Straits Echo, 5 April 1906

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1127 1 Passed municipal tests. SUITABLE FOR ALL PURPOSES. 258 N <*> T 1. ®e MS *> kZ HARDENS IN A FfcW HOURS HIGH TENSILE STRENGTH. BANKS Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China. INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER. Capita! Paid'up Reaerve Fund Reserve Liability of Proprietors jtHOO.UOO .£BOO,OOO Head Office: HATTON COURT.
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    • 17 1 SIM3DV GUINNESS’S STOUT v i Ci 22 X li C? X Cv •Hiv s.ssva TIANG LEE Co
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  • 206 2 Souie people have said 111 their lia.ste that if a Siamese wants to blow a penny whistle he has to pay for a permit. That of course is not so: the tax is impose.) only in the case of performances given to n ake money, or
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  • 365 2 Important Experiment at Tacuin. A royal decree of great interest has iieeu issued, establishing local self government at Tachiu, si vs the Jtiu mjkok 1'iintD. The people there recently subscribed several thousand ticals, with which they had a tine road constructed through the Talat Tha Chalom. and bridges w
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  • 318 2 When Lord Beacon stield arrange» 1 the bargain with Ismail Pasha, the Kxtravagant, I for the purchase of tiie latter's share of the •Suez Canal, many eminent liudieals denounced the transaction as not oulv nskv hut as opposed to ail righteousness. But, nowadays, the screaming virtue of
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 101 2 Highly Esteemed .No iiniment stands higher in the estimation of those who know its real vaiue than Chain herla in's Pain Palm. There aie thousands who feel that they cauuot get along without it and always keep it in their homes The pain from cuts, burns, bruises and like injuries
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    • 575 2 Municipal Notice. rpHE next Ordinary Meeting of the Muni1. eipal Commissioners will be held at the Municipal Office at 3 p in. on Friday, the tit li instant. I- A CoUTiMt BIGGS, Ag. Secretary. MUNICIPAL NOTICE. ■VT OTIOE is hereby given that The Penang 1 togs Order lHOo,” in so
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    • 1873 2 UPRIGHT PIANOS, *550 10 years’ written WARRANTY BLUTHNER BUY! BUY!! BUY!!! THIS IS THE HEST OFPORttINITY. GRAND PIANOS, *460 only. Second Hand, 5 years’ written WARRANTY. THE niaiiiitiK tuvtMs of the cheapest :mm! most shoddy Pianos make such extravagant claim» for superiority that it is a difficult task to give
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  • Shipping.
    • 112 3 Thongwa. Hr. 8.8 3.426. Whitehead. Apr Madras, 25tli Mar,, Gen H. L. it Co. Perak, Br. «.s., 2S>7, Buchanan, 4th Apr., Port Swettenham, 3rd Apr, Gen., l\. G Co. Han Whatt Soon. Br. s s 177, Glenday, oi li Apr. .Singapore, 3rd Apr., Gen., Quail Beng l\ee. Sachsen,
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    • 30 3 sth April Canton, tor Pangkor and 'l'eluk Anson. Un Peng, for Set ill. Thongwa, for Singapore. Ma’aya, for !>eli. Filling Fish, for Port Weld and Taiping Solfond, for Rangoon.
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  • 61 3 1 rSM**!* t'nm Ayr til* Du» Formosa e A O.ACo. 6th Apr Bella Itier London S B A Co. 7th Palermo ■Suez A G ACo. 9th Trieste Colomljo 8 K.ACV 9th Benvoi li«'li 8ine;t|H)le 8 B ACo. 9th Persia Sineapore S K ACo. 13th Ben le< ji Sinoapore S
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  • 54 3 1 h'nr Aijenf* Lenves Formosa Colombo A.G.ACo. titli Apr liena liter Singapore S B A Co. 7th Palermo Singapore lA.d.ACo. 9th Trieste Smoaf ore S K ACo. 9th Beu vorlicli London •S.B A Co. 9th Persia Trieste S.K.ACo. ltitll Beuleih London S.B&Co. 1 tit h Benmolir Singapore S B
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  • 152 3 For Port Swe.lteuham and Malacca—Per Perak, to morrow, 1 Tongkah -Per Rotorua, to-morrow, I Trang —Per Deli, to-morrow, 1 pm. Laugkat— PerJtw Ho, to morrow, 1 Port Swettenliam and Singapore—Per Han Whatt, Soon, to-morrow, 2 p in. Calcutta —Per G. A pear, to-uiorrow, 3 p.m
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1222 3 (SHIPPIN G.) P. k fi. TN, 4SK i <■: S. A. Co. INTENDED SAILINCS. British India Steam Navigation Co., Ltd. Steam sm. For Intended to Sail. bjJipvclrd Arrivalv and Rr^mr!urrs. Mail Service. Outwards. N*--.. |M III. Madras, Pondicherry, Cuddalore and Karrical. Rangoon Calcutta, [Moulmeiu and Burmese Ports. J Sa». 14th
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    • 95 3 KON INK LI JK E PAKETVAART MAATSCHAPPIJ. NOTICE. s.m. l)e Koel: will Umvh Imrt* weekly X for l**di, Bajiiii, Edi and Telok Seinawc. HUTTENBACH, IJEBERT A Co.. Agents. 2 4 0(i 20H NIPPON YUSEN KAISHA. T'HE s.s. Bingo Maru is due at this port on or about the 24th April
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  • 120 4 Ju«Uc<: Mil »nd justio« alone.—£m*r>*ot». 1 Established June Ist, 1903. Publish*-,! daily (except Sundays.» 41 Til CRITERION I’RESS, 1.1.1.. No 226 232, I>h:ic6 Siiwi, Phiiaii URIC? DAIL LUCA I. I*.. I*cr aniiM j M OUTSTATIONB Puetatce Kxir*. VAIL KIUTION (Poet free» $lO CAHI.K ADURKBS: Hcho—Penang." 1c1m,.1.0.1H No
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  • 1527 4 From a mail paper to liuml we note that the Home authorities are not only taking up the question of the treatment of foreign shipping in British ports, so as to make the foreign vessel conform to all the rules and regulations regarding British vessels, but him
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  • 1161 4 (Before the Hon. W. W. Fixl t r. Puisne Judge.) II- U8EBKKAKING. Cbaug All Chew was yesterday arraigned before Mr. Justice Fisher aud a common jurv ou the charges of housebreaking, the ft and voluntarily causing hurt to a public servant iu the execution of his duty. ‘I
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  • 16 4 In addition to the Band there will au opeu-air concert on Saturday eveniml
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  • 34 4 Kaub Returns. far Cm ,„t, eudiug 24th March: Bukit Woman stoue crushed, 3 s>q t gold obtained, 601 0/l average per ton m dwts. Bukit Malacca crushed, 557 t„ Us 57 p«r
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  • 123 4 Kinta Tin Mines, Ltd. T iie following are the returns from tl* Kinta Tin Miues, Ltd for the month of March V ut P ut 275 piculs. Approximate Valu $13,500 Receipts from Water Kent 5,450 Working Costs 4 7QQ Profit !42j0 The Pusing Lama Tin Mines, Limitiu. The output
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  • 494 4 Tiie Shake Market. Messrs. J Russel Grant, Co.’s Report. loth March, 1906. The market for Rubber Plautat ou shares coat mu-s good iu tone and a large amount of trade is passiug at hardening ra^es Anglo-Malays were takeii up to 2 and 11/16ths aud 2 ,”»-2 the vendor» are
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 365 4 NOTICE, I WALTER LAWSON, hereby «iye notice that from the 3rd «lav of April, 1906, 1 have taken over the buxines» known as The Euglish Hotel, No. 38 Beach Street, from Mr. C. Sha pie re. My responsibility dates only from tlm 2nd April, aforesaid. W. LAWSON 1 confirm I
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    • 171 5 MORE RESCUES. Government Enquiry Demanded. [The Ottimi'iltAcher Jjloyd'i 1 Service.) Herliu, 5tli April —Nine more miners have l,. H ii rescued alive from tbe Courrierea in inti (i Supplied ly Reuter.) Loudon. 4th Apni.—In the French ChamMr a debate has beeu held on the Courrierea .lisaster. Several Deputies vehemently
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    • 112 5 The Ragging Enquiry. (Supplied by Reuter.) Loudon, stli April.—The Guards’ ragging enquiry lias l*eeu ipeued. I.ieuteuaut Ken nedy stated that Lieutenants D. Hamilton. <; Hamilton, Narford aud Jallife courtmar lulled him for lieiug in a filthy condition aud telling the Colonel a lie. They afterwards stripped him, <
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    • 67 5 The Native Rising. (Supplied by Renter) Loudon, sth April. —The Natal rebel ehiel liambaasta and his followers are cutting the telegraph wires au«l have tired upon a party of police and civilians beyond G rev tow u. It is reported that they have pillaged two farms aud seized arms
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    • 110 5 The Dove of Peace. (Tke Oetueiatiecher Lloyd's" Service) Berlin, sth April.— Russia has issued nivitaturns to a Second Hague Coulereuce flie invitations include China and Japan. (Supplied by Reuter.) Loudon, 4Mi April. Russia has submitted to the Powers the programme for a Second Peace Coufereuce at the Hague, to
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    • 59 5 Plague and Disorders. Supplied by Reuter.) Londou. sth April —The Russian Legalion at Teheran reports new disorders at and the possibility of the spread ot the plague. The Persian Government has despatched cavalry to Uirjand, luibet au< Tu iisme. and a sot uia of Cossacks is leaving Askahad
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    • 33 5 A Reward (4>a/qdie*J by Reuter.) 1,,«d0n. sth April. —S«r Arthur Nelson. lie British Delegate, receives the Cross oi •St. Michael au<l St. George for his se> vices at the Afgecira* Conferee 'e.
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    • 24 5 A Royal Title* by Reuter.) Loudon, otb April. Ihe jV'!*' Tuned that Princess Ena of ImtUmburg shall be styled Her Royal Higuuew»-
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    • 24 5 The Tahah Affair. (Bnj>pf‘ied by Router.) t i V.i -The Turkish Com- xcsaioaeib report M** 1 a no^ovsiou AUUand ieMierafoiea lu.kish p M*
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  • 1396 5 JAPANESE INFLUENCE IN THE FAR EAST. Growth of which Startles Nations. liiiiian-Tihctan Trade to he Developed. AVAR OFFICE POLICY. HALDANE’S BRILLIANT SPEECH British Vagrants to me Checked. (From Our thru Correspondent.) Fleet Street, March 12th —’l l,ere is in. doubt alxrut it, that tlm advance of the
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  • 117 5 Thk following are the Alien*!* for the Ordinary Meeting of the Cotmnissiou tomorrow 1. Minutes ol last meeting to be lead aud continued. 2. Any special business the President tna v bring forward 3. Questions. 4. Letter from Oovernmeut re Regulation of street hawking. 5. Appointment of T.
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  • 198 5 It is reported that the Gambling Farm at Clieras has been attacked by gaugrobbers at uight. and that, one of the men in the Farm was wounded in the chest by a revolver shot. It is said that tlie maraudergot away with about $130 iu cash aud
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  • 194 5 VIKAICUI. READJUSTMENT Peking, March 12. M K Chao Krhl seu. Military Governor of Mukden, has wired to the Peking Government that. ir. is imperative to establish a Bank at Mukden i and to issue bank notes, so as to reorganise the financial administration of Manchuria; j also is
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  • 306 5 In the Mekong Valley. In an article on the political situation in French Laos, the Conrrier d'Hnip/iony says 1 lie relations of the French authorities with the Siamese authorities of the posts ou the right bank of the Mekong, are good. Certain high Siamese officials have even
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  • 457 5 SITL’sTIoN AT THK CAPITAL. Writing under date of 2nd ulto., the Peking correspondent of the «S'. i). Morning < Po>>t says Iu reply to your special wire asking for i full iuforiua'iott of the affairs at t lie capital, l cau only stit** that nothing really import,- aut has
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    • 589 5 I'o mis Editor <>» mi: K« uu Dear Sir, 1 lie correspondence wliicli appealed in j your columns under ilie above title lias i been app-e i.ited in tlie proper <|nai lers, and j tli© tbanks ot tlie residents of Kuala Luinpur aie due
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  • 66 5 To-i>ay. 12th I I VI< m.11. Football Mutch St. X. r* I'. (j. (>. Football Maxell Sepoy Lines b\ 0. M. S <1 Town Chinese Recreation Club 5 to 7 TO-MOR ROW 13th I)av, 3rd Moon. Cheng Beng Day. Auction Sale <>f Household Furnillire etc Jo Union Str
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  • 30 5 O foil Moon Apr. 9th I 12.4 pm. I .e-i t^nii i 16th 336.5 a.m. o a! 23rd 11.65 p.m. (Ei Ist (Jnartei May 2nd 2 6.9 AM.
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  • 9 5 English (Delhi) 12th Apr. Indian (Thonyiai) 14th
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  • 45 5 P. O. SAILINGS. Mail Service. Outwauiis. Homkwaros. Delhi 1.2 Apr. j Oreon» l-t Apr. Donyola 2fi i Arcmliii ‘iS 1 twa Service OUT W A Itlls llomkwakiis. I*a.!main. 17 h'oruioen fi Apr. Pa'lml lAf it >/. j .hi rn '2l ror pall ii*iiiars khh Page I)
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  • 178 5 Per Thunyiva. from Madras Mr. aud Mrs. Hudson, Mrs. O’Keefe, Mrs. Gawthorue, Per Sorhteu, from Southampton Mrs. L. M. Woodward. From Hamburg Mr. Carl G’aser. From Colombo: Mr. Sintiapen. Per Jin Ho, from Luugkat Mrs. Luuberg and children. IVr I jut lif We’d from Teluk An sou Mr. and
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 67 5 What Chamberlain's Fain Halm Will Do. For tbe alleviation of pain Chamberlain’s Pain Balm lias no equal Soreness of the muscles, swellings aud lameness are <|uickly relieved by applying it. One application will promptly quiet a pain in the side or chest aud nothing will compare with it as an
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    • 70 5 Every Bottle Warranted. Ciiaiiilierlain'x Pain I Iiti will not cost von one cent it it does you no good. Give it a *rial if you are troubled with rheumat:Bin. One application will relieve the pain. Pain-* in the side or chest, soreness of the muscles or stiffness of the joints
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    • 149 5 For Singapore, Hongkong, Swatow and Amoy. 1 'lnirf -rhoitte. Captain Baiu--1.. bridi»o. will Ip.ivh for the above ports, on Monday, the Otli insf., at 3 p m. For freight or passage apply to KOK (JUAN Co p Agents for Wee Mu A' Co., of Singapore. 5-4 00 21 o LOOK
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 30 5 WEATHER. Ihk toll<>\vin<_' report in kiii«1 Iv supplied hj the ■Sij'tial Director of Fort Cornwallis Til© rainfall dullin' the .4 hours ended at 9 am to-dav wan 0 1 inch.
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  • 745 6 S>f t Franrieco Examiner.) At der request of four Union States Senators, two- Member» of Congress, vun Chuge ot der Supreme Court und a frieu.. of mine dot keeps a delicatessen store I h *f agreed to write dis history of to-day Hititory is vun of
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  • 122 6 Pbnanu, sth Apkil. {Hi/ court*s<j of the. Chartered Hank London Domain! Bank 2/-4i*« v 4 months’ sight Bank 2 4,\, I 3 Credit 2/4j 3 Documentary ...2/4{-J Calcutta. Demand Bank Ils. 175 A 3 davs* sight Private 178 Bo» IInay. Demaml Bank 1751 Moulmein. Demaml Bani. 174$ 3 «lavs’
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  • 234 6 Goid leal 5 65 B. Pepper VV. Coast > out oj *r**c/. White Pepper 28. nominal Trang Pepper 20 buyer* Cloves (picked) 42.— tale* Mace 81 —buyers Mace Picking.- 70. —sellers Nllt megs 11 0» 34 —sales No. I 5 00 sale Sugar 2 ■‘«••••k. Basket 2 Btt
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  • 319 6 Last Dtvideud. tyuotatious for •I in iug Iso'. January vtar ending 31 12 <»5 Naiiic Mining B J i>a\vah Gold Aiiuiug Co. Ltti. $l4 sellers. H vJraulicTin MiuingCV. Liu $lO. Duff Development Co. Lul. s selleis. Kuangiu I'm Mining Co. Ltd. !)3. tvinta Tin Mines Ltd. $12.75 'Jew Gopeug
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 91 6 A Favorite Remedy for Babies. Its plea ant taste and prompt cures have made Clianilierlain’s Cough Remedy a favorite with the mothers of small children. It quickly cures their youghs and colds and preveuts any dauger of pneumonia or other serious consequences. George Town Dispensary, Geueml Agents, and for sale
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    • 239 6 ASAir THE BEST BEER IN THE T FAR EAST. SPARKLING, REFRESHING INVIGORATING. OBTAINABLE AT THE Eastern Oriental Crag Hotels. AND FROM TIANG LEE Sc Co,, Sole Agents for Penang and the Federated Malay States DAHL’S MILL Norwegian Pure Cows’ flilk. The only Canned Milk in which the full Flavour of
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  • 841 7 According to flit* Ijou«lou of rlie San fVdwnVw I'J.unnin.?r the wearing of anklets i-« coming iuin fashion with Loudou j sociei v women. Lady Liverpool is reported to w«ar three, studded respectively with diamonds, sapphires and mbies The Duchess of Portland has an anklet that is of
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 560 7 P. /Wolr Cranes’ CYLINDER OIL. NOTICE. r 1 1 HE under!si”U"*l I lo iut'Mm the publ'C «it’ PeiKius' iud tin- Native A -St;ile>» that tin 1 1i:ih‘ L*>-u aj>p»»’iireti .Ayeii:> f« Mi'"ii>. fii"»i I I’aisoiii», Clive Sandiland s. Huttery <V Co. Co of LolnJoil, and Ii.ivi* lecentlv ir*tviv«- 1 a
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    • 92 7 You Run No Risk. You need not hesitate to boy Chamber* I tin's Cough Remedy. If you are not satisfied wilii the results after using twothirds of the bottle according t directions vou mav return it to your dealer and your money will be refunded. Here is what the Greer
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1286 8 Lim Sun Mo, CHOI* HENC MOH Co., 164, Beach Street, renting. importers of all kinds of European Cloth and General Commission Agents. bl< Kim Keng Leong Co, 127, BEACH STREET. DENTISTRY. I W. MANSON, American Dentist, Lute of Dr. Allen Co., Pha, US.A. Charges Model ate, Consultation Free. Ki-SID’NG AT
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