Straits Echo, 19 May 1906

Total Pages: 10
1 10 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1391 1 TIANQ L€K A CO, ASAHI BEER B33BIHVSW SOLE AGENTS. BANKS Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China. Hongkong: Shanghai Banking Corporation. INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER. Cupilal Paid'up Reserve Fund Aaaerre Liability of Proprietor» Jk!800,000 Jl 975,000 Colombo Cebu Foochow Hongkong Penang Rangoon Singapore Shanghai Sourabaya Thaiping Tientsin Yokohama JE80O.OOO Head
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    • 12 1 SOLE AGENTS. GUINNESS’S Si OUT. r-> < -s Hiv s.<sva TIANG a GO.,
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  • 81 2 Thus the India Rubber World The Robber Exhibition to be held iu the Ear East iu September, to consist of products- of rubber plantations, aucl demonstrate the various methods, processes, and inc'jhauieal appliances involved, doubtless will attract more widespread attention than auv other agricultural show
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  • 124 2 General Stcessel’a trial shows that on Jan. I, 1903, he ordeieJ the three extremely im- j portant positions, Battery B, the Kuro- i pat kin Lune'te,” and the Eagle s Nest,' to be evacuated. This gave the whole of the old town into the hands of the
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  • 121 2 KbPOBTa have leaeived at Kiel regarding the progress of the txptdiiion which left that. poit on Jau. 21 la*t lor the purpose ol exploring and taking souudiugs of hitherto uuknown parts ot the South Seas. A «juautily of valuable material has already beeu gatheiei. lu
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  • 420 2 A ixiuiaitable story reporting tlie murder ot Father Gapon by levolutiouarles is told bv a correspondent of tLe AJaHchegttr <i mini in», m Russia. It is stated to have come from au eye witness of the affair. 'J’he correspondent, who stales that he can vouch for the accuracy
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  • 606 2 THAT’S HOW Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills Cure Rheumatism Here isi Proof from Ltirnin. Rheumatism is one of the most painful j maladies known. Tie symptoms are severe pains iu the joints and muscles, often ac- j compauied by ioHaminathmorswelliu .Sometimes the pains shift about from joint to
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 171 2 A Safe Medicine Mot It* -s of small children need not besilate to administer Chamber aiu’s Conyli llemedy. 11 conlaius no opiate or nai colic hi nuv It.»!'in and may l**"iveo luababv vvilb at» much coi (i leu< us to au adult,. Jt a I wav a Vu'lti uud HUM
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    • 182 2 NOTICE. V" O ICE is hereby g veu that we have .1.1 ibis day appointt*«l Chop Tong Hiu Gunn, of No. 100 Beodi Street, our Agent for Peniug Any one desirous of selling us any goods, such as Opium, Kio\ Spirits, to., may do so through tie said Agent. CHOP
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    • 999 2 TO LET. Penang Sales Room. six months, the upstairs premise»* of j No. 27, Farquhar Street, well fur- j Uliuersignod 18 lllstruoteU to uished, with use of Piano. Kitcbeu and j Sell by Public Auction servants' quarters attached. All the Valuable Well-kept Houneh n For further particulars apply to the
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1421 3 (S HIPPING.) f. 0. Is TAfc m 8. N. Co. INTENDED SAILINGS. British India Steam Navigation Co., Ltd. For Expected Arrivals and Departures. Mail Service. Outwards Negapatain, Madras, Pondicherry, Cuddalore and Karrical. Rangoon A Calcutta, [Moulmeiu and Burmese Ports, j Intknded to Sail. Sat. 26tli May 2 p in. Steam».
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  • 102 4 J ufttice satisfies everybody and justice alone.- Emerson. Established June Ist, 1903. Published daily (except Sundays.) AT Till CRITERION PRESS, Ltd., No. 228—232. Beach St reel. Penan 4 PRICK DAILY LOCAL »2» per aniiu r OUTBTATIONB t’oetajfe Kx'ra. MAIL RDITION (Poet Free* $l3 CABLE ADDRESS: Echo—Penang.” Teleplioiie
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  • Current Topics.
    • 289 4 Wk must congratulate the Peuang Volunteers upon the very smart manner in which they turned out last night on the alarm being given. The alarm consisted in the tiring of three detonating rockets from the various police stations and a tine row they made. making folk wonder if our
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    • 1276 4 Ihk kaiser is certainly working very strenuously at present to bring about an Anglo-German j entente and is being well suppoiteil bv the British Government at present in power. Everybody would be pleased to j see an understanding arrived at with Germany, only, unfortunately, the two races
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  • 293 4 In Appellate Jurisdiction. (Before the Hon S L. Thorn'on, Pv. 'snc Judge Housebreaking. On the Oth April last at the Butterworth Court, before a Bench Court consisting of Messrs. F. J. Hallifax and G. A. J. Smith Steiumetz, Chau Bin Awaug aud Mat Baud were charged with housebreaking
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  • 204 4 a crowd of people put in an appearance at the Priory” yesterday eveniug to witness tbe performance of Jack McAuliffe’s terrier, “Bill.” Punctually at six the little fellow’ started his work, lie climbed a perpendicular ladder, 30 feet high, aud dived into a canvas sheet held
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  • 457 4 0. R. 0. r. Y. M. C. A. Tbe scratch watch arranged between the above two teams was played yesterday afternoon at the Esplanade iu perfect weather, aud turned out to be oue of the tiuest displays which havebeeu seen for some time. An uuusuallv large crowd gathered round
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  • 926 4 Ordinary Meeting. Theordiuary fortnightly uiee'iug of Municipal Commissioners was held iu fl I Municipal offices yesterday afternoon, when the foHowmg were present:—Messrs. J W S Hallifax {President}. A. K. Adams L H Clayton with Mr. L. M Bell (Engineer)' h,‘ He ’tih Ojjicer) and Mr. L. A.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 374 4 Ti BIRD’S-NEST” BRANDY. The Sarang Burong” Brand. Can be obtained at Messrs.. Ban Seng Co., Chiat Seng Co., Chin Joo Co., Gim Tek Bee Co., Goon Yen Friends etc etc., SOLE IMPORTERS: CALDBECK, MACGREGOR Co Samples on Application at Corner of Beach Street Church Street Ghaut. GUAN LEE HIN S.
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    • 156 5 THE GERMAN BURGOMASTERS. Universally Feted. (Supplied by Reuter.) Loudon, 18th May.—The Eighty Club lias given a banquet in honour of the German Burgomasters who are visitiug London. I onl Twee 1 uioutb and Mr. Winston Churchill made the uioat cordial of speeches, 'i'he latter declared that the British nation
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    • 88 5 The Duma. (The Ostasiatinchtr Lloyd's Service.) Berliu, 19th May.—The Russian Duma has decided upon the form of the Address to the Throne, though some of the Conservative members protested agaiust it. To-morrow, lieiug the Tsar’s birthday, the granting of a partial amt esty is expected. (Supplied by Ileuter.) Loudon,
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    • 65 5 The Labour Rill. (Supplied by Reuter.) Loudon, 18th May.—The House of Lords has rejected the Labour Bill, prohibiting aliens from entering Great Britain to replace strikers, which the House of Commous passed without discussiou. The Labour Members are most indignant aud have raised a question in the House of
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    • 66 5 The Cape Squadron. (Supplied by Reuter.) Loudon, lßtli May.—The Daily Telegraph understands that the Cape West Africa Squadron is to be abolished and that the few ships remaining ou the Cape of Hood lio|o station will be placed uuder the East ladies Com maud. A Disaster. Loudon, liUh
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    • 31 5 The Bank Question. (The (J*taeiatimher Lloyd'»" Service.) Merlin, 19th May. —The International Delegates and Censors of t he Morocco Bank are to meet iu Madrid at the end of Mav.
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    • 70 5 The Navy. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 18t.h May.—The Washington House of Representatives has passed the Naval Estimates Bill, including a vote of two millions sterling for a battleship to rival the Dreadnought and auother vote of a million dollars for submarines. Panama Canal. Loudon, 19th May.—lnfluenced largely by
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    • 51 5 The Ministry Defeated (Supplied by Reuter.) Loudou, 18tli May.—The Italian Ministry lias been defeated on a question of procedure by 179 to 162 votes. (The Ostasialitcher Lloyd's Service.) Berliu, 19th May.—Signor Sonuino lias asked the Italian Ministry to resign in consequence of a defeat of the Government iu the
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    • 23 5 Chiefs Retire to Tripoli. (Supplied by Reuter.) Loudon, 18th May.—The Kurdish chiefs Shamyle, Abdurrezak aud Yamil have re tired to Tripoli.
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    • 30 5 .Murderers Punished. (Supplied by Reuter.) Loudou, lHth May.—The man who murdered Redvau Pasha, iu March last, at Constantinople, lias been condemned to death and three'others to imprisonment for life.
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    • 24 5 President Castro. (The Ottasiatischer Lloyds' Service.) Berlin, 19th May.—lt is an non need that President Castro is to reassuiue the Government of Venezuela.
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    • 30 5 The Native Rising (Supplied by Reuter.) Loudon, 18th May.—The Natal rebels are concentrating with the object of attacking Nkaudbla. An overseer named Walters has been murdered iu his camp.
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    • 19 5 The Training Squadron (Supplied by Reuter.) Loudou, 18th May.—The Japanese Training iSquadrou has sailed from Melbourne for Sydney.
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    • 24 5 Death of Cadenas. (Echo Special Singapore, 19th May.—The racehorse Cadenas dropped dead from heart failure this morning, while training on the course.
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  • 568 5 RAMIE. j A Vast Industry Opening. Fortunes for Planters. 'J he Textile of the Future. To Tin: Editor of hie Straits Echo. I»kak Sir, —At last the merits of this I wonderful fibre are becomiug kuowu The (Goverumeut lias ut s last issued a bulletin recommending its cultivation,
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  • 1913 5 (Contributed •Since my effusions last 'adorned the columns of the Kcho I hare had some adventures of a rather exciting nature. I am a methodical man aud have cultivated a habit of takiug a stroll round the Esplanade every morning to “clear my pipe.” Wtil, one morning 1
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  • 81 5 To-dav. 26th D.»y, 4th Moon. Town Band, Coif Club, b to 7 p.m. Parsee New Elphiustoue Theatrical Company, Kiug .Street Theatre, 9 p.m Matsuo's Japanese Cinematograph, Coiuer of Penang Road and Campbell Sticct, 9 p.m. Wayaug Kassiui, Drury Lane Theatre, j 9 p.ui. McAuliffe’s Farewell Boxing and Vareiy j
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  • 21 5 bullish (Arcadia) 24ih iJay• China (De'hi) 2t>(h China (P. Heinrich 29th German (Zieten) 3<nh (Della) 7thJuue. China (Oceana) 9th
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  • 31 5 O NVw Moon May23r.l 3.0 Gp m. hirst Quarter 31st 123 7. pm. O Full Afoon June 7tli 4 117. am. ijast Quarter 14 f .h 2.34 4 a.m.
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  • 43 5 P. O. SAILINGS. Mail Service. OOTWARDR. HutIRWARni. Arcadia 24 May. Delhi 26 May. j Delta 7 Jane. J Oceana 9 June. Hxtra Service. OCTWARDS. HoNKW’AKDS. Japan 29 May. j Ceylon 2 June. j Sardinia 12 Jane. Palermo lo For particiiiaiH Pa«**» 3. i
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 25 5 The French Confectionery 17a, North am Road. TO-NIGHT, Ice Creams Orauge and Chocolate, and a variety of Fancy Cakes. FOU SUNDAY, fee C*e4i*3. Resorted Aliuvu'l,
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    • 194 5 K. Mydinsali Bros., COLD STORAGE. Late of 58, Bishop Street, Have removed to No. 100 Pitt Street. 19 5-06 325 lwk. TO-NIGHT! TO-NIGHT!! AT THE SING STREET THEATRE HALL, THE Parsee New Elphinstone Theatrical Company WILL STALE That Most Interesting Play 66 LAL-GOHER 99 j Full of Sen sal ion
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    • 196 5 Drill Hall, Penang. TO-NIGHT! TO-NIGimi AT ‘J 30 P M., Farewell Boxing fmd Variety Entertain men t by Champion Jack McAuliffe. Hijjli Diving. Jump ng, etc by McAuliffe’s Thorough-bred Fox Terrier, Bill.* Ball Punching by McAuliffe &The Midgets. Swinging Clubs and Buttle Axes by McAuliffe. Juggling In<iian Clubs uiui Boxing
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  • 1283 6 (From The World and His Wife.") Tea doesn’t agree with me,” remarks I a woman blandly at her third afternoon ter-party. She cits pate de gras sandwiches, caped with almond iced cake, takes two lumps of sugar to the cup, and a plentiful helping of cream Is it
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  • 129 6 Penang, 19th Mat. (By courtesy oj the Chartered Bank London Demand Bank ...2/4g 4 months’ sight Bank 2,4 3 Credit 2/ 1 3 Documentary 2/41 0 1 siic :tta. Deiita>ni batiK 1,.s 174.1 3 days’ sight Pi irate 177 B tinbav, Demand Bank J 74.> Moutmein. Demand Bank 173$
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  • 236 6 Gold leaf 5 t>s B. Pepper (\V.C-*a*t Xibs. out <./ White Popper 31. —selles Trane Pepper 21.87 A spies Cloves (picked 42.— F.tle* Mace 81 —buyers Mace Peking- 68. 3 —filers Nut m» gs I lbs —sales No. 5 SO mi/m Sug.*» -J u< •si «role. Basket $2 65
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  • 559 6 s 1905 1905 1904 1905 1905 1903 1900 1904 19' »5 19"6 Rs. 1900 1903 1904 1904 1898 1903 1905 1904 1904 1 150,000 200,000 30,000 700,000 39.960 70.000 150,000 12.000 75,000 1,200.000 250.000 3 ',OOO 200,000 00.000 30,000 It O.OCO 100.000 50,000 60,000 140,000 20,000 18,000 01.000 10
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 97 6 Children When Teething 'I I)i4 is tie nu.sf tlan.fKU* aye in tin* lift* <*l a child. At this time liev have more or lets tliuitloM, which we*ke is Hie system <nul lein’e s the child mole su ct ptilde to j disease. Any unusual Ioom-iicss of the! |wel* should he
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    • 116 6 MACKAY'S LIQUEUR WHISKY. C/es/ers 9 Champagne» THE CELEBRATED “S. B. Co.” GIN IN RED CASES. Rut/ery <t Co. James BUCHANAN Co.’s CELEBRATED 7 ~T T red seai Andrew Usher Co. s and special reserve BLACK AND WHITE WHISKIES. SANDILANDS, BUTTERY Co. AGENTS, PE.NANO PERAK. O.V.G. Whisky. SANDILANDS, BUTTERY Co., AGENTS
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    • 760 6 JOHN TYNDALL Co.’s CELEBRATED PEACOCK L N T E A brand C E Certified by Dr. Donald of Penang as follows :—Messrs. Tyndall &(J Peacock Brand Tea I have used and much appreciate. Excellent in flavour and freedom from the vegetable astringents wlrch tend to produce digestive troubles. Arch. Donald,
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  • 539 7 Th LtincJ has been making some J experiments to lest the truth of the popular belief that tobacco-smoke is a disinfectant. These experiments, says our contemporary, seem to confirm the observation that one of the principal constituents accounting for the germicidal properties of tobaccosmoke is the
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 1217 7 P. Ifloir Cranes 9 CYLINDER OIL. Sandiland s\ Huttery <* Co. Petter’s Patent Petroleum Engines. THE MOST PERFECT MOTOR OF THE OUT. For Quotations and Catalogues APPLY TO SANDiLANDS. BUTTERY Co, Sole Agents, PENANG E. M S Nobel’s Explosives: GELIGNITE, DETONATORS, FUSES. SPORTING CARTRIDGES. Sandilands, Buttery Co., Sole Agents, Penang
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1196 8 DENTISTRY Lim Sun Ho, CHOP riBNC 1 MOH Sc Co., 1C 4, Beach Street, Penang. DENTISTRY. importers of al* kinds of European Cloth and General Commission Agents. (>lo W. MANSON, American Dentist, Late of Dr. Allen Co., Pha, U.S.A. THEAN CHEE k Go Dr. F. A. MOFFATT, R.D.S., Charges Moderate,
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  • 1579 9 CoNDnioN or China. OKOWTH OF TH K NATIONAL MOVEMENT. The Pekin Correspondent of The Time# triumphs under dale April 20;— After hu absence of iiiuo mouths I Lave returned to Peking, iny return beiug hastened l»y tlie astonishing representation of the situation in China published in American and
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  • 1817 9 The war-dance is numbered among the divine ceremonies of the South Afiioan natives. By the time the little naked Kaffirs now playing around the brown-kraals aud on the sunny hillsides of Natal aud Zululaud have reached middle-age, there will exist but memories of those aucieut aud stilling
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  • 443 9 Human Tokckdo Cbaft. 1 11 his l>ook on Port Arthur, te-enlly j published, Mr. Ellis Ashuieid-I«artle*t •ollsa; story of a captain of the Japauese Army who tied as many hand gieuades about him as he could conveniently carry, ordered one of hi» j men to light the fuses,
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 37 9 Chamberlain's Cough R«™|r Satisfaction Every»*»••1 have Vieen filing Reinedv in my re^ 1 sl, °P P fl)lir *!lr« s ivH Adolpb AbrahanUou of Durhix years, M) g tt r t to <nve HSffisr£a#i} by .»ud Dealei*-
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    • 84 9 A Safe Speculation. If roil have au attack of rheumatism ami Chain her iaia’s Pain Balm gets you back to •vork in a few days, will it not pav for itself several times over? There is uoaiead of suffering from rheumatism for a mouth or six weeks inclining the expense
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    • 69 9 Give Chamberlain’s Pain Balm a Trial No other liniment affords such prompt relief from rheumatic pnius. No other is so valuable for deep seited pains like lame back and pains in the chest. Give this liniment a trial mil l eeome acquainted with its remarkable qualities and you will never
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    • 763 9 PRITCHARD h CO. THI; PATRIOTIC ASSURANCE Co., (Founded 18-1.) London. (iff, King William tfv. Du 10.1 N, ft, College 0 I'eeu. CAPITAL £1,500,000. undersigned have been appointed JL Agents of the above Company atPenang, and are open to issue policies of Insurance against loss by tire at the lowest tariff
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 580 10 WROUCHT-IRON TUBES AND FITTINGS. Stock Alwaye on Hand. ADAMSON, GILFILLAN CO., LTD. a s A L li USE ONLY and USE ALWAYS ATKINSON’S MOST REFRESHING. A Luxurious Perfume !n Health. Far Superior to the German Kinds. A BEST water colour paint for decorating Houses Wails etc. W A A NECESSARY
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