Straits Echo, 10 April 1906

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1513 1 HARDENS IN A FEW HOIKS Passed municipal tests. 'A N A 9 3 lN tm 4 HJ.9N3H.LS aiismj. H9IH sasoaaaa nv wm a wvims BANKS. Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China. INCOKPOIiATED BY ROYAL CHARTER. Hongkong Shanghai Banking Corporation. 4800,U00 A'875,0r0 £BOO,OOO Capital Paid up Reserve Fund Reserve Liability
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    • 20 1 SIH3DV 31'» GUINNESS’S STOU i SI r <<> C? t. ZJ X) CP *0 /N V o *mv s.ssva Tl AN
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  • 247 2 According to the Australian Tartoralists' lieriric, hares are so numerous in tlit* inallee of a district of Victoria that they threaten to become as great a pest as rabbits. The stock-owners of New South Wales are so much in earnest regarding the extermination of rabbits that
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  • 647 2 Thk “Times” on the Commercial Integrity Question. An extremely interesting article on Japanese commercial integrity recently made its apptarance in the Time*, in which a good deal of light is let iu upon the commercial methods of our allies, and inauy erroneous idea's gathered from the commercial dealings
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 93 2 A Favorite Remedy for Babies. Its pleasant taste ami prompt, cures have made Chamberlain’s Cough Kernedv a favorite with the mothers of small children. It quickly cures their coughs and colds and prevents any danger of pneumonia or other serious consequences. George Town Dispensary, General Ageuts, and for sale by
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    • 2347 2 NOTICE. ON and after this» date, all small advertisements intended for insertion in the Straits Echo must be paid for in advance. LIM SENG HOOI, ,Sil J i.i\ 190 Managing Director. NOTICE. 4 LL friends of the late Mr. Khor Boo /A Ann v lio ina» desire lo attend the
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  • Shipping
    • 166 3 Avaoykk, lii s.s, -4-7, Crichton, 10th Apr., Deli, 9th Apr.. tit'll.. lv G. 00. Lanukat, Hr. s.s.. 149. Case, 10th Apr., Teluk Anson, SMi Apr., Geu., K G. Go. Cobnklia. Hr >.8., 194. Reid, loth Apr., Brnndaii, 9th Apr, Geu., K G.Cw. Palkkmo, Hr. s s. 4,908, Andrews, 9lh
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    • 68 3 10th April Jin Ho, for Laugkat. De Kock, for l)eli, Bajan, Edie aud T. Seinawe. Deli, for Trang and Pang Nga. Chan To!, for Perlis and Setul. I’in Semj lor Port Swet tenliam «V; Singapore. levin [Veld, for Teluk Anson. .I feijna, for Moiilineiu. Fitzpatrick, for Rangoon. I'lyiivj Fish,
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  • 32 3 IVxx»*/* /'Voii< A'lent* Dm* Scaudia Persia Beiimohr Dionietl Singapore Singapore Loii on Singapore B M ACo. S K ACo. S B. A Co. W M.ACo. 12th Apr. 13rb 19th •21 st
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  • 29 3 1 P... 1 I* It h< Leu vet 1 1 jOlololl H M cVCo. il2tbApr. Vl>|;l 1'ri^ste S.K.ACo. |l3tli Boiimohi* Singapore ■> 1 A(Jo. Il9tb 1 >iomo<] Colombo WMACo.21»t
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  • 82 3 For i’oit .Swetteuliam—Per Mary Austin, to-morrow, 1 p tn. Hatu 1 Sri lira—Per Padatui, to-morrow. 1 p.m. Asalian—Per Taw Tony, to-morrow, 1 p m. 'leluk Anson—Per Lanykat, to-morrow, 2 p.m. Pan<jkor—Per It. Haleuu/n, to-morrow. 4 p m. Tougkali, Kopali, Kerning, Victoria Point, ami Tavov—Per Omnjtere, 12th instant, 1
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1222 3 (S HIPPIN G.) A Air ills. 111. Co. INTENDED SAILINGS. Uriiinli India JSteam Navigation (Jo., Ijtd. ft/yecled A nival it ami Drpnr.unt*. Mail Service. Outwards. JAKES BY MAIL STEAMEHS. lat Slid C'laMi £W* I'o I.oudou by Sea |’o MaraeilleH or Gibraltar £>>*> EXTRA STEAMERS. £4O £3 8 w Intermediate Service.
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    • 158 3 For Singapore, Hongkong, Swatow and Amoy. r I 11 K an. Hong Moh, Captain Itawsou, W| H l«nv« for the above porta, ou Saturday, the 14th inst., at 3 p in. For freight or passage apply to KOK GUAN Co, Agent* for Wee Din Co., of Singapore. 04 06 220
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  • 120 4 J ustio K<»(.iprtei*ev,.r»body and justice alone.—Jt>n«r»n- Established June Ist, 1903. *i l’nblishe«l daily (except Sundays. l «r rim CRITERION PRESS, U. 1., No. 22fi—232, He I Virtue I’RICl’ DAILY IXK'AI, it-l per :iiiiiino OU rs»T U’IONS I’oiljute Kx'r i WAIL nniTlOX M'ost Ki«*>> m CAULK ADDRKSS; Echo—Penang.”
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  • 28 4 Bikth. Tuck —(ln Monday. Apiil 9tli, at Love Lane. Penang, the wife of Gnoli Lean Tuck. Es«j -M.A M D B c (Cantab ).ot a sou.
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  • 1399 4 Ok late there has been a distinct movement throughout the Chinese of Malaya in favour of the education of the rising generation in Chinese. B\ education in Chinese we do not mean that the youngsters «ire to study the old Chinese classics, hut that they are to have
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  • 119 4 The Easier Match Off We hear that a t legram has been received from Singapore this morning from the Secretary of the Singapore Cricket Club rea lmg :—“Colony match cancelled. States can if t raise a team.” This means that the Penang contingent will not. go to Singapore this
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  • 170 4 P. C. C. V 9. The Guiles. At the Sepoy Liues yesterday afternoon, the P. C- C. met the M. S. Guides iu a friendly match and it resulted in the latter being beaten by one goal to nil. The Club played with a couple of men short but,
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  • 186 4 A meeting of Indians aud Ceylonese was held yesterday at 5 p. in. iu the Chinese Town Hall Mr. P. K. Nambyar,Barrister-at-law, was elected President. About sixtv gentlemen representing the two communities, were present. Resolutions as to the name of the Association, its objects and tbe means for
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  • 139 4 Gymkhana Programme The annual Gymkhana of the Peuaug Cricket Club is fixed to take place ou Saturday, s'li May. The following is the programme of events 1 Long Jump. 2 Throwing the cricket ball 3 100 yards liandicip. 4 Three legged r«ce. 5 Bicycle race. mile open.
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  • 238 4 (Before Ihe Hon. IF. IF. Fisher, Puisne Judge.) Mischief by Firs. The trial of the above case was concluded about half past four yesterday afternoon when the jury brought in a verdict of five to two iu favour of the accused aud he was discharged. Penang Road Murder.
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  • 159 4 In the present activity i u the übl*cr industries many sugge»,;^ U(1 prouress have l»eeu made, says t |JV f r '■> ,11',*' lie short,net.» ot c p.HI .|.„„|,|*be by the establishment of a Minim, t Te<J A.l.Huce Bank, and j.' „’^*««l multiply- arguments and instances y,O
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  • 172 4 With all commodities rising over 4 cent, in pi ice during the vear 19ft:» „i r b. Dun's lu.lux N,n».». i, sidered natural, remaiks Review February, that silver should advance. l,n its change has a special significance because of the fact t hat all nations use inure or loss
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  • 483 4 .1 wtwnv Output. The out put aiii< anted to 2,776.4!» pikuls against 3,600 4/ pikuls iu the previous i mouth. The value of the metal is returned at 8229.677.15 ou which duty to theeiteutof 820 248 68 was c I looted. The average pi ice per pikul was
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 241 4 WAYANC KASSIM, 1 PBITCSAEB CO., PENANG. JUST OPENED The Indra Xunibar Royal Theatrical Company of Singapore. WILL STAGE TO-NIGHT, TO-NIGHT, lOth April, 1906, AT THE CAMPBELL STREET DRURY LANE THEATRE HALL. The Tragical and Sensational Play, entitled EDWARD WILLIAM. EDWARD WILLIAM, TRAGICAL! COMICAL!! SENSATIONAL!! Special Artistes, Special English Song Do
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    • 304 5 a tkumbndoujs eruption. v liases Overwhelmed. ('"l't'Hed by Renter.) Wlon iM, April —The eruption of •'SUViih afford* a sublime sf*otHo e. Naples ih covered inches deep i„ S )HS illuJ VHraJ shocks of earthquake have been fell, jiersons have been killed by the eolhpne of houses at San Giuseppe
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    • 150 5 The Budget and Education. (Sujtjdied by Renter.) Loudon. lOtli April.—The Hudget will be presented to Parliament ou doth April. Mr. Augustine Birrell, k. c., President, of the Hoard of Education, has introduced his Education Bill London. lQlh April—The Education Bill provides that, after the Ist January, 1008, no elementary
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    • 69 5 The New Loan. Tin Onto* inline her Lloyd Service.) Berlin, lOtli April.—lt is alleged that a Russian loan of two an<l three quarter milliards is to he issued at five ami a half t**r ceut., g t wo milliards beiug taken up in Paris and the rest in London
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    • 50 5 The New Cabinet. (Snjijilieil by Reuter iiondou, 9th April.—Count Werkerle’s new Hungarian Cabinet iuclmies ’lie coalition loaders M. Kossuth aud Counts Ap poiivi, Amlrassy and Zicliv mid prepares the wav for an early general election, l*ased on universal suffrage. Meanwhile the army and other racial questions have been |>ostpoued.
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    • 35 5 The Kinfg and Queen. i&ujijilieil by Renter.) Uiid.4l. Httli April—King Edward and Dueen Alexandra are, at Messina and are to attend the Olympic games at Athens, accompanied by the Prince and Princess of Wales.
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    • 23 5 A Decoration. (The UnUnsia ***** er Lloyd* Service*) Berliu, 10th April.—State Secretary Holstein.has been decorated with the lied Eagle, set in brilliants.
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    • 25 5 Flight of Hambaasta. Sn/'/tl by Renter.) London, 9th April—Hambaasta has escaped to Zululand, pursued by Leuchar's loyal natives, who are co-operating with the authorities.
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    • 36 5 To Investigate Sleeping S ckness. Stiff ft ’it'd by Reuter) London, 9th April Professor Koch has started for German K ist Africa at the head of a Government expedition to combat the sleeping sickness.
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  • 113 5 Ltt accumulating report?, from authentic sources, supported by Ihe eager apologetics of the English Kadical Press, left no room to doubt that, the Liberal Government is seriously contemplating tampering with our Constitution iu order to ensure a B***r majority in our first Parliament, we thought the danger so
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  • 569 5 Front Native Papers. Anxi-Fobkiun Spirit is Szechuen. The German Minister has warned the Minister of the Hoard of Foreign Affairs of the presence of an anti-Christian and autiloreign spirit in the provinces .-t S/.echieu and Fokien. He advised the Government to take steps for the immediate suppression of
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  • 997 5 Ihe Resignation or Mr Peirce. A Council paper has lieen issued to day, sars Sa*ur«lay’s Free Press, detailing all the correspondence which has passed ou the question of the resignation of the Municipal Commissioners, in consequence of the re fusal of Government to sanction for the WtHtieipal Engine-r, the
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  • 134 5 j C.ilom o, 28th Milch. Thk British steamer Nmthuinbria, from j Simoubtowu «>iiikl for Calcul.a, put into J Galle yesterday, bringing Captain I’edeis.m and eleven of the crew belonging t<> the illi fated Danish barque Tercera, wrecked oft J the Juan Demova. iu t lie M >/.. mVijne
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  • 184 5 Poison Not Plague Ihk Lppor Ultima Gaztt'e publishes the t dlowing extraordinary example of Burmese credulity. It declares* that a story is 1 icing ciiculated that some ass s.-ius iu connection with the Royal isit had lieen busy poisoning the water and food of the Burmaus aud throwing
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  • 179 5 The following specimen of English as she is wrote” makes its appearance in a home journal. I is a letter addressed to it.-» constituents bv i Bologna music firm “Dear Sir,—We have the pleasure of sending you a copy af aur paper (musical) We would drnwu your attention to
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  • 225 5 Rkwari* f >k his Capture It is common!- known throu.liout China that the vdlage of Tung Chat, in the Kwong Ning district, is the fav unite haunt of pirates and rohliers, savs the Hongkong Ti‘'cgrnj‘h In that village lives the notorious pirate Yim, who is well known
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  • 296 5 The “Act of Got*” Clause A decision at Wash iugtoii relating to commercial contracts is **l’ interest to merchants ami shipping agen f H An American eon'emporai v states that the act of God clause in freight and exp*-*--- c niracts is not worth <he paner it is
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  • 714 5 1 UK Merchant Shipping I>ili, tv Inch has i. l)eeu finally knocked into shape, em'mdies a i t large numlier of (he suggestions which have from tune to lime been made bv memb_*r» jin the House and by corporate bodies out- s ide of it, such
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  • 38 5 To-day. 17*t 1i I>av. Hnl Moon Football Match F. 8. o*. I*. ami T... Esplanade. Town Itaud, Esplanade, 9 to I I p.m. To-mobuow. 1 li I y. Hid Town Hand, Esplanade, lj to 7 p in.
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  • 30 5 l.axi i*»r Apr. lOtli 3 30.7* a m. Wiv 23rd 110 5 p.m. First Ouarier May 2nd 2 0.9 am. O Fuli 0 8»li 99 7. pm. I
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  • 29 5 English (l)ellii) 12th Apt. China (Or.» o) 14»li Indian Thunywa) I4»h China (P. R lruitpoil) 17'h German tP. Heinrich) 18th English Doiujola) 2tfth Cluua Aren dot 28th
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  • 49 5 P. O. SAILINGS. Mail Service. Outwards. Homkwards. Delh i I'J Apr Oca no 14 Apr. Doilyola I Arcadia 2H l.xira Service. f tUTWARDS. I inti KW It I IS. I‘a'atran 17 Apr. /V,-,» 12 Apr. Pa'ina I Hay. j .J„c„ 21 I* 01 p.i it*• 1 j.i 1■« ;j
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 70 5 Every Bottle Warranted. Chamberlain's Pain Balm will not you oue cent it it does you no good. t ive it a trial if you are troubled with rheuma turn. One implication will relieve the pit'll Pains in the side or cheat, soreness of the muscles or atifTi»e«s of the joints
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    • 67 5 What Chamberlain’s Pain Balm Will Do For the alleviation of pain Chamberlain’s Pain llalm has no equal Soreness of the muscles, swellings ami lameness are quickly relieved by applying it. One application will promptly quiet a pain iu the side or chest and nothing wdl compare with it as an
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    • 171 5 To-day’s Advertisements. EASTER HOLIDAYS. THE Exchange Banks will be closed on Friday, Saturday and Monday, 13th, 14th and 16th. April 1906, same bein Bank Holidays. 223 “Straits Echo” BUSINESS DIRECTORY. IRONMONGERS. McAlister Co., General Hardware Merchant* aud Ship Chandler*. >9. Beach Street, ANI) at SINGAPORE IPOII. 151«? MINERAL water MAN
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous

  • 127 6 A sensation has l>een caused in the «jumbling world in the Riviera (tlie Chronic a Nice correspondent reports) hv the extra ordinary plav and phenomenal luck of a young American named Armstrong, age»» *22, who bits been taking tlie bank at bacearat iu the grand circle
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  • 790 6 SuiOIDK DISCLOSES Cikl.M Sk.NSATIoN. An extraordinary story point ing to niurder on a wholesale scale as a means of livelihood conies to us from the Dark Continent. It is only fair to sav, however, that the sensational allegations made have not lieeu proved up to the
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  • 121 6 J’fnang, 10th April courtesy of the Chartered Bank [j union Demand B ni "/^i9 4 niunt.lis* sight Hull’ 2/4x4 n 3 Credit 2/1,3 Documentary ...2/4di Calcutta. Ofiiiiiinl Bank lis l/5i 3 days* sit<ht Private 178 Bombay. Demand lianl 175 i Moukmein, Demand Haul 174^ 3 days’ sight Pnv:»*e 178
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  • 230 6 Goid leal 5 (>5 B. Pepper (W o<»asl :-Uhs. .»<»/. i out *roc> While Pepper 28. —nomiu l Traug Pepper 20— buyers Cloves (picked I 42.— sale* Mace 81 —buyers Mace Picking 70.— teller* j Nutmeg* 1 lOs 34 sa'e* No. I 000 *o!e Sugar 2 U" Basket 2
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  • 327 6 0 "5 Capital. Number of Shares issued. Issue Value. U> Last Divideud. Name. Mining u> 7 Bersawah Gold Mining Co. Ltd. Bruseh HydraulicTiu Mining Cu. Lid iDuft Development Co. Ltd. Karaugaii 1 in Mining Co. Ltd. Kmta 'I in M ines Ltd. New Gopeng Miuing Co. Ltd. Pahang Corpoiatin
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 74 6 Highly Esteemed. No liniment stands higher in the estimation of those who know its real value than Chamlierlam’s l’aiu Balm. There a.*, thousands who leel that they cannot get along without, it and always keep it in their h< mes. The pain from cuts, hums, bruises and like injuries is
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    • 201 6 muni THE BEST BEER IN THE FAR EAST. SPARKLING, REFRESHING, INVIGORATING. OBTAINABLE AT THK Eastern Oriental Cray Hotels. AND FROM TIANG LEE Co,, Sole Agents for Penang and the Federated Malay States. Verch ure’s Finest CREAM CHEESE, Cash price, 44 cents. OBTRINRBLE RT GOON YEN FRIENDS. for sale:. DAVID CORSAR
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  • 924 7 Latest reports Hum Peking are lo tli6 *fY ct ili «I Ih.ili ill»* a <1 KtnpreesDowager uie imiisposed, and that iu»truclions have been telegraphi*'l to I li6 diflertnt Viceroys ami Goveriiois r- «jin-sting them to rwoiiimt'inl any able doctors ivhofQ they may know, ami to sen I
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 598 7 P. Hloir Cranes’ CYLINDER OIL. Sandiland*. /iutteiy dr Co. better’s Patent Petroleum Engines. THE MOST PERFECT MOTOR OF THE DAY. For Quotations and Cataloques APPLY TO SANDILANDS. IIIJTTFPV Co Sole Agents, PENANG E. M N Jeyes’ Puri/ier, SLEEP FOR THE SLEEPLESS IS OB I AIN 151» WITH CHLOROBROM. WROUCHT-IRON TUBES
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    • 92 7 You Kun No You need m. hesitate to buy Chamber» 1 tin's Cough Uemedy. If you are uot sat is tied wiiti tin* insults after using twothirds of the bottle according to direction* you may return it to your dealer aud your money will le refunded. Here is what
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1255 8 Lim Sun Ho, chop henc XVIOH Co.. 164, Bench Street. Penang. DENTISTRY. importers ot all kinds of European Cloth and General Commission Agents. W. MANSON, American Dentist, Laic of Dr. Allen Co., Pha, VS.A. THEAN GHEE k :o:6\r Charges Moderate, Consultation Free. KKSIDINQ AT No. 2in. Penang Rond. few doors
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