Straits Echo, 12 May 1906

Total Pages: 10
1 10 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1111 1 TIANG L-.E CO. asahi beer. uaaa ihvsv SOLE ACiGNTS. BANKS. Chartered Bank of India, Hongkong Shanghai Australia and China. Banking Corporation. INCOItPOUATKD BY KOVAL CHAISTKIL Paid-up-Cafual Rkkkrvk Fond—slo,ooo,ooo Capital Paul up Reserve Fund Reserve Liability of Proprietors •fcHOO.Ot’O A 975,000 £BOO.OOO Head Office: HATTON COURT, THREADNKKILK STREET, LONDON. Agencies end
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    • 7 1 SOLE AGENTS GUINNESS’S STOUT. at 3TY s,ssva
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  • 1063 2 Stranding of the Beechlcy.” IfrOW-fc IN A DIVING Be|,L. Thb Brit i«!i steamer l eechley, which had beeu teported by the Elar, asboie iu the Wetta Pass:i ge, arrived at Singapore Lite ou Friday .(4tL) evening, and went to Section No. li/X’Mujoiig Pagar. Tlr Beechley is lying alongside the wharf
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 2229 2 TO LEND. MOST WOMEN SUFFER FROM HEADACHES. Some Don’t—The Ones Who Have Been Cured By B DR. WILLIAMS’ PINK PILLS. I Another Permanent 11 re in Perak. :o:u y//. 1 I fe! I «3 w a i fcp lp#° if' m D! rOYA 2 DISINFECT ANs J§W Use i: i
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  • Shipping.
    • 104 3 boCOTRA, 15*'. 8.5.. t> 008. Hiokev, II til Mhv, Singapore, lOtli M;iv. Gen P. AO. I i*om knkus, Hr. s.H., 4250, Nish, 12r I» May, Liverpool, 13th Apr.. Geh., —W M. •V Co. Canton, Br. s.s 105. Merieau, 12th May, Teluk Anson, 11th May, Oeu., —Ah Hing. Produce, Nor.
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    • 59 3 12th May Kawaehl Slaru, for Colombo and Tuticoriu. Socotra, for Colombo aud Tuticoriu. Thontjwa, for Negapatam and Mad ran. Malaya, for Deli. Hok Canton, for Rdie, T. Serna we, Segli, Olehleh and Sabaiig. Han Whatt Soon, for Laugkat. Langkat, for Paugkor and Teluk Auson Kistua. for Port Swetfcecbain, Kuala
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  • 44 3 1 *'*#<■/* 1 t row A'jpnl* Due IjOULMOIl 1 Singapore jB.ACo. 14thAlav. Boulawors Mii^apoie S.B.ACo. 14th htleuesk Singapore B.ACo. 15tb IVuavoii London SB. A. Co. 17 th Auibriu Hamburg B.M ACo. 18th Hbouauia Hamburg B M ACo. 24th Beuartv liOUtioU S B ACo. Hist
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  • 51 3 1 'ettnel* For A yen 1 a Leave* 1 Beu lawns i LoihIoii S.B. ACo. 1 1 t-tli May (<oui;hoii Europe B ACo. [loth Gleuesk Singapore B.ACo. Jl5tli UeuHvon Singapore S.B ACo. |17lb V'nbria Singapore B M ACo. 18th Kimiania Singapore B M ACo |2+th Beuartv Singapore S.B. ACo.
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  • 20 3 Fob Port Swetteuliani—Per Mar;/ Austin, 1 till instant, 1 j«.in Uangoou— Per Produce, 14tli instant, 3 p in.
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  • 64 3 Per Uttcatthu, from Singapore Mr. J. Somerville, Hou. aud Mrs A. Murray, Miss C Neubiouuer. Mrs. Zimmer, Mr. aud Mrs. Kye Yek, Mr. E. McDou&rall. Per Thougwa, from Singapore Mr. F. E. Keller. Mr J. A. Moffett, Mr. W. J. Weller. Mrs. Geok Hoou, Hou. Tail Jiak Kim, Mrs.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1106 3 (S HIPPING.) p. o. ii 4 1 5. N. Co. INTENDED SAILINCS. bjjpeel ml A t'l'i•'•tin ijml lh‘f.ll1 1 h*m. Mail Service. Outwards May ‘24 s.s. Arcadia connecting' with' s.s. Mongolia June 7 a.». Delta do Britannia Homewards. Mav 12 s.s. DcMalta connecting with ss. Himalaya 2*> «.a. Delhi do
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    • 133 3 For Singapore, Hongkong, Swatow and Amoy. (Juan Cheany Seing will leave JL fur the above port# <*u Tuyfday, the 15th iiißtant, at p.m. For freight or pa*Hage apply to KOE KUAN Co., Agent* /or JO O SENG CHAN, of Singapore. 11-5-06 <lOl For Singapore,.. Hongkong, Swatow and Amoy. riIHE e.
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  • 100 4 J>'Mic «;«UPl>fcever?b<'<ly and justice alone.— Einerxan. Established June Ist, 1903 Published daily (except Sundays.) AT TUB CRITERION PRESS, Ltd., No. 22d—232. Reach Si reel. I’ouanj PRICE DAILY LOCAL LI per annum OUTSTATIONS I’oetaic* Kxtr*. MAIL EDITION (Poet Fiee) SlO CAULK ADDKKSS: Echo—Penang.” Telephone No. IBH V./<. Vll
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  • Current Topics.
    • 237 4 Our readers will remember how. oil the arrival of the F. tS: O. mail Dongola, she landed here the whole of her passengers for Colombo, who had been refused permission to land tii*re, owing to the fact that plague had broken out on the vessel. Many people here got
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    • 1393 4 It is somewhat amusing to see how statesmen, both in Europe and Aultum. talk glibly of disarmaiuetit and holdout a tinker for the Dove of IVace to perch upon, while, with the other hand, they beckon lotheir dock yards and arsenals to hurry up in turn- ing out tlie
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  • 85 4 Lawn Tennis Tournament, The following are the results of ties played yesterday:— Ladies' Singlet Handicap: Mrs. Dunn lx,l Miss Tozer, 6-4,6—2. Men's Singles Ilandi av: C. C. Rogers heat Dr. Donald, 0—6,6—4,6 -0. The following ties have been arranged for Monday Men's Doubles: F. (J. Hallifax aud D.
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  • 267 4 N. League vs. G. T. R. R. A large concourse* of spectators assembled at the Esplanade yesterday afternoon to witness the game of football lietweeu the Northern Ileague and the George Town Reading Room. The latter team appeared ou the field for the first time aud were mostly dressed
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  • 618 4 INQUSBT. i The inquest into the sad decth of Master I Chow Keng Fui who was mu over by au electric train-car at the junction of Dato Kramat aud Seaug Tek Roads last week was conducted by Mr. Hereford this morni iug. wheu Pute'.i bin Tunku Smdar
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  • 181 4 A Money Changer I>ui*Kn Bome months ago the Bauque de l l 11( L hit <• at Laugkokcal'ed iuover a lakh of tbtir tual notes and, afler cancelling them, pack* t hvm a box to ship them home T .i Head Office.but Imfme the box could ped
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  • 776 4 Accused Convicted i Before Mr. Hereford, iu the First I*olice Court, yesterday afternoon, the case against Lee Kuk, who was charged with criminal misappropriation of oue huudieJ and thirty. three bags of paraffin wax. valued at seventeen aud a half dollars per bag, belong, iug to Messrs.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 318 4 GUAN LEE HIN S- S. CO. OFFICE 13, China Street,l ntNANti WORKSHOP 41. Beach Street,) 'I lie Coni par y rims Steamers and Steam Launches regularly: Between Fenang, Port Swettenham A Singapore, S. S. Pin Seng leaves Penang (‘very Tuesday at t p-m. Between Penang and Langkat, S. S. Pan
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  • 20 4 Domestic Occurrence. Dkath. I\n ill J'tli instant. Frederick Aloysius. tlit* infant tun of F. J. WELD, at Bain Gajali. Kinta.
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    • 159 5 Turkey's Cl« ms (Supplied by lieuter.) lamdon, 11 tli May.—Bir Edward Grev, speaking in the Home of Commons, Maid that J urkey’s claims had raised issue* which extended far l>ejond the Tabali question. He said that we cannot tefer the safety of the Sue/ Omul arbitration and t
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    • 304 5 The Tsar’s Speech. (Su/tjdied by H< ulcr.) Loudon, 11 tli May.—The Tsar, tu his speech from the Throne, said that he greet ed the Members of the National Assembly iu an anient belief in Russia's future. Complicated and difficult labours awaited them, but be was convinced that they weie
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    • 65 5 The Auxiliary Fortes *s= (Supplied by lienler.) Loudon, 12th May. —Mr. Haldane lias appointed a Committee, with Viscount Esher as Chairman, to cousider how best to give effect to tlie principles governing the organisation of the Auxiliary Force*, so as to transform them into a Territorial Army. The
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    • 72 5 A General Strike. (Supplied by Reuter Loudon, lltfc May.—There is a strike movement in several cities in Italy and a geueral strike has 1 een proclaims! in Milan in sympathy with the strikers in limn. The Chamber of Labouriu Rome has pro claimed a geueral strike. but the aspi*ct
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    • 41 5 A I ield for Missionaries. (Supplied by Retd a London. 11th May.—The Archbishop of Canterbury, sperkiug at the imetmg o >e Society for the l'lopagatiou of the Gosp© said t|iat Jajiau w** oue of l,e reiit tor future missionary work.
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    • 21 5 Sailors on St'ike (The Oslasialisrher Lloyds' Service.) Perl in, 12th May The sailots at Ham burg have gone on strike.
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    • 22 5 The Fducation Hill (Supplied Ihj Reuter.) Loudou, 11th May.—The Education loll has passed the second leading by 410 to 204 votes.
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    • 30 5 The Oreyfi s Case gain (The OntaeuUischer Lloytl'e" Service.) iieriiu, 12th May.— The Court of Cassation at Paris is to commence to revise tie examination in the Drevfos cam*
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    • 16 5 The Travelling Commissioners (Supplied hy Renter.) London. 11th May.—King Edward lias received the Chinese Commissioners.
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    • 18 5 The King Leaves France. Thu Otlaniatischer Lloyds Service.) IJerlin, 12th May.—The King of Cambodia has left Frauce.
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  • 158 5 Abnormally high tides have lieeu pievuiliug all along our coast, says the Perak Pioneer of i hursday. At Jin Heug Estate the water came up to withiu three inches of the dam which has beau for years in existence to ke°p out sea water. Had the salt sea
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  • 533 5 The Outbreak in Sinuabuke. The cholera outbreak is still with us, says Thursday’s Eaetern l)aihj Mail. After sub- i siding almost to vanishing point, a week ago, the disease has again appeared iu seve- ral parts of the toivu, auii the Municipal sanitary staff has had pie tv to
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  • 856 5 Mr Alex Ocutle opened ;iu inquest at Singapore oil Wednesday b»*io:e ;i special jnrv. into the death of tin* miaul daughter 1 of Mr. Slow Soon Kim, says the Fiee Pretts. j J>r McDowell, f. c. x <*., Dr. Dane, and jCapt. D’Aicy Syniotids were present. The Corouer
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  • 107 5 The Tkonoh Mines. Limitbi* The Mauagiu r Director of the above mine courteously forwards us the following returns for the month of March, l!H)t> Tin ore produced Pis. 2191 7* Am«‘Miit realize I *11’!,271**7 Cai iain Uai bridge. of the s. Chat It rhouee, w inch arrive»! at
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    • 108 5 To run Kkitor op iiik Sth it* Kmo. Sir. In your coiiespotideme c<dutnns yes!onlay I »ro that A Pl.tvet declares that hi Hires out of four ui.itci i*> hi which he !i:ih played, a uipnilier of either ui.e or the other teams playing has Uru refe*«e.” In the interests
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  • 643 5 The general manager's report for April reads 'l’he mine measurements ami assay results of prospecting work show a total of 289 ft. for tin* period I 4 weeks) uuder review made up of 18 ft. sinking, 85 ft. driviug, lft rising aud 187 ft. crosscutting, as against
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  • 87 5 To- DAY. I9*h Day. till Mo»»u. Huut Chib Ride, Meet Pita le Mound, b Towu Baud, Golf Club. 6 to 7 p in Parsec New Elpldustone Theatrical Copipany, King Stinw. beat re, 9 pm Matsuo’s Japanese Cinema tograpLi. Corner of Penang Road aud (Jampladl Stic t. 9 p.m.
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  • 16 5 Gci mau (Sachet h Mav ludiau (lueeii) t th Olmra (F. TTetvti a 2.-oh
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  • 45 5 P. O. SAILINGS. M i< OUTWAKIiS. lioMKW All Arcadia Vi 1/«»»/. If>ll,i 'td May Dell" 7 Jane. Drama 9 June. t lira Service. Oui wabi»* 1 lloMMI P(limit to Shiii. Manila W Mail Japan V9 J ('ey)on V Jni.emiP’ For |>hrt k-ii > Page :i
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  • 33 5 t I »:«ki May loth 2.2.7. p.m. i O New Moon 23rd 3 O.tJ. p.m. First Quarter 31st 1 28 7. pm. O nli .Moon June 7lli 4.11 7. a m.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 23 5 The Prench Confectionery 'Tv, NoM limit U« TO NIGHT, Orange and Chocolate, and a variety of Fancy Poke*. p»K iStN UA' &d Almond,
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    • 73 5 (iive Chamberlain's Pain Balm a Trial. No other liniment affords such prompt lebef from rheumatic pains. No other is so valuable for deep seated pains like lame back and pains in the chest. Give this liniment a trial aud become acquainted with its re markable qualities and you will never
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    • 232 5 .1. IS. I‘ I mu lit. r i. (lr»nd Cha r g.'tf Programme TO-NIGHT. Matsuo's Japanese Cinematograph, Corner cf Penang Road and Campbell Street, EVFKY NIGHT AT <J P.M. We claim to be the BuSlUWCJM OF Cinematographs. The Grandest Largest Show travelling Hast. Al.l. SAW FILMS! ALL NKW FILMS” BVEkV
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    • 171 5 CENTRAL SALES ROOM IMPORTANT Auction Sales AT Tit K A ROVE SALES ROOM, ON Tuesday 15 th /flay, and Friday 18th May at 11.30 each day. or Clocks, Mirrors. Bentwood Chairs, Iron Safes, Almirahs, Marble-top Tables, Crockery, Lamps, Glass Ware, etc., etc The Properly of Mr. A. Sternberg, Terms-Cash before
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous

  • 1918 6 Report for 190/». Gentlemen, Your Committee have the houour to submit for your cousideratiou the uinth Aunual Repoitot'the United Planters’ Association, F. M S. Meetings. Dun ip,' (he year six meetiug* were held, t»f which live were at Kuala Luiupui aud one at Serembau.
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  • 122 6 Pe.mano, 12th May. I'y courtesy oj the Chartered Hank London Demand Bank 2/ 4 i 4 months’ siifh» B«ni 2 4,',; 3 Credit 2/4* 3 Documentary .2,3 Si Canaiiia, Demand Hank l<4i 3 «lavs’ sign* 1,7 Booinav. Demand Ban! 1» Mouimein, Demand Bom I 3 days’ sight I’nvs* e
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  • 229 6 Gold leaf 65 B. Pepper (W. C>a>t 314»*.**»/. out -toci While Pepper 30.— buyers IVang Pepper 21.87.1 sales CioveH (picked) 42. —sales Mace 81 -—buyers Mace Picking* 68/,. —sellers Nutmegs 1 Ids 33. sales r No I 6 sales ’ M 110 SIOCK. Ba>ke> 82 65 safes I’aPioea K'om
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  • 643 6 'c Number ot i p I Capital. Shares Bt >ue [.as! Dividend Name. l^uotutious. r Value. r issued. x Zt. I Mining. 1900 S 175.000 14,000 10 io jllersawali Gold Miuing Co. Ltd. $1 S sellers. 1901 GOO.OOO 60 000 10 1< ’Briiseli HvdraulicTiu MiuiugCo. Lid $12 50 trios.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
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    • 771 6 JOHN TYNDALL Co.’s CELEBRATED fh PEACOCK BRAND CEYLON TEAS. Certified by Dr. Donald of Penang as follows :—Messrs. Tyndall Co.’s Peacock Brand Tea 1 have used and much appreciate. Kxcollent in flavour and freedom from the vegetable astringents which tend to produce digestive troubles. The above teas are sold by
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 1214 7 P. SYloir Cranes’ CYMNDEK OILSa iJflhnd Hitftf i ,ir O', Petter's Patent Petroleum Engines. THE IfiOST PERFECT KOTOR Of THE OUT. /•'or Quotations and Catalogues APPLY TO SANDILANDS. IIIITTEKY Co, Sole Agents, PENANG A. Af S IF YOU WANT NEW OR SECOND-HAND Boilers, Engines, or Machinery OF ANY TYPE, Apply
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1127 8 Lim Sun Ho, CHOP hl'NO MOH Sc Co.. Ib4. Peach Street. Penang. DENTISTRY importers of all kinds of European Cloth and General Commission Agents. 61*’ W. MANSON, American Dentist, Late of Dr. Allen Co., Pha. U.s.A. Kim Keng Leong Co, 127, BEACH STREET. Charges Moderate, Consultation Free. KBSIUINC) AT Vo.
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  • 18 9 I lie Mailing Djaiuhu Rubber Co Ltd. I: Mi IS I EIJED UNDER THE COMPANIES ENACTMENT, 1897
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  • 847 9 diviled i ir o 25 000 ft h ires of 8|0 etch, v*f which 8,01/4* will to allotted U» the vendors as part pa}incut of the purchase price of 8210,4*00. 1 he leniHiui.ig I/ 000 share* are now offeied to the p uiilic at par < >f tie -inn
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  • 746 9 Repor t on Matang Djambu Estate. MkSSRH. R. F. Si’AINtK AND J. S. WILLES, Taijiinj. Rear Sirs, l beg lo submit my report on Mataug Djauibu Estate, together with my valuation of this Estate, winch at •11 r icqi;«**t. 1 b;*»e*i u specie d 1. The Estate lies about six
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  • 2182 9 Thk thirty-fourth auuuai issue of the Jaarboek VAii lnt Mijmcezen gives some very interesting statistics of the mining industry in the Dutch Indies for the year February 1904 to February 1905. Tbe supply of tiu, for which these islands, aud esjeciallv Banka aud Billiton,
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  • 189 9 Pknano, 12th Alav, P.HMi. I»KK* Boup per ciiii\ j lioafct |t 24 j Steaks 24 O Ste.v or Ciirrv Men' |H i Bump Steak 21. lari ;Jo j i ‘nivi'i* do Feel 20 Heir* 00 liiver 02 POKK—j Pork per cal tv 04 Pig's Head tt 21 1
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 73 9 Children Teetliln*. Thia i« >he>.io*t 'V 1 M. »i.;« Hnid il »*y lm*»* or •T> woiil:oi»a 'flu. *vat«Mn of a cMId. A' 1 U>Mg «tinfr» «Ilie>« ami iwtili'fH I In* **liild I' 1 Anv un.»»ual 4 r UtwoU hIioiiU If [.rnfapfU So&rM*t can be done by l, ‘V®^ rlalu
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    • 81 9 »<**«*» 4 tlie picul is treated as eijnal to ‘the Straits picul; piculs ot different «eights a l P‘‘* r n Dutch Kast^Iudies. ll-MMi 1 A Safe Medicine. s -iiuill < nildieU iks-I II.. I best late 1<> administer ('liamWrtahilt t'r.ncrli Remedy. It contains no opiate or naieotic in anv
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    • 71 9 Chamberlain's Cough Keai-ily G ves Satbfaction hvtrywliere. "1 have lieen sidling < 'liuiuUm lam's Cough l»ein<‘d vln iiiv retail shop »f tins |>l:»«*«* for -iix. rear -i. '/«Sr* Adolph Abrabamsonof Durban ville. Cape Colony. 1 find it to give satisfaction with the people who use it and it is the
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    • 86 9 A Safe Specula io.i. It' you have an attack of rheumatism ami Chamberlain's Pain Palm eefs von hack to work in a few Way», will it not pay lor itself several tunes over' Tln r»- is an rii-nd o|ibl' f. ring from rheumatism for a nn.ntli or six weeks incur»iug
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    • 290 9 INSURAN CBS. TH E LONDON ASSURANCE CORPORATION. INOOUPOItATKI) iIY Uu\ Al. CIIAUTEIt A.l>. 172«'. r iiiHlwHijjHMl having l*een ap|»»inie. j X Aleuts for the above Corporation, are > now prepared to ;iocept MAKING and i FIUE risks at current rates. PATERSON. SIMONS A Co. Hongkong Goon On Insurance Company, Ltd.
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    • 458 9 Hongkong Yuen On Insurance Exchange Loan Godown Co., Ltd. Capital $1,000,000. r 1 undersigned having Is en appoint* d A Agents for the alwve Compiiij are prepared to accept marine risks ou tlie most favourable terms. OH EE BEE A Co., Aye air. No. 181. Beach Street. 6-9-04 100 SUN
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 532 10 WROUGHT-IRON TUBES AND FITTINGS. Large Stock Always on Hand. Adamson, gilfillan co.. ltd. 4>S FOR USE ONLY and USE ALWAYS ATKINSON'S A Luxurious Perfume !n Health. i MOST I REFRESHING. Far Superior to the German Kinds. A NECESSARY RESTORATIVE IN SICKNESS. £ao Cologne. Particulars and Apply to EDFIIMAUD’S PERFUMERY I
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