Straits Echo, 27 April 1906

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1269 1 STABLE lOR AT.I. PURPOSES HIGH TENSILE STRENGTH. Q d. K •c W w Ns sy+’vxv sisai ivdiomnw g’assvj HARDENS IN A FEW HOURS BANKS. Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China. INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER. Hongkong Shanghai Banking Corporation. Capital Paid up Reserve Fund Reserve Liability of Proprietors JL800,000 .0875,000
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    • 20 1 SOLE AO ENTS. GUINNESS’S STOUT. SPA vi Co 2* o K 2« CP Iv V •ro s,<sva ‘•qQJg 33T DNVI.L
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  • 1148 2 Lieut.-Col. C If. Dnruford, wiiting to The Field, eays the hopelessness of relying Wpou recorded experiences for the elucidation of the flying ti-h wing Hupping issue is typified in the two letters upon the subject published in The Vi "id <>f the 3rd March, letters flatly contradicting
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  • 1211 2 Tuesday, 31st July, 1 hursday, 2nd August and Saturday, 4,h August. To be Considered at a General Meeting to be held on Monday, 39tli April, 1906, NOTICE. No amendments to this Programme will be considered unless due notice is giveu iu
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 409 2 PENANti TURF CLUB. HTOTICB. Halt Yearly General Vw ini' of i X the Members of tin* Peuang Tuif Club will be 1 ekl in the Chamber of Commerce, ou Mouday, the 30th April, liXHi. at j 4-15 HUsiNKSS. i. To leceive the Aeco nts for Half Year ending 31st
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    • 1147 2 TEE FRENCH CONFECTIONER?, /7/1, Northam Road, The only Confectionery in Penang in which everything is absolutely made by European hands. Ice Creams, Fancy Cakes, Teas, American Cold Drinks, during the day till 11 p.m. Wedding lakes, Madeira Cake, Plum Cake, etc., etc., made to order at the shortest notice. The
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    • 306 2 liiin Oats, Bran, Compressed Fodder, Chaff and Hav, Calcutta Karts Nutrient,” Crushed Food, Oats, Brau, Linseed, Barley Oram, Chaff, Paddi. and Bedding H;,v imported every fourteen days, and Agency of the Caledonia Estate’s Molascuit.” J House Furniture. Table lamps, standard lamps, hanging I lamps, hall lamps, steel trunks, and leather
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  • Shipping.
    • 93 3 Jin Ho, Hr. s.s 110, Milue, 27th Apr» Haijyk;«t. 26th Apr <leu —Q. B. Kee. Langkat, Hr. ss, 140, Nelson, 27th Apr., Teluk Auson, 26th Apr., (Jen —B. A Co. Malaya, Oer. s.s., 348, Loewe, 27th Apr., l)eli. 26th Apr., Oeu., B. M. A Co. Bikoo M a Hu,
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    • 39 3 27th April. Cornelia, for Port Swetteuham and Malacca. Perak, for Port S wet ten ham aud Malacca* Toiv Tong, for Asalmu. Lad if Weld, for Teluk Auson Flying Dragon, for Port Weld aud Taipiug. Petrel, for Paugkalau Brundau.
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  • 56 3 Ve»» el» brum Agent» Due A mlalusia Hamburg li.M.ACo. doth Apr Beugh e Siny i fore S I! &Co. :10th Hellas Hamburg B.M.&Co. 7tli Mav. Ken loir ou 1 London S. ll.&Oo. 7tb Ainbria Hamburg B.M &Co. IStli lieuavon London 8 B &Co. 19th Klieuau a Hamburg B.M it
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  • 49 3 Yenrelr For A'jrnlt Ijeavet A uilal tibia Siugspoie B.M ACo. iSOtli Apr, liengloe London S.B.&Go. 30th Helias Singapore B.M.AOo. 7th May Betiloinoiid Singapore S.BACo. 7th Ambria Singapore B M A Co. 18th Beuavou Singapore S B &0o. 19th Khenania Singapore B M AOo. *24th Beuarty Singapore S.B.&Co. 31st
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  • 84 3 Fob Ceylon, Australasia, India, Aden, Muritius, Egypt and via Brindisi, for Europe, etc. Per Arcadia, to-morrow, 6a.ui. Negapatam and Madras—Per Teeeta, ro-inorrow, 1 Laugkat—lVr Ban Whatt Soon, tomorrow, 1 p.m. llal ii Balira Per Padany, to-morrow, 1 p.m. Perlis and Setul—Per Chan Tai, tomorrow, 2 p.m. Pangkor
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1335 3 (SHIPPIN G.) w&m f. 0. !?fe "*'s. n. Co. tixjtecled Arrivals and Departures. Mail Service. Outwards. May I*) s.s. (Jceami connecting with 8.8. Moldavia 24 8 8. Arcadia do k.h. Mongolia .1 uue 7 8.8. Delta do 8 8. Britannia INTENDED SAILINGS. British India Steam Navigation Co., Ltd. Intbmdkii to
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    • 184 3 For Singapore, Hongkong, Swatow and Amoy. r I H E as. G'enfalloch, Capt. G. Kingiioru, -l. will leave for the above ports, on Saturday the 28th inst., at 3 p m. For freight or passage apply to KOE GUAN Co Agents for Wee If in dr Co., of Singapore. 26-4-00
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  • 140 4 J “■'t ic i i tie* *m c*} bo<l jr and j lift ice alone.— Rm-xxon. Kstablished June Ist, 1903. I’«ihli*h<*l daily (except Sunday?*.! A 1 tit* CRITERION PRESS, Ltd., N*> 226 —232. Head: Siiwi. I*mhh».j PRIOR 1 DAILY LUO AI U. |i**r Atnnim m OCTST.ITIONS I‘osi.iue
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  • 985 4 eSome evilly disposed persons umy accuse us of throwing l»ouquet« at ourselves, but, nevertiieless, we taunot help congratulating Penang upon her pui Hyland her wonderful fieedom from com I tamination when so many of her neighbours are dubbed ‘‘infected ports.” We have now diseases on every side |of
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  • 548 4 Thl following gentlemen are apjKjinte.l a committee to receive subscriptions for the relief of the San Francisco Chinese:—Beach Street, from Light Str-et to China Street, Messrs. Cliu i Goon Yen Sl Ng Chaik Liang Beach Street, from China Street to Chulia Street, Messrs. Lit* Boon Khim
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  • 417 4 Judging from last night’s exhibition and the rpc o ptiou it met with, we should say that it will be many weeks yet before Mr. Matsuo would have to think of shifting his tent e's*-where, for, in spite of the many counter-attractions there are in Penaug at
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  • 559 4 Y. C. A. vs. Free School The above teams met in their league i match yesterday afterm on on the Esplanade and, as usual, a large concourse of sj ectators gathered. At 5.15 p. m. both teams iirel up as follows Free School: Goal. Uashiui; Ba-ks, Joo Wan aud
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  • 56 4 Lawn Tennis Tournamkn The f Mowing are the results of pUe J off vesterdiiy. U e l Radis' Champion hip Miss IWr beat Mrs., 5 Ladies' Single» HandicapMrs. Dunn beat Mrs Anderson, tJ Men s Sing es Handicap l>r. Donald beat G H Stitt, 6-0 W, Peel
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  • 140 4 Makch Output. The output amountel to ***** m; ,„1 1 against 27 544 20 pikuls in is an increase of 6,589 86 pikuls J‘;e v llu i* returned at *2 756.4:, 9 99 (m which duty amounting to §383,282 54 w paid. w<ls Tim average value of the
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  • 650 4 (Befrre Vie Hon. S. L Thornton, PuUne Judge.) Pen\n<j Road Uurdkk. 'l'mit case the second accused. Goviudeu, was with vesterdav j afternoon and wa> concluded at noou to-dav when the jurors f- mid him not guilty, aud he was accordingly discharged. Mr. Wright Motiou very ahi y defended
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 340 4 NOTICE. ON and after this date, all small advertisements intended for insertion in the Straits Echo must be paid for in advance. six; 1IOOI, PRITCHARD Si CO., PENANG. 25th Julv 1905 Managing l)irector. VOLUME I. No. 1. «.1 iii.- Straits Chinese Magazine. 0<*od price offered Apply at one- l<*
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    • 54 4 Favorite Remedy for Babies. Its plea aut taste ami prompt cures have made Chamberiaiu’s Cough Remedy a favorite with the mothers of small children. It quickly cures their coughs and colds aud prevents any danger of pneumonia or other serious consequences. George Town Dispensary, General Agents, and for salo by
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    • 172 5 IiKITISH LOSSES. Another Earthquake. (Supplied by Renter London, 26 h April—The R».v .'l Insurance Company staler that it is possible its liabilities over tlm Shi Fnucisoo disaster will amount, t £1,350,000 sterling. The London aud Lancashire Insurance Coinpaov Ins Feeu obliged to deplete if 8 resetves by a
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    • 146 5 Reserves Warned. (Supplied by Renter.') Loudou, 26th April.—The Natal Government Ira» warm*] the reserves in certain districts, consisting of all able bodied males U*tw«eu the ages of eighteen aud fifty, to hold themselves in leadiness for l>eing called out. Lord Elgin Speaks Loudon, 27th April.—Speaking at a hauquet at
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    • 84 5 Foreign Policy Defined (Supplied by Renter Loudon, 26th April.—Count Guicciarlini the Italian Foreign Minister, speaking in the Semite, said that the foreign policy of Italy consisted in fidelity to the Triple Alliance aud the tnaiu f euattce of her traditional intimacy with Great Britain aud sincere friendship for France.
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    • 108 5 Trades Dispute Bill. (Supplied by Renter.) Loudou. 26th April.—The Trades Disputes Hill lias been read a second time iu the Commons without a division. Mr. Bilfour returned to the House after his long rest amid general cheering. He denounced the Bill as class legislation. Unruly Women. London 27tli April—An
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    • 21 5 Reinforcements (Supplied by Renter.) Loudou. 27th April. —The 1 uni skilling Dragoons start for Egypt in the middle of May.
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    • 33 5 May Day Fears (Supplied by Reuter.) Loml ou, 27t1. April.—ln view of themovemeat for a general strike <>« ,H t ous of May Day enormous iuil.U»y preparations aie being made iu l**»'» 8
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    • 22 5 Ihe West Ridgeway Commisson (Supplied by Renter.) Loudon, 26th April —Sir West Ridge way’s committee has arrived at the Cape
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    • 17 5 The Loan Floated (The Oslasiatischer Lloyd's Service.) Berlin, 27th April.—The Russian loan has beeu successfully issued
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    • 43 5 A horse Electrocuted E-ho Special Kuala Lumpur, 27th April.—A horse, attached to a trap, has been killed here by coining in contact with electric light wires which had fallen during a storm. Ihe occupants of the trap had a miraculous escape.
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  • 130 5 Mushroom Missions. The Viceroy of Cauton has issued the followiug proclamation for the protection of missiouar es churches, etc: Churches have become very numerous of late, springing up like mushrooms all over the Kwaugtung Provinces, and verv frequently both the civil aud inilitarv officials an* not aware of
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  • 489 5 Mr. Charles Burrill, who was sent to China as special agent of the Department of Commerce and Labour at Washington, to investigate the trade conditions, esptciallv with regard to the existing boycott against American goods, has forwarde 1 a detailel repoittothe Department. Mr. Burrill states that the
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  • 1859 5 FjU'che n at the Mansion House. I he Lord Mavor gave a dejevner at the M aiisioii House cm 2nd inst. (o meet' his Imperial Highness Duke Tsai Tze and their Excellencies Li Sheng-to aud Shang Cbehung, the Imperial Commissioners from J China, unw on a visit,
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  • 152 5 The iiaret». of 25tli March. publishes li e law fixing the allowance of the future Queen of Spain at 4‘>0,000 pesetas (Jt'IH.OOO) annually, which will lie reduced to 250.0 0 pesetas (Jt 10,000) should King Alfonso die. According to private information, Princess Henry aud Princess Ena of
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    • 356 5 t. I lo nib Editor or tiik ho. I’liih <j nest ion lias been under discussion tor some long lime and correspondence between fjoiidou and Liverpool lias resulted, we are glad to sav. in an arrangement having lieeucometo l*v all l lie largest importers, merchants, dealers, brokers
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  • 86 5 To-day. 4th v, I tli P. 0. C. Gymkhana Kut ties close, 7 p.m Town Hand, Esplanade, 0 to 7 p in. Parsee New Elphiustoue. Theatrical Company, King Street Theatre, t* p.m Matsuo’s Japanese Cinematograph, Corner of Penang Hoad and Campliell Stieet. H p.m. To-morrow •>th Day, 4th Moon.
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  • 18 5 China (Arcadia) 28th Apr. China (H. Kitel b't inlrirh) Ist May. German (I{-on) 2nd Indian 3rd
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  • 104 5 Per Kistna from Singapore Messrs. \V. T. j Lidlietter, F. 1). McLeod, Lim PeckChay. From Port Swetteuliam Messrs. Janssens, W. Meikle, Niruheiui, A. I». Lake, Carr lit hers and Foo Olive Sean, and Sister St Auutoiie Per Donyo’a from L indou: Mr. A. H VV r ilsou, Mr A.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 17 5 The French Confectionery. 17a, NortUam Roatl. TO-NIOUT Ice Strawberry an<l Chocolate, au,! a variety of Fancy Cuke*.
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    • 87 5 You Run No Risk. You need no Imitate to buv Ciminlterlaiu’s Cough Remedy. If you are uot satisfied with the result»» after using twothirds of the bottle according to directions you may return it to ywur dealer and vour money will be refunded. Here is what the tireer Drug Co..
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    • 76 5 Highly Esteemed. No liimmut stands higher iu llie eslima-! tiou of those who know its real value than j Chamberlain’* l’aiu Balm. There ate thousands who feel that they cannot get along without it ami always keep it iu their h' ines. The pain from cuts, burns, bruises ami like
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    • 69 5 What Chamberlain’s Pain Halm Will Do For the alleviation pain ('ha inlierlain's Pain l*alm has no « of ihe muscles, swellings ami lameness are quickly relieved by applying i». One application will promptly quiet a pain in ihe side or chest and nothing will compaie with it as au external
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    • 274 5 \To-Nicht! To-Nicht!! I AND EVERY NIQHT, AT 9 P.M. Corner (f Penang R>>ad aqd Campbell Street. Matsuo's Japanese. Cinematograph. We claim to be the B.A.XI2TTT3C OP Cinematographs. The Grandest Largest i Show travelling Hast. ALL NSW FI 1..U51 Al,[, NKW FILMS IF Prices cf Admission: Ist Class 82 I Ilrd
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous

  • 181 6 A CURIOUS tSIOU' Thi Mainichi’s correspondent «it the t'hineie Capital semis a report, which requiies to be received with a good many grams of salt, concerning au incident whicii is alleged to have happened at an entertainment given by the Etnpre»* Dowager to the wives of the foreign representatives
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  • 251 6 An instructive little articleou perspiration by Dr. Emma E. Walker in the North American of Philadelphia is to baud. She observes that the absolute causes of perspiratiou are not very well koowu it is found in those who are very particular in their persoual care and those who are
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  • 495 6 A statement of ti e dimensions ami t**n- I nage of the ten largest merchant steamers j in the world was published leoently. It is not quite accurate, for it includes the tno great Cuuard steamers which are not vet launched, aud which ill not
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  • 128 6 Penang, 27th Arm. liij courtesy oj the Chartered Bank j London Demand Bank ..2/4& j 4 inontJiri' sight Ban; 2/4-j j 8 Credit 2/l*j 3 Documentary ...2/4j Calcutta. Demand Bank R> 175$ 3 «lavs' sign» Pi v-ne 178 Bouinav. Dsuiand I* ink 1 75j Moiuinein, Demand Haul 174{ 3
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  • 231 6 Cold ieat 05. B. Pepper \V. C«*asi Sllw.-bu.l out ol >incl. While Pepper 28. —set ers. Trang Pepper 21.50—nominal Cloves (picked) 42. —sales M;tce 81 —buyers Mace Picking*- 70. —sellers Nutmegs I lOs 33. sales f No. I 6 35 sales Sugar 2 u«* stock. i v Basket 2
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  • 609 6 c -Z Number of Shares y*™* Last D.videud. Name. Quotations, issued. jl* Mining lyot) 175.000 14,000 U>N*U Bersawah Gold Mining Co. Ltd. $1 ‘6 sellers. 1901 000.000 60 000 10 10 |Bruseli Hulraubc Tiu Miuiug Co. Ltd $11 50 tale*. 1903 X 400 000 350,000 1 1 Duff Development
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 78 6 liveiy Bottle Warranted. Ohainlierlain’s Pam Halui will not. cost you ow cent it' it «loos you no good. Give it a trial if you are troubled with rheumatism. Oue application will relieve the pain Pains in the side or cleat, soreness of the muscles or stiffness of the joints me
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    • 234 6 JOHN TYNDALL Co.’s CELEBRATED PEACOCKI BRAND mm CEYLON TEAS Certified by Dr. Donald of Penang as follows :—Messrs. Tyndall *fe (’o’ s Peacock Brand Tea I have used and much appreciate. Kxcellcnt in flavour and freedom from the vegetable astringents which tend to produce digestive troubles. Arch. Donald. D'f M.
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  • 215 7 Thk annual leport of the Hamburg-Ame-rica Steam Packet Company. now the largest shipping company ill the world, has lieen issued, and shows that this orgi&lfsa(ion lias once again made a notable advance, such as iiritifeh shipowners may well regard with envious eves. It shows a cross
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  • 287 7 1 lie follow mg clipping from a Lome paper of 31st ult. throws considerable light upon a Reuter message wliicli we published vesteidav:— According to iuloimatioii just to liaml from Northern Nigeria, the ex|ieditiun which we despatched fioin Lokoja by the High Commissioner against the Muushis, wlio in Janu
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  • 467 7 Authrntic Details. This Hovernmeut is cancelling all monopolies m Hrunei auil redeeming all mortgages on the Stato «**>siou money. Haji Mai Hand, a headman **f one of the Brunei lvainpougs, held such ;i mortgage, objected to its redemption, and wished to continue to draw interest
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 866 7 P. M<j:r Cranes’ CYUNOEK OIL. Sanditand >. Ktinny r a NOTICE. betters Patent Petroleum Engines. THE MOST PERFECT MOTOR uuderMgi.ttiJ iv inform the public of I’eiuii!; aixl ilih neii»bl».>iinnjt Native States that thev bare been appointed Aleuts for Ale.s:-,i». Parsons, Clive Co., Ltd. of Loixton, m i iiavo recently rece’v**»l
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1134 8 Lim Sun Ho, cnoi* Klfc'NC MOH tSt Co, 104, Bench Street, Penang. importers of a!* kinds of European Cloth and Genera! Commission Agents. dentistry. W. MAN SON, American Dentist, Late of Dr. Allen Co., Pha, UN. A. Glo Charges Moderate, Consultation Free. RKSID1NO AT i\o. 2/u. Penang Road. X few
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