Straits Echo, 21 December 1905

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1180 1 Corkscrew Brand. The Best Beer on the Market. rQ Light, Sparkling and Refreshing. SOLD BY ALL LEADING SHOPS. BANKS. Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China. Hongkong Shanghai Banking Corporation. INCORPORATED BY l.’OYA L CHARTER Nederlandsche Handel Maatschappij. \etherlands trading Society, International Banking Corporation. The Mercantile Bank of India, Limited.
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    • 16 1 TIANQ LEE A Co., 3 r* 15 IT. VI p! <2 Z m IT SOLE AGENTS.
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  • 136 2 CASTON, December stl, -By o-'e, J Vicerov a unification was dealing with Chined labourers fo. «<*• yianmui lW*ay. iu which the Y that some mouths ago t.hme, wmv allowed to proceed to the V wav uuder a certain agioemen »«1» J Railway Company. But it was found
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  • 877 2 A MKBICAN SOI.OIKK KIIXKU Jolo, Sulu, P. I IdMi M'*v. AHulhkk juiaiiieiitado all.ui here last uitfllt resulted ill the death of a private lie, hinging to the 20th Infantry and tie- wound, iug of another. The two soldiei s were sitting iu front of a native house
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 17 2 NTEAIINS WINE, for debility, euutoiaMou, tluu an>l impure Auoniiic* "ills improve rapi-llv Au <_x. vllvut Iron Tonic.
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    • 695 2 T notice. A MEETING will Ik* held lit the Llium** A Town Hall on Friday, the Dec at 3 put. amongst the el-pupils. am admO.,* of ‘he Rev. Brother James. Uirevtoi <Sr Xavier s Institution. U> consider what r >ps should la* taken. on his apuroachiu ,r departure tor
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    • 1519 2 THE AMERICAN DENTAL Co ILL OPEN au Office WANTED. W January 3. li*06 I»- modern nn«l up-to-date ,unl pul ed without pain known lo the*Manager. Bridge and Crown w reasonable. 20-12*05 u c £45 Penang on, This office will Teeth tided bv a process only pfefer- j St rails 1
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  • Shipping.
    • 127 3 Now Ca.vion, Hr. s. 294. Sc<*tt, Dec Actieen. l'M!i Dee, G*m', I •’ft 110. H in. ii.vwv km>, Hi > 21-'*, i vweek'e, 12lat Bee. lV.l„k Viisoii. 2(Jlli Dec < ■Strails S s. A i -i\. Hr. v'. 3.871. laming. 2Ulh Dec.. Hamburg, 10th Now, Gen,— H. M. A
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    • 40 3 21st December. Oceana, tor Singapore. (Jliiua and Japau. Hebe, for Deli. Tong Chay I n, for Batu Balira and Asahau R'lforna, for Tongkah. Avagye.e. for Deli. K a at Sung, for Calcutta. Filling Fieh, for Port Weld ami Taipiug.
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  • 37 3 1 e*ge/ rrotn Agent.* Due A. A pea 1' [Calcutta A. A. A.Go. 22 nd Dee. (i. A pear Singapore 1 A. A. A. Go. •29tl. Hector Singapore W.M.&Co. 30 th (ilailolls Singapore W.M.&Co. 3rd Jan.
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  • 34 3 I errelr For At/e nig Leaver 1 A. A j c;t i i Singapore A.A A.Co. 23rdDec. G. A rea r Calcutta VA.A.Co 30th Hector Loudon W.M.&Co. 30th Giaucu* Genoa W.M.AOo. 3rd Jm.
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  • 73 3 Kok I'orl Swel.tenliam A Malacca —Per Perak, to-morrow. 1 p.ui. Bat n P-ahra—Per Pmla ng, lo-morrow, 1 p.m. Asahau er T>nr Toily, to-morrow, I p.m. Pattykaiau Brainlau Per Cornelia, tomorrow 1 pm Port. Bwettenliam and Singapore—Per If in Whatt Soon, to-morrow, 2 p.m. Perlis and Setul Per Chan
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  • 32 3 Per l.tdy Weld, from Teltik Anson Messrs. M. Duncau, A. Duucaii, W. Miller, J). Kitchie and Mr. aud Mrs. Proust. Per Malaya, from I)eli Messrs. ArandT. Warden, Eduards, Brown, VVau Kenan.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1178 3 (SHIPPING.) i 111. Co. INTENDED SAILINGS. Itritisli India Steam Navigation Co., Ltd. For Intended to Sail. STEAMER. Expected Arrivals aml Departures. Mail Service. Outwards M. 1. I» i 1 i Sat. 23rd Dec. 2 p.m. Thougwa Maa.a», 1 ondichery, Cuddalore and 2 Tw(o Harabnrg-Amerika Linie, Hamburg Ihe Strainers of this
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    • 110 3 British India Steam Navigation Co., Ltd. Sea Trips during the Xmas Hol&lays. 1) HTUKN tickets available between 15th X December ami 15th January next will be grauted at Single Fares for both Port Swetteuhaui 10.-~ 7.50 For further information or (particulars apply to HUTTENBACH, LI EBERT A Co.. Agent*. Penang,
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  • 128 4 Ju*i ice hatisliesevwybody and justice aloaa.—*«m*. >'*■ Rstnblished lime Ist, 1903. hihlidhH daily (?‘x<**p« s4«i inlay* AT ill B CRITERION PRESS. Mil.. Nn '2->'2. Itestcii PRICK. DAILY LOCAL *4» iiiiui» OUTNTA I lON> lYdaye l.x'r MAI I EDITION i|\kt Kreel ?ir. CABLE Yimitlcss: Echo—Penang.” ieispiioiie No irt*
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  • 19 4 Birth. (In tlit* lath instant. at Singapore, the wife of (Japt. E. H. Koenig, of a (laughter
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  • 2165 4 L\ tiie btraits Legislative Council recently the Hon. J. ifrom 1 lead-M»tthetrs asked whether some arrangement could not be made whereby letter» posted :n Peuamr after pin. could he despatch'd by the tirst train t<» the Federated Malay State» the following
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  • 107 4 Prize Day Programme. Following is the programme for the I Prize Distribution at Sr. Xavier’s, which I commences at II hi to-morrow OvERTURK T)-. Jim's March" Master G. Von Aruslult. i.xii Tin- Floy of Hritain Old The School Choir. Recitation *i rag’s Flegg’’ Master L. Kwee L<*>.
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  • 817 4 St. John’s Institution. At the annual distribution tf prizes at j- ihe above lustitutiou, on Saturday lsst, the HTou. H. Conway Beltield said 1 have great pleasure in accepting i Brother James’s invitation to this function! i especially as it is at the approach of Christ. I inas
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
  • 270 4 Obituary. Mrs. bint Boon Keng. ii is with feelings of the deej>e8t regret tiiat we have to announce the death (a* received per telegram from Singapore) of i Mrs. Lini Boon Keug, wife of the well i known medical practitioner of Singapore. I Mrs. T jim Boon Keng had lieen
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    • 186 5 GERMAN CONGRATULATIONS. Mr. Asquith's Views (Supplied by Renter. I joinloii, 20th I > emu her.—The Berlin Tageblatt says that I Vine*? vou Buelow lias telegraphed his warmer I -ougratulatious to Sir Henry Campl .1!■ Bannerman and Sir Edward Grey, who have sent the frieudliest replies. Loudon, 2ist December.
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    • 123 5 Admirals Return. Mussulman Hunts Popular. (Supplied In/ Reuter Loudon, 20th Dec.—Admirals Rostjestvensky and Wireuius have arrived in St. Petersburg. Loudon, 21st Dec.—Tiie massacre of the Mussulmans at Tiflis continues and has been extended throughout the Caucasus. The Mussulmans are being hunted like deer, and two thousand Mussulman families have
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    • 56 5 Trade and Honours i 'i’lie Oitln*mii*citer Lloyd'* Set vice.) Berlin, 21st Dec.—The U uited States Government, iu oonsidetat.ioii of the passage of the German-A meriean Commercial Treaty, is willing to moderate «lie American customs restrictions against Germany. Berlin, 21st Dec—On ihe Tsar's name day Prince von Buelow received the
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    • 93 5 A Munificent Offer. (Supplied by Reuteri) Loudon, 20th December. —Mr. Herring, the philanthropist, has given the Salvation Army the use of a hundred thousand pounds to start a Home colonization scheme for the unemployed, the Salvation Army ultimately paying the whole amount to the King s Hospital Fuud
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    • 32 5 Shanghai Quiet. (Supplied by Renter.) Loudon, 21st Dev*. —Shanghai is quiet. The British Consul lias refused the demand of theTaotai for the dismissal of the British Assessor of the Mixed Court.
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    • 47 5 German Intrigue Denied. t Tlte Ostanin 1 ireher Lloyd* Service.) Berlin, 2lsf. Dec.—The German Foreign Office denies the report received in T ranee from Tokio aud published ou Bth instant to the effect that Germany was interfering iu the negotiations between China aud Japan.
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  • 150 5 Annual Athletic Sports. I tie follow ing is the programme of the sports, to lie held on the Esplanade tomorrow, commencing at p.m. Event. Aire limit etc. yards Hat race l uder 12 100 yards flat race Under l*» 100 yards Hat race t )ppu to JSciiool
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  • 742 5 Straits P st Office Official Guts a Month's Hard Laiiouk. W e read in the Siugaporc Free Press mai' editiou of 7tli December that the previous I day one Fernandez, clerk m charge at Tanjong Pagar Sub-Post >ili*e. was charged before a Bench Court at Singapore
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  • 1305 5 The Assizes lie/urt (he Hon M H Rither, Ruvtm Judy 1 The Bill ok Lading Case. i Continued jrotn yeeterdo <**<»-• i Surra main an, cross-examined by Mr. Rudra, *aid :—I have sued the other partner». I left India oil March, 1904. i was employed iu ludia as
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  • 633 5 Accused Convicted. VERDICT APPEALED AGAINST. 20th December. The above case, which is believed to l>e a record one iu the annals of Penang crimiual j proceedings, was brought, to a close yester- I day afternoon, after a weary, though inter- esting, trial of fully eight days The case
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  • 48 5 To-day. 25th ILi lh ii Moon Extraordinary Meeting «f Karaugiu Tin Mining C*, Ltd., 3 p.m. Christmas Tree. Drill Hall, •> to 7 p.m. To-morrow. 26th Day, 1 lt’i Moon. Auction Sale of Landed Property, ‘27 Beach St reet., II a in Towu Band, FBplauade, 6to 7 p.m.
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  • 16 5 China (Simla) 22nd D*c China (P. Heinrich) 26tli German (Itoon) 2<tli Indian Tergta) 28th
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  • 43 5 P. O. SAILINGS. 'I <enui IJt'TW A I.H' HoSHCWAKDs. A read ia i Jan. $i§ala Dec. Dcli 16 i'Iiuhhu 5 Jon l-.itra Service. Outwards. Homkwards. SanuUra 26 Dec. I Paltrow ■tO Dec. Pethawar 9 Jan Palma Pi Jan For particulars see Page H
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 12 5 For Malarial Fever troubles and Dysentery take <Jr«v»t Peppermint t’ur**. '>ll tn
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    • 10 5 For lJroiichiiil Coughs take Wood*’ threat Peppermint Cor* 1« «d
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    • 466 5 Tn-tlay's Advertisement:-!. Christmas holidays. NOTICE OF SALE. 'p K iinderuieiit KitnU will r K undermentioned Hit 11L’ tdosod >ll Molldav and Tll«->dt»V, 11#*? -sth ;iu<l Ith t .«•••ui' .r, 1905. saiim being GEORGE TOWN SALES ROOM. p llb li,, Holidays KY ORDER OF THE MORTGAGEE, For the Chartered Han lot
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  • 235 6 Music hath charms,- at a distance For hearts that an* weary aud sore: But. how it embitters existence From the jingling p* all next d««>' Bedelia can t, steal ye. N<»r Violets heal ye, (>u the tinny piano next doorThe twanging, the banging, the ready-for hanging
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  • 479 6 HOW KISSES DIFFER. A clever young Kensington lady, a Miss j Evans, has devised a new kind of autograph album that is likely to Ik* popular. It is so j contrived as to enable a young lady not only j to collect the autograph signatures of lmr
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  • 116 6 Pknano *2 Ist December. it,, courtesy of the Chartered Bank > o/2 ILoreto»' DeiiiumJ Hhi k 416 ->A t ii% signi I nil s Credit l tocumeiitary .2/2', Calcium, Demand Bank R> 2 ;da 5»‘ r bt Ibo '-n <>4 I >• Boiiilray, Demand Bant >- 3 days’
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  • 212 6 Tin M«mug Co, Ld. 5. —tellers iiei> Gold M ndug 0«, Ld. J It. —gel ten Bncli Kublier Syndicate, Ld. 850 —premium buyer* Brnsei. Hyuraulic Tin Mining (j U f 1,,] $10.25 tellers Duff Development Co. $8. seller* Fraser A Neave, L<l $lO5. —tellerg George Town Dispensary $2O.
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  • 189 6 (Joiti 4 O B. Pepper (W out at stock I White Pepper 5 3tR sellers Traug Pepper season over Cloves (picked out of reason Mace 00 —sellers Ma«-e Pick in i»- 52. —sellers Nutmegs 11 31. —sellers No. i »i In noin Sugar J no sto«*k. Basket 3
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 99 6 It i« best to keep a bottle l>y you. lietler than to keep A could on you that keejm on irettinir worse. It is not at all expensive no indeed, it's very cheap. Far cheaper than black horses and a hearse. So be very careful of your health. Dear children,
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    • 508 6 thc POPULAR SCOTCH WH/SKY l is V-. i- X I» /i s .o y iwi c x Afcw-r. m «Sk:* M CHRISTMAS ATKINSON'S, PRESENTS. NOTICE. Cold Medal Eau-de-Cologne. MIE undersigned bog to iuionn the public of Penang and the neighbouring Native States that they have been appointed Agents for Messrs.
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  • 925 7 Kkmai. k* >n nu Sr *ti> i icai. Position. Loudon, NovemI>ej\ 1905. l ilt mouths of small arrivals at Para are past, as tar as Hus year is ?OHcerned. VVe theretore have to reckon with an exceptionalh early crop. The total receipts at Para during the month of Oct
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 664 7 Sporting Cartridges. Highest Award at St. Louis Exhibition, 1904. Nobel's Explosives Co., Ltd., GLASGOW, Gained the Highest Award, BURN Co, Ltd., Electrical Engineers, PENANG. Show /looms Logan's Buildings GLASGOW, A MK non prepared to undertake all kinds of electrical work at the shortest notice. All work d< done bv fully
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    • 81 7 Y r «>u have all seen. 1 have no doubt. Hon many ]>eople go about With puffed up even and noses red. A heavy feeling- in the head. 1 is wondrous strange to me that th**sc Should not nedeavour to ap(>ease 1 hese ills, whh'h tluy so oft endure. By
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1035 8 Lim Sun Wo, CHOP [ENG MOH Co 164, Beach Street, Penn ns. dentistry Importers of all kinds ot European Cloth and General Commission Agents. t>lo Kim Keng Leong Co., 127, BEACH STREET. W. MANSON, American Dentist, late uj i > Allen Co., Ph(i, UN.A. them ghee k CoDENTISTRY Charges Moderate,
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