Straits Echo, 4 May 1906

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1123 1 ASAHI BEER TIANG LcE CO. SOLE AGENT*. ASAHI BEER. (BA** K S Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China. INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER. Hongkong A Shanghai Banking Corporation. Paii>-up-Capital Rksrkvk Fdmi)— $10,000,000 Capital Paul'up Reserve Fund Reserve Liability of Proprietors -tHOO/JUO i 1*75,000 Sterling Reserve $1u,000,000 ~I O Silver Reserve
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  • 2260 2 DiNNKK TO THIS ChINEsK COMMISSIONERS. The China Association entertained at dinner ou 10th ulto. at the Cafe Royal His Imperial Highness the Duke Tsai T/.e ami their Excellencies «Sbacg Chi hung ami Li Sheng-10, members of the Chinese Commission at present in this country. Alaiut 1 50 guests
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  • 87 2 It you have an attack of rheumatism and Cbamlrei lam’s Pain Balm gets you back to work in a few days, will it not par foritselseveral tones over? 'l l e.e is no need of suff !e:ing from rheumatism for a month or six weeks inclining the
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  • 1272 2 Tuesday, ,11st July Ihursday 2nd August and Saturday, 4th August. To be Considered at a General Meeting to be held on Monday, 30th April, 1906, NOTICE. —r~ No amendments to this I'rog ram lire will be considered uuless due notice is
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 68 2 Give Chamberlain's Pain Balm a Trial. No other liuuueut affords such pi\ mpi lelief from rlieumatic pains. No other is so valuable for de-p seated pains like lame back ami pains in the chest. Give this liniment a trial and Lecoine acquainted e-ith its ietnarkable qualities and you will never
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    • 348 2 NOTICE. ON and after this date, all small advertisements intended for insertion in the Straits Echo must be paid for in advance. LIM SENG HOOI, 25(b July 1905 Managing Director. Penang Orchestral Society. VN Amateur Orchestra is now iu formation, under theeonductorship of Mr. L •Schmebnkh. Anyone playing either string
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    • 606 2 THE FRENCH CONFECTIONERY, 17/1, Northern Road, The «niy Confectionery in Penang in which everything is absolutely made by European hands. Ice Creams, Fancy Cakes, Teas, American Cold Drinks, during the day till 11 p.m. Wedding Cakes, Madeira Cake, Plum Cake, etc., etc., made to order at the shortest notice. The
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    • 365 2 Lamps, from the liest English maker. Elec- tuc or Caudle Lights, bigger size horse n«ck llells, patent, Alarm Dells and Horns, E. S. I*, or 1) M. pair horse jsde chains, metal a ml leather rein clips, leather or fell horse false collars, thick felt saddle cloth or Nuinua. Fresh
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  • Shipping.
    • 159 3 pACHUMBA.Br. s8, 544, Cruz, 4tli May, Moulmeiu, 20tli Apr (feu., H. L. Co. Agamemnon, Br. a 4.461. Kobiuson. 4tli May, Macassar, Dili Apr., Deli., W M. Co. Perak, Br. 21*7. Buchanan, 3rd May, Singapore, 1st May, Geu.. Iv. G Co. Mary Austin. Br. ss, 121, Campliell, 3rd May, Port
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    • 49 3 Dli May. Cornelia, for Port Swettenliani aud Malacca. Perak, lor Port Swettenliani aud Siugapore. Chan Tai. tor Perlis aud Setul. Lady Weld, for Teiuk Ausou. flying Drayon, for Port Weld and Taipiug. Tate Tony, for 'I’rang. filotrain, for Rangoon and Calcutta taking mails for Europe, etc., via Bombay.
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  • 54 3 Vch min From A'jeiUs I hie Hellas Hamburg B.M.&Co. 7th May. I’euloinoud LoudoU S. B.&Co. 7th Ivutsang Kawachi Singapore B.&Co. 7th Maru Singapore B&Oo. 11th Longsou Singapore B.&Co. 14th Glenesk Singapore B &Co. 15th Ambria Hamburg B.M &Co. PI 8th Beuavou Loudon S.B&Co. 19th Klienauia Hamburg BM&Co. 24th Benarty
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  • 63 3 1 f'X**/* bur At trul* Leuven Hellas Singapore li M.ACo. 7th May Benloniouti Singapore SB ACo. 7th Kutsaug Kawaclii Calcutta B.ACo 7th Mar u; Europe 1» ACo. 12th OUgSOll Europe li ACo. loth Gleuesk Singapore B.ACo. 15th Ambria Singapore B M ACo. 18th Benavon Singapore Singapore S B ACo.
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  • 87 3 For Fort Swettenliani—Per Mary Amlin, 5th instant, 1 pin. I)eli—Per Avayyee, 5tb instant, I p.m. Paugkalan Braiulau—Per Petrel, 5th instant, 1 p.m. Mergui, '1’avov and Moulmeiu—Per Pachuinha, to morrow, I p.m. Paugkor aud Teiuk Ausou—Per Lanykal, to-morrow, 2 p.m. Port Swettenliani aud Singapore—Per Jin Ho, to-morrow, 2 p.m.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 679 3 P.4 0 o* I Ifc 8. N, Co. ttr/trctiui Arriralg and Departure*. Mail Service. Outwards ttCarries first and second saloon passengers. §Does not carry passengers. •(Jailing at Marseilles. VARBS BY EXTRA STEAMERS. 1st Class, -ml Class. I o i joudou by sea To Marseilles £45 £41 £32 £30 RETURN TICKETS
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    • 324 3 (SHIPPIN G.) Hamburg-Amerika Linie, Hamburg 4.. I he Sir; n eis of this Company maintain a Regular Servici Outwariik —Between Hamburg. Bremen, Antwerp, Rotterdam, I’enaug, Singapoie I Hongkong, Yokohama ani l\oi*e. Homrwvriis— Bet wwii Japan. Cliina, the Straits, Colombo, Havre and Hamburg. PASSENGER STEAMERS. OUTWARDS. HOMEWARDS. s.s. Hhcuania due about
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    • 93 3 For Singapore, Hongkong, Swatow and Amoy. rilHK n.g. Hong Wan I, Capt. J. S a'vta, I. will leave tor t lie alum* por.,*, on Monday, the 7th iuat., at 3 p.m. For freight or pas&age apply to KOK GUAN Co, Agents firr Wee Bin (Jo., 2-5-00 273 of Singapore. PASSAGES
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  • 102 4 Justice satisfleeeverybody and justice alone.—B>nsr«o»». Established June Ist, 1903 Published daily (except Sunday?.) AT TII CRITERION PRESS, Ltd., No. 226—232, Beach Street. P«uanj I RICE DAILY LOCAL 12» per annum OUTSTATIONS Postage Extra. MAIL EDITION (Post Kiee* $l5 CABLE ADDRESS: Echo —Penang.” Telephone N<>. IBH. A.S.- U
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  • Current Topics.
    • 329 4 We are pleased to see that the Railway anthori- ties seem to be recovering to some extent from the panic which affected them over tlie cholera outbreak in the Province. In the first instance they ran riot absolutely. They would not allow passengers to go to the stations in
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    • 339 4 The time of the Police Courts is always being wasted by silly little cases in which some haml-carfc puller or bul-lock-cart driver is charged with obstruction. We do not menu to say that these cases are unnecessary, but we do think that some other system of procedure might be
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    • 755 4 So long as the world exists there will always, we presume, be pigeons ami pigeon pluckers. We i have just been given a circular letter received by a reader, from a London tirm, which speaks for itself. The recipient has never heard of the firm in question before,
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  • 93 4 New Gopeno, Limited. 3rd May, 11»0G liiE following aie the returns from the above mine for the month of April V ut P ,,t 284 pie ,U Approximate value $15,050 Receipts trout sale of rubber §1,282 Working expenses 84.100 Approximate profit $l2 332 Ihe tiuancial year ot the Corn
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  • 246 4 The Labour Difficutly J he output of tin in Banka coulinues to fall off. In the financial year, closing ou the 25th Februiry last, the out:uru of the metal was 145 298 piculs against 148. piculs in the previous year The labour force is also dwindling and ouly
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  • 246 4 Banoala, an Arab, was arraigned at the I irst Court before Mr. Hereford this morning on three charges, viz., being iu possession Jof nine packets of illicit cliandu valued at a dollar per packet, (2) voluntarily causing hurt to a police constable and (3; ruuuiug away from legal
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  • 253 4 Gulf Championship. The Second Ties must be played off by Sunday, the 13tli iust. Both rouuds must lie played iu one day. Lawn Tennis Tournament. The following are the results of ties played yesterday'd Double*: Mr. and Mrs. Anderson beat Mrs. Hilton aud G. Mugiistou, ti—o,6—l. Mrs.
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  • 385 4 (h'rom Our then Correspondent Kean*;, 2m] \i„ Aiiek an absence of over two l v Father Pluvius j 8 0 n a visit t„ Ug U,, lB plan lets are evidently please l at 11,<3 showers ot rain tailing almost d iib U V l.kelv tU. llii, «IS,
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  • 627 4 Dr. Liai Boon Kenq’s Mission. 1 As many know, Dr. Li in Boon h'eng, „f Singapore, has lakeu a deep iuterest in the question of education for the Chinese youth oflM»thsexes,n m ely from the utilitarian point of view hut from the true Chineseethical aud historical point of view,
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 290 4 TO-NIGHT AND EVERY NIGHT, AT 9 P.M. Corner of Penang Road and WAYANG KASSIM. The liidm Zuuihur Royal Theatrical Com* pain of Singapore. Campbell Street. Matsuo's Japanese Cinematograph. We claim to be the BAXIITTJtf: OF Cinematographi The Grandest Largest Show travelling East. ALL NEW FILMS! ALL NEW FILMS!! EVERY PICTURE
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  • 34 4 Domestic Occurrence. Dkath (Bv Telegram, from Brussels). Madame Rossignou. wife of the late Joseph Rossi g on. Procureiir du Roi. Brussels, and mother of Mrs. John Mitchell. Penang, and Mrs. E. M Janion. Singapore.
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    • 130 5 Cabinet Changes. ('Viip/'liw/ by lieiilrr.) I>■•11(*****, 3rd M iv. —The Si. Petersburg cm te->pnud«ul of the Daily Telegraph wires I lint the Reactionary M Dournovo, Miuister of ihe Interior, lias boeu dismissed. M. Goremykin. an Extreme iaaureaucial au<l the eueiuy <»t Con,.t Witte, succeeds the latter, w |j< •>••
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    • 142 5 The Indian Frontier (Supplied by lieu ter.) Loudon, 3rd May.— Mr. Lynch, M.P. asked iu the House whether, in view of the effect of the penetration of Russian influence iu Persia upon the froutiei problem iu India, Mr. John Morley, the Secretary of Stale for India, would refuse to
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    • 27 5 Latent Movements. (Supplied by Reuter.) Loudou, 3rd May. Queeu Alexandra has gone to Rome ami the Prince and Priutess of Wales have left Gibraltar homeward bouud.
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    • 26 5 Punitive Operations. (Supplied by Reuter.) Loudou. ord May—l'uuitive operations liuve commenced iu Zululaud, a iminl*er of kraals have beeu burned and quautitie* of cattle seized.
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    • 29 5 insurance Losses. (Supplied by Renter.) Loudon. did May. —The losses ol the Scottish Union and National Insurance Coin panics over the San Francisco disaster amount to <£'260,000.
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    • 40 5 ifestuwing Orders. 1 (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 3rd May. —The Sultan has eouIWred the Order of the Osinauioh mjl iu brilliants upon the Kaiser’s time youngest sous and tin* Cordon of t lie Chefakat upon the Kaiser’s daughter.
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    • 28 5 The Kaiser’s Qift- (X/i« Ottos i>Ui*cbn Lloyd'* Service.) IWlin. Ith May.—The Kaiser has personally sent Priuce von lUilow a birthday present ol a china vasts.
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    • 26 5 The Suburban Railway (The "'o*la*iatueler Lloyd* Service Berlin, 4»h May.—The Siemens Halsko firm will ooustruc-t the Hamburg Suburban Railway at a cost of forty-two millions.
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    • 20 5 The Conference. (Supplied by Reuter.) London. :lrd Slg-« u,„i,h»l tint the Colonial Conference «ill meet in April. 1907.
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    • 15 5 Quiet Restored (Supplied by Renter Loudou, 3rd May.— Paris h.«s resumed its. normal asject
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    • 21 5 Persian Frontier Dispute (The Ogl itsiainfrlier Lloyd Set rice.) Berlin, 4th May.—The Porte is conceding over the Persiau frontier dispute
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    • 51 5 (Supplied by Reuter.) London. M ay4‘li.—The Opposition hi the House of Commons will meet the s coinl reading of (lie Education Bill with a direct negative A Select Committee lias lieen appointed to consider tiie graduation of the lucome Th x. Count Witte is retiring into private life
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  • 188 5 Imperial Messages Exchanged. The Imperial Mausoleum and Palace at Mukdeu weie recently handed over to the Geuer lof Shingkiug. Iu this connection the Emperor of China iddiessed the following telegram to the Mikado through the Chinese Minister at Tokio: The Euijieror of China respectfully enquire* as to
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  • 439 5 It may be remembered that a* the liegiuuing of February tire world was regaled with sensational news about Japanese travellers who were returning to th ir home-laud from Syduey, Australia, aud were represented as having been fouud carrying, concealed iu their baggage, plans of the Sydney forts.
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  • 959 5 Thu Millions <>k the East. The following interesting letter from the Far East deals with tli«* re arming of China I from a new point of view T aud suggests a curious historical parallel. Jt is seut I to 7’.« Pail;/ Chronicle by Mr. Oswald I T. 'I’
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  • 170 5 Accused Discharged Mr. Column iu the Siugapoie Third j Court on Monday afternoon discharged l Ailing bin Amin, who was found not gmltv jot the fraudulent possession of 48 boxes of rubber plants, value JotHi, on hoard the s.s Romeo in the harbour An ug
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  • 87 5 To-day. J 11th t»ay, 4th Football Match Y'.M .C.A. v*. St. X., Sepoy Lines. Municipal Commission, 3 p.m. Town Band, Esplanade, t> to 7 p.m. Rarsee New- Elphiustoue Theatrical Company. King Street Theatre. 9 p.m Matsuo’s J.ipauese Cinematograph. Corner of Penang Road and Cumpliel! Stieet, 9 p.m. To-morkow 12th
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  • 19 5 English (Oceana) loth MayChina Dcrauha) 12th Germ iu (Sachsen) ltith Indian Teesta) 17lh Chiua P. Heiu'irh) 29th
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 9 5 The French Confectionery. ]7a, Nortlmni Road. TO-NUillT au«l I.«mou.
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    • 83 5 Children When Teething. This is the most dangerous age in the life of a child. At this time they have more or less diarrluea, which weakens the system and renders the child more susceptible to disease. Any unusual looseness of the bowels should be promptly controlled, which can l*e done
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    • 300 5 NOTICE. He 'lhe Penang Steam Saw Miu Co. HAVING Ihnmi appoint***! Liquidator of •he above Company I do hereby notify to all persons to wlk in it may concern that ail the monies due ami owing to the said Company must lie paid to me on or before ihe 3lst
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    • 468 5 F. M. S. Railways. (The International Hole Owing to sin out-lnviik jof liolcni passenger* will not bo hooked to or from Nihong Tebal Station until further notiro, am! perishable traffic will not lie accepted for conveyance therefrom. Passengers ami perishable traffic will not lie booked from Niingei Bakap. SimPENANG. Menus
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 30 5 WEATHER. Thk tuilowm*.' report 1» kunliv supplied bt the Signal I >irrxMi>r of Fort Ooruwaliis The rainfall «luriug the *24 hours ninleii at f* to-ilav wa- 2 11- mrlies.
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  • 120 6 Pksang, 4th May. li<j courtesy oj the Chartered Itauk bdiiHrti Demand Bank 1 4 months’ Sitfht Bun Tji 3 Credit 3 Documentary -4^ Cat* oita, Demand Bank R> 174.) 3 davs’ sigh' iVva'o 177 B niiiiav. Demand I 4.) Mouitneili, Demand Ban» 1.3,' -3 days’ sight I’rvu e
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  • 221 6 li»ht leat 05 B. Pepper(W Coa>t i out <» >»».•/ White Pepper -8. sellers. [Tang Pepper 21.50 —nominal Cloves (picked) 4.2. —sales Mace 81 —buyers Mace Pickings 70.— sellers Km megs 110 s 33. sales C No. 1 000 sales Sugar 2 u.. stock. Basket 2 80 sales
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  • 631 6 'z‘~ Number of Capital. Shares y^] Sl,e bast Dividend. Name. Quotations. z issued. j "Js Zlm 1 Mining 1900 S 175,000 14,000 10 1' Kersawah Gold Mining Co. Ltd. $13 /sellers. 1901 600.000 60 000 10 It Hruseli Hvdraulic Tin Mining Co. bid $12.50 sales. 1903 X 4(0.000 350,000
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
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    • 212 6 JOHN TYNDALL Co.’s CELEBRATED SR PEACOCK BRAND CEYLON TEAS. Cei titled by Dr. Donald of Penang as follows :—Messrs. Tyndall Co’s Peacock Brand Tea I have used and much appreciate. Excellent in flavour and fivedoni from the vegetable astringents which tend to produce digestive troubles. Arch. Donald, /W. D„ M.
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  • 197 7 Captain llarbord. Assistant. Resident in i lie Sokoto province, who lias had much exjiericnce in South Africa and California, has submitte a valuable report on this subject from Northern Nigeria After much iu'piiry and personal ius peel ion, he pronouuces the district north of Sokoto to lie “an
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  • 287 7 A Great Discovery. Mr. Toiu Islngauii, Director of the fshigauii Epidemic Laboratory, Osako, has discoveied a cure for tulrerculosis, which seems near to perfection. He is a wellkuowu doctor, who accompanied Dr. Aoyama to Ilougkoug for the purpose of making researches with regard to tlie plague. For the last
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 637 7 P. Mair Cranes’ G V hi kJ\L> Is jIL* v rjf/' l‘etter’s Patent Petroleum Engines. THE HOST PERFECT MOTOR OF THE OUT. For Quotations and Catalogues APPLY TO SANOIUNHS. ItUTTERY Co, Sole Agents, N(i S F. M S Jeyes’ Piiri/ier, f V\ J, ■3 CM mu. tv 'XI m 4
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    • 74 7 Chamberlain's Cough Remedy Gives Satisfaction Hverywhere. ‘•1 have l»een selliug Chatnberlaiu’s Cough Keinedy in niv retail shop of this place for six years, says Adolph Ahrahutnsou of I)urbanville, Cape Colony. I hud it to wive satisfaction with the people who use it and it is the Itest sellei of any
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1306 8 Lim Sun Ho, CHOP rffc'NG MOH Co. lb 4, Beach Street, Penang. DENTISTRY. importers of all kinds of European Cloth and Genera] Commission Agents. 61 o Kim Keng Leong Co, 127, BEACH STREET. W. MAN SON, American Dentist, Late of Dr. Allen Co., Pha U.X/j Charges Moderate, Consultation Tree. RKBIDINQ
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