Straits Echo, 6 April 1906

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1076 1 passed municipal tests. SUITABLE FOR ALL PURPOSES. N. 258 S 8 «5 T* s- 5 > V> &E FO &S HARDENS IN A FEW HOURS HIGH TENSILE STRENGTH. BANKS. Chartered Bank of India, IHongkong Shanghai Australia and China. Banking Corporation. INCORPORATED BY ROYAI. CHARTER. Capital Paid up Reserve Fund Reserve
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    • 18 1 GUINNESS’S STOUT. TIANG LEE Co, |®nlBS fr ß 3! "(I 'JU r 1 to SOLE AGENTS. BASS'S ALE.
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  • 329 2 A Perak Government Gazette Extraordinary,” dated Saturday, 81st uit., publishes a black bordered notification regarding the death of Hi» Highness the Raja Muda, Raja Musa ibni Almerhttni Sultan Jaffar, on 12th ult. It says that bv the death of Raja Musa, His Highness the
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  • 512 2 Opening of the new Plant. Last Saturday saw the Cheudai-Meru mine eit fete, the occasion being the formal opening of the new plant recently installed by its owner, Mr. C. G. Ogilvie. Those invited were tiie British Resident aud Mrs. Birch, His Highness Pnuce lieu ry of
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  • 1184 2 Tuesday 3lst July Thursday 2nd August, and Saturday, 4th August. To be Considered at a General Meeting to be held on Monday, 30th April, 1906. NOTICE. No amendments to this Programme will be considered unless due notice is given m writing
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 100 2 Wliat Chamberlain’s Pain Halm Will Do For the alleviation of pain Chamberlain's Pain Palm lias no equal Soreness of the muscles, swellings and lameness are quickly relieved by appiyiug if. One application will promptly quiet a pain in the side or cheat and nothin' will compare with it as an
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    • 1490 2 MUNICIPAL NOTICE. OTICE is lierebv given that The li Peuang Dogs Order 1905,” in go far as the same relates to the weariug of muzzles, has l>een rescinded by au Order of 11. E the Officer Administering the Govern* meat in Council. The Public are therefore notified that it will
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    • 37 2 Nobel's Explosives: GELIGNITE, DETOX ATOMS, FUSKS. sporting cartridges. Sandilands, Buttery Co., Sn/e Agents. Pen mix F.M.S. Aylesbury Garland, Sub-Agents, Perak Magazines at Penang and Ipoh jJ T* i «8» <S> Emil Zobel WaicMer and Jeweller Street Penang
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  • Shipping.
    • 170 3 (John elia, Ur s.s, 11*4, Keid. sth Apr. Braudan. 4i h Apr, Gen.. -K G. Co. f law Tong, llr. s.s, 105, Ha«san. 6th Apr. Atiahnu, sth Apr., Gen., —K. G. Co. Ij ngkat. Hr. s.s., 140, Case, 6th Api. Teluk Anson, stli Apr., Gen., K G. Co. Avagyke.
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    • 56 3 6th April Formosa, for Colombo ami Tuticoi in. Perak for Port Swetteuham anil Malacca. Uotorua, for Tongkah. Ban Whatt Soon, for Port Swetteuham ami Sin o,i pore. Lady Weld, for Teluk Anson. Ilhirata, for Kaugouu and Calcutta, taking mails for Kurope, etc., vi;r Bombay. Deli, for Tiaug. Jin Ho.
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  • 40 3 /•»•<0/1 Aifent* I)n< Palermo •Suez A.G.&Co. 9th Apr. Trieste Colombo |S K.&Co/ .9th Beuvorlieli Singapore |S B .VCo. 9rh Persia Singapore |S K &Co. 13th Ben led i Singapore IS I* &Co. Bemnobr lion on S. li.ACo. 23rd
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  • 52 3 iv***/. 1 h'nr 1 ■ft' iifs Leave* I’aleriiu» 1 Sinoapore All ACo. i*tli Apr. Trieste Silicapore S K A( '*>. ytli 1 W-'ii vorlicli Loudon 3 1’» A L'o. 9th I'ersia Trieste 3. K ACo. lot ll lieu lei li Loiidou s v, a Co. 16th liennioiir Singapore Si;
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  • 98 3 For Port .Swetteuham—Per Mar;/ Austin, to uioirow, 1 pm. Deli—Per Avayyee, to-morrow, 1 p in. I’angkalan Braudan -Por Cornelia, tomorrow, 1 p.m. Asalian—l’er TawTony, to-morrow, I p.m. Uatu Uiihra—Per Padana, tomorrow, I p-tn Mergni, Tavoy and Moulmeiu I’er Antra, to-morrow, 1 p.m. Kdie, T. Seinawe, Hegli, Olehleh and
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  • 47 3 Per Foiiii"*a, from Singapoie Mr. H. E. Slituton au<l Mr. IV Walker. I’er Kixtna, from Singapore Messrs M. Cat liiravaloo, All Kliaw, Cim Pek Choy and Clieug Lean. From Port Swelteubam Mr. and Mrs. Armour, Dr. Laidlaw, Mr. aud Mrs. Pasqual aud Mr. E. 1> prior.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1379 3 (SHIPPIN G.) TO P. 0. gyajyM N. Co. Expected, Arrivals atul Departures. Mail Service. Outwards. April I- «.8. Delhi connecting-with do «.8. India lid s.«. Dougota do 8.8. China May 10 s.s Oceana do 8.8. Moldavia lid M s. Arcadia do s.8. Mongolia INTENDED SAILINGS. licit isli Indi:! Steam iNavi<>*ation
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    • 122 3 For Singapore, Hongkong, Swatow and Amoy. r|MJb Charterhouse, Captain IJiiiuJL. will leave for the above port*, on Monday, the Hth inst., at !i p in. For freight or passage apply to KOH GUAN Co., Ayente for Wee Hut <\c (Jo., of Sinjojn>re. 5-4-0« 213 KOMNKUJKH PA KFTVA A If 1
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  • 118 4 Jui«tk-«* And justice alone. —K mentor. Hstublished June Ist, 1903 I Published daily (except Sundays.) 4T THU CRITERION PRESS, Ltd., No. 226—222, Beach St root. Penang PRICK: DAIL LOCAL *i«n»» OUTSTVI lONS Hostjure Kxir*. MAIL MOTION (Post Free» Sl5 CABLE ADDRESS; Echo—Penang.” Tsinplmue N<*. ISH Editor-in-Chin' •'hk-vk.t
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  • 616 4 A gentleman strolled into tile* office i yesterday and brought us a beautiful! example of delay on tlie part of the Post Office, iu the shape of an envelope posted in Ipoli on 26th March and delivered in Penang on sth April. The Post Office folk seem
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  • 63 4 We are asked to uive notice of the Penaim licket Clol» Gymkhana which is to be held on Saturday, oth May, 1906. 1 here ire to lie 15 events, including a j-niile B cycle Race open to nou-members ami a Bovs’ Kace, 220 yards, Uuudicap, open to
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  • 152 4 We are requested to state that eulries for the followiug eveuls in the Annual Lawn Tennis Touruaineut close ou Saturday, 14th April, at 6 p m., at the Golf Club. The fee for each Competitor is one doll r per event Ladies' Championship of Pe-ang: Cup presented
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  • 792 4 s>t. Xavier’s vs P. C. U A wild scene of enthusiasm prevailed ou the Esplanade yesterday afternoon, when the P. C. C. met the St. Xavier’s team in their League match. At a little past tive the rival teams lined i up as follows P. C. C Goal. J.
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  • 303 4 {Before (he Hon. IP |p. Fisher, Puisne Judge.) Mischjef by Fire. The sixth case ou the Calendar was com- j* menced yesterday afternoon, when a middle age I Cantonese, living at No. 41 Penang Street, was accused of committing mischief I by settiug fire to the back terrace
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  • 620 4 The Municipal Deadlock I’hk Sf-aits Time s thus commeuts ou the resignation of the Singapore Municipal 1 Commissioners, as briefly reporter! by wire: Some time > go, we learned tint the Municipal Commissioners had resigned in a body but we were besought to say nothing about it, jas publicity
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  • 20 4 Jbhkr Hydraulic Tin Mining <• llu; J «her Hydraulic Tu M,.,; .et.irns »»outh ending 31*^ are 484 pikuls. oist March
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  • 310 4 Disputed Own KRsHu 11ns morning before Mr. B rViltl Monday's Free Presi, Jockev p’ 8 brought .charge of Voluntarily w-" 1 huit against H. Bassett Cau Uj{ Mr. Gaunt appeared for the proseemi Banvard said lie was 011 the morning of the 27th ult. IwT, 0
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  • 591 4 Lab uan Notes. Sufficient t ime Ins not, vet elapsed since the Administration of the Colony was resumed by the Crown to generally criticize the actions of the authorities, savs the Straits Time* correspondent. An improvement in Government offices and the Court?, where discipline and formality now reign iu place
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 335 4 LOOK OUT! The (irand Opening Night. THE FAMOUS WAVANG KASSIM THF. IN Ok A ZANIRAR ROYAL THHAI Rl CAL COMPANY OF SINGAPORE. will ifivH for 1 lie first linn* AT THE CAM PH ELL STREET l)Rl HY LANE THEATRE HALL. 6th April, 1906, The Most Laughable Play Entitled IT*»! M
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    • 264 5 Opinion* on the Conference. Prince von Bulow Paints. The Oitldnmlinr/mr Lloyd'*" Service.) IWmliii, Btli April.—The Westminster (hixelle aud I lie Doily New* acknowledge tlut tlie result of the Algeciras Conference IS favourable to Germany aud express a desire to see au improvement iu Anglo.», erman relation* a* German’* peaceful
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    • 69 5 Engineers Prosecuted. {Supplied bp Router.) London, sth April.—The French Public Prosecutor has institute*] proceedings against the engineers in charge of the salvage work at the Courrierea colliery. A live horse was found in one of the galieries of the colliery yesterday eveuiug and this his intensified the excitement. Crowds
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    • 67 5 A (irate Situation Sup/died by lie tiler, j Loudon, 6th April.—The field force has been compelled to retire to Greytow’u alter a ruuuiug fight of six mil s, «luring which three policemau were killed. The field force will lie strouglv rein force* 1 wit hin twentyfour hours aud every
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    • 56 5 The Ragging Enquiry {Supplied by Reuter.) London. 6th April.—During the course of the ragging enquiry. Surgeon Major Whistou testified that Lieutenant Kennedy was iiva dirtv condition au*l was suffering from itch, while three orderlies and two army doctors testified to his cleauliness Colonel Cuthbert said that he accepted
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    • 76 5 Stormbound at Marseilles. {Supplied by Reuter.) Loudon, 6th April —Kiug Edward and Queeu Alexandra are stqrmbouud at Marseilles au*l their departure from that port has beeu postponed. 'I he Duke au«l Duchess of Connaught have arrived at Marseilles. Prince and Princess of Wales. London, 6th April.- The Prince aud
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    • 42 5 British Naval Sympathy. (Supplied by Reuter London, sth April An effort will be made by the British Navy in home and foreign waters to aid the Japanese V amine Fund. The movement originated at a meeting of bluejackets at Portsmouth.
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    • 48 5 An Alarming Eruption. Supplied by Iteuter.) l,oudou. sth April. Mount V..u» iu riohmt erupt urn ««.1 a lreal. crate, ha. lieen formed^ t 3 c*i. x uni The eruption of wTI. alar„.i»« tta f l .e nearest villa**». Mur for The town of Naples strewn with under*.
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    • 57 5 The New Loan. {The Ostaaiatischer Lloyd s Service.) Berlin. 6tb Apiil.—The Russian loan is to lie issued for Lw<> milliards of francs at livH per cent, which will Ik* sii'o*crii*e*j in h ranee and Great Britain. <-'erinanv will take uo share in the loan, in c*»u&equence of the large
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    • 34 5 A New Loan. {The <J»l»*iiUi*ckcr Lloyds’ Service.) Berlin, tidi Ap'il. -On Wednesday the subscription list was opened for a German Empire three aud a half per rent loan and Prussian consols *t lot).10.
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    • 29 5 Strikeu with Bauble Pneumonia {Supplied by Renter Loudon, tith April.—Air. Beunet Burleigh the famous war correspondent, is suffering from double pneumonia and is in a critical condition
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  • 536 5 As Offer to the Nation. Mr. Sabin, who bought recently at Christie’s, for JJ3.600, the original copy of the famous Memorandum of Nelson tithe Fie t on the eve of the Battle of Trafalgar,! I is willing, says the Pull M ill Cuzette, tint the nation should
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  • 632 5 Mt:»sitb Gow, WiU<„i Sr.niton's India Rublier Market Report. Loudon, 16th Marcli. At to-d.«v’s auction, 1-4 p««kages ot Cevloii aiul Strait8 Settlements plantation grown rubber were tinder offer, of wlneli ali Imt 3 were sold. The total weight amounted to about 6J tons, Ceylou contributing less than j toil ami
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  • 1358 5 Rubber Catch-Crops. Double Planting. SOME PROS AM) CONS OF AN IMPORTANT qUE-TION. Several correspondents have written us on a point in connection with plantation rubber cultivation upon which it is admittedly desirable to obtain expressions of opinion from experts iu this new aud rapidlydeveloping industry. The point, briefly put, is
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  • 720 5 ItKYOND doubt. «Secret ary Rout has received alarming ik from our Consuls in China. a wort to make Inin and tin* President anxious ainml the situation in that country, says the Avi/nm of New Y« >k I lie at til u«le of the American <Jovei'iiment,
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  • 162 5 Thk Sok. r > Kxpkdi ii n A lelegr m from i Northern Nigeria) states: --Captain K. If. <*<i.hlwiii, of the Royal Artillery, iu command of the expeditiou against the Sokoto reisds, <m i2'h iust., attacked the eneuiv. Tin-natives t wicre charged ih- British square aud w’ere almost
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  • 71 5 To- l>A Y. 1 *lt li I lav, did Moon. Cheng Beiig l)a\. Municipal Commission, d p in. Town Baud, Esplanade, 6 to 7 p m. To-morrow. 14* h I *,.y. dial Moon. V net ion Sale of Highlands,” Archway of Logau’s Buildings, 11 I* out ball Match
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  • 24 5 *"< Vi....n Apr. Dili 1 12.4 p.m. V" 'im- Kith d 36.5 A.M. 23rd 1165 p.m. First LMiartei May 2nd 2 6.» am.
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  • 10 5 M AILS DUE. English (Delhi) 12th Apr. Indian Thniywa) 14t.h
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  • 49 5 P. O. SAILINGS. Hail Service. Otrrw Akin lldm «wards Delhi 12 Apr Oceana 14 Apr. Doiif/ola V 6 i Arcadia 28 I- x lr:t service. Outwards Hum k. wards. '*a/a wan IT Apr. j h'ormma 8 Apr. Pa'ina I Mm Java 21 I' Ol pet Menial's s**e t*;igf. I*.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 74 5 Highly Esteemed. No liniuient stands higher in tiie estimation of those who know its real value than Chamberlain’* Pain Paint. There are thousands who feel that they caunot get along without it and always keep it in their h ines The pain from cuts, burns, bruises and like injuries is
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    • 88 5 You Kuo No Risk. You need not hesitate to buy Chaml'erlain’s Cough Remedy. If you are not satisfied with the results after using twothirds of the bottle according to directions you may return it to your dealer and your money will be refunded. Here is what the Greer Drug Co..
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    • 105 5 I'o-day's Ad vertisenients. WANTED TO RENT. G 1 IiOUNI> FLOOR Premises in iieacli r Street, suitable for Store. Would lie williuo to share Premises with auotlier firm, in Peach Street having suitable space to let. Replies to I*. c o Straitn Kcho. 6 4-00 Iwk 210 NOTICE. TUK Sal« of
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 20 5 WEATHER. 1 hk t«•! 1« *\v'iir«<i><iri. 1» kiii-lli •>- 1 »i>ii«*< 1 l>v liiv I *i• t-rl*>r o 1 i /iiriiwiiliis
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  • 28 5 Obituary. Bishop oi Ely (Supplied hi/ Reuter.) L rndoj, 6 .li April.— The death is au uouuced of the lit Rev. Lord Alwyue Comp toy. Bishop of Ely
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  • 862 6 Forty Ykaks of Growth. Amazinu Fiuurks After taking five Years to arrange, sift ami eo-ordinate, tin* results of the census, of all parts of the Brit isli Empire taken in 1901 are at length published in the lonn ot a ponderous Blue-book of 300 pages, with
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  • 118 6 Pksano, 6th April. Ihi courtesy of the Chartered hank Eondoii Demand Bn»*» 2/4/« 4 months’ signi Ban»; 2/4y 6 3 Credit 2/4* 3 Documentary ...2/4‘J, Calcutta, Demand Bank its. 175 A 3 days’ sight Private 178 Bombay, Demand Bank 175 A Mouiiiiein, Demand Banr 1741 3 days’ sight
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  • 223 6 Gold ieat 65 B. Pepper (W. Coa.«»t 3lbs. oid oj >loci White Pepper *2B. —uomin d Traug Pepper 20 —buyers Cloves (picked i 42.— tale* Mace 81 —buyers Mace Pickino- <0. —sellers Nutmegs 1 |os 34— suh-e No 1 590 sole Sug.u 2 B" si.s i.. lia-ske 280 sales
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  • 317 6 Last Dividend Name (Quotations. c. for vear ending Mining iVisawati Uoid Mining Co. Ltd. $l4 seller*. liruselr Hydraulic-Tin Mining Co. Ltd slt*. 1 )uff Development Co. Ltd. So— seller» Ifaiangtu lin Mining Co. Ltd. $3. Iviuta Tin Mines Ltd. $12.75 New Gopeug Mining Co. Ltd. >lt> buyers. :d0 6
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 103 6 Every Buttle Warranted. Chamberlain's Pam Malm will not cost you uut) cent if it dots you no good. Give] it a trial it’ you are troubled with rheumatism. Oue application will relieve the pain. Pains in the side or dust, soreness of the! muscles or stiffuess of tlie jointsaie quickly
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    • 127 6 mackay’s the celebrated UQUEURJVHISKY. “s.B. Co.” Gtesters* Champagne, GIN James BUCHANAN Co.’s IN RED CASES. <nntti/nnfl*i r Ruttrry «S' Co. CELEBRATED RED SEAL AND BLACK AN!) WHITE WHISKIES. SANDILANDS, BUTTERY Co. AGENTS. PE HANG <* PERAK. Andrew Usher Co.’s SPECIAL RESERVE O.V.G. Whisky. SANDILANDS, IHJTTERV Co., AGEN J’S FOE PENANG
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  • 949 7 Thk Comino Manikuvrkh Full details lihvp iiuw l>eeii issued concerning the co operative naval ami m*rcuitile in inccuvies planned to comuiMice in June aud to extern! over a jH’iiixi of |t) «lavs. The Admiralty scheme o framed to test as realistically as possible the capacity of our Navy
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 551 7 P. /Wo Ir Cranes' CYLINDER OIL. NOTICE. T|THfcJ umleisiyiivtl t>*’4 to inform the public of Penang ;m<i the neighbouring Native X tbev have been appointed A'j**nt.s for fui<aU Parouiiit, (’live <* r. i i t ii ii i i f i ;i;i‘\ in i>«-r-u appo-uieu tor jjessis. tu-a'l
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    • 58 7 A Favorite KemeJy for Habits. Its pleisuut au I pn mpt cims have made Chamberlain’» Cough Remedy a favorite with the moth *rs of small children. It quickly cures their coughs and eolds and prevents auv daugei of pueumou a or other serious consequences. Georg*. Town Dispensary, General Agents, »ii
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1274 8 Lim Sun Ho, CHOP HENC 1 MOH Co. 164, Beach Street, Penang. importers of all kinds of European doth and General Commission Agents. 61c DENTISTRY W. MANSON, American Dentist, Late of Dr. Allen Co., Pha, U.S.A. THEM CHEE fc Co ■:o:Charges Moderate, Consultation Free. RESIDING AT /Vo. 2ln, Penang Road.
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