Straits Echo, 16 December 1905

Total Pages: 10
1 10 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1336 1 Corkscrew Brand. The Best Beer on the Market. l ight, Sparkling and Refreshing. SOLD BY ALL LEADING SHOPS. BANKS. Chartered Bank of India, Auetralia and China. INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER. Hongkong Shanghai Banking Corporation Capital Pajd up Reserve Fund Reserve Liability of Proprietors Paid-up-Cafitai Rkwkkvk Fond— Sterling Reserve 0,000,<XK> f
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  • 206 2 NovrMHKK Ov tr ut The quantity of metallic tin and tin <»te export»l "«luring N«*venit amounted t*> 211,022.85 pikuly, which figures ;»iv u* asafciKfactory us the month previous when 24,897.03 pikuls represented tin* output. Tlnr'iipproxjinate value is returned at 81.863,150.51 on wliicli duty 0* the extent of $258,416
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  • 326 2 The report of yet another victim to maneaters in the Kajaug district reaches us, making the sixteenth since the iieginning of the year, says the Malay Mail. It appears that three Chinamen were walking along the Ayer Hitaiu road the other day, near the spot wlieie the
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  • 382 2 Som K correspondence lias taken place l>etweeu the Merchant Service Guild aud the Board of Trade on the matter of six seamen who signed ou the D tcli steamer Sala Hadji at Barry Dock and were discharged from her before the Dutch Consul at Singapore. These six
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  • 22 2 I VllM) or I vmuUfTION. I i KAl>AOH KS, Pains in Hack am» S-omach. ANl* PoUIj HkKATH BY
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  • 326 2 11k. C. J. A uroil is a printer ou the Piuant? Gazette” staff. “About ten months ;.«o” Mr Aaron «ays, “I l*csme afflicted with Iudigesiion. At the same time J suffered from Headaehe, loss of appetite, sleeplessness, pains in the Back aud Stomach, and foul breath.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 308 2 NOTICE. ON and after this date, all smal advertisements intended for insertion in tile Straits Echo must be paid for in advance. LIM SENG HOOI, 12th July 1905. Managing Director. NOTICE. TO Al l. WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. H AVING l»een obliged to discontinue business iu Ipoh, I have decided
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    • 1572 2 n lyr m NOTICE OF BALE. r f if-'r yi'^liFl 3 "I r m ®lTj *1 lr%.' i n D CLEANSING. FOR GENERA'- HOUSEH c jr Keeping t.e body in Health and PREYED TING INFECTION. Gives a healthy glow to the skin, and horoughly PURIFfLG THE PORES. The Soap that
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  • Shipping.
    • 73 3 Japan, Br. s.s. 2,795, Martin, 15th Dec., London. 11th Nov., Gen., P. O. Eidhvvall, Nor. s.s. 2,294, Trovik, loth Dec. Hongkong, 29th Nov., Gen., B. M. A Co. HonoWanI, Br. s.s. 2.060, Slaker, 16th Dec.. Amoy, 5th Dec., Gen.,—K. G. A Co. Palamcotta, Br. s.s. 2,208. Babb. 15th Dec
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    • 70 3 10th December Tong Chaii I n, for Bain Bahra and Asahan. Cornelia, for Paugkaktu Braudau. Aeagyee, for Deli. Mary Ariel in, for Port Swetteuham. Langkat, for Teluk Anson. Keael, for Edie, 'I*. Semawe, Segli, Pnlo Well, Olehleh, Paduug and Batavia. Kietnu, for Port Swetteuham, Kuala Eumpur and Singapore. SolfomI,
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  • 25 3 Veggelm 1' t'UM AytiU* Du« Deucalion MonmouthSingapore W.M.ACo Ititli Dec. sliireiLou.iou B.ACo. 1 titli Beuart V London SB &Co. Itith Hector Siugapore VV.M&Co. 30th
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  • 29 3 Vessel* For A yen/* Leaves Deucalion Loudou W.M.ACo. 1 titli J>ec. Benartv Singapore S B. A Co. 16th Monmouthshirt Singapore B.&Uo. 17th Hector London W M .ACo. 30th
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  • 48 3 For Port Sweftenliain Per Petrel, 18th iustaut, 1 p.m. Asahan —Per Taw Tong, 18th instant, I p.m. Langkat—Per Jin Ho, 18th instant, l p.m. Perl is and Setul—Per Chon Tai, 18th instaut, 2 pm.. Singapore, Hongkong, Swatow and Amoy—Per Hong Wan I, 18th instant, 3 p.m.
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  • 23 3 Per Kistna, from Singapore Mr. and Miss Bovle, Mrs. Jansen, Mrs. Wong Clioou Soon, Mrs. While, Mr. Sielekeu. Mr. Klioo Yoo Youg.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 851 3 (S H IPPING.) TAI/ m 07' INTENDED SAILINGS. •5 N Co British India Steam Navigation Co., Ltd. Ktpeded Arriralu and Departure*. Mail Service. Outwards. l>ee. s.s. Oceana connecting with 8.8. India FAKES BY MAIL STEAMERS. I«t Cla** To Loudon by Sea £60 To Marseilles or Gibraltar £56 '2nd Cl.u* £40
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    • 162 3 British India Steam Navigation do., Ltd. Sea Trips during the Xmas Holidays. I> ETURN tickets available between 15tb -IV December amt 1.5th January next will lie uteri at Single Fares for both For further iuformatiou or particulars applj to HUTTENBACH, LIE BERT Co., Agents. Penang, 1st Decemlier, 1905. 1 in
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  • 137 4 Justice sat i«tieHever> bmly Mid justice alone. —Emrnto it listablisheJ June Ist, 1903. PiOili.lio.l <la!ly (exc«M*l Sunday».) AT THIt CRITERION PRESS, EM., No. *2'2<!—242, l»e;icii SI tool. I Vila no. PRICK DAI I. Y LOCAL |>**r annum Ul TAXATIONti I’lii.iagf Kx'ra. MAII. KDITION (Poet Kreel fli CAKLK
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  • Current Topics.
    • 247 4 Wt are informed that the ball-faji. which the Municipality introduced wit it such a flourish of trumpets, mui of which the Commissioners appear to be .so fond, has gone buck very badly upon its adopted pa units by indulging in nightly debauches in certain districts where. between the
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    • 313 4 Fin »11 what the Municipal President let drop at yesterday** meeting of the »111- inissioneis we have at last i*e *n able to solve the mystery of tie* whv and wherefore of the new scale of water charges introduced. Apparently there is it*i reference to the old waste bogey
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    • 867 4 With reference to the dangers of floating mines in J the China Seas, a subject in which the Merchauf Service timid lias interested itself ior some time, the sinking of the British steamer Hsielio” by one of these floating perils Inis lately been brought before tlie Admiralty
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  • 1264 4 Ordinary Meeting. A meeting of the Municipal Commission \v;is held at the Municipal Offices yesterday afternoon, there Ixing present Messrs. J.W. Hallifax (Chairman), H. L. Clayton. Lim Eu Toll and Dr. Locke (Commissioners), Mr Biggs (Secretary), Dr. Hose (Health Officer), and Mr. Bell (Engineer). By-jlaws. The minutes of
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  • 591 4 Resigns the Service. We greatly regret to learn that the Hon. F. G Penny, Colonial Secretary, who has lieen Home on leave siuce his promotion to that appointment, has beeu obliged to resign owing to continued ill health, and retires from the service iu February
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  • Page 4 Advertisements

    • 220 5 REVOLT SPREADING. Riga in Flames (Supplied by Under Loudon, I.sth Dec—Practically the whole of the peasantry in the Rig* disti icf of Russia have risen aud the laudowners are to St. Peters* Mauv persons have I*m>ii killed •iud the railway and telegraphic coiiiiniini cation is cut. It is reported
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    • 134 5 Billow’s Explanation. (Supplied by Renter.) London, 15th Dec.—Prince Von Bulow> speaking in the Reichstag, rensseverated at length Germany’s innocence of any aggressive plans against Great Britain and denied that Germany was ever on the point of de daring war against Great Britain, lie said that the causes of the
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    • 83 5 The French Yellow Hook. (Supplied by Renter.) London, 16th Dec. —'1 he publication of the Y'ellow Book on the Moroccan question lias greatly stirred public opinion in Fiance. The Paris newspapers unanimously contrast the studied moderation and peacefulness of the French diplomacy, as sliowu therein, with the agressive
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    • 41 5 ♦> New’ Appointments (Supplied by Reuter.) Loudon, 15th Dec. —Mr. T. K. Buchanan, M, P., has been appointed Financial Secretary to the War Office. Loudon, 16th liec. —Mr. Alfred Eniniott, M P has lieeu appointed the new Chairman of Committees.
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    • 43 5 The Mixed Court Dispute. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 16th Dec.— The foreign Consuls at Shanghai, under iusti uotious from their Ministers at Peking, have surrendered their prisoners to the Chinese. This is regarded at Sliaughai as a deplorable concession to Chinese clamour.
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    • 31 5 Another Courtesy Extended. (Supplied by Renter) London, loth Dec. -An Order in Council has been published which includes Japan among the countries admissible to the advantages of mutual medical practice.
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    • 33 5 A New French Line (Supplied by Reuter.) Loudon, loth Dae.—The Chargeurs lieuu's Company is now arranging for a new regular steamship line between London and Yokohama via Havre, Buenos Aires and alparaiso.
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    • 35 5 Married at Colombo. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 15th Dec —Karl Cowley, wlm w;in divorced by liis former wife, l.idv Violet iu 1897, has been married to bady HarCopp, at Colombo, by special bceuoe.
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  • 3662 5 The Assizes. i Before the Ho t. W. W. Hither, Untrue Judye) I’nr. Him. of Lading Case. CASE FOR THE DEFENCE The case for the defence in tire above i aetinn opened yesterday, but it was not until after lunch that the accused was put iu the box.
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  • 421 5 j, A Wise Dkpakturk 1 Towkay Foo Chou Choou to the fore again! This time iris agriculture which f has attracted the attention of the Koths child of Perak." who is credited by the Ipoh pap>r with the iuteution to go in for ru («tier plant mg
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  • 612 5 Lkxvis and Pkat’s Rkport. L 'iidon, 24’h Nov.—The market during I the past fortnight has lieen quiet and tine Para has fluctuated lietween ss. 3.‘,d. and ss. 2d. closing at ss. 2!,d. The receipts of Para from Ist to 23rd Nov. were 1,900 j tons, bringing the
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  • 31 5 To-day. 2<>i ii Day, I 11 li Moon. Cricket Match Perak Probables r*. The I test. Esplanade, 2 p.m. To-morrow 21>t I *av, 1 liii Moon Third Sunday in Advent
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  • 17 5 f Last Quarter ...Dec*. Ittth 7 8 0 i\.\i O New Moon 20tli 11.3.6 ».m.
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  • 21 5 English (Oceana) 21st. Dec. China (Simla) 22ml China (P. Hdnricli) 26th German (Ro'<n) 27th Indian (Ter at a) 28t,h
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 10 5 For Chronic Chest Complaints, j Woods’ Creat Peppermint Cure. Is.
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    • 98 5 LOST. ]>ETWEEN Kingsley and Beach Street this morning, u pair of pincenez in a case, the latter marked on the outside “Arinvand Navv Stores.” Finder will he rewarded on returning the same to CECIL GUINNESS, H' Htjkonj d* Shanghai lUtnk Jt>-12-05 u c 810 PRITCHARD h 00., I’ENAKQ. toys! Torsn
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  • 476 6 L>k. Galloway's Obbkbvationk Ok* of the most obstinate ami comparativolv intractable tropical ailments is sprue, anti it is interesting to see that iti two recent issues of the Journal of Tropical Medicine (Oct. 2, Oct. I*s) this disease is dealt with by Dr. D. J. Galloway, of Singapore, who
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  • 506 6 Movkmknt Fi/./<* Otrr. Calcutta, Oih D*ceml«er. The Enylisliman says that despite the statement that the Sicedeshi cult is spreading up-country, business in piece-goods is asserted to be lookiug more hopeful iu Calcutta. By the last mail a large number i f enquiries were seat to Manchester. A few orders
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  • 126 6 Bkvano lOtii Dkcembbk. (It Ij courtegy vjf the Chartered bank L iiiiluM Demand Bant 8 1 ....nibs' sign. Hank 2 /2» M Credit Documentary 2/24 Calcutta. Demand Bank Ks 1 02 dsi cs" siglif I Viv:«*e .04 B uu nay. Demand Bant 02 3 days" sight IYiva-e 104 Madras.
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  • 204 6 Belat Tin Mmiug Co Ld. 5. setter* Bersuwali< jo «I Si ining* let. 14. —sellers Bricli Rubber Syndicate Ld. *5O buyerBruseii Hydraulic Tin Mining C0.,1/1. J 10.25 sellers Duff Development Go. 58. seller* Fraser A .Wave, [,<l f 105.— teller# George I own DisjHinsari 5-0 Howarth F.rskiuc, Ld. 5280.-
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  • 191 6 iwld leal S 7-». .’>. Pepper 'V. 311»«*. 5o i out oj stocU VVliite Pepper I 34. —sellers Liang Pepfier season veer Cloves (i—la* 1 1 out of season Mace 00 —sellers Ma<e P king*- 52.— se'l-rs Mien* l bis 3|. —sellers No. 1 *i 11 nom. Suga• 2
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 25 6 BTBARNS’ WINK acta uu the whoit *•>ateta, aiding u>n, improving nutri ,lo .Incmuma weight and strength. 1 dreamt that I touted on a fever'd |*»d
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    • 31 6 Nobel's Explosives: GELIGNITE, DETON AT< >RS, EUSE. Aylesbury Garland, S ub* Agents. Perak. Magazines at Penang and Ipoh. Sanriilands, Buttery Co., Agents, Penang F.M S RUBEROID ROOFING. Adamson, Gilfillan Co., Ltd.
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    • 609 6 USE ONLY and USE ALWAYS MOST REFRESHING. A Luxuric- Perfume J £ALTH. IN Far Superior to the German Kinds. A NZDESSARY RESTORATIVE IN S'CKIMESS. Co i<CCHRISTMAS PRESENTS. ATKINSON’S. Cold Medal o Eau-de-Cologne. OLDHAM HALL. A BOARDING SCHOOL FOR BOYS. Healthful location, food the l»-st, large play-ground, strict discipline dailv study
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  • 165 7 iI ORKI IS 1.4 DkATH I L. A IKKKiiu.K lire disaster, the most ««liuu» of its kind in Great Ibitatti «nice lh«l I,Vlmv Hatch fire of ne.irlv t hree years ago, occurred in Glasgow on Sunday, llHji ulto: The result was that 39 men lost their lives,, and
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  • 401 7 Ax Ahucit Departure. >u tlie I 7th ult., says the .Straits Times, a European who gave his name as Bert Grand took up Ins quarters at tlie Caledonian Hotel. He said lie was just from Southampton and was on his way north. At the end of a
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  • 351 7 Victoria Institution. In liis report on llie Victoria Institution, the Federal Inspector of Schools thus writes 'I he annual inspection of the Victoria institution was held outlie 6th, 7th, Bth and 9th of December, Mr. McLean, the State Inspector, assisting. There were 425 scholars for examination 263 in the
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 1111 7 Sportinc Cartridges. Highest Award at St. Lruis Exhibition, 1904 CHIN JOO Co. Nobel's Explosives Co., ltd., GLASGOW, Gained the Highest Award, “THE GRAND PRIX,” or excellence of Manufactures. CARTRIDGES LOAUKI) WITH Nobel’s Sporting Ballistite ANI> “Empire” Smokeless Powder are unequalled. SED BY SPORTSMEN ALL OVER THE WORLD HAVE JTTST RECEIVED
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    • 25 7 KEEL* VOUli BODY NoIIKfSHED keep strong, your Doctor tell* vim s«* i Stearns' Wine will assist you. Ask vow I Chemist. Au Iron Tonic aW
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1067 8 Lim Sun Ho, CH(> P keno MOH Co., u,4. Iteach Street. Penurm. Importers of all kinds of European Cloth and General Commission Agents. Glo Kim Keng Leong Co., 127, HE AC 11 STREET. IMPORTERS OP EVERY DESCRIPTION IRONMONGERY, Winch on Half atspecially advanlageoUH terms. Xl,S<> AGENTS KOII Cock Brand Kerosene
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  • 811 9 f IjOYa l. Dkmonsti:\iion in IlKwnti. Rung pnr, 2nd December. The excellent reception the LieutenantGovernor receive*! here belie*! tlie statement that the place is seething with discontent. Tl>e Mussulman population turned out in great force, and under tlie leadersliip of Khau Bahadur Alxlul i\l;*zid organise*! one of the
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  • 1329 9 Seesiern 1906’’ is the title of a re* j markabie l>ook published anonymously iu Germany, which d als with tlm possibility of a war between Great Britain ami Germany, and stems to be intended as a warning to ail whom it may concern of the terrible aud
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  • 369 9 Elephas Antk*uus S*>mk interesting fossil bones of elephas antiqiius have recently keen deposited in tlie Geological Museum at Calcutta, having beeu discovered bv Mr H. F. G. Beale at; Naudui on the Godaveri Kiver, in the Nasik District of the Bombay Presidency. Fossil remains of Cephas antiques have
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  • 172 9 PENANG, It/IH DECEMBER, IIkbf r e Soup PC'* c»tty 6 Roa*t i StC-lks “4 8tew or Curiy M««i 18 j Rump Steak -4 j Ox Tail ♦*<••••' >0; Toilguo CO; Feet -0 1 Heart 40 j Liver 4 >, Pork Pork per catty 84 Pig’s Head >. -1
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 42 9 The maid who carries the milking |*:ol. 'l'ho stockinun on the cuttle rtw. The sportsmun with his dog uud The watchman going his nightly ronoo. The uiiuer working underground, All make themselves from colds secure Bv using Woods' ("treat Pfimermint r Cck
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    • 55 9 When our Envy shall sweep o’er the seaNot tlie snbsi*Hsod navy of lied—<t«»d Mess him we ll taekle Ihe bn*ow\ And the hatth\ and breakers alien*l With a knowledge —no matter how conksi That we ll steer both swift and secure Through the cold-cutting seas of coughs and ol snee/e.
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    • 58 9 ZYM< >LE TOOTH TOWDER, a perfed antiseptic «ieiitifrice, cleanses au<l pie i serves tlie teeth. runj refreshiuj. MACKAY’S LIQUEUR WHISKY. G/eslers' Champagne, THE ELHBKATKI* “S. B. Co.” square face Cim tn reG cjlws. Sandilands, Buttery Co. Andrew Usher Co. s SPECIAL RESERVE O.V.G. Whisky. CRAIGELLACHIE GLENLIVET 1 DISTIM.ERV Co.’s i
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    • 86 9 I «II Jeye's Perfect Puri/ier. I lit* i>esl anil iiioh! powerful disinfectant extant, jin 1 anil 5 Gallon Drums ami io +0 Gallon s. Quotations on Application. Sand Hands. Huttery Co if IN 1-lb. 2-lb. TINS. Absolutely the finest Dutch Cream Butter in the Market. TO BE OBTAINED FROM
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    • 125 9 KATZ BROTHERS, Ltd., PENANG. ROOF TILES, j Specialities x nt\% ays on ho ml. RIDGINGS. (Hand Pumps, Barbed Wire, Danville's Whisky. Kidso TileHALF TILES. Cutler, Palmer Co.'s WHITE PORT, SPANISH PORT, DINNER SHERRY, INVALID PORT 3 Cow Brand V Ht* have above always\ Dcinish BllttGT l .x 7 in Stock.
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 670 10 u S> For Infants and Children. W *>> i>ror v\ V if HE CniTERIOH PRESS The International Hotel, 2, Leith Street, Penar»^. infants and Children. L, I M IT^D, PRINTERS, PUBLISHERS, LITHOGRAPHERS, BOOKBINDERS AND STATIONERS. ELECTRIC LIGHT TH ROUGOUT. KATZ BROTHERS SOLE MCENTS. Ail Kinds of Printing Undertaken Excellent Table.
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