Straits Echo, 17 April 1906

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
  • 36 1 Straits Echo DAILV CHRONICLE 01' EVENTS, CIRCULATING THROUGHOUT Till; STRAITS, THE EDHInrU) Itt .LAY STATES, AND THE EAR EAST GENERALLY. fOL 4. $24 Ter Annum. PENANG, TUESDAY, 17th APRIL, 190«. Single Copy, 111 cents. No, Bft.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1218 1 sriTAßt.n FOR Ml I’FRI'OSnS IMGH TENSILE STRENGTH. mm cP oo e sas u '\\wn\srm uvtssvd SHTOH V VI SS UIN'II K BANKS. Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China. Hongkong Shanghai Banking Corporation. Nederlandsche Handel INCORPORATE!» BY RoYAL CHARTER. lo.wo.uou Capital Pai l up geeerve Fuud I jiahi Ii l
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    • 25 1 SOLE AGENTS. GUINNESS’S STOUT il» *v* <2 X c m 30 05 to O N X Cv as NO ‘HIV S^SVQ T)A NG LEE Co.,
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  • 382 2 Tins disbanding of the Chinese Regiment at Weihaiwei, and the withdrawal of what j other troops them are there, are, ot course, in accordance with the decision that was arrived at to make Weihaiwei exclusively a naval sta'iou, and need not l»e regarded
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  • 496 2 Directors' Rei’okt. The Directors submit herewith statements id the Company's accounts tor the halt-yeai ending 31st December, It*'s l utii tin* ♦*nd •of November, lii.,, work was continued under the Tributiug Agreement witn Ah Seng, but at the beginning of December, owing to labour troubles consequent upon
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 120 2 You Run No Risk V-»U need n> hesitate lo buy Chamberlain's Cough iieinedy. If you are not satiblied with the results alter rising twothirdspf the bottle according to directions vou may return it to \om dealer and your money will be refunded. Here is what the Greer Drug Co., G
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    • 535 2 WOTICES. ON and after this date, all small advertisements intended for insertion in the Straits Echo must be paid for in advance. LIM SENG *****, 52ili July liH)5 Managing Director. UXT OTICE. Consulate for the Netherlands. LTP to Mon- ay, 3rd November, 1906, tenders will l>e received at tlie Office
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    • 1889 2 TIE FRENCH CONFECTIONERY, 17/i, North am Road, WILL BE OPENED ON Saturday. 21st April, 1906* Orders taken for Wedding Cakes and all functions, such as Tea Parties, Balls, Suppers, etc., etc. A variety of Fancy Cakes and Ice-creams can be had daily. Afternoon Tea from 4 p.m. Special apartments for
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  • Shipping.
    • 165 3 Malaya, Ger. *s 348, Loewe, I7tli Apr., I Mi, I fit It Apr Gen.. I». )l. A (Jo. L>k Kock, 1 >nt. s.s., 333, Uul, 1 (>tli Apr, Edie, loti, Apr., (leu., 11. L A (/V». Asa ha n, Ger. s.s., llJl. Peters, Ititli Apr., Asahau, loth Apr., (inn.,
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    • 62 3 17th April C Apctir, for Calcutta. Hen <*/ Main*, for Colombo and Tiitieorin. Tmuj I’/mif I a. lor Bat it Bahru aud Asahau. Deli, for Tram;. Ai\ujyee, for Deli. Cornelia, for Bangka lan I‘•randan IV/ w, for Edie, Semawe, Segli, Olehleh and Saliang. I‘in Semi, tor Bort Swetteuham A
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  • 20 3 1 exxet.' l' )'•>>» Ayenlx Dh0 Heumoiir 1 homed liOU ’on Singapore S. 11. A Co. W.AI.&Co. 19th Apr. •21st
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  • 21 3 i rtxi'lit AijtuiJ* Leave» lieu ill. >iil Siiujapoie 3 1» A; Co. ll*th Apr. 1 >ioiue<J [Colombo W.M XCo. 21st
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  • 94 3 I' OK Ceylon, Australasia. India, Aden, Egjpt, and, via Naples, for Europe, etc. —Per Pr. lieyt nl LiuljKi'ii, to morrow, H a m Boil Sweltenham Ber Pelrd, to-morrow, I pm IVmgkuh Ber Hohmia,\ o morrow, 1 p.iu. lelnk Anson -Ber Lavykat, to morrow, 'J p m Rangoon—Ber So/foml,
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1164 3 (SHIPPING.) jp&m' i. k «fiat i Co. INTENDED SAILINGS. British India Steam Navigation Co., Ltd. Steam br. OR Intended to Sail. hr lech'll Arrival* mid Depart are*. Mail Service. Outwards. April Dotty<>hi connecting with s.s. China MmV I" S.S. tjffllllit 2 I hh. Arcadia do do s.s. Moldavia s.s. Many
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    • 194 3 lor Singapore, Hongkong, Swatow and Amoy. r I "MI K I tony ll<‘e. Captain Peters, l. will leave for the above ports, ou •Saturday. the 21st nisi., at S p in. For freight or passage apply to KOK GtJAN (Jo., Aye ids J'or Wee Hi a tic Co., of Singapore.
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  • 127 4 J u»t «tiinflMet <■ -jrbnily and jaetioealone.-Em«rMi', Established June Ist, 1903. VuhlUhtxl daily (except Sundays.) *r the CRITKKION PKKSS, 1 No. 223—232, Be 101 l Street. Penan.; PIIICF DAILY Dll'll. IL per anotiw Or iNI'ATIOXS Posta*:** Kxiri. j MAIL KIMTIMV (|*o*t Ptee) «15 CAKI.K A IMIRK'W; licho-l’enanjj.”
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  • Current Topics.
    • 76 4 I he lion. Resident Councillor courteously informs us that the eases <»i cholera in ilu* Province to date number *V«>, with 145 deaths. Five cases were reported on the 13th, two on the I4tii. one on the I loth ami none yesterday. We are also i in formed that
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    • 357 4 Thkkk is a road running from Ipoii to Gop**ng. which carries a deal of traffic and. at a distance of about a mile I from Gopeng town, runs round the base lot a hill. Mere, for the space of nearly five mouths, a distance of some hundred
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    • 318 4 From time to time, of late, it has been our unpleasant duty to complain of the great set amble which takes place sit railway booking offices for tickets. To-day we are in receipt of a complaint from Ipoli—that town which prides itself upon being the commercial hub of
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  • 801 4 The Pattern Daily Maii says:— Our challenge to the other local papers fora joint inspection of subscription lists has not been accepted, hence we feel amply justified in laving claim to the largest circulation of any paper published in Singapore. We do not. however, like one
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  • 939 4 laihing Recreation C’LLli VS. Chinese Recreation Club As lx I* tly announced iu Saturday’* issue <*t the Kcho the *ec«>ml innings iu the almve match was commenced at half past eleven on that «Jay, tlx* local team tieiug tirst ju j aud the men were all out for
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  • 193 4 The football match played between the two teams resulted in a victory for the visitors by three goals to nil. The local eleven played with out* man short through- "r a T’ ;l ,W «"*1 keeper h*,l, •vine Ik.i.i the held suffering fro,,. f° ••oiiciissi.m ~f the brain. due
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  • 94 4 The following is the list of winners in the Singapore Cricket Club Tennis Tour», meut:— Cham l-lONSHIP. Winner, hred. Sulzinauu. Profession P*iks. W Miners, F. Salzmaun and Gaunt. Runners up, Miles aud Cleaver. A D*)Ubles. Wiuuers, Mason and Robertson. Runne-s-up, Treadgold and Haubuiv T». Doubles. W inner», Steadman ami
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  • 616 4 Harvest Festival Slkyicb. Lilt* third An n il I ngaflienng Serv ice iu i connection with Hie St. George's 'Jamil i j Mission, I'* nang. «m> held at the Mission > Chapel, Pitt Street. u Easier Monday at 4 Offeriujs ut‘ various kinds— glass* wart*,
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 238 4 NOTICE. 15> hereby that the Power of Attorney planted by me in favour of liim Cliean of Ihvc'i «Street, IViiauo, ami dated the llth day of August, 1898, is this «ay revoked and eaiieelled. I will not hold myself lespoiisible for any acts done and any lebis eonlrieted bv
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    • 45 4 Gents Tan Willow PRITCHARD St CO., PENANG. JUST OPENED Gents' Straw Hats. §3 SI.73,JETT CASH. Gents' Tan Willow Galt Boots. §6.89, NETT CAS.I. A-O OS O cs CO DD m o P U -4 -i '.2 < r. f: cn CO i=s CO Pf ITCHARD CO.
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    • 216 5 Red Cross Aid (Supplied I y H> tiler l.oioioii. Hull A pul Red Cross workers i reactive io I he earl hq'iake region iu Italy, do] soldiers, firemen and biboiirpis are itiisilv eigiged in removing i In acuumulatj((tis of saml ii 1 allies Professor Ikcorated l.ondoii, I til Apiil
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    • 407 5 The Kaiser Again (>Supplied by Healer.) Loudou, I Kli April. —A sensation has U-eii caused in Vienna by the publication of ,t telegram from the Kaiser to Count Goluriiowski, Minister of Foreigu Affairs, thanking him for his unwavering support at the Algeciras Conference, w hich is described as .1
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    • 78 5 A Significant Journey. (Supplied by Heater.) London, 14th April.—Baron Often lit im. the German Attar-Id-at Cairo, has gone on hat is described as a scient ific mission to Syria, but it is believed that Ins visit is con liected with the Akaba affair. London, lfitli April. -The Pan Islamic
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    • 179 5 The Postmen’s Strike (.Supplied >■;, Heater.) London, 14ih April —In the Fre-ch Ciiamtiei Minister liartli.ui refused to recognise the Postmen’s Uuiou or increase theii wages, saving that it was impossible lo have the public services at the merev of insubor1 dinate employees and that the strikers would l»e dismissed.
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    • 153 5 Unhealthy Fortunes < Supplied by Reuter Loudou. Kill. April.—President Roosevelt, in the course of a speech, said that it would ultimately lie necessary to consider the adoption of a progressive tax on the transfer of unhealthily swollen fortunes, in order to prevent individuals from inheriting over a certain
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    • 39 5 The Royal Marriage. (Supplied by Heuter.) London, 14th April.—The marriage of King Alfonso aud l’riucess Ena has b en fixed for 1st June Loudon, 17th April.—King Alfonso has started on a visit to Princess Euaot Battenburg at Cowes.
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    • 51 5 Defences Wanted. (Supplied by Reuter.) Loudon, 17th April—The Echo da Pari* says that Geueral Vovron, during his inspection of ludo-Cbiua. was astouuded at the lameutable condition «if the defences and lias urged the Minister for ihe Colonies to bring tlie matter bef«>re the newly formed Council of Natioual Defeuee
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    • 120 5 The Liberals. (Supplied by Reuter.) Loudon, 14th April.—ln view of the victories of the Lil*«*ral parties at tli«* elections in Russia, the Renc ioiiarv Ministers. M. Durnovo and M. Akim*iff, are about t<* resign. The Loan. London. 15th April.—The Russian live per cent, loan has lieen signe«l for iu
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    • 46 5 j Castro Resigns Supplied, by Renter.) Loudou, 1 -4th April.—President j has temporally lesigned the Presidency of Venezuela and states that he will resign j periiiareutly if Ins resignation will eouduce jto the harmony of (he country. VicePresident Gomez lias assumed l lie IVesidenev.
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    • 42 5 Naval Mutinies Sup filled by Reuter.) Loudou, I*lt li April.—There have beeii several mutinous outbreaks on board Portuguese men of-war recently aud another occurred to «lay on board the battleship I aseo da Gama. The censorship prevents the details being wired.
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    • 48 5 The Olympic Games. (S» ri di ed by Reuter.) London, 14th April.— King Ed ward aml Gueen Alexandra will attend the opening of the Olympic Games at Athens on the 22nd instant. Tlieie are 6HO competitors, inclinl ing 50 British, 12 Americans aud Up Greeks
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    • 27 5 Reception in Canada (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 16th April.—-Prince Arthur of Connaught’s progress east w irds through Canada is marke<l by extraordinary demonstrations of enthusiasm.
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    • 33 5 The Threatened Strike. (Supplied by Reuter.) Loudon, 16th April.—The Federation of Master Cotton Spinners has deci«le«i upou a ballot of members upon the demaml <»f the operatives lor alive percent, increase of
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    • 40 5 Lord Kitchener Defended (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 14th April.—'l tie Timer publishes in a prominent position a long letter from a soldier, hotiv defending Lord Kitchener aud traversing exhaustively the charges made in the letter from the Timer correspondent
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    • 32 5 Reward for Ramhaata (Supplied hy Reuter.) Loudou, 16f-li April.—The Natal Government lias offered five hundred pounds i**war«l for the capture of Bomhaafa, who is hiding in the caves near Cetewayo’s grave.
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    • 25 5 A New Ambassador. The o*tiutiati«cher Lloyd Service.) Berlin, I7tli April.—Colo* ial Director Stueliel has beeu appointed Ambassador Extraordinary to Christiania for the Russiau Court.
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    • 23 5 Another Earthquake (Supplied by Renter.) I,ou«lou, 16th April.— Ail earthquake has occurred iu South Formosa accompanied by much damage au«.l numerous casualties.
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    • 32 5 The Abnormal Heat. (Supjdied by Reuter.) Loudou. 14th April.—The Thirty-First Buffs, while marching from Lv«ld to Dover, were ««bliged to fall «>ut ovviug 1o tin* intense heat. Two men subsequentl\ «lied
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    • 24 5 The New Cabinet. (Supplied by Rente-.) London, 14th April.—The new Hungarian (’abinet is well receive«l throughout the country, as it restores «lomestic peace.
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    • 16 5 At Large Again (Supplied by Rcuh r.) Loudon, 16th April.—Jalw-z Balfoui has lieen released.
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  • 231 5 Mk. James Brvce, Secret in |\»r Ireland, respmi-lie <4 to tlm toa«,t of Hi» Majesty's’ Ministers” ;*t the banquet of fiie As» ioiau-d Chambers of Commerce, on t lie 7th Xarch, sat*] with leterei ce to 1 lih «|Ue»iioit of n Minis!i v of Coniuieice that
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  • 910 5 (From the Perak Piou er.) Tanjong Malim, *th April. Situated on the extreme south of our State aud ou the bouudary between this and I he State of Selangor, a «juiet but uuassummg Milling Company has sprung into existence, which bids fair to
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  • 32 5 I’o-oav. |-ltli Day old, [Football Match P If C N. 1 *> .MOItU<>\\ —ot It I *;i V, -3rd \l >i low ii Ihin. 1, Lsplanade, t! to 7 p in.
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  • 19 5 China H La it paid) 17th Apr. German (P. Heinrich) Englidi (Donyola) gffth (.’Itilia (Arcadia) 2Xtli
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  • 52 5 P. O. SAILINGS. 'I til Setvivr OlTWAI!li< lin.tlKn vt;o« Domjolu Hi Apr. Aecmlia ?S Apr Oceana lO May. Demvha l:> Man. \i r.i Se* 1 H’TWAIIUS 11 (I \l K w KII' Pabnran 17 Apr. Java Apr. Papain I \ta y i S>trofra 10 Mi a For part hollo i
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 70 5 ''hat Chamberlain's Pain Balm Will Bo I' »»r 1 Iih itlicviiilioti <>1 pain t.Viaml>*‘i I I’iiin !>.i I in has no j n:« I £>» 1 1**' iiUisdt'H, uuil lnuieiM*n!> am «|ii’ckl) relievt*] bv it. One application ’'ill promptly ijuiel a. paiu iu tbc ?>i«lo or linst au<1l lmtTiim; will
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    • 30 5 YOU would like it at fipjt because of the pleasant taste; afterwards, l»ecause of the good it would do you. That’s Stearns’ A\ iyc of Cod River < til. Sold evervwhere.
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    • 471 5 •>! IVIUNICI PAL NOTICE. e r 11H E llfXl (InlinilV Mcel MIL' ot tllH Mlllll--1 cipal (?omiMis>iom*i > will Ik* held at i flie Municipal Office at 3 pm. on Friday, the 2(»th instant. L A. CuiiTif it IWGGS, S .cretin ij 1 lor Singapore, Hongkong, Swatow and Amoy. f
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
  • 61 5 Obituary. (‘Supplied In/ Heater.) lioinioii. 16th April.—The death is announced of Sir William Stirling, the celebrated doctor and lecturer. The death is announced of Dr. Richard Garnett. it., a Trustee ol‘ the National Portrait Gallery and Assistant Keeper of Pnuted [looks in the British Museum. The death is announced of
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  • 1859 6 HoKVBi: i! was who defined that a proverb was the wisdom of many aud the wit of oue has hit the nail squarely on the heal and given a true definition of the wold. There is no nation under the sun that lias not its savings and doings
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  • 121 6 I‘knano, 17th Apiil. /»</ courtesy oj the Chartered Hank L •"•>«*11 llmnamt ...2/1-A i i 4 tis* night Kink 2/4 A > d Credit 2/1A Documentary ...2/4£ (J-ticuir-i. Demand Hank Its. 175.1 3 dive’ sight private 178 B Miiimv. Demand Rank 1754 Mouiniein, Demand Hank 1 74-i 3 days’
    121 words
  • 251 6 tiohi leal i 65. f>. Peppei W C -ao. Slb«.A»#/.. 1 on! ol wwi While Pepper 5 28.— buyer# j liaug Pepper 21.5«.» t-elier# I Cloves (picked 42.— rule# j Mare 81 buy#?# Maee Picking* <0.— ih rs j Nutmegs 1 I Os 34 #<ife# i N" 1 o
    251 words
  • 593 6 c Numlierof j ri Laipital. Sliai *s V'alii#» Last Dividend. Name Guotations. 2. z I issued. 1 mining i960 3 175.000 14,000 10 IP r*i 1901 600.000 00 000 10 R Bersawah Gold M.uiug Co. Ltd $13o'» w »W 1903 400 000 350 000 1 1 iBruseb Hydraulic l
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 59 6 Favorite Remedy for Kabies. Its pleasant and prompt tones imve made C’ImiuI >*i iam’> Couch Kerned v a favorite with tlie mothers of small cinldreu. It ijuicUv cures t lieir eotijlis an<i colds and prevents any dauber of pncuinona or other serious con sequences. Tovvu JjjsIjeusarv, General Aleuts, and for
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    • 96 6 MACKAY’S j LIQUEUR_WHISK¥. Gieslers’ Champagne, James BUCHANAN Co.’s CELEBRATED RED SEAL AND BLACK AND WHITE WHISKIES I SAHDILANDS, BUTTERY Co. AGENTS. PENANG <* PERAK. o V' > he CO I 'V 5 M tti'S O J UJ l\.*“ VkV* j&i wt K-ii ,R. P < o ■illi *5 1« II
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    • 32 6 THE CELEBRATED “S. B. Co.” GIN IN RED CASES. j Snndilanrls, Hutlery A CV>. Andrew Usher Go. s SPECIAL RESERVE O.V.G. Whisky. SANDIL4NDS, ItUTTbHV*& Co., AGENTS FOR PENANG A F. M. S.{
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 410 7 p, IVlun Cranes' OYLINDEK OIL.* San Itl/ nd". Hnttcry t\- Co. NOTICE. r |TIlK uii'lfi h';' t<> inform the public ol Penang and the ueisfhbouriujj Native JL» 1 that thov hav** iM-*en at >})<»■ jiie<l A'_ r **nts for M»*>srH. Inca 1 1 Parsoim, Clive Fetters Patent Petroleum Engines.
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    • 369 7 WROUGHT-IRON TUBES AND FITTINCS. Large Stock Always on Hand. ADAMSON, GILFILLAN CO.. LTD. BURN Co, Ltd., Electrical Engineers, PENANG. Show Logan's Buildings. A UK now prepared to undertake all kinds of electrical work at, the shortest notice. All work done bv fully competent men undei European supervision. House wiring a
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    • 113 7 Highly llstccmed. No liniment stands higher in the estima* jiiou <»f those who knov. its real vaine than i Chamlterlaiu's Rain l>alm. '1 here aie thousands who feel that thev cannot get along without it and always keep it iu their i h mes The pain from cuts, burns, bruises
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1140 8 Lim Sun Ho, chop HfcNC MOH Co.. It, 4, Reach Street, Penang. importers ot’ aM kinds of European Cloth ainrl General Commission Agents. GD» dentistry. W. MAN SON, I American Dentist, Lale of Dr. Allen Co., Pha, U.S.A. j Charges Moderate, Consultation Free, j KJCSIIMXO AT /Vo. 2ln. Rennng Rond.
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