Straits Echo, 18 May 1906

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1352 1 ASAHI BEER TIANG LEE CO., SOLE A GEMS. ASAHI BEER BANKS Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China. INCORPORATED BY ROYAE CHARTER. Capital Paid'up Reserve Fund Reserve Liability of Proprietors Hongkong: Shanghai Nederlandsche Handel Banking Corporation.; Maatschappij. Netherlands Trading Society, Established 1824. UO.UOO.WU; SBUE tVl lrAl «.(kk.,000Reserve Fund— (abt. .£3,759,000)
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    • 17 1 SOLE AGENTS. GUINNESS'S STOUT. 0 a w o 33 tP <o /S ‘HIV S.SSVB TIANG LEE Co.
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  • 1026 2 ITS REAL STRENGTH. The Tokyo Asa hi publishes Peking correspondence, showing the 1 e »1 strength j of the Chinese Atuiy. It states substantially as follows Of late I have had an opportunity, i in connection with tlie proposed with drawal of the foreign troops lnmi Clnhli
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  • 1192 2 PROGRAMME FOR Autumn Meeting, 1906. Tuesday, .list July, Thursday, 2nd August, and Saturday, 4th August. First Day. Tuesday, 31st July, 1906. 1. —The Maiden Plate. Value 8600. A Race for Maiden Horses. Weight as per scale reduced 14 lbs. All animals imported into the Straits or F.M.S
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 1547 2 NOTICE. ,N and after this date, all small V r advertisements intended tor insertion in the Straits Echo must be paid for in advance. L1M SENG 111)01, 25th July 1905 Managing Director. THE FRENCH CONFECTIONERY, 17.i, \ORTHAM ROW. NO BRANCHES IN PENANG. N NOTICE. l hat have T Ol ICE
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    • 479 2 NOTICE. BV ORDER OF THE MORTGAGEE, The undersigned is instructed to take! possession of and put up for sale bv Public Auction, ON Saturday 19th May, 11)06 i AT 1 I A M Iii the Archway of Logan’s Buildings, 1 Beach Street, The undermentioned property belonging 1 to KHOO BUN
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  • Shipping.
    • 197 3 Coen. hut. x..x, 823, Elhracht, l8tli May, Edit*, 17tli May, Gen., —H. L. A Co. Kistna, Hr. s.s»., 044, Leunnont, I Hi h May, Singapore, 1<Ttli May. Geu —11. L. A Co. Ava.jvke, 1>i. *>., 247, Crichton, iHtii May, Deli, 17*tii May. Gen., —K. G. Co. Taw Toxu, Dr.
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    • 56 3 lHtb May. J/ ini! a, lor Colombo and Tuticorin. Ibdurna, for Tougkab. Perak. for Port Swetteuliaui and Singapore. Tate Tony, for Asaban. I' Uifjjut Ariel i, lor Colombo and Tut corill. lj<uhj Wehl, for Teluk Anson. liharata, for liaugoou and Calcutta lakiug mails tor Europe, etc., via Bombay. Vh/noj
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  • 22 3 1 esseig rout Aijvnt* I)ne A inbria UIk-iuiiii.i Uruuilv I Hamburg Hamburg 1 minion B.M A >. B.M.&O. iHtbMay 24tb ll»t
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  • 23 3 I I'xxels For Ai/euf* Itfiive* 1 Amlxiii Singapore 1» M «&Co. iHtiiMav li lieiiauia iSin^apuie liMAC’o. *J4tli Kcuarl v Sin^apoit* S.U.AOo, ill.if.
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  • 100 3 For Deb—Pel Acayyee, lo morrow. p.m. Pang ka la n Hrandan Phi Petrel, tomorrow, 1 p.m Port. Swetteuliaui Pet Mary An tin, to-morrow, I p m. l»alu Habra—Per Pudana, to-morrow, 1 p.m. liaugaud Pang Nga—Per H. Haiewyn, to-morrow, I p.m. 1 angkor and leluk Anson -Per Lanykal, to
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1172 3 (S HIPPIN G.) 655 P. 0. flgfrt N. Co. INTENDED SAILINGS. British India Steam Navigation Co., Ltd. Fob Intended to Sail. Steamer. Negapatam, Madras, Pondicheri-y, Cmldalore and Karrical. hr,fiected Arrivals and Departures. Mail Service. Outwards liaugoon Calcutta. [Moulinein and Burmese Ports.] Poit Swoltenliam and Singapore. May Juus .July 21 s.s.
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    • 69 3 PASSAGES to EUROPE, via MADRAS. PASSAGES pan he hooked per British India Steam Navigation Company's Steamers from Penang, via Madras, to Port Said, Genoa, Marseilles, Plymouth and Ijondon. HUTTENBACH.UEBERT&Co., AGENTS. 11-4 00 '£&> DAVID CORSAR SON’S WELL-KNOWN EXTRA NAVY CANVAS, No. 0. SANIHI.ANIIS. ItIiTTtKV Co John Bazley White 8ro?., PORTLAND
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  • 99 4 Justice satisfiesev» rybody and justice alooa.— tir.arson. Established June 1st, 1903 Published daily (except Sundays.) AT TH CRITEKI0N PRESS. Ltd.. No. 226—232, Beach Street, Penally. PRICE DAILY LOCA1 t2V per armuw OUTSTAllONS Post axe Extra. MAIL RUITION (Post $15 CABLF ADDRESS; Echo—Penang.” Telephone No. 188. M.H. —All
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  • 18 4 Bikth. At Yokohama, ou the 17th iuslaut. the wile of T. G. Audersou. of a sou.
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  • Current Topics.
    • 204 4 The supervision of traffic in our principal thoroughfares seems to be as much v...- l *i... negiccteU as ever. Now and again the Police awake to the fact that traffic hag to be regulated, and tLey make a heroic effort for a few days. Then they appear to grow
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    • 232 4 Mu. Winston Churchill li as apparently told tiie Singapore Chamber of Commerce very plain- ly that the Singapore Harbour {Scheme is going through, whatever the i 'iiamber may say on the subject. It will b? reimei.bered that Sir John Anderson also had something to say on this matter
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    • 1086 4 The interior walls of our public buildings are a deal cleaner than they used to Ire, owing to the posting, lor some time past, of notices prohibiting the objectionable habit of spitting, which our doctors tell u.- is a fertile source of contagion. It is cer
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  • 335 4 The case against a Malay named Diu which has been postponed for some time j was again brought up f. r hearing! 1 before Mr. L. P. Eldeu yesterday afteruoou. 1 1 The defendant, who was charged with P criminal breach of tiust in respect of!
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  • 668 4 j Opening ok this Courts ok Jus sick at Ipoh. (From Oar Own Correspondent.) Ipoh. 15th May The weathei was not very tiue aud rain was threatening, but uotoue of those who were fortunate enough to he invited by the i British Resident of Perak to the ceremony,
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  • 123 4 Lawn Tennis Tournament. The folJowing are the results of tics played last Wednesday aud yesterday Men's Sinijles Oj>en IX. Beatty beat F. O Hallifax 4—3, 6— i. G—1. Profession Pa r* (Pinal): G. C. Rogers and E. S. Haslani beat A. R. Adams and S. F. If. Martin
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  • 523 4 p. C. G. v* P. R. G. I'he Peuang Gricket Glub acbiercd another victory in the football match plavwl yesterday atteruoou between them aud the Peuaug Recreation Club. Mr. Macdouald, of the Penang Free Sclioo', officiated u Referee, and there were a good number of ou-lookers present. Within
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 372 4 Matsuo's Japanese Cinematograph, Corner of Penang Rond and Campbell Street. EVERY NIGHT AT 0 P.M. TO-NIGHT! TO-NIGHT!!» AT THE KING- STREET THEATRE HALL, THE We claim (o be the B-A. R IT IT M OF Cinematographs. Parsee New Elphingtone Theatrical Company WILL STAGE That Most Interesting Play, “RAJA Th r
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    • 52 4 A Safe Medicine Mothers of small children need uut Wjtate to administer Chamberlain s Remedy- It coutaius no opiate or 3 in anv form aud may be given lo a ha'>v as much confidence as toanedult. 1* cures aud cures quickly. ’George Dispensary, General Agents, and for Si all Dispensaries
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  • 114 4 Obituary. M«. J. Aeria. We utcply legiet to record Uie denh i Mr. Jude Aeria which took t. General Hospital, Penang, at fhree mlenkv afternoon. The about seventy one years of age „as i V away through heart faiiu',e. He'T ton, oriy m tile Government 1 aipeng lor a number
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    • 162 5 SING A POKE. The Harbour Scheme (Supplied by lit liter.) Loudon 17t 1» May.—Speaking iu the House of Commons, Mr. Winston Churchill Mihl that the Singapore Chamber of Commerce ha«l made representations against the const! uction of harbour works at Singapore, but Lord Elgin was not satisiied that such
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    • 104 5 The Customs Edict. (Supplied hy lieuter.) Loudon, 18th May.—Sir Edward Grey, speaking in tiie House of Commons, said that the Chinese Government maintains that the appointment of an Inspector General of Customs is au internal matter aud they are within their rights in giving him control of the Customs,
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    • 80 5 The Japan Society. (Supplied hy lteulcr.) Loudon, 17th May.—Lord RedesdaU, who preaided at the dinner of the Japan Society, dwelt upou the Mikado’s gracious reception of the Garter Missiou aud said that Japan, iu many things, was a century ahead of the times. Count Mutsu, the J a pauese
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    • 72 5 Another Denial. (&Uj> plied by lieuter.) Loudon, I7tli May.—Mr. Ruuciuian, speakiug iu the House of Commons, denied tiro report that Germany had acquired a port iu Pulau Laut, an islaud to the south east of Borneo. The Burgomaster’ Visit. Loudon, 18th May.—The Germau Burgomasters hate been banqueted by the
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    • 59 5 -v The Duma (Supplied by Reuter Loudon, lHtb May.—Tbe Russian Duma is discussiug uiiuutely tbe clauses of the Address aud speeches are limited to five minutes. Numerous extravagant proposals have beeu made. (Th j Oeteuialiacher Lloyd's Set vice.) Berlin, 18th May.— The Duma has passed radical motions in favour
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    • 30 5 No More Troops Wanted. (The (htiusiatucher Lloyd ’a Service.) Merlin, 18th May.— News has been received from South-West Africa to the effect that no further troops are required.
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    • 257 5 Railway Rates Bill (Supplied hy Heater.) Loudon, 18th Mav.—The Washington Senate is augrdy debating President Roosevelt’s attitude towards the Railway Rates Bill. Tin* Democrats secure him of duplicity in siding with the Republicans after making advances to the Democrats. Ranama Canal. i (The Ostasialischer Lloyds Service.) Berlin, 18th
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  • 187 5 The First Day's Handicaps 2. The Lawn Stakes. Value .$4t>0. A Handicap for all Horses imported as Griffius iuto the Straits Settlements or Federated Malay States l>eiug Maidens at the time of entry. Entrance $15. Distance, K. C. Mr. Yap Hoou Chiu —Poll kum lU.7 Mr. A. K.
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  • 311 5 The Couiniissiorers, Tai Huug-chi and Tuan Fang, arrived at Stockholm on 22ud j ulto., coming from Copenhagen. The Commissioners were received ill audience on j 23rd ulto. by the Priuee Kegeut, and were entertained at au ollici 1 banquet by 1*is Royal Highness iu the evening. The
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  • 1696 5 Is Appellate Jurisdiction. (Before the Hon S L. Thorn"on, Ftt sue Ju'lye Be kit Mkktajam P.W.D Thekt. j 1 it will l.»e reinemliered lhat. on tin t j 12th January last, one Shenf appearsi i before a Beucb Court consisting of Messrs f K. J. Fairer aud G.
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  • 91 5 To-DAT. 25th Day, 4th Mihiu. Municipal Commission, a p lit. Town liaud. Ksplau ide, (I In 7 p.m Parsee New Elphinstoue Tiieatrical Company, King Strict 'I heat re, 9 pin Matsuo's Japanese Cinematograph, Corner of Road ami Campbell Street, 9 pm. Wayaug Kassim, l>rury Lane Theatre, 9 p in.
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  • 26 5 English Arcadia 24th May. China (lie A*) 26th China (P. Heiniich) 29th Germau Zieten) 30th Kuglish </»"//•#) 7th June. 1 t 'hiii.i i Oceana) 9th
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  • 44 5 P. O. SAILINGS. f Mail Service, a Outwards. Homkw.ikii*». Arcadia ‘J4 May. Delhi 76 May i Della t Jane, j Oceana If Jan» l.xira Service. I Outwards. Homewards. JajMu 79 May. Ceyon J m < Sardinia. /,2 Jane Palermo id fbHP H<»r particulars s***» }'«<je
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 15 5 The French Confectionery. 17a, Northam Road. TO-NIGHT, Ico Creams: Rotwberry auti bcmou. ,iii<l a vnewly
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    • 70 5 Chamberlain s Cough Remedy Gives Satisfaction Everywhere. "1 liave been belling Chamberlain's Cough Remedy in my retail shop of this place for six years, says Adolph Abrahamsou of Durbanville, Cape Colony. 1 find it to give satisfaction with the people who use it and it iR the l*»st seller of
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    • 82 5 A Safe Speculation. If you Lave au attack of rheumatism aud Chamberlain's Paiu Balm gets you back to work iu a few day», will it not pay for itself several times overr There is no need of suffering from rlieiimatisiii for a mouth or six weeks incurring the expense of
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    • 85 5 Children When Teething This is the most dangerous age iu the life, of a. eliiid. At this time they have more or i less diarrliui. which weakens the system and renders the child more susceptible to disease. Any unusual looseness of the bowels should be promptly controlled, which can lie
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    • 288 5 WANTED 4 DKE.SSER lor Nova Scotia Estate, Teluk Anson. Applv to tlie Mana- g**. i 18-o-OG G22 I uk WANTED. A CHIN ESL trpHH( iict'u Sloiekeeper for Machinery aud Electrical Depatti men Is. Apply personally to TAIK CUBE A CV. 18 Church Street. j 18 o OG uc NOTICE. rpHK
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    • 148 5 UPTON’S WINES SPIRITS. Messrs. Ttk Thye Cathiravaloo, WHOLESALE AOEiNTS, 34 Heath Street. Ket il fr.»iu iViiiiiig Commercial Com; any, H, Beach Street, ami Heap Lee and Company, jo, Beach Street. Al.rsO ON SAI.E At ail Respectable Hotels. Special it i* s Liptoii's Special Scotch Whisky, Lipton’s Special Irish Whisky, Clown
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 49 5 WEATHER. Ihk following report iskiu<llv siu>piie«lko the Director <»t Foil Cornwallis «5 a.*n. noon. Tn-iUr 1 n-il.-i i' Ki' 87I *iic I 'ltv.ldy Knir South. Tite raiufall Juriuo ti,*. _*4 i, 0 tn> «mi.led at 5* to-«lav was—5 i .in Vusterilaj- rt.. *7- W:. t ine W'U N.
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  • 843 6 An Inxkuissting Expedition l AUVKNTUBSS AMONG S'XKANG K Tit IDES. The Press Association has received details of an interesting expedition extending over j eight mouths, which was undertaken through the comparatively unknown countries i>etween the Abyssiniau capital and the northwest ol I,tike Rudolf, in the neighbourhood of
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  • 122 6 Penang, 18ih May. t liy courtesy »J the Chartered Hauli London Demand Bank ...2/4^ 4 months’ sight Bank' 2,4 1« 3 Credit 2/ 4 S 3 Documentary ..2/411 (Jaioiii la. Demand Bank L*..s 171 3 days’ sight Private 177 UmiiKiv. Demand Bank 174.} Moutmein, Demand Bank 173} n 3
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  • 234 6 j Gold leaf b5. l>. IVpper \V. ('••ai'i -Mbs.. •>«•/.» <*«/ <>/ -foci While Pepper ol. —*«Ue s lVitng Pepper 21.871, sales j Cloves (picked) -12.— sale* Mace 81 —buyers j Mi tee Pick ini's t*8|. seller* Nutmegs 1 Ills 3 sab's No. 1 5 y'O tales Sugar 2
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  • 684 6 I Capital. 1900 1901 1903 1901 1890 1904 1889 I too 1904 x 1 75,000 1)0.000 120,00 60,11*0 I*2 '.OOO *250.000 375,000 120,000 1892 IByB 1900 1899 19**2 200,000 g 2.000,000 8 220 000 *230,000 X 1 <‘»0,000 1905 1905 1904 1905 1905 1903 1900 1904 1905 19<
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 23 6 Nobel's Explosives: LIGNITE, I DBTOiN ATOUIS, FUSFS. sporting BRIDGES. Y lands, Buttery Pen «ng F.M*s°'’ Dl A Garland, Fertk "nd I P ah.
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    • 224 6 JOHN TYNDALL Co.’s CELEBRATED PEACOCK BRAND CEYLON TEAS. Certified by Dr. Donald of Penang as follows :—Messrs. Tyndall Co’s Peacock Brand Tea I liave used and much appreciate Excellent in flavour and freedom from the vegetable astringents winch tend to produce digestive troubles. Arch. Donald. Tl M. D„ M. R.
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  • 272 7 HoK BIBLE J >A B KAKl'l’l ES. {Concluded from }>age 6.) These Shankalla tril>es have each their own customs and dialect: in one case, the ruler might never touch water, a> d when his curiosity to see a white man made him bieak the taba,” his men
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  • 163 7 A sensa ri'jNAL tale «>1 ii sea is telated by lie otliceis tit t lie Oennan steamer Wil'fliiul which recent I v arriiel al Sy.luey tiom the lhsmaivk Aiehipelago. V ‘<*.v ve dis am» six French convicts fr.mi New Cab dome. were discovered on a
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  • 179 7 At last modern iuveution lias begun to crap pie with the task of bringing the piimit.ive melliod of launching a boat from I a ships side at sea, to a condition moie worthy of the twentieth century. The prereul system, clumsy in line weather, and one ol
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  • 261 7 An interesting met hoi of unking irlifici- iii auo'iol is dcsciihed hi (lie %cit.irh> ij't I fm Wek'.ro h H'i°. W l r.i calcium carbide is acted upon 1 v water ate vlent* is produced. I This is lli well knmvn method of luauufac* liming lliis '.ms. On
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 287 7 P. /Wo/r Cranes' CYLINDER OIL. Sandi/find*. Glittery A Co. *f CHIN JOO CO., 95 15H Grach Street HAVE a USX RECEIVED Pefter's Patent Petroleum Engines. THE HOST PERFECT MOTOR OF THE DM. A Large Consignment of Tinned Provisions, «Scouted £oaj> and Perfumery of t lie Lest Quality. I'ire-procf lion Salts,
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    • 488 7 WROUCHT-iRON TUBES AND FITTINCS. Large Stock Always on Hand. ADAMSON, CILFILLAN CO., LTD. BUHM Co, Ltd., Electrical Engineers, PENANG, Show Rooms—Logo's Buildings J no.* piepared to undertake ail kinds of electrical work at tlie shortest notice. All work done by fully competent men under European supervision. House winnsj a speciaiitv.
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    • 111 7 Give Chamberlain's i'uin Halm a Trial No' liniment affords Midi prompt i le’lcf from rheumatic pains. No other ib so vain ;ble for deep h* ite 1 pain» Idle lain»' back Ilfi pains m t l:o cl *'-t. <«i\e tins iimment i trial and i eiotne ncijiiainltid with its
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1205 8 Lim Sun I-?o, chop IfFNC MOH 3l Co., It i, Reach Street, Penang. importers ot aM kinds of European Cloth and General Commission Agents. 61u dentistry. W. MANSON, American Dentist, Lute of Dr. Allen Co., Pha, U.S.A. Charges Moderate, Consultation Free. KESIIHNO AT \o. 2!a. Penang Road. A few doors
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