Straits Echo, 2 May 1906

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
  • 38 1 Straits Echo DAILY CIIKONICI.E 01 EVENTS, Cl PC ELATING THROUGHOUT Till! STRAITS, Till: FEMERATED \I.\Y STATES. AMI THE FA If EAST GENERALLY VOli 4-. -$24 Per Annum. PENANG, WEDNESDAY, 2nd MAY, 1906. Single Copy, 10 cents. No. 98.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1414 1 ASAHI BEER TIANG LcE CO., SOLE AGENTS. ASAHI BEER. BANKS Chartered Bank of India, Australia ami China. INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER. Capital Paul up Reserve Fund Reserve Liability of Proprietors •1*800,060 if) 75.000 Hongkong ik Shanghai Banking Corporation. Paid-up-Capital $10,000,000 Rksbrvr Fund— Sterling Reserve $10,000,000 vt Silver l.espr.e 0,500,000 j
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    • 14 1 GUINNESS’S STOUT. tiang lee Co Z 1 If to <2 SOLE AGENTS. BASF'S ALE.
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  • 194 2 Tkaui: with Russia. Thk great improvement, in (lie lelat-ions between Russia and I lie Japanese in Vhtdivo stock delights the Ynuiiun, which would take -admutate of this change t<* impress upon the Japanese 1 1 aders there ;<» try to keep up the changed feeling, as the trade relations
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  • 246 2 Trout have 1 eeu successfully acclun .ti.-ed in So till Africa, where good sport is now to be obtainel by t he angler on a number of streams, and an attempt has I eeu made to introduce t rou: to the rivers aud streams connected with the Zambesi in
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  • 484 2 1905 and 1904 Com pari i* Thu Statistical division ..i 1! s .Mij *st\ has now issue-1 tic* statistics <t the import and export trade of lie* port of Raugkok for tiie rear T.*(*'> As was fore shadowed, says the Bairjkik T- at the beginning of the
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  • 1278 2 t Proposed Programme for Autumn Meeting, 1906. Tuesday 31st July i 7 hursday, 2nd August and Satun'ny, 4th August. To be Considered at a General Meeting to he held on Monday. .TiltIt April, 1906. NOTICE. Mo aineudmeuts to this Programme will be considered unless due notice is
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 91 2 Children When Teething. This is the most dangerous in the life of a child. A t tins lime thev have mure m lt‘M diarrliui, which weakens the S'slivi mid renders the child more siioipti ..e i<> disease. Any unusual looseness of the bowels should lie promptly controlled, which can be
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    • 581 2 NOTICE. ON and after this date, all small advertisements intended for insertion in the Straits Echo must be paid for in advance. LIM SENG IIOOI, 25lh July 1905 Managing Direc'or. Penang Orchestral Society. VN Amateur Orchestra is uoa in formation, under theeouduclorisliipot Mr. I, S'<'hl.iKHNKB. A 11 voile plavitig either
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    • 881 2 S.^ >v m Tor.loves all Stains, Rust, or Tarn»sh, cleans and polishes Pots and r'anE; Glass and China, and all metals, but WON T WASH CLOTHES. Will do a thousand things to make Home bright and cheerful with iittie Trouble and Labour. KEY Woth'iig has more u?es about the house
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    • 407 2 neasmed :»k follows: East by laud now or formerly of Mydin more o- less 17.', feet. West by Caiuarvon Street (fonnerlv enlle<i Pitt ,Street) more or less 17’ feet. Nunl> now or formerly of Chuali Team Neoli more nr loss 112 feet and South uow or formetlv of Yeoli Heng
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  • Shipping.
    • 89 3 Canton. Hr. s.s., 105, Mericau. 2ml Ala.', Teluk Ausou, Ut Mav, Oau., —Ah Hiug. Lanukat, Br. 140, Lyons, Ist May, Teluk Anson, 30tk Apr., Geu —K G. Co. Man Whati Soon, Hr. »8., 101». Glemlay, Ist May, Singapore. 29tli Apr., Gen., Q. IV Kee. A. Apcak, Hr. 8.»., Fey,
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    • 54 3 2nd May. Langkat, for Pangkor ami Teluk Auhou. A. A pear, for Calcutta. Hok Canton, for Edi«, 'I 1 Seinawe, S©gli, Olehleh ami Sabang. H Haleo’yn, for Pangkor. Flying Dragon, for Port Weld ami Taipiug. On Sang, for Calcutta. Roon, for Singapore, China ami Japan. Calypto, for l>eh. Natnna,
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  • 61 3 i UK* fit1' W<>tn A ifentf Due Hellas Hamburg H.M.&Co. 7lb Mav Heniomond London S. IJ.At ?o. 7th K iitsa ng KriWitclii Singapore B &0o. 7th 111 fl Mam Singapore B ACV Uth IjOUgSOU Singapore 1» «Sl'o. Uth Oleoesk Singapore li ACo 15th Ambria Hamburg H.M AOo. 18th Beuavou
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  • 66 3 'rsppl* For j Aijen/it Leave* Hellas i B Af&0u. 7th May 1 »eil lolDOIi 1 Singapore S.i5.«feCo. 7th K Kawaclii Calcutta It.ACo 7th Mai U Europe I» AOo. 12th l OU^SUII Europe H «kCo. lr.tL U leuesk Singapore B.&Co. I5tli M tnltria Siugapore li.M.&Co. lHtli 1 ieuavoii Siii 'apoe
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  • 68 3 Pok Tram; —Per Taw Tuny, to-uiorrow, noon. Per Ban Whatt Moon, tomorrow, 1 p.m. Singapore—Per Thonytra, to-iuorrow, 4- p.m. Deli, Hajau, Edie ami T Serna we—Per D>- Kocl;, to-morrow, 1 p.m. Port Swetteuliam and Malacca—Per Cornelia, 4tli instant, p.m. Port Swetteuliam and Singapore—Per Perak, 4th instant, 1 p
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1158 3 (S HIPPIN G.) P. k 0 (5 /rut Mr A N. Co, Elected Arrivals and Departures. Mail Service. Outwards INTENDED SAILINGS. British ludia Steam Navigation Co., Ltd. May 10 s.s. Oceana connecting with H.s. Moldavia 24 B.B .Arcadii «1« m .a. Mongolia June 7 8.8. Delta do 8 Britannia May
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    • 156 3 For Singapore, Hongkong, Swatow and Amoy. f E Homj Wan I, Capt. J. Slaker, I will leave tor the above port*. on v’ouday, I lie 7lli hist., at. 3 p.m. For freight or passaga apply to KOE OUAN Co AjeiUs for Wee Bin it Co., 2 b 06 273 of
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  • 120 4 J"*tice HatlHflmererybody and justice alone.- ft in »r «or Established June Ist, 1903 Published daily (except Sundays.» at Till CRITERION I’RESS, No. 226 —232. Beach Street. FVimn PRICK: DAILY LOCAL »2* p*r si in i» OUTBTATIONB Poslajre Kxfra. MAIL BDITION (Poet Ktee» *l5 CAKLK ADDRESS: Echo—Penang.” Telephone
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  • 37 4 Birth*. Ci aiming.- At Serein bail. ou 2J*tb April. t lit* wife of Malcolm Gumming. of n daughter. Mntz.—Ou the 271 h ot April, at Winterthur. Switzerland, the wife of W. Mekz. of a daughter.
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  • 120 4 There is a housj in Chuliu •Street, so we are informed, the 1 V V niAVi Ilivva, .rnm-*.-occupier of which applied a* long ago as tin* 12th April to have water laid on. The house has not got ;mv water yet. although no less than four reminders have be»*n
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  • 151 4 One cannot expect a steam roller to possess any great amount of common sense, but <>ne d<*es expect that very necessary attribute in the man in charge of it. This forenoon a roller was at work within a short distance of our office. It came down the road
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  • 160 4 We announced a short time back that the Police were being supplied with boots from India. We apologise for tlie statement, for we find that it is erroneous. The foot, coverings served out merely break the heart and injure the feet of every Eurpean constable. sergeant and inspector. We
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  • 201 4 Wi; are asked to ••all the attention of the Police to the tact that, in the vicinity of Toll Aka Lane, Carnarvon Lane a ml Malay Street, there are grants of Chinese youths who are indulging in hooliganism of the worst description and practically terrorising the whole neighbourhood. They
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  • 826 4 W k have always been taught that criticism is good, that it keeps folk iu order and generally improves them in all respects, so we have very great pleasure in publishing the following letter:— The Editor or Editors oj the Straits Echo, Penang. Dear Sirs. Your
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  • 100 4 Uefw* the Hon. S. H. Thornton, Puisne Jvdje Menu Kuang Murder. 'I he lines Chinese in the al>ove case W( iV again l in the dock tins morniu* when Mr Nambyar appeared for the defence m the absence ot Mr. Rudra, who is aw in 1 aipiug.
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  • 108 4 We can thoroughly recommend the Jan auese Cinematograph iu Penang Road to our readers. Not only is the big tent e »nifortable and cool, but, the show is f ar ;i u«l away the most excellent which lias vet visited Penang. The films are new, fuu'uv or otherwise
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  • 119 4 Penang’s Shake Among the Chinese—especially theCautouese section—throughout is looked upon as a patriotic tliiug to participate iu the huge project, the Hankow Cautou Railway, so as to prevent foreign (j. to sav, other than Chinese) capital from creeping in. In this respect the Cantonese of Peuang
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  • 249 4 An Ai*p;;ai. r Old Rakklesians. In view of tiie approaching retirement of Mr. K. W. llulhlt, m. A., for over thirty yens Principal of Rattles Institution, a geueral meeting of old Ratffesiaus was held on Sat,unlay at' e noon at the prize-room of the Sclurol to
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  • 383 4 Presentation 'io a Singapore Joe kn a list Air. A. P. Ager, Mauager of the Strait* Timex leaves our couteuipolarv to-day, after having bu*’i counected with the paper for about uiue years, says Monday’s Free Press. Mr. Ager first cauie to the Strait* Times iu 18P8
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 141 4 TANGYE'S, LIMITED. Duplex, Special, Centrifugal Pumps and Pumping Plant, OF EVERY DESCRIITION. Oil, Petrol, Alcohol and Benzoline Engines. Gas Engines and Suction Gas Producers. Hydraulic Machinery, Presses, &e. Lathes, Drilling Machines, Millers Hand, Wharf, Portable and other Cranes, Hoisting Crabs, and Winches. SPECIAL ATTENTION is called to the Tangye Oil
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    • 88 5 Agitaiots at Work (Supplied by llente*.) li onion, Ist May.—There is a recrudescence of inflammatory language in the ni'*s jues in Egypt and thj Pan Islamic papers are violently an*i. British in tone. Ihe Khedive. London, Ist May.—The Khedive has left Cairo for Europe. Commission Probable. (The Ostasiatischer
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    • 100 5 Numerous Arrests. (Suftfdied by Reuter.) Loudon. Ist May.—As a result ol the docuiucuts found iu Paris, several Labour agitators. Anarchists, Royalists and Bonapartists have beeu at tested iu Paris aud the Provinces on a conunou charge of complicity iu rebellion and Auarchist agitation. A lieutenant iu uuiforui haraugucd a
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    • 69 5 Tbs Spanish Marriage. (The Ostasiatischer Lloyd's Service.) Berlin, 2nd May.—Tbe Kaiser’s representative at the Koval weddiug at Madrid ou 31st May will lie Priuce Albrecht of Prussia. Wireless Telegraphy. Berliu, 2nd Mav.—Gerumany will invite the Powers to a conference ou wireless telegraphy. Prince von Bulow. Berlin, 2ud May. —Priuce
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    • 98 5 Count Witte. (Supplied by Renter.) Loudon, I*t May.—Rumours of the impending resignation of Couut Witte have beeu revived in St. Petersburg. Cost of Revolt. (Thj Onto*i'discher Lloyd's Service.) Berlin, 2nd May.—The Russian Imp rial Council has allowed seven aud half million* for the expeuses incurred by the troop* in
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    • 55 5 Kiug Edward. (Supplied by Reuter.) Loudon, Ist May.—Kiug Edward has started for Loudon from Naples overland, after asceuding Vesuvius to the Observatory aud from there walking up a short distauce to obtain a view of the crater. Prince and Princes-» of Wales. Loudon. Ist May.—The Prince aud Princess of
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    • 56 5 Frauds to tha Navy (The (Jet siaiitcher Lloyd's Service.) Berlin, 2nd May —Signor Sonniuo, the Bresideut of the Italian Miuistry, lias given permission for the exposuie of the frauds in the Italian Navy. Milan Exhibition Berlin. 2nd May .-King Victor Emmauel, m opeuiug the International Exhibition •it Milan, paid
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    • 29 5 A Minister Resigns. (The Ostasiatischer Lloyd's Service.) Berlin. 2nd May.— Herr the President of the AustViaii Miuistry. resigned and Prince Conrad, of H«* is named as his successor.
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    • 95 5 The Reduction in Duly. (S iif,f,hed by Iteuter.) Loudon, Ist May.—Mr. Asquith, the Chancellor of the Exchequer, pointed out in the House of Commons flint tea was taxed higher iu proportion to its value than anv other food and that anv ieduction iu duty would immediately beuefit the consumer,
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    • 35 5 Another Channel Disaster (Supplied by Iteuter.) Loudon, Ist May.—The Guernsey passenger steamer Courtier struck a submerged rock on the coast, of .Sark and sank within three minutes. Her boiler exploded and lives were lost.
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    • 32 5 The Anglo-Chinese Treaty. (Sufifdied by lieuter.) Loudon, Ist. May.—Reuter’s Agency is informed that the Any 10-Chinese Treaty signed at Peking is simply a declaration of China’s adhesion to the Lhasa Treatv.
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  • 126 5 The Chinese Eastern Railway C .’s steamer Mongolia, ou arrival at Nagasaki from Vladivostock, brought news to the following effect Ou the 2nd uito. three artil’ery battalions left Vladivostock for Harbin by a night train. Large numbers of ammuuitiou waggons and gun carriages have since continued to
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  • 166 5 It is understood that on arrival ar Tokyo of M. Bakhiueteff, new Russian Minister, the Japaueie and Russian Government* will appoint jent Commissions to decide the boundary line of their respective terri tory iu Saghalien. The boundary line will lie drawn on the lines of natural divi siou as
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  • 231 5 New Consulates in Siberia. Russia is reported to be contemplating the establishment of new Consulates iu Niigata aud Tsuruga, to meet the demand of increasing l »-ade relations with Japan. The Nichi Nichi asks why Japan, whose t rade interest* have more uiel to be pushed forward,
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  • 901 5 {lt N. li. llernld Chop Toug Watt, we understand, have beeu successful in procuring a good stock jof rhinoceros horns. The natives they employ are good huntsmen aud have done good work W ith a viev to the extension ok the Railway, aud the preliminary exploitation
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  • 277 5 Scry Ivors’ Experiences. One of the suivivors of the ill-fated lientony, a Chinese Ktani employed ou board, who was picked up by one of the j boats ot the Russiau transport, had a mira- 1 culous escape, says Monday’s Straits T.iues Delating his experience to one
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  • 760 5 Alleged Fraudulent Possession or Rubber Plants. Ou Friday, Awaug bin Amin was befoie Mr. Colman, at Singapore, on the allegation of fraudulent possession of fort y-eight boxes of rubber plauts ou board the s. s. Srie Borneo, the suspicion being that the plants had beeu
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  • 82 5 To-day. iHli •v, i-lli Football Mate'll N. i< ft P, 0. OTown Baud, F*>plauade, Ij to 7 p.m. Parsee New Klphiustoue TheatnoJil Company. King Street Theatre, it p.ui. Matsuo’s Japanese Cinematograph. Con er j of Penang Road and Campbell Stieet. j 9 To-morrow. L>ay, Pli Moon. Town
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  • 27 5 First Quarter May 2nd 209 am O lull Moon Bth 997. p m.>l Quarter loth 2.2.7. P.M. O New Moon 23rd 3 0.6. p.m.
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  • 9 5 German ltnon) 2ud May Indian Thonywa 3rd
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  • 41 5 P. O. SAILINGS. Mail Service Outwards. llomkwaros Oceana 10 May. 1 ltevnnha l'i May Arcadia 24 j D>‘lli i Y6‘ i'.xira Service Outwards. Homk wards. Petliawnr d May. Socotra 11 May Palma Id Manila 19 %tr For particulars see Page M
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 13 5 The French Confectionery. 17a, Norfcham Road. TO-KIGHT a „a mviittHf» .»f y Ly
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    • 83 5 A Safe Speculation. If you Inure an attack of rlieuinatitiin ami Oliamlierlain’M Pain Balm pels you Lick to work in a few Java, will it not pay foritselseveral times ovei 'r There is no ih*3<l of suff feting from rheumatism for a mouth or six weeks incuning the expense of
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    • 69 5 Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy Gives Satisfaction K very where. “1 have beeu selliuir Chamberlain's Cough Remedy in my retail shop of this place for six years, says Adolph Abraham son of Durhanville, Cape Colony. 1 fiud it to give satisfaction with the people who use it and it is the best
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    • 161 5 CENTRAL SALES ROOM TO BK hOJ.I) BY Public Auction, ox Saturday 5 h May, 1906., at 11.30, General Household Furniture Kale, COM HRIBI SO Bedsteads. Dining Tables, Almiraiis. Rangoon Chairs, Teakwoo 1 Rocking Chairs Bent wood and Rattan Furnit ur etc., etc. Sale at the Central Sales Room. before deliver
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    • 195 5 TO-NIGHT AND EVERY NIGHT, AT 9 P M. Corner of Penang Road and Campbell Street. Matsuo's Japanese Cinematograph. We claim to be the BAR. IT vac or Cinematographs. The Grandest Largest Show travelling East. Alii. NKW KILMBI AI,L NKW KIIiMSI! EVERY PICTURE GOOD!!! Prices of Admission Ist Class *2 I
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous

  • 1103 6 SI’tRITVA LIS IS AND A Clt-NKK 1 HK V I Vue DOPED KEKX EXPERTS INP IKKK.s ofr IKK KKVI.M. Au iuiuieuse sensatiou lias lavn cicated iu the Spiritualist world bv the e\; osuie ol a famous medium. He enjoyed a reputation iu all grades of society, and
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  • 121 6 Pksaxu, 2nd May. (By courtesy oj the Chartered Bank Loudon I remand Bank 2/4 M 4 mouths* sight lia’ii 2 4j( 8- Credit 2/ 4 A 8 Documentary ...2/4^ (Jaleiiiin. Demand ItniK Ks I/4A 8 .lavs’ sight Pr-r***» 177 Bomitav. Demand Kml 1741 Moulinein. Demand Kan» 173;,’ 8 days’sight
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  • 209 6 Gold leaf 5 tie. B.Pepper(W.Coast 3ibs.Bo/..) out oj -foe/. White Pepper 28.— sel'ers. j Trang Pepper 21.80—uoinii al Cloves (picked 42. —sales Mace 81 —buyers Mace Picking* 70. —sellers Nutmegs 110 s 33. sales f No. I ti 00 sides Sugar 2 uo st«x*k. t B; ike! 2 80
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  • 640 6 'or* Number of i H Capital. Shares ssue Last Daideud. Nam»* limitations. r v Value. issued. js Miuiug IlHJO 175.000 14,000 lo 10 Bersawah Gold Miuiug Co. Ltd. $13 -teller*. 1901 600.000 60 000 10 K' Bruseh Hvdraube Tiu Miuiug Co. Ltd $12 ,<tlc*. 1903 X 400.000 350,000 1
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 57 6 A Safe Medicine. Mothers of small children need not hesitate to administer Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy. It contains no opiate or narcotic in any iorni and may be given to a baby with as much confidence as to an adult. It always cures ami cures quickly. George Town Dispensary, General Agents,
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    • 382 6 JOHN TYNDALL Co.’s CELEBRATED PEACOCK BRAND CEYLON TEAS. Certified by Dr. Donald of Penang as follows :—-Messrs. Tyndall Co’*. Peacock Brand Tea I have used and much appreciate Excellent in flavour and fr. edoiu from the vegetable astringents which tend to produce digestive troubles. The above teas are sold by
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  • 575 7 Ibe V icerov ot tlie I jiaugkiaug provinces and ti e Governor of Kiangsu have lately I teeeived strict instructions from. Peking to root out the salt smugg lei s, gamble is, aud desperadces who collect in hands in the vicinity of the lailiu near
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 760 7 Cl Straits Echo” i«O.M MON G£lts. McALISIEK Co < m*ikm a I Hitr-livaiv Mfi'rliifilH ,i.„l Ship Chandlers. v l9 Heach Street, *MI AT 151 SIN<« A I'OHIi A: IPOII. MINERAL WATER manufacturers. I4‘lc GRAHAM NICHOLSON, Okkick, Ua, Beach Street PENANG. NOTICE MIK “imWjuj.uwJ l**g lo inform the pul,lie «,1 Penang
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    • 90 7 (iive Chamberlain’s I'ain Balm a Trial. No other liniment affords such prompt relief from rheumatic pains. No otl er is so valuable for de *p sealed pains like and pains in the chest. (Jive this liiiinn'iit a Inal auil I e:ome acquainted ith ils je, mai kable qualil ie-and von
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1321 8 Li Sun Ho, CHOP kffe'NO MOH Sl Co., 164, Beach Street, Periling. den tisthy. Iffiporters of* all kinds of European Cloth and General Commission Agents. W. ftlANSON, American Dentist, Late of Dr. Allen Co., Pka. U.S.A THAN UEEE Co DENTISTRY. Khoo Buan Phuan Dr. F. A. MOFFATT, RD.S., (> Jo
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