Straits Echo, 23 December 1905

Total Pages: 10
1 10 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1162 1 Corkscrew Brand. The Best Beer on the Market. *ro Light, Sparkling and Refreshing SOLD BY ALL LEADING SHOPS. BANKS. Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China. INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER. Hongkong Shanghai Banking Corporation. Nederlandsche Handel Mtuatschnppij. \ethcrlands trading Society. International Banking Corporation. The Mercantile Bank of India, Limited. 810.000,060
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  • 177 2 The North Sea According to the Standard, a new naval force for the defence of home water.- will come into being with the new yea. It be known as the North Sea Squadron, ami although it will be affiliated to the Channel Fleet, it will be
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  • 769 2 In viufru’f the extensive smuggling going Wi at papent m the opium tunic. tin Chinese Government. it is saitl. content plates transferring the collection of tin likiu thereon to Sir Roliert Wart admiuistration, foreign nffiiyis t<> la* employed t"i the purpose. Prince Arthur oi Couuaught, who will
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 89 2 m. The stately Eucalyptus )>ends iis littad, And sitflisand iiwun* as it ail joys had tied. Tli-sleepy Hour -s:— Why sucii sad laincnl I'd like »4i kiiow wind's rutiled your o<>ut. nt." Ala* 1 tliu sad old suvs iu reply. “OtMW full <*l' joy. ami pride, awl power «u> i.
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    • 2813 2 NOTICE. N OTICK is hereby given that ‘lie sale k»v notion ot tlie Customs al ‘in «ilia lh** ToImC' 1 Monopoly of Peril», advertised j,i j. tJ le i>*<«*mber, 1905, will not take place, to i.r aiiAUgemeius having L*eeu made for tlie di»|**»al of the same. SVE1> ALWEE, President <>f
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  • Shipping.
    • 30 3 i HON..W II: s.s. 3.428. Whitehead. 23rd Dec., Singapoic. 21st Dee.. < leu H. 1.. iV Co. Simla. Hr. s.s. 3.0*0, tbddsnmb, 23rd Dec Shanghai, I2lli Dec,, Ceu.,—P. A. O.
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    • 110 3 23rd December Malaya, for Deii, be Koch, for Hujan, Edie, T. Setuawe, Segli, Olehleh and I’ulo Web. Jin Ho, for L&ngkut. Thonymi, for Negapatam and Madras. A. Ajwar, for Singapore and Hongkong. Hole Canton. for Edie, T. Semawe, Segli, Olehleh and Babang. Ad',/ '«.for Port Swollen bam. Kuala Huinpui
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  • 20 3 1 r.ntml* iron» A>t^ufn lJu G. Apear Singapore A.A.A.Co. iJec. Hector Singapore VV.M.&Co. 30fch <:» lillHMIS Singapore IW.M.&Co. 3rd Jan.
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  • 24 3 1 rxxelx Fur Aijentx Leaves G. A pear Calcutta A.A. A.Co HOtli i)ee. Heetor 1, winion VV.M.&Co. 30th GlilUCUS Genoa. VV.M.ACo. 3rd J.u.
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  • 69 3 Kok Asaiian—Per Tuir Tony 20tli instant, 11 a. in. Pa gkiUan Brandan—Per Cornelia, 26th instant. 1) a hi. Iteii—Per Acayyee, 26th instant, 11 a*, m. Traug—Pei Deli, 26th instant, 11 a.m. Teluk Anson—Per Lady Weld, 26th instant, 11 Port Swettenliain and Singapore—Per Pin Seny, 26th instaut, 11
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  • 70 3 Per Thonywa, from Singapore Miss Hodges, O Grim, J. W. Thompson, Mr. ami Mi n. Stitt-, Rev I'’. Fauci Hon. Mrs. Pentney, Mrs. Lamliert, M»s. Frankel, Mrs. Clumeck, Mr. Lo Beug Quaug, Captain Pong, Mrs. L6ug, Mr. M. E. Plirmptou, Mr. J. C. Fernandez, Miss Mav Feruaudez, M iss
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1092 3 (S HIPPIN G.) P. ft 0. ii i I. Co. INTENDED SAILINGS. British India Steam Navigation Co., Ltd. For Intended to Sail. Steamer. Expected Arrival* and departures. Mail Service. Outwards Negapatam. j Madras, Poll (lichen" Cudclalore »..d s Karrical. J Thougwa Tees la. flamhnrg-Anierika Linie, Hamburg ft W* T I
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    • 105 3 British India Steam Navigation Co., Ltd. Sea Trips during the Xmas Holidays. KETURN tickets available betweeu 15th December ami 15th January next will I** grauted at Single Fares for both For further information or particulars apply to HUTTENBACH, LIE BERT A Go., Atyent*. Penang, Ist December, 11)05. linh 80H Compagnie
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  • 90 4 Justice -aUH!i 9 ,cv«*yb.*ly a..H j l.stablishcil June 1st, 1903 »*ui»liMK«! «l»ily (except sni,«l;ty--. ii riiK CR1THRI0N PRESS, l td.. *22‘! 232. Beach Street. I'**nang. PRIDE I VVII.V L* K'Al OtlSTATIoNs M»ll EDITION (Fust Free! 515 CABLE ADDRFss: IU ho —Penang.*’ I'elepllolie N-*. 18s j Editor-in-ChieJ GhlsNky
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  • 424 4 This morning marked another step taken bt Penang along the path of projress. an electrically propelled tram lieiug for tiie first time driven thr*>ucii the town. Penang is certainly emit led ro congratulate itself upon this auspicious occasion, for electric traction ma v. and we trust will, mean
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  • 200 4 To «it' «iiir readers who are, spending theii first Ohrisluuis Day in j r f the Far East. Monday cannot fail toj appeal as being totally different from what they have been used to regard I iu the Homeland as the feast of tbei I year. There is no
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  • 867 4 A Very Merry Christmas. Congratulations from the Navy League. It will be recalled bv «jin readers that on the occasion of the celebration of what has Vteeu stvlc tiie Nelson outenary tin* F<ho cuiis «»’iit with a 'Trafalgar number, which included a large pictorial supplement depictiug British
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  • 1050 4 MoNDAV being Christinas Day. and a; general holiday, there will lie »<> issue ot t he Strait* K 'ho. On Christmas Day the Posl Office and the Sub-Offices will l*e closetl. On Tuesday, the 26th, the Post Office an i tiie Sub-Offices will lie open from < a.m.
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  • 642 4 v The Sports iu connection with the above school were held on the Esplanade yesterday afternoon, there l*eing in ail 19 events. Proceedings commenced punctually at 3 o’clock aud the Cricket Club Pavilion aud grounds, which fold t*e**n kindly lent for the occasion, were tilled with enthusiastic
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  • Page 4 Advertisements

    • 122 5 Revolt Spreading (The 0*taeiaJi*eher Lloyd'*" Service.) Berlin, 23rd Decetnlier.—The German hostages at Riga have l*e**u released. The Lettish revolt is aided by the general strike. Aloscoyv aud St. Petersbuig ate isolated aud taxes are being paid by the people to the Lettish Government Committee At St. Petersburg aud Moscow
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    • 23 5 Lord Lansdowne Decorated (Supplied by Reuter.') London, 23rd Dec. —L«*r«l Lausdoyvne. late Foreign Minister, has received the Chain of the Victoriau Order.
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    • 55 5 Gold for India (Supplied by Reuter.) Loudon, 23rd Dec.—The Secretary of State for ludia announces that purchases will lie made uutil further not ice of sovereigns shipped from Australia by a certain approved Ranking liouse and he will grant in payment telegraphic transfers on India at the rate of
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    • 33 5 Treaty Signed. (Supplied by Reuter.) Loudon, 23rd Due.— The Treaty between China and Japan has been signed aud deals exclusively with Manchuria. '1 he Chinese Commissioners deuy the formation of auv alliance.
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    • 82 5 The Chinese Labour Question. (Supplied by Reuter.) Loudon, 22ud Dec.—Lord Elgin, iu a despatch to Lord Sellxiruc, says that, as the real wishes of the majority of the Transvaalers regarding Chiuese labour have not yet been authoritatively expressed aud as thev are not ascertainable until an elective Legislature
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    • 53 5 An Exemplary Sentence (Supplied by Rente- I Loudon, 22 ud l)ee. —The sensational trial of Mr. Hugh Watt, the ex-Meml>er of Parliamcsit, charged with making an unlawful attempt to procure a private enquiry agent to murder Mrs. Watt, Inis ended in Walt lieiug seutenced to live ve*i>
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    • 40 5 The H A. L. v. N D. I < The l)ata*iatischer Lloyd*’’ > Berlin, 23 rd Decemlier.—The shipping dispute lietweeu the Hamburg Anierika Linie and the Norddeutscher Llovd lias .ended, the differences ot 11 1< two companies I liemg amicably set»led.
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    • 184 5 The Panther Incident. J (l be (J«ta*iah*cher Lloyd'*” Service.) j Berlin, 23rd December.—The German j Government lias received no further requests tiom the Brazilian Government with regard 1 to the P.iuther case. Penang Hunt Club 1 MKKi will be a paperchasc on i’uursdav. the? li mst. Meet a) the
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  • 257 5 LIBERAL POLICY DEFINED (Supplied by Heater.) Loudon. 22nd Dec. Nine thousand persons were present at Sir Henrv Campbell-Bannerman's meet.iug at the A ll rt “‘cludii g m«>st of the Member* ot die Cabinet. The most intense enthusiasm was manifested. Lord Elgin said that, self-government was the foundation of
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  • 109 5 At a in *t iug of past pupils, friends ami admirers of the Rev. Bro. James held at the Chinese Town Hall yesterday afternoon, under the chairmanship of AI r. Gan T* oug Tat, it yvas unanimously decided that an address, a gold watch and a purse
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  • 414 5 Football. The folloyviug football eleven lias lieen selected to represent Perak in the match against Penang to lie played iii laiping i>n Boxing Day Goal. Capt. Barrett. Hack*. M. A. Y. Allen. H. D. Day. Had' Hock*. C. Pearse. K. Bradbery. L> Bailey. Eo* ward*. <1 AI. Laid
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  • 1769 5 An* ual Distribution or Pkizls. The annual distribution of prize» in connection with the above institution was held in itie School building yesterday morning iu the presence ot a fairly large number of interested spectators. The room was ta-te-fulB decorated and great c'edil dlie to those yvho
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  • 938 5 St. Xavier’s Institution. Si ‘tr ial Pciz**, Srbohi reinp* atul Medal*. His Honour the Resident Coum*illor*s j prize, K. Oo Kek Airs Birch’s prize, L.i Yew Koli Air Cavendish’s prize for the 1st l\)v in tlie Conmiercial Class, \V. l’oh Leong Centenary or Koli Seang Tilt’s Scholarship and
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  • 54 5 t'o-DAY. -< I i >■> 11 l.ll .\lool, I own Band, Golf Club, G lo 7 p in. To-morrow 28l h Dav. I 1 t it Moon. Fourth Sunday in Advent. Monday. 2!»ili D.v, 11rii Moon Ohrisf mas Dav. Public Holiday. No issue of the Straitr Echo. I own
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  • 7 5 <} N Dec. 2Gtli II.3.G a.m.
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  • 13 5 L'liina (P. Heinrich) 2titli Dec. German (llaon) 27th Indian Temta 28th
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  • 48 5 p. O. SAILINGS. Mail Servii.c. Outwards. Homkwahds. A tend ta J Jan. t'hu*ao 5 Jan. Mi IS I Delta 19 1 \t rn Service OUTWARDS. HoMK WAUItS. Sumatra 26 Dec. j Palermo 30 Dec. P rebate nr 9 Jan I Palma 12 Jan. For part iculnrs see P;i.jr*»
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 21 5 WEATHER. 'mk laiiowniLr t'i>|N>rr is kiiitliv su_pi»iiHil i»v I ite i.imiiili •till ing; the hours entleci it Ill. tt>-il;iV WilR nil.
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  • 1820 6 True Story of an Uncrowned Queen. To-day a long-disputed passage 11 < »i*i th* secret history of the Court <>t Fungi.n 1 mystery no longer. The tt uih about Mis F'itzherbert’s marriage with Ueoige IN vva«iudicated recently in Mr, Fyvie’s volume oi Some Famous Women
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  • 675 6 Whnt Trey -And Why They Cure. 1'nTL.oN t J I, K K< 1V M A N S J HASKK |>,,- I.u Fill*» for People H„ >P eut the it.- work of a distingmsbed Caimdiaii physician, who. besides possessing "ii ti„ minor qualifications c usidered for
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 82 6 I hint 1 rifil many ilwkton and swallowed their ahteff ~\rd h<l\ret i'( d iio.-ditrmn» more than Till m\ vopjH'rx were (roue, and my tli «*< ut was on And the lung* in my »ht iiiumdi refuaed to rt slip ire, When a bottle of Woods* irate a new lease
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    • 329 6 STKAK-Nsi' WINK stimulates appetite ami assists in tiie assimilation of other food. I iie lienefieial effect i> s**u at once. Degression and laugoui* pa&s away rapidly. SELF CURE NO FICTION! MARVEL UPON MARVEL! NO SUFFERER NEED r»OW DESPAIR, but without running a doctor’s bill or fall ng into the deep
      329 words
    • 389 6 mrPOPULAR SCOTCH WH/SKY L A •m w G* tJ HM m 3W 3»£ Amt *eu '+a** r**° Just the Thing!!! Travellers Tourists FOR 1 Prospeetors OLDHAM HALL. A BOARDING SCHOOL FOR BOYS. Healthful location, food the best, large play-ground, strict discipline [daily study classes under personal supervision of the Principal.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 884 7 Sporting Cartridges. Highest Award at St. Louis Exhibition, 1904 Nobel's Explosives Co., Ltd., GLASGOW, Gained the Highest Award, “THE GRAND PRIX,” or excellence of Manufactures. CHIN JOO Co. have just received A SHIPMENT OF RIPE, JUICY. NICE SWEET WROUGHT IRON TUBES AND FITTINCS. Large Stock A [ways on Hand. ADAMSON,
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    • 89 7 A piei*e of string on my finger Now wliat can that tie for Somethin# I liave to remember To fetch to-night from the store. 'ly wife said she'll die without it. Her oough she could uevor endure; Her cough Now I know what she's wautiug ft's Woods' Gickat Pekpkkmint Cuke.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1033 8 Lim Sun Ho, CHOP HENC MOH St Co. 164, Beach Street, Penang. DENTISTRY W. MAN SON, American Dentist, Importers of all kinds of [lute oj L Allen Co., Pint, U.S.A. THEM GHEE k CoDENTISTRY. Dr. F. A. MOFFATT, R.D.S., SURGICAL and MECHANIC At European Cloth and General Commission Agents. ,;1(
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  • 1684 9 Au indefinable atmosphere of mvstery aud i romance surrounds the ch irniiug personality of the English Kijali of Sarawak, for, l>e- 1 youd the fact that there is such a person, tew there are who know anything definite of F one who has well Ik_h.ii described
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  • 1450 9 The destruction of the greater part ot liie Russian Fleet by Admiral Togo, and the evidences of the utter lack of discipline in the few warships still left to Russia, have considerably altered the naval position ol' the Powers ‘that keep up navies iu Northern Em
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  • 127 9 Penang» 23ud Deckmisek. (lty courtesy of the Chartered Hank London Demand Bunk 2/2'; 4 months’ sight Baer 2 2-{ 6 3 Credit 2/2 3 Documentary 2 2g Calcutta, Deuiami Ban* 1«*- t>2 J 3 days’ sio-hi I 04, Bom nay. Demand Bmi t»2} 3 «lavs’ -i«gnt I'io Madras. Demand
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  • 216 9 Beiat 'J'ni Mmiug C«»., L«l. -S o. —sellers ‘-eisjiwmii Alsiiiug Li I I. —telk rt 1 Brich Rubliei Syndivtate, Ed. $5O. —premium j buyers i Bruseii Hydraulic Tin Min ng Co., E'l 'lO *25 tellers I Duff Development, Co. 58 -seller* Fraser A Neave, r,! $lO5,- tellers George down
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  • 195 9 B. IVppet' < UIU >il i-liiCli White Pepper > ’B.‘ eellerg IV}»per #?a*vn or< r piCKM-1 i ‘"ti “i "*****1 i,v> 75 seller» .1 !0 lev» ’tit* tM**". t ]it. »>2 I• I It I HU. n P 3 4 i .hi 1.90 7.'26 bn i/riii Illilmiii 1
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  • 181 9 |‘kn an;. 23KD DeCEMHEK. IfM)5. I>KK* C l*' Soup |«r e»U» 6 Roast 24 Steaks 24 Stew or I'iiitv Meal 18 Rump Steak 24 Ox 1'aii t'.iclj 30 '1 .iiiifue 00 Fee; 20 Hear: 80 Livei 35 Poiik Pork per catty 84 Pin’s Head 21 Feet 20 Tongue
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 106 9 The cold she caught would for aye rendue When an old codger shivers and shakes, As he hears the wild winter winds roar, That ancient mistake he continues to make. And swallows hot rum in galore Till some irieud, like an angel of light. Introduces a solace more sure And
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    • 97 9 MACKAY’S LIQUEUR WHISKY. Gieslers’ Champa&nr*. the celebrated S. B. Co.” square face Gin in red canes. Sandilands, Buttery Co Andrew Usher Go.'s SPFXIAL RESERVE O.V.G. Whisky.! CRAIGELLACHIE GLENLIVET DISTILLERY Co.’s GAELIC j“ OLD SMUGGLER j WHISKY. SANDILANDS, BUTTERY Co RUBEROID ROOFING. Adamson, Gilfillan Co., Ltd. IN 1-lb. 2-lb. TINS. Absolutely
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 776 10 For Infants ami Children. ’S FOOD. 4 y :acv 5* r< Of infants and Children. KATZ BROTHERS, Ltd., The International Hotel, PEN A. N G ROOF TILES. A 2«, Leith Street, Penang Specialities ahia vs on hand. KATZ BEOTHEHS, SOLE fIGENTS. RIDGINGS. Tile Hand Pumps, Barbed Wire, Danville's Whisky. ELECTRIC
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