Straits Echo, 21 May 1906

Total Pages: 10
1 10 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1945 1 SOLE AGENTS. ASAHI BEER. H 338 IHVSV TIANQ LfcE CO, i BANKS. Chartered Bank of India, Hongkong Shanghai Australia and China. Banking Corporation. INCORPORATED BY KOVAL C HAUTE If. $IO„UO(»,OOU Capital Paid-up Reserve Fuu«l Reserve Liability of Proprietors A 9 75,000 Head Office: HATTON COURT, THREADNEEDLE STREET, LONDON. Paid-uk-Capital
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    • 14 1 SOLE AGEXIS. GUINNESS'S STOUT. 53 Sh o v: 0? •;»nv s,ssva TtAKG LEE CO.,
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  • 113 2 Ax inn Hit name is to lie added to the ioug j list of Freuch officers who have pc*i is! <d for j the reclamation of Afiiea. Ills name HWiroeder, aud he is a young iutantiy lieuteimut. Details of his death aie not y«*l| known, hut he
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  • 353 2 'I he report on British New Guinea fot ‘.he veir ended 90th June, 1905, leceutly published as a Parliamoutary paper by the Commonwealth of Australia shows that. 7*-« acios of laud have been applied for during the year, <»r which about 2.000 acres have been granted. The
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  • 443 2 Tok Cowib Habboub Coal Co. Tliis Company (says a district leporti have beeu hard at woi’k all the yeir making the many ueoes-arv preparations lor the outputting aud shipping of coal, i Lev are now making a tramway Irom the outcrop to a point on the Ssilimpopou
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  • 1185 2 Tuesday, Jlst July, Thursday, 2nd August, and n Saturday, 4th August. First Day. Tuesday, 31st July, 1906. 1. —The Maiden Plaik. Value *000. A Race for MuiJeu Horses. Weight as per scale leduced 14 lbs. All animals imported iuto the Straits 01
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 1783 2 Penang Sales Room. The undersigned is instructed to Sell by Public Auction AU the Veluabie Well-kept Househ U Furniture, Horses and Traps, Plants etc., AT Springfield, No. 65, Western Road, O'l Tuesday, the 22nd May, 1906, AT 12 NOON, COMPKI8IKO Iron aud Wooden Bedsteads Complet**, Dressing Tabl**p, Mirror front Wardrobes,
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  • Shipping.
    • 128 3 liiiKNAKiA, tier, s s. t 4.0,'d Von Hfcft’. 20th May. Bremen, 20th Apr, Gen., 5 B iVL A Co. O.m Ai'Kitu, Br. s.s., 340, Bell, llOtii May, Tongkah. 19th May, <-Sen K. G. Co. A. Apcab, Br. s s key, 20th May, Calcutta, 14lli May, Gen., -A A. A.
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    • 45 3 21 l May A mu Sony, for Calcutta. Canton, for Panykor ami Jehik Anson. A. Aycai for Singapore and Hongkong. >1. (I Jacob, for Polo Well, OVlileli and Padantr. dy ay Drayon, l<>r Port Weld and Taiping. Sni Sony, for Calcutta. Hbc, for Deli
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  • 48 3 1 h'rnm Atjeut* Pit* Uhenaui.t llatulHiri; 1 > M A-CV. -Hll.Mav Movun* Sirgapon* W.M.ACo u<l Jmiv. < ’ak-lias Singapm*' W M A.( \i :>r*l ’«iiveiiu»Siuyapoitt SI; At ’ii. •’tli Alesia Hamlmii; I5..M AG«». Til» 1 Umih i-i v IlKlIlloll IS.I’l loiii G. I’ l..l«Jls/ •Jliiiia 1» M ACN*. IMi
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  • 47 3 1 1 .1 jvhI* l.t'iirt»» 1 lMieii.iiiii 3i*jf;ipore 1*. M A Co. c*Itli.Mav. Movut e Liverpool W .M.AOo. £n<l<luuc. Caleb as Liverpool W.M ACo. :>nl Benvenue Loudon olb Al'-sia Siuoupoie 11.M ACu. “ill IViiari v Singapore S.B.&Co. I“lit C. F. liiie sz Hamburg li.MACu. Illli
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  • 78 3 For l ong kali, Kopali, Benoiig, Victoria Point, Mergui A l’avo" Per Ontanere, to-morrow, 1 p.m. Laugk it—IVr Hun W/ia/t Soon, tomorrow, 2 p m. Bdie, T. tSeinawe. :Segli, Ulelileli a».I Siiliiiiit'—IVr Hole Canton, Io-morrow, 2 pm. IVriis A Setu!—Pert ■hau Tui, to morrow, p.m Port Swettenliani ami
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1376 3 (8HIPPIN G.) m S. N. Co. INTENDED SAILINGS. British India Steam Navigation Co., Ltd. For Intended to Sail. Steamer. Defected Arrivals and Departures. Mail Service. Outwards. Negapatam, Madras, Pondicherry, Cuddalore andj Sat. 26th May 2 p.m. Karrical. Itaugoon Calcutta, [Mouhuein and Burmese Ports.] Poit Swelteuham and Singapore. Ma\ 24 s.s.
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    • 75 3 rASSAOKN to EUROPE, via MADRAS. PASS.4GLS mil lie hookwl 'per Brftisli India Steiini Navigation (ompnn v\ Steamers from Penang:, via Madras, to Port Said. Genoa, Marseilles, Plymouth and London. HUTTENBACM, LIEBERT Co., AGENTS 11 4 00 2:J2 DAVID CORSAIt SON'S WELL-KNOWN EXTRA NAVY CANVAS, No. 0. SANDILANDS. litJTTCWV S Co
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  • 99 4 i Justice satisfieseverybody aud justicealoue.— Etn^rsun. Established June Ist, 1903. Published daily (except s>undaj AT THI CRITERION PRESS, Ll<l., No. 22fi—232, I leach Street, Penan 4 PRICK DAILY LOCAL (21 per annum OUTBTATIONB Postage Kxira. MAIL RDITION (Post Kreel *l5 CABLE ADDRESS: Echo—Penang." Telephone No. 188. I
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  • Current Topics.
    • 468 4 Thk Pinany Gazette lias been posiug as the mouthpiece of the Pen- ang public and advocating that iu future PenaugMunicipal Commissioners should ail be nominated by Government. Un- fortunately some of our con tern j«ora lies have taken this to mean that the Pinany Gazette is voicing the wishes
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    • 1133 4 K aie pleaded to see that we are by no means alone in our criticism of the finding in tlie Bentuuy-Havemha >u Grange collision case, for in both of our Singapore evening contemporaries letters have appeared on the subject ami, further, the decision in the enquiry into the
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  • 1522 4 All dealest Fanny.—You know what a j bportion community we are and therefore you will not be surprised to bear that we have had a most exciting boar hunt well within Municipal limits. It seems that khuhber of an immense animal, which wa* to be seen uigktlv near
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  • 173 4 J. R. Aeria (St. X iviei’s Institution, Peuaug) aud E. Sammy (Raffles Institution, Singapore) have won the First aud Second Queen's Scholarships respectivelr. W e must congratulate Master' Joseph R. Aeria ou his obtaiuiug the First Scholarship. St. Xavier’s also must be congratulated upon i bringing another scholarship
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  • 466 4 A Successful, Function. Tub annual great feast of St. John Baptiste do la Salle, Founder of the Christiau Brothers aud Patron of the Catholic schoolboys, was celebrated on a grand scale at the Church of the Assumption yesterday before an unusually large congregation, among whom were
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 137 4 “BIRD’S-NEST” BRANDY. The Sarang Burong” Brand Can be obtained at Messrs. Ban Seng Co., Chiat Seng Co., Chin Joo Co., G'm Tek Bee Co., Goon Yen Friends etc etc.. SOLE IMPORTERS: CALDBECK, MACGREGOR Co. Samples on Application at Corner of Beach Street 6c Church Street Ghaut. Eastern Oriental Hotel. VICTORIA
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  • 29 4 j. Domestic Occurrence. Dsath! Ar her residence No. —4. Orchard Load. Singapore, at 1 p.m. on the 4th May. the beloved wife of Lim Koou V ung, aged :t7.
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    • 228 5 the AD HESS. I lie Duma’s Demands. (Supplied by llcuter.) lioudou, I'.tth May.—Tlie Duma continues ardently «liscussiug tlie a«l«lress and has adopted a clause expropriating the landlords, with au amendment to iuclu«le ecclesiastical* lands. Lou.lon, ]9th May.—The Duma has unanimously voted the Address, including complete political auiuesty. The Imperial
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    • 90 5 The Native Rising. (Supplied by Reuter Loudou, 21st May.—A Zulu rebel messenger has informed a British officer that diganailda aud other important chiefs are anxious to surreuder, having l)eeu much impressed by the British military operations. Native women who have surrendered say that tlie plans of the natives have
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    • 77 5 The Customs Edict. (Supplied by Reuter.) Loudou, 21st May.—Tlie Peking cor- i respondent of the Timm wires that the Japanese Legation has been instructed to support Great Britaiu in askiug explanations with regard to the Customs Edict. Reuter’s Pekiug correspondent wires that all the Foreigu Ministers have aunouucei that
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    • 60 5 Strained Relations. (Supplied by Reuter.) Loudon, 21st May.—Reuter's Tokio correspondent wires that it ii rntnoueJ that I there is much diplomatic tension between Japan und Russia and that the latter seems determined to iguore the Japanese Protectorate of Corea, laimiug that the treaty of Portsmouth recoguised the
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    • 60 5 The Railway Rates Bill (Supplied by Reuter.) Loudon, 21st May.—The United States Seuate hat passed the Railway Rates Bill with amenuments chiefly providing for the ratification of tbe decision of tbe Interstate Commerce Commission by the Law Courts, against which President Roosevelt fought for loug. Tbe measure now
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    • 70 5 The Cabinet Resigns. a i. 4 .i m (Supplied by Renter.) Loudou, 19tb May. —Tbe Italian Cabinet Iihb resigued. (The 0»tmiatincher Lloyd Service.) Berliu, 21st May.—fciiguor 8<muiuo, tbe lately resigned Italian Premier, accompanies King Victor Emmauuel to tbe openiug of tlie Siniplou Tunnel. A new Italian Ministry will be
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    • 21 5 Suffering from (iout (Supplied by hauler.) Loudon, 19th Alay—His Holiness the Pope is confined to his bed with gout.
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    • 75 5 The Travelling Burgomasters. T/i* 0»ta*iati*cher IAvyd'e Set vice.) Berlin, 21st, May.—King Edward has received tlie German Burgomasters most cordially au«l the Kaiser has expressed him- i self as highly pleased at the result of their visit to liOiulou. Anglo-German Treaty. May.—An Anglo-German special Ireaty, relating particularly to Persia, has
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    • 36 5 Women’s Suffrage. (Supplied by Renter.) Loudon, 21st May.—Sir Henry Campbell Bauuermau bas received a deputation of Woman Suffragists. He expressed sympathy with them, but urged patience uutil the Government was more united on the «juestiou.
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    • 51 5 The Boundary Commission (Supplied by Reuter.) London, I9th Mar.—The Egyptian Commissione -s for the Turkish frontier delimitation are Captain Oweu aud General Futhi, of the Egyptian Army. Officers Rewarded. Londo l9th May.—Captaius Sutherland and Flint have beau gazetle«l lirevet Majors for their services at Bahr el-Ghezal, ou the White
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    • 20 5 Home Once More. (Supplied by Renter.) I»ou on, 19th May.—Pr uce Arthur of Couuaught has returned to London.
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    • 27 5 Conference Postponed 1 (Supplied by Ut liter. Loudon, 21st May.—It is practically set j tied that the Hague Peace Coufereuce will uot meet before May, 191*7.
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    • 29 5 Ladies’ Championship. (Supplied by Renter.) Loudon, 21st May.—Mrs. Keuuiou lias won the Ladies’ Golf Chatupiouship, defeating Miss Thompson, the previous holder, by four up aud three to pliiy.
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  • 358 5 The Close of the Enquiry. Captain and Third Office Ps Tickets Suspended. The Marine Court of Euquiry to investigate the straudiug of the s. s. Beech ley iu the Wetta Passage ou A_pr. 14 were occupied up till 4 30 on Thursday afteiuoou. Iu the
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  • 95 5 Aecrsfcjj PisctfAHori*. Tut ca»e against Poouoosaiuv who waa charged with a rash act iu driving traiucar m a. furious manner and thereby causing the death of Master lveug Chow Fui, at tlie junction of IVtto Kramat and <seaug Tek lioads, ou or about the titli inst was
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  • 101 5 A very mteres'iug gain»' oi looter was played ou the Butterwortli Polo G louud ou Saturday afternoon between the Butlerworthians aud au eleven composed of the Youug Men's Football Association. From the start the game was fast thioughout aud when the whistle blew half time i the scoie stood
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  • 440 5 Pa perch ase. Thk first papeichas»- organised by the C. R. C was favoure I with liue weather, though it was little expected, owiug Ao._.liie heavy downpour on Saturday night. TLere j was a good muster of members aud Youug Cyclists. The haies (Messrs. Chung Kuk Ming
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  • 295 5 We have locetved tlie following circular from Mr. H. N. Ridley, the Director of j Gardens, Singapore*— Third Joint Annual Aoki-Horit- cultural Show of liHXi. The Third of the large Exhibitions of Agri-Horticulture aud Native Industries will take place iu Singapore on the lt»th, 17tb, aud 18th August,
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  • 607 5 1 Friday, IBlh May. i PKBtEST. His JjsoellmA' tfie Officer Aduthiist«riu;r the Government. Hir WilliNin Taylor, xc. jf.< Hod. K. L. Brockman (Act. Col.*Secretary). Hou. J. R. ImiHti (Art. Attorney-General >. Hou. J. O. An thou is/. (A<*t. Col. Tivtouivr). Hon. A. r. Bryant (Act. Auditor-General Hou. W
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  • 228 5 Cade rats started from the Derby post this morning, picke«l up Di/domU c at the eutrauce aud both gilloped together ouee rouud, says Saturday’s t\et Pin As they j were pulling up Cubm which was riddeu by Penn, stumble 1, fell over ou his side aud died.
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  • 59 5 To-day. 28ih I 4th M ooL. Town Band, Fsplanade, to 7 p.iu. Matsuo's Jaj»aiie>e Cinematograph, Coie«*r of Penang Hoad aud Cum pi «ell Street, V* pan. W&yaug Kassim, Drury Lane Theatre, 9 pan. Lad Performance. To-morrow. 29th Day. 4th Moon. Football Match St. X. v». N. L. MatsUo's Japanese
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  • 16 5 English (Arcadia) g4lh May Cliiua (be hi) China (P. Heinrich) 29tli Gennau (Zieteii) goth
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  • 46 5 P. O. SAILINGS. Mait Service. j Outwards. Ho.MKWAROS. Arcadia :J4 Mai/. Delhi :!ti May Delta 7 Jane. Oceana l) June. htira Service. Outwards. Horn k ward*. Ja /hi a ,*fj May. j Ceylon il J u>.e. Sardinia J'J June Palauan fS9P For particulars see Page 2.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 18 5 The French Confectionery. 17a, Northam Road. TO-NIGHT. I»'** Crcuius CVjffe 1 un<l auill". !«U'l A ft 1 MJf
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    • 530 5 NOTICE. fllHE usual niont hlwale of Pawnbrokers’ I forfait ml pledgee for suum cxceed- in}' $10 will i*e held at II o’clock a. in. on WV Iu!jJ;u and Thursday, the tith and I 7th proximo, ie<|.e tivelv, at. No. 42, I leach j Street. The above forfeited pledges c*ll l»e
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous

  • 146 6 '1 wo .remarkable burglars have Lecu captured at lJriey, uear Nancy. The men are two brothers named Uentel, who had long held the district in terror m defiance of tlie police through the skill \vi»h which their j mother aud sister ac!e las scouts. The rob- beries
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  • 165 6 v; JtaptpiuN touristy conuug to Japan have considerably inc eised in nuinlier this year, says a Japanese vernacular journal, and the necessity is-imw felt for making tlnir sejouru in Japan mote comfortable, aud so to attract cveu larger number of visitors. The opinion prevails in busiuess
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  • 182 6 Thk case of Haddock o. Haddock, which lias just been referred to the Federal •Supreme Court at Washington, has required in a decision that has startled thousands ui people who have obtan e I d voices iu the Fnited States. By a bare majority the judges decided that
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  • 485 6 The Minister for the Colonies intends to raise tie Netherlands India customs duties 01, earthenware, beer, liquors, provisions, go'd, silver, wealing appurd, furniture, manufactures, mine al water, perfumes, car1 luces, Chinese playing cards, tobacco, tea, dye*, meat, wine, and salt. Horses and photographic him tenuis will also
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  • 128 6 PKN’ANO, 21»X MaV. (fly courtesy oj the Chartered llank London I remand Bank 2/4g 4 inouths’ sight Bank 2/4A 3 Oedit 2/if 3 Documentary ...2/4’A i Caie itta. Deinaml Bank Ls 1741 3 days’ sight Private 177 Bouibav. Demand Bank 1 74^ Mouiineiu, Demand Bank 173jf 3 days’ sight
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  • 234 6 Gold leaf 5 04 75 B. Pepper (\V. C<*asi 3ibs..3««/.) nut of rtocL White Pepper 31. —sellers 1 Traug Pepper sole» Cloves (picke<l) 42.— sale* Mace 81 —buyers Mace Pickings 08.’,. —sellers i 'iiiinegs I lOs 33^ —sales No. I 5 70 Sugar 2 tiu stock. Basket $2 05
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  • 554 6 «-ft c. c \r Number of j gbUt? L? 5 5 I Capital. Shares Vahwf r 5 Iai»t Dividend. Name Quotations. Z. i issued. 'i fc I i I Mining J2J? S J' Bersawal. Gold Miuing Co. Ltd. 12 50 «e//err. 903 i irnio 330 0O0 1 1 jliruseh
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 83 6 <i»vc Chamber la in's l*ain Halm a Trial. N-. ullm- liniment a Holds mi l prompt U'l el t*«>iii l In-uiiMlic ,*r i> M) va'imble p e He I pain* like iau.e kick •••"1 puii.K iii ll e el *t. Liivo Liit.-' iiiiimeut U' a! an»l I «-*iiiiii* in ijiiaintoij
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    • 508 6 JOHN TYNDALL Co s CiiLEBR A%T E D Sfe PEACOCK BRAND CEYLON TEAS. Certified by Dr. Donald of Penang as follows :—Messrs. Tyndall Sc Co 's Peacock Brand Tea I have used and much appreciate Excellent in flavour and freedom from the vegetable astringents which tend to produce digestive troubles.
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  • 218 7 If. 15 l/u Shan-men. Governor **l Kvvaugsi province, lias sent a dispatch i<» tin* Waiwupu (Foreign Affairs i **ard in Peking) ckurgiug tin* French Ihmii T- 11« j 11 in with invading non-treaty towns in kwangsi and estublisl ini; waieliouses aL’d godovviis in them, oven
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  • 687 7 In these days win* i the watchful eye of the Pi ess sic» everything, or leirlv everything, aud when 'lie stealthy snapshot! or lis abroad, public men can lelv upou but little privacy. The reader will remember i bow a tew weeks ago the leading members
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 1223 7 P. ffiofr Cranes' CYLINDER OIL. Sandilandsßuttery <£• Co. {I Petter’s Patent Petroleum Engines. IHE MOST PERFECT MOTOR OF THE OUT. Nobel’s Explosives: GELIGNITE, DETONATORS, FUSES. al<i SPORTING CARTRIDGES. For Quotations and Catalogues APPLY TO SANDILANDS. BUTTERY Co, Sole Agents, PEN ANO h\ M S Sandilands, Buttery Co., Sole Agents, Penang
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    • 100 7 Children When Teething i lua la ll;t’ most dangerous age in the life |of a child. At 11* it» time they have miiM or lee* diarrliu-a, which weakena 1bc uvhtein land venders the child more su ceptilde lo i disease Anv unusual looseness of the WjwhU should Is* promptly controlled,
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1218 8 Lim Sun Ho, {DENTISTRY CHOP HfeMO MOH Co., It. 4, Beach Street, Penang. importers of* all kinds of European Cloth and General Commission Agents. W. MANSON, American Dentist, Late of Dr. Allen Co., Pha, U.S.A. G In Charges Moderate, Consultation Free. RBSI DING AT No. 2/a, Penang Road. k few
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  • 1491 9 Br W. p KT r R i1>oe 0 1 have to speak again *be began threateningly. 'Ihe two children took elbows from ti e table, and, iu a position of greater decorum and less comfort, hurried with breakfast. Stop t iiat sniffing,” she ordered The youngsters assumed the
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  • 1063 9 (Mining Journal, April 21.) The continued advance iu the price of tin has at last awakened t he interest of our contemporaries, the daily Press, who have, possibly with the expectation of favours to come, almost simultaneously discovered that the public have been missing a good thing by their
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  • 247 9 As Allege»Secret Treat*. St. Petersburg, April I'd.— Miiila; y Life, a Russian paper published iu Harbin iu tlie headquarters of the Russian ainiy a there, has found out that when Japan and I China lately concluded a treaty, them was at that treaty the following secret provisions:
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 61 9 A Safe Medicine Mothers of small children need uot hesitate to administer Chamberlain s Coni'll lioinedy. It contains no opiate or narcotic iu any form and may bo given to a baby with us mu oh confidence as to an adult. It always cure* aud cure* quickly. George lown Dispensary,
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    • 84 9 A Safe Speculation. If you have au attack of rheumatism and Chamberlain's Pain Palm gets you back to work iu a few «lays, will it not pay for itself several times overr There is no need <>f suf- j fering from rheumatism for a mouth or six weeks incurring the
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    • 74 9 I Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy Gives Satisfaction Everywhere. "I have l>eeii selling Olmmlierlaiii’s Cough j iiemedy m mv retail shop of this for six years, says Adolph Abraham sou of hirbnurille, Cape Colouy. I fiud it to giro satisfaction with the people who use it aud it is the best
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    • 1199 9 I Ini Pantun Karang-Karangan, CONTENTS:— Panlun Dagang, Piincla Diri, i'uji-Pujian. Oudi, kasih, Sambayang, Sindier. 50 CENTS PER COPY, AT THE CRITERION PRESS, LTD. SALE. i3srsxxn._A.3xr cbs. THE EON DON ASSURANCE CORPORATION. Hongkong Yuen On Insurance Fx change Loan (icdown Co., Ltd. I INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER A.D. 172«'. rpHE undersigned
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 620 10 WROUGHT-IRON TUBES AND FITTINGS. Stock Always on Hand ADAMSON, GILFILLAN CO.. LTD. MM STERILIZED MILE •:o:RANEEGUNGE STONEWARE. MACBETH BARRETT, LOGAN’S BUILDINGS, BEACH ST TEE.T. AGENTS FOR BURN AND CO., LIMITED, CALCUTTA. Electric Installations undertaker. Electric fittings st eked IN CASES OF 4-8 1-lb. Tins $B-00. ‘J6 Mb. Tins $ll-00 8
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