Straits Echo, 15 January 1906

Total Pages: 10
1 10 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1018 1 Corkscrew Brand The Best Beer on (he Market. l ight, Sparkling and Refreshing SOLD BY ALL LEADING SHOPS BANKS. Chartered Bank of India, Hongkong Shanghai Australia and China. Banking Corporation. INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER. Paid-up-Capita l Rkskrvk Fund—■ Capital Paid up Reserve Fund Reserve Liability of Proprietors Sterling Reserve »10.000.000
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  • 1416 2 The Lukut ok Old. j al YY hat. was known, ag<«, as 8< the semi-independent, State of Luku i- now officially styled the Coast District. N. 6. H Very few have beard of Lukut, aud \et tliere ai are uot luauy places in the F. M.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 131 2 Better than a Plaster. A piece of flannel dampened with Chnmbeiliiiu'w Pain 1'»alm ami Imntti« 1 "U llio iifiwtwl parts, 16 better th tli a plaster for a lame back ami for pains in tlie* side or chest. Pain lUIni has no superior as a liniment for tlie relief of
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    • 359 2 STEARNS’ WINK, as a reliable remedy lias l>eeu received with favor by men prominent in the profession of Medicine. NOTICE. (\N and after this date, all small advertisements intended for insertion in the Stra/is Echo must be paid for in advance. LIM SENG llOOl. 12tli July 100.5 Managing Direc or
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    • 1666 2 NOTICE. Depositors iu the saving* Bank are reminded to send in their Pass Hooks between 1 lie 2ud and 15th January. 1906, for audit, iu compliance with the Rules and Regulations uuder the Savings Hank Ordinance. Pass Hooks may lie forwarded free by post to the Superintendent of the Hank.
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  • Shipping.
    • 145 3 Nam .Sang, Hr. s.s. 2,5i*1, Payue, 15» h Jau.. Hougkoug, 6th Jau., Geu., B .1 Co. Van Per Parra, Out. ss. 325, Boou. 14th Jan., Deli, 13th Jau., Gen., H. L. Co. Van Outhoorn, Put. s.s. 953, Potjewyd, lotli Jan Singapore, 13th Jau., Geu.. H. L. Co. Ijai»y \Y
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    • 45 3 15th January. lony Chutf IJn, for Batu Bahia aud Asalian. lteli, for Trang. CintoH, for Paugkor au«i Teluk Ausou. Outnpere, for Tougkah, Kopah, Reuoug, V ictoria Point,Mergui,Tavov<&Moulmein. Zaida, for Singapore, Hougkoug ami Amoy. h'lf/nnj bnnjtm, for Port Weld and Taiping, On Senq, for Calcutta.
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  • 44 3 r v. 1 nun 1 Atfen/n Due Scuiuiiil Hamburg B.M.AC». 1 “th Jau. G. A pear Calcutta A A A Co. 18th Delhi Colombo A.G.ACo. 1811. A. A pear Singapore A. A. A.Co. mi. Delta Singapore A.G.ACo. 20 tl. l>enle<li fjoiulon S.B.ACo. 27th
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  • 45 3 Vestel* For Aijenl* Leave* ScamJia Singapore B.M.ACo. 1 7» 1» Jail d A pear Singapore A. A A Co. 18th Del in .Singapore A.G.&Co. 18tl. A. A pear Calcutta A.A A Co. 19 th Della Colombo A.G.&Co. 20th Den led i Singapore S.B.ACo. 27th
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  • 146 3 For Hangkat—Per Jin Ho, to-iuorrow, I p.m. Rangoon—Per Ifovy Wan to-morrow, 2 p in. Singapore. Hougkoug, Swatow aud Amoy—Per Glenoyle, to-morrow, 3 p.m. Port Swetteuham aud Singapore—Per Pin Senj, to-morrow, 3 p.m. Teluk Ausou—Per Lady Wel</, to-morrow. 3 p.m. Singapore aud Hougkoug—Per f»\ A pear, 17th instant, 4
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1222 3 (SHIPPINjG.) Nk wm i S. ill. Co. INTENDED SAILINCS. British India Steam Navigation Co., Ltd. Intended to Sail. Stkame*. Fok Expected Arrivals and Departure*. Mail Service. Outwards. Jau. 18 s.s. Delhi connecting with Feb. 1 s.s. Don gain 15 H.s. Delta Mar. 1 s.s. Oceana s.s. Moldavia do s.s. Mongolia
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    • 259 3 For Rangoon. Hong Wan Captain Sinker, will X leave for alcove j>ort on Saturday, the 20th iust., at o p in. For freight or passage, apply to KOE GUAN Co.. Agents for IfVij /{in rt (Jo., oj Singapore. 18-1-O0 27 PRYE RIVER DOCK, PEN A NO. l)rydock, Slipway, and Berthage
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  • 126 4 ,s c«> sHUhrtweverybi»ly and justice alone. —Emerson Established June Ist, 1903 tPublinhedtdaily (except Sunday*. at ini CRITERION PRESS, EM.. No. 2*26 Beach Street IVnanj. PRICE DAILY LOCAI. S-4 |H*r Hiiiitjm OUTSTATIONS Post»** K» MAIL KDITION’ (|’o*t Free) $l5 CAULK A DORKS'; Echo—Peiianj*.’* Telephone No. |ss Editor-in-Ghiej
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  • 413 4 in be Fixed as Low as Possible. Governor Wains Spkcclatok.s. Ihe lull text ot His Excellent** sir -I *liii Anderson’s remarks in Council anent the excentricities of exclmiio*.,, which jumped up to 2/4, t to th“ dollar jon Friday suddenly t**ll i J on S iturday, but
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  • 543 4 So the Venezuelan volcano is again in I eruption! That i* fnjnj tlje brief Reuter message published in anot her column, reporting that diplomatic relation* l*etween France and Venezuela have been broken off and I lie cable liet vveeu New York and Vein*- /.uela is interrupted For light
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  • Current Topics.
    • 91 4 It is reported that the Chinese merchants of Java recent lv petitioned Viceroy Tsen, of Can- ton. by telegraph alleging that, owing to the lack of consular protection in the Netherlands Ludies, they are often subjected to oppressive treatment at the hands of
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    • 106 4 As a result of misinterpretation of the remarks iu respect of exchange, made i»y 11. E. the Governor at last Friday's meeting of Council, an extraordin try panic overtook the Singapore exchange market tin following morning and the dollar rate fell from ‘is. I|, demand, which was
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    • 106 4 Last Friday evening a meeting of those interested in the formation of a new club to be styled Bohemian Club was held at th** Hotel de I*Europe, Singapore, Mr. Win. C. Mo Kean presiding. It was reported that the Club rooms in the Hotel premises will be
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    • 221 4 Thk London Daily Teleyraph iu drawing attention, recently, to the suffering* in Fukusliima. Mi- I yagi, and lwate, consequent on the failure of the rice crop, savs that should the task of dealing with the distress prove too much for the Government, we are sure that
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  • 2131 4 My Dearest Fanny. —You know I told i you that dear old Tom had given me a sum it lit tie victoria and a pair of Deli ponies foi i ChrisMnas and how funny he was almut tl I difficulty of getting them into my stocking I Well,
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  • Page 4 Advertisements

    • 167 5 liberal victories. Balfour Badly Beaten (Supplied by Itenter.) Loudon, 14th Jan.—The results of the general election to date show that fortyfive Liberals and twelve Unionists have been returned, the Liberals gaming twentytwo seats. London, loth Jan.— M*\ Balfour, the late Premier, has lieen defeated at Manchester (East), the
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    • 85 5 Conference Anticipations (The Ostusiatischer Lloyd Service.) Berlin, 14th Jan. —The private preliminary arrangements have l»een made between Germany, France, Italy and Spain for the management of the Morocco Conference and will ensure its following a quiet course. Prince von Bulow has given ttie Nea- York Herald an assurance of
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    • 49 5 More Bloodshed (<Supplied by Heater.) Loudon, 15th Jan—A young Coreau attacked the Coreau M'nister of War, who is on a visit to St. Petersburg, inflicting eleven wouuds upon him. The Tartars and Armenians in Caucasia contiuue burning each other’s villages, massacring the inhabitants ami attacking the t limps.
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    • 37 5 The Japanese Ambassador. ('The Ostusiatischer Lloyds Service.) Berlin, 14th January. —Count Juouye. the Japanese Ambassador, has paid his first official visit, as an Ambassador to 1 imce von Bulow, bv whom he was most cordially received.
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    • 81 5 Elections and Finance (The Ostusiatischer Lloyd s Service.) Berliu, 14th Jan.—M. Jaures it> M. Kou vier’s strongest oppoueut in the Fiench Presidential electiou. President Lou bet has declared that he would never accept re-elec-tion to the Presidency. (Suj‘i>lieJ by lienler London, 14th Jan.—The circulation ot the notes of the
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    • 31 5 Flouting France (Supplied by H liter.) Loudon. 13th Jan.—Diplomatic relations lietweeu France and N eiiezuel i have been broken off aud the cable Ivlween New York aud Venezuela is interrupted.
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    • 18 5 French Yellow-Book. (The Ostusiatischer Lloyd's Service.) Berliu. 14th Jan .-The French Yellowbook on Macedonia is merely retrospective.
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    • 56 5 Wales beats England. Supplied by Rente." London, Istli JttU. In the Kugio uatioual fo*Al.all match, Wales lint Kn-lm-l by sixteen points to t hree. Thk lease of Wei-hei-wei depend* on the lejtse ot Tort Arthur, and hence the negotiations on the niAtter with the British M.m.ler can the now
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  • 3086 5 Friday, I2(h January. (Straits Time».) Present. i His Excellency the Governor, Sir. John Anderson, k o m q. Major-Geuoral Inigo Jones (Officer Com-1 munding the Troop*). Hon. E. L. Brockman (Acting Col. Secretary). Mon. W. It. Collver, i so (Attorney-Gen-eral). Hou. J. O. Anthoiiisz (Coloiiial-Treastii-j er). I ion.
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  • 30 5 Wk are courteously informed by tiie Managing Director of tin* Tronoli Miues that the l)eoeiiiber IJHJS) output amounted to piculs 3,045.81 dressed ore and lealixed *lBi*,‘*lo 31
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  • 174 5 'I hk Parisian < iiieiualograph. showing at tin* Kuala Kailgsar Street Theatiical Hall, seems to have struck ile,’ for, mi our drop ping iu to sample tin* show last Saturday night, hr found t lie hail ijuit e full. This is not to he wondered at, as
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  • 671 5 A ckickkt match yvas played ou the Ksplauade on Saturday afternoon iietween IJradliery’s XI and Muglistou s team, which resulted in a win for the Captain's eleven by 28 runs. The yvinuers batted first and j scored 112, the highest beiug Graham and Scully with 31 and 23 respectively:
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  • 34 5 To-day i 21st Day, 12th Moon. Town Band, Ksplauade, 0 to 7 pirn To- mob now. 22nd Da.*. 12i h d• Football Match P. li. C- v*. P. C. C., Esplanade. 5-15 p.m.
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  • 24 5 Englidi (l)ellii) 18tllJau. Glima (Delta) l!*th China (Ineno nan i 23rd Germ in Zieten 24th Indian (Teetla) 2511. English (Danijola) Ist Feb.
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  • 51 5 P. O. SAILINGS. 'l.o. wnt. I Is I *V U'lc IIo.MBWTAICDs. Deli IS Jan. Deila Jan. Donuo l a I Fc'i. Ocean 2 Feb. i.xira Servin'. I' i wa i: 11- Homewards. Xa in 25' Jau Falalean '2O Jan. Jar i 0 Feb. Malacca 9 Feb. For particulars see Page
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 106 5 The only Cough Medicine free from poison. The IMiarmaey Board of New South Wales, Australia, had hu analysis made of all the eoUgh medicines that were coM on the market. Out of tlie eutire list, thev found only one that they declared was entirely free from all poisons. This exception
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    • 14 5 STEAKNS’ WINE the resißteuci' t<» of tlio luhjj* .»n*l <iir It .■«<^»tlns. > <IU'I liwln
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    • 509 5 PRYE RIVER DOCK LAUNCHES. DURING Chinese New Year, Race Meeting and the Taipusmn festival, a double launch service will lie run instead of a single service as at present. This service will liegin on Monday, 22nd January, and continue daily till Saturday evening, 1 Oth February. 15 1 06 Iwk
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 49 5 WEATHER. Tub followin'* report is kindly supplied by I lie Signal Director of Fort Cornwallis a.m. noun, lo-ilny j p.iu v *«r*r«t:»j- lo-iiay To-day Hi- V 8*» w K i nr Hull Fins 1 al hi North S. K. I’li»* rainfall durino the hours en<le«l to .iav was nil.
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  • 189 6 Thjb Siam Observer of tho 3rd instant contains the followiug account of the death of a former Singaporean. Many people iu Bangkok wiii regret to hear of the sudden death through heart failure of Mr. John Blundell, which has occurred at the house of Mr. Archibald
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  • 727 6 Chinese Stowaway done to Death. Body Recovered at Sydney We read in the Sydney Timet (17th Dec.) the story of how a Chinese stowaway was doue to death which should result iu such searching investigation and consequent exposures that the traffic in Chinese,’ as between Hongkong and
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  • 136 6 Pkvano 15th January. Itij cutirtem of the Chartered Bank L »<m IMm I,nd Ham .2/4^ Muni’ si?iit Barn 2/41 3 Credit 2/5 3 Documentary .2/sy„ C »*i llotn.iod B in:. Rs ;73 t:i vs' Sight I ’ri i e 78 B> D “Hand Built- 73 •< dev-’ si gilt
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  • 213 6 Beiat 'l’m Minim* Co Ld. 4- oU teller* <1 Muiilie (!i>. L«i. 1 5. —sellers Bncli Rubber Syndicate. L<l. $7 5 —yreininrn buyers Bruseh Hydraulic Till Mining Co., Id sales Duff Devcloomeut Co. 58— seller* Fraser Neave, Ld 5105. —tellers George Town Dispensary 5 ".6 Ho war tli
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  • 176 6 Gold ;e;.l 7b. B. Pepper (W. < ■••a«o. :«lb*. out of stoct White Pepi*" 38i sellers Trane Pepner 22. —sellers Cloves (picket) out of season Mace 75 —sellers Mace Pick"» r- OO.— seH^rs Nutmeg-. 32. —sellers No I It* no to uo slock. Ita-kei 3 4'l sellers i.i,..».- 1.90
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 77 6 When you have a Cold. The ii»' action when you have a cold should he to relieve the luugs. This is l>est accomplished by the tree use of Chandierlain s Cough Remedy. This remedy liquefies the tough mucus and causes its expulsion from the air cells of the luugs, produces
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    • 43 6 I Jeyes' Puri/ier, RELIABLE AND UNIFORM, WORLD RENOWNED The best and most powerful disinfectant extant. In 1, 2 5 gallon drums and 40 gallon cisks. l'W a.uiijjles am] quotations apply- to Sandilands. Hut tery &Co Sole Agents for the STRAITS SETTLEMENTS AND SUMATRA.
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  • 231 7 The adulteration of in liarubb ?r appears to liave assumed the proportions of a large i ami highly scientific, industry,” s irs a writer in iho Times Kitijine*riny Suj>{>lement. 'i’lie demand ,for this substance for a long time past has been increasing at a rate j wholly out
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  • 680 7 Increase or British Power in Mai,ata. The Singapore correspondent of the South Chinn Moruinitj Post sends die following re I •»•««<< to that paper of the forward steps made of late veins m spreading British influence and power in this part of the I world Very quietly, but
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 999 7 P. Moir Cranes’ CYLINDER OIL. Sandiland k. Buttery t Co. Feller's Patent Petroleum Engines. THE HOST PERFECT ROTOR OF THE OUT. For Quotations and Catalogues APPLY TO SANDILANDS. BUTTERY Co Sole Agents, FEN ANO (Sc F. M. S. JUST RECEIVED English made Rubber-Tyred Carriage Wheels OF BEST QUALITY. E. CHEM
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    • 101 7 Boy cured of Croup in fifteen minutes. Chainbirlaiu’s Cough Remedy cured our little four year old boy of croup in ti‘leeu minutes. My wife ami I have used this remedy in our family for the pant five years, having tried many other kiuds previous to that time, and can say
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1031 8 Lim Sun Ho, CHOP HENO MOH Co.. 164, Beach Street, Penung. importers of an kinds of European Cloth and General Commission Agents. <>!» Kim Keng Leong Co., 127, BEACH STREET. DENTISTRY.! VV. MANSON, I American Dentist, Lute uj Dr. Alien Co., Pha, U.5.A.\ Charges Motivate, Consultation Free. KUMIDINQ AT Ao.
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  • 2089 9 Mr. «Stead writes it. the Review of Review*: —To Americans. >ivh Mr W. D. Howells, England is always a land of faery in its political and social arrangements. Tliis is particularly the case with regard to the British Monarchy. He might have added that it is
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  • 1772 9 1. Hurt leH Relations with China. Rapid aud remarkable development* iu Africa, the Doer \\;ir aud its after effects, the Russo-Japanese War, aud the fiscal coutroversv, have all contributed to place somewhat in the backgiouud Great Britain's commercial relations with China. The subject is,
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  • 386 9 Home Rule for Scotland. A Skit: by the only Dagonet. Under the hair-raising captious “Home Rule for Scotland and Conference in Loudon,” Dagonet writes in The Referee, j An enthusiastic gathering of Scotsmen in Loudon took place yesterday. The proceed mgs ojiened with a skirl of the pipes,
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  • 170 9 Penang, lorn Januaiy. 11*0«». Bkkk— rts Soup per cully 0 Roast Steaks A Stew or Currv Meat *8 Rump Steak Ox Tail each HO Tongue Feet -0 Heart **o Liver Poke Pork per catty H 4 Pig’s llea<l «1 Feel 2t> Tongue Hd Mutton peril». ->o Ileal dfech
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 49 9 Auy Cough feeling Harmless give Chainberl.ii i’s Absolutely mother ean Kemedy to l.« little o»c» «.I t. a ree l„,,. „f security. Tbe abseuce of al uarcofics makes remedy tl.«’ Lest Uiat can be procured. Pi leusary. Geueral Apmts. aud for sale by all l>upeu«ai let and Dealeis.
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    • 61 9 The stately Eucalyptus bends its head, When our Navy shall sweep o'er the seas Not. the subsidized navy of Ned God bless him we ll tackle the breeze. And the battle, aud breakers ahead. With a knowledge—no matter how coaled That we'll steer both swift aud secure Through the cold-cutting'
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    • 23 9 Very palatable, even children take if. I»«it it must be Steam* t lie other». Fat bettei Ilian .my enjoy to Wine, not emulsion
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    • 96 9 Tli*» Re-shaping 1 of tlie Far L. Put mini Weal*». Two vols*. 25s. net. East. By B. I Macmillan You ratclllllil WooDS* GLEAT PEP MIN Cl Mnkumall li Yon mm* 1 It is l**st to keep a la.ttleliy you. better than to k**ep A could on you that keeps ou
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    • 83 9 >on’t wait until you catch cold, but begin now with Steam# W ine in moderate doses to builtl up and strengthen the body. BAXTER Co/s BEST NAVY CANVAS. SANDIUNOS, BUTTERY Co. D'ILLSrS Effects an enormous saving in labour, is easily laid, economical in up-keep, and requires no skill to operate.
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 544 10 NOTICE. uudertugued I**- to iub.iiu tin* public <»l IVimml: :nnl tin* ueivfhi M »urtug Native -1- States» that they have l>eeu app.iaU'd i>»r faiiail Parsous, Clive THE CRITERION PRESS Co., Ltd. of London, and have recently received a large "r meat of very l*est quality Europe ready made (Jottiu», Coffin
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