Straits Echo, 4 April 1906

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1120 1 Corkscrew Brand The Best Beer on the Market. tO. Light, Sparkling and Refreshing. SOLO BY ALL LEADING SHOPB. BANKS. Chartered Bank of India, Hongkong; Shanghai Nederiandsche Handel Australia and China. Banking Corporation. Maatschappij. Netherlands railing Society, ESTABLISHED 1824. Paid-up-Capital lO.OOU.OOU international Banking Corporation. The Mercantile Bank of India, Limited. i
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  • 58 2 Wiseman—Here’s an account ot another hunter last iu the woods. Every hunter should carry a jaicket compass. Duanley—Why r How would that itelp him Wisemau—Help linn to tind his way, of course. You see, the needie of the compass alwavs points to the north. Dumley—Yes, but suppose lie
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  • 85 2 You women folks must Ik* wpui hi a sight of birds on your hats tins season,” ventured Uncle Abuer, as ho carefully removed his coat. "Why, Abner r asked Aunt t5ophrouin. Wal, they wus a feller sot in front of me nil tlie tram that was dressed like
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  • 94 2 Anothkk addition has just l»cen .uade t,, Italy’s heritage of art, lost through centuries of iuappreciat ive neglect and now being slowly recovered by modern research. It is a beautiful fresco, iu the lower part of the cupola of the ancient church which is now used as
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  • 137 2 Some years ago a mail named Brooks kt-pt the hotel at < ‘range. Miss. On*morning a man named Warrick came iuto the hotel office aud said he and cue of his neighbours, Mr. Jones, had walked to the village, a distauce of about three miles. Mr Warrick had c
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  • 128 2 Great political commotions can have their comic as well as their tiagic side. Separation between <'hurch and State in France has produced a little by-effect at Cherbourg that is at least amusingly small, if not exactly comic. For generations the good folks of the town have
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  • 141 2 A curious echo from the Franco-Genuau war lias just made itself heard from au out of-way caniou of Switzerland. After the Germans had closed iu ou Paris, the French hurriedly got together an army under Bourbaki to relieve pressure ou the capital by making a diversion in the
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  • 135 2 The imp sse into which t lie* relations between Fram e and Venezuela have fallen once more bungs into relief the turbulent history of Venezuela during the past century. This territory it was which, uuder the famous Bolwar, first reared the staudard of armed revolt agaiust Spain. Having
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  • 1269 2 Tuesday, Jlsi July, Thursday, 2nd August, and Saturday, 4th August. To be Considered at a General .Meeting to he held on Monday, 30th April, 1906. NOTICE. No amendments to this Programme will be considered unless due notice is given in writing
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 90 2 A Favorite Remedy for Babies. Its p'.o.i :int taste and prompt, ernes have ma«lu Chamberlain's Cough Remedy a favorite with tire mothers of small children. It quickly cures their coughs and colds and preveuts any danger of pneumonia or other serious consequences. George Town l»i<peusary, General Agents, and for sale
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    • 548 2 NOTICE. MESSRS. J. H. Fiiicke ami il. Jessen have been authorized to sign the Company’s name by procuration from this dav. i;ehn, meyek a Co Peuaug, April Ist, 1906. NOTICE. Singer Sewing Machine Co. REMOVED TO 92 BISHOP STREET. 31 3-06 lwk 204 Municipal Notice. r |MIE next Ordinary Meeting
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    • 516 2 }K«? w <s? ■J N I o/vcves all Stains, Rust, or Tarnish, cleans ani polishes Pots and Pais;, Glass and China, and all metals, but W)NT WASH CLOTHES. Will do a thousand tHngrs to make Home bright and cheerful with /ittie Trouble and Labour. MONKEY BRAND Ncthu*g has more ure:
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    • 24 2 Nobels Explosives: GELIGNITE, DETONATORS, FUSES. SPORTING CARTRIDGES. Sandilands, Buttery Co., Sole Agents, Penang F.M.S. Aylesbury Garland, Sub-Agents, Perak t Magazines at Penang and Ipoh
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    • 7 2 RUBER OID h ROOFING. Adamson, fiilfil!an& Co.,
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  • Shipping.
    • 117 3 Asahax, tier. > > 1111. Pet* is, 3rd Apr., Asalian, ‘Jud Apr, (Jen I» M. A Co. Pr-.a |Jr. s.s., 21*4, (*o> sij, 4th Apr Acbeen, 3rd Apr., Ccn., Pan I Jo Hin. Cantox, P.r. s s.. It to. Merican, 4t|i Apr, J’eluk Anson, 3rd Apr, den., Ah King.
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    • 75 3 l ii April /V/reZ, for Pori Swettenhain. 7>e//, for Tran—. Agalhin, for Asalian and I lain Bahru Dorfiiiiiinl, for Singapore, Hon-kon—, Yokohama. Kobe and Nagasaki Langkat, for Teluk Anson. Chan Tni, for Peri is ainl Setul. Ifrlie, for l>eli Tniiij Clmy In, for Batu Bahra and Asalian. Hang II'»/.
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  • 62 3 1 I i tiin 1 tf‘ ttl bn* Foi iuosa S'Ugapoie A G.ACo. til ii Apr Loualder Loudon S.H AOo. 7tli i’dlwimi Sue/. A G &Co. 9th Trieste {Colombo S lv.&Co. 9th HeUVol lifll Siugupore S }> AOo. |9t li Persia Singapore S K A, t V. 13th 1
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  • 75 3 I /•<o hen vex Forum.'!» ’oloml *o A < i A Co <>th Apr Penaide i Silly a pom S 11 A Co. 7th Palermo Singapore A <» A Co. 9tli I'i ie.'fe Siiiy a pol e 3 K A( Jo. 9th i leiivorlich liond'Oi S p. A< Jo.
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  • 79 3 H OK •Singapore, China—Per Sor/mrn, to-morrow, 7 a.m Langkat—Per Jin llu, tomoiiow, noon. Rangoon—Per Sol/ond, to-morrow, 3p.m. Singapore Per Thomjnut, to-morrow, 4 p lit. l>eli- IVr Mu ntjtt, to morrow. 4 p.m. Port Swet leiiliain ami Malacca— Per Yrrak, tith instant, 1 pm. Tougkali Per Rotorua, i>
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1227 3 (SHIPPING.) f. k 0. I? $'A HI. Co. Hr peeled An i cals and Departures. Mail Service. Outwards. April I- Delhi connecting with <lo 8.8. India 2G s.«. Daugala do 8.8. China >fhv 10 8.8 Oceana do s.s. Moldavia 24 8,k. Arcadia do a. Mongolia Homewards. FAKES BY MAIL STEAMERS.
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    • 101 3 ROMNKIJJKE PA K LTV A ART MAA TSCHAPPIJ. NOTICE. 'PHK ss Ue K ode will leave In-re weekly 1. for l»eli, P.ajin, K<Ji am] Telok Semawe. PUTTENPACH. I.IKIiKRT A Co Atfentt. ■J 4 U*> -08 NIPPON YUSEN KAISHA. Thb s.s. Hingtt M»ru is due at this port on or about
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  • 129 4 J mi i«- rtHtisrie- ew,r> body and justice alone.— Knur son Established June 1st, 1903 Published daily (fnvjit Sunday-.I IT TIIR CRITERION PRESS, EM.. N<* —‘Jitii, Beach St reel. IVii.nw IMilCE DAII. LOCA1. I***r annua OUTSTATIONM Partake 'Mr.. van KDTTION IPost Kieel *15 CAIIt.K A tmaKss; Echo—Penang.”
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  • Current Topics.
    • 548 4 W i: ai>* pleased to see that two of our contemporaries are taking up the hi a! t e*r <*i the administration of the Kaiiway, as will i»e seen l»y reference t<» an article cttlleii from the Malay Mail y which we publish in another column. We fully
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    • 533 4 While the Government of the Federated Malay States is throwing bouquets at itself because it is expecting' to emerge from the end of its financial year with a surplus of some twenty-thr- e millions, the servants of that same Government. are cursing theii .«tars at
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  • 376 4 Thk \lnlnij Maii says:— "We are reliably informed that Mr. Koliert Meikie is shortly to be married. 44 We hear that, the marriage of Mr. A. I*. Voules and Mrs. Stewart will take place on the ]Oth inst. 44 The marriage of J>r Cooper with Miss Freda
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  • 107 4 New Gopknu. i’ll** following are the returns v frojieng. Ltd f <>r the month „f o Output ,J-'r A pproxi unite Value Receipts from Uubk*i i’JI Working Costs Profit I HE ong Pliin tin-mine hi lain,., the joint, ownership of Messrs <jj n m a? Wig and
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  • 582 4 A.-C S. Northern Lka«c«. In the League match between the Norths, League team and the Anglo Chinese SclnlS eleven, winch was played off n,„ p mule yesterday afternoon, a drawn resulted. Play commence 1 a. a .iuarter tive, Mr. S. Wills king referee. FroTi, tiie start a fast game
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  • 221 4 Singapore Chinese Awake. The 44 Youug China” patriotic movement appears to have struck Singapore in ftirues at last, says the E. D. M. A plan has adopted bv the leading Chinese of Snip* pore l" commence on a large scale the m s'ructiou ui the dullest 4 l*oys o!
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 196 4 E.R v w I 'o A A. A PSWICH, ENGL i Ltd., UiKEKS OF High-class V. •> ?%z kj 4 3 S e Boilers OF Vl,'. DhhORIPi lONS. “i- <sm i r J- -i w ;r«v*sf %<v, 4l >N •»>*.?** v *> if',"* v p 2? s*i m ■?s' .i^Vv
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    • 74 4 Highly Esteemed. No liniment stands higher in the estimation of those who know its real vaiue than Chamber lam’s Pain Balm. There are thousands who feel that they cannot get along without it and always keep it in their h mes The pain from cuts, burns, bruises and like injuries
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    • 203 5 THE EXECUTION. Debate iu Parliament. (Sufi/died by Reuter Loiidou, 4th April.—The twelve natives w |m were shot yesterday iu Natal spent the mght prior to their execution in singin*' (iv ini’s. 'Tiie House of Commons held a debat.* „•>.»11 the executions, upon the motion of the H l>ourite Member
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    • 81 5 A City Banquet. (Snpjdied by Renter.) Loudon. 4th April.—The City Liberals have banqueted Sir West Ridgeway, Sir Felix Schuster aud Mr. Gibs** i Bowles. The Chairman, lend Tvveedmouth, sanl that he huj»ed that Sir West Ridgeway and his colleagues would lay tiie foundation for a happy, united aud loyai
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    • 105 5 Hopes from the Conference. (Supplied by Renter.) London, 8rd April. —The Tuner says that not a lew Englishmen will hope that the Algeciras Conference will further stimulate tlie policy of supplementing the FrancoRussian Alliance aud tlit* Anglo-French Entente by the natural complement of a cordial Anglo-Bussian understanding. London, 4th
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    • 64 5 The Elections (Supplied by Reuter.) Loudon, 4th April.—Upwards of sixty per cent, of the electors of St. Petersburg voted yesterday' and th«* authorities refrainel from any interference. The New Loan. (The Ostasiatisrher Lloyd* Servire.) Berliu, 4tli April. —The German Government is reluctant for Germany to participate m the Russian
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    • 55 5 Prince Berthold The o*t(i*iatiĕcJier Lloyd ‘Service.) Berlin, 4tli April—The Heir Apparent lias l>eeu baptised at Kalsruhe under the name of Berthold. New Bills iVrlin. 4th April.—The Keiehstag has passed Bills for improving the lighthouses and the tolerance of the Jews. The Navy Berlin. 4th April.—Admiral Mueller will prohahly lie
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    • 49 5 Presentation of Mounts. t 'nj Renlf London, 4th April.— The Kaiser has pieseuted medals to the Westphalian nmieis who rescued the Ourrieres miners and sanl that they obeyed the teach iug of the Saviour aud showed a love for their neighbour w inch knew neither boundary nor race.
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    • 34 5 Tne coat ainuc. (ISupjdied by Renter.) Loudon. 4th April The employers of a hundred thousand b tumiuous coal millers in America have mciease*! the wages of the men, thus relieving the situation.
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    • 36 5 The Ragging Enquiry. {Snji/ilietl luj uler.) '*omto i, 4tii April.— Mr. Haldane nas announced that a Court of Etquirv into ragging in the Guards will sit this week, the euquiry being comluct***! in public
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    • 794 5 King and Queen at Maiscilles Su/J [died by lie uter.) Loudon, 4th April.— King Edward aud Queen Alexandra have met at Marseilles. Ibe Railway 1 lie M.iuy Mall deals tints with the Railway question We Doted the ol her dai I l|jt* Stunts Kchu complained lhat.
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  • 835 5 AgCCsKl# 1>KN I’fcWOKD T*> TlIKKr; YEARS RlOOiCOL- IaII'KMONMi*. NT (Lb-ntiuitea iant yesterdays iissue.) Other evidence war tendered and the case j for the prosecution closed. The defendant, vvli had only one witness. I iu the person of the Sergeant Major of Magazine Station, then stated Ins case, j
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  • 852 5 A Hkavy Sentence t Be/or*' Hie Hon. W W. Fisher. Puisne Jn<ije.) Thi; nex* casa ou the calendar, which occupied tin* attention of the Assi/e Court this morning, was that of a Cantonese rained Chan Yet who stood churned with (1) attempt to murder and v oluntarily
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  • 177 5 Scrcmban taster Meeting. Thk following are the entries for the above meet ins; First Day. f Lancet I’he Joker tiekko Last Kinds'll .Sial Venture Fishplate Flo rod o ra Aladdin Fye. 1 >rea inland Meteor Sunny Victoria Excise \Villar«*o Dawn III Dorothy Dean Flora Lviv Jane Aiuonma S
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  • 49 5 To-I*AY 111li I>.iv, (i Mo.)n. I'fvui Kind. Esplaii.w!**. G to 7 i>.sn. 10-M<>it ROW I l l* I* y. ord M<- *ii. Kootutll M itel» 6t. X. iv (J. f'notball Match >v Line.', I,’ f ,>• M S iJ loivu li.iud, i Miiiii'sh Kwieiiti),n < 'lul>, 5 t<* 7
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 30 5 STEA ItNH’ WINE OFC<>l» MA EK Oi L is the tarpon of purity and per It i. ,*.oedy. scientific and of dehmte Its effects an* lasting Sold everyvalue, n her*
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    • 68 5 Every Bottle Warranted. Chamberlain's Pain Palm will not cost von olio font it it duos you n<> good. Giro it. atrial 't* you are troubled with rheumatitm. Olio application will relieve the pain Paiu* in the side or chest, soreness of the muscles or stilfuess of the joints are quickly
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    • 316 5 !Wk»y‘s Ailv< rtiseinrnts. WA.KT T33ID. VM ANAGKL’ tor Krishna llao Circus. Must have a oi»'>J knowledge of English, liindu*tani and Main v Apply to ASSANADI. 4 4-00 2i> 212 7 17, Chalia Stri'fl MUNICIPAL MOTtCE. VIMMdC A! I >NS will lie Veceiy’ed by t lie Municipal Com mission's of George
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    • 644 5 KTOTTCCK. {WAIjTEU LAWS» *N. heiebv tfive m, notice lll. it from iiie t I tj.iv ol Api IJ. Idtui, I have taken mvr t I>u «l ii •■'*> knowii > The Hotel, No 38 I team Sueet. itom AJi. (J. Shapiere. Mv «esponsibility lilies only tioin tie- 2nd April, atoiesa
      644 words

  • 54 6 A OOKRESPONDENT of the Manche-ter (Guardian relates that he saw im the noticeliourd of an Ipswich reading room the follow ins' appeal Wii! the gentletnau who took a hornhandled utnhrella from tlie stand on \\*’dnesdav kindlv v*itini it 1“ the Librarian Some one wrote beneath in pencil ‘‘Certaiulv
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  • 187 6 ’l he herding of bulls is not. by any means coutiued to the Emerald Isle. It was a Scotchman who said that the butcher <•! he! town only killed half a beast at a lime. It was a Dutchman win* said that a pis.' had no marks on
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  • 204 6 Ir is behoved, bv ceusus-takers aud others, that ladies occasionally kuock a few years off their brutally correct age; but we know of no exact precedent for the revelation made in a Bristol breach of promise case recently, when the plaintiff’s mother confessed that she had made her daughter
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  • 213 6 Thikk lives in Washington a physician who has a ten-year old son, a boy ot great spirit, but with no over-abundance of strength Not long ago the bo\ secured his father's permission to join a camping partv organized by boys in the neighbourhood but
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  • 286 6 The iit*-* of IV derick Temple, Archbishop of Ua lei bury, lias just la-eu published. An old student at KTieiler Hall, when Temple was Principal, tells this story —“Oueof inv fellow students wrote giving a long—and I am sure it wo Id l** wearisome—account of Ins flirtatious
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  • 127 6 I’ksano, 4th Ai’Ril. (/>>/ courtesy of the Chartered Hank London iHniinnd Bunt 2/4^j I 4 uiontiis’ si»g;n Bulk 2/4 nr j 3 Credit —/12 3 Docuuieutarv 2/4J-J j Calcut ta. INjiu iml Bank Its*. 1/5A 8 »ia.vs' sio'ht Private 178 1 Bombay. Demand Bank 175| Mouimein. Demand B-mt 1<
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  • 241 6 Goid leaf 65 B. Pepper VV. C<>a>t 3li»s.->•• out >>j fU>d White Pepper 1 28. turn in-it j Trang Pepper 20 buyer* Cloves (picked) 42.— sale* Mace 81 buyer* Mace Pickings 70.— seller* Nutmegs 1 I Os 34— so 1 No. 1 5 90 sale Sugar M n<> Has
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  • 612 6 a z. Nuiulierof U i Capital Shares Ue Last Dividend v Name Quotations. 7t s r i value. issued. jMining 1 'JlMj S 1 1 1 10 It Bet saw an Oi'lil Mining CV*. Ltd. ?1 1 stller*. 19t)l 6lK».tXX) tXMXX) 10 It' Bruseli Hvdraulk* Tiu MiuiugCo. Ltd «10,—
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 37 6 .STEARNS’ WINE OF 001) LIVER oil. is an lioncst icincd\ put out oil honest, principles. Those who know it best. aie loudest in its praise. A tonic ami recoilstructor o! rare merit, delightful to take. Sold everywhere.
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    • 229 6 ASAHI! ill ASAHI THE BEST BEER IN THE FAR EAST. SPARKLING, REFRESHING INVIGORATING. OBTAINABLE AT THE Eastern Oriental Crao Hotels. AND FROM TIANG LEE Co., Sole Agents fnr Penang and the Federated Malay States DAHL’S MILK. Norwegian Pure Cows’ riilk. The only Canned Milk in which the full Flavour of
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  • 852 7 Thk following paragraphs are from a I pamphlet entitled “Scotch W hisky and Common Pensr* or as »-ne would expect Mr. I’nuch to name it “Common Whisky ami Scotch Sense,’’ price ti I. I lie Scotch sense is apparent tiom the concluding paragraph of ilie l»<>,>k. v liich is
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 695 7 P. IVJair Cranes 9 CYLINDER OIL. Stnulilnnds. Ruttery Cn. Petter’s Patent Petroleum Engines. THE MOST PERFECT MOTOR OF IHE OAT. Fur Quotations and Catalogues APPLY TO SANDILANDS. BUTTERY Co, Sole Agents, PENA NO E. M. .s Jeyes’ Puri/ier, NOTICE. r PHh iiuUt*rsicrn**<i to inform tli« public of Penang hiul the
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    • 126 7 You Run No Risk. You n**e<l not hesitate to buy Chamberlain’* Corn'll Remedy. If you are not H-itmti I with tlie i«'Mi its alter nsmo two* thir*l* f the bottle a'vordini' to directions you may return it to vour dealer an<l your money will In* iefun<le<l ll«*re is what the
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1274 8 Lim Sun Mo, CHOP HENC MOH Sc Co., 164, Reach Street, Penang. importers of a!i kinds ot European Cloth and General Commission Agents. dentistry <3l o W. MAN SON, American Dentist, Late of Dr. Allen Co., Pha. U.S.A. Charges Moderate, Consultation Free. RESIDING AT Vo- 2ln, Penang Rond. A few
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