Straits Echo, 17 May 1906

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1148 1 ASAHI BEER TIANQ LEE A CO., SOLE A a ENTS. ASAHI BEER BANKS. Chartered Bank of India, Hongkong Shanghai Nederlandsche Handel Australia and China. Banking Corporation. Maatschnppij. Netherlands Trading Society. Established 1821 Paid-up-Capital $10,000,000 lssUKll Cap.tai. H. 45,000,000 Reserve Fund— i (aid. 43,750,000) Reserve Fund H. S.OtXt.OOO I (alt. 4
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    • 15 1 SOLE AGE\TS. GUINNESS’S ST0U1 ss 3t! m > o Si S3 H1Y S4SSV8 TIANG LEE Co.,
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  • 1233 2 It :s yifcuaut to live iu a village it pro- moles sffu a k i ml iy interest (oh call H not concerning your neighbours and ytheir affairs. lam the 1»;» p|»V occupant of Vt little (hatched cottage which laces tin* Ytripof dusty grass boideiiug «'it
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 2613 2 IWOTICB. X O I ICE is hereby g'ven that we have this dav appoinkd ('lmp Tong II in (jliiaii, of No. 100 He »eh; Street, our Agent for Penang. Any one desirous of selling; uo anv goods. Mid» as Opium, Rice, .Spirits, to., uiav do so through the said Agent.
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  • Shipping.
    • 49 3 Tkksta, lir. s s., 3, 428. Lee, 1 7tli Ma j, Madras, 6th May, Ceil., H. L. Co. Rotorua, Br. s. s., 555, Liugard, 16th Tongkah, 17fli May, Gen., —K. G- Co. Gi.knoui.k, Ur. s.s., 2,399, Larkins, 17th May, Amoy, 6th May, Geu —C. H. A Sot s.
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    • 51 3 17th May. De Kock, for Deli, Bajau, Edie and T. Semawe. Pegu, for Edie, T. Semawe, Segli, Olehleh aud Sabang. Ban Whalt Soon, for Langkat Canton, for Paugkor aud Teluk Ausou. Teesta, for Singapore. Malaya, for Deli. Preussen, for Singapore, China aud Japan. Flying Fish, for Port Weld aud
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  • 25 3 r V cfseim From Agents Due Beuavou LouUou S.B.&Cj. 17th May 18th Auibriii Hamburg B.M.&Co. Khcuutiia Hamburg B.M.&O. 24th Beuart v London S.B.&Uo. 31«t
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  • 24 3 1 f'Xrff/* For .I >/eul# Leave» Beuavon Atnbria llhenania Benarty Singapore Singapore Singapore Singapore S.B&Co. B.M.&Co. B.M.&Co. S.B.&O0. 17th May. 18th 21th 31st,
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  • 133 3 For l'on^kali —Per Rotorua, to-morrow, p.m. I No t •Swet.tenham and Singapore—Per Perak, to-morrow, 1 p.m. A saliau —Per Taw Tuna, to-morrow, 1 p.m. Colombo A. Tuticorin —Per Pilijtpo Artclli, to-morrow, 2 p.m. Kanooou— Per Glctioylc, to-morrow, 3 p m. leluk Anson i’er Lady Wehl, to morrow, 3
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  • 13 3 Per Tees'o, from Madras Mr. Janssens, Mr. Parsons, Mr. and Misi Walford.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1454 3 (S HIPPING.) P. 0.1 S. N. Co. Expected Arrivals and Departures. Mail Service. Outwards. May -1 s.s. Arcadia connecting with] s.s. Mongolia June 7 «.a Delta do ss. Britannia wards May 26 s.s. Delhi Julie 9 s.s. Oceana FAKES BY MAIL STEAMERS. connecting with s.s. India do s.s. China
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    • 81 3 PASSAGES to EUROPE, via MADRAS. PASSAGES mn he hooked per llritish India Steam Navigation Company's Steamers from Penally;, via Madras, to Port Said, (ienoa, Marseilles, Plymouth and London. HUTTENBACH, LIEBERT Co., Aoni\rs 11 -Loti 232 lIAXTER .V Cr.’s i BEST NAVY CANVAS. SANDILANDS, BUTTERY Co. DAVID CORSAR St SON’S WELL-KNOWN
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  • 96 4 Justice satisfleseverybedy and justice alone.—Ewiirson. Established June Ist, 1903. Published daily (except Sundays.! IT THI CRITERION PRESS, Ltd., No. 226—222, Beach Street. Penan PRICE DAILY LOCAL W- per annna* OUTSTATIONS Postage Km. MAIL MOTION (Post Free» $l5 CAItLE ADDRESS; Echo—Penang.” Telephone No. 188. JV.A.—AII business communications should
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  • Current Topics.
    • 236 4 All who have business along the Railway will be pleased to hear that id I the restrictions regarding both goods and passengers on account of the cholera outbreak have been removed. Our Medical Department is certainly to be heartily congratulated ujion the prompt manner in which the cholera outbreak
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    • 278 4 An examination of the Band Fund accounts, as published in yesterday's issue. does not show anything more than that the Band Fund is in very serious difficulties. From enquiries we have made we are convinced that the public would come forward generously in support of the Band, but
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    • 1038 4 The Loudon correspondent of the Manchester Guardian refers to a subject that bis always awaited the necessary time for its solution. He learns it is probable railway communication will be established before long between Burma and Siam, and that papers have lately been forwarded to the India Oltice
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  • 125 4 Recognising the educational value of a cinematograph show to the rising generation, the management of Matsuo’s Japanese Cinematograph very generously gave a special performance last night to which all schoolboys were admitted free. The show commenced at 6 o’clock, and for two and a half hours the
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  • 155 4 We recently noted that Sir John Anderson, the Governor of t he Straits Settlements, had had a very sail home coining iu that he had been called upon to bear the loss of his father shortly after his arrival, savs the London dc Ch na Express. This
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  • 560 4 The following ate the Agenda for the Ord- iuiry Meeting of the Commission tomorrow 1. Mmutes of last meetiug to be lead and confirmed. 2. Any special business the President may bring forward. 3. Questions. 4. President’s motion re Peuaug Baud. 5. Ap| abutment of Assistant Secretary. 6.
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  • 574 4 (From Onr Own Cor. e*pondsnt Sport in Kuala Lipih. Kuala Li pis, 14th M*v The clerks iu Kuala Lipis have l»een pV iIL tisiug football for some time past, hu.l Tim now able to fut forward a fair’lv stiouc team. During the last ten days they have pl.tved
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  • 308 4 The Share Market. Messrs. J. Russell Grant Co. iu tbeir Rubber Share Market Report dated Loudon, 26th April, write: The market for Malay aud Ceyl u Plantation Rubber Company shares is somewhat restricted aud remains quiet, but there is ti" pressure to sell. The feature lias been the strong
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 356 4 If BIRD’S-NEST” BRANDY. The Sarang Burong Brand. Can be obtained at Messrs. Ban Seng Co., Chiat Seng Co., Chin Joo Co., Gim Tek Bee Co., Goon Yen Friends etc etc., SOLE IMPORTERS: CALDBECK, MACGREGOR Co Samples on of Beach Street Church Stree 3 GUAN LEE HIN S- S. CO. 13»
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    • 66 4 Give Chamberlain’s Pain Balm a Trial No other liniment affords such prompt relief from rheumatic paius. No other is so valuable for deep seated paiu9 like lame back aud pains in the chest. Give this liniment a trial and become acquainted with its remarkable qualities and you will never wish
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    • 60 4 A Safe Medicine Mothers of small children ueed not fate to administer Cbauiberlaiu j f Itemed y. It contains no opiate or ll!iri in anv form and may l>e Riven to a I» i as much coufideuco as to an adult. I cures and cures quickly. Qe° r S e
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    • 192 5 TIIK DUMA. Nation for Liberty. (Sullied, by lieuter.) Lmidou, 16th May.—The Russiau Council dt Ministers has expressed itself as in favour of the granting of au amuesty to political prisoners, but leaves the scope of the amnesty open. During the debate on the Address in the Duma, violent
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    • 77 5 A Conservative Victory. (Supplied by Renter.) Loudon, 17th May.—The Dulwich election h;iB resulted iu the return of Mr. Andrew llotiar Law, the Conservative candidate, with «1,701* votes. The votes cast for Mr. Williamson, the Liberal caudiuale, uuuiberoj 5.430. Colonial Marriages. London, 17th May.—The Colonial Marriages Bill has passed its
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    • 40 5 Well Earned Promotion. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 17th May.—The Tokio correspoudeut of the Ihify Teleyraph wires that Viscouut Hayashi has accepted the post of Foreigu Minister aud will lie succeeded as Ambassador to Great Britain by Baron Kouiura.
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    • 32 5 A Naval and Military Conference. (Supplied by Reuter London, 17th May.—Tim Tribune says that arraugemeuts have beau iu progress for some considerable time lor au Auglo-Japau-ese Naval aud Military Conference.
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    • 26 5 To be Honoured by Oxford (Supplied by Reuter.) Loudou. 17th May.—Ou Friday next Oxford University will confer honorary degrees upon the Chinese Travelling Commissioners.
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    • 39 5 The Anglo-Japanese Bank. (Supplied by Reuter.) Loudou. 17th May— The prospectus of the Auglo-Jipauese Bank has been issuwd. The Bauk is to have a capital of t wo_ millions sterling, of which only half will he called up.
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    • 34 5 Government Defeated. (Supplied by Reuter.) Loudou. 17th May.—The Natal Goveruuieut has been defeated over the Luoccupied baud Tax Dill, but is uot expected to resign, owing to the gravity of the native crisis.
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    • 32 5 Morenga Arrested. (The Ostusiatiacker Lloyd's Service.) llerliu, 17th May.— Morenga, the Hottentot rebel chief, has besu arrested bv the Cape Colony police and brought to t pmgtou, in British Bechuaualaud.
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    • 27 5 Another Denial. (The Oetaeiatiichcr Lloyd Service.) Berlin, 17th May.—The Kaiser denies that he has arranged a meeting with the Tsar for the end of May.
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    • 22 5 The German Minister. (The Oetasiatiecker Lloyd's Service.) Berlin, 17th May.—Mr. Coates, the German Minister, has arrived at Addis ibbaba, iu Abyssiuia
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    • 20 5 Income Tax Rill. (The Ostasiatischer Lloyd s Service.) Berlin, 17th May.—An luciuie Tax Bill is boiug prepared iu France.
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    • 23 5 The Kaiser’s Sympathy. (The Ostasiatischer Lloyds Service.) Berlin, 17lh May.—The Kaiser lias telegraphed his condolences on the death of Carl Schuiz.
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    • 24 5 The Newmarket Stakes. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 17th May.—The result of the Newmarket Stakes is Lally 1, Malua 2, Gorgos 3. Four ran.
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  • 235 5 The Cholera Outbreak The Sanitary Authorities have by <,u ek segregatiou of contacts, succeeded iu preventing the spread ol cholera iu the town, but are having some difficulty iu coping with the disease at Tanjoug Paga*\ the coolie iiues there being where the outbreak first appeared aud wlieie the
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  • 282 5 Thk Kino of Cambodia. Thk M. M. steamer Ami rat Ker taint. which arrived at Singapore on Sunday from Saigon homeward bound, had on l»oard the King of Cambodia, the Princess Souuiplau aud the Princes Ossavarang. Duong Motura, Nouwoug, N oughat ami Chantabka with a suite of
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  • 1405 5 The Ragging; Case. And its Sequel. Tlic Sultan and Pan-Islamism. Missions to Japan and E sewhere. Buddhist Peek Marries a Catholic. REPORTED HANGING Ol- GAPON. (From Our Otvn Correspondent.) Fleet Street, April -7th.—The result, of the ragging case in tin* Scots Guards came out soon after my
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  • 88 5 To-day. 24-Ui Day. 4tli floon. Foot ball Match P. C. C. vs. P. R. C. Town Band, Chinese Recreation Club, 5 to 7 p.ui. Parsee New Elphiustoue Theatrical Company, King Street Theatre, i* p.m Matsuo’s Japanese Cinematograph, Corner of Penang Road and Campbell Street, 9 p.m. To-morrow. 25th Day,
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  • 16 5 English (Arcadia) 24« h May China (Da hi) -6th China (P. llein ielt) 29th
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  • 55 5 Wait Service. On vv A KI»K. I loSI K VV A KOK. Arcadia ‘Ji .1 luy. Delhi V6 *Wtiy Della 7 Jane, j Oceana 9 June. I xtra Service. Our WARDS. IIOM K'VA UDS. Japan 29 May. Manila 19 May. Sardinia 12 Jaw. j Ceylon i June
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 17 5 The French Confectionery. 17a, Nortliam Road. TO-NIGHT. IceCieaiuu: Coffee wri VauilU. auU a vaiietv uf Fancy Cakes.
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    • 131 5 Children When Teething. This is the most dangerous age in the life ol' a child. At this time they have mure or less diarrhuei. which weakens the system and renders the child more susceptible to disease. Any unusual looseness of the bowels should Is* promptly controlled, which cau l»e done
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    • 377 5 Matsuo’s Japanese Cinematograph, Corner of Pcnnng Road and Campbell Street, EVERY NIGHT AT 9 P.M. We claim (o be the B .A. K, IT TIM OF Cinematographs. The Grandest Largest Show travelling East. ALL NEW FILMS! ALL NEW FILMS!! EVERY PICTURE GOOD!!! Prices of Admission Ist Class *2 I 3r<l
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
  • 83 5 Obituary'. Mas. Proust. We regret to auuouuee the death of Mrs. Proust, wife of Mr. Kent' Proust, Manager of the Jeher Tin Mining Co., at Taujong Malim, says Monday’s Malay Mail. The funeral was arranged for 3 o’clock this afternoon, Mr. Haines, Chaplain of Penang, kind)v postponing his return, during
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  • 1211 6 Thus the iSiam Observer The Pinantj Gazette prints a long report by Mr. R. P. Phillips ou the collecting of debts iu Tongkah. It appears that Mr Phillips was appointed on behalf of the Actiug Assistant Official Assignee to collect some Sl35,000 dollars iu Tongkah. owing
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  • 124 6 Penang, I7th May. I >J courtesy uj the Chartered Hank > London Demand Hank 2/4 g 4 months’ sight Hank 2-1 7 0 3 (Credit 2/lj 3 Documentary 2/-4 J i Calcutta. Demand Hank L.-v 174 3 days’ sight Private 177 Bombay. Demand Bank 174 i Mouimein, Demand Bank
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  • 243 6 j Gold leaf S 65. B. Pepper(W. Coast 31b*. *>«»/.) out oj .<tocL White Pepper 31.— sellers Trang Pepiper 2!.87‘, salts Cloves (picked) 42. —sales Mace 81 —buyers Mace Pickings 68?.. —tellers Nutmegs 1 lOs 3D,. sales No. i 5 60 sales Sugar 2 to* >i.m i.. Hasket 82
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  • 682 6 C ipii.ii. 1900 Idol 1903 1901 1899 1904 1889 1890 1904 1892 1898 190< > 1899 1902 1900 1900 1904 1905 19 5 1903 1906 1904 1906 1900 1906 1903 1904 1904 1898 1903 1905 1904 1904 1898 18(35 1901 1901 1899 1903 1890 1887 X X I 75.000
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 66 6 yCON SUN, 'YATUniAKi-R JHWHLI.tR Dealer in tiuhl ;in< 1 Stiver Watches. Draphoplioues, Krcords, l’ius, Ae Ac. l'rices Very Moderate, liepaiier of any description of Musical iiihtiiiiiients and <Ai tiplioplun* Ac, Ac A o 'JI, Mailcet Sheet. BURRULL Co.’s ROILED HAW LINSEED OILS, PAINTS TURPENTINE 70 BE MAD HE TAIL FROM
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    • 317 6 JOHN TYNDALL Co. CELEBRATED PEACOCK A brand CEYLON TEAS. CeUihtd uy l>r. Don» d of Penang as followsMessrs. Tvnd-.11 tr Peacock Brand 'Jen I have used and much apurelm Excellent in flavour and freedom from the vegetable astringents which tend to produce digest! v«> troubles. Ar h Donald, Mm D
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  • 353 7 1 it i Canadian memh is of the Illteruti iona! .iii-i uav s Commission disagree with ti eirl idle I .Stales cidleau s respecting the m* asm s which should lie t aken to preserve ihe scenic Ihmiilv »>! the Niagara Palls. They ■'"itt**nd iia t it f
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  • 340 7 I 11 inf reduction of colouring matter in l«>' *< 1 t:IT > was again (lit» theme of (lie evid- e:u*e given 1» !»> the Select Committee of ill msc "1’ Comm ms inquiring into the butler tra V<» i (he 1 April. Prof. Thorne, i in.•i >
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 847 7 P. fWo/r Cranes' CYLINDER OIL. Snndibrnds. Kuttcrv Cr>. CHIN JOO CO., 95 5* /5# Peach Street. HAVE JUST RECEIVED Petter’s Patent Petroleum Engines. THE MOST PERFECT MOTOR ‘OF THE A Large Consignment of Tinned IVovi-iotis, .Scented Soap ami IViTu* liitrv of the st Quality. I in -pnrf hon Safes, ami
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    • 86 7 Chamb.Tlnin's Cough Kcmcdy Gives Satisfaction livery where. “I It 1V1* l>.■ ii s>*!liiio ('ItainlxM Inn’» Cough U«*m *dy in in» it l ill hiiop of this place for x veus, "sivs A'loljtli MiniImmsou of Durb.iitvi,! •,(?.ip.* f’ol iiv. I ii 11« 1 i t x to giro sit *f.n-ti*>u witli
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1192 8 Lim Sun Ho, CHOP HENC MOH £c Co., It 4, Beach Street, Penang. DENTISTRY. importers of all kinds of European Cloth and General Commission Agents. 6lo W. MANSON, American Dentist, Late of Dr. Allen Co., Pha, U.S.A. Charges Moderate, Consultation Free. RESIDING AT /Vo. 2la, Penang Rond. 4 few doors
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