Straits Echo, 12 April 1906

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1094 1 IUKUhNS IN a FhW HOIKS passed municipal tests. A N 2 9» 9? *p s> 'HIDN3HJ.S 3TISN3I H9IH BANKS. Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China. INCO1 l P ABATE I > BY I JO Y A I, C1IAUTRP. Hongkong Shanghai Banking Corporation. Capital Paid up Reserve Fund Reserve Liability
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    • 23 1 SCLE AGENTS GUINNESS’S STOUT 0 2 ii*. Tf kv 43 03 Co a CP A x> N m *mv s^sva TIANG LEE Co
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  • 947 2 t KKMAN FoKKCAST A book describing ail imaginary war between Great Britaiu and Germauv has recently been published in the lattercouutiy. Its author is a high naval officer, who conceals his identity under the seudouym Beowulf.” He traces the beginning of tke Anglo-German war in a general
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 567 2 NOTICE!. ON and after this date, all small advertisements intended for insertion in the Straits Echo must he paid for in advance. LIM SENG *****, 1 1 .1 'l9O Managing Direc'or. NOTICE TO MARINERS. Plil.O KIM At LIGHT, SOLTH CHANNEL, PENANG. riIHIS Elgin through an accident to the L Kiibv
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    • 1975 2 THE FRENCH CONFECTIONERY, 17/f, Northam Road, PENANG SALES ROOM. NOTICE. BY ORDER OF THE MORTGAGEE. The umiei signed is instiueted to take possession of aml put up for sale bv PUBLIC AUCTION, ON Saturday 14th April 1906. At 11 a in., IN THK WILL BE OPENED ON Saturday 21st April,
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  • Shipping.
    • 63 3 IjAky kli», Hr. h.s., 240, Quine, 12th Apr., l’eluk Anson, lltii Apr., Gen.,—Straits S. S. Co. H°no Moh. Ur. s.s.. Dawson. 12th Apr, Aniov, Is* Apr.. Gen K. (I. Co Hkhk, Hr. ss, :{45. Inkster, 12tli Apr., Singapore, loth Apr., (ten ,— A Co. iiATI' Soon, Hr. s s
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    • 83 3 12 ill Api ii -1 nay ye*, tor Deli Cornelia, tor Pangktilaii HramJan. IW/i i. for Siuga pore, China and Japan. anion, tor Cany Ivor and leluk Anson. Ilok 1 union, tor Edie, T. Seniawe, Soglj, Oleiileli and Sabang Hebe, for Deli Vera, lor Colombo and Tuticoriu. Tan,! Clan/
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  • 29 3 1 **Ht*t*ls Atjeiit* Dh« Scati'iia Persia Betniiohr 1 hoinci j Singapore Singapore Boll Oil Singapore B. M.ACo. S.K S. B A Co. WiliOo. 12th Apr. 13th 19th 21st
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  • 37 3 1 fltHl'Iy b'ur Aifeitfn Leave» 1 Sound.;! 1 ioudou IS. If A Co. l2ihApr. 1 Vl'SM I'i iesfe S.K.ACo. 118th IViiimtlir S mya pore S 1 > A<Jo. j 19th 1 >iomed .'oloinho VV.M AG'o. 2 l«t
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  • 105 3 Fob lori SwettenJiam and Singapore—Per lian Whatt Soon, to-morrow, 2 p m. Kangoon Per Persia, to-morrow, 2 Ha nit oo it and Calcutta—Per Zaitla, tomorrow, 4 p.m. Calcutta. Per Fook Sany, to-morrow, I p.m. t cvlon, Australasia. India, Aden, Mauri- tins, Egypt and, via Brindisi, for Europe,
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1240 3 (SHIPPIN G.) i J N. Co. ir INTENDED SAILINCS. British India Steam Navigation Co., Ltd. Negapaiam, A t rivals and Itrjutrtures. Mail Service. Outwards: April 12 ivarrical. Rangoon Calcutta, [Alotdmeiu ami Burmese Forth I'oit Swetteuham and Singapore. lJi.Ui i connecting 1 with do s.s. [mini 26 Uougola do China May
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    • 181 3 Por Singapore, Hongkong, Swatow and Amoy. f IM1L k r<. llonij Moh, Captain Dawson, .1.. will leave tor the above porta, ou Saturday, the 14th ins»., at, 3 p in. For freight or passage apply t.o KOE (UJAN Co., Ayentn Jot Wt-c Itin <(• (Jo., nj Singapore. I 0-4 0f>
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  • 124 4 Jujtirt salialieseverybod? and justice aloce.— Bmerko F.stablished June Ist, 1903 Published daily (except Sundays.! AT Til CKITKKION I’IIKSS, Ll<l., No. *2'2t)—2o2, l)R:i(;1i I\*iihiij PRICE DAILY LOCAL f*>*r annum OUTSTVriONS Pmutge Extra. MAIL RDITION «Fort ?!i CAULK ADDRESS. Hcho —Penang.” T-Vpl. ohm No. I HH Editor-in-ChieJ Chkmnky Duncan,
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  • Current Topics.
    • 264 4 Mr. I). AY. Glhnour. Flop. Treasurer of the Japanese Famine Relief Fund, writes to us for- wauling a copy ot' a letter acknowledging Penang’s subscriptions to the Final ami announcing that lie proposes to close the subscription list here on or about the 20th instant. That Penang’s
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    • 1237 4 Yesterday we pointed out the great inconvenience occasioned to merchants and others by the silting up of the foreshore of Weld Quay, which prevents lighters and tongkangs from J coining alongside at all states of the tide j to load or discharge cargo. To-day we have to
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  • 31 4 I hekk will lie a rideon Moudav inoiuing the 16th inst. M e t on the Parade Ground at 6.20 a. m. and finish ou the Race Course.
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  • 35 4 'V e are asked to announce that outlies tor the Tennis Tournament can lie made uatil Wednesday evening. IBt|i inst. at 6 o clock. Play "ill commence on Monday 23rd April. 3
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  • 68 4 Apnl Id—Good Fridiv. Matins and Litany 9 Id 1 lie fe orv of the Cross Ante Coniniunion Service and Sermon on t he (’ross/’ 10 Evensong 6 p m (no organ). April 14—Holy Saturday, No Evensong. April Id —Easter Day. Holy Communion (Plain) 7
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  • 750 4 Prize I>istkibution. The auuual prize distribution of the Anglo-Chiuese School, at Maxwell Road, was held in the school building this morning. A large nuinlier of ladies iml gentlemen interested in tlit* welfare of the Institution were present and amongst the latter we noticed Messrs Rim lluaChiuin, Leotig Fee,
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  • 134 4 Ihe Post Office notifies tlm Kii.uv, iim p„ s w,ii; f iM i I' p. »u.l only H,, af.lri,.'’;: S press will In* issued OaS.t,„.i hi. ,om.- ".a,.'”';^s*'?- u p-“ <1 a- am to 2 p m. On Monday, the b;,| the Post Office and the Sub Post
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  • 805 4 Singapore s Lament. Sometiung akin to a bombshell fell U{x u the i yesterday, savs > telegram f„„„ the F\| s u f nnpo ssl |,l e lo get leather 11» ~,*1«, •“ofr“ tl ,ref<>re «I» gum m Notwithstanding tins, the Town Hall entertainment arranged for Saturday in
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 309 4 THE CRAG HOTEL, mm hills. 1 The ONLY SANATORIDM in the Straits. EVERY HOME COMFORT. SARKIES BROTHERS. Proprietors. GUAN LEE HIN S-S. CO. OFFICL 13, China Street,{ I>FNANr WORKSHOP 41. Beach Street,! u The t om pan runs Steamers ami Steam Launches regularly Between Penang, Port Swettenham Singapore, S. S.
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    • 152 5 Lord Kitchener Impeached. tS n fi/t 1 by limiter > I c onion. Mill A|>i il.—The Timer pul,. 1 1 sli* hII long ler I**!- from its specif corres. poinlent in India strongly crbicizing Lord Kitcln-iitti'*» administration Tao iwnvtp.n. dent cinnplxiiiH of liii, :iiti mle towards the Native Army.
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    • 206 5 More Loss of Life. {Supplied by limiter.) Loudon, 11th April.—The village of t M tajano is smothered in ashes aud the population, numbering two hundred, are penshing. The volcano resumed its activity last night ami is showering dowu sulphur and sand. Torre del Greco aud Torr Anuunziata are cut
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    • 77 5 Prince Arthur. Su/i/died by lienter.) Loudon, 12th April.—Priuee Arthur of Connaught has arrive»! at Winnipeg, where he met with a splendid reception. lie expressed surprise at the marvellous progress made m Western Canada. The King and Queen. {The tbtaeiaiischer Lloyd* Serct.e.) Berlin, 12th April. —King Edward and Alexandra are
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    • 39 5 Archbishop's Manifesto. {Supplied by Under. London 12th April —The Archbishop of Canterbury bas issued what is practically a miuifesto against the Education Bill, saving that Churchmen must take immediate counsel in an emergency so grave and far-reach-ing.
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    • 79 5 The Elections. (Supplied by llenter. London, 12th April —lt appears certain that the Constitutional Democrats have gaiued an immense majority in the Lower House of the new Uussiau National Assembly and they are already drafting Bills of a pronounced Libel a I type. The Upper House, however, is overwhelmingly
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    • 24 5 New German Minister. {Supplied by Under.) Loudon, lltli April —Herr vouder Colt/.. of the Pekiug Legation, has been appointed Gerruau Miuister to Colombia.
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    • 36 5 Proposed Postponement. (Sup/dicd by Under.) London. 12th April.-The Government of the United States, supported by asked Russia t* postpone the L uferem* iu order to p.-vet “hum the Pan American Congress at Km
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  • 76 5 Fokty Years' Growth In the forty vears between 1861 and 1901, I the population of the various countries in Ithe lbitisli Empire Ims vroiva as follows: 1861. IFMJI |Great Britain ...28.12-1,518 36,998.17« Canada 3,199,418 5,371.315 Australia 1,208,641 3, «6,154 New Zealand 154.296 816.214 Cape Colony 267.096 2,409.804 Natal
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  • 229 5 Pi.A iVK AND Cllol.KHA. W kitins nn«ter «late of 81st nlto the Pefchaburi correspoiidcnl of the Baio/kok Tnue.< says;—During the past three mouths tins place has l**en pissing through the horrors of the plague. The first case, as already noted in your columns, occurred on January 11th. luce that
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  • 273 5 A Schkmk For Repay men r A PERAK MERCHANT IN THE Van Cautou, 26th March Viceroy Shu in has issued a proclamation informing the public that s««me time ago a Fukien merchaut, named U Kwok Lim, who s carrying on business in Perak, promised tc raise a
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  • 328 5 France Yunnan. The Voyage or M. Beau. Mousieur Beau, the Governor-General of; ludo China, who is visiting Yunnan over I the new railway from Tonkin. succee«led on j the 11 tli nlto. in traversing the woods of j lower Nam-ty, where he had to stop to spend the night at
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  • 87 5 Thus the Strut!* Timer Whe»* Mr. Justice Law comes tide. This week, to act tor Sir Liouel Cox. wij<> goes oil leave, Mr. j Justice Thornt.-u proceeds to Penang, aud Mr. Justice Fisher takes Mr. Thornton’s S place iu Singapore. By this arrangement there will be
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  • 169 5 Attituih, ok the Peasantry Accor ling to a Tokio dispatch, about 200 ot flu* iiihahitauts of Niitouo-inura, Ailaclii district, Fukushima Prefecture, who are suffering from the famine, assembled at the village shrine 011 the night of the 17th inst, and denounced the indifference of the Keucho
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  • 242 5 Measures are lieing taken, says the Japon Chronicle, to utilise the harbour of Osaka more exclusively for commercial purposes. I lie great prosperity of the yam market of late his called fora remarkable increase iu the importation of raw cotton and the accommodation nt Kola* has proved insufficient
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  • 396 5 A shout (; summary was recently issued relating to the maritime trade of France in 1905, and we gather from a Home piper the figures there given t«*stify t«> a considerable increase in that trade last year when compared with 1904 The tonnage of vessels entering French ports
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  • 291 5 Messrs. W J H Thomson’s Market Report I j Loud.iii loti! March, 1906. > Aj Auction to-day l,*>lo pa-sages ««flere«l and mostly sold at full to advancing rates. Ceylon and Straits Plantation in goo«l request. very tine Sheet realizing 6 8.;d., fine biscuits Ciepe 6s. 3«1. Scrap m.changed ut
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  • 60 5 r«*-i».\Y. 19th l)a'. 3rd Moon Maundy Thursday. Town Band, C'liiuese Kecieatiou Club, 5 to 7 Football Match Y. M. C. A. t>*. M. S. Gi ides. Esplanade, 5-15 p ui To-morrow. 20th Day, 3rd M .on. Good Frida v. Public Holiday No issue of tile Strait* Echo. Cricket
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  • 32 5 i.:--i i)oi Apr. 16th 3 36.5 a m. 0 VLm.i 23rd 11 6 5 i* m. Fust Quart or May 2nd 269 am. O fid! tl»"n Kth 99 7. pm.
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  • 26 5 China (O-enna) 14'h Apr. Indian (Thonyira) 14th China (P. li Luitpo r d) 17ih German iP. Heinrich) 18t!i English Donijiiht 26th China (Arcadia) 28th
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  • 44 5 P. O. SAILINGS. tl :iil Sen l; llllTlVUliv Ho.VI KWA KI'S. Delhi VI Apr. Uecniiti I I Apr. Douyola 20 j Arcadia 2H I:sira Service )urWAKIIf. Ho.mkwakos. Va'aican IT Apr. Vera 12 Apr. Palma May. j Java '2l k 'or particulars see Page 3
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 70 5 Wha» Chamb.Tlain’s Pain Balm Will Do For lit»* alleviation of pain Chamberlain's Pain Palm lias no equal Soreness of the muscles, swellings and lameness are quickly relieved by apply in <j it. Une application will promptly quiet, a pain in the side or chest and nothin*; will compare with it
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    • 186 5 Highly Esteemed. No liniment stands higher in the estimation of those who know its real vaiue than Chamlierlaiu's l’ain Balm. There sue thousands win» feel that thev cannot get along witiioul »t and always keep it in their h ines The |>iin from cuts, hums, bruises and like injuiies is
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    • 696 5 F. M. S. Railways. Owing to «in outbreak of (*liolera, passengers' will not bo hooked to or from Xeboug Tebal, Suntfri linkup ami Kiinpang A in pat stations until j further notice ami perishable traffic will not be accepted for conveyance, therefrom. C. EDWIN SPOONER, Traffic Manager. F.M.S. fflys. 12-MW
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    • 176 5 HOUSE TO LET. k No. 2 8, Cantonment Road, from Ist. May, 1906. ui table for a Mess). I- APPLY* TO |r CUNNINGHAM, CLARK A Co.. Penang 4 4M11V4. 1“ 4 4MII V 4: B i 4 4M11\4: IN A FEW DAYS. THE JAPANESE CINEMATOGRAPH. Genuine War Pictures, Side-splitting Comic
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 35 5 WEATHER. Thk follow on; report is kindiv supplied bv th« Signal I director of Fort Oornwaliis I'ii*' rainfall <iuritio iii*'ItKMi. lo-lay Hj 1 Fine Xort h t iioni's cn.te.1 »i i in. !<» dav wm* nil
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  • 200 6 An amusing content is going on between the police of Harrow ami some unknown persons over the Grove-hill motor sign. Grovehill came into prominence a year or so ago owing to a fatal motor accident., and the Middlesex County Couucii determined -to limit the speed
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  • 202 6 1 lie effect of the wine that is red varies much according to the constitution and temperainent of the person who may indulge iu it. Two friends (says a Home paper) who had dined well made a call on a woman friend. The generous and ruby wiue induced
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  • 500 6 Will America Retain thi: Philippines: The Mornimj Pott says: —"l he acquisition of the Philippines by the America Republic has uot proved to be the success which was anticipated, and across the Atlantic critics of both parties aie outspoken in denouncing it as a mistake,
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  • 126 6 j, 12th April. (lly courtesy of the Chartered Hank L »n<ioti [teiipiid Maul 2/4^ 4 month»’ sigii: Mini 2/4,-^ 3 Credit 2/1*3 Documentary ...2/4JJ; J.iictitiM. Demand Miuik Its. 1751 > <iavs sight Private 178 B miiimi. D < i Mini. 1754 Mouiinein. Demand Kim 1741 j 3 days’
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  • 225 6 Gold leal 5 0-». B. Pepper (W. t '•■ua '-libs •<•<.« oul oi rtocl. While Pepper 28.— buyer* Traue Peppet 21.50 teller* Cloves (picked) 42.—s»i le* Mace 81 buyer* Mace Pickings 70. teller» Nutmegs 1 llk 34 sae* No I 5 Ot* tale i Sug.i’ 2 no »i«>«*k. Ba»ke’
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  • 629 6 '~z Number of 1 1 Capital. Shares Last Dividend i r Name. Quotations. r' issued. '3 Mining 1900 S' 175,000 14,000 1«.' I’ 1 jBersawah Gold Miuing Co. Lti|. <Id 50 sellers. 1901 OoO.OOO 00 000 10 1< Bruseh H idraubeTiu Miuiug Co. Lid $10,50 1903 X 400.000 350.000
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 86 6 You Itun No Risk. You need lie hesitate to buy Chamlieilaiu’s Cough Remedy. If \ou are not satisfied wuh the results alter using twothirds of the bottle aecoidihg to directions you may return it to your dealer and vour money will be rciuuded. Here is what the Tieer Drug Co..
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  • 147 7 Now that the Government Ins given its formal approval of tin* formation ot the Legion of Frontiersmen, of which the Earl of Lonsdale is the President, the methods of organisation for the legion hare been prepared by tiie executive council. It is proposed toestahish the central <
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  • 154 7 Lol>ert Stoss, the student of engineering at the ’harlotteiibiirg Technical High School, who was arrested in .January for cutting off girls hair-plaits, lias been tried tor this offence and acquitted, although he admitted having cut off sixteen plaits iu the streets ot Herlm. In medical circles his case
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  • 680 7 i HKOUGH EnuMSH Sl'El 1 I’aULKS. Mr. Sidney Loff, late editor of the 67. ond at present of tlie Standard, and who was recently «lobe-trot lino in India, contributed hi* impressions of India to his pajier. making them take the form of the hie of Torupkyus Sahib in India
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 717 7 P. Mo.r Cranes’ CfLINLUiK OIL. S/iHililand n. tiiiitcry <v Co. teller's Patent Petroleum Engines. IDE «OST PEfiFEoT MOTOR OF IHE 0«. For Quotations and Catalogues AIM’tY TO SANIMLANDS. IHJTTFDY Co., Sole Agents, VENA NO <Sc F. M. S Jeyes’ Puri/ier, The International Hotel, FS2TAXTG-. SINCE IST APRIL UNDER ENTIRELY NEW
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1264 8 Lim Sun Ho, CHOP HENG MOH a. Co.. 164, Bench Street. I’enting. importers of all kinds of European Cloth and General Commission Agents. dentistry W. MANSON, American Dentist, Lute oj Dr. Allen Co., Pha, US.A. THEAN GHEE 8c Co DENTISTRY. Dr F. A. MOFFRTT,R D.S., -:o:f> I Charges Moderate, Consultation
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