Straits Echo, 15 March 1906

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1262 1 Corkscrew Brand. The Hest Beer on the Market. TV. Light, Sparkling and Refreshing. SOLD BY ALL LEADING SHOPS BANKS. Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China. Hongkong Shanghai Banking Corporation. HATTON COURT, THREADNEE OLE STREET, LONDON. Agencies and Hranches. Row La v Bangkok Batavia Calcutta Colombo Cebu Foochow Hongkong Hankow
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    • 9 1 SOLE AGENTS. ASAHI BEER. uaaa ihvsv TIANG LEE Co.
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  • 509 2 To speak of gold being bought at too high a pi ice would suggest to the Colonist i«u unprofitable gauiblo on exchange, 'there are, however, other methods of purchasing the standard metal into which the element of speculation does not euter, but which nitty cutail paying
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  • 523 2 The emigration of Chinese from Amoy to the Straits, thence to other pans of the world, is still going oil briskly. Four large steamers aie now iu the harbour says our Amoy correspondent, under date February 26)tukiug ou board coolies. All tins emigration is the result of the
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 80 2 Whooping Cough in Jamaica. Duriug the epidemic of whooping cough which was prevalent iu Jamaica. Chamber. Iain’s Cough Remedy was freely used. Mr. J. Rilev Bennett, Chemist at Brown's Town, Jamaica, says of it I cannot sp-ak too highly of this remedy. It has never failed in a case where
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    • 472 2 NOTICE. ON and after this date, all small j advertisements intended for j insertion in the Straits Echo must be paid for in advance. LIM SENG IIOOI. *2tli Julv 1905. Managing Direc'or. NOTICE. I 'HE Salt- by Auction of Alma, Batu Kawan ami Prye Estates stands p 'Stjanied to a
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    • 2132 2 POii S^.X.^3. The Straits Sales Room. NOTICE JOHN NIftRTIN, A ROMANCE OF rIGDEKN MALAYA. (1 KNEI'A!/ Enquiry ar.d Registration I Office tor Assistants. Clerks, Domestic Ch-rvauit*. Ac., and those desiring to engage tlieir ervices. Everv endeavour will he made to suit ««•plovers and employees. Mouses to let and enquiries tor
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  • Shipping.
    • 139 3 Pkgu, Hi Covsli, 1 -> 1 1 Mar, ehl i• 11 < tcii I >UI) H«> II ill. Wm.D, ill 2 tjuitie, I ll Mill'., Teluk Anson, J 4• li Mur., (ten., —Straits 8. 8. <,V Austria. Ana. s>. Colledaui, 14th Mar., Singapore. 12th Mar Ge»»., 8. K A
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    • 61 3 15th March Cali/jn so, lor Deli. Acaijyee, for Deli. Cornelia, for Patigkalan Bramlan. Arcadia, For Singairore. China ami Japan. He Knrk, tor 'l' Semawe, Kdie ami Bajau. Tony Clm; Uu, lor Batu Bahra au<l Asahau. Hock Clinan lln, tor Selul. Canton, for Pan<»kor and Teluk Anson Uw Pena, for
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  • 33 3 I r-sitr/s fVi.-» A tf* nfs On* lieu la ri*_r Singapore 8 B.ACo. 17th Mar. Beuvuuue London 8 li.&Co. 23rd Achilles Siuyapore VV M.&L'o 24lb Pal rod us Singapore VV.M ACo. 24th
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  • 27 3 b’-ir 1 1 </Cw/y ftĕ*tves Beiilaiiir London S.B &0o. 17tli Mar. lieu venue SiuiriiJ>oi«- S.B.ACo. 23rd Acliille» London W M &Co. 24lh l*atroclne Liverpool YV.M ArCo.
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  • 137 3 For Port Swetteiiham A icim Pei Perak, to morrow. 1 p.m. Poll Bwetlenliam ami Singaiiore —Per Han W/talf Soon, f > 111 <> 11 *> w, 2 p.ui. Singapoie, t J »*i»u k< >ii)4, Bwatow anil Anno -Per Han Moh, to-uiorrnw, 4 p.iu. Mnulmeiu—Per EUora, to morrow,
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  • 75 3 Per Lady Weld, from JVluk Anson Messrs. Strain, J. Cuthhert, VV E. Mulholland and Dilution. Per Pegu, from Aelieen Dr. Wagner and Mr. Marsh. Per Arcauiu, from Marseilles: Messm. W. Cartwright, I). Kraneis, Hon, VV. E. Presgrave. From London: Messrs C. F. Glover, VV. J. Young. Per A readia,
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1535 3 (SHIPPIN G.) 3® S. Co. INTENDED SAILINGS. I British India Steam Navigation Co M Ltd. Expected Arrival* and Departure Mail Service. Outwards: Mar. 29 s.s. Dcexuha connecting' with s.s. Himalaya April I- n.m. Delhi do a.». India s.«. Dongola do s.s. China >lav ID h.h. Oceana do s.s. Moidariu Homewards
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    • 104 3 For Singapore, Hongkong, Swatow and Amoy. EjlHE#* Jiony Moh, Captain I).i wkdii, l will loiivu for the airove puts, on Friday, the lOtli insi., at 8 p m For freight or passage apply to KOE (iUAN (Jo., Aye nig for Wee /fin < (Jo., of Sinjnpore. 9-3-06 104 NIPPON YUSEN
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  • 125 4 lujtioe «tiisitM er*,r>bcdy and juftk© aloue.— hit>?rm n Kstablished June Ist, 1903 Pnblt*he<l daily (except Sundays.» 4} ms CRITERION PRESS, U. 1., N.. 22(5 ‘JH'i, I Street. Penan-' PKIC?’ DAILY LOCAL V- ;»er hiiiiuw OUTSTATIONS Postage Lxin. MAII KDITION <P«Mt Eieet $l3 CAItI.K ADDKKSS: Kclio Penang.” IV|p|ilioue
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  • 782 4 11H tile return to the colony ot’ the i HOll. J. Turner, about a fortnight ago, and the Hon. E. W. Presgrave to-day Messrs. A. Huttenbach and J. Drum-head-Mattnews ai<- relieved of their duties as Members ot the Legislative Council. Taking their seats in the House during one
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  • Current Topics.
    • 134 4 A north* ni contemporary states that the Chinese < iovernuient has decided I*» put an end to the opiuia-smoking habit amongst the officials of the Government. Opium-siiiokiiig officials will be allowed a fixed time in which to free themselves of the habit, and all expectant officials will be given
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    • 541 4 It is I wavs pleasant to see a step in advance made by Penang, especially when it is a step c mnected with the introduction of modern machinery to replace old ami antiquated methods of carrying out big works. I’o-dav we were introduced by Mr. < E. Paterson, the
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  • 30 4 Lawn Tennis Tournament. The following He is faxed for this eveumg:— Double Handicap. B C. Criswick and A. G. Anthony v. tjr. Slot hard W. S. Duuil.
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  • 81 4 Another Rich Find. We hear that Mr. Foo Choo Choou’s concession at Kledaug, iu the Meleuibu District of Perak, is proviug to lie very rich in tin. The concession is of about a hundred and thirty acres, twenty acres of which have just l»eeu prospected by European experts. Their
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  • 778 4 News ani> Notes. A correspondent of the South China Mornimj Post writes as follows, uuder date Sand aka u, February 21 The East Coast is beginning to attract attention. Au ex r ert has arrived to exa-» mine the reported coal field at Sarudug aud the guano
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  • 1021 4 Royalty on Golo In view of the tact that the industry m Pahang has had J year the 1905 export of 9, «61 o Ul ff, the lowest recorded for over a i rule under the Customs K.iac tbe made by the Resident, with the .n?' J UHt
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
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    • 32 4 JUtir as mm AJTTTBPy 18' Wine of Cod Liver 0l w6 aS Stearns' Wine of Cod as it tastes. Makes siek P‘Vk ji weak people strong. Tastes 1 tal*le poit. Sold every'''lieie-
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    • 103 5 THIS NEW CABINET. Its Policy Defined (Supplied hy Heater.) London, 14th March.—The French Cabinet is descrilied as the most advanced vet seeu iu France. It met for the first time yesterday and decided to coutiuue with the taking of inventories of Church property aud to follow' the foreign policy
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    • 129 5 Pathetic Scenes. (Supplied hy Reuter.) London, 14th March.—Thousands attend* ed the funeral» of the victims of the Cuurrieres colliery disaster and pathetic sceues were witnessed. Afterwards violent speeches were made, demanding an investigation of the causes of the disaster amidst cries of Dowu with the capitalists, the murderers of
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    • 29 5 A German Statement. (The (Jsta#iali*clter Lloyd* Service.) Berliu, 15th March. M. Revoil has been instructed to partly concede to the German demands at the Algeciras Conference to morrow.
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    • 82 5 The Convention Question. (Supplied by It,eider.) Loudon. 15th March.—Speaking iu the House of Commons. Mr. YViustou Churchhill explained that the abrogation of the Convention with China dealing with coolie labour would require the assent of Chinn and would affect emigration to the Straits Settlements and Burma, which were
      82 words
    • 49 5 Bent upon Reform. (Sup/died hy Renter.) Loudon, 14th March.—Sir Henry Camp-bell-Baunermau has been* banquette*! by the Reform Club where be declared that the reform procedure in the Hotl*e of Commons would be of the most urgent description iu order uot to waste time iu trivialities as formerly.
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    • 51 5 Hopeful Prospects. (Supplied by Reuter.) Loudou, 15th March. —The Revenue Re 1 urns iudieate a probability of the curreut financial year eudiug with a surplus of about .£900.000 above the Estimates. The Timeestimates that, according to preseut appearances, a surplus of about ,£1,750,000 may lie expected in 1900
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    • 40 5 hurloogti from India (Supplied by Reuter.) Ijoudou, 15th March.—Speaking iu the House of Commons Mr. John Morley said that the Indian Government was unprepared U) ){o beyond the offers already made concerning the furlough of soldiers iu India.
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    • 36 5 The Travelling Commissioners (The o*ta*iati*cner Lloyd'* Service.) Berlin, 15th Maw*»—' The deputation sent l, v the Chinese Government to study foreign institutions will l>e personally conducted through Germany by Dr. Knappe, late Consul-General at Slutughai.
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    • 36 5 The Late Gale (The 44 Ostasiatischer Lloyd's Service.) Berlin, 15th Marcb.-At M Ouxhaven and other port» on the North Sea coast a great*»*. bynn abnormaPy tide, I *S®**’ iu disaster*. to many vessels.
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    • 36 5 A Royal Visit. i (Supplied hy Reutir.) London, 14th March—The I hike and Duchess of Couuaught have arrived at Zanzibar, where they have visited the Sullau aud have received a deputation from the Indian residents.
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    • 24 5 More Eruptions (Supplied hy Hunter.) Loudon, 14t h March.—Volcanic eruptions are reported from Hawaii and Samoa, where three villages have been destroyed.
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    • Article, Illustration
      570 5 Second Day. (Echo Special.) Medan. 15th March.—The results of yesterday’s racing are as under Diplomatic I Mandolin 2 This One ...3 Hack 2. ex-Grittius that have run iu race Distance, 1J miles Entrance $l5. Bad News 1 The Planters’ Cup. A handicap for all horses that have ruu
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  • 1165 5 The preliminary inquiry iuto the case against (1) Ho Ah Seng, charged with tin murder of Ng Gee iu Rope Walk ou the 30th of January last and (2) Lai All Chor, (3) Voo Kai Khowiind (4* l*eoug Choon with abetmeut of murder was lesumed before Mr.
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  • 116 5 I ♦'ll- twenty, thirty vears ago 1 M-ul to you a birthday car*l; A h**art, an arrow, and a bow. —Ten, twenty. thirty year» ago I was very crude and c >hisc, 1 know «bit then \ou were not grown I 1 hard Ten, twenty, thirty veais
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  • 499 5 Pakic in h'ruui Notice Taper*.) A great, scare is beiug created at the Capital owing to the persistent rumours of a rising. Large Itodies of troops are lteiug hastened to the Capital by Viceroy Yuan Shi Kai for the protection of the Imperial palaces and the Court.
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  • 97 5 To-day. 21st Day, 2nd Moon. Footbali Match A.-C. C. v*. P. C. C. Football Match M. 8. Guides re. Free School. Lawn Tenuis Tournament. P. C. C. Town Band, Chinese Kecreatiou Club, 5 to 7 p hi. Parisian«>gniph, Corner of Peuaug Road aud Campbell Street, 9 p iu.
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  • 31 5 I,;tst ...Mar. 17tii 057.4 I’ M. (J New Moon 2-3tli 051 J* a ,w. First (Quarter Apr. 2nd II 2.0 a m O l ull Moon 9th 1.12.4 pm.
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  • 27 5 Kiujlish (Arcadii) lath Mar. Chiu* (Dongo'a) 17*1» China (Prints» Alic?) 20th Geruiau (P.E M Frieitrirh)... 21st ludiau Teetta i 22ud English (Dfvatiha) 2 a Mi
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  • 44 5 P. O. SAILINGS. U.ill N«r Oli'MV «nii* lltMit n in A I'CUtlin /•> .Mill'. I 'l l lilt Itrrnnha It*-l!n ur;i t ii t H'TWAKIJt' lloMKtt A fill' I t*nlftiim ‘A) Mar. A ithia j Manila -t Apr. Java (i Apr For particulars wm** Pajfo
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 370 5 CENTRAL SALES ROOM On Mnnd <y. !9th M*rch, 1906 AT 11-3« A.M. r notion Sale OK Artisti.. t tuque and Handsome Mmu Jiuld furniture, t’UM I’KiSl NO Double ,(iui Single Iron liedsteiids complete, On ve<| Teakwood Sideboard, Dinner AV Table*. Lied room Suites, lieut wood and Kaftan Furniture, Aimiralis, Fancy
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
  • 38 5 Obituary. Professor Bendallhi/ lieufer.} Loudon, f r »tli March. —The death is announced of Professor Cecil Bendall, Professor of Sauscrit at Cambridge. Lady Sandhurst. The death is auuoiiuced of Lady J'audhurst, wife of the former Governor of Bombay.
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  • 1976 6 Di,’ l)i,’ Di,' Dr”. What a ceaseless clamour all around ns as the big mail boat casts anchor inside the breakwater of Colombo harbour! There are hundreds <*t natives all arouu I us in their picturesque catamarans. Di,’ di,’ di,” tliev persist, while, lady,” mama,” penny,’’ and
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  • 137 6 Pbvanu, 15th March. 111/ courtesy of the Chartered Ifank hnmtoii I honaud Ibml 2/4g f months' sigtn bank 2 4ij 3 Credit 2/1A o Documentary ...2/4j}j Calcutta. Dmnaml Bank Its. 171 -3 da vs’ sight IVv »»e 170 A B Mil Ira V. Donate! Bank 174 Moutmein. Demand Rani
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  • 207 6 I3eis.ivv.rt» tioid Mining •>. ‘I 1 seders j Bneh Rubber Syndicate, Ld. 300 premium sales and buyers Bruseii Hydraulic 1 in Mining Co., fjd 1b.50 buyers Duff Deveiouineul C<> 57— seder Fraser .It Neave. Ld. slos.— buyer» George Towii Dispense'' *:0 ftovvarlh Erskine. 15*1 *ll2 50 sales Jeboug Rublter
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  • 214 6 Gold Seat 05 B. Pepper (V\ C> .:|V. .1 out ol .~locL White Pepper 5 27.50 sales Traug Pepper HP, —buyers Cloves (picked) 12. —sales Mace 81 —buyers VJace Pickings 70. —sellers Nutmegs 110 s 35 gales f No. I bit» rales Sugar 2 b<> stocic. ilaskei 'S.tQsellers laiHoca
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 130 6 i QUIT COUGHING. Shortly after I rninnieuoed taking Stearns Wine, that delicious preparation of cod liver oil, it stopped the eolith, aud is building up my lieaitli. Sold every vheie. Nothing Equal to Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy for Bowel Complaints in Children. "We lihvo used Clnimhei lain’s* Colic,
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    • 23 6 Nobel’s Explosives: GELIGNITE, DETONATORS, FUSES. SPORTING CARTRIDGES, Sandilands, Buttery Co., Sole Agents, Penang F.M.S. Aylesbury Garland, Sub-Agents, Perak. Magazines at Penang and Ipoh.
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    • 409 6 MACKAY’S LIQUEUR WHISKY. C/es/ers* Champagn THE CELEBRATED “S. B. Co.” GIN DAHL’S MILK. Janies BUCHANAN Co.’s in red cases. < ?> m{ihi Buttery Cn The only Canned Milk in which the celebrated 1 full Flavour of FYesh Cows’ Milk i« Andrew Usher Co.'s Retained. Norwegian Pure Cows’ Hilk. iich 1
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 612 7 p. IVloir Cranes 9 CYLINDER OIL. S/HuWnnU'-i Hnttory Co. NOTICES. Petter’s Patent Petroleum Engines. IHE MOST PERFECT MOTOR OF THE DAY. tor Quotations and Catalogues APPLY TO SANDI LANDS. BUTTERY C< Sole Agents, PEN ANO A F. M. S Jeyes’ Pnri/ier, ■SI t ,r *r srf&.t ItELIABLb AND UNIFORM, WORLD
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    • 34 7 WORTH MOKE THAN IT COST Medicine is cheap wlieii it <l*'"s ih> matter «hat it costs. S'-.iii*.- Wiue of Cou Liver Oil helps even jue that takes it. St<*ps that coughing. Sold every wher<v
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1125 8 Lim Sun Ho, chop HENG MOH Co., 164, Hatch Street, Penung. importers of* all kinds of European Cloth and DENTISTRY. W. MANSON, American Dentist, Late of Dr. Allen Co., Pha, U.S.A. Charges Moderate, Consultation Free. RESIDING AT /Vo. 2 la, Penang Road. General Commission A feH doors from the Eastern
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