Straits Echo, 26 April 1906

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1223 1 HIGH TENSILE STRENGTH. o~m 4a N> TO •s. 'Vaiamnw O'JSSVM BANKS. Chartered Bank of India, Hongkong Shanghai Australia and China. Banking Corporation. Nedcrlandscn« Handel INCORPORATED BY KOYAL CHAPTER. Paid-up-Capital Reserve Fond—510.000.00 U Capital Paid up Reserve Fund Reserve Liability of Proprietors Sterling l!ew>i ve IOjKJU.UUO f JLWKI.WO si| T6 v
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    • 18 1 SO le agents GUINNESS’S STOUT. fi cs r.~ c R gj m CP <? 3iv s<ssva TIANG LEE Co
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  • 734 2 Last Year's New Companies. i (Financial Ttnisi, March lrtli). j One of the most promiteut leatmes in j company proinoi iug circles of late has been the attention tiiat iias been panl to tlie exploitation of rubber estates in tlie East, a .d theie can le no
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 82 2 Uve.y Bottle Warranted. Chiimln Hain’s P;*m Balm will not. cost vou one con it it dot's vou no good. Give it a »t ial il vou me troubled with rlieumatism. Guo ipplicatiou will relieve the pain. Pains in the sole or ch-st, soreness of flip muscles or si illness of
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    • 2395 2 notice. ON and after this date, all small advertisements intended for insertion in the Straits F.chn must be paid for in advance. LIM SENG *****, 25th Julv 1905 Managing Director. NOTICE. IS herebv given that from this ate Mr him Keat lias ceased to siun our firm and tliat
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  • Shipping.
    • 76 3 Lady Wkld, Br. s.s., 245, Quine, 28th Apr., Teink Anson, 25tb Apr., Geu —Stnuts 8. S. Co. Perak, Br. 8 25*7, Buchanan, 28th Apt'., Port Swetteuhani, 25th Apr., Gen.,— I\. G. Co. Taw Tono, Br. s s., lus, Hi>*an. 20tli Apr., Asabau, iPth Apr.. Gen., —K. G. On.. Gi.knwali.och,
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    • 54 3 26th April Avayyee. for I>eli. De Kock, for lteli, Bajau, Kdie and T. Seiu&we. Peyn, for Edie, T. Semawe, Segli, Olelileh ami Sahaug. Dongola, for Singapore, Ciiiua aud Japan. Petrel, for Puugkalau Braudan. Canton, for Paugkor aud I'eluk Ausou. Un Peny, for Setul. Flying Fisk, for Port Weld aud
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  • 47 3 Vessel From Aijen/f Du*. Andalusia Ham hurt; U.M.&Co. 27th Apr Bought* Siugapoie SB &Co. 30th Hellas Hamburg B.Al.&Co 7th May. Benloiiioud London S.B&Co. 7th Atnhria Hamburg B.M <fcCo. 18th Beuavon London S B.&Qo. 19th KliHiiHtua Hamburg B M «tC'o. 24th Benarty London jS. B.&Co. 1 31st
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  • 50 3 1 fx*el F<a Aijenl» Lea vet Audalusia 1. pore B.M ACo. 27tb Apr Benj^loe Boudou S B AO®. 30th Hellas pore B.M ACo. 7tli May Benluiuoud Siu^apore S.BACo. 7th Ambria jSiugapore BMACo. 18th Benavou p*ie S B ACo. 19th Kheiiania Singapore B M ACo. 24th Bcoartv Siugapoie S.B.ACo. 31st.
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  • 89 3 For Port Swot ten ham aud Malacca —Per Cornelia, to-morrow, 1 p in. Port, Swetteubani and Malacca—Per Perak, to-morrow, I Atsalian—Per Taw Tony, to-morrow, 1 p. in. Cevlou, Anslrnlasia, India, Adeu, Muritius, Egypt and via Brindisi, for Europe, etc. Per Arcadia, 28tli lustant, 6 a.m. Negapatam aud
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1018 3 (S HIPPING.) MJI V* P. A 9.1! IS. I. Co. INTENDED SAILINGS. British India .Steam Navigation Co., Ltd. Mr/iechul Arrivals and lMpart.nres. Mail Service. Outwards April 26 Uomjoln conuectiug with M.B. China May 10 8.8. Oceana do Moldavia ‘24 8.8. Arcnd.ii do *.s. Mongolia Juno 7 8.8. Delta do 88.
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    • 108 3 PASSAGES to EUROPE, viai MADRAS. PASSAGES mu (looked per British India Steam Navigation Company’s Steamers from Penang, via MadraS. to Port Said, Genoa, Marseilles, Plymouth and HUTTENBACH, LIEBERT ACo. f AGENTS 114 06 232 NIPPON YUSEN KAISHA. THE s.s. Bingo Maru is due at 1 (his port on or about
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  • 118 4 J ice «Alistiesererybody and juf Lice alone.— Kmtr «on. Established June Ist, 1903PnbHKM «iaily (except Sunday?.) AT THI CRITERION PRESS. Ltd., No. 2*26 —26*2. Reach .Street. fVn»n; PRICE DAILY LOCAL per amnim OUTSTATIONS PoetJiK'e K*lm. MAIL HIMTION (Poet Kreel *l3 CAULK ADDKKSS; Echo —Penang.” 'Otophone No. Editor-in-Chief
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  • Current Topics.
    • 190 4 Wk are informed that the local Lum Wah lIo>pit«l is in receipt of a telegram from tiie Tun»; Wah Hospital, of llongi kong, announcing; that, on receipt of a wire from the Chinese Minister at Washington, a fund is Iteing raised for the relief of the
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    • 1315 4 Tilt letter of Justus, apiyearing in another col- mini, up a very moot question, wliieli lias been much discussed the whole world over. We think, though, that it our correspondent considers the matter a little, he will see that many difficulties lie in the way of 'the currying out
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  • 130 4 Penang has la.ely l>een visited by a great many cinematograph companies, hut there are cinematograph shows and cinematograph shows. The very latest, which will open a season m Penang to-night, in the huge teut just erected at the corner of Peuang Road aud Campbell Street, however, comes
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  • 922 4 (Before t’ne Hon. S. L. Thorn'on, Puisne Judge.) Penang Road Muroer. The ease for the prosecution closed yesterday afternoon and the accuser! was sworn for his defence this morning. He stated —1 live iu Penang Road, a few doors off where my father lived. L have a brotiier
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  • 204 4 A Kuala Lw» por Plain i Penang is not the only place with wat*.,troub'ei, as the followiny letter, written our Kuala Lu upur contemp )rarv, shows Sir,—Noticing in the minutes of the Sanitary Board meetings that a priv.ite watts* supply for ti.ide purposes had re cently beeu gnn el
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  • 319 4 1 n ext raordinary general meetiug of the shareholders of this Corapauy was held ou Saturday, at the Company’s offices, Singapore, for the purpose of a joptiug the follow, iug siecial resolution: That the Capital of the Company lie reduced from $220,000, divided in 22,000
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  • 431 4 Mo T D.VNOSUWS Qi'AKRY. bison (incorrectly) iu India, seladaug in Malava, siaug in Burma, aud gnuding in Siam, llte ganr (l>o9 gaurus) is the largest and fiercest of all the wild cattle, with hoofs small in proportion to hs height, and of deerlike, rather tin oxlike, character.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 292 4 GUAN LEE HIN S-S. CO. OFFICE WORKSHOP 13, China Street,! 41. Reach Street,! PENANG. The (‘Omjja n v runs Steamers ami Steam Launches regularly Between Penang Port A Singapore, S. S. Pin Seng leaves Penang ovrev i’eesdav at 4 p.m. Between Penang and Langkat, S S. Ban Whan Soon leaves
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    • 51 4 Favorite Remedy for Babies. Its plea'ant taste and prompt cures i* 1 made Chamberlain's Coujili liemedv a vorite with the mothers of small cm* It quickly cures their coinjbs and colds prevents any danger of pneumonia or o serious cousequences. George 1 peusary, General Agents. amWor rfale il Dispensation and
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    • 110 5 THE NATIVE RISING. The Transvaal’s Offer t Supplied by Reuter Loudon. 25tli April. Natal Im* accepted tliH Transvaal's offe** of voliiiilh» rx The St John* Amlnil.iuce Cotps at (lift ih h**ii*l ii»<r a detachn.eut. Tin* Indian community of Durbau has offered to raise »i corps of stretcher hearers aud
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    • 100 5 Railway Development (Supplied, by /{enter.) London. 25th April.— Hingor Martini, th® Governor of Erithrea, lias started ou hi 8 mission to Adisabeba. The Paris Matin stales that au Auglo-Franco-Italiau Convention is negotiating with reference to the Abyssinian railways. Great Britain aud Italy have agreed tliat the railway from Jibutil
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    • 92 5 Another Earthquake Shock (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 25th April.—A sharp, but harmless, shock of earthquake was felt iu San Francisco last night. The President of the German Keichstag lias cordially referred to the Vesuvius and San F/aucisco disasters, alluding to the sympathetic feelings which were specially uuitiug Germany
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    • 87 5 Kaiser’s telegram Discussed. (Supplied by Reuter Loud*>u, 25th April.—The Fremdeublatt, the official organ of the Austriau Foieigu Office, warmly repudiates the idea that the Kaiser’s telegram to Count Golacliowxki is humiliating to Austria, aud points out that for Austria to support Gennauv is only natural. (The Ostasiatischer
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    • 52 5 r The Loan. (Supplied by lieu/er.) Loudon, 25th April. —The Tsar will ceremoniously open the new Russian National Assembly ou 10th May. London, 26th April.—The Russian five percent. loan, to the aiuouut of j£89,325J'00 sterling, has been issued at 89. The Barings have issued the English share, which amount#
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    • 42 5 Strikes Spreading. (Supplied by Neuter.) Loudon, 25th April.—The strikes in the uorthern districts of Prance are extending to other parts of the country, including Paris, where alarming rumours aie current and appteheusious are felt regarding pro hable trouble on May Day.
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    • 61 5 Tkc British Garrison. (Supplied by lieultf.) London, 25th April. —It is pointed out that the estimates for 1906-07 provided for au increiseof the British garrison iu Egypt by seveu companies of infantry, raising the total from 8,243 to 4,008 men. The extra iufautyy are required for partially garrisoning Khartoum.
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    • 92 5 The Munshi Rising (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 25 1 h April.—The unsubdued section of the Munshis yesterday killed two Indian merchants cl se to the Uganda railway. Troops have lx*cn despatched to the sccue of the inurdei. The Royal Tour. London’s Appreciation. fSupplied by Renter.) London, 25th April.—The London
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    • 28 5 Japanese Officers Entertained {Supplied by Reuter.) Loudon, 25th April.—The Newcastle Coiqmratiou has eutertaiued the officers of the Japanese battleship Kaehinut at luncheon in the Town Hall.
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    • 35 5 The Manchester Dispute {Supplied by Renter.) Loudon, 25tli April.—The Manchester Master Cotton Spinners’ Federation recommends its membeis to refuse auv increase of wages unless au automatic scheme for the regulation of wages is accepted.
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    • 26 5 The Famine {Supplied by Reuter Loudon, 25th April.—The liumlter of persons in receipt ot famiue relief iu India is increasing and now amounts to 4iH>(HX*
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    • 20 5 Treaty not Signed i Supplied by Reuter.) Loudon. 25th April.—The reported sigu ature of the Tibetan Treaty is incorrect.
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    • 404 5 The Olympic Games. (Supplied by Reuter.) Loudon. 26rh April.—ln the Olympic Games at Atheuß the Englishmen have j beaten the Germans iu feucing, scoring! nine hits against two. The Englishman Taylor has wou the mile! swimming race easily. The following were the British represents- tives for the aliove events
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    • 742 5 To HIE ElUTOR OF THE STRAITS WcHO. i SlK. Reading au article iu jour pa|.er of t ho 28rd about Secret Societies and about tin* headmen or leaders of such, tbe idea I struck me as beiug ijueer here. viz. to I tiud 8 to
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  • 570 5 M. Pokotiloff is taking steps to keep a close watch on Prince Sus doing# in Mon* golia. The Council of State A ffaus is oppose 1 to tlie idea of the es>ablishineiit of a viceroyalty of Hi and Kaiisn. The British and Freixili Mmisie have |agaiu protested
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  • 97 5 T»> lot 3rd Day, -4th Mo«>n. Town Band, Chinese Recreation Club, 5 to 7 p m. Football Match F. 8. if. V M. C. A Par-ee New Elpliiustone Theatrical Company, King Street Theatre, 9 pm Matsuo’s Japanese Cinematograph, Corner of Penang Road aud Campbell Street, 9 pm. Opeuiug Night.
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  • 29 5 First Quarter May 2nd 269 am O bull Moon Bib 99 7. pm Last Quarter 15*li 2.2 7. I’M. O New Moon 23rd 3 0.6 P M
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  • 21 5 Euglish (Donyula) 26th Apr. Cliiua (Arcadia) 28th China (P. Kitel Fiiedrirh Ist M*v German (Roou) 2nd Indian Thonyiea 3rd
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  • 42 5 P. O. SAILINGS. Mail Se-vi. e Outwards. H«mikwari*s. Domjola 26 Apr. Arcadia 2H Apr Oeeana 10 May. j Uecanha 12 May Extra service. Outwards. Homi wards. Pethawur 5 May j Sm'otra II May Pahaa In Manila 19 Fol «J» l Page
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 29 5 The French Confectionery. 17a, Northain Road. TO-NIGHT W. Jtt J I I T 1 I J| <> Too Creams, Strawberry an<l Chocolate. ami a v* im< r of Fancy 0*1«.
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    • 75 5 Highly Esteemed. No liniment stands higher in the estimation of those who know its real vaiue than Chamberlain’s 1’ain Halm. There are thousand* who feel that they cauuot get along without it and always keep it in their h uies The pain from cuts, burns, bruises and like iujuries is
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    • 72 5 What Chamberlain’s Pain Balm Will Do For the alleviation of paiu Cham her la in's Pain Balm has no equal. Soreness of the muscles, swellings aud lameness are quicklv relieved by applying it. Oue application will promptly quiet a paiu iu the side or chest aud nolhiug will compare with
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    • 330 5 To-day's Ad vert isemeiits. WANTHD. \roLUME 1, No. 1, ,»f the Straits Chinese Magazine, (hnnl price offered Apply at once to 8. C. M.,” 19 406 uc 246 e o Strait* K>'ho. For Singapore, Hongkong, Swalow and Amoy. rpHE s k. trltnjallorh, O. Kinghoru, -A. will leave for the
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    • 347 5 CENTRAL SALES ROOM ON Friday, 27ih April, 1906, Public Auction or High-Class Artistic Furniture, COMPRISING Handsome Double and Single Brass Bedsteads, coinple'e, Dinner Waggons, Tables, Sideboard, Ire Chest. Drawing Room Upholstered Suite, Aimiralis, Kattau and Bentwood Furniture, i amps, Crockerv, Hall Furniture, Plant», etc., etc., A 1,80 Palanquin, Traps. Hordes.
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous

  • 1206 6 Thk “Gaelic Football Match,” which formed one of the gicitest, attractions at Aldershot on St. Patrick’s Day. does something to recall the methods of playing the gatne iu tin* good, if boisterous, old days before football became circumscribed aud the mode of play controlled by
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  • 124 6 Pbmano, 26th Afbil. courtesy of the Chartered Bank i London Demand Bank 2/4i Sa--4 iiioiiMi»' sign* lf*-n 2 4 t 7 5 3 Credit 2/1 3 Documentary ...-/4; Calcutta. Demand Bulk It' 175 J 3 days* Sign• fr-vaie 178 Doiiiiko. Dona ml ifanl- I/O4 Moilinieili. Demand Knn« 174{ 4
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  • 214 6 hilii ieai 60 B. Pepfier( VV. (loasi 1 mil oi -tucL While Pepper 28.— sel'ers. [Yang Pepper 21.50—nominal Cloves (picke*ll 42.— tale* Mace 81 —buyers Mace Picking- 70. —sellers ViiMii g* I In» 33. tales y N<» 1 030 sales 3ug.i no stock. Ba*.k*" 2 80 sales bapioc.» 8
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  • 449 6 a, s 1900 1901 1903 1901 1899 1904 1889 1890 1904 1892 1898 1900 1899 1902 1905 1905 1904 1905 1905 1903 1904 1905 1906 1903 1904 1904 1898 1903 1905 1904 1904 1898 1865 1901 1901 1899 1903 1890 1887 175.000 600.000 400.000 8 120.00 60,000 120.000 250,000
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 24 6 Nobels Explosives: GELIGNITE, DETONATORS, FUSES. SPORTING CARTRIDGES. Sandilands, Buttery Co., Sole Age ms. Penang F.M.S. Aylesbury Garland, Sub-Agents, Perak. Magazines at Penang and fpoh
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    • 200 6 BURN Co, Ltd Eleotpioal Engineers PENANG. Show Poo ms Logan's buildings, 4 UK now prepared to undertake ail kinds of electrical wr t shortest uotice. All work done by fullv competent at Kuropean supervision. House wiring a speciality. men Und ®f ESTIMATES FREE, ASAEI' 111 AS All THE BEST BEER
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  • 216 7 A mong many interesting recent additions to the Zoo at Regent’s Park, says the Globe, is an extremely fine cock Argus pheasant, that bird over wliom; woudeiful plumage Darwin, Wallace aud Kilham have pored with «esthetic zeal. The species is not absolutely new. for it has been
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  • 340 7 Brings Kidnapping Chargk Against Hkr Husband A Nbw Yokk despatch to tin* Loudon Morning Lender states that American society lias been furnished with keenly-relished material for gossip by the news that the Countess de Festetics has been reived with a writ requiring her to show cause why the
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 845 7 P. M Cranes’ CYLINDER OIL. San./i/and <. Knitory Co. better’s Patent Petroleum Engines. THE MOST PtRFECT MOTOR JVOTICE. 'pHE undersijtued t to iuforui tlie public of Pennuj; ;ia«l tlie neighbourin'.; Native A Slates that 1 her huve beeu appointed Amenta for Messi Inwall Pai-sons, Olive A Co., Ltd- of Loudou.
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    • 93 7 You Run No Risk. Y->u m-ed iiv, hesitate to buy Chaml»erlaiu’s Cough Remedy. If you are uot satisfied with the results after using two* thirds of the bottle according to directions you may return it to your dealer and your money will be refunded. Here is what the Greer Drug
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1146 8 Lim Sur» Mo, CHOI’ Hlb'NC 5 IVIOIHI Sc C«». 1t,4, Reach Street, Renumt. importer? of kinds of Europcan OlotH antJ Genera! Commission Agents. *>!’' DENTISTRY W. MANSON, American Dentist, Late of Dr. Allen Co., Him, U.S.A. Charges Modeiate. Consuhaiinii Kr*»#*. ULSIDIKO AT /Vot 21a, Penang Ku*d. A few doors from
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