternoon between St. Xavier’s institution aud the Penang Recreation Club. Play commenced at 5.30 aud the Saints at once began to menace their opponents’ goal, but their shots failed
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  • 504 4 i The following are the wiuuers iu the Dog 1 Show at the Gymkhaua of Thursday last, 1 held over iu last night’s Echo BkBl Smooth -h air eh Fox Terrier *****. i Mr W. H. MacGregor's Biddy 1 Mr. Lim Che 3 Saing’s Beddy 2 Best
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  • 1093 4 Straits Chinese Magazine, Vol. X X’,, The new number of the Strait ru; Magazine (March 1906) is out weeks after the schedule time! Howev*' 1 much we may regret its late appearance 1 cannot lose sight of the fact that for u, n whole years the editor* have bravely
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 156 4 “BIRD’S-NEST” BRANDY. The Sarang Burong” Brand. Can be obtained at Messrs. Ban Seng Co M Chi at Seng Co., Chin Joo Co., Gim Tek Bee Co., Goon Yen Friends! etc etc., SOLE IMPORTERS! CALDBECK, MACGREGOR Co. Samples on Application at Corner of Beach Street Church Street Ghaut. Eastern Oriental Hotel,
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    • 149 5 Banqueted in London. (Supplied by Meuter.) LoiiUou, 25th May.—Mr. Joseph Chamberlam presided at the bauquet given to Lord Miluer. There was a large aud representative gathering. including Lord Lausdowue, Mr. Brodri#, Lord Curzon and Mr. Balfour. Mr. Chamberlain paid a tribute to the work of Lord Milner, which,
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    • 69 5 The Native Rising. {Supplied by Reuter.) Loudon, 25tli May.—The Imperial troops m Pretoria have been ordered to hold themselves iu readiness iu view of the serious situation iu Zultilaud. Loudon, 26lli May.—There has been a practical armistice for several days iu Natal xvhile the chiefs have beeu conferring,
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    • 89 5 The House of Lords. (Supplied by lieuter.) Loud oil, 25th May.—Mr. Lloyd George, speaking at Liverpool, said that the House of Lords was a menace to progress. Their action in mutilating aud rejecting'Bills was a piece of intolerable arrogance which no Liberal Government would tolerate. Iu view of the
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    • 98 5 The Triple Adiance. (The Oetasiatischer Lloyd V Service.) Berlin, 26th May—Count Tschirshy, Secretary of State, speikiug in the Reichstag, said that there was no looseuiug of the bonds of the Triple Alliauce and all Anglo-German discord was at an end, Germany having determined to follow a policy for the
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    • 84 5 The Tsar and the Duma. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 26th May.—The Constitutional Democrats have submitted to the Russiau Duma a Bill giving every religious denomination tl e fullest possible frexloui. (The Ostasiatiecher Lloyd's" Service.) Berliu, 26tli May.—The Tsar is against the granting of an amnesty aud in favour of
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    • 28 5 The Customs Edict. (The Odariatischer Lloyd's" Se rvice.) Berliu, 26th May. —The United States Government has joined the Powers iu their protest against the Chinese Customs Edict.
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    • 47 5 Opening of Parliament. {Supplied by Reuter.) Loudon, 26th May.—At the opeuiug ol the Cape Parliament it was auuouuced that a Bill would be introduced remitting all sentences of diseufranchisemeut with a viexv to promoting racial goodwill. Synij)atliy was expressed with Natal, whose attitude commanded admiration.
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    • 35 5 Proposed Visit to EngUnd {Supplied bg Reuter.) Loudon, 25th May.—The Daily Telegraph says that Admiral Togo aud his fleet will not come to the Soleut in 1906, but will probably do so iu 1907.
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    • 21 5 A Fresh Honour. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 26th May.—Lord Kitchener has beeu gazetted Colonel Ccuimandaut of the Royal Engineers.
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    • 25 5 A State Funeral. (Supplied by Reuter.) Loudon, 26th May.—The N orwegiau Storthing has voted a State funeral to Henrik Ibsen, the poet aud dramatist.
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    • 23 5 Amateur Championship. (Supplied by Reuter.) Loudon, 26th May.—ln the Amateur Golf Championship Robb beat Liugeu by four up and three to play.
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    • 66 5 Latest Betting. (Supplied by Reuter Loudon, 26th May.—The latest betting on the Derby is 9to 4 agst. Lullv, 11 to 2 agst. Spearmint, 10 to 1 agst. Gorgos, Malua aud Saucv, 100 to 8 agst. Picton, 100 to 6 agst. His Emiuence, 20 to 1 agst. Rad urn,
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  • 1442 5 First Day’s Results. I —THE MAIDEN PLATE.—VaIue S6o»J. A Race for Maideu Horses. Weight 9st. 31b. Eutrauce $2O. Distauce, R.C. The Nameless Kougsee’s Excelsior 9st. 31b. W Feutou 1 W. M. D. Mitchell’s Dawn 9st. 31b. E. Fisher 2 B. C. Doral’s Warrior 9st. 31b. V. Southall 3
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  • 1693 5 Royal Lovers in London t i Divorce Inequalities. i .SUGGESTED REFORMS. UNANIMOUS CONDEMNATION OF JUDICIAL SEPARATIONS. The Dreadnought Plans. REROUTED SALE TO a EORKION POWER. {hrotn Our Own Correspondent.) Fleet Street, ith May.—We have had the roval lovers, Kiug Alfonso aud Princess Eua, in London this week,
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  • 47 5 To-day. 4th Div of Intocilary 4th Moou. Town Hand, Golf Clul*, «> to 7 p.m. Matsuo’s Japanese Cine ua'o.rap'i, Corter of Penang lioud and CnmplHl Strott, p.m. To-mohkow. olli Day of Intercalary 4th Moon. Matsuo’s Japanese Cinematograph, Corikcr of Penang Road and Campbell Stree\ 9 p in.
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  • 20 5 China De'hi 2Gtli May China (P. Hximich) 29tli German (Zielen) 3Utli English (Delta) 7th June China (Oceana) 9th
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  • 48 5 P. O. SAILINGS. Mail Service. Outwards. Hom kwa kds. Pella t June Ifrlli i '.6 ,1/iiy P't'anlo f V/ (h-rana !i Jhic l.xtra Service. OC '1 W A KUS. HoaiK W AKUS Japan 29 May. 1 ley’on 2 June Sardinia 12 June. Palermo *nr vor particulars sue Page
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  • 30 5 First Quarter May 31st 123 7. t* m. O I'nil Moon June 7th 411 7. \m. i «yiiiiri**! ltili 2.34 4 am. O Now Muon 22nd a m.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 25 5 The French Confectionery. 17a, Nortliam Road. TO-NIGHT, Ice» Orange and Chocolate, and n variety of Fancy C'rikoc. t'UK SUNIMY leoe Ro«e aud Aim u i.
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    • 433 5 WANTED. QUIET strong horse for harness Applv to A. Z. 22 0 06 832 ot* t. f. s. c o i>troiin Echo. Municipal Notice. Municipal Commissioners iuvite all JL sections of tlie Commuuity to attend a Public Meeting to l#j I e!d in the Town Hall on Tliursdav next, the
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 35 5 WEATHER. Thk followiucr report iskiinllv supplie-1 b* the Signal Director of Fort Cornwallis 5 p.m *i a.m. wwi. Vtstpntiiv Toilir Ti'-fti v 8»- fV t it tiuo I t*v fi.W. Vast to.tU rt.. W> 71
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  • 598 6 ILL-TREATMENT OF THE CHINESE. The special correspondent of Th* Times at San Francisco writes: All over Oakland and the uuburued portion of San Francisco street hawkers are now offering souvenirs of the great ti e. Niuetyuine of these objects out of a hundred are of Chinese manufacture aud
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  • 915 6 City to Rise Again.—A New ani> Greater San Francisco. After blazing for four days the great lire at San Francisco burned itself out The city is a smoking ruiu—twentyfive miles of black desolation —but the worst of the disaster is over, and there is no friar of
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  • 121 6 Pesano, 26 h Mav. I!y courtesy oj the Chartered Bank.) London Demand Hank 2/4g 4 months* sight Hank 2/4 t 7 b r 3 Credit i 3 Documentary ...2/411 Demand Hank Ics 1741 3 days’ sight Private 177 B nnhay. D maud Batik 174.} Mounnein, Demand Hank 173* 3
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  • 228 6 Gold leaf 1 64.60 B. Peppei (W. Coast 31b«.50/..) out oi stock White Pepper 30. tale* rraug Pepper 21} tellers Cloves (picked) 42.— sale* VI ace 81 —buyers Mace Pickings 08}. —sellers yj ut megs 110 s 33;}. sales No. 1 •> 00 2 no stock. Basket $2
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  • 301 6 1906 1906 1903 1904 1904 1898 1903 1905 1904 1904 1898 1865 1901 1901 1899 1903 1890 1887 8 ‘250.000 30,000 ‘200,000 100,000 30,000 100,000 100,000 50,000 60,000 ‘24,000 ‘22,500 20,000 1,350 850 ‘26,300 1,000 8,800 41,920 50,0 c 0 50 10 1 100 100 1 100 10 1
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
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    • 430 6 JOHN TYNDALL Co ’s CELEBRATED PEACOCK BRAND CEYLON TEAS Certified by Dr. Donald of Penang as follows :—Messrs. Tyndall k Co.’s Peacock Brand Tea I have used and much appreciate. Excellent in flavour and freedom from the vegetable astringents which tend to produce digestive troubles. The above teas are sold
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  • 417 7 A Simplified Spelling Hoard has b. eu established iu the Uuited States of Ameiioa. It created itself with the noble obj«*ct of starting, or ratl er coutiuu ug, the campaign iu favour of rational spelling.” A man who calls a spade a spade is for some mysterious reason
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 1229 7 P. ttlolr Cranes' CYLINDER OIL. Sandllends. Ruttery Co. T HTi OLDHAM Li Petter’s Patent Petroleum Engines. THE HOST PERFECT MOTOR A BOARDING SCHOOL FOR BOVS. rVM > NOTICE. OF THE DAY. For Quotations and Catalogues APPLY TO SANDILANDS. BUTTERY Co, 8oto Agents, PEN A NO F. M. S IF YOU
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    • 61 7 A Safe Medicine. Mothers of small children need not hesitat* to administer Chamberlain's Cough Kernedv. It coutaius no opiate or narcotic in any form and may he giveu to a baby with as much confidence as to an adult. It alwavs cures and cures auickly. George Towu Uispeusaiy, Genet a
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1223 8 Lim Sun Ho, CHOP rffc'NC 1 MOH Co., lb 4, Beach Street, Penung. dentistry. importers of all kinds of European Cloth and Genera) Commission Agents. 61c W. MANSON, American Dentist, Laic of Dr. Allen Co., Pita, U.S.A. DAYIDSON CO., TAILORS, Winchester House, SINGAPORE. Charges Moderate, Consultation Free. residing at A’o.
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  • 1844 9 Thk annual dinner of the Royal Colonial Institute took place on April 25 at the Whitehall Rooms of the Hotel Metropole, under the presidency of Lord Elgin, Secretary of State for the Colonies. The guests mcluded Lord Jersey, Lord Kiutore, the Archbishop of Sydney, Sir
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  • 1218 9 Okkman Captain's Narrativk. .Sunk extraordinary statements regaidmg slave hunting iu the Vknith Stas were made to an American iuterviewer recently by a master mariner named YVagner, who is described as having beeu for fourteen months (from 1903 to early last spring) the central figure in
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  • 171 9 Pknano, 26th May, 11*06. Berk— cts Soup per catty 6 Roast 24 j Steaks -4 i Stew or Curry Meat 18 Rump Steak 21 j Ox Tail each 30 Tongue 60J Feet 20 1 He ut 80 Liver 52 i Fork.— Fork per calty 34 Pig’s Head 21
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 75 9 A Safe Speculation If you have an attack of rheumatism ami Chamlmrlain’s Pain lialm gcU vmi l«ek to <;namis>i liim •„..k In fmv .lav,. III .1 »•>' |»r ls 'l' m-w.vI limn» nvm? Tln-f noii.,-.l"rsuf-feriug from rheumatism for a month <>i weeks incurring the expense of a tor’s bill, when
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    • 70 9 Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy Gives Satisfaction Everywhere. “I It.i I ««-.-it .-.piling Cliainlierl.iin’a t 'migli Ifeniedv in ,ll v retail shop of this pl.i. i* for six years, Adolph Altr-ilwtitivniof l)urbanviHe, C» pc Colony. 1 lind it to 141x0 aatinfuc'.iou with the j'eopk* who me it and it is the lu
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    • 87 9 Children When Teething This is the most dangerous age m the life of a child. At this time thev have more or less dhlirleei, which wo.vheas the system and rendo's' the hdd moie -u <*0|*tili!e to db.we. jAny unusual looseness of I he bowels should l>e promptly controlled, which can
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    • 97 9 Give Chamberlain’s Pain Balm a Trial. No other liniment affords such prompt relief from rheumatic pains. No other is so valuable for deep seated paius like lame back and pains iu the chest. Give this liniment a trial aud lecouie acquainted with its iemai table qualities and you will never
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    • 940 9 FINISIN FiNISIN FINISIN NEURALGIA NEURALGIA cured. NEURALGIA FINISIN (The World-Renowned Neuralgic Cure). The most distressing pain is relieved with this remedy, and often j so quickly. as to he remarkable. Alter oU years’ experience, we nil j hesitatingly say you will derive thei greatest benefit from its us-). We 1
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 473 10 WROUCHT-IRON TUBES AND FITTINGS, L Stock Always on Hand ADAMSON, GILFILLAN CO.. LTD. TO AVOID CHOLERA, TYPHOID, PLAGUE USE ONLY and USE ALWAYS /ttkinson;$ A Luxurious Perfume !n Health. MOST REFRESHING. Far Superior to the German Kinds. A NECtSSARY RESTORATIVE IN SICKNESS. ■Eau «Cologne ED FIIMAUD’S PERFUMERY call Ihc attention
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