Straits Echo, 3 May 1906

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1138 1 TIANG CO., SOLE AGENTS. ASAHI BEER. BANKS. Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China. Hongkong Sc Shanghai Banking Corporation. INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER. $10.0' »0,000 Capital Paul up Reserve Fund Reserve Liability of Proprietors JtHOO.OOO J. 075,000 Paid-up-Capital Reserve FUND Sterling Reserve $10,000,000 |t Silver JWrve 9,500,0<X> j S ,9
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  • 839 2 Thk Russian Commission of iu<jiiirv which was appointed to inquire touching j the snrreuder of Pori Arthur holds that j the forties* might have been hold lor two j months longer. It censures General Siocs- •el for surrendering wilhmit the knowledge or concurrence of any of his
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 86 2 Chamberlain's Cough Remedy Gives Satisfaction Everywhere. “I h*v« been selling Chanrlrerlain's Cough Remedy >“ ni .V retail shop of this place for six years,” says Adolph Abrahatnsou of J>urbauville, Gape Colony. 1 find it to give satisfaction with the people who use it and it is the l>est seller of
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    • 2441 2 3STOTICB. and after this date, all small advertisements intended £«r insertion in the Straits Echo must be paid for in advance. LIM SENG IIOOI. i 25)li July 1905 Managing Direc'or. Penang Orchestral Society. 4 s d. JL tl TEE FRENCH CONFECTIONER?, 17/f, Northam Road, Amateur Orchestra is now in formaion,
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  • Shipping.
    • 79 3 Thodk Taoflgni», Nor. s.d., 2,82 b, Agerup, 3rd May. l»t May, Machinery, G. A Co. Koon Ger. s.s 5,034, Mentors, 2ud May, Hamburg. 22nd Mar., Oeu —l>. M. A Co. Thonowa, I'r ss. 3,42%, Whitehead, 3rd May, Madras, 23id Apr.. Gen. H L. A Co Corn ßLia, 15r. s
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    • 45 3 3rd May Taw Tony, for Trail);. Han Whatt Soon, for LaUt'kat. Thongwa, for Singapore ('avton, for Paugkor and 'J'eluk Anson. Flying Fish, for Port Weld and Taipiug. A. A/war, for Calcutta. On Sony, for Calcutta. Dr Kock, for Deli, Hajau, Edie and T Seuiawe.
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  • 70 3 -> HI Hhn ,T r 1 rstfci* From Aijeitf* Due Hellas Hamburg B.M.&Co. 7tli Mav. I’eulonioud London S.B.ACo. 7th K ulsauu' Kawachi Stuirapore B itCi». 7ti> Maru Singapore B.«iOo. 11th !4tir fjOD^Son Singapore B A Co. <} leeo-k Silica pore B A Co. 15ih A ml>i ia H ami
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  • 63 3 1 F..r A'jen/x Leuven Hellas Singapore H MAOo. 7 th May Benloinoud Singapore fcLK&O». 7th KutsaiU' Kawaclii Calcutta 11. A Co 7th Mai u Europe ll.a&Co. 12» h 1 .OUgSOll Clones k Europe 1» ACo. loth Silica jane B.&Co. 15th Amhria Singapore B M &GV 18th lleuavoii Singapore S
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  • 71 3 Kok Poll Swetteuham and Malacca—-Per Cornelia, to-morrow, 1 p.m. Port Swettenliam and Singapore—Per Perak, to-morrow, 1 p.m. Perlis and Setul—Per Clian Tai, tomorrow, 2 p.m. Teluk Anson—Per Lady Weld, to-morrow, d p.m. iiangoou and Calcutta taking mails for Europe, etc... via Boinlwv —Per Bha rata, to-morrow, 4pm. Port
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1293 3 (SHIPPIN G.) p. o. isbktiiL a. Co. INTENDED SAILINGS. British India Steam Navigation Co., .Ltd. Mbepected Arrivals and Departures. Mail Service. Outwards May 10 s>. Oceana connecting with h.s. Moldavia 24 8.«. Arcadia <lo s.s. Mongolia .lane 7 h.s. Delta do s. Britannia May Homewards 12 s.s. Devanlia 2»> s.s.
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    • 143 3 For Singapore, Hongkong, Swatow and Amoy. «.a. Homj Wan Capt. J. Slaker, l will leave for the al>ove ports, ou the 7t 1» inst., at, 8 p,in. For freight or jiassage apply to KOE (JUAN Co., Agents for Wee Bin <l' Co., 2 <M> 278 of Singapore. For Singapore, Hongkong,Swatow
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  • 116 4 J***l it-3 natiHrte»everybody and justice alone.— Emerson. Established June Ist, 1903 Published daily (except Sundays.* AT IHI CRITERION PRESS, LM.. No. 226—222, Beach Street. Penan.’ PRICE DAILY LOCAL per aiuiu •> V OUTBTATIONB Postage Extra. MAIL KDITION <Post Kiee* Sir, CAULK ADIMtKSS: Echo —Penang." Telephone N<‘. 18X.
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  • Current Topics.
    • 305 4 To the. ordinary pedestrian strolling down our streets the problem of traffic must nl- ways apj eai. There are vehicles i»t all sorts» ami descriptions constantly passing to ami t‘ro ami theie is such a general mix up that the onlooker wonders why it is that accidents do
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    • 372 4 Our contemporary seems to have developed a panic aud have Irecome imbued with the idea that we are all dying of choleia. As a matter'd fact we art* not. There has not, so f ir. l*een a single case of cholera in Penang, and. if we run on
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  • 38 4 Thkkk will l*e a rule on Sunday inorumg, tie bill inst. Meet at the Parade Ground .it 7 and tinish at the Swimming Club, where breakfast will be provided for meui•beis aud their friend*.
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  • 239 4 P. C. C. vs. N. League. j Revoke a large crowd of spectators the League match between the P. C C. and Northern League was played on the Esplauade yesterday afternoon aud lesulteJ in a wiu for the Club by one goal to nil. Roth teams played unusually well
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  • 137 4 Lawn Tennis Tournament The following are the results of tins played yesterday: Ladies Championship: Miss Tozer beat Mrs. Stitt, b—3,b —4. Ladies' Single* Handicap: M*s Murray **•<*. Mrs. Welham aerate'ted Men's Double* Handicap F O. Hailifax and D Beatty beat R. C. Criswick au<l A G. Authonv, b—l.
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  • 376 4 The following are the Agenda for the Ordimrv Meeting of the Commissioners to--1 uiorrow 1. Mi.iuii*s of last ince’ing I*e irid and conti rmed. ■J Aliy spacial business the iali'iit mav bring forward. 3 truest ions. 1. Letter from Rand Committee 5. Applications for the post of Veterinary
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  • 55 4 The mail brings nows that Messrs, bill diaril ami Middleton have decided to pav a visit to IVuiUg with tlieir company of Bijou Troubadours ”ouoraliout lu.hjnne The company lias lately been touring ludia I and our contemporaries speak most highly 'of these juvenile performers, whose a es
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  • 162 4 To l.e held at the Race Course ou Thursday, 24th Ma ltM_Kj, nude** the auspices of the Penang Hu t Club Programme Prizes Silver Cups. I Best smooth haired Fox Terrier ***** II do do Hog 111 Best rough haired Fox Terrier L>og or ***** IV Best
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  • 189 4 Annual Meeting. At the Annual MreMng of the Planters' Associations held at the Selau.or Club, an important step affecting the constitution of these bodies was taken bv dissolving the S. P. A and amending the Rules of the U. P. A. so as to admit iu futuie of
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  • 445 4 Kegistered ou March 7th, with capital of £20,000 in 4:1 shales, to acquire and deal in land or other immovable property iu the Malay Peninsula, or elsewhere, to adopt au agreement with P. W. Parkinson, to carry on any investment, financial aud agency business, to erect
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  • 61 4 Kinta Tin Mines, Ltd. The following are the returns for ‘he mouth of April ou 'P u s 3«0 piculs. Approximate alue Sl5 t>o<J Receipts front Water Reut 5^ Working Fxpetises 4 800 Approximate Profit ***** Jeher Hydraulic Tin Mining Co., Ltd. The produce of this Company’s mine, at
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  • 177 4 The following letter to the Editor is published by the Tjoiidon and China Expre Silt, —The attention of our clieuts, the Directors of the Perak Rubber Plantations. Limited, has lieen called to various statements iu the Press purporting to emanate from Londou to the effect that
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  • 483 4 The Share Market. M essks J. Ru-s-dl Uraut A Co., in their Rublier Sliaie Market Keport dated 12th April, write: The coming holidays aud the settlement I have dominated lie Rubber share market j during the week, and though there has leeu uo special fpiture a fair Ainouut of
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 240 4 Eastern Oriental Hotel, r PENANG. FINEST ToSITION. Electric Li< t. The Compa r y runs Steamers and Steam Launches regularly Between Penang, Port Swettenham A Singapore, s. S. Pin Seng leaves Penang every Tuesday at l- p.m. Between Penang and Langkat. S. S. Ban Whatt Soon leaves Penang every alternate
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    • 66 4 (live Chamberlain's Fain Halm |,U J No other liniment affords s»k*li prenipt relief from rheumatic paius. No other valuable for dtvpseated pains like kune >.u and paius in the chest. Give this luu'iie a trial and I ecome acquainted r ith »t* rt markable qualities and you will nawr to
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  • 110 4 Obituary. Mrs. Chung Ah Ming. Wk extiemely regret to learn, just as u P;** 8 Sil >' 8 Tuesday’s Perak Pi„ ue <»t t lie (loath of Mrs. Chung Ah Mini; Tl yomii: bride. wlmse marriage was celebrated with gteat eclat, scarcely mouth f .11 quite recently. A fatal termination’was
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    • 242 5 Many Arrests in Paris 1 Supplied by I,‘tu p, I >* union, 2nd May.—Paris wa« in an exu»<<i stale veslerday morning Bv eleven «> clock. a lumLe.l ami Ht't.y people were arrested for refusing to move on and the crowd stoned the Chauimndeau Barracks, when the police charged
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    • 127 5 The Porte still Obstinate. (Supplied by lieuler Loudon, -ml May.—Sir Edward Grey, speaking iu the House of (Jommous, said that, so far, the Porte had declined to withdraw the Turkish foicefrom Tahali pending a general settlement by a joint delimitation of the frontier. The Porte has informed Sir
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    • 110 5 The New Treaty. (Snpp ied by Reuter.) Loudon, 2ud May.— Lord FitatMaurice, speaking in the House of Lords, said that the Treaty signed at Peking on 27th April secures the adhesion of China to the Lhasa Couveutiou, but iu uowise alters the arrangements thereunder. Great Britain undertakes not to
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    • 74 5 The Native Rising (Supplied by Reuter Loudou, 3rd May.—The natives iu northern Nat 1 are showiug restlessness. All reservists in Durban have l»een compulsorily ordered to parade for tin* purpose of impressing the natives. London, 3rd May.—The Premier of Cape Colonv iias offered Natal a Maxim Mule Battery to
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    • 28 5 A New Cabinet Supplied by Reuter Loudon, 3rd May.—M. Pasios has formed a tServ au Cabiuet, favouring the immediate Mttlement of the. regicid* question aud Anglo-Serviau relations-
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    • 29 5 New Zealand's Help(Supplied by Reuter.) Loudon. 2nd May.—New Zealand is remittiuir the iuai of a thousand pounds fur the relief of «he sufferer* from the •lapaneM* fuiuine.
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    • 64 5 Count Witte. (Supplied l>y lieuler.) Loudon, 2ud May It is generally reported that Count Witte has resigned. (The o*l uxiotiteher Lloyds Service.) Berlin, 3rd May.—Count Witte? ha* again asked to lie allowed to resign, on account of the leictimiary character of the new Russian Imperial Council. The Tsar appears
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    • 57 5 The deduction in Duty Supplied i y Ri tiler.) Loudon, 2nd May.—The House of Commons has unanimously passed the lesolutiou for the reduction of the let dutv The Tea Buyers’ Association has telegrapued to Mr. Asquith that the reduction ot a penny per pound is absolutely unsatisfactory ami they
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    • 35 5 The Koyal Marriage. (Supplied by Renter.) Loudon, 3rd May.— lvmg Alfonso, the Dowager of Spain, Princess Ena, her mother aud brothers have motored from •Southampton to London. King Alfouso is staving at Buckingham Palace.
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    • 27 5 A New Premier. (Supplied by Renter.) Loudon, 3rd May.- Priuce Hohenloe. the Governor of Trieste, has been appointed Austrian Premier, leplaciug Baron Gautsch. who has lesigued.
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    • 15 5 The Budget. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 2ud May.—Tin* new Budget i described as humdrum.
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    • 16 5 The Kaiser. (The (JutasnUischer Lloyds' Scrriee. Berliu, 3rd May.—The Kaiser his returu ed to Potsdam.
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    • 90 5 The Olympic Games (Supplied by Renter.) Loudon, 3rd May—ln the Marathon race at Athens there were 33 competitors, including 2ti Greeks, seven Britons and five Americans The eutire course of twenty s*x miles was hue l bv spectators aud immense enthusiasm evince»!. Herring, the Ca uadiau, won the
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    • 53 5 The Two Thousand Supplied, by lieuler.) Loudon, 3rd May.—The tesult of the Two thousainl Gmueas is r Gorgos 1 Dime Agneteolt 2 Ramrod 3 Twelve ran au»l the bettiug at the start, was twentv to one against Gorg»»s, a hundred to eight against Dame Aguetcolt aud a hundred to
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  • 197 5 H. M. S. Donegal." The Strakdiwo Court Martial. Before a court martial at Devonport on 9t h ulto. Capt. William J. Grogau, Lieuteuants Lewis T Jones (N.) and Cecil R. Henmans, aud Sub-Lieutenant Humphrey William Best, of the ciuiser Donegal, were charged with negligently or by default, stranding or haxatdiug
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  • 1332 5 THK BOATRACIi. CAMBRIDGE’S EASY WIN. j JXPANEHK SPECIAL AGENTS K>R loNLION. BRITISH (iOVKKNMEt- T To HAVE AN ORIENTAL DEPARTMENT. (From Our Otru Correspondent.) 1 Fleet Street, 3th April.—For once iu. a while the great law trace was rowed iu weather that was lievoud criticism. How often have
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  • 342 5 Now, they siuiply have to wear the coni ract things given to them and we may soon expect to see European police officers have to enter the Courts barefooted for fear of interrupting the proceedings, or having to track criminals iu their socks so as to advance silently.— Doily
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  • 89 5 To-dat. 10th l y, Jth .\l-*oi.. Town Band, Chinese Recieatiou Club, 5 to 7 p m. Parsee New Klphinstone Theatrical Company, Iytug Sueet Theatre, 9 Matsuo’s Japanese Cinematogiaph, Corner of Penang Road and Campbell Street, 9 p.m. To-morrow. 111th Day, lib M.h.u Football Match .M C tv. S*
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  • 31 5 1 Ol* till Moon May Silt 7. r u Last Quarter loth 22 7. r.M. O New M eon 23rd 3<MJ i* m. First Quarter 3 1st 1.23.7. r.M.
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  • 21 5 English Oceana lOth May. j China (DsvanJm) 12*h German (Sachsen > lb h IndUu (Jeeetu) 17th Ofcina (l Heinrichs 2P-li
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  • 48 5 P. O. SAILINGS. 'I i Outw ait i* s 111 > m k«v a k Oceana tO Way. 1 Ihranha V 2 May f Arcadia '»4 Delhi *6 I xira Sr r Outwards. llihikm umi* Pethoumr a May. Soeotia ll May Palma /.> Manila 19 ifciT p, *r particulars s.**
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 15 5 The French Confectionery. 17a, Northain Road. 'fO-HIOHT Coffee au<l Vanilla. *u<l ayaufiv “1 ,<:lk s
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    • 84 5 A Safe Speculation. If you uu attack of rlieuiiintisiii and Chamberlain's Pam l>alin gels you Iwrk to work in a tow Java, will it not pay teriiseb uovoral t imos otroiV There is no need of suff feeing from rheumatism for a month or six woek* inclining the expeuse of
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    • 59 5 A Safe Medicine. M..t) ■< of'mail children need not lied tale to administer Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It contains nr» opiate or narcoticj in anv tori» and may be giveu to a baby with as much confidence as to an adult. It ulwavs j cures and ■cutes quickly. George Town Dispensary,
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    • 270 5 To-day’s Advertisements. THE GEORGE TOWN DISPENSARY LIMITED. "\rOTICE is hereby given tliat the Auil uual General Meeting of the Shareholders of tlie above Company will,lie held at the office of the Company, No. 37a Beach Street, Pen an g, on Monday, the 14th May, 1906, at 3.30 pin for the
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    • 312 5 NOTICE!, Consulate f«r the Netherlands. IM’ lu Moudtv, tfol November, ll*<K*. J teml**rn will l*e hi ilh\ Office of the Resident of Kliii» aud Dependencies at Taujong Piuaiig lor: The Farm having the right to tidi for pearl shell, mother of-p*arl she'ls and tripang in the water* of the Residency
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous

  • 171 6 Saved from the Scaffold. New Yoi k, Feb. 21. Mount Holly prison, flew Jersey, Ims bean the iceue of a dramatic confession ot murder, tbe avowal of which lias saved an iuuocent man from llie scaffold. A iliiet, uatned Johnson. bad l>eeu condemned or. circumstantial evidence to
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  • 333 6 A Hongkong Injustice. Thus a rcceut issue of the Chino Mai': A few days ago a case came up for heat mg at the Magistracy that attracted less attention than it should have done. A Chinaman living ill tbe top Hat of a house found himself deprived of water
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  • 353 6 SOMt: CONCLUSIVE fjXrKKIMKM>. Under the heading “To C'ouqiter j j Plague’ tin* Timeti of imho says: —An important step forward iu the inquiry into the causes, origin, and transmission of plague is now iu process of completion by tlie Plague Research Commission at work at the
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  • 126 6 I’ksano, dan May. (tty courtesy oj the Chartered Hank L«ni.ion Demand lta.ul. ...2/4 l 4 mouths* sigh» Hun 2/4g 3 Credit 2/ 1 3 Documentary 21; Calcutta. Demand Bank K-* 17 4 A 3 davs* sigiit i’Dvuie 177 Bombay. Demand Bank 171.^ Mouimein, Demand Bain 1 3 days’ sight
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  • 217 6 Gold leaf 5 Go. B. Pepper (W. Coast :tlh«.. -»*>/..» out <»/ stuci White Pepper *2B .—sel'ers. Trane Pepper 21.50 —nominal Cloves (picked) 4-2. cafe» \Jace 81 —buyers Mace Pickings* "o. —setters Nutmegs 1 lOs 33. sates i No. i 0 CK> sates Sugar < 2 1)0 b lia.**
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  • 642 6 5 ’-5 1 Nuiubet of j 8bUe |>i V idend N nut* Quotations, i 5 O.ipital. Shares r 1 «*ast PivtUeml. issued. i Mining liRK) 176 000 1 4,«)0<> lO l* 1 1 Gold Mining Co. Ltd. #lo telle»*. UK»1 600.000 60 000 10 10 jBruseh Hydraulic
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
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    • 206 6 JOHN TYNDALL Co.’s CELEBRATED <$ a /> ®,<3 ga A BRAND PEACOCK 4; CEYLON TEAS. Certilied by Dr. Don;»Id of Penang as follows:—Messrs. Tyndall s Peacock Brand Tea I have used and much appreciate. Excellent in flavour and fr< eiioiu from the vegetable astringents which tend to produce digestive troubles.
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  • 943 7 Great Achievement or an Intkepid Traveller C lcutta, IHi h April.—Mr. Young. interviewed, stalHh that leiving Tientsin on Ist October last veir lie travelled by sea to Haiphong. After passing through Tougkiug lie reeuteel Chinese territory at Laokai from which point till reaching India the
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 638 7 P. fWuir Cranes’ CYl.iNDfclW OiL.. .</tnJil*nd '«r/«rfft ,S* Co. NOTICE. I‘etter's Patent Petroleum Engines. THE HOST PERFECT MOTOR OF THE DAY. For Quotations and Catalogues APPLY TO SANDIUNIIS. IIIITTF.ItY A Co, Sole Agents, PENA NO E. M S Jeyes' Puri/ier, uudci «ignvd leg in lutiMin the public nf Pouting ami
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    • 8 7 RUBEROID ROOFING. Adamson, flilfillan 1 Co, Ltd. i
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1324 8 DENTISTRY. Lim Sun Ho, CHOP HLfc'NG MOH Sc Co., It 4, Beach Street Penang. dentistry importers of* all kinds of European Cloth and General Commission Agents. W. MANSON, American Dentist, Late of Ur. A lien CoPha. U.S.A G!r Kim Keng Leong Co, 127, BEACH STREET. IMPORTERS OP DESCRIPI lON Charges
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