Straits Echo, 28 April 1906

Total Pages: 10
1 10 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1259 1 ASAHI BEER. s, o rRl 3 •"i > •s \iZ33 IM/S V H 5 2 0 n 0 Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China. INCORPORATED BY KOVAL CHARTER. $10,000,000 Capital Paid up Reserve Fund Reserve Liability o f Proprietors X HOD ,000 A‘675,000 PaID-UF-CaFITAL Kknkrvf Fond— Sterling Reserve *10,000,000
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    • 23 1 SOLE AGENTS. GUINNESS’S STOUT KW: 0 < t* B O M 33 t* <*o ka o r-.. A N Y dfc NO *Hiv s.ssva
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  • 129 2 Amoy, April 9. There are signs that the plague is going to appear with its usual regularity about this time of the voir. A little baby was recently brought in its mother’s arms to the local (Jhiuese Hospital to i>e treated, but it was found to 1e
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  • 137 2 Kei*oktki> Navai. Demonstration at Shanghai. It is i eported that the recent movements of warships in the direction of Shanghai ate hi the nature of a naval demonstration c<>n. nee ted with the demands for compensation in legard to the Nunchaug murders. The latest information is that
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  • 181 2 The Market. Messrs. Lewis and Feat, in their India Rubber Report dated lit li April, state Fara.—We have had a very dull during the week, atid tine hard after being sold at ss. 4jd. oil the spot, is now being offered at 5s 4}d. For forward d- livery business
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  • 412 2 Messrs. J. Russell Grant A. Co. in their Rubber Share Market Report dated sth April, write:The market in Malay States Ceylon Plantation Rubber Co. shares has agaiu been active and stocks have Lh l-ti leadily absorbed at in most cases enhanced prices, some Ceylon issues which have
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 90 2 You Run No Risk. You need Ut hesitate to buy Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. If you him not kiil is tied will) the results after using twothirds of ihe bottle according to directions you may return it to your dealer uud your tnouey will he refunded. Here is what the <5
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    • 2467 2 A LADY WHO USED TO FAINT. Rangoon Journalist’s Wife Cured of Amentia Other Ailments by DR WILLIAMS’ PINK PILLS. Although I suffered for several years from Amentia and its consequences it was not until some two years ago that the ailment become very bad.” said Mrs Victor Nasse, the young
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  • Shipping.
    • 89 3 Quokka, Ur. H. 8.. 120, Witt, 27th Apr., Bangka», 26. Ii Apr Grn.,-ItK.B. 1 t K.B. Co. Canton, Hr s.s., 105. Meiican, 28th Apr., Teluk Anson, 27» h Apr Gen., Ah Hing. Rotorua. l*r. s.s„ 555, Biugard. 2Htli Apr., Tongkah, 27th Apr., Gen., K. G. Co. Herr, Ur. ss,
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    • 77 3 28t,h April Arcadia. for Ceylon, Australasia, India, Aden. Muritius, Egypt and via Brindisi, for Europe, etc. Teesta, for Negapataui and Madras Han Whait Stunt, for Bangkat. Padamj, for Hatu Hu lira. Chan Tal, for Perlis and Setul. Lanykat, for Pangkor aud Teluk Ausou. Malaya, for l>eli. Hebe, for Deli.
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  • 50 3 1 <•** eif From Aijnitx but A ikUIusih Hambiinr It M.AC’o. 30th Apr H<*l|tr|< Singapore S.HACJo. noth Hellas Hamburg It.M ACo. 7tli May. (leniomond Loudon S. II. ACo. 7lli Aiubria Hamburg It.M ACo. 181 b llena von London S.IJACo. 19th Klieuaum Hamburg B.M.AOo. 24th Benart v London S.II.AOo. 31
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  • 54 3 1 't*xelr For A> lent* Leave* Andalusia .Singapore B.M&Co. doth Apr Bengloe Loudon S.B AOo o'Otli Hellas Singapore B.M.ACo. 7th May Beuloinoud Siuuai ure S.B ACo. 7th Ainhria B M ACo. 18th 1 tenavon Siu 'ap *ie S B ACo. llMh IMienama Singapore 1» M ACo. 24th Houarty Singapore
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  • 33 3 K«»r Tougkali— Per Uotorua, oOth instant, 1 p.m Port Swetleuliani—lVr Marti Austin, Wtb instant. 1 p m. Siugapoie and China—Per Wailiora, :10th instant, p in. Kiiugoou Per Produce, tfjth instant, p.m.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1411 3 (S HIPPIN G.) h sV: A l \i N. Co. INTENDED SAILINGS. British India Steam Navigation Co., Ltd. Arrival* and Depart arm. Mail Service. Outwards May Id s.s. Oceana connecting with s.s. Moldavia -4 8«. Arcadia do s.s. Moiufolia s.s. Delta do 8 Britannia June Homewards April 2rt Arcadia May
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    • 135 3 For Singapore, Hongkong, Swatow and Amoy. r|1H K «>. Wniltura, Oapt. \V. jfrowu, will JL leave lor the above [torts <*n Moinlav, the oUth lust, at '■> For fr iglit or pa' «age apply to KOE WITAN CO, Ownire. 2<> 4 0G 2G‘> PASSAGES to KIKOPE, via MADRAS.^. PASSAGES
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 25 3 WEATHER. Thu followm-,'report i* kindly supplied by rbe Signal Director of Fort Cornwallis Tbe rainfall duiiujj the hour. ended ■it J a m today na*
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  • 135 4 J»«tio I ifcttesex ••r\ body and justice alone.— IT merman. Fstablished June Ist, 1903 Pnblif*h*Hl d*ily (except Suudays.» r t»i t CRITERION PRESS, Eld.. No. *226— 2-V2, l»e;u*li StruMl. PRICF I DAII V LOCAL |wr Minium OUTST.% I'IOXS I'Miwi' K,tr» MAH. RIMTION (fust Free» *U OAKI.K AI)I>HKSS:
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  • 1602 4 Many [leople make jokes about editorial waste paper baskets, btit few of them realize how remarkably useful that receptacle may i termite at times. To the newspaper man. especially in the Far East, it is soon apparent that there •ire sections of the public who look
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  • 39 4 Messrs Adamson, Gilfillaii it Co. courteously inform us that tlmv are in receipt of a telegram to the effect that the s. s. Ken Tony Iris been sunk .ff Port Dickson bv collision with an unknown steamer.
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  • 103 4 Lawn Tennis Tournament. I he following ties have Wen arrauped for Moudav and Tuesday, the 30th April aud Ist May. Mo DAY. Latlies' Champions), ip Mrs. Stitt vs. Mrs. Audersou. Mrs. Welham vs. Mrs. Murray. Men* Sinyles Handicap: G. Mug.istou vs. E S. Haslam Peel vs. E.
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  • 245 4 Tender-* Called F«>k I'he Postmaster-General gives notice that tenders can be sent iu on Aug. 3 next for tiie conveyance of His Majesty’s mails to aud from India, Ceylon, Australia, aud the Far East. The services aie to commence on or about Feb. 1, 1908, aud will W
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  • 470 4 I’he C«ist of Living Thus tiie Eastern Daily Mail The St tail* E<-ho is still liewailiug the fixity of exchange at 2s 41 to the dollar ami tbe stubUn n attitude of Peuang merchants, who refuse to reduce price» accordiii ly. The Echo is either talking
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  • 1012 4 American Critiuum. The Manila Times publishes a letter fro.., Dr. he,i,merer, an American currency l pert, on dollar fixity iu the Straits ments The letter is dated Singapore, March, and is add essed to Governor M e the My two ve U’ >Uj in the Straits
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 323 4 Eastern Oriental Hotel, PENANG. FINEST POSITION. Electric Light throughout. SARKIES BROTHERS, Proprietors. BRANCH HOUSES. RAFFLES HOTEL Singapore. STRAND HOTEL. Rangoon. THE RAO HOTEL. Penang Hills. GUAN LEE HIN S- S. CO, OFFICE WORKSHOP lA, China Street, i.cuAiur I’ENaNG. 4 Heath Street, The Com pa v runs Steamers ami Steam Launches
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    • 248 5 THh IIKINFoK KMKM’S. Lord Cromer’s Proposals. Sup/ilied In l Renter.\ lioudoii, 27th April.—Sir Edward Giev announces that the remforcem* »t of the British garrifon in Egypt is considered deorable l»y Lord Cr-mer in view of the unrest, in Egypt, which is parti}’ due to the action of the Porte
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    • 45 5 An Unfounded Report. The (Jetaeiatincher L’oyd'* Service-) Berlin, 28th April —There is no truth in the report published iu the Pall Mall Gazelle to the effect that, a meetiug has been arranged at Darmstadt m September between King Edward, the Kaiser and tho Tsar.
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    • 53 5 The Olympic Games. (Supplied by Reuter.) Loydou, 27th April.—ln the tiual toils contest at Atheus France beat England by uiuo hits to six after a tie. America won tlm hundred metres swimming race, throwing the discus and the majority of the heats iu the buudred metres and eight hundred
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    • 43 5 The New Treaty. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 27ih April.—Sir Edward G'ey has announced that negotiations are proceeding at Peking and it is hoped that they will soon l>e concluded, but he «1 id not contemplate any alteration iu tl e Tibet Convention.
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    • 43 5 Coming Festivities. (i Supplied by Reuter.) London. 27th April —Hebefe sailiug for Japan the battleship Kathiina will carry out her gunnery and speed trials at I’ortsmoutli. where preparations for festivities are lieiug made. She sails for Japan ou the Bth June.
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    • 37 5 The Insurance Question. (Supplied by Renter.) Loudon, 27th'April.—No further statements of the losses of the insurance companies through the 3au Francisco disaster have been i*n*ld«\ but the shares of the leadiug companies have fallen sharply.
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    • 50 5 Strikes Diminishing (Svjtplied by It enter.) London, 27th April. —Ane*ts of strikers continue to fcc made «»> the ~orf h f 4ri,uce but. three coutpHuies are resumiug work. (The OttaaiitliHcher Lloyd Service.) Perliu, 28th April.—The stnk«M ate diuiiuMhiug, I"'t rig«»»ou* precautions are being taken iu «view of ihe May
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    • 31 5 The Loan Floated. (Supplied by lteuter.) Urn*». «7.1. Ap.iV-TI»E .KIwI. wr Sou »f the Bu.»u.n lohu ha» been fully covered, while the Fieuch portion has beeu covered many time* ver
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  • 1038 5 Tin Ex cor is Thk official figures of Pahang tin exported duriug Jauuu v and February la*t appear in the April G izetle. The total is 4.981 piculs, against 5.447 for the cone 1 spending period in 19<>5—a decrease of 466, which appeals both under smelted tin and
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  • 144 5 Under date London, 30th March, “So/, auue writes to the Qinga ore Free Per**: I am told that voiir Govern r arrived last week and that tLo.e is iu contemplation a meeting betweeU the Secretary of State and Mie Sill tall of Johore at which Sir Jehu Anderson, will
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  • 311 5 Scenes. Rangoon Time*. April 14.) About eight o’clock on Tuesday morning gieat excitement prevailed on receipt of iuformatioi that a tiger had mauled a Burman of Saingdi village about two miles from Pegu town Messrs. Ro.issae, Cole, Jones and B°ncoutre aimed themselves wit i their
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  • 543 5 In 1 lie March number of the I dmn Foreefer we find au article ou the al»ove j subject which is of considerable interest to rub be" pUuters It is from the pen of the v Editor, Mr. E P. Si ebbing, k. i. s r.
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  • 1192 5 This Bkktam Flotation The foil owing is the prospectus of latest rublier compinv HoiOel in London:— Straits Settlements (Pertain; Publer Company. Limit* d. Capital A*l 75,(RMt. divided mu* 175 000 shares of bl each There! aie now offeiel for suitscriptimi 15OOO0' shares of £1 each, of which 25 0
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  • 292 5 At 10 a in. ou the 9th Api il, says the Shanghai Mercury, a ghastly di*. civery was made in the river. At about t,!.e time mentioned, 'some of the crew o! the C. M. steamer Kianghnin, lyin'» at. the Kiuleeyueu wharf, saw a Ixwly fioating
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  • 59 5 To- DA V. s'h l>ay, 4th Mo«»n. Town Band, Golf Club, 6 to 7 p m Parse»» Ne v Elpliiustoue T*eitneal Coinpanv. King Street. Theilie, 9 pill Matsuo's Japanese Cinematograph. Corner of Penang Road au»l Campl*ell Btie*it. 9 p m. To-mokkow 6th 1»..v, 4tli M Matsuo’s Japanese Cinematograph. Coder
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  • 25 5 First. Quarter May 2nd 269 am j till! ai.m.m Xili 997. pm rjiiai'l*** lot II 2.2 7. H.M II 23rd 30 6 PM
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  • 20 5 China (Arcadia) 28lh Apr. China P. Kdet Pi iedrtch) Ist May. German (Jt-oii) 2nd ludiau (Thong tea) 3rd
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  • 47 5 P. O. SAILINGS. *1 lit Srvi < tUVWAKUS IInJIKWAKi'h Oceana 10 May. I Arcadia 28 Apr Arcadia 24 Ueranha 12 May v|r;i *itrrve I 111 I w i l:i>> 'IdllKWAItll» Peihaufur 5 May. Socotra II May Pa 1 uia to j Manila 19 For partieidars see Page 2.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 19 5 The French Confectionery. 17a, Noithitni Ky d. to-night Orange,ou«l Chooolat**. an<l a variety of Fancy Cak«n. J{«& .ukl Almond
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    • 63 5 To-day’s Advertisements. WAISTTBD. ■\r«>Ll AJE 1, No 1. of the Straits i Chinese Magazine. Good price offered -Apply at ouo* to »S. C. M.” 19-4-06 ue 240 e'o Sira if* K>-ho. N Kxpeneuccd Kuraoiaii ANki»l«ul must lie well educated and write a good lialid. Apj »1 v l*v letter startiug
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    • 316 5 To-Night.' To-NicHTV \T 9 P.M. Comer tf Penang R>md and y Campbell Street GRAND CHANGE OF PROGRAMME! EVERY PICTURE (iOOD!! Matsuo's Japanese Cinematograph. We claim to be the XT M OK Cinemat ogvapha. The Grandest I argesi Show travelling East. AM. NKW I'll.MS! A 1.1, NKW FILMS II Prices
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  • 294 6 Discovkby or Coins. P*sHAWAR,4tIi March.—The following newt, hjw Lean received here from Afghanistan. The Ameer of Afghanistan lias left Jellalabad with two troops of his liodyguard for Darauuw (the new pass) Soon after his airival at Jellalahatl the Ameer is said to have received a letter
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  • 697 6 When the mind of the dog is systematically compared with that of a mo key, it soon becomes evident, says a writer in the Outlook, that the former differs from the latter iu quality. J tie intelligence ot the dog, that is to say, is quite different
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  • 121 6 I’KNANO, 28tH Ap«IL. < Hy courtesy vj this Chartered Haul: London Demand I tan I 2/4-j 3 4- •iioiiMih* -ughl Hun 2 4, 7 3 Credit 2/1 3 Documentary ...2/4* Calcutta, Demand' Hank It' 175 J |*i vMte 178 B< mi Day 175^ Mouimeiti. Demand Haul 4 days* sight
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  • 222 6 Gold leaf S 05 B.Pepper( W. Coast Slbs.Ao/.. out »>/ *t»tcL White Pepper 28.— tel'ert. Trang Pepper 21.50 —nominal Cloves (picket!) 42.— sale* Mace 81 —buyers Mace Pickiugs 70. —tellers j Nutmegs 110 s 33. sales (No. I 0 3*3 sales Sugar 2 n«* si«n k. Basket 2 80
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  • 628 6 *c Number of L; js S Capital. Shares r s sue Last Dividend. Naim*. t^uotatiuus. Value. Is r issued. a < ft» i 1 i i Mining 1900 8 175,000 14,000 lo 1* Bersawah Gold Miuiug Co. Ltd. $1 3.—teller*. 1001 000.000 ***** 10 H Bruseh Hvdruulic Tiu Miuiug
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 72 6 Eveiy Bottle Wananuu. Chamberlain's Pain Balm will i ot cost you one cent il‘ it does you no good. Give it a trial if you arc troubled willi rl eu mutism. Oue application w ill relieve llie pail). Paiuti iu the side or soreness of the muflnfot or stiffness of
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    • 69 6 > C/5 X o UJ < o 0 •f*nu«k s m id Hr- h M F y *abm *5*J X ■W iaKt* TO BE HAD RETAIL FROM baa Seng Co., Gim Tek Kee A Co., Heap Lee Co., Tong Joo Co., Goon Ven A Friends, Chiat Seng A Co., Teik
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    • 344 6 JOHN TYNDALL Co.’s CELEBRATED PEACOCK brand CEYLON TEAS Certified by Dr. Domdd of Penang as follows :—Messrs. Tyndall Co’b Peacock Brand Tea 1 have used and much appreciate Excellent in flavour and freedom from the vegetable astringents which tend to produce digestive trouble*. The above teas are sold by Messrs.
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  • 1003 7 lilt; Mi litany Spirit. Writing under dale ot lffth ilist;m f, the Canton correspondent of the >' C Morning Poxt says:—Au amazing number of people feel it their duty to tell us wh it is happening in China and what we are likely to ex|wTt in ilie
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 1189 7 P. /Woir Cranes’ CYLINDER OILSanditand*. Pnttrrx .<■ C o. Fetter’s Patent Petroleum Engines. THE MOST PERFECT MOTOR OF THE DAY. BURN Co, Ltd Electrical Engineers, PENANG. Show Rooms Login's Puddings. A RK now prepared to undertake all kinds of electrical work shortest notice. All work done by telly competent men
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1129 8 Lim Sun Mo, CHOP HDc'NO MOH Co. It, 4. Bench Street, Penang. importers of ati kinds of European Cloth and General Commission Agents. *>!<’ DENTISTRY W. MANSON, American Dentist, Late of Dr. Allen A Co., Pha. US.A. Ciia rges Moderate, Consultation Free. KEBIIHNO AT \o. 2 la. Pen nil)' Pond.
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  • 1991 9 Work on ihk. l uniHii Sec-ion. I'UtH.IiKMS <>l CONSTRUCTKiN (Prom the Chiua Mail One of tlie link» m the Kowloon Cautou section of the great railway chain, which will, it h Imped, ultimately couuect South China with tic Went, traversing Asia and Europe. has a I most
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  • 141 9 Destroys Tiikkk Vii.uoes Late reports stale that the volcano ou the island <>f Savaii, oue of the Samoa group, is in violent eruption. Thiee villages have be in completely destroyed, including Malacola, where was heated the finest, coCoa plantation on the island The lava from the volcauo
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  • 207 9 A Disastrous Speculation. During the debate in the h S. Semite on the Fortifications Bill, while the appropriations for the Philippine* was up, Mr. Te’ler opposed it. What is the me of fortifications on the islands, even if it could be done, said in*. If we have to
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  • 618 9 I From Native Payer*.) j y China’s Postal Affairs. It is reporte 1 that Sir Hubert Hart propose? to hand Lack the control of the Postal Affairs of the Eiupiie to the officials ot the; Central Government Nanohang Outrage. Viceroy Cluing Chili Tung lias memorialised the Throne advising
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  • 200 9 I’knano, 28th Apkil, ll*0b. Bekf— c/s. Soup eat I v 1 j Boast 2* Steaks 2y Ste*v or Curry Men’ lH Bump Steak *28 Ox Tail each :jp j Tougue GO j Feet 1.;» Heart HO I Tripe per catty 12 Liver H2: Bo UK Pork percjtttv Pig's
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 61 9 Highly Esteemed No tiou of those who know ".-STi**. »«,2 ciiauiiwnUiu'»* rw« «.-t thousands who I kwJU niu their along without it ami 5 b( IIP |„uiws homos. The pain tron «.lh*v**«l \»v it* and like injunes is promptly |,«iled. use aud the iujnred I ,a <j eUt ta i
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    • 53 9 Favorite Remedy for Babies. Its pleasant taste ami prompt cures have nnule Chamberlain’» Cough Uoinedv a favyiiie with the mothers of small children. It quickly cum their coughs aud cold» and prevents any danger of pneumonia or other serious consequence*. Oeonje Town I)i»|*onaajr>’. lleuoral Agents, and for sale by all
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    • 67 9 Wliat Chamb-’rlam’s Haiti Halm Will HoI Ik* alleviation of pain Chamberlain s I*»in Halm lias no «qinl Soreness ol tin* muse lea, swellings and lameness are quickly relived by applying it. Cue application will promptly quiet a paiu in the side or chest and nothing will compare with it as
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    • 747 9 FOIT SALE. i l The Early History of Penang. 1592—1827. BY E. (i. Cuihn am! W. F. Zchnder. (Reprinted from the **Straits Echo.”) Koval Quarto, 'll ages. Price $1.00. Fleet n 4 •7 CAN bK HA l* AT The 01UTKK10N PRtiSS, Ltd. —Ilcnch Street. Penang MERRYWEATHER S U nivernsil Hand-Power
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 587 10 krought-iron tubes and fittincs. Stock Always on Hand. ADAMSON, OILFILLAN CO.. LTD. mim USE ONLY and USE ALWAYS MOST REFRESHING. A Luxurious Perfume In Health. Far Superior to the German Kinds. HIRIHf I THE LONDON DIRECTORY, /"'ONTAINING over 2.000 p;tge» of ton donsotl commercial matter, emthles outer* (•rising- Iratiers t
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