Straits Echo, 14 April 1906

Total Pages: 10
1 10 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1347 1 SI IT4BI i: l OK AM. I’ljltl’OSF.S N? 258 ri A T ■>> i^3 K°£inp^ s row tX UAkIM.NS IN a I ».W lIOL' ItS HIGH ItNSi'.E strenglTT JE2 /V S Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China, INCORPORATED I*,Y l?nv-\L CHARTER. nongkoitg -8c Shanghai Banking Corporation. r Capital Raid
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    • 22 1 GUINNESS’S STOUT. I JANG LEE GO s> <2 <4; -7 o f z ar «V 3 Dr <f Lt AGENTS. BASF’S ALE.
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  • 139 2 In a report ruunl.v issued bv t lx-* Labour Department *>f 11 it-* Hoard of Tiade, the suri plising fact is revealed that between 1901 alid 1904 the membership of < rade unions lias declined by no fewer than 74 119. 't'lie number of s* p. irate workmen's
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  • 153 2 Thk latest A met tea u cu e for a sallow complexion and indigestion is the" Romelo,” <>r grape fruit. It must be served and! eaten for some weeks immediately before I lunch and la-fore dinner. It is highly re-j commend* 1 bv doctors for the tonic
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  • 290 2 Thk JJkrchants’ Attitiijk. Canton, 30: li March. At the meeting the committee of the Yuen Hau Railway Company Ld held at •he Chamber of •nmerce rooms oil the 28th insf., the reee. cominiinications fiom icerov Sliuni ask: for particulars as to the progress ol' e merchants’ efforts in
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  • 349 2 Thk official returns of the shipping enter ing and clearing t lit* port of Hongkong in 1905, which have just been published, show .mother record for lie port, t lie total tonnage exceeding tint for 1904 bv 24-8,250 tons. Tim respective tot ds for the two
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  • 566 2 Husband Had Headaches and Lumbago, Wife Suffered with Rheumatism. DR. WILLIAMS' PINK PILLS Proved the R medy for Koth. AH. Henry Oliver Dejong is a guard on j the Cevlou Doveriinieut Railway, and resides at 45 Sail Saliast ian Hill. Colombo. “Some years ago I
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 73 2 Evety Buille Warranted. <’haiuberlain’s I'niu Balm will not eo; you one cent if it does voii no good. Give it a trial it' you ate troubled with rheuina-I tiMii. One ipplicai ion will relieve the pain I’aius in the side or oh"st, soreness of the muscles or stiffness of t
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    • 138 2 NOTICE. ON and alter this date, ail small advertisements intended for insertion in the Straits Echo must be paid for in advance. LIM SENG HOOI, .1 llrtJ Managing Director. NOTICE TO MARINERS. I>ILO KIMAU LIGHT, SOUTH CHANNEL, IFNtNG. I^ H I S i.iylit tli »*< liLili an accident, In the
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    • 1462 2 VlWl P/ U/V> o; 1/ i JV m Dr. C. HENRY HERTZ, DENTIST. Sea View.” 16 Farguhar direct. TO LET. f'|V H af piquet Toilet Soap K* ft 8^ t < ~J OUSE No. 4, Cl •in» Btreet. Very central. Suitable for Offices. General Store. Bank, etc Alterations will Ire
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  • Shipping.
    • 65 3 Malaya, tier. ».>. -ilH, Loewe, Kith Apr.. Deli, 12th Apr., Gen., —-Li. AI. A Co. Persia, A us s.s, 6,774, Crai»l»elle. 16th Apr, Singapore, lltli Apr., Geu. S. K. iV Co Canton, P»r s.s.. lo">, Meiieau, 14th Apr., Teluk Anson, 18tb Apr., Gen.,-- “All H mg. iitoHTNi.No, lit s.s.
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    • 51 3 I Kh April. Metit>, lor Calcutta. Petrel, for Port Swetteuliuin. Jin Ho, for Laugkat. Laugkat, for TeJuk Ausou. Hong \1<>h, for Siugajsue, liougkoug, Swalow au<l Amoy. Lightning, for Siugapoie and Hongkong. It. Haleieyn, for Paiigkor. Pangala, for Singapore. Fool: So n.g, f< >r Ca leu t ta. Stalaija, for
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  • 16 3 Vestel* l<’r,nu Aqents i Dm* Heitniolir Loiilmi S. l>.«lUo. 19th Apr. J)ioine<l |Singapore W.M.&CoJ21it t#
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  • 17 3 1 r‘XMl‘1* heave» Bemilultt’ om^upMie S.i> JiCo. ll*th A-pr. 1 >iouie<! jUolomlK) W M AUu. Slat
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  • 77 3 For Ne_:apnl.niii and Madi'iia—Per Thonywa, instant, noou. Port Swettenham—Per Mary An at in, KWh instant, noon. Kat u I >alira Per Pivlnny, I6tli iuittot, no in. P i: m i T< Ink .A:.s n—Per Canton, Kith i t' ant. le.on. Penis and Setul—Per Chan Tai, 16th instant, noon.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1117 3 (S HIPPING.) !|W JfiS. H. Co. bis.!>('('. trii A rrirn/s >iml. Ilvihtrlut'UB. Mail Service. Outwards. April 26 >.*. Donyola connecting with s.s. China Ml) I*> s.s. Oceana do s.s. Muhin rhi 24 S.s. Arcadia do s.s. Mongolia Homewards. April 14 s.s. Odwtoo» INTENDED SAILINGS. British India Steam Navigation Co., -Ltd.
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    • 323 3 B. I. S. N. CO., LTD., S.S. KISTNA. A 8 the above .Steamer is laying up In Singapore for her |>eriodical boiler cleaniug, Ac ,R>he will not leave here on Saturday, the jl i-rli inst., for Port Swettenham aud Singapore, but will resume her run, as usual, on Saturday, 21st
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  • 127 4 Juntie- -atEaleserc-ybody ami justice *loue.—/t»n<'f«o». Established June Ist, 1903 Published daily (except Sunday*.* AT Til CRITERION PRESS, Et«l., N'» ‘22*5 —--'J. licicll Si I*. 'll lII,' PKIC?* DAILY L«.K'VI I»**» tit m OUWT* n«>\> I’<jitl:u(s Ken MYII. RDITIOX (Post Klee* 11. CAKI.K A DDK KSS Echo—Penang.” Tnldplioue
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  • 1604 4 I lit Straits Timei. utter extensively quoting our recent article upon tlie question of the Municipal Presidentship, says It is uo s«cret ilmt troin u Governuieu sUudpo ut Mr. Hallifax’s appoiu'meut was I only a temporary halt in the general moveI meat out here towards making every pos*. wotth
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  • 182 4 The Straits Times hears that last .Batur- j day night a tigress and her cubs paid a to a plautatiou near the 12. J milestone in Cliua Ciiu (van*' ll. Mil l'iie *1 ivanese gardeners employed on tht plantation are reported to have heard the roar
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  • 712 4 T.vjfim; Recreation C mj h r^. Chinese Recreation C’lcm 1 lie Taipiug Recreationists arrived here by the 10 ill train yesterday moruiug and play commenced at half past one iu th» afternoon. The first inniugs were plaved i out, the 0. R. C. leading by 6ft runs. The visitors
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  • 168 4 lx It not about time, asks the m that this Colony nhLu*** 9 relieved of the presence of I l Ceylon convicts? I* it Uo t a l»ou» 1,1,1 India and Ceylon s lou |j ||h receive these a,Us w,tl„„ fr 11 tiers and there maintain then,
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  • 828 4 The Kriau correspondent of the JW r writes:— ce Owing to ail outbreak of cholera Province Wellesley, quite close to us the authorities have taken prompt action in preventing the spread of the disease into this district. A number of Hlak have come down from Taipiug and a
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 284 4 co., PENANG. PASNAIwES mil hi* booked Ji i lUST OPENED nation onipan.v a Men mors from I Vila lie. via Madras, to P nn i r (4 pouf Uofc Port Said. tViioa. Marseilles. Uulllb jll uW lldlj. Plymouth and Loudon. HUTTENBACH, UEBERT&Co, AGBKTS H im; rotim; HMII\L #1.73, NETT CASH.
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    • 147 5 Situation Improving (SnjiplUd by JUeuttr) Loudon. 12th April.—'l lie King and Muecii of received ade.liiions welcome at Naplc whose inhabitant* aiv panic stricken. Wailing crowds are march mg m religious processiou all day. I lie general n-e of mask*, goggles aud 'l' si. cohla iii tk a N
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    • 99 5 The Education Bill. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 1 iftli April.—At a conference of Bishop* held at Lambeth Palace it was resolved to unhesitatingly oppose the EducaratlOU Bill. Mr. Walter Uunciniau, speaking at .Newcastle, said that if the Archbishop of Canterbury attempted to use the House of Lords on the
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    • 32 5 The New Loan. The Otlaeialiacher Lloyd V Service.) Berlin, loth April.—ltaly has resolved not to participate in the Russian loan. The resignation of Count Witte is officially deuied in St. Petersburg.
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    • 106 5 Prince von Bulow. 'f)ti tpQ*ta*iati»cher Lloyd* Service.) Berlin, loth' April.—Prince vou Bulow will shortly be sufficiently recovered to take a sea voyage. The Loan Berlin, loth April.—The Imperial Get ina:. Loan Subscription Consols have been twice oversubscribed, the deina d being exclusively for investment, purposes. The Chinese Commissioners. Berlin.
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    • 73 5 The Education Ordinance. (Supplied hy RttUer.) Loiidou, 12th April. —In the House of ('ominous Mr. Wiustou Churchill made a detailed statement regarding the Education Ordinauoe now liefore the Ceylou Legislature and added that further legislation was l utfeWf Me said that there was no mdiuuttoß that the planters did
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    • 53 5 The Exclusion Aci. yplool hy listUti'.) Loudon, 12th April —A Washington telegram states that a Bill has liecii introduced •u. the House of Represent ali e« extensively revising the Chinese Exclusion Art, wit i a view to harmonising tlie differences existing l**t ween the United States and China
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    • 28 5 The Famine Fund {Supplied by lteuier.) Loudon, 13th April—The Lord Mayor has handed over to the Japanese Embassy an instalment of JB2.000 for the Japanese Faiuiue Fund.
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    • 119 5 The Algec.ras Conference {Supplied bo Reuter.) Foudou, loth April.—M. Bourgeois, in a statement to the French Cliaml»er, »oinmended the sal. isfac to lines.- of the Algeciras settlement, which could only l»e secured by tail and mutual concessions. French inter ests ami dignity were in nowise impaired and France's special
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    • 42 5 Krho Special. l poll. 14tli April.- In the ipareli played here between the Penang Northern League and the Kinta Sports Club, the visitors won by one goal to nil. The winners were presented with a eup by Mr. Cheali Chestug Lint.
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    • 168 5 (Supplied by Rs'uter.) Foudou, 14th April —At Naples the rain of ashes has ceased completely, the skv is clear, the suu is shilling brightly, Vesuvius >s visible aud the public are regaining confidence and resuming their normal avoca- i tious. There is a widespread strike of postmen! ill
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  • 94 5 An F]xi*ert Manufaoti rkr. Canton, 3 tth March. i 'l'here was safely lodged iu the Naui-Hai prison on the 28th a native of Kwaugsi. by name Luk, who was recently arrested at l’ai-pmg-fu ou suspicion of having l»eeu iuterest.l iu the manufacture of anus for the
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  • 302 5 lx is a noticeable tact that Japanese manufactures, inferior iu quality, are able to compete with European and American goods. This advantage is due to the cheap- ness of labour iu production. Lately, however, German goods are underselling Japan- ese iu China, and the reasou is
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  • 87 5 '1 lie Chinese Minister to Germany has teiegraplied to the Government at Peking that he is in receipt of a despatch from the German Government to the effect that his German Majesty’s Government does not believe in the rof*orts of an anti-foreign movement in Chiua. Tbe despatch
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  • 101 5 The Ceutral Government has telegraphed instructions to the Tartar Generals of lii. Euluu, For Sing and Y\ *>o Sing to the effec; that, if Mongolia is to advance and prospei j education must lie encouraged and the monasteries suppresse*J. At present the custom in Mongolia is tor every two
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  • 210 5 Kano Yu Wei, who was Premiei j Chiua iu 18ffH under the new orde; of things introduced by the Emperor Kwong So when the Dowager Empress temporarily invested him with the powers of sovereignity, is paying a visit to Australia under the auspices of the Sydney branch
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  • 205 5 From time to time, public attention is 1 drawn to Fieuch annexation designs in Hainan. The South China Morning Pott onlv recently raised a voice of warning <»n the subject. The report reached the ears of M Beau, the Governor General of French ludo-Cbma, who at once contradicted
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  • 332 5 China Mo rniny Co*t th u < dwells*u a crying evil:—The French 1 medical department a* Saigo-* has just, doue a graceful »ct. which we commend to our ft tends in Singapore and elsewhere who are so keen on enforcing a long quarantine! against vessels from Hongkong when
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  • 375 5 < Morning Po t, loth March.) IhK Lai EBT Rl IiHKK Comeany. This Perak Rublver Plantations (Liniile-i 1. j whose prospectus is u<>\v in circulation, .liis a capital of £75 I*oo iu one-pound shares. the purcha-e puce for the estate is £t>s<MH), payable to the Strait*
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  • 674 5 J. Klssei.j., Guam A Oo.'s Rliiher Share Market Report. Loudon, 2dnd March, The market, for Ku Iter Plantation shares I continues to expand au 1 we h ive to report in one or two instances substantial advances] iu prices with a good trade in nearly all the favourites Anglo
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  • 334 5 Invisible and symiailteln- inks ;tre >• «leu I entirely bv a new development m preparations ol (Ins nature ref totted bv a French trade journal. La l\ij>rlcric, «8 translated in The Pnhlnhcr Circular (London). Slavs tins journal This is nothin!» less than a disappearing piper intended for this
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  • 49 5 To- DAT. 21st, Bay 3rd Moon. Public Holiday. Cricket Match 0. K <;. r*. Taipiug K. Esplanade, lu Football Match C. K C. oi. iaipmg I’ G.. Esplanade. p in Town Band, Golf Club, ti to 7 p in. To-morkow 22nd I .y, 3rd M*»*i.. E ster Sunday.
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  • 34 5 Hast <pi iio-> Apr. 16» It 3 36.0 a m t) X». 23rd It 65 PM t Fust ‘quarter Mav 2nd 200 A M »1 W 8’ »t 99 7 1' At
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  • 28 5 China (O ea *»fc) 14'it Apr. Indian (Thtauftca) Iti'li China (F. U Luilpa d) 17th German IJ.l J Heinrich) |H»li English (Uonyota) 26ih Cltiita (Arcadia) 2Hth
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  • 59 5 P. O. SAILING. 'I ijt vu t OL 1' WA It li- If• M I' u x K LhjtUJohl 20 A/ir. O cemia i I />>' Oceana 10 \fuy. Arcadia .'/s I >ffVK 1 Outw aH<>mkw !M»« f’a I *iwan IT Aar. j Java 21 -4;»r Pa'iHti l Mat), j
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 52 5 Favorite Remedy fur I is ulu-'L'UUt taste all'» prompt M l made Chainberlaiu’s Cough lteu»e« > ,l vorite with the mot her* of amall e it quickly cure* their coughs and cold* prevents any dancer uf pneumonia <» other serious eonseqiieuces. (jonrge pensary, Agent*. *ud for sale l,v a, I
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    • 39 5 EASTER HOLIDAYS. THE Exchange Banks will remain closed on Saturday and Monday, 14th and 16th, April, 1906, same beintr Bank Holidays. 223 THE CRAG HOTEL, PENANG HILLS. The ONLY SANATORIUM in the Straits. EVERY HOME COMFORT. SARKIES BROTHERS, Froprietors.
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    • 269 5 KTOTICB. ¥f> liereiiv niicii that tho 1*1» of j Atturu**v j'ninied l»v me ill favOtir of liim CbeHii Keit of Befell S're*-!', f’fcuang, and dated the lltl» day of August, 1898, is tlii'i av revoked and ratio* lied. I will not hold nivaelf responsible lor any »ctn done :ind onv
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 58 5 WEATHER. Thk followm/report »s kindly supplied!) I>ir«*ctor ol Fort (Jomwa!os •> a.tu. i«i da» S4Fine Kan' IV 5 p.m V.*.t«*\ Tti. SO* W:. Kao Fine I'inmly Wd. X.W. K»n: S.i: The raiutal! «luring the ‘J 1 hours eu.Je< if U a in to .lav was <V8 mull. Ran«4oon lice
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  • 24 5 Obituary. Great Showman Dead (Supplied by Reuter London, 12fh April.—The death is announced of the American Showman Bailey, the partner of Bamuiti. a. a.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 205 6 Higli.y Esteemed. No liniment stands higher in theotimat.iou of those \viv> know its red v.iiue than Ohmnbertain’s lain Palm. ilieie me thoßsands who leel tliit they cannot iion<4 without it aid .il" s keep it in their li' jiies Tlie' oi• ii I tom cuts, but ns,. 1 i uise>
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    • 390 6 mu' > mil! I THE BEST BEER IN THE FAR EAST. SPARKLING, REFRESHING INVIGORATING. OBTAINABLE AT THE Eastern Oriental Crag Hotels. AND FROM TIANG LEE Co., No/t* Agents for Penang and the Federated Malay Sigi es McALISTER Co., Limited SOLE AG-ENTS. XX o O Cyq ney AGE PURITY THE AND
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  • 520 6 Humorous '1kai>k Labki.s. Mr. Hopkius gave tus decision at Lam-j lastli receutly in leg aid to some summonses taken out by Mr. James Weatherilt, food' aud drugs inspector to the Soulhwaik liorough Council, against James Cquir s ail'd Benjamin Cullen, of Avenue road. Camberwell, complaining that they sold to
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  • 295 6 l i if evident, vviites Chambers'* Journal tlnit a great deal is to be heart of prwlutwroas, despite its horrible name, for it is lie 'lug applies! to various important uses nil over the world. Messrs. Tliornyeroft oi Iiomloii are developing Heir Capitaiues patents as applied to comparatively
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  • 198 6 Gobi leal 05 B. Pepper W (’a.-: -di*». out »i >/«*«•/. White Pepper 28. buyei* Prang Pepper 21.50 teller* Cloves (picked) 42 tale» Mace *1 buyer* Mace Pickings TO.— teller* Nutmegs 1 lo.s 34 ml-'* No I 580 tale Sugar < 2 ii" si«n-|c. !?i-ke! 2 80 tale* Papioca
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  • 10 6 Dale of ANTHONY AND ANDERSON, Exchange Sf Share Brokers
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  • 932 7 The Chinese Travelling Commissioners liave telegraphed that. wlnu tlie Chinese Mmister was receive»! in audience bv the Kaiser, His Maiestv advised Inin tiiat (every country, but especially China. should i have an army ami navy sufficiently strong |to meet any emergency Tlie Kaiser also 1 expressed tiie
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 1137 7 P. Moir Cranes' CYL.INDt:K OIL.. <H'f lib nd v Knttcrv Co. better's Patent Petroleum Engines. IDE HOSE PERFECT ROTOR OF (HE DAT. For Quotations and Catalogues APPLY TO SANHIUNIIS. RETTERY Co., Sole Agents, !>FN*N(i F. M. S OLDHAM HALL. A BOARDING SCHOOL FOR BOVS. Healthful location, food the best, large
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    • 90 7 You Nun No «>ii 1 ii. hesitate to luiv <'iiaitiU rliiin s Keuiedv. If you are not >ali*.|ied with the results alter nsloy twothit da ol‘ the bottle ii'X'oriiiun to directions you may return it to your dealer and vour money will l>e refunded. Here is what the j
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1195 8 Lim Sun Ho, CHOP HENC r. OH Ac Co.. 164, Heach Street, Penang. importers of all kinds of European Cloth and General Commission Agents. 01«; Kim Keng I.eong Co, 127, HEACH STREET. I MIN) Nil; NS 01 »:VEKY DHSCKII'TION IRONMONGERY, Wlucli is "it sale specially terms. \t,KO AG F.NTSS FOR
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  • 3808 9 Correspondence Between Municipality and (invent mentI'mk corre*». oudeuce alxiut the salary of tli« Singapore Muuicipal Engineer is pubits a Paper to Ik? laid on the legislative Coiiucii table On ilie loti, February, Ijrol, Air. Autli uiisz. ihe President of tlm Aluuieipal Commissioners, submitted by Inter to
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  • 1285 9 luesday, .list July Ihursdoy, 2nd August, /t>>d >atun<tty, 4.h August. I lo be Considered at a General .Meeting to he held on Monday, 30th April, 1906. NOTICE. Xu amendments to this Programme will be considered un!**ss due notice is given in
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 16 9 STFAKNH’ WINE OF MVJiB Uk^Tl,Atonic .«o.utrucu.r par A »>ubW trial «rllxoll.uaca.tim mo»' -*pt.. *,M t'vi‘la where.
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    • 71 9 What Chamberlain’s Pain Balm Will Do I Kor the alleviation of pain Chamberlain’* j Paiu Ihil in has no equal Soreness of the muscles, swellings and lameness are quickly relieved l>v applying! it. Ouh application will promptly quiet a pain in the side or chest and nothing wdi compare with
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    • 45 9 WHY bony. .vijfu sr and weakly when you may as well be plump, rosy and a robust r Stearns’ Wiue of Cod Liver Oil is at great flesh -producer. Y«>u can use nothing better in connection with wholesome food, to increaso weight. Sold everywhere.
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    • 294 9 f. BROKEN.DOW N SYSTEM. «>.• i. ii i. .1... t,„« til.. Nosv.i really •in tli* 1 vsUth. or t#i< '.rr ;iliu< lift* oi o' i; > ami i '•..T i*t ;i!l *;ui h VITAL STRENGTH ENERGY to lli row oft t .ni jirwes that .1 ni-lit m i tit
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
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