Straits Echo, 16 May 1906

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1183 1 o o 111 J -I o z < h ASAHI BEER. U339IHVSV UJ iu -j o 'S> ¥Z I\ JN K S Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China. INCORPORATED 15V ROYAL CHARTER. Capital Paid up Reserve Fuml Keaerve Liability of Proprietors -C800,00< Hongkong Shanghai Nederlandscho Hardal Banking Corporation. WSuakscIiAppij.
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    • 11 1 GUINNESS’S STOUT. tiang LEE Co., 77 h SOLE AGENTS. BASS’S ALH
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  • 187 2 A medical, correspondent, writing to t l e Lancet, describes a remarkable cate of iafal 1 blood poisouiug following a wound bv the l riinula obemtiea, a variety of priinrote on giually brought from Central China, and popular as a gieeuhouse plaut. Ihe patient, a ivomau
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  • 731 2 EuKOI’EAN C YCLIsT ToSaEP A teusational accident occurred here about fo'ir o’clock yesterday afieruoou, says Friday’s. Malay Mail. ■**jfr H. VV. D.ividsou, of the firm of Messrs. McAlister A Co., Singapore, was cycling from Yap All Bov street towards tlic i'adaug at the time mentioned. When just
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 99 2 A Safe Speculation. If \*»u have an attack of rlieunatism and CliiMiibn'Ixiii'n I'ain 1 In» gets you hack to work iu a few, will il not jhv for itself, several t.m*** oveii' Tl c e is no i e si of sul-fe-ing from iheuniatism for a month or six
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    • 2504 2 NOTICE. L LENDERS are invited for the Leaeof the Fruit-trees on tl e M< sque laud iu Perak K urd. Lot 34) TS. IX. for a period of lor 3 vears. Further inf rmatiou can l>e obtairud from the Collector of Laud Revenue to whom all teudeis should le sent
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  • Shipping.
    • 73 3 Sachsen, Ger. 8.8., 3,118, Peterssen, 16th Mav, Yokohama, 28th Apr., Geu.,— b. ivr. Co. Palma, Br. s.s., 7,632, Cockuiau, 15th May, Loudon, 16th Apr., Geu., P. A O. Soi l oMi, Dut. s.s., 1,163, Hodue, 16th May. Rangoon, 12th May, Geu.,—C. H. Sou*. Ijangkat, Br. ss., 149, Lyons, 15th
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    • 59 3 16th May. Langkat, for Paugkor and 'i'eluk Ausou Chan Tui, for Perlis and Set ul. Hong Moh, for Singapore, Hongkong, Swatow and Amoy. R. Halewyn, for Pangkor. flying Dragon, for Port Weld aud Taipiug. Sachsen, for Ceylon, Australasia, India, Aden, Egypt, aud via Naples for Europe, etc. P a*in
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  • 26 3 1 es»els From Ajeiit» Due Beuavoii Loudon S B XCo. 17lliMay Ambriii Hamburg B.M A Co/ 18th lihenauiu Hamburg B.M.&Co. Beuartv Ijoudou S.B.&Co. 31st
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  • 31 3 1 tely Fur A'jeuts Leaves 1 Beuavou Singapore S.B «£0o. 17th May. Ambria Singapore B M &Co. 18th lviienauia Singapore 1» M iVCo. 24th Beuartv Singapore SB. it Co. :Ust
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  • 108 3 For Deli, Bajan, Edie and T. Seutawe—Per De Kock, tomorrow, 11 a m. Edie, T. Semawe, Segli, Olehleh aud Sahang—Per Pegu, to-morrow, 2 p.m. Laugkal—Per Ran Whatt Soon, tomorrow, 2 p.m. Singapore—Per Teesta, to morrow, 1 p.m. Deli—Per Ma'aya, to morrow, 4 p.m. Singapore, Chiua Japau—Per Preusscn, to-morrow,
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  • 27 3 Per Sachsen, from Hongkong Mr. Cheali Chew Meng. From Singapore Messrs, li. Caruac and L. Wickers. Per Lanykat, from Teluk Anson Messrs. Duncan and Ba: ess.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1343 3 (S HIF»F»ING.) :iTAt 5 8. 11. Co. INTENDED SAILINGS. British India Steam Navigation Co., Ltd. For Intended to Sail. Steamer. Negapatam, Madras, Pondicherry, Cuddaloro and lvarrical. hUpected Arrivals and Departures, Mail Service. Outwards. M«> 21 s.s. Arcadia connecting with' s.h. Mongolia •liiuo 7 s.s Delta do ss. Britannia Rangoon A
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    • 73 3 PASSAGES to EUROPE, viii MADRAS. PASSAGES can lie booked per British India Steam Navigation Company's Steamers from Penang, via Madras, to Port Said, Genoa, Marseilles, Plymouth and London. HUTTENB ACH, LIEBERT A C©., AOENTS 11-4 00 2*2 DAVID CORSAR SON'S WELL-KNOWN EXTRA NAVY CANVAS, No. 0. S\NI)IUNI>S. BUTTERY f Cl.
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  • 99 4 Justice satisfleseTerybcdy and justice alone.—Emerson. Established June 1st, 1903. Published daily (except Sundays.! AT THS CRITERION PRESS, Ltd., No. 226—232, Beach Street, Peuau g. PRICE: DAILY LOCAL $24 per annum OUTSTATIOXS Pontage Extra. MAIL EDITION (Poet Free) $15 CABLE ADDRESS; Echo—Penang.” Telephone No. 188.—All business communications
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  • 59 4 Births. Pickerino —On the 14th iust.. at Woodtliorpe. Gallop Road. Singapore, the wife of J. A. N. Pickering, of a sou. On Sunday, the 13tli >ust.. at Ailsa," Mt. Elisabeth. Singapore, the wife of Charles W Abrams, of a daughter. At the Maternity Hospital. Singapore, on 12th inst
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  • Current Topics.
    • 313 4 Wk came across a Government servant the other day who was very cordially damning the dollar. It seeing that he was one of those unforttin »te individuals who were placed upon the sterling scheme in 1963. He liked it at the time, because it gave him fr
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    • 1135 4 If what we hear is correct, and we have no reason to doubt the authenticity of our information, there is considerable room for improvement in the method adopted bv the Singapore Medical Department of examining third class passengers arriving from Chiua. We are told that the passengers are
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    • 188 4 Sir TIJ 1,,E Ko,roß or ruE Straits Ecno. Iu reply to Another Player’s letter in your yesterday’s issue of the Straits Erl,,, must tbauk him for the same. I should like to know since when learned friend” Another Player’’ has take, up U» „ud Member of the Bar. No
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    • 338 4 To the Editor of the Struts K»iio. I shall be very much thaukful if you will be good enough as to note these down in your valuable paper. I was a passenger from Singapore to P. Swetteuhain bv s. s Hy Loony ou my wa y Kuala Lumpur
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  • 180 4 1 Following is the Btlauce Sheet fur 1905:— Receipts. 5 Subscriptions ...S 1 Emgagemeuts -.11- 59 Transport 225 05 Sunday Donations 71< 7!' r Municipal Grant 5,000 Chartered Bank, overdraft 30th Dec.2,509 2' •SI5,025 02 i Disbursements. Chartered Bank, overdraft 1st Jau. <20 51 Salaries and Wages
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 323 4 Matsuo’s Japanese TO N,OHT! TO OHT!! UPTON’S WINES Cinematograph, Corner of Penang Road and Campbell Street, EVERY NIGHT AT i> P.M. We claim to be (he B-A. HIT TIM OF Cinematographs. The Grandest Largest j Show travelling East. ALL NEW FILMS! ALL NEW FILMS!! EVERY PICTURE GOOD!!! Prices of Admission
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    • 58 4 A Safe Medicine. Mothers of small children need not hesitate to administer Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy. It contains no opiate or narcotic iu any form aud may be given to a baby with as much confidence as to an adult. It always cures aud cures quickly. George Town Dispensary, Geueral Agents,
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    • 69 4 Chamberlain's Cough Remedy Olves Satisfaction Everywhere. “1 have been selling Chamberlain's Coutf 1 Remedy in my retail shop of this pl ilL six years, says Adolph Abrahamsou oM U1 hauvilie, Cape Colony. I find it to tf 1 satisfaction with the people who use d utl it is the best
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    • 175 5 A QUItiT MAY I)AY. The New National Assembly (Supplied hi/ Reuter.) Loudon, 16th May.—A Captain of Police has been killel by a bomb explosion at Warsaw. Seven persons were wounded bv (lie explosion and the troops shot tin* assassin and then attacked the public with their bayonets and the
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    • 81 5 Our German Guests. (Supplied by Renter.) L mdou, 16th May.—Mr. Haldane, speaking in Germau at the banquet to the German burgomasters visiting London, toasted the Kaiser and paid a tribute to his capacity as a thinker, fighter and lover of peace. (The Ostasiatischer Lloyds" Service.) Berlin, 16th May.—The visit
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    • 42 5 The Evacuation. (Supplied by Renter.) Loudon, 16th May.—Reuter’s Tokio corleipoudent wires that it is believed that, unless the Russians evacuate Manchuria iu accordance with the Treaty of Feace, the Japauese will also remain. Both sides aie evidently watching the other’s attitude.
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    • 35 5 A Present for Queen Maud. (Supplied by Re til or.) London, Ibtli May. -The Lord Mayor of Loudon has opened a Mansion House fund for a national coronation gift to Queen Maud of Norway.
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    • 51 5 The Royal Funeral. (The Ostasiatischcr Lloyd's" Service.) Berlin, 16th May.—The Kaiser returns on the 18th iustaut for the funeral of Princess Friedrich Kail, of Prussia, the atteudauce at which will be confined to tlie members of the Royal Family. The stay of the Kaiser at W iesbaden has been
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    • 29 5 Parliamentary Progress (Supplied by Reuter.) Loudon, Ibtli May.—lu the House of Commons the Plural otiug Bill has passed its secoud ami the Reserve Forces Bill its third reading.
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    • 48 5 The Customs Edict. (Supplied by Reuter.) Loudon, lbth May.— Replying to representation» made by the British aud L uiteu States Ministers, the Chinese Government has explained that the Customs Edict is uiteuded only to simplify the administration of the Customs and not to supersede the pieseut establishment.
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    • 40 5 The Delimitation Commission. (Supplied by lleulcr.) I uudou, Ibtli May.—The Constantinople < orrespoudeut of the Daily Teleyrapk vviies that the Boundary Delimitation Commission will be of Turco-Egyptian composition, thus meeting the Sultan’s objections o treat directly with Great Britain.
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    • 34 5 A German Penial. Tkt Uotaiiatiecher Llotjd'r" Struct.) Berlin, 10th Mav.— lt is officially denied Out Germany has any intention of eßtablisuiug u naval station on Pulau Laut, o ie south-east of Borneo.
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    • 24 5 Ambassadors Received (Tk j Ostasiatischer Lloyds” Service Berlin, Iblli May. Prince von Bulow has received the British, Italian and French Ambassadors. A
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    • 21 5 Fighting Proceeding (Sup/died by Renter.) London. 16th May.— Fighting is proceeding in Zululaud aud several tri!*es are ready to rise.
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    • 23 5 The Anti-German Press (The Oslasiaiischer Lloyds Service.) Beilin, I6t.h May.—The Huugariau Ministry repudia es the assaults made by the press upou Germany.
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    • 23 5 Chamberlain-Duudas. (Sti/iplied by Renter.) Loudou, 16th May.—The engagement is announced of Mr. Austen Chamberlain to Ivy, daughter of Colonel H. L. Dundas.
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    • 24 5 Oxford v. Gentlemen. (Supplied by Reuter Loudou, 16th May.—du cricket at Oxford, Oxford University has beaten the Gentlemen of England by four wickets
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  • 99 5 The boxing contest between Jack Ale j Auliffe and Air. W. H. Aluuro, of AlacAlis- ter’s, which was to have come ofl ou Satur- 1 day last, has beeu postponed to next Satur- j day, at the Drill Hall. Besides the piece I de resistance there are several
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  • 259 5 Lawn Tennis Tournament. The following are the results of tics played yesterday Men s Don bit s W. Peel and Lr. Skae beat C. C. Rogers and 0. Bradbery, b —3,8 —b. Mixed Doubles: F. O. Hallifax aud Dr. Beatty I c o. E. 8. Haslaui aud E.
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  • 1346 5 lii Appellate Jurisdiction. riejore the Hon «S'. 7«. Thorn'ou, Pw-itr Jmdfie.) The Morpuia Cask. Our leaders wili rememlier that about v tin* middle of January last Lim Tiang Keat, |j Oou Keug Cheng. Kuan Lok and Chew Guau Keat were arrested by the Police in connection with the
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  • 249 5 T.VN4ONQ ToKuXO AICKUKK. Alydiu lvujeli, a fisherman of Taujung Tokoug village, was arraigned before the Court this morning on the charges of (1) murder aud (2) culpable homicide not amounting to murder. Hr claimed to l»e triel aud was defended by Air. A C. Rudra. The following jury
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  • 411 5 LIST OF ENTRIES. First Day1. MaIDF.N PI.ATE. Excelsior Diogenae Teat ray Kirilah Dawn Warrior •J. Lawn Stakes. Daylight Eclipse Meteor Excise Poll Kum Madam Meg Privateer Diamond Star Sceptre Splendid d. Singapore Dwby. Acetiue Rapid Pilgrim Essiugtou Cadeuas Wiugaroon Jim Gosper 4. Grand St nu Cop. First Preston
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  • 90 5 To-day. 23rd Day. 4th Moon. Town Baud. Esplanade, ti to 7 p.m. Parsec New Elpb'nstoue Theatrical Company, Kiug Street 'J he.itre, 9 p.m. Matsuo’s Japanese Cinematograph, Corner of Penang Road aud Campbell Street, It p m. Wayaug Kassim, Drury Lane Theatre, 9 p.m. To-morrow. 24th l>;»y, 4th Moon. Foot
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  • 13 5 Get nnu (Sachten) l<»th May. ludiati (Teeefa) 17th English Arcadia) 24th
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  • 29 5 0 New Moon May 23rd 3.0.6 p.m First Quarter 31st 123 7. P.M O Full Moou Juue 7th 4117. a m Last Quarter 14th 2.34 4. a.m
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 18 5 The French Confectionery. 1 7a, Northam Road. TO* NIGHT. (truiiye <*u«l Chocolate, 4U<l a varioly of Fnuoy CtiLet.
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    • 83 5 Children When Teething. This is the most dangerous age iu the life of a child. At this time they have more or less diarrhoea, which weakens the system and renders the child more susceptible to disease. Any unusual looseness of the bowels should be promptly controlled, which can l>e done
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    • 71 5 Give Chamberlain’s Pain Balm a Trial. No other liuimeut affords such prompt relief from rheumatic pain*. No other is so valuable for deep seite 1 pains like lame back aud pains iu the chest. Give this liniment a trial and become acquainted with its remarkable qualities and you will never
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    • 412 5 To-day's Advertisements. WANTBD. \N experienced Chinese Clerk with good commercial training; must l>e able to read and write English and Chinese. Apply with copies of testimonials to “N.” c i> Straitt Echo. 16-5-06 uc 316 Turn-out for Sale. OWNER LEAVING EOR EUROPE. BLACK Australian horse, guaranteed souud, tjuiet iu saddle
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
  • 26 5 Obituary. Carl Schurz (The (Jstasiatiscber Lloyd's Service.) Belliu, Ibtli May.—The death is auuouuc«;d in New York of Mr. Carl Schurz, the German revolutionary aud American statesmail.
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  • 235 6 Is* au application to a Peuuoy ivauiau Court for the appoint meut of a guardiau for thcestateof Mrs. Ileury Coxe, auotlier AugloAinerioaU romauce was revealed. Mrs. Goxe is a widow, aged 64, with property worth «*****,000, realising au iueonie of a year. While iu Kurland she
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  • 213 6 The Time s of Ceylon, of the 2ud iust., gives the following: Mr. Geo. Newman, who left to day for the Malay States after time mouths’ stay iu Colombo, by the M. M. Salaz>e, took with him some bundles of Mauritius grass with a
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  • 568 6 Japan’s Wav with Fohmosa Savages. Mr. Norman Shaw, describing iu Mac Chilian* Mayazine a visit to Formosa, iu which he was an eye-witness of the Japanese method of dealing with the savage natives, the farfauied head-hunters,” says It is'interesting to tee a people which was itself comparatively
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  • 119 6 Penang, 16th May. (Hy courtesy oj the Chartered Hank London I)einan«l Bank ...2/4| 4 months’ sight Bank 2/4- v 7 a 3 Credit 2/lg- 3 Documentary ..2/4li Calcutta. Deinutul Bank Ks. 174-i 3 days’ sigiit Private 177 B unbay. Demand Bank 1 74A Mouiinein, Demand Bank 173)‘ 3 days’
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  • 231 6 Goid leaf 65. B. I’eppei (W. Coast 3lbs.- >u/..) out of stock White Pepper 31. —sellers Traug Pepper 21. sales Cloves (picked) 42 .—tales Mace 81 —buyers Mace Pickings 685. —sellers Nutmegs 110s 33:,. sales No. I 5.90 stiles Sugar j 2 uu st<»ck. Basket *2 65 sales Taoioca
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  • 551 6 5 Number of Jj Capital. Shares Last Dividend v r issued Value. u 1 xmiueuu. Name. (Quotations. 1900 175,000 14.000 10 1< 1901 600,000 60 000 10 R; I*ersawao Gold Miuiug Co. Ltd. *13 sellers. 1903 400.000 350,000 1 1 ,irUseI Hydraulic Tin Miuiug Cu. Ltd $13.—buyer* 1901 120,00
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  • 1160 6 Tuesday 31 si July Thursday, 2nd August and Saturday, 4th August First Day. Tuesday, 31st July, 1906. 1-—’The Maiden Plate. Value *600. A Race for Maideu Horses. Weight as per scale reduced 14 lbs. All animals imported iuto the Straits or F.M
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
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    • 413 6 FOR SALE. THE Gokleu Grove Estate iu Province Wellesley comprising au area of 2,100 acres more or less. For further information apply at the SUGAR ESTATES’ OFFICE, 11-5-00 303 1 wk. 5, We’d Qm>j. Pearlfishing Concession. FOR sale: rpHE RIGHT during ten years from now JL to fish for pearls,
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  • 962 7 1 S'foKY F A KUSSIAN KlHKO. A vivid account of home incidents of the levoiutiouaiy inovetaeut in Kussia iu which they took part is given by a party of refugees who have read e I Grimsby. They have be*u reeu by a correspondent of the Manchester ijuantian,
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 638 7 P. Hloir Cranes' CYLINDER OIL. Sant1Hand<. Huttery S: Co. Petter’s Patent Petroleum Engines. CHIN JOO CO., 9.5 ct /.5-S’ Hatch Si red. HAVE JUT R KCEI YED A Lillee CoiiMgimipnt <>t Tmm*d iYovid s, Scent d S»>;q> anti I’crfu" inerv of the Jitdt qualify. I r«-t i< < I’ inn
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    • 25 7 Nobel's Explosives: GELIGNITE, DETONATORS, FUSES. SPORTI \G CARTRIDQE8. Sandilands, Buttery A Co., Sole Agents, Penang F.M.S. Aylesbury Garland, Sub-Agents, Perak. Wagaitncs at Penang and Ipoh
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1163 8 Lim Sun Ho, CHOP rffNC MOH Co. It 4, Beach Street, Penang. importers of all kinds of European Cloth and General Commission Agents. 610 Kim Keng Lcong Co, 127, BEACH STREET. DENTISTRY. W. MANSON, American Dentist, Late of Dr. Allen Co., Pha, U.S.A. Charges Moderate, Consultation Free. RESIDING AT /Vo.
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