Straits Echo, 10 May 1906

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1263 1 ASAHIBEER. TIANG L. E CO., SOLE GENTS. ASA HI BEER BANKS. Chartered Bank of India, Hongkong Shanghai Australia and China. Banking Corporation. incorporated by royal CHARTER. PaID-U F-CaIMTAL Rkskkvk Fund—--610.000.000 Capital Raid up Reserve Fund Reserve Liability of Proprietors -tBOO,OOO 1 1)75,000 -£BOO,OOO Sterling Reserve $10,000,000 <lo u Silver Jieserve
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    • 11 1 SOLE AGENTS. GUINNESS’S STOUT. K I •aiv s^sva TIANG LEE Co.
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  • 271 2 The Fhoktik* Question. Colonel S r Henry McMahon delivered a lecture at the Royal Geographical Society upon the recent exploration and survey in Seistau, which is situated half in Afghanistan aud half in Persia, about half-way from the Russian. Turkestan border and the Persian Gulf. He drew attention to
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  • 791 2 This Metek Question. Thai the water meter does nut appear to be an unqualified success in S.ugapore, is amplv shown by the following extract from last Friday’s proceedings of the Singapore Municipal Commission, as given by one of our contemporaries: The President then proposed that the minimum charge for
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 749 2 NOTICE 'X' r UTICE is hereby !4 1Vfll that t lit! interest .a-v ami responsibility of Khoo Kok Leimg (alias Khoo Chin Tee), Khoo Chin Keat and Yeoli Lean Hong, in the tirni ot Tiaug Lee Co., Reach Stieet, Penang, ami all its I» ranches ceased on the :>lst. .lav
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    • 1505 2 THE FBEM CONFECTIONER? \V Beg to announce to their numerous patrons that their French Confectioner has arrived. are now prepared to book orders lor all kinds of large IPOH EXCHANGE 7 41, Chung Thye I bin's Buildings. Guardian Assurance Company, Limited Established IH O a U 14s Fancy Cukes at
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  • Shipping.
    • 47 3 Coknki.ia, Hr. s s., 194, Keid, May I’ort Swetteidmni, Hth May, Gen K Co. Canton, Hr. s.s., 100, Meiicau, !Mh May, IVluk Anson, Blh Mav, (ten., All II ing. Cai.vhho, Hr. s s.. 339, Lowry, lOlli May, Singapoie, Hth Mav, Gen., W. M. A Co.
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    • 45 3 It Mil May Acayyee, lor Deli. Petrel, for Pangkalau Hruiuluu. !)<’ hock, for Deli, Htjan, Hi lie uud T. Semawe. Canton, for Paugkor and Teluk Ausou. Chan Tui. for Perlis and Solid. Fitzpatrick, for Rangoon. Fhjimj Fitth, for Port Weld and Taipiug. Cahjpto, for Deli.
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  • 48 3 Vessels t'roui Agents Due K iiwachi MaruSingapore B.&C’o. 1 ItliMav. 1 jongson Singapore B.&Oo. l it it <ilem*sk Singapore B,fcC<>. 15th A inbria ’Hamburg B.M AOo. 18th Ih’iih VOII jliOiidon S B <tCo. 19th 1 '•hmiania I Hamblin; B.M .tCu. 24tl. 1 U'ua r»v LomJou S.B.&C'o. :11st
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  • 47 3 1 't Wi w A.jeutv Lea res ivawadn hurope U.AtCo. I’-iliMav i oiigaon hurope BACo. 1 «it ll <J Singapore B.AOo. 15th A mbria Singapore B.M.AGo. 18th Bouavon Singapore S B AUo. 19th Ulienauia Singapore Singapore B M &Co. 24th Beuarty S.B.&Uo. iillst i
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  • 112 3 For Port Swetteubam aud Singapore—Per i Perak, to-morrow, 1 p.m. Asa liau Per Tate Tun>j, to-morrow, I I» in. Port Swotteuliain au«l Singapore—Per Cornelia, to mono*, I p.m. Singapore A. Hougkoug—Per Nam tiany, to morrow, 3 p.m. I eluk Anson—Per Ijadtj Weld, to-morrow, j 3 p.m. Ceylon, Australasia,
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1135 3 (SHIPPIN G.) P. k 0. V S. II. Ho. INTENDED SAILINGS. Hritirth India JSteam Navigation Co., .Ltd. Intknukd to Sail. Kx./wlM Anic iU nul Departures. Mail Service. Outwards. Steam». Tlmtigwa I ci'sU Hamburg Amerika Lime, Hamburg Ihc Shameis or ibis Company maintain a Regular Service Palamcottu Bharata Uutwaki.m— Between Hamburg.
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    • 83 3 PASSAGES to EUROPE, via MADRAS. PASSAGES can lie booked per liritisli India Steam Navigation Company's Steamers from Penally:, via J Madras,'t to Port Said, Genoa, Marseilles, Plymoutii and IjOihloii. HUTTENBACH, LI EBERT A Co, AGENTS 11-4-06 232 BAXTER Cc.’s BEST NAVY CANVAS. SANDILANDS, BUTTERY Co. DAVID CORSAR SON'S WELL-KNOWN EXTRA
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  • 109 4 .1 '•■‘tioo »*i i* tie. ex en body and juetire alone.- Rmrrttov. Kstablished June Ist. 1903 Pnhli*li*d daily (except Sundays.! AT Til X CRITERION PRESS, Lt«l„ >. *22ti *2'l2. Bkicli Sti’mk!. IVnmi > IMMOF DAILY LOCAL *2. |"*r annum OVTSTATIONS Postage Ejtr*. MAIL EDITION <Poet Fteel *l5
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  • 28 4 Hikth. May Dili at Aldeu." Northam Road, the wife of S. F. Brerefou Martin. B l. l. b.. r < I* Advocate atxl Solicitor, of a Daturliter
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  • 1546 4 We caunot congratulate the Public Work» Department, or whoever happens tube responsible in this instance. for the selection of tie* site for tie* new jetfv for the use of the ferry boats plving to and front Butterworth. We are also not alone in our opinion, for since
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  • 1714 4 At the First Police Court, before Mr Ebdeu, yesterday afternoon, Mvdin Kupeii. j was arraigned on a charge of the wilful murder of his wife Mariambi, on or about I the 29th ult., at Taujong Tokong Village. The first witness for the prosecution was Doctor Ford, Actiug
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  • 27 4 There vill l»e a ride ou Saturday, the 12th iust Meet on the Parade ground at p in and finish at the Golf Club
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  • 42 4 There were six more cases of cholera aud four deaths ii Perak yesterday, of which one case occurre lat Kuala Kurau anioug the contacts.” Totals to date, 48 cases, 2d deaths. The Province still remains free from the d i seas >.
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  • 187 4 IjAwn Tennis Tournament. The following are the results of ties played yesterday Men's Doublet W. Peel aud Dr. Skae beat A. K. Buttery aud E. A. Swan. 6 3,6 0. C. Bradbei v ami 0. C. Rogers beat W. Joue** and J. P. Scott, G—4,G —o. Mens Simjle*
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 264 4 GUAN LEE HIN S- S. CO. OFFICE WORKSHOP n hin h c! rie H penano. 41. Beach Street,) The Company runs Steamers and Steam Launches regularly Between Penang, Port Swettenham A Singapore, S. S. Pin Seng leaves Penang every Tuesday at 4 Between Penang and Langkat. S. S. Ban
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    • 82 4 A Safe Speculation. It you have an attack of rheumatism ami Chamberlain's Pain Palm "els vou back to work in a few «lays, will it not pav for itself several tunes overr Thou» is no noe<l of suffering from rheumatism for a mouth or six weeks incur-ing the expeuso of
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    • 72 4 Chamberlain's Cough Remedy ves Satisfaction Everywhere. “I have Iteen selling Chamlierlaiu s Ou^l 1 Keinedy mi my retail shop of this play r six years, says Adolph Abraliamsoti of ,ir banville, Cape Colony. I tiu«l it to U lV satisfaction with the people who use it al1 it is the
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    • 155 5 Ihi I'diic ti >n Ri'l (Supj.litiU by Renter.) li'iiKaoii. 9t,h May.—Air. Llovd George miu'u.l tit** delta'** upon tlie Education m!I and Hi* id t,hat tl»e Democracy Lad come i(» ilie conclusion that Clericalism was its enemy, but flint, the peopl* Lad resolved to nillv round the Bible, as a
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    • 169 5 Mure D scontent. (Supplied by lie it ter.) Loudon, Utli May.—The new Russian National Assembly neets for the first time on 10th mstaut with elaborate ceremonial, the Tsar delivering the sprech from the Throne. From the Winter Palace new fundamental laws for the Euipiic have been promulgated, asserting the
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    • 68 5 The Welcome H:me (Supplied by Renter.) Loudou, 9th May.— A great display of buutiug was made at Portsmouth to welcome the Prince arid Princess of Wales. The Royal childieu boarded the Renown at niue iu the morniug and the Royal party afterwards entrained for London, wlieie they ha<l a
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    • 65 5 The Kaiser. The o*l it* tali ether Lloyd Service.) Berlin, 10th May.—The Emperor Wilhelm is visiting the Emperor Francis Joseph at Vienna on the tith an<l 7th July. Both the Germ an aud Austrian Foreign Offices declare that the visit has no political aims. Prince von Bulow. Berlin, loth
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    • 34 5 More Land Grabbing {Supjilted by Hauler.) Loudon, 9th May.— It is stated at Gaza that Turkey has appropriated a strip of land on the Syrio-Egyptian frontier of a hundred thousind acres in extcut.
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    • 20 5 Algeciras Protocol Signed Th ■> Ostasiatischer Lloyd'*" Service.) Berlin, 10th May. —The Sultan of Morocco has signed the Algeciras Protocol.
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    • 30 5 Training Squadron at Melbourne. (Supplied by lieuter.) I oiidou. 10th May. The Japanese training squadron has arrived <0 Melbourne, where extensive preparations have ls*eu made for its reception.
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    • 18 5 Workmen on Strike. < The Oxtasia/Rcher Lloyd* Service.) Berlin, lOtb May.—The Turin workmen have goue out ou strike.
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    • 27 5 New British Minister (Snitji ied by Renter Loudon, ion, May.— Sir .lolni Newell Jordan, Minister t* Corea, succeeds Sir Ernest Sutow as British Minister at Peking.
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    • 27 5 The Chester tuik^Nw (Supplied by Renter) London, lOth May.—The lesuit of the Chester Cup is a» follows: Fe it her Bed 1 Torpoint 2 Rapt 3
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  • 465 5 Sequel to an Accident Some mouths ago, Mr. L. Heitz, one *j| the engineers in the employ of the Motor Car Co apauy at Rauh, met with a guu accident, and was seriously iu juie I: he was removed to the hospital there ami a car was sent
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  • 1641 5 The Earth in Torment. I Scientist»' Theories. |.The Chinese Mission to Europe. Rumoured Impending Visit of the Chinese Emperor. Jabez Balfour, Journalist (From Our Own Correspondent.) Street, April 20—-The Laces of nalW iu Italy and California have, ;is all the is now aware, wrought appalling havoc toMifeaud
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  • 95 5 To-day. 17th Dav. 4th Moou. Football Match Y M. C. A. t*. St. X. Town Band, Chinese Recreation Glub, 5 to 7 p in. Parsec New Elplunstone Theatrical Company, King Street '1 heat re, 9 p.m. Matsuo’s Japanese Cinematograph, Corner of Penang Koa*l and Campbell Street, 9 [> m.
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  • 21 5 English (Oceana) lOth May. Chiua Deranlm) 12th Gei man (Sach*en) ltjili Indian (Treat a 17th China (P. Heinrich) 29tli
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 16 5 The French Confectionery. 17a, Northain Road. to-night. 0.0 h aM'i Vauill*. au-1 variety i*i F**uojr l
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    • 81 5 Children When Teething. This is tlx* most damjerous m tli« life of a ehild. At this time they have more or less diarrhflM, which weakens the system and renders the child more su-M-eptihle to disease. Any uuusual looseness of the bowels should be promptly controlled, which can lie done by
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    • 80 5 To-day's Advertiseiueiils. FOR SALH. riIHK Pduv Dohshl»*, 14.2. o yr*., Ist JL Priw at IVuau<{ Show, ridden aud driven l»y lady. Ralli Car. harness, in order. Imperial Hover Hicyele, neatly new. Guns aud Bedroom Furniture. Apply to “A. C.”, K*n«iii'»'i Oflioe. 10 5 06 22!». jV>K six months, the upstairs
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    • 708 5 For llfl^k„„ s swalow CENTRAL SALES ROOM. r h k. Hong Melt. C«tpt. I>.iweou, will l**;tve for the «.Imve ports, on Wednesday. the 16«h inst.. at 3 p m For height or passage applv to KOE GUA\ Agents for Wee llln <f* GV, 10-5-00 29H o/‘ Singapore. WANTED. For 1st
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
  • 284 5 Obituary. Mir. E Nathan. 1 llK sad news was received in Singapore oil Saturday veuiug of I he death, which occured betwi-eu Aden and Colombo on the previous Tuesday, of Mr. Ezra Nathan, the well known Indian exchange and share broker, of lrwell Bank, Crange lid Singapore. The j decease
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  • 1591 6 Diary or a Jouknky. 10th April. 0 p. m. Arrived at Kuala Teiubeliug.! Diued with Datoh Peuglima Kakap Husiu. 11th April. Started up the Tembeliug. Passed tieram Ampai. Anchored for the night at Tiuia. 12th April. 5.510 a. ui. Resumed journey. 830 a. m. Arrive»l
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  • 124 6 Pknanu, 10th May. Hi/ courtesy oj the Chartered Hank L/oiioon Demand Kant 2/4* 4 month*’ sight Kant 2/4 3 Credit 2/lj 3 Documentary .2.4{J Omen»in, Demand Bant I»- 1/44 3 dats -dgiti i*»-. 177 B iiiiniv. D-jmand Ka<ii 171.1 Mounueiii. Demand Haul I 7 3J 3 days* sight Pm
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  • 221 6 Gold ieal 05. B. Pepper (W. Coast Hllts.-ao/.. i out oi >tod. White Pepper K 20.— metier*. Irani.' Pepper 21.87 4 sales Cloves (picked 42.— sale* Mace 81 —buyers Mace Pickings 70.— sell-rt Nutmegs 110 s 33. suits No. 1 6 sales Sugar 2 stock. Basket 82 6-t sales
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  • 337 6 Last Divideud. NiilllH limitations. Mining Bersawah Gold Miuiug Co. Ltd $l3 «tiler*. Bruseh Jl vdraulic Tiu Miuiug Co. Ltd -512.50 e s. for 1903 I>utf Development Co. Ltd. Karuugau Tin Miuiug Co. Ltd. Kiuta Tin Mi nos Ltd. New Gopeng Milling Co. Ltd. 1 Od paid February 1 00«».
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 67 6 Give Chamberlain’s Pain Balm a Trial No other liniment affords such prompt relief fi-?m rheumatic pains. No other is so valuable for deep seated paius like lame back and pains iu the chest. Give this liuimeul a trial and become acquainted with its ieniarkithlc qualities and you wrili never wish
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    • 30 6 THE CELEBRATED “S. B. Co.” GIN IN RED CASES. nnt/'lftrj-t, Huttery Ar Co Andrew Usher Co.’s SPECIAL KESERVE O.V.G. Whisky. SANDILANDS, BUTTER! Co.. AGENTS EOK PENANG A P. M. S.
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    • 268 6 JOHN TYNDALL Co.’s CELEBRATED PEACOCK *1» BRAND CEYLON TEAS. Cei titied by Dr. Donald of Penang as follows :—Messrs. Tyndall &C Peacock Brand Tea I have used and much appreciate Fxc»llent in flavour and freedom from the vegetable astringents which tend To produce digestive troubles. The above teas are sold
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 698 7 P. IBoi,” Cranes’ CYLINDER OIL. SarotilandUnitors ,v- Co. CHIN JOO CO., 95 5- /55 Beach Street, H A VE JUST RfiCEIVJBD WROUCHT-IRON TUBES AND FITTINGS better’s Patent Petroleum Engines. THE HOST PERFECT MOTOR OF THE Off. A Large Consignment of 'Pinned Provisions, Bcent°d Boap and Perfuinerv of the Best, quality.
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    • 83 7 A Safe Medicine. Mothers oi small children need in>t hesitate to administer Chain her lain’» Remedy. It contains uo opiate or narcotic in iinv form and may l>ei»iven to a baby with as much confidence as to an adult. It. alwavs cures and cures quickly. George Town Dispensary, General Aneuts,
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1145 8 Lim Sun Mo, CHOP tifc'NC 1 MOM A Colt 4, Beach Street, Penang. DENTISTRY importers of aP kinds of European Cloth and General Commission Agents. W. MANSON, American Dentist, Late of Dr. Allen Co., Pha, U.s.a THEAN E Co DENTISTRY. Dr. F A. MOFF ATT, R. D .S. 61 n
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