Straits Echo, 27 December 1905

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1173 1 Cories crew Brand The Best Beer on the Market. xO Light, Sparkling and Refreshing. SOLD BY ALL LEADING SHOPS. BANKS. Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China. INOOKPORATED BY IJOYAL CHARTER. Capital Paid up Reserve Fund Reserve Liability Proprietors .t 800,0« 0 •4*875,0( 0 Paid-up-Capital SUM *OO.OOO Reserve Fund Sterling
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    • 22 1 GUINNESS’S STOUT. TIANG LEE CO., z a a 2> «>• -I 3= in to isL <2 s V •V f'/./; AGENTS. BASS’S ALE.
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  • 2976 2 Memorandum on the Registration of Partnership* Bill at Present before Council. (Issued to the Me.into rs oj the Sinyuporc Chamber of Commerce, by their Committee The subject was Gist brought torwuid in 1885 when the Chamber drew attention to the working of the Bankruptcy law and asked Government
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  • 1257 2 Tuesday JOth January, Thursday 1st February and Saturday Jtd February. < FIRST DAY. ILFS DAY, 30 th JANUARY. I90*i 1. —The Maiden Plate. Value SHoo. A Race for Maiden Horses. I Weight as per scale reduced 14 lbs. All animals imported into
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 113 2 Youth, when you sally to tlit? strife To fight with Fate ami earn your living*. Take this advice to guide your life:— Be brave, not rash, and all forgiving; Treat well your l'oe as tho' a friend. la deed lie strong, in thought l*e pure And foremost, your Good Health
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    • 630 2 notice. ON and after this date, all small advertisements intended to. insertion in the Straits be ho must j he n:iid t*« in advance. UM SENG HOOI. j.jtli Juh i: Managing Director. NOTICE. TO KK SOI I> BY OKDEK 01 THE MOKTGAGEE. rpnK UM i» imuiu'l t-* lutoiiu th* I
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    • 833 2 It doesn't pay to allow your linen to be rubbed and banged to tatters upon rough stones. Insist upon Sunli&ht Soap being used in the Sunlight Way, and you will save money. Full directions are riven upon the wrapper round each tablet. It always pays to use Sunlight Soap. PENANG
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    • 124 2 WANTED. STOREKEEPER- Chinese preferred w i 11 1 experience of Straits Produce. Security required. Apply to ADAMSON, GILFILLAN A, Co. 2-12-Uo u.c. 813 WANTED. 1 UNIOK CLERKS on a commencing »J «alary of #420 j>er annum. Applicant s must i>e over 10 and under 23 years of age. Thev must
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  • Shipping.
    • 128 3 ItooN. Ger. s.s. 4.061, \leuiers, 27' h 1 fee Bremeu, 22nd Nov Gen.. II .M Si < ’o. V r AN Dkk Parka, Dur, ss. 331. lioou, -7th l>ec., Deli, 26tl> |>«c., Gen.. 11. L. A Co. Sui Sang. Hr. s> s. 1,776, Mitchell, 27th Dec Hongkong, 19th Dec.,
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    • 62 3 27th December. Annum, for Colombo and Tutiooriu. Oiunpere for Tongkah, Kopah, Reuoug, ictoria Point,Mergui, Tavov A Moulmeiu. Rotorua, for Tongkah. Pegu, for Edie, T. Semawe, Segli, Olehleh and Sabaug K. flalewyn, for Pnngkor. F/giug Dragon, for Port Weld and Taipnig. Petrel, for Teluk Anson. Room, for Singapore, China and
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  • 25 3 1 e&tst'ls From Aijcnf* Due tl. Apear Singapore A. A A .Co. 2i)Hi Dec Hector Singapore W.M &Co. 30th Glaueus Singapore W.M.&Co. 3rd Jan
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  • 31 3 V esrcl» For r i A ye it fit Leo rest 1 G. A pi-ill' Calcutta A.A.A.Co. Hot it J>ec Hector IjOuOou VV.M.JtCo. (30th G lilUClIb Genoa VV.M.ACo. 8ril J,u
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  • 53 3 For PtsiJtn Ho, to*morrow, i p.m. Kiiu^voii iVf it~/ atriclc, to-morrow, iS p.lll. Calcutta—Per .1 ijcar, 2'.ttli instant, 11 a. ui I’ort Swettenham A. Malacca—Per Penile, 21Mh instant, 1 p.m. Port Swetteuliain ami .'Singapore—Per Bun Whatt Soon, 2itth instant, 2 p.m. ■Singapore, tivvatow ami Amoy—Per Hong Moli, 2Dtli
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1002 3 (s hipping: W A i III. Co. INTENDED SAILINGS. British India .Steam Navigation Co., Ltd. Expected Arrivals and I departures. Mail Service. Outwards. Jan. 4 s.s. Arcadia connecting with s.s. Britannia lH 8.8. Delhi do s.s. Moldavia 1 s.8. Don gala do s.8. Mongolia Feb. Homewards. Jan. Feb. 5 8.8.
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    • 63 3 British India Steam Navigation Co., Ltd. Sea Trips during the Xmas Holidays. HUITBNBAOH. LIE BE RT Co., Ayenlg. Penalty, Ist December, 1005.. linli 80H P. IHiolr Crane Co.'s CYLINDER OIL. SttndHtmds, Rnttpry A* Cn. H. HOOSON CO.’S TURPENTINE. Snntlilands. liu/tery Cn. BAXTER CO’S. BEST NAVY CANVAS. SANIHLANDS, BUTTERY Co. DAVID
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  • 122 4 Justice sHtistiweverybudy and justice alone.— Buiersv.t Hstablished June Ist, 1903. Published daily (except Sunday *0 AT TUB CRITERION PRESS, Mil., No. 22ft—‘iolf, Heach .Street. PRIOR 1> A i J.\ I.OCAI. .iiiiiiim Ol r T>*TATIONK IWujje Kxir«. MAII KRITION < I'lKt. Klee* $l5 CAKI.K AOMtfcSS: Hcho —Penang.” Telephone
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  • 52 4 M AKKIAOK. Tliout&s —Oakaguclii.—On 2»*tit December. ];hi.*>. at St. Georges t'hurcli. IVusug. by the Revd. F. W. Haines. M.A.. Colonial Chaplain. Orlaudo Venning. of lYnaug. eldest son of the lve\il. J. Yenning Thomas, of \N estbury on Trvm. England, to Tsitina. daughter of the late Yezo Sakaguclii. of
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  • 652 4 It 1» verv pleasant to note from the hist Government Gazette* t« hand tlmt our rulers have at last awakened to the fact that the Straits Settlement-- are rapidly lyeconiing a dumping ground for beggars and vagrants of all descriptions and that the time has arrived for steps lo
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  • 165 4 About sixlv people availed themselve> of the Christmas Holidays 1o run up for a short stay at the Crag, with the result that that verv popular hostelry was practically full from Hour to ceiling. Yesterday die whole of the Penang Rand w: ut up to ihe
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  • 153 4 Yesterday the League match lietweeu the P. &T. aud the Northern League was played on the Esplanade before a fair gathering. The P. A T. played with oue n an short and it was at once apparent that they would have to play a very fast game <•• avert
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  • 142 4 T HoMAS-S.A K AG LCtl I. A quiet little wedding was celebrated at St. George’s Church yesterday afternoon when Mr. Orlando Yeuuing Thomas. M. I. E. E A. M. i. C. E., Municipal Electrical Engineer, eldest sou of the Rev. J Veuuiug Thomas, of Went bury on Try in,
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  • 180 4 At a iu<-ttting held at lpoli, on the 16th instant, the fallowing were elected ofhee bearers for 1906: President, Mr. FooChooChoou, f.s.a.,m c. Vice-President, Mr. Ho Pak Seng. Hon. Secretary, Mr. Tan Ghim Cheng. Hon. Treasurer, Mr. Lnn Cfcoo Boon. Hon. Auditor, Chau
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  • 527 4 Pena no rs. Perak, The above match was played at Taipiug ou the 2oth aud 26th instants and resulted iu a draw. On both days the weather was bad aud consequently the wickets were soft and treacherous. A full account of the game will lie publisher! in our next
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 154 4 “RELYANTE” MOTOR CARS. r* FT 705 W'4P TT?. >s* CLIMBS ANY HILL. STARTS INSTANTLY. STOPS INSTANTLY. SKATS FOUR PERSONS. One of these ears ran successfully through the 1,000 miles English reliability trials held ISth to 2bth September, 1008, and obtained the official certificate. PRICE AND AIL FURTHER PARTICULARS CAN HE
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    • 12 4 I’Malarial Fevw troubles ami l>jienterv tak« W/vmK’ <Jrn:»l T*<>ppr>riiiint f!iirn. HO MHlIk
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  • 427 4 Obituary. Mrs. Joo Mok>. It is with great regret that we have to I announce the death of Mrs. Quah Joo Moev, the mother of Messrs. Quah Beug Kee and Quail Bong Ifo. which took place at j7.1o utn., ou Joth instant, at her residence, No. H5 Bishop Street- The
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    • 602 5 I KRRIBI.K DLOODSHKD. Motcow in llames. The V.tMmluek.r Lloyd', Service Berliu, -Aith IK,. At Koeu.g.bur* „„<1 lemel prepaiation- are lieiug made for the reception of refugees from Russia, and men-ot-war are lien.g sent. perhaps together with the hutish vessels Riga is quiet, but the mob has committed excesses against
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    • 95 5 Anglo-German Relations < Supplied by Hauler.) London, 26tli Deeemlier.—Prince von Bulow has expressed his warmest satistaction at aud sympathy with the movemeut tor the creation of a iietter understanding between England aud Germany. Loudon, 27th Dec.—The movement for the promotion of Anglo-German friendship •s extending hi Germany aud a
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    • 55 5 New Cabinet Formed. j( Supplied by Heater.) Loudon, 26th Dec.—Signor Fortis lias •oc instructed the Italian Ministry, with the Marquis of Sau Guiliauo as Minister for l*oreign Affairs. l lhe Oslnsml itaher Hu yd s Service.) Berlin, ‘J6th Dec.—The new Italian oreigu Minister, the Marquis of Fan •Jiiliano, is
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    • 21 5 French Opinion (Jstiitiiaf txcftrr Ijlotjil t* Service. Berlin. 26th Dec.-Public opinion lance on the Morocco question i> oiiietinI dow n.
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    • 35 5 Duke of Connaught’s Tour (Supplied by Hauler.) London, 26 Deceit!l**r.—The Duke aud Duchess of Connaught, accompanied bv «laughters, have start»! for Capetown ami will pay a visit to Nairobi on the return journey
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    • 33 5 The Shanghai Incident (Supfdiel by Hauler.) l-uudou. 27th Dec.-The Mixed Court at Shanghai was reopened on Saturday the proceedings being normal, though p»4cautions were taken to prevent a rumoured I intended riot.
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    • 51 5 Commissioners Leave Peking (Supplied by Hauler. < London. 26th Dv —Tl, e Japanese Coiuniinaiouers have left Peking homeward l»ouud elaborately entertained at Tientsin by Viceroy Vuau Shi Kai. The opening of the Mauchurian towns to foreign trade occurs at the expiration of the eighteen mouths allowed for the evacuation
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    • 518 5 Defeat of Selangor 1 he ho Special Kuaia Lumpur, ff th December. —The i cricket match between Selangor and Singapore lias resulted in a win for Singapore. Singapore scored 127 in the first innings and AO in the second, w hDe Selangor replied with 85 and 75. 1
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  • 1987 5 A meeting of the Council was held on Friday last, 22nd instant. His Excellency the Governor Sir John Andersou. k c m presided, and there were present the Hous th** Acting Colouiai Secretary, the AttornevGeneral,Colonial Treasurer, Auditor-General. Colonial Engineer and Hons. W. P. Wad- dell. J Auderson, H.
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  • 55 5 'J'o-DA V -ud l>av, 12th Moon. I own Hand, Esplanade, to 7 p m. To-morrow. 3rd Im>. I2tii Moon Auction Sale of Landed Projiertv in Province Welleslev. Archway of Logan’s Buildings, Headi .Street, noon. Football Match P. li. C. r*. F. S.. Esplanade, f>-15 p.m. I lown Hand, Chinese
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  • 23 5 Indian (Teeeta) 28th Idee English (Arcadia) 4th Jan Cliiua (CftH*an) -,th d Chiua (Pr. Eitcl Friedrich) 9th German (Prctiggeu) lor li
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  • 48 5 P. O. SAILINGS. Mail Service. OOTW A Itl.S. Hun KM A Rl»f Arcadia i Jan. (-hnsan n Jan. IMi IS j Delta /9 Extra Ser\ict Ootwaicos. Honkwa ki» i Peeftatrur 9 Jau. Paltnun 30 Dec. A n'tir 23 Palma li dan. 3NT K« >r particulars see Page 3.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements

  • 127 6 Pksaxg 27th December. ii'j courtesy of the Chattered Bank London Demand Bank n 4 months' sigbt Bank 22j d Credit 2/d 3 Documentary 2/dVc Caicnlta. Demand Bank Its 104$ 3 da vs* sight Private 06!. B uni ay. Demand Bank t*4i{ n 3 days* sight Private UHii. j Madras.
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  • 202 6 Be at I’m Mmiug Co Ld. —eelleie HersawahGoid M iniug Co., Ld. 14.— seller* Brich Rubber Syndicate, Ld. $5O. —premium j buyer* Hill'd. Hydraulic Tin Mining tj,, i $10.25 aeiiere Duff Development Co. $8. seiler* Fraser A Neave, Ld $105. felterg Georg® Town Dispensary s^o. Howarlh Erskiiie, Ld. $2BO.-
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 18 6 limu St.orn»' W,,,, I KIS t)i kHn for a IH 'V. ’»'<4 -iillow clicks Uv,.,.... >sv ilU ..Wrful*
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    • 276 6 The NEW FRENCH REMEDY THERAPION B I sui. cusslu! iml highly popular remedy. used in the ..nt m iital Hospitals bv kicord. Kostan. Jobert, Velpeau and olhet*. combines all the desiderata to be sought in a mediciae of the hind, and surpasses everything hitherto employed. THERAPION No 1 mark ably
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    • 333 6 T n N U is m f A O m Y *■l* vt M r** Just the Thing!!! Travellers Tourists and I Prospectors FOR TABLOID PHOTOGRAPHIC OUTFIT Contains the Complete Chemicals for Developing plates and Bromide papers, Toning and Fixing in a Japanned Tin Box Size by A', by ‘J
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 793 7 MACKAY’S LIQUEUR WHISKY. C/es/ers'Champac|r.e, NOTICE. THR CRIjRIIU.\TEI> U S. B. Co.” square lace (im ui red cases. SandilancJs, Buttery Co. Andrew Usher Co.'s SPECIAL RKSERVt O.V.G. Whisky. CRAKiELLACIIIE GLENLIVET DISTILLERY Co.’s GAELIC “OLD SMUGGLER” WHISKY. SANDILANDS, IHJTTER\ Co. States that tliev have be<»n appointed Asronts for A ppoiuteU Agents lor
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1063 8 Lim Sun Ho, CHOP HENO MOH St Co.. 164, Heath Street, Renting. Importers of all kinds of European Cloth and General Commission Agents. <>!<> DENTISTRYW. MANSON, American Dentist, Late of Allen Co., Pha, US.A. Kim Keng l.cong Co., 127, BEACH STREET. IMPORTERS 0I EVERY DBSCKIPIION r ironmongery, Winch i> sal.,
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