Straits Echo, 3 April 1906

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1175 1 Corkscrew Brand The Best Beer on the Market. ■> Mx Ught, Sp irkling and Refreshing. SOLD BY ALL LEADING SHOPS. BANKS. Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China. Hongkong A, Shanghai Banking Corporation. Ncdcrlandsche Hanciel jVlaatsch^pptj. Internationa! Hanking Corporation. INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER. Capital Paidup Reserve Fund Reserve Liability of
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    • 19 1 SOLE AGENTS. GUINNESS'S STOUT. S i V? <8 y x m cj N S) NOm •aiY sssva LEE CO.,
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  • 93 2 Like a good many other modern industries, that of paper-making had its origin I with the Chinese. The papyrus of the Greeks and Homans was not paper at all, but simply the piths of «he stem of a plant cut into strips, placed side by side and across
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  • 218 2 It has l>een vaguely known that for] mouths past the Empress Dowager has been growing more and more irritable, and more and more inclined to show that all is not well with her. The constant passions into which she flies are no good signs, a» d the
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  • 225 2 A correspondent sent 1 lit? North China Daily Kent the following account of the events in the palace at Peking, which gave j rise to the recent sensational rumours. It seetns that almost simultaneously with the discovery of a few bombs at tlie railway station,
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  • 328 2 Amongst Ihe questions aud answers 1 issued iu recent Parliamentary papers was j an interesting one relating to the payment of members of Parliament. Mr. Field asked the First Lord of the: Treasure whether he would consider the; advisability of introducing a measuie toi enable the paiuieut of
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 85 2 A Favorite Remedy for Babies. Its plea ant taste and prompt cures have made Chamberlain's Cough Remedy a favorite with the mothers of small children. It quickly cures their coughs aud colds aud prevents any danger of pneumonia or otlu r serious consequences. George Town DLpeusarv, General Agents, ami for
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    • 506 2 NOTICE. ON and after this date, all small advertisements intended for insertion in the Straits Echo must be paid for in advance. LIM SENG HOOI, o2th July l!H> Managing Director. [TICE. Messrs, j. ii. Fii>ciay^y!Whij^Jt jst u have been authorized the Company’s name by procuration t'rTr this Jmv. IiEHX, MEYEII
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  • Shipping.
    • 62 3 IJantam, Put. as. 1,222. Poijewyd, 2nd Apr., Padaug. 24th Mar,, Gen., 11. Ij. Si (Jo. Solkonu, Nor. s s., 1.1 (jo. Hodue, 2nd Apr., Rangoon, 2!Hh Mar., Gen.,—C- H. SoUS. IjAN<j tat, I>r. Sfi. 14'd, (Just*. Brd Apr, leluk Alison, 2nd Apr., Gen.,— K. G. Co Malaya, Ger. 5.».,
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    • 71 3 did April L'oni'lta, for Pangkalan Ur.» dm Acayyee, for Deli Tui 1 Tony, for Asahau. f for Port Swollen ham and Singapore. Jjiuly Weld, for 'leluk Auson. F'hfiny hirh, for Port \N eld and 'iaiping. Bayern, for Ceylon, Australasia. India, Aden, Kgvpl, and via Naples for Kurope, ISuuy, for
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  • 62 3 1 essel* A rottt Ayenf* Due Formosa 1 •Siimapoie j A.G.ACo. •it ii A pr lSeualder Loudon iS. BA (Jo. "tli Palermo 'Suez A .G.&Co. «til I I’ie&le 'oJoIIiIki S K.AC/O. ‘Mil Bell Vorhell •Singapore S H.itCo. JMli Persia Sintra [xue ■S K A Co. I3tli 1 ’«eiiled i
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  • 67 3 1 rstu'in .If/ea/s Leuven Formosa {Colombo A G .ACo r.tli Apr. 1 teiiahler Singapore S HA.Co. 7il. Palermo •Si n mi pol e A <4 &Uo. 9tl. 1 riest*> Singapore S K <tCo. J*t!i Beiivorlieh I J01J<1<<I1 S. I! A.< *o. :uii Persia Trieste S. K.iU V». 13th 1
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  • 70 3 I'< K I "ii Sweltenhaiii Per /V/ ret, to-morrow, p in. Liang Per ]h'ti, 10-iuorrow, 1 p.m. It'luk An.-I>n Per In’iii/hat, to-morrow, p in. Perhs and Setul—Per Chau Tai, toSingapore, Hongkong, Swatow and Amoy—Per Jfony Wan 10-morrow, >3 p.m. Singapore IJougkong. Swatow and Amoy -Per Hothorn, to-morrow, 3
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  • 47 3 i’er Dtila, from .Singapore Messrs. Low Chons'Cliia, T. Kovd, ,1. Graham, Koiio Clioou Loli, Hoh Khee Peng, Luuolev au<l «'rowdier. I’er Delta, Joi Marseilles Messrs L. 1». Lettou, K. C. LMmonds and C. \V. H. Cochrane, for Loudou Mr., Mrs. and Miss IJ. G. 8. Jlucklaud.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1335 3 t 0. m A&2 oym Expected Arrival* and Departures. INTENDED SAILINCS. British India Steam Navigation Co., Ltd. Mail Service. Outwards. A|>ri) I- s.s. Delhi connecting with do 8.8. Indio 2»i s.*. Uuuijala do 8.8. China M»v I<> Oceuihi <lo 8.8. Moldavia 24 8.». A read in do s.k. Mongol ia
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    • 163 3 KONINKLIJKE PAKETVAART MAATSCIIAPPIJ. NOTICE. ''■'Ml K ss. Ite, hock will leave here weekly 1 for I Mi, Baj in, K«ii an.l Telok Seinawe. P UTTEN BACH, 2-f-Oti *2OB MKBEKT A (Jo., Ayents. For Singapore, Hongkong, Swatow and Amoy. j s.s. Jloity Wan Cuptaiu Sinker. -1. will leave for the above
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  • 122 4 J u>t M- and justice »lone.- Rhutxo* Established June Ist, 1903 i'»hlUho<l riailv «except Sundays.! iit ii CRITI.RION I‘RESS, U«l.. N<* 22«* -232. IVnnn^ DA 11. WJUAL I«er Hi'iitn» OUTSTATIOXS ttxla«ce Kvi't, %i4ii KiiiTioN m«t ri«e» $l5 CAKLK ADORES*: Ircho—Benanjj.” I «•lophoite N<* 1 Editor-in-* -V» i"i
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  • Current Topics.
    • 140 4 TTlKKik i- something absolutely Wilbertian in the announcenieiit by Reuter that the elections at Odessa have been rendered futile by the arrest of all the sixty-six candidates, owing to their Liberal tendencies. This is gt-,lilt-ing freedom with a vengeance, and it is not surprising to find that the
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    • 457 4 G-. iiere you will amongst the mothers of IVnan<g and you will find i.iatthe sins of omission i j m m and commission of the aniali and tiie ayah form a perennial subject of conveisation. Mr?. X complains that Fatima insists on haring three or four l
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    • 872 4 We have frequently «•nlled attention to the i very p«»«>r quality of the j 1 mortar used in some buildings in Pen-j 1 atig. In fact it is not too much to say j 1 that many are not bound together bv the j so-called mortar and would
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  • 1032 4 Increase of Chimes of Violence. The secoud Ass'/es of the year opened at ihe Supreme Court before Mr. Justice j F.sher this morning. Before proceedings! commenced the Solicitor-General, Mr. Hud- 1 sou. remarked to His Lordship ou the' serious state of affa is existing and pointed out that,
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  • 90 4 HE fallowing team ha* been represent the F M. 8 iu Hie U) at Singapore at E;u-lor: ,n atch Col. Walker, I’ant i> Mess's McK«./e. Go-„i* r Selangor Capt. Talbot, back, Whitley, C Glassford ijo' v H ub Negri Sentbilan.- Mr T p al P. v The V. M.
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  • 103 4 5)M.\i i. ‘Shareholder” writes Colombo paper u The rubber boom is boou,in« awav t 1 :ulv,se ali w a«e now b U8v .>; Ut dowu rubber, to sell out Msoo.Lfc? lives are a year or two old r Ittl.ev u»'k ye»' thev will fiu,l that the J after payn.u
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  • 179 4 To be a squire of dames is occasionaHt dangerous, as the following from the PiJl shows:— A Tamil woman living under the p rotec t.iou of the Station Master of Kota B| lari] has been arrested ou a warrant. About week ago the 8tatio i Master at Kou
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  • 587 4 French Inuo China r. Siam. Mr. Chiuh’s Hardouin was recentlv entrusted by the Govei uor-tieueral of French ludo-Chiua with the mission of studyiug the labour question, especially at regards immigration, in Netherlands India aud iu the Federated Malay States. He has now returned to Saigon, couviuced that the
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 283 4 THE CRAG HOTEL, PENANG HILLS. The ONLY SANATORIUM in the Straits.; EVERY HOME COMFORT. SARKIES BROTHERS. Proprietors. GUAN LEE HIN S- S. CO. OFFICE 13, China Street.) pciuANr WORKSHOP 41. Reach Street,) 1 Tlie Coil)par v runs Steamers and Strain Launches regularly Between Penang, Pert Swettenham Singapore, S. S. Pin
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    • 171 5 THK I>18PUTR SETTLED. Relief in Great Britain. (Supplied by Reuter.) Loudou, 2u*l April.—The Algeciras Conference has decided that the 8paniiids are to police let uau, aud Lurecheand the Freucli Mogador, Saffi, Mazagau and Rabat, while a mixed Franco- Spanish force will police Casablanca. Tho sett lenient his l»een received
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    • 67 5 I)r. Jameson’s Views (Supplied by Reuter.) Loudou, 2nd April.—Dr Jameson, speaking at Graliamstowu, said that, he deliberately aud entirely sympathised with the action taken by Natal and that Cape Colony would have acted iu a similar mauuer under like circumstances. The Execution. Loudou, 3rd April.—The Natal natives who were
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    • 71 5 The Benue Expedition. (Supplied hy Reuter.) Loudou, 2nd April.—It now transpires that the Colonial Office telegraphically stopped the expedition against tho Muushis of Benue, iu Nigeria, (tending the receipt of fuller information, aud eventually permitted it to proceed, but the Sokoto outbreak in February necessitated its recall. Boundary Agreement.
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    • 129 5 Finland (Supplied by Reuter.) Loudou 2nd April.—The Tsar has refused to accept the icsiguatiou of tbe GovernorGeneral of Finland. The Elections. Loudon, 2nd April. —At most towus in Russia, where the elec*ions have not been reduced to a fiasco, tbe Constitutions! Demo rials have bad eontirued successes aud have
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    • 82 5 Queen Alexandra. (Supplied by Reuter.) Loudou. 3rd April.—Queen Aiexiudra will join King Edward ou the Royal yacht at Marseilles and accompany him on lus Mediterranean tour. King Edward. (77e* o*hi«UUi*elter Lloyd Service.) Berlin, 3rd April.-A British squadron, under Admiral Ijord|Uharlea Bereaford, u» at Naples. King Edward will possibly take
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    • 33 5 Earl Grey Feted. (S applied hy Reuter.) Loudon,‘2nd April,-Earl Grcv hjrbjj feted at New York, where ,b* banquet of tin* Pilgrims sg>Aec ie8 Secretary Root was pre»»u pvjjleifbeted iu Hew York.
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    • 99 5 Trades Disputes Bill. (Supplied by Reuter.) lioudou. 2nd April.—Mr. tlaldaue, Mr Asquith, Sir Kdward Grey, Mr. Fowler, and and Mr. Johu Morley were absent from the divisio*», but the rest of the Cabinet Minister# voted for Mr. Hudson's Trades Disputes bill. Rifle Clubs I oudou, 2nd April.—Mr. Haldane, in
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    • 25 5 Allowances Granted (The Oslo s'a Hitcher Lloyd's Service.) Berlin, 3rd April.—The German Ministry has consented to «grant the allowances asked for by tbe Reichstag.
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    • 64 5 The Sully Courtmartial. (Supplied by Pettier.) London, 2nd April.—A Courtmartial has acquitted the captaiu of the French cruiser Sally, which was totally lost off the coast of fndo-Chiua on 7th February last year. The Rescued Miners. Loudon, 2u*l April.—The miners rescued from the Courrieres colliery, besides cats, ate decomposing
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    • 31 5 The Akaba Dispute. (Supplied by Reuter.) Loudon, 2ud April.—The Cairo correspondent of the Teltyrafdi wires thai the withdrawal of Turkish troops from the dis puted territory at Akaba iias commenced.
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    • 41 5 British Consul Beaten. (Supjtlietl by h’eufer.) I oudon, 2nd April.—A telegram from Teheran, published iu St. Petersburg, reports that a crow*l of excited Persian tanatics demolished the plague hospital at Seistan aud beat the British Consul and doctor with sticks.
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    • 29 5 The America Cup. Suvjdied by Ueuler.) Loudon, 3rd April. —Sir Thomas Liptou has com missioned Mr. Mylu**, Glasgow, lo design a new challenge* f«>* the A turcica Cup
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    • 25 5 A Correction. (Supplied by Reuter.) Loudou. 3rd April.— In yesterday’s telegram iineut the revenue, the surplus should read <£3 591,000, instead of £3,879,290.
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    • 438 5 A Municipal Protest (Echo Special. Singapore, 3rd April.—It is reported that the Singapore Municipal Com in is- siouers have resigned in a body as u protest against the refusal of the Government to grant au increase of salary to Mr. R. Peirce, the Municipal E ngineer. Latest Mews. (»S
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  • 169 5 The lviut i correspondent of the Pioneer writes:—The eadets ol the Federate*! Malay States Civil Service seem to P quite <iissatistied with the recent amalgamation with the Straits Civil .Service judging from /the voluminous memorial prepared to P for warded to Lord Elgin, the Secretary <>t State for
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  • 399 5 An Ancient Chinese Game. In the Nineteenth Century Mr. H. A. Giles, Professor of Chinese at Cambridge, writes ou football aud polo in China. He remarks that football was played by the Chiuese several centuries before Julius Caesar lauded in Britain Its invention lias been ascnlied to the mythical
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  • 1019 5 Ji b.Vl AK K ABL.K Cl KOI" MSTANHA I. Eyidbnck. At the Batu Gajah Criminal Sessions after a heariug extending from the 21st to the 241 li March, Pall Singh, a Sikh, was convicted of the wilful murder of another voting Sikh, aged al»oiit 1< years
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  • 113 5 IiicoKTANT Discovery in Canada Ottawa, February 26 L’he experiments that have ben out under the auspices of tiie Government, with the object of ascertaining whether magnetic ores can l»e smelted by electric tv, a *d as to whether pig iron can l»e *le*ulplnn ised, have l»eeii c*mq>letely
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  • 614 5 Thk EXPANDING Akioa of tub British Empire. Thk extent of tbe British Empire, us nearly as cau 1m ascertained, is now 11.908,378square miles. A vast array of facts affecting Ibis vast territory, amounting to more than oue■ fifth of tbe laud surface of tbe globe,
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  • 27 5 To-DAT lotli l».iv. Ur«l Football Mittcli N I». m. A. S. j To-U'>Kl'<>« 111 11 I>« V. o*i| M(H'l) To .VII lliiinl, F-pluUiole, > to 7 pin
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  • 34 5 O bull M*«»n Apr. i*tU 112 t i- m I .«si Qua ri»*» Ititli H 3(j,5 a )i. j O N**« \b»on 23rd 1165 pm First Quarter Mav. 2ml 2 6.0 ay.
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  • 18 5 I China (Riyem) 3rd Apr 1 (reriiiau (S“c/>?en) 4'li j English (Delhi) 12ih Indian ‘T' Htb
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  • 48 5 P. O. SAILINGS. j- t H.C. It*»»!» WAKII». Delhi l'J Apr Ocean II Apr. Doiti/olit 'Hi i rcifl t'i 'i> S' *xt Jit >»•« hu iIKWA tu>.*>. Pale mu > Apr. For mom 6 Apr. Palawan 17 j Java 'it K- >r i: t leu l.n v nop Faye M
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 69 5 Every Bottle Warranted. Chamberlain's Pain Balm will not cost you out) cent if it does you no tfood. Give it a ♦rial if voti are troubled with rheumatism. Oue application will relieve the pain. Pains in the side or cheat, soreness of the muscles or stiffness of the joints are
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    • 69 5 What Chamberlain’s Pain Halm Will Du For the alleviation of pain ChamberJain's Faiu l>alm lias no equal. Soreness of the muscles, swellings ami lameness are quickly relieved by applying it. One application will promptly quiet a pain iu the side or chest and nothin" will compare with it as an
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    • 76 5 Highly Esteemed. No liniment stands liiglier m l iie ertima liou of those who know its real value than Chamlierlaiu’s I’ain Italni. There ate thousamls who feel that thev caunot tret along without it ami always keep it in their h mes Tire pain from cuts, burns, bruises ami like
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    • 172 5 CENTRAL SALES ROOM AUCTION SALES! AUCTION SALES!! O V High-Class Household Furniture, < L>MI’KIBIN<; Double and Single Iron Bedsteads, Oval Dining Tables, Handsome Dinner Waggons. Teal; wood Combination Dressing Tables with Mirrors, attached. Teak* wood Altnirahs, Camphor-wood Chest of Drawers, Marble-topped Wash-hand Stands, h’attan and Bentwood .Suits, Pictures, Class ware
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
  • 131 5 Obituary. Mu. Foo T KNG ()l'XK. Wb are sorry to auuouuce the death at Singapore, on Saturday morning, of Mr. Foo Teug Quee, head of the Hvlaui community of that Settlement, the cause of death Piug au abscess. Mr. Teug <Juee was essentially a self-made man and be an life
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  • 226 6 The Nankiug correspondent. of the N.-C. Daily Neon writes on March 17*th: —The late Nanchaug sub-prefect Cliiang. who committed suicide at the Roman Catholic compound of that place, was a native of this prefecture, aud has many relatives in this city. Here as elsewhere, eager, though possibly
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  • 606 6 New Orleans recently held a competition for ugly men. It was a happy thought, and au example worth following. Women and beauty have long monopolised our attention it is time to turn our thoughts to men and ugliness. The science of beauty will lose nothing by it.
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  • 125 6 Pksano, OKI* A»»R1I.. {By courtesy oj the Chartered Hank London Demand Bank 2/4,'gi 4 months’ sight Bank .2 1, 7 0 3 Credit 2/4£ 3 Documentary ...2/4J-J Calcutta. Demand Bank Us. 1751 3 days’ sight Private 178 Bombay. Demand Bank 1 75 A Moulmein, Demand Bank 174A 3 days’sight
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  • 223 6 Gold leaf G5. B. Pepper (VV. Coast. 3ll>s.5,./.. out oj stud, i White Pepper 5 28. —nomimt Trang Pepper 20 buyer# Cloves (picked) 42. —sales Mace 81 —buyers Mace Pickings 70. —sellers Nutmegs IIOs 37». sales No. 1 5.90 stile Sugar < 2 no si«H-k. (.Basket 2.80 sales Tapioca
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  • 426 6 1 i Capital. Number of Shares issued. Issue Value. Last Dividend. I<> 10 1 lo 1 2<* pei cent, during 1905 1 20 f*er ceut. •luring 1905 1 3 per ceut. for vearendiugoO 6 02 1 1 1 1 paid January I*. M 10t*32% for year ending 31 12
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 126 6 You Run No Risk. You need not hesitate (<» Ijiiv «JiiainU-i-lain’s Cough Remedy. Jl' you are not satisfied with (lie results after using twothirds > f the bottle according to directions you may return it to your dealer and vour money will be refunded. Here is what the Greer Drug
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    • 90 6 MACKAY’S LIQUEUR WHISKY. Cieslers’ Champagne. James BUCHANAN Co.’s CELEBRATED RED SEAL AND BLACK AND WHITE WHISKIES j SANDiLANDS, BUTTERYS&-CO. AGENTS. PENXNQ A PERAK. > CO X o UJ < o o vv»?, f m W l xr > M m OS’ cP c® •a "t fcc*- iSife» m m •r*.
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    • 29 6 THE CELEBRATED “S. B. Co.” I GIN IN RED CASES. Sandi/ands, Buttery Co Andrew Usher Co/s SI’ECIAI. RESERVE O.V.G. Whisky. SANDILANDS, IiUTTEKY Co., AUENTS EOK. PENANG <* F. M. S.
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    • 185 6 THE BEST BEER IN THE "*7FAR EAST. SPARKLING, REFRESHING INVIGORATING. OBTAINABLE AT THE Eastern Oriental Crag Hotels. AND FROM TIANG LEE Co., Sole Agents for Penang and the Federated Malay St a i es McALISTER Co., Limited SOLE AGENTS. AGE, PURITY AND FLAYOUR UNEQUAL!. ll> Gn uey feEr IPHAB* WmsKy
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  • 233 7 Sailing Shii' s Remarkable PkKKOkAI A NCK. ProbdUy the most rent ok* IJo record i ever established l»y a baili gship, depe dent entirely upon masts and canvas, is that held by the live masted ship Preu»*en, «Inch recently arrived in the English Channel from
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  • 728 7 E.ARTHqUAKS DISASTERS FoRKTOLIL Prince Arthur of Connaught, according to popular superstition, came to Japan at an unfortunate time, this, under the old calendar, being the Year of the Kicking 11 >rse,” when disasters innumerable are to overtake the laud. Already there have been several great tires.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 502 7 p, ffloir Cranes 9 cylinder oil. s/i ndilund*. Buttery Co. Petter's Patent petroleum Engines. [I MOST PERFECT MOTOR OF THE DAY. f o r Quotations and Catalogues APPLY TO SANDIUNDS. buttery Co Sole Agents, I>tiNANU dr F. M. S This new compound Phenyl Preparation lias given such great satisfaction as
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    • 37 7 STEARNS’ WINE OF COD LIVER UIL eou’aius all the cut alive virtues of the oil without its nasty taste. Delicious to take. 'l'he tonic recoustructor i xcelleoce. A siuyle trial will convince <i < must ej tical everywhere.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1345 8 Lim Swn Mo, chop HENC Co M 164, Reach Street, Penang. importers of 3.1 J kinds ot European Crfoth and Genera) Commission Agfents. GIo DENTISTRY W. MANSON, American Dentist, Late of Dr. Allen Co., Fha U.S.A. -:o: Charges Moderate, Consultation Free. RBSIDINO AT \u. 2 la. Penang Road. A few
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