Straits Echo, 15 May 1906

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1195 1 ASAHI BEER TIANG LEE CO., SOLI: AGENTS. ASAHI BEER BANKS. Chartered Bank of India, Hongkong Shanghai Australia and China. Banking Corporation. INCOKPOl’ATEI) BY ROYAL CHARTER. Pa i v- u p-Ca pita l Reskkve Funl»— $10,000,« MX) Capital ['aid up Reserve Fund Ronerve Liability of Proprietors Sterling Reserve $10,000,000 10 ver
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  • 1013 2 A City of Fire ani> lit in. New York telegrams of April 23 state that the earthquake seriously damaged the railroads, telegraph and telephone lines of all California, Utah and Nevada. An exchange of that date says Three huudred thousand people are now encamped iu Golden Gate Park,
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 735 2 NOTICE. "Vf OTICE is hereby given that t lie interest aud responsibility of lvlioo Kok Ijeaug (alias Klioo Chiu Tee), Klioo Chiu Keat and Yeoh Leau Hong, iu the tiriu of Tiaug Lee Co., Leach Street, Peuaug, and all its brauches ceased on the 31 st. day of December, ltK)t.
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    • 1759 2 THE FEEM CONFECTIONERY Beg to announce to tlieir numerous patrons that their French Confectioner has arrived. We are now prepared to book orders tor all kinds of large Fancy Cakes at moderate prices. Large Assortment of French pastry always ready, $O.OO per dozen. Orders can be left i/i7lth Messrs. Pritchard
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  • Shipping.
    • 144 3 I’a la Mcoi'fA, Ur. s.s., 2.208, Babb. 1-ltli May, Siugapo;**, 12'h Al iy, Gcu., II L A. Co. Ijonosok, I r. s 3,4-4-1. Casauova, I4lli May, Manila, 3rd May, Ge i., —B. A (Jo. Glknksk, Ur. s 2.270, liafferty, 14(Ii May, Louilou, 7ili Apr.,Geu.,— If. Co. liKNMwnjs, Ur. s.s.,
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    • 66 3 15:1» May. Avayyer, for Deli. Petrel for Pangkalau Draudau. Taw Tuny, for Traug. Si ah. for Laugkat. Pin Seay, tor Port Swetleuliaui A Singapore. Chenii<i Ch'.u:. for Singapore, Llougkoug, Sundew and Amoy. La if/ Weld, for Teluk Ausou. Sachxen, lor Ceylon, Australasia, Lidia, Aden, I'.gypt, and via Naples for
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  • 34 3 Vessel» Frout I Ajeut» Due Ponavou 1 i Lmnlon S 1J &Co. i 7t iiMay Ainlniu Hamburg W M ACo. 18th Khcnauia Hamlin iv I» M »t0o. 24th l’euarlv Loudon 3. l>.<tCo. tflst
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  • 32 3 1 easefa For A'jt'ui* Lenta I lJenavou -miga pure S.liAf'o. ITiliMar. Auibria Siuga pore l> M &CV 1I81I1 Kiienania Singapore i; A1 A Co. LVnart v Singapore si; ACo. bint
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  • 69 3 For nii'l IVluk Atisou—l’er La>i</kal, to MOI'IOW, '2 p in. Perils .V Set u!— Per C/ocm Tai, to morrow, J p in. Singapore. Hongkong, Swiilow and Amoy—Per IfiHxj Moh. to-morro t, :j p.m Paugkor—Per Hnlewyn, to-morrow, p. id. Kdie, T. Seinawe, Hegli, Oleliieii and Sailing— Per iVj/M, 17i!i
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1284 3 /j'/vTT r\v n P. 0. jlSiM Co, >o/ INTENDED SAILINGS. British India Steam Navigation Co., Ltd. L! spec ted Arrivals and Departures. Mail Service. Outwards May -1 s.s. Arcadi't connecting with h.S. Moil'/ol ill Juuo 7 h.s Delta do s s. Britannia Homewards May lit» s.s. Dclln Jaw* 9 h,s.
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    • 117 3 For Singapore, Hongkong, Swatow and Amoy. riIHE s. a. Iloinj Moh, (Japl. DdWauU, .1.. will leave for tlm above poll's, ou Weiluesilajk’, the 10th iust., at o p.iu. For freight or passage apply to KOE UUAN Co., Ajtnts for Wee Din Co., IU-5 ot> 298 of Singapore. PASSAGES to EUROPE,
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  • 97 4 J»«iic3 gatisflas everybody and justice alone.—Emerson. Established June Ist, 1903. Published daily (except Sunday?.) AT TUI CRITERION PRESS, Ltd., No. 22G—232, Beach Street, Penang. PRICE DAILY LOCAL 121 per annum OUTBTATIONB Postage Extra. VAIL EDITION (Post Free) ?li CABLE ADDKESS: Echo—Penang.” Telephone No. 183. \.H. —Ail business
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  • 211 4 Ackupros of the new jetty sit the 1 Fort Point, we quite overlooked the fact that our contemporary remarked that the jetty could be protected from the action ot the sea by tbe construction of a break-water. We entirely agree with our contemporary on this point. This would
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  • 1370 4 Tin Cadet Corps, to which we have referretl from time to time of iate, is now in active formation ami the boys who are to form it are being enrolled. So far, we are informed, a hundred ami nineteen pupils of the Free School have joined and
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  • 1400 4 My dearest Fanny.—lt is all very well lor you to preach to me about the Bauds which you have on the piers at your Kuglish watering places, where the Municipality pay a certain amount, the Baud goes round and collects what it can from lodging-house keepers and wlieie
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  • 140 4 A well iufonne 1 correspondent writes:— Among tlie many prosperous tin mines which are rapidly making Kampar perhaps the busiest mining centre in r erak, the oue uuder Chop Yit fc’eug owned by Mr. Chum» Thye Ngit, third sou of the late Capitau All is certainly as
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  • 370 4 Lawn Tennis Tournament. The following are the results of tics played last Saturday Mixed Doubles: A. R. Adams aud Mrs. Hallifax beat Mrs. Stitt aud E. S. Haslatn, —4,7 —5. Mr. and Mrs. Audersou beat Mrs. Ebdeu aud W. Pee!, 0—3,4-0,0 1. The following ties have beeu arranged
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 160 4 1 MURA STERILIZER MILE •:o:IN CASES OF 48 1-lb. Tins $8-00. 96 J-lb. Tins $11-00 TO BE HAD AT Tong Joo Co., Goon Yen Friends, Kee Saw Sons, Heap Lee Co., Penang. Teik Chin Co., Ipoh. Taik Ho Co., Taiping. KATZ BROTHERS, Limited, PENfJNC. MACHINE PRESSED TILES. HIDE BY THE
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    • 69 4 Give Chamberlain’s Pain Balm a Trial Xo other liniment affords such prompt relief from rheumatic paius. No other is so valuable for deep seated paius like lame back and paius in the chest. Give this liniment a trial aud become acquainted with its re markable qualities and you will never
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    • 78 4 A Safe Speculation. If you have an attack of rheumatism Chamlterlain’s Pain Balm get» you h**- work in a few days, will it not pay ton »> several times over?. There is u > need o feting from rlieuinatisni for a motitli oi weeks incurring the expense ot a large
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    • 425 5 HOPES AND PEAKS. Sir Edv.arJ (irej’s Account. {Supplied by Renter.) Loudon, Mth May.—Reuter’s Constantinople correspondent, wiring on Saturday, says that while the reply of the Porte to the British Ultimatum agreed to the evacuation of Egyptian territory at present occupied bv Turkish troops a* d to tlie delimitation
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    • 121 5 Great Uneasiness. {Supplied by Reuter.) Loudon, 15th May. —Great, uneasiness is felt iu St. Petersburg aud throughout Russia generally on account of apprehended disturbances ou Russian Alay Day. The new Russian National Assembly sits on Sunday to expo lile work and has rejected au Extremist motion to telegraph to
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    • 74 5 Thanksgiving Service. (Supplied by Reuter.) Loudon, 14th May.—King Edward with the Prince and Princess of Wales, their children aud other members of the Royal Family atleuded a service in Westminster Abbey of thanksgiving for the safe return of the Prince and Priucess from India. Detach incuts of bluejackets from
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    • 49 5 Municipal Vis t to England {Supplied by Reuter.) l.oudon, 15th May.—In connection with the inovc.iuuut for iuiproviug Anglo-German relations a large party of German Burgomasters aud Municipal Officials have armed iu Euglaud aud are being fctel. K* 11 Edward has invited them to luucheou at Windsor Castle.
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    • 46 5 A New Naval Station. (Supplied by Heater.) Loudon, 15th May.—The Paris coi respon deutotthe Times says that the Germans ar acquiring interests in the Islaud of 1’ulai Laut, to the southeast of Borneo, with i view to ti e eventual’ establishment of a uava station.
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    • 31 5 The New British Minister {Supplied by lieuler.) Loudon, loth Alay.—Sir John Jordan, the new Aiiuister to China, sails for Japan in the Kwpree* oj Mr Jain ou the 7lb Julv.
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    • 25 5 A Co’lision L (Snyylied by Heater.) Loudon, 15th Mav.—The steamers Croat- well aud Titania. have collided in the Suez Canal, both being damaged.
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    • 16 5 Flair Scratched. (Supplied hy lieultr.) London. 15th Alay.—Flair has beeu scratched for the Derby.
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  • 112 5 i Llo. i/s Register of Shipping states that i the number of \essels. excluding warships, j under construction in the United Kingdom at the close of the qua iter ended March 31 was 547, of 1,401.382 tons gross. The touuage j under construction has shown a s'eodv
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  • 150 5 Chinese Promptitude. The promptitude of the Chinese ui sending relief to their distressed nationals, who had the misf rluue to be in S.wi Francisco during the recent earthquake, is. iu the opinion of the South China Mo itin Fo*t. worthy of praise aud eniul tiou. Hongkong Chinese have
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  • 281 5 Justice to Foreigners. Owing to the abuses which have crept up j ot late iu couneitiou with cases iu which foreigners have beeu involved, the Govern meat has issued instructions to the different Viceroys aud Governors lo the effect that: iu futuic all such cases must be dealt
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  • 306 5 The Assl/.es. lie!ore the Hon. S. Ij. Tho lUon, Vui ne Jml ye. The fourth Assizes of t h year opened iu the Supreme Court this morning. The calendar is, we believe, the shortest on re- coni, consisting, as it does, of only font cases, one of which
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  • 597 5 A Singaporean IN Trouble. j At ti e First Court, before Air. E. 1». Ebj deu, this morning, a Singaporean, Air. Alanar Lsaac Kh-rory by name, was brought up on a charge of criminal breach of trust in respect of a gold ring set with
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    • 120 5 T.* mi. Kimiok or tiik Straits t\no. j Dtar. Sir, May I enqune, through the medium of j your valuable paper, whether the railings i 1 oil the roadside opposite the Baud Stand at J jthe Fsplauude me reserved for European» oiilv while the baud is playing?
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    • 440 5 To mi i itiroc of Tin. Sthui- K« no. I Sir, Perhaps you may allow me to iti- form A Player that Le lias satisfied j me—that his brief whs ill prepared ami that j my lirst leading question has ruled him oui jot Court. A Player” gives the
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  • 85 5 To-DAY. 22ud Day, Ith Moon. Football Match T S. re. A.-C. S. Parsec New Eipbiustoue Theatrical Compauy, lviug Street Theatre, 9 p.m Matsuo’s Japauese Cinematograph, Corner ef Peuaug Road and Campbell Street, 9 p.m. Wayang Kassim, Drury Late Theatre, J* p.m. Tomorrow. 28rd Day. 4th Moon. Town Band. Esplanade,
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  • 28 5 Lust Quarter May 15th 2.2 7. P.M O New Moon 23rd 3.o■(> p.m First Quarter 81st 1287. p m O Pull Moon Juue 7th 4117. AM
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  • 23 5 Gei min (Such ten l»>ih May Indian Pteela 17ih English Arcadia) 24th Cliiua (De hi) 2tith China (F. Hein ick) 29th
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  • 47 5 P. O. SAILINGS. Mail Service. Outwards. Homewards. Arcadia ii May. Delhi 'l6 May Della 7 June. Oceana 9 June l.xira Service. O V 1 WARDS. IiuiIKWAKIIS. Pa 1 um /5 May. j Manila 19 May Japan .2? j Ceylon 2 June SdP For particulars hh*» Page 8.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 10 5 The French Confectionery. 17a, Northam Road. tonight, yirawberry aud Lcui'ju
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    • 61 5 I— A Safe Medicine. Mothers of smail cliildreu need uol hesitate to administer Chamberlaiu’s Cough Reined v. It contains no opiate or narcotic in auv form and may be given to a l>abv with as much confidence as to an adult. It always cures and cures quickly. George Town Dispensary,
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    • 82 5 Children When Teething. This is the most dangerous aye iu the life of a ehiltl. At this time they have more or less diarrhoi, which weakens the system and renders the child more susceptible to disease. Any unusual looseness of the bowels should be promptly controlled, which can lie done
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    • 373 5 WANTED. VWKLTj EDUCATED andenergetic Eurasian Assistant, about 2G years of «*ge. Must l>e able to correspond. C(ol uu«l pci manor? position for suitable uiau. Apply by letter, stating references. I’KIT TIAUD A Co io-o-OG 31 1 3ts. Matsuo’s Japanese Cinematograph, Corner of Penang Road and Campbell Street, EVERY NIGHT AT
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    • 638 5 Penang Sales Room. iRe The Penang Steam Saw Mill Ct e i fn Luinidatiou TO HE FOLD BY Public Auction, AT SUNGHEI PENANG. ON Friday, 16th .May, 1906, At 12 Noon, A large quantity of timber consist’ iug of Meruuti, Cliengliai aud other Hardwood AND 120 tempty Mineral Water Cases,
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
  • 30 5 Obituary. Princess Friedrich Karl. (Supplied by Reuter.) Loudon, 14th May.— The death is announced of Princess Friedrich Bai of Prussia, the mother of II. R- H- ,e Duchess of Connaught.
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  • 1740 6 Friday, 11th May. These nt. His Excellency the Officer A(hiiinistcri»»sr^j|J| Government, Sir William Taylor, k.c.m.g, Hon. E. L. Brockman (Act. Col. Secretary). Hon. J. R. limes (Act. Attorney-General). Hon. J. O. Antliouisa (Act. Col. Treasurer). Hon. A. T. Bryant (Act. Auditor-General). Hon. .1. Anderson. Hon. If. Fort. Him.
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  • 108 6 Pesano, 15th May. By courtesy oj the Chartered Bank n k ...2/4-g- 2/4^ 3 Credit 3 Documentary Calcutta, Demand Bank ks 3 days* sight Private 177 Bombay. Demand Bank 174i M.ouiniein, Demand Bank 173£ 3 days’ siglit Private 177 Madras, Demand Bank 174J 3 days’sight Private 177 Rangoon. Demand
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  • 224 6 Gold leaf G5. B. Pepper (\V. C«*asi 311». 5oO out of sti*ck White Pepper S 31. —sellers Traug Pepper 21.87 sales Cloves (picked) 42.— tale* Mace 81 b infers Mace Pickings Gb.',. —sellers Nutmegs 11 Os 33) —sales f No. 1 5.iH) sales j Sugar 2 no stock. Basket
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  • 548 6 Name (juotatious. .Mining l! sau aii G <>]J Mining C\>. Ltd. sld teller»!. Ibu-eh Hydraulic Tin MiUiugCo. Ltd slo —buyers hill Development Co. Ltd. K uaug iu 'J iii Mining Co. Ltd. \i iuta 1 iu M hips Ltd. Xeiv Gopi'iig Mining Co. Ltd. Pahang C *i [oratiu Ltd.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 72 6 Chamberlain's Cough Remedy G.ves Satisfaction Everywhere. "I have l>oeii selling ChamberIain’s Cough Uemedy hi inv letail shop of (his place for six years, says Adolph Ahrahamsoii of Durhrtuville, Cape Colony. 1 liud it to gh e satisfaction with the people who lire it and it is the ls*st sellei of
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    • 94 6 mackay’s THE CELEBRATED LIQUEUR WHISKY, “s. B. Go.*’ GIN G/es/ers’ Champagne. James BUCHANAN Co.’s CELEBRATED RED SEAL IN RED CASES. Rutiory Sr Co. Andrew Usher Co.'s >- C/5 f fc«r»*»cuo*s* rm X o UJ < o ii V 1 *T! fi *3; GK m c° &o*° S ti**-** c TO
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    • 400 6 PEACOCK *V sags brand sc V) CEYLON TEAS. Certified i>v l>r. Donald of Penang as follows :—m v> Peacock Brand Tea 1 have used and U Excellent in flavour and liveuom from the vegetable astringents winch tend to produce digestive* troubles. Arch. Donald. M. R. C. England. s 1 be
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 647 7 P. Moir Cranes' CYLINDER OIL. POST CARD ALBUMS. :o: Sa mfi tand*. Huttcvy <£ Co. A FINE ASSORTMENT TO SELECT FROM WROUGHT-IRON TUBES AND FITTINCS. Lar fe fe Stock Always on Hand. ADAMSON, GILFILLAN CO«, LTD. I'dter's I'ateiil i’droleuni Engines. THE HOST PERFECT ROTOR OF THE OUT. Tor Quotation s
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    • 7 7 "BAXTER tf.’s BEST 1»m CAI'W. SANDILANDS, C#.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1256 8 Lim Sun Ho, chop tiFNO MOH Co., It 4, Beach Street, Penang. dentistry. importers of all kinds of European Cloth and W. MANSON, American Dentist, Late of Dr. Allen Co., Pha, U.S.A. Charges Moderate, Consultation Free. RESIDING AT No. 21a, Penang Road, General Commission A few doors from the Eastern
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