Straits Echo, 23 April 1906

Total Pages: 10
1 10 Straits Echo
  • 40 1 Straits Echo 10-PAGE EDITION. OAILV CHKONICLh 01 EVENTS, Cllfll I.ATINIi TIIKOIKiItOIiT Till THE El.lll I'A'fHl* V. ,UV STATES. AM) I'm: lAR EAST tiENEIMU.I VOL 4. $24 Pei Annum. PENANG, MONDAY, 2 Aid APRIL 1900. Single Copy, Hi cent! No. 90
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1320 1 SrisiMmi.i i iv hoi aiaviKis HIGH TENSILE STRENGTH. Nr CP d.E S/ 9+ nvMioKnw o^s>m SVlnon ,W':H V V! SN IdMVII < B 2L 1ST S£ S Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China. BY POYAL OH A PTFP. Capital Paid, up Reserve Fund Keservo Liability of Proprietors -t800,U(J0 X‘875.0!
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    • 19 1 Tl AIMG LEE Co -rra =3 t,.WSO V 3 Ln fs C/3 LZJ VJ N OLE AGENTS. BASS’S ALE,
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  • 244 2 This Company holds its 33rd onliuary lr.oetiugatHongkong ou Saturday, 28th inst when the accouutu will l>e prescuted. They show that the balance at credit of working accouut on the 31st December, iWa, was $2,792,271.71. '1 he Hoard recoinmeuds that an interim dividend of 830 per
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  • 744 2 Thk police have recently unearthed a Ciiiuese iSeciet. Society winch had begun operations m this neighbourhood, sav-s the Malay Mail. The chops, book of ritual aud various insiguia have been seized. It is well known that China itself is honey-combed with these societies, which in tiiat country, at
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 54 2 Favorite Remedy for Habits Its plea-a ut taste amt prompt cuies have made Chamberlain's Uou;_;h Remedy a favorite with the mothers of small children, it quickly cures their coughs aud cold» ami prevents any dancer of pneumonia or other serious consequences. George Town Dispensary, General Agents, and for sale by
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    • 663 2 I NOTICE ON am) after this date, all small advertisements intended for insertion in the Straits Echo must I be paid for in advance. LIM SENG HOOI, I 25tli July HR)* Managing Director. NOTICE. IS hereby given that from this ate Mr. Lim Cbeau Keat has ceased to our firm
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    • 1844 2 THE FRENCH CONFECTIONER?, 17/ 1, Northam Road, Orders taken for Wedding Cakes and all functions, such as Tea Parties, Balls, Suppers, etc., etc. A variety of Fancy Cakes and Ice-creams can be had daily. Afternoon Tea from 4 p.m. Special apartments for Chinese Ladies. The above Establishment is lit up
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  • Shipping.
    • 77 3 Unity. Ur. ss, 9*o, Hausen, Apr., Rangoon, 19fli Apr., Geu., —C. H. A BonB. Diomkm, Ui. s.s., 0; »5 Younir, 23rri Apr, Yokohama, 27th Mar.. Gen.,—W. M. Co. Nam Sano, l’>r. s.s 2,59], Knife, 23id Apr., Hoiurkon-r. 1 fth Apr., Gen., I*. 00. Hono Hkk. Ur. s.s., 2,051», Peters,
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    • 43 3 23rd April Cali/ I mo, tor Jteli. Diorned, for Colombo and Tufcoriu. Petrel, for Port Swetteninm. 'Vote Tong, for Asahan Ponton, for Pangkor and 'lVliik Anson. How, lire. for Singupoie, Hongkong, Swatow and Amoy. Ft •jintj Dragon, for Port Weld and Taiping.
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  • 69 3 Vr*se.l* 1 I'ni'i A iienU Out. •StMiiiha Singapore B.M.&Co. 2Mli Apr Andalusia Hainl'Urvr II M A Co. •27th 1 leuyli e >Siii” i ore S.H &CV 20th Hellas Hamburg 1 >. M ACo. 7th May. ilenlomond 1 London [S.B.ACo. 7th in hi ia. 'Hanilmrg B.M A Co. 18th Bens
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  • 65 3 1 e*Hfh< Fur A 'i*nls Leaves Scatnlia ;!lam!iui)» li.M.&C*. 24th Apr. Andalusia Sinira pore B.M.ACo. 27th Uengloe !London S.B&Co. 30th Hellas Singapore B M &Co. 7th May. Beuloniond 'Singapore S II A*'o. 7ilt A nibria Singapore B M A Co. 18th I'jMiiavon Sin 4a p >!0 SB A Co.
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  • 88 3 Poi: Tougkah— Per Rotorua, to morrcw, 1 p m. Lungkat— Per din Ho. to-morrow, 1 p in. Matu liahra— Per Podamj, tomorrow, 1 p. in Port Swetienliam ami Slug a pore—Per Pin Sentj to morr-ov, p m Teluk Anson Per Lady Weld, to-morrow, d i> m. Rangoon Per
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  • 25 3 Per Unity, from Rangoon Mr. Saw Chiu Tint;. Per l>inntert, from Yokohama Lieut. Alton, k n. Pe Nam Sam/, from Singapore: Mr. A brams.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1062 3 (SHIPPING.) P. I li,| sn /6 a lu\ lil. Co. bjxfwclcl Atiirals into, Urjuirf ures. Mail Service. Outwards April _’*> s.<*. Dongola connecting with s.s. Ch in<i i«t Claw 2nd Cltuw I'O lidlliltili ti) S«*» To Marseilles or Gib* rallar 4J56 1538 extra steamers lulerinetliale Service. e*c*lletit nccoiu modal iou
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    • 132 3 KTOTICK. f 14II K M.M. A vnifi/ef will l>o dry docked oil 1 her return from Deli on the 20th iust., and will resume her run on Thursday, the 20t h iust. IvOE < J U A N Coy., IH 4 06 242 Owner n. PASSAGES to EUROPE, via MADRAS.
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  • 126 4 RiUsfletevery bod y and justice alone.— Emnrmt' Established June Ist, 190.1. Published daily (except Sundays.» mi CRITERION I'RESS, Lid.. No. 2*26 232, Mead» Street. Penang PRICF DAILY LOCAL Ji» l*er Minim I OUTSTATIOXh Postage Extra. MAIL (EDITION I Post Fleet Sl.', CABLE ADDRESS: Echo —Penang.” Tplepli<»iift N
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  • Current Topics.
    • 259 4 There always seems to be a bit of a contest going on between the Government ami the Municipality as to jurisdiction and everv extension of the Municipal limits has to be wrested from Government, practically at the point of the bayonet. Although we do not love the Municipality upon
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    • 345 4 Now and again it lias been our unpleasant dutv to call attention to the i very poor accommodation provided l*v the Railway authorities at the local booking office. We liave described the fearful patideinonium resulting from a large number of people of first, second and third class, all
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  • 250 4 A Pr- spkrous Year The Peuaug Swimming Club held its an- 1 uual general meeting yesterday and the 1 report laid before the mem Iters was a most satisfactory one. It sltowe that: The net.t protit transferred from reveuue :i c, after providing for interest, ui overdraft
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  • 706 4 Ka ewkll Entertainment to Mr. \V. H. Dinsmore. Com in n it ieated.) "A plea-'ant social function came off with gi-eat <elat at Serendah on the 19th instant, and the drowsy town made a brave show i for tli occasion. A vast concourse of people front the districts of
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  • 2169 4 My weakest Fanny. —Torn lias been quite j seedy all the week au<l. when I called in the! doctor the other dav, he said that he must i have ertten somethin*; that disagreed with him Then the beast had to confess that he has au alarming fondness for
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 278 4 THE iu OTEL, SILLS. The ONLY SANATORIUM in the Straits. EVERY HOME COMFORT. SARKIES BROTHERS, Proprietors. GUAN LEE HIN S- S. CO. OFFICE WORKSHOP 13, 41. China Street,) Beach Streets PENANG. The Company runs Steamers ami Steam Launches regularly Between Penang:, Port Swettenham A Sin era pore, S. S. Pin
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    • 498 5 T.IK KaKTRQI AKK. Wholesale Desolation (Supplied by Renter.) London, 21st April—Yesterday was a .’av ~1' horror at San Francisco. I'here were four distinct /.ones of eoiifla.r iiion, the tire from which was thin-.i'imiiig to drive iuto (he sea twenty thousand refugees who weae huddled together in the Golden
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    • 166 5 The Miner»’ Strike. Suj'jilieil by lieu ter.) Loudon, 2Ut April. —Gollisious occurred l**t ween strikers and the troops iu the Donai, liens, Valeueieuues aud Lille districts of France yesterday. M Clemenceau is touriug the region aud eudeavouriug to mediate between the miuers aud the mice owners. M. Etienne
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    • 26 5 The Sultan’s Health (Sit by ticiitei.) Loudou, 21st April. The Turkish Embassy in London absolutely denies the ropoits of the serious illness of the Sultan.
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    • 28 5 British Garrison Increased. (Snpi'heil by Leute) Loudon. 21st April.—The Hrdwj' garrison in Egypt ,n tg presumably owing to the link's i I J in the Sinai Peninsula.
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    • 63 5 The Rittfg ug Cits: (Supplied by Renter.) Loudon, 23th April.—The desisiou of the Wav Office on the Aldershot ragging ease has been promulgated. Coho el CuthberLson is relieved of bis command and Captain Stracev, the Adjutant, is relieved of his appointment, while the four Lieutenants who were placed
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    • 18 5 Now Recovering (The. Ostasiatischer Lloyd's" Service.) Berlin, 22ud April.—The Pope is re covering from his illness.
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    • 44 5 The Association Cup. (Supplied by Renter Lomlon, 23rd April.—Evertou has beateu Newcastle Uuited, the champions of the League, in the contest for the Association Football Cup. by one goal to nil. The match was played at the Crystal Palace before sixty thousand spectators.
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    • 362 5 (Supplied l>y Reuter.) London. 23rd April.—lt. is announced in Koine that Signor Mart, ni, the Governor of Erithrea, starts for Adisabeba on 2«th instant. The American assurance companies have decided to pay ail claims arising out of the San Francisco earthquake It i» lieliev ed that altogether a
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  • 114 5 A Paris newspaper gives some details of the navigable balloon now in course of construction attheMoissau workshops, aud which will be in the bauds of the Ministry of War next, autumn. The new airship w ill be a little larger and a little more speedy than
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  • 200 5 Thkkk is some talk at present of there being more disease than usual among the pigs of Bangkok. Certainly it is easy enough, sa vs the Hanykok Tune#, to buy iu any of the inai kets pork that the salesman will tell tiie purchaser fiauklv was part
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  • 1297 5 Latest Parliamentary Report. Something: Done. Hair Cutting Charges Reduced. The Churohii.l-Chambkki.ain Dukl. JAPANESE INVADE LONDON. AN ARISTOCRATIC JOURNAL. {From Our Own Correspondent Flkrt Stkekt, March 30th.—W hat This not a Government of reform 1 can prove that it is. In reply to Mr. Pat O’Brieu who wanted
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  • 50 5 To-day. 30th Day, 3rd Moon. St. George's Day. St. George's Drill Hall Rugby Foothill “England ve. The Rest.” Town Baud, Esplanade, 0 to 7 p.m. Parrci* Nc.v Elphiustouc Thcitrical Co., King Street Theatie To-morrow Ist I >ay. -it h Football M tch P C. C. is P. and T.
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  • 32 5 O New vi— Apr. 23rd 11.0 5 p.m. Firs* i I*. hi May 2nd 2 0.9 am. O I*nil U. -m «ih 9 9.7. pm. I„i-o 15th 2.2 7. pm.
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  • 21 5 English DonyoUi) 20th Apr, China (Arcadia) 28th China Fdel Friedrich) Ist May German R on) 2nd Indian (Tkonoiet) 3rd
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  • 48 5 P. O. SAILINGS. 'l.iil Service. Outwards. Homewards. Douyola <0 Apr. j Arcadia 'iH Apr. Oceana KJ Way. j Devanha 12 May. I xtra Service. >utward*. Homewards. Pet ha tear 5 May. j Socotra II May Pa 1 uia to 1 Manila 19 •ar Foi i*:iri iculars so* Page
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 9 5 The French Confectionery, IZa, Northam Road. loe fancy Cakes,
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    • 139 5 To-day’s Advertisements. LOST. A Hammered Silver Cigarette Case with initials G. li K. M. Engraved on it. T.'HNDEU on returning same to Straits X* Echo will leoeive a reward of $lO. 28 4 OH ots 257 TO LET. FjMtUM May Ist couifort.ildr compound house No. ID, Barrack Road, suitable for
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    • 640 5 WAKTTBD. A' /"OLUME f. No I, of :Iim Straits Chinese Magazine. Good price offered Apply at ouch to “8. C. M.” 15* 4 06 lie 240 c o Strait* Echo. WAYANGJtASSIM. Tile Imlra /uni Inn Hoy ill Theatrical Compony of Singapore. WILL PROl> »CK jAT THE CAMPBELL STREET DRURY LANE
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous

  • 203 6 Mr. G. A. Derrick presided at the tenth ordinary general meeting of the Sipiau Tin Company, held at the office in Battery Road. Singapore, on Wednesday. Tlie directors report and statement of the accounts have already been published. Ihe Chairman mentioned that during the year the tributing
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  • 237 6 Thk second ordinary gene.a 1 meeting ol the KuantunTiu Mining Co Ltd was to le held in Siugapoie on Friday at noon The directors uqiort for tie year ending 31st Deeetni*er last (the first year ot the Company s walking) shows that the total ouiput of
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  • 592 6 An Lettuu from India Oulv two weeks ago a Ceyiou plantei i wrote that he was selling hi- newly opened j clearing for 4.4' per acre. ibis was to he turned into a Company by tin* buyer, and he has gone llonn* So arrange matters. What
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  • 129 6 Pknanq, 23rd Aram. lit/ courtesy ot t'te Chartered Itank Lull.lon Demand H-. 0- 2/4 1 3 8 j 4 mniii ii-' sight Ban' 2 4y 7 3 Credit 2/l>; 3 Documentary lj|CaicnMa, Demand Bank IF 1 < 4 3 davs’ sight Pr*v e 178 Bdinnav, Demand Bant 175* Moumiein,
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  • 226 6 j Gold leaf 1 Co. B. Pepper (\N t!< a*i '••,'. <»/</ <</ Wiihe Pepper -.5 28. buyer* Trang Pepper 21.50 setter* Cloves (picke<'ti 42. saic* Mace 81 —buyers Mace Picking- 70. —tetters \ntmegs I lO- 31. pules \<v I fi sale* 'J ti" st«« k. Basket 2
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  • 621 6 *c of t is ©i 2\ne Last Dividend. Name. Quotations. issued. „o fi. Mining ]ifito 175,000 14,000 10 It' lie sawah Gold Mining Co. Ltd. <]$ seh'o s. M 600.000 ***** 10 10 jBrusek Hydraulic Tin MioiugCo. Lid $11 50 sales. 1003 400 (»00 350,000 1 1 Duff Development
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
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    • 138 6 MACKAY'S LIQUEUR WHISKY. G/es/crs' Champagne, James BUCHANAN i Co.’s CELECi.ATED THE' CELEBRATED 44 S. B. Co.” GIN IN RED CASES. < nmfrhinr!* f Ruttery S' Cn. „rn cru Usher Uhl) SLAL and SPECIAL RESERVE BLACK AND WHITE WHISKIES. SANDIUNDS, BUTTERY Co., AGENI'S FOK PENANG <* F M. S. O.V.G. Whisky.
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    • 136 6 S MILK. Norwegian Pore Cows’ Hilk. The only Canned Milk in which the full Flavour of Fresh Cows’ .Hilk is^ Retained. The most flattering testimonials from medical men. To be had frmu the Dispensaries, and Retail Dealers. G. H. SLOT Co., PENftNc, 59 bmh ASAHin THE BEST BEER IN THE
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  • 816 7 Messrs. Qiiw, Wilson Stanton’s Report Loudou, March 30ih, 1906 At today’» auction, 177 packages of Ceylon aud Strait» Settlement» Plantation grown rubber were under offer, of which 100 were »old. '1 he total weight aniouuted to about 9 tons, Ceylon contributing 4J »ud Straits Settlements 4j. This sale
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 1149 7 P. Wo?r Cranes’ CYLINDER OIL. Sand Hand*. Hut ten Co. Tetter’s Patent Petroleum Engines. THE MOST PERFECT MOTOR OF THE DAY. For Quotations and Catalogues APPLY TO SANHILANOS. BUTTERY O Sole Agent*, PEN 4NO F. M S IF YOU WANT NEW OR SECOND-HAND Boilers, Engines, or Machinery OF ANY TYPE,
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    • 68 7 What Chamberlain’s Pain Balm Will For the alleviation of paiu Chamberlain's paiu Balm has uo equal. Sjieuess of the muscles, swellings ami lameness are quickly relieved by applying it. Oue upplicatiou will promptly quiet a jain in the side or ,-hest aud uothiug will compare with it as iu external
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1249 8 Lim Sun Mo, chop Hfc'NC 1 MOH *.'<> It, 4, Bench Street. Penang. importers o al kinds o< European Cloth anci DENTISTRYVV. MANSON, American Dentist, Laic of Dr. Alien Co., fin. U.S.A nm MEM -MM' DENTISTRY Chaises Model alls Consults "5e KKSIDtNU at /Vo. 2ia. l J ciumg /vo. J
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  • 1181 9 Tur Story ok Kino Kowakd’* Subjects. When the I» of the representatives of the dominions l«eyoud tl.e ten» who were to take put iu King Kilwaru n Coronation we:e out>li*hel. it was a nurpii-e to many of us to lind how many j e >pie<, nation» and
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  • 1133 9 THE END OF TERM. By an Oxford Correspondent. Most very old men aud nil elderly pessimists are fond of assertiug that a man’s ’Varsity days are the happiest of his life This ruay be true. But, in any case, the fact will never l»e proved or disproved, foi
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  • 200 9 Penang, 23rd April, 1906, Beef cte. Soup perciittv 6 th; Roast 24 W Steaks 24 RSte.v or Curry Meat 18 Rump Steak 24 Ox 'Jail each 30 tin Tongue 60 Ei Feet 20 t n Heart 66 Liver 62 Pork f b; Pork per catty 35 Pig’s.Head 22
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  • 1245 9 Tuesday, .list July, Thursday, 2nd a us?us und > atumuy 4\h August. To be Considered at a General Meeting to be held on Monday, 30th April, 1906, NOTICE. No a mend men I* to this Pi ••..rain me will be cnusideied
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 62 9 e«,y, Bm.i. Y, 4 r"' ai CUaniberlwtt W n() Give you oue cent if it do f® d w i t h rlieumait a trial if you are troubled pain. ti.m. Oue application Pains in the fide tbe joints are qmckly muscles or stiffness liniment. Geonje cured by apply D
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    • 87 9 You Run No Risk. You need no hesitate to buy Chamberlain# Cough Remedy. If you are not satisfied with the results after using twothirds of the bottle according to directions you may return it to your dealer and your money will be refunded. Here is what the Greer Drug Co.,
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    • 75 9 Highly Esteemed. No liniment stands higher in the estimation «>f those who know its real value than Chain berlain’s Pain Balm. There me thousands who feel that they cannot get along without it and always keep it in their h ines The pain from cuts, hums, bruises and like injuries
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    • 204 9 INSXJRAN CESS. THE LONDON ASSURANCE CORPORATION. INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER A.D. 172<>. TITHE undersigned having lieen appointed JL Agents for the above Corporation, are now prepared to accept MARINE and FIRE risks at. current rates. PATERSON. SIMONS Co. Hongkong Goon On Insurance Company, l td. undersigned having been appointed JL
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    • 434 9 Cj C-. w o Guardian Assurance Company, Limited. Esi AMI.IMHKIi 1X21. Suhscril>ed Capital Total Invested Fond*» upwards of t.5lM),Oj90 Total Annual Income 457*>9,000 fllHE undersigned have b«***n appointed J- Agents of the above Company at, Penang, and are prepared to issue policies of Insurance against loss by fire at. tlie
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 863 10 TRY b WROUCHT-IRON TUBES AND FITTINCS. Stock Always on Hand. ADAMSON, OILFZLLAN CO.. LTD. CLARETS AND You won’t drink other brands any more. 8. H. SLOT A Co., Penang SOLE IMPORTERS. *Jeyt;5 ’Purifier, A I USE QrILY and USE ALWAYS is MOST REFRESHING. A Luxurious Perfume In Health. A NECESSARY
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