Straits Echo, 29 December 1905

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1131 1 Corkscrew Brand. The Best Beer on the Market i rO. W Light, Sparkling and Refreshing SOLD BY ALL LEADING SHOPS. BANKS. Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China. Hongkong Shanghai Banking Corporation. INCORPORATED BY IJOYAL CHARTER Paid-up-Capital Reserve Fund $10,000,000 Capital Paid up Reserve Fuud lteserve Liability of Proprietor» 418'
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    • 23 1 I iU IN NESS’S STOUT. TIANQ LEE Co >3 4 0 7* ae r 1 <X a a obs OUi AGENTS. BASS'S ALE.
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  • 208 2 Annual Mkktino. 'The annual general meetiug ot shareholders in the Ferak Sugar Cultivation Company, Ltd., was held at the offices of the Company, Shanghai, on Decembei I Mr. Win. D. Little wis iii t lie chair, and was supported by Messrs F. Anderson and J.
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  • 659 2 Fa'1 iiKK-iti-Iuw So you arc beginning to find that married life lias its troubles r Daughter-in-law: “Well, yes. Jack sometimes simply won’t listen to reason Father iu law “Young rascal. He out hf to lie asiian ed of himself. It, isn't every married man that has tin*
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  • 559 2 The Trying Climate Sjps Tltier Strengt It Blood liels Watery Nerves Weak This R Laky Found in Dr. Wilm\.v Pink Phi.» the Blood vxd Nerve Tonic Needed. Ladv Reader, So Will N ou Mus. D. \N nkins. the young and charming whose
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  • 1258 2 Tuesday 30 tb January. Thursday 1st February ard Saturday 3rd February. FIRST DAY. TUESDAY. 30th JANUARY. I90S. 1, The Maiden Plate. Value $600. A Race for Maiden Horses. Weight as per scale reduced 14 lbs. All animals impoited into the Straits or
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 27 2 STEARNS’ HEADACHE CUKE can !•<* obtained trout all diapouaariea (« *•>' l** 8t Never In» without, the Genuine.* John Bazley White Brothers. “LION BUAND” Portland cement SflfuWta»K/s. Buttery Co
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    • 246 2 PENANG BAND TO’i’lOK i> imnsbj given that from Ist January, 1900, tlie charges for the services of tlie* Band will l>e as follows Dauces M p in. to 2a in 3-5 U nil ers 8 p in. to 1 I |> hi £3t) Garden part ies pm. to 7-3 U
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    • 631 2 MUNICIPAL NOTICE. VTTKM’ION if heieby called U» the fact iliht i following >caJe of* charge* hr Domestic Water Supply will come iuto force from 1 tap laps. the I>l January, moiit ii. to In > 1 liau $OO-75 ceii*a p r ..S 1-75 3-00 j* 4 -V* .< 7-01» slo-00
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    • 645 2 FOR- SALE. The Early History of Penang j 1592—1827. BY E. G. Culim ami W. F. Zelincler. {Reprinted tram the Straits Echo.**) Royal Quarto, 44 1‘a^cs. Price $1.00. CAW hK HAD AT Thk CIUTEK ION FKESS, Lid, 226 2.12. Heach Street. I*enang FOR. T »Jbi. JOHN MARTIN, MINER. A ROMANCE
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    • 107 2 I JTJST RECEIVED. POCKET FOLDING KODAK FILMS, Nos. 1. 2. 3. A 4. EACH SPOOL OF 12 EXPOSURES. THE HANDIEST FOR ALL AMATEUR PHOTOGRAPHERS. A. KAULPUSS. l J liotoyn i j>li if Studio, 27. Strkkt. I’kkav» i 21-11-05. 134c JUST ARRIVED. A new stock of station-' eries, viz:— Ruled l
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    • 50 2 Jeye’s Per/ecf Puri/ier. The Ijest and most powerful disinfectant extant. In I and 5 Gallon Drums and in 40 Gallon Casks. Quotations on Application. 'snndilands. Hultery <Sc Co. Nobel’s Explosives: GELIGNITE, DETONATORS, FUSE. Aylesbury A Garland, Sub-Agents, Perak. Magazines at Penang and Ipoh. SandMands, Buttary A Co., Agents, Pens nr
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  • Shipping.
    • 119 3 Maui Alsus, I i >.5 |jJ|. OuiH|*G ll, 2 > >ih I*'?''- i'Vl Swel tonhaiii. 27lli Doe. Gen., K t !<>. Ava..vkk, IJi. s.s. *7. M u 1 is. 29th I Jeu. Deli, 28th I >ee it'ii K <jJ. A (Jij. CokNKMA. Br. S.s. 194, 29tli Dee., Bratnlan. 2Htli
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    • 83 3 2911 i I>CM-einl*ei Hebe, tor Deli. Saint lied*-, lot Singapore. DongkoUg, Shanghai and Japan Perak, for Port Sweden ham and Malacca. Tau>) (Jluiif In. for Balu Bahra and Asahau. It OH Whatt Soan, for Port Swettenham and Singapore. Hark Chuau In, tor .Settil. Un P- utj. for Set ul.
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  • 49 3 1 rune Its from Atjtnhe l)ne Hector Singapore W.M «&Co. 30th Dec. Gleustrue Lon.Ion B.&Co. 31st Glaueus Singapore IW.M.&Co. 3rd Jan. Hcnlarii; London S.B.&Co. 3rd Erroll G la scow IS.B ACo. 5th l<ii;lit uing Calcutta A A A Co. 5th C. A pear Singapore l Ia.a.a.Co. i 5th
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  • 44 3 1 For Aijeut* 1 Letivti* Hector London (.ileus! me Singapore (jHh licit!) Genoa lien l;ni;r Singapore IMTOH Jiii-iipwi v Lightning Singapore C. A pear Calcutta YV.M.ACo. >30tli 1 >ec B.«.tCo. 31st YV.M.ACo. dr«I J.iti S.B.&Co. lord A.aXco. 5tii A A A Co. '5th
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  • 56 3 Kok Mouiiueiu, Mergui ami Tavov Per Aiutti, to-inoi row, 1 1 a in. Teluk Anson —l*er Petrel, to-morrow. 11 a. in. Calcutta Pel' I /*«*<« r, I o-morrow, I I a. m. Port Sweilenliaiii Per Mar;/ Austin, tomorrow, I p in. I)eli —Per Acayyee, to-morrow, i p.m. Pa
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  • 40 3 Per kistua, from Singapore: Messrs, lvre Tiaug Mock trau Teong Teik, Yeo Boon Wan, .I. H. M. Uolisou, E. I*. Skinner, Ijim (iuan Oiiuaii, Seang Wan, Mr. ami Mrs. Aroozoo, Miss Jansz, Miss Walford, Mr and Mrs. Vytiliugam Pillav.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1042 3 (SHIPPING.) m m S. 11. Co. ij&pectail Ameals and I tf'jiartur&t. Mail Serv ice. Outwards INTENDED SAILINCS. British India Steam .Navigation Co., Ltd. I lie Sitamers of this Company maintain a Regular Service Hamborg-Amerika Linie, Hamburg Outwards Between Hamburg, Bremen. Antwerp, Rotterdam. Penang, Singapore, Hongkong, Yokohama aud Kobe Homkwardh—Between Japan.
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    • 150 3 For Singapore, Hongkong. Swatow and Amoy. r I^H E s Jlomj Molt, Captain Daw*on, 1 will leave for the above ports, ou Satin day, the doth L>ec., 1005, at. 4 p.m. For freight or passage apply to KOE (HIAN Co.. .hi’ uli lor W'ee liin <f* Co., of Hiiuiauorc. 28-12-05
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  • 125 4 Jimim» »ati«rte* everybody and justice Established June Ist, 1903 I’lihUrtlied daily (except Hun-lay».. AT TIIB CRITERION PRESS, Ud., N... 2*20 —232, Bench Street. Peiianj». PRICE UAII.Y L0C.%1 per imni.m UL’ fSTATIONS IV-l:»*** Kxrn*. MMI KDITtON U\»st Kreel $l5 CAKI.K AIH»RKSK; Echo—Penang.” r»l»|)lmne N<*. ISK Editor-in-Cln*J Oh ksnkv
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  • Current Topics.
    • 154 4 Much more importance than might at first npuear attaches to tie* ap- pointment, officially announced. **t a British Consul at Hanoi, tin- capital of For years past. wiites a oorresjiomlont of the Pall Mall Gaz-tl**. the British as well as the German am.l Italian Governments have sought permission for
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    • 177 4 Accoutring to the Alalav Mail the latest innovation of the Railway 1 >e- paniuent is two poultry vans, which are to run between Kuala Lumpur and Frai. They ar«* 10 ft. in length and are well ventilated, both at the top and sides. At present poultry dealers have
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    • 260 4 H kick is an item from the •*t'lub Window” column of the Liver[n*ol Post that mav interest some of our readers esterday even- ing. at a dinner-parly. after the 1 olies had left I found myself next a promiiient military official at the War Office, and ill
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    • 248 4 Pknano landlords and! landowners might do worse than peruse and ponder over the following para-j gr-pli from Indian Engineering: All municipal improve.! ents are pro- cured by money which has come out of tin* pockets of ratepayers: and wherever landlords have benefited by the, improved values of lands,
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    • 638 4 Months ago, in fact -o far back that we have entirely forgotten the date. Mr. Leong Fee very generously I offered to equip a Pasteur Institute for Malaya. From that day to this, although the Home papers eomment u d upon the generous otter, and despite the fact that
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  • 1000 4 Yesterday, on the Espiamule, the post,M>ued League Match between the Free bchooi and the Penaug Recreation Club was pi a ved before a large gathering, me members of the P. K. C. turning up iu full force to witness the game. The Ur.. ms lined up as follows :-r—P.
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  • 200 4 A Gkisi.y Farewell. The Chinese can barb an arrow when tliev son lit, aud send it directly home, says the China Mail. According to reports, tlie District Magistrate of Yiug Tak city, who has not lieen a favourite —few of them are at present—is, in the ordinary course
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  • 260 4 Lack of enterprise on the part ot the Dailv Mail London is disheartening, aud it is decide ilv a disappointment that our contemporary, having iliscovered the latest thing iu souvenir collections—a kiss album— does not give us a specimen leaf or two thereof on its magazine page.
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  • 523 4 Chinese Exclusion Question. President Roosevelt, in his annual Aiessi age to Congress, opens with the follow ing The conditions in Cliiua are I such that the entire Chinese coolie class legitimately come under the head of undesirable immigrants to this country, liecause of their numbers, the low wages
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
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    • 10 4 For Branchial Coughs take Woods’ Great Peppermint Cure Is. 6d
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    • 124 5 ANARCHY CONTINUES. Revolutionaries Gaining (Supplied 1.,, Heater.) b,mdou. 28tl, D™.—Fart of tbe F,r«i l.u.siau Army returning front Mau. rlturta. proceed a to «uppre "u K ISe.i.le» tl„. „f t; ulllnuU Mrvenlv of tlie in.,at. .Janger.iiiH of the lievolultoUHnee have l«,i. arre.te.l St Petaniburg. l'b„ mark, the failure elf™, a
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    • 35 5 The Dove-like Kaiser. i'lli* Oftasiatlecher Lloyd'* Service.) Berlin 29th Dec.-The Rawer baa dedared to M. Doebculz, the French Military Attache ill Beilin, that his one aim is l'or tlie maintenance til an honourable peace.
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    • 61 5 The Presidential Election. /Ac (J. fo*uitigr/(i>r Lloyd'* Semicr. Berlin, 29th Uv The French Presidedtial Election will la* held at Versailles ou 18th January. (SuppHtnl by Itridei London, 28th Dec.—Seventy-seven committeemen of the International Anti-Mili-tary Association are l*eiug tried in Paris for inciting couscripts to refuse to tire upou strikers
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    • 24 5 The Coming Conference Tfie Oefaeiatisctier Lloyd Service.) Berlin, 2!»li Dec.—« Spain lias proposed tliat the Morocco Coufei ence lie opened on b>th January.
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    • 43 5 Autl-Foreign Movement. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 28th Dec.—The anti-foreign movement is extending m China. The success attending the boycott of American goods has induced some newspapers to advocate the boycott of Indian opium, owing to the attitude of British officials at Shanghai
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    • 64 5 Officers to be Prosecuted. (Supplied by Reuter.) Loudon, 21» h l)ec.—The L«>udou Daily Telegraph says that tl»e War Stores Commission in South Africa having instructed that proceedings be taken against certain prisons wearing the King's uniform, the War Office has taken steps to give effect to the
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    • 194 5 John Burns’ Views. (Supplied by Renter.) London, 2tMh Dec.—Mr. John Burns, M. P., in an electoral speech at Battersea, advocated giving the people a liet.ter access 'o the land in order to atroid the rush on dm towns. Iu Colonial matters he was *°i' equal rights for all
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  • Article, Illustration
    236 5 Selaneror Turf Club. Hrst Day’s Results. (Echo Special. Kuala Lumpur. 28th Dec.—Then nas a good attendance at to-day’s races A shower fell early in the afternoon, and later on the rain came dow n heavily. Following are the resuits I’UKsIDBNT s Cup. Mr. Bailey's Spelter Mr. Howdeu’s AJarie
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  • 505 5 Dissatisfaction in Shirking Circlks. I Conmiperakle dissatisfaction is felt in! shipping circles iu Eugltud at the decision of the Admiralty Court at St. Petersburg! iu dismissing the appeal against the decision of the Yladivustock Pri/e Court iu the ease! of the British steamer Knight. Commander.! I lie
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  • 2114 5 Topsy Turvy Politics. Lord Rosebery Kicks Over the Traces lord oukzon. Ml l.TITUbK <»F PAIMlf.S. Getting Ready for the General fcelection. Coiion Mill Experts for the Far Fast. Russian Finances Shaky. Alabm on Euboxban Stock Exchanges. (Frmn Our Own Corretfiondevt.) liondon, Deceiulier 4. —The game of politics
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  • 152 5 Man Staiibkh at Tuunuh (from Our Own Vorrr^pomlrni. i I'kunoh, 27th December.— La»i nigh* at |n o’clock one of ill** most 1 111*1 worth v Kapaias ot the Troiioh .Mines. Ltd.. was slabbed I »y some ot Iiik enemies through i lie breast with a kind *>l kmte II
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  • 51 5 To-dat. i -toh Dav, 12th Moon. Special Meeting of the Municipal Cotnmisj sinners. Municipal Office, 3 p.m. Town Band, Kspianade, 0 to 7 p.m. To-morrow. stl. I*a\. !2in Mo.,n Auction Sale of Wines, Liquors etc Central i Sales Room. 11-30 a.m. lown Band, Golf Club, (j to 7 p
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  • 18 5 English (Arcadia) 4th Jan China {Chilean) q], Oillua Pr. Eitel Friedrich !*t ij German (Premtsen) loth
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  • 48 5 P. O. SAILINGS. Mail Servßt i tirrw \UL»s. HoXIKVV A K»*s Aicudia i Jan. j ('humm 5 Jan IM' IS i Delta lit xira Servict Our wards Homkwaro.» /Wet icar 9 J iUl Palermo JO Per Nubia o.j Palnia Pi Jan bor particMia i s see Page M
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 40 5 WEATHER. Thk follow i hi; report is kin-11 v suppiic.1 l»v flit* Si«ual Director of Fort Cornwallis 'Tt j p.iu Mtord*) Thumlrr V\V. a.m. lo-.laj J»tI 'tear North t(>-<l.iy SBKi litN.W l’ii« raiitfall duriuif tlie ii,,iir» cmic.i to..lav was nil.
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  • 1103 6 Mr. Sun Johnson, Editor ov thd Chinese Ukualo.” svonsv. lu direct succession to the DteQuoug Tat i the unofficial Consul-General of China, in Sydney, is Mr. Sun Johnson, pioprietor and editor of the “Chinese Herald,” and the interpreter of the Chinese mind on all tho»e
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  • 126 6 Pknang rn Dbokmhkk. (By courtesy of t\e Chart**red Bank) i h iiniox |k*|||.|i|d B*« 4- iii**ot t* '"/in B.ui i 2 J}-j Credit 2/3 Documentary ..2/3,« Oal. nita Joma* Bank B-S 04J I lavs I‘riv.lll! 06',' B .0,0 V l) B int 01J -i «lev- sigiii I’ll».* e 106$
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  • 216 6 Belat Tin M miug Co Ld. S o. —sellers HerMuvaliOo <1 Mining 0«*.. I .«1 It. —sellers Hrirli Rubber Syndicate, Ld. Sol). —premium buyer* Bruseii Hydraulic* Tin Mining Co., I id > 10.2d sel/eis l>ulT ]Hjveloimieut Co. $8. seller* Fraser A Neave, Ld JlOo.— tellets George Town Dispensary Jit*.
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  • 193 6 Gold ie.i‘ ...5 75. B. Pepfierl V» <t<! ’-ii»' oar ot st**cL White Pep}**' S 38.'. sellers Traug Pepj-’i season over Cloves (piekeil' out of reason Mace 7o sell**» Mace Picking* 60. —seders Nutmegs lids 32. —sellers No. 1 t It* non*. Sugai J m* *iiH-k. C B u*k»*'
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  • Page 6 Advertisements

  • 743 7 J '.M. h’l VI» KmsKO FOB A NTI-A mbkioan I’UOPAOANDA. Syihlfff 'l'i an Dee.) I’HKoiitHorr New Zealand the Chinese lefuso to buy goods »»f American mauufacJ tiu>* ami subscriptions a»e being collect?»! 3|an<l lor wan led to China for.the purpose of I*! in agents lo go
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 788 7 MACKAY’S LIQUEUR WHISKY. POST CARD ALBUMS. BURN Co, Ltd., C tester s' Champagne, A FINE ASSORTMENT TO SELECT FROM the CELEBRATE]! 'Electrical Engineers, PENANG. “S. B. Sc Co.” square face Gin hi red cases. Sandilands. Buttery Co. Andrew Usher Co.’s SPECIAL RESERVE O.V.G. Whisky. CRAIOELLACHIE GLENL1VET DISTILLERY Co.’s GAELIC OLD
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    • 111 7 The man who drives the royal mail. The maid who carries the milking pail. The stockman on the cattle run. The sportsman with his dog and gain. The watchman feeing his nightly round. The miner working underground. All make themselves from colds secure By using Woods' < »kkat Pkppkrmint (Jure.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1103 8 Lim Sun Ho, crop HENC IVIOW Co. 164, lieac h Street. Penang. DENTISTRY. W. MANSON, American Dentist, importers of all kinds of Late >■' Or. Allen Co., Pha, US A European Cloth charges Moderate, Consultation Free. General Commission ‘T' m 't W 6Ic Vo. 21a. Penang Rond. TKEAN GHEE k
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