Straits Echo, 22 December 1905

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1169 1 Corkscrew Brand. The Best Beer on the Market tQ Light, Sparkling and Refreshing. SOLD BY ALL LEADING SHOPS. AN KS wChartered Bank of India, Hongkong Shanghai Nederlandsche Handel Australia and China. Banking Corporation. Maatschappij. INCORPORATED BY KoYAf Netherlands Trading Society. Hill (mmi IM 111 Kmabi.ishku 1824. CHARTER International Banking Corporation.
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    • 12 1 SOLE AGENTS. GUINNESS’S STOUT -*«S- v 'HIT S.SSVB tianq LEE A Co.
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  • 1195 2 From the Hunter’s Point of Vie* A plan tor writes to the .'Strut» Times as follows The question of Currency as it aft c > the plant nij4 interest, is oi such iiiipoi unot ”-"t i only to plauteis but U> ail who care fort lie i
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  • 1248 2 Tuesday JOth January Thursday 1st February and Saturday .ltd February. FIRST DAY. TUESDAY, 30th JANUARY. W* 1. —The Maiden Plate. Value $600. A Race for Maiden Horses. Weight as per scale reduced 14 lbs. All animals impoited into the Straits or F.M.S.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 625 2 PENANG BAND. >rOTIOK •>* nerebv given that from 1st. i I January, 1906, the charges for the! services of the Bsmd will 1« as follows j I tanees if |> m. to ‘2 a in. 350 i nine's 8 p in. to 11 p in 330 Garden parties 5 p
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    • 1401 2 WANTED. A jSHIREKEEPER— Chinese r«*d —with experience of Strait* Prodiu**. Security required Apply to AOAAISON, GILF1LLAN A Co. 2-1- 65 u.c. 813 NOTICE OF SALE. GEORGE TOWN SALES ROOM BY ORDER OF THE MORTGAGEE, The undersigned is instructed to put up for sale n TO LET, Lutrv XU. 88. NORI
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    • 207 2 NOTICE OF SALE, i i SUIT 1905, No. 98 The undersigned is instructed by thei Acting Sheriff of Penang to take j possession of and put up for sale MY J Pul>lic Auction TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER On Wednesday, 27th Dec., 1905. 1 AT NOON, 1, UN THE SPOT AT
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  • Shipping.
    • 154 3 A. Ahcak. Ur. ss. 2,lt3l, Fey, 22ud Dec., Calcutta. Hith Dec.. Gen A A A. it Co. O an v, Ur. 3,o 07, Havwanl. 2iV. Dec, Bombay, 12th D e Gen,— P. *t(J. Kistna, Br. .‘>24. h“;irn’oiit, 22nd I tec., Singapore. 2«*th Dec. Gen.. H. L. «.t Co. Jix
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    • 67 3 22nd December. Perak. tor Port Swetteuhaiu and Malacca. Taf Tong, for Asaliau. lia» Whalt Soon, for Port Swetteuhaiu and Singapore. Chau Tat. for Peril» aud Setui. Lady Weld, for I'eluk Anson. Flying hrayon, lor Port Weld aud 'i'aipuig. Simla, for Gey ion, Australasia, India. Aden, Mauritius, Egypt and via
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  • 26 3 1 cttnels From Ajentx Dvt G. Apcar Hector Gla ucu i Singapore Singapore Singapore A. A. A.Co. W.M.&Co. W.M.&Co. 29th l>ec 30 th 3rd .lau
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  • 25 3 1 vw* I'nr Atjf'ntts 1 G A pear Calcutta 1 A .A.A.Go. iilOtii i>e* Hrdor W.M.&Co. *30tli G iaueu Genoa W.M.AOo. '3r<I J .n
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  • 59 3 Fok Deh Per Malay, to-morrow, 10 a.ui. Uajan, Edit*. 1’. Semawe, Segli, Olehleh ami Pnlo Weh—Per De Kocle, to-morrow 11 Port Swetteuhaiu—Per Petrel, to-morrow. 1 p.m. Laugkat— Per Jin Ho, to-morrow, 1 p.m. Negapatam and Madras-—Per Ttiongua, to-morrow, 1 p.m. Singapore and Hongkong—Per A. Apcar, to-morrow, 2
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  • 102 3 Pei Oceaua. from Loildou Messrs. W. Sinv son, G. Homo, Ward, Ogilvie, Howard. Mr. and Mrs. Neubrouuer, Mr. aud Mrs Barnard. From Colomlio Mr. Tauplar, Mr. Pyau, C. Ross, Ifye Leon Tye, Chaik him Lang, Gape him Ooec, Mr. and Mrs. Live. Fioni Marseilles Mr». Salisbury. Per lvistua, from
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1034 3 (SHIPPIN O.) Uu«r\ V vi. N. Co. INTENDED SAILINGS. British Lmlin 8teaiu Navigation Co., Ltd. Expected Arrivals ami b> jtortures. Mail Service. Outwards. Jau. 4 s.s. Arcadia connecting with s.s. Britannia 18 s.s. Delhi do s.s. Moldavia Feb. 1 s.s. Don goto do s.s. Mongolia Homewards. Dec. 22 8.8. Simla
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    • 84 3 British India Steam Navigation Co., Ltd Sea Trips during the Xmas Holidays. DETURN tickets available between 15th December and 15th Jauuary next will be granted at Single Pares for both j apply to I UUTTENBACH, LIEI3EUT Co.. i Ayrnte. Peuaug, Ist December, 1005. hull 808 Compagnie des Messageries Maritime». S.
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  • 120 4 IJuanee s>iUhrtei«verTb<*iiy and justice alone.— n Established June Ist, 1903. I’nblUhnd daily (excsra, Sunday AT THE CRITERION PRESS, UL. N" 226—232. Peach Sinn*!. Penang. PRICE DAI 1.1 UJCAI. $24 (M-r <iiin in OUTSTATIONS Pustai:.- Kxtr.-». M ATI EDITION (Post Free) slo CABLE ADPKkss; Echo—Renting." I eiephoin* 2v*.
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  • 599 4 St'KAKiMi at the St. Xavier’s School i prize-distribution this morning. Mr. 1 Cavendish, local Superintendent Education, expressed an opinion respecting the alleged intention of the j authorities to demolish the old Fort which we hope will he very genet*illy endorsed, even by those with a |m*uJ chant
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  • Current Topics.
    • 163 4 «Says a well-known Ceylon planter: “The protection of rubber seed» (like secrecy with regard to tea sal«*s is one of those thing» absolutely beyond the power of planters, fl is perfectly absurd to attempt to get such legislation passed. J «1«) not believe it would U* entertained for
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    • 682 4 The question or tne t ><mt supply in Japan is one which is becoming yearly a more serious one, and the recent publication of some figures in the Japanese press draws'attention to the urgency of the problem. Ihe population of Japan is increase gat the rate of more
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  • 981 4 A Hdok Succkhh (.'HKhTHVs comes hut once il but iiS surely ;«a the lestive season arrives, so are j the youngsters of Penang who attend the St. George’s Girls’ School, the St. Georg** Sunday School and the Presbyterian Sui- day School treated to their Christinas Ire** Yesterday
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  • 62 4 The prize distribution at St Xavier's took place this forenoon and was a most successful function from every point of view. The prizes were distributed hv Mr. Ebden, in the absence of the Uuu. Resident Councillor. A full report «r e function will appear iu to-morrow s issue,
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  • 61 4 {l'ublic Opinion, 1 Dec.) British North Borneo Exploration shares have risen to 7s. Jd., and in my opinion thei are safe to buv up to lOs. pei share. Contracts for the delivery of 30,000 tou.ot manganese ouriug 1000 have been entered iti!o. and the meeting of tho British
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  • 107 4 I HERE WHS a Small tire Inst night U.L t Ilf Jett}* Sheds in the portion leased bv Abu Lakar. Soin cases of matches liecauio ignited and blit for the prompt action of Board ins; Officer Wells and a gang of men from Messrs. Dennys Coy.’s shed, who extinguished
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  • 289 4 Subscriber’s List. The following is the list of subscribers to the above sports which are being held on the Esplanade this afternoon The Pon. J. K. Birch, the Rev. p, Haines, J. L. King, Esq W E. U. Grove Fsq.. Lilli Suit Hoe, Esq., A. D. Neuhronuer,
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  • 319 4 Following is the thirty-first report of the Nippon Yu sen Kaislia (Japan Mail Steamship Company, Limited >, presented to the shareholders at the half-yearlv ordinary general meeting, held at Tokio, on Monday, 27th November, 1905. The Directors submit to you the annexed Statement of the Liabilities
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  • Page 4 Advertisements

    • 287 5 NKW JiKADKi: ARJStt*. AN ENORMOUS STRIKE British Cruiser to the Rescue (Supplied by Reuter.) Loudon, 21st D.e H. M. S. Sapphire lias arrived at K:* I eu route for a Russian port for file protection of British subjects. J lie Russian Stiih .Joint Council has issued a manifesto to
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    • 118 5 Order Restored (Supplied by Reuter.) Loudon, 22nd Dec.—Order has been restored at Shanghai generally. The Viceroy of Nankiu has arrived and promptly settled the Mixed Court dispute. The Court prolmbly will reopen to-day. though the Marine guards are still uiaiutaiued iu the Settlements. lhe Eui press-Do wager has issued
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    • 26 5 The Chino-Japanese Negotiations. Supplied by Healer.) Loudou, 22ud Dec.—The China-Japauese negotiations regarding Manchuria have l r****n satisfactorily settle*! and a treaty will l*e signed shortly.
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    • 17 5 Resident-General Appointed (Supplied by Iteuier.) London, 22ml Dec —Marquis ito has been appointed Resident-General of Corea.
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    • 18 5 Mew Cabinet Formed (Supplied by Reuter.) Loudou, 22ud Dec. M. Tlieotokis has formed a new Greek (Cabinet.
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    • 36 5 The Conference. (The Oetasi(ditcher Idnyd'x Service.) Berliu, 22nd D*v. -—The questiou of the place at which the Morocco Conference is to lie held will be settled bet we *u France and Germany after Christ uias.
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    • 38 5 Lord Cumin's Refusal. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 21st December. Lord Curzon has refused to stand for Parliament as the representative of the City. The City Liberal Association has adopted Sir West Ridgeway as its second Liberal candidate.
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  • 999 5 A Honor ing YTkw. 1 he China -Mali of Bth instant thus deals with the boycott esteiday we published n letter from an American correspondent in which lie affirm teil that the citizen* of the United States were beginning to slacken in the friendship they have consistentiv shown
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  • 42 5 The I Julies’ December Spoon will l>e j played for next Friday and Saturday, the '29th and 80th insts. The competition for the December Monthly Medal will lie hell ou Saturday aud iSitnd iv. the 80th aud 81st insts.
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  • 226 5 Messrs. Lewis and Peat’s Report. Ist Dec., 1905. Pal i The market has been quiet during tiie week and not much business has ••ecu done. Tiie sales include tine hard on Ihe sp it at 5 2! to 5 2,, entr-diue at 5 I], A at 5 8
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  • 760 5 i The report to the shareholders in the f Pahang Kibang Company, Limited, hy the commit tee appointed at the receat extract'd ir nary general meeting does not furnish very i plea-ant reading. It. points cut that approxi- matelv the company owes some £4,000 and t
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  • 80 5 Dest round her lair the dim Sea growls; Gaunt through her Night the Old Lion prowls. There, toothless now. and old, tiiev saw She waits aud rages, past her dnv. •She passed her dav When East and West Each cub and whelp of her gnui tnvjo-t. Now
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  • 323 5 Besides the ordinary uses to winch nutmegs are applied, they were now adays very much iu requis tion iu Europe for the manufacture of the substance known as nutmeg-butter. This remarkable product is only the essential oil of I lie mitmeg which is a solid or fat at
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  • 218 5 N**v KM < >utpu r i HE**:ilpi!t h r Ins' mouth amounted to Jt>,44l 2*l pikuls. which is slightly iess that) the figures for the mouth l*etore. The value is returned at 82,927,392.48 on wli'di *lu t v to tin* extent of 9405,983.11 was collected. I Tie*
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  • 58 5 To-imy. 26th Day, lltli Moou. F’ree School Sports, Esplanade, 3 p m. Town Band, Esplanade. 6 to 7 p m To-morrow 27th l ».i 111 ii M*>**l: Auction Sale of Cargo floats, Church Street Ghaut Jettv, 1 1 Auction Sale of Cargo Boats, Jelnloiig, 2 p in. Town
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  • 15 5 China (P. Heinrich) 261 h Dec German t Ro"it) 27th Indian (Trento) 28th
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  • 43 5 P. O. SAILINGS. *i,.»t N(vvioOll'VUMo. M«‘ 4KWA li**V A. tend hi I Jon. I i'Iihxoh o Jon I tel i IS Hell" /!> i-.Mra Service t >ittwaui»»>. Hoaikw Alii*Sumalro ‘.0’ llec. Palermo .'10 Her Peshawar 0 Jon Pollin' I! Jon l'\»r i>:i.rticui.Lis see P;igc
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 14 5 Fur Cyl J mi tbu Head au«i Cuu/lis lake 'TrCiit Ppppurininl Oin-r S(i r-«nfe
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    • 11 5 Kor Chronic Chest Complaints, Woods’ fJrAat Pop|>«rniint On ip It-. f»«1
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    • 454 5 HOUSE WANTED. 4 OV KliJ I»E1J (iesiivs to relit a house hituated outside hut wit Inn 10 minutes’ drive of Town. Rent must moderate ami 1«><*«•» 1 i t_v respectable Replies to ItOMfs. e o Sfi-ule Helm. 2ud Ltec.. 1005. WJLBTTJBD. I l Mol! OIiERKS on ;i commencing >aiarv of
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    • 146 5 CHRISTMAS HOLIDAYS. r K undermentioned Bank* will l.*e 1. closed on Monday amt Tue.-'day, the 25th and 26th lWeml>er, 1905, same being Fublie Holidays: Forth** Chartered Bank of India, Ausl rutin and I Miina K. M. .1 MON. f;/. Manager. I’" 1 iio and Shanghai Banking 'orj'oral ion KCIh GUINNESS,
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 23 5 WEATHER. I hi ivtx»i't i»kin>liv -ms i»v tii<‘ Siiflliil I *ire«-»ar <»i’ K«»ft 'oniw .11i>~ The rainfall '21 ,*t a hi \ra* mi
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  • 22 5 Obituary. Mr. Henry Harlaiul (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 22 od DcHT —The death js announced V>f Mr. Henry Harland, the wellknown ajithor.
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  • 132 6 When the English tongue we I Why is break uot r > u|t J wl,l 1 I Will you tell me why it t»u<We say sew,” bu likewise few, And the maker of a verse Cannot cap his 44 horsrC wit.u 11 r Beard” sounds not
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  • 235 6 'I’HK Japanese Mcbdkbkr» Ikial Canton, sth December. The investigation inio the circumstances attending the dastardly murder o r Kado. who occupied the! M*d tine in the Whampoa Military College, has been taken out of Chinese hands and handed ou*. to the jurisdiction of the Japanese, alleged murderer,
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  • 271 6 Mr. Henry Clews, of New V»rk, l>a* made a list of Amerwa’s wealthiest ni»*n and published it for tin* of tlie multitudes. Mr John D Rockefeller heads j this roll of riches and Mr. Andrew Carnegie j is a good second, with William Waldorf j Astor
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  • 102 6 Pknano 22np Dkcsmhsu. I’m .:mrlr., ”J H> ChaHerO H«,.t .2/2 t m Docuiiieiitary 12/21 j K* «>2 Ca'ciM i j:i A .sgl»* B D mind !i"i' i days' sight Pnva.e .04^ Madras. Demand Bank }J’j i .i;ivis* sight Private lod^ Rangoon. iJiinall'i H-in. •S days’ sight Priv »*e *->0,
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  • 207 6 BelaL Tin Aiming Co., Ld. o- «c/ters I Kei>awatiGoid Mining Co., lid. I t. feints Bru h Rubber Syndicate, Ld. *[>0—premium buyers Brusen Hydraulic Tin Mining (V j $10.25 selleis Duff Development Co. iler Fraser X Neave. Ld HOo.-teHc S George Town Dispensary J -b Howaiil. Erskine, Ld. 5-80.-
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  • 188 6 Gold >ea B. Pepper 1 W. C<»a* 5-0 otU uj stock White Peppo* 381 sellers Y rang Popp** season over j Cloves pick** i out of reason Mace 00 —sellers Mace Pickm.- ot—se'lers Nutmeg l :<l —sellers No. 1 5 jSwg-o 2 !*,ask<ji 3.4 seller* i Tapioca Fimn 1
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 116 6 Bullooky Bill had a cold so had That, though liis lantrnoov wa> very sad. His loam doinl placidly chewing die cud. While the wheel* sank deeper in the mud WOOl>B' JPKPPERMINT CI'KH his voice brongrht hack When of classical sj>eeeh there was no lack And his cattle took to their
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    • 30 6 THE CELEBRATE 1> “S. B. Co.’ 5 4<iuare face Gin iu riv-u'b. Sandiiands, Buttery Co bAXTbK ft UTS. BEST NAVY CANVAS SANIHUNDS. BUTTERY Co BUBEROID ROOFING. Adamson. Gilfillan Co., Ltd
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    • 88 6 tut POPULAR WHISKY IS ft A 1 ’>,V, CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. A New Shipment OF ELECTRO PLATED WARES I HAS JUST ARRIVED AND WILL BE SOLD AT MANUFACTURERS’ PRICES. Purchase early to avoid disappointment. TIANG LEE CO., 53, Bench Street. Dunville’s 3-Crown Whisky w H O z i UW5< m stt'tf
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    • 41 6 ATKINSON’S Cold Medal Eau-de-Cologne. The finest made, very refreshing Sold by <}IM TEK BEE. TONG JOO GUAN MOH A Co. PITCH A V GUNNY. LEONG GUAN Co. THE AN (MI EE A Co. GOON YEN FKIESDS. TEIK CHIN A Co., tPOH
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    • 370 6 CHIN JOO Co. HAVE just received A SHIPMENT OF RIPE, JUICY, NICE SWEET GKA?£SPRICES MO ITERATE. Inspection cordially invited At 95 158. Beach Street. WE HAVE JUST ARRIVED, OOAIE AND SEE US. Don’t make the mistake ot choosing your sewing machine until you have examined and tried the Singer. It
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  • 137 7 The Native States’ division <*f in** Malaya Branch of the British Mwiiinl Associaiiou met, for ilie tirst lime at the Institute of Research at K'uaia Lumpur, on Monday last,. The President, Dr.'i ravers, pave an j interesting address on the propress of medical work in those States,
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  • 147 7 I’he Times’ Scheme. 'I j:.. book-club scheme of the Time» is, thus li ippily hit off by a contributor, under the title of Those Free Books Oil, Reader, have you seen the ad. Aud read it thoughtfully r The cheapest book club iu the world It’s absolutely
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  • 403 7 Simple Invention that Kemoves Panoku. One of tlie chief dangers of balloouiug—the chauce of being dragged duriug a rough descent over such obstacle» as church spires, houses, and trees has been completely obviated by au invention known as the ripping cord W lien a balloon first touches
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 692 7 Sporting Cartridges. Highest Award at Si. Louis Exhibition, 1904 NOTICE. WROUGHT IRON TUBES AND FITTINCS r |MIK l«?g to iuform public of Peuang iu<i the ueighbouriug Native Suites that thev Stave been appointed Agents t'or Messrs. Inyail Parsons, Clive Nobel's Explosives Co., Ltd., GLASGOW, Gained the Highest Award, THE GRAND
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    • 128 7 M iich tronblwl in mind. tin* Cynic reclined. Hi- star vv;in not in ascendant Ilf deigned not to scoff tor lie had a had cough, Anil a tear i’ruiu his nose was pendant. I'll away said Diog, To Dolphi I’ll jog, And consult that oraolo sure. He went, and it
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1040 8 Lim Sun Ho, CHOP HENO 1VIOH St Co. 104, Beach Street, Penang. dentistry.I W. MANSON. American Dentist, Importers of all kinds of Late uj i Allen Co., Pha, U.s.A. THEM CHEE k CoDENTISTRY. Dr. F. A. MOFFATT, R.D.S., SURGICAL and MECHANICAL Kho< European Cloth and General Commission Agents. 61« Kim
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