Straits Echo, 28 December 1905

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1234 1 Corkscrew Brand. The Hesr Beer on the Market. v co Light, Sparkling and Refreshing. SOLD BY ALL LEADING SHOPS Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARI HR Capital Paul up Reserve Fuml Reserve Liability of Proprietors A‘6 7 •">,<>< 0 A‘^00,4'00 Head Othce: HATTON COURT, Til
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    • 22 1 BASS’S ALE. m V w c- «3 nc o" c Ul $2 x 0 ■k <2 SBa^ 0> 9 th*3 MO.LS S.b'SHMNiil'»
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  • 179 2 J-lx I'bOHIoN OS THE WoNOKoI. Ah the German steamer Wougkoi was leaving llonekoDg liailHiur oil 12th Hist, for Bangkok an explosion look place on board. The packing of the 11 inge conn* img the two main boilerrf blew out, and the result was a great rush of
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  • 211 2 l’rofe sor I* Miguliu gives in the .blave an approximate estimate of the cost of the war to Russia. He arrives at the conclusion that the minimum cost lias been £174,462,500, and this sum will l»e increas ed by the cost incurred in
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  • 521 2 The Chinese Army officers at present in Europe on a special mission, Major General Chang and Colonel Wei, have been interviewed recently in Vienna, when their remarks were as follows The work of transforming the Chinese Army has made such good progiess tliai it may be expected
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 39 2 A )ouit|f iiiun owlli'd upon maid S !o e luy pitllj love,” he *uid. a" 1,1 dear. And have 11» proper «doth in if liere." <>h Khp h<,met hi. 1 aren't voi. ijameP 1 1 I \T 1 lI’TIIJMINI
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    • 2131 2 SALE. FOR NOTICE band. PENANG X 1st the »5»* $30 830 part i Vl’ICK is ier»d*\ given that Horn Jauuarv. 1906, the charges for services of the l*««nl ill be as follows Dances 9 I* o' :l in. 1 tinners 8 \> 11 p Gardeu parties p ui. to 7-30
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  • Shipping.
    • 70 3 iSm.viKA. Hr s. 2 97<>. It»»it* 27* li l>w Lomlon. 27t ii Nov.. Con. 1'. A Mono Mon. Hr. s 2.£54 l>.i«soii. H'li I»oc, Singap.oo. 2»;tl. I »m* Con H. C .V Oo. Canton, Hr s.s. it'.». Morican, gijtli Ltoc., Toluk Anson. 27tli 1 >»•,• Con..— All Hing «Jfc
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    • 44 3 28tli l>eoeml>or Jin Hu, foi Langkal. Vo tier Paint, for Dell. C i ton, for Pail” kor ami Toluk Anson. Filzjiatrick, for Rangoon Te-da, for Singapore. Flying Fidt, for Port Wel«l ami Taiping. Pegu, for K»lie, T. Soma wo, Segli, Oioliloli amt Sabang.
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  • 27 3 1 w/lf?/* Front Atjentu Due <r. Sing;» pore A. A. A.Co. 29tli ]>ec. Hector Singapore VV.M.&Co. 3011. (.llilUVUK Singapore \V r M &(Jo. 3r<l Jan.
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  • 25 3 1 C, b <»/• Ai/ruf- Ijrnreg i G. A pear Calcutta f A.A.A.Co 30th L)ee. Hector London W.M.&Co. [30th YV.M.ACo. '3rd J u. Glaucus Genoa
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  • 93 3 For Port Swedenh;tm A. Malacca—I’er Perak, to-morrow, 1 p.m. IN»rt Swettenliam ami Singapore—Per Iiim Whatt Soon, to-morrow, 2 p.m. Sotul Per Hock Chmm Un, to-morrow, 2 p in. lolok A iisou I Vr Lady Weld, to-monow, •5 p m. Rangoon ami Calcutta, taking mails for Kurope, etc., via
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  • 55 3 Pei Somalia, from London Messrs. J. K. Harvey, I' <r. Shepherd, Mrs. Shaw, Mr. ;ni<l Mrs. 1) B?atly. Mr. ami Mrs. H. 11 iitou Per Sumatra, for Singapore Mr. A. T. Bryant. Per Perak. Irotu Port Swetleuliam Mr. (Jampbell. Pei Laily Weld, from Teluk Alison Messis. Bolster, Khoo Soo
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1155 3 (SHIPPING.) '•JUte A >V» NT V. 1 INTENDED SAILINGS. |S, ft Qq British India .Steam Navigation Co., Ctd. Lzpecled Arrivals ami Departures. Mail Service. Outwards Jan. 1 a.8. A read ia connect) ug with s.8. Britannia 18 s.8. Belli i do s.8. Moldavia beb. 1 s.8. thru go!a do 8.8.
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    • 170 3 For Singapore, Hongkong. Swatow and Amoy. r l>HK Hong Moh, Captain Dawnou, i 1 will leave for the above ports, on Saturday, the 30th Dee., 1905, at 4 p.m. j For freight or passage apply to KOR (iUAN Co., i Agents for Wee Kin <f" Co., of Singapore. 28 12-05
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  • 125 4 Jimno* nat,i-<neHever.vbody an*l justice alone. g»»«r*«o« j Established June Ist, 1903I'l.MUlw*! <1 ii.ily SmulafiO A r TH R CRITERION PRESS. Ltd., i N<*. •i'i'l-W-, Beach Street, Penang. PRICE DAILY lA>« AI ro Ot 1 STATIONS I’osiajf eo*. MATI KIIITION ll’ont Ki***> $l5 CAKI.K AOHRKKS: Echo —Penang.’* Telephone
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  • 1521 4 Tiik Statement of Admiralty Policy** which has just been issued as a Blue Book possesses an importance for the Viiiteil Kingdom and the Colonies tar more real and far more vital than Hie political cisis of the hour. It is uiiiver* «aliv recognised that oil the efficiency and
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  • 511 4 Look On This Sim: {Public Opinion, 10 Nor So far as can bo judged without some j official aud autiioiitativ i quiry, the evi-j deuce ou which t lie case against Chinese; labour vests has been utterly discredited, I and we are sorrv to see so level-headed
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  • 1405 4 Bv ONK WHO HAS SkEN ThKM Distinctly Nelsonian and pairin'ic, but far ti*<» ambitious was the judgment passed, at (irst sight, upon the programme arranged lor the eutertaiumeut of the friends.relative?, and guardians of t lie pupils of St. Xavier’s Institution on the occasion of the annual prize
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  • Page 4 Advertisements

    • 347 5 A HOOLIGAN MILITIA. omen Brave and leruciuus. (Sn/t/tited bif Ht-uit-r.j London, 27th A Moscow ot ■>0,1' ,u.t »H,» I 1 1... barricades are being extended and the rel*ds are still unsubdued. A large force of troops has left fel. I etersburg for Li!I.imi,i;, Later.—The Governor. < of
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    • 46 5 Comparison by the Times (Supplied by Reuter.) Loudon, 28th Dec. —The Times, in a noteworthy article, extending to three columns, compares lie mobilising capacities of I’’ranee aud Germany and their relative forces aud opines that France is much more formidable than in 1879.
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    • 55 5 The Continent Uneasy (Supplied by Sr. liter London, 28th Dec.—The Sultan of Morocco has refused to consent to the Morocco Conference being held at Madrid and will only agree to its being held at either Algecirasor Tangier. The German policy in Morocco continues to be viewed with uneasiness and
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    • 33 5 King Edward and General Booth (Supplied by Reuter.) Loudon, 27th December. —-King Edward lias written to General Booth expressing his satisfaction at the Herrmg donation for the relief of the poor.
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    • 205 5 A breat Scheme Proposed. (IS tijuried by lituter.) bond oil, 28th Dec.— Inspired by the sue-l ces» of the visit of the French Municipal Councillors l Loudon. Sir Edwin Cornwall. 1 the Chairman of the London County Council, lias promulgated a scheme for a Con* j gress of (lie
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  • 1968 5 I'euaiig vs Perak. Enos in a Draw. E' the afternoon train on Sunday last the I enuiig team started for the capita fof Perak itud tour hours later saw them at Taipiug •Station where they were received bv the energetic Secretary of the Sporting Com- nut tee. Mr. Stoney.
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  • 102 5 i j Lawn Tennis Wi: are asked to announce that the f Peuang Cricket Club Lawn Tenuis Tourua*!ment will coumience on Monday, 5th, L February, 1906 Kutries will close on ’j Saturday. 21 *Yli January. 19U6, at. 7 p in and 5he foilowiug events will la*
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  • 133 5 Thk remains of the late Mr. M. N. M. j Noordin, w hose sad demise was reported in our columns yesterday, were brought over i from the Province iu Mr. Deng Kee’s launch, the Lum Seng, this morning, escorted bv a j large
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  • 199 5 Following ate the agenda for the special J meeting called for to-morrow afternoon: 1. .Minute* of last meeting to be lead aud continued. 2. To cousider aud if thought tit pass Supplemental Budget No. 3 3. Auv special business tbe President mav bring forward. j J (Juestions. 5.
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  • 417 5 W. J. H Thompson s fortnightly Circular Special report ou CVvloii ami Straits Plantation Rubber offered in auction ou 24tli Nov.. 1ff0.3. Ceylon. Maddegedei —10 cases offered ami soM, tine biscuits. bs. 0.'.d.; fair to tiue scrap, is. ti .il. to os. 2.d. B. —i ca.e» offered ami
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  • 85 5 I I O-IIAV :»rd 1 ».i\. 12t.h M im »ii j Hunt Club Paperehase, Meet at t toil* Club. 5 hi. Football Match I* I t t'j*. I S., Espiaii ade, 5-15 p hi. low n Baud. Chinese Unciwtioii < 'I»iI 5 to 7 i* m i D-AH.KUOU till
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  • 16 5 English (Arcodiu'i i-tii Jan. China (Chu*an) .'lii Chiua /V. Eilet Friedrich) 9th lleniiaD loth
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 14 5 I For Malarial Fever troubles aud Dysentery take Woods’ Great Peppermint Cure, 90 cent*.
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    • 349 5 NEW YEAR HOLIDAY. IrpHE undermentioned Banks will l*e A closed on Monday, the 1st January, j r.MKi, name being a Public Holiday For (Ik* Chartered Bank of India, Alls- tralia and China E. M. J ANION, 1 A if. Manager, I or 'll** Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation CECIL GUINNESS.
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    • 143 5 CENTRAL SALES ROOM. AUCTION SAL S AT I tO ABOVE SAULS ROOM o,\ f ri i- y. 2**1 h December, 1905, AT 12 NOON Elect lo-pluted .»re. Silver W are. Clucktt, W alche*. (,’ruets, Cutlery, Chains, (iohl Links a ii< l 3tuds. etc., etc., etc. AUCTION SALE AT THE ABOVE
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  • 1199 6 'lnterview with Mr. F. Douolah < t.sltoKNK. Mr. F. Douglas Osborne is a member of j 1 lie Perak State Council, lie thu enjoys a unique honour, because no other European j holds it except himself. What is of more importance, perhaps, to our
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  • 126 6 Pksano 28rti December. Hy eourtesy oj the Chartered Hunk London lietnand Rank ...2/2j 4 months’ sififiit Rant 2/2{-i 3 Credit v Documentary 2/S, 1 Calcutta, Demand Bank ils *t>4^ 3 davs’ siffilt Private B«mii>ay, Demand Rank *o4^ 3 davs* sight Private 166 f Madr»«. Demand Rank 1644 t.iv>* sight
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  • 207 6 BelatTin Mining Co, Ld. < 5. —stllers Rersa wait Gold Mining C«»..L«t. > It. —g ellers Brich Rubber Syndicate. LI. $5O. —premium buyer* Bruseh Hyilraulic Tut Mining (Jo., Id 10.25 felt ere Dull Dcveiounient Co. #8. teller* Fraser A Neave, Id slos.— teller* George Toyvn Dispensary s*.'6. Howarth Erskme.
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  • 186 6 Goi«i 1 7-5. !J. Peppe. t W. C-»tt»' 31w.a.,/ out ol While Pepjier 38.', sellers L'rang Pepper season over Cloves (pic k«d; out of season Mii«*f 75 —sellers Mao* Pickiugs tJCt. —sellers Nutmegs 1 li)s 32 .—‘sellers N". I lo nont. Such» 2 in. st«H*k. I 3 4 t
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 6 6 RUBEROID ROOFING. Adamson. Giilan Co., Ltd.l
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    • 484 6 tm m UNIVERSAL DEMAND £*P^p11ps!£ HIS is SC 3£s!Pt4 TH<ri S: M V' 8€ .C>° •o* <«0? T Just the Thing!!! Travellers Tourists AND Prospectors FOR TABLOID PHOTOGRAPHIC OUTFIT Contains the Complete Chemicals for Developing plates and Bromide papers, Toning and Fixing in a Japanned Tin Box Size 4-1 by
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  • 218 7 A Ukii. I».\iii; Toech. I UK following a pplWoHt 101 l "I L**ld <>'•••’- which It.ii Hah.elm Amind i t'harhi. C. I K, conirilnil< s I*, tin* U iu<)usta ii Review, is fur ton nc!t lo i>c lost. It will vc a touch ol gai‘-1v to th** solemnity
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  • 237 7 Ax the evening service in St. Andrew’s I Cathedral, Singapore, on Sunday last, the Right Rev. ISishop Hose dedicated the beautiful re red os which has been erecte i by her many friends to the memory of his late revered wife. It is a magnificent piece
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  • 411 7 To nr: Depokted kuo.m Manila Puan'k Stanley A len, the bank clerk who entered the Philippines under contract with Ihe Chartered Hank of India, Australia and China, is to be delivered into the custody of the Collector of Customs for deportation, savs the Manila Cablenews. Ftank S.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 635 7 MACKAY’S LIQUEUR WHISKY. KQWARTH ERSKINE, LTD., G testers 9 Champagne, TIiR CELEiiKA I Kl) B. &L Co.” SqUHFO I«ICC* 1*111 111 rttti CR808. Sandilands, Buiiery Co. Electrical Structural Engineer». SINGAPORE, BANGKOK, IPOII, KWALA I UMBlik, SEREMBAN, RANGOON AND LONDON. WROUCHT IRON TUBES AND FITTINCS. Large Stock Always on Hand. ADAMSON,
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    • 61 7 Coughing—sneezing Handkerchief Foot* hat h—must ;i id No relief. Doctois, parson Heaven sure Hearse not wanted-— iV.l’FKRM i NT CUKK S! KAItNH N\ INF, as a reliable reniedv has been received with favor hv men |»romiuent in the profession of Medicine. P. \Ylair Crane <& Co/s CYLINDER OIL. Sandi/ands, Buttery
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1156 8 Lim Sun Ho, chop MEMO fVIOH Co.» 164, flench Street. Penang. I> E NTISTB Y W. MAN SON, American Dentist, i »1 n Hen Co., Pka, U S.A. importers of ail kinds of Lu THEAN GHEE dentistry. Dr.F.A. HOFFATT.R D.S., European Cloth and General Commission Charges Moderate, Consultation Free. K.S!!
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