Straits Echo, 14 December 1905

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1623 1 Corkscrew Brand. The Best Beer on the Market. I ight, Sparkling and Refreshing. SOLD BY ALL LEADING SHOPS. BANKS. Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China. INCORPORATED BY ROYAL, CHARTER. Hongkong Shanghai Banking Corporation. 10.1 MM »,060 Capital Paid up Reserve Fund Reserve Liability of Proprietors -fcbOO.OUO *.'B 75,000 x'qoo.coo
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  • 836 2 Items of Inte rest. The rate of exchange now ruling is causing a considerable amount ot comineu» iu business circles at Hongkong. I 'ade as round is dull in that Cdhmy, dull» i -an it j lias been for some length of tiiiie, ami in some quarto's this sickness of
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 96 2 When aii old Codder shivers ami <hake> As liii bear» tho wild winter winds roar. Thai anciwut mistake lie continues to make. And swallows hot rum in galore 'J'ill some Iriend, like an angel of light. Introduces a solace more sure And soothes his old throttle bv liringiug a bottle
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    • 648 2 notice. rpHK Customs’ Karin, ami <•'** Tobacco I Monopolv, comprising the I Krtlo of (JliiueM*, Javanese ami European 1 toUivcu ill tin». v ill be auctioned at tbe I Government Offices, Kangar. at, noon on I the -JGrl. Decen.l<er, 1905. The new harm* will come into force on the afternoon
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    • 1550 2 PENANG TURF CLUB. NOTICE. HOUSE WANTED. A 1 fTIROM «liia date aud until f t'tiM li« j r notice IK* horse will lie allowed to win k on the Race Comw l«pfore 6 a.m (15v Order.) I). A. M BROWN, Secretary C/ert: of the Courser 8-12-05 lwk 823 DVERTISER desire»
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  • Shipping.
    • 89 3 I’krak, Hr. 88. 297, Buchanan, 13th Dec., Port Swettenham, 12th l>ec <4en., K. G. Co. UoTOiiUA. Hr. ss. 55n, Lingard, 13th Dec,, Tongkah, 12th Dec Gen.,—K. G. Co. 1 \>v I*on<j, Ur. s.H. 105, Hassau, l4tli Dec., A Kalian, loti. Dec., Gen., —K. G. Co. Thonowa, Hr. s.s. 8,428,
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    • 41 3 14th December. Deii, I' >i Tiang. Van der Parra, for Deli. Uii Peng, for Setul. Cudon, for Fangkor and Teluk Anson. /fork Chaan Un, for Setu). Thontjwa, for Singapore. Flying Fish for Port Weld and Taipiug. Tan• Tong, for Asahau.
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  • 25 3 1 ettgel* /'Vo Aijentg Due I I Deucalion .Singapore \V.M ,«&Co. 16tli Dec. MonmouthsliireiLomiou B.&Co. 16th Ileiiarty {Loudon jS.B&Co. 16th Hector Singapore YV.M&Co. 30th
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  • 27 3 1 f(Mfe '1* Fur .*1 //*?<» vt* Deucalion Loudon W.M.&Co. lt>th Dec. Bella i tv Singapore SH,Wo. lGtli Monmouth «hit* Singapore B.&Co. 17th Hector London VV.M.&Co. 30th
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  • 105 3 For Fort Swettenham Malacca—Per Perak, to-morrow, 1 p.m. Batu Hahra—Per Padang, to-morrow, 1 pin. Tongkah—Fer Rotorua, to-morrow, 1 p.m. Fort Swettenham and Singapore—Per /fan Whnft Soon, to-morrow, 2 p.m. leluk Anson—Per Lady Weld, to-morrow, 8 p.m. Singapore A Hongkong—Per Nani Sang, to-morrow, 3 p.m. Kuugoou and Calcutta takiug
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1055 3 (SHIPPIN G.) tM rs o. 111. Co. Expected Arrivals and Departures. Mail Service. Outwards. FAKES BY MAIL STEAMERS. To Jjoudou by Sea To Marseilles or Gib r altar Ist Class £6O 2nd Class £4O £56 £3B EXTRA STEAMERS Intermediate Service. WITH excellent accommodation for a limited number of passengers. Outwards.
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    • 171 3 British India Steam Navigation Co., LtdV Sea Trips during the Xmas Holidays. EETURN tickets available bet ween 15tli December aud 15th Jauuary next will I** grauted at Single Fares for lx>tli first ami second class to the undermentioned places: Ist Class. 2nd Class. To Singapore 25. S|B. For I‘nrtlier information
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  • 123 4 <VJ ftj.nvor-h >t*an*l pi-ti.-n :«1 *»i -«J.i Fs'ablislted June l*f, 1403 Ili K CRITERION PRESS, M 1., 22** -2-*2, Beach Street. I’eiiang. PRICK DAILY LOCAL $24 P**r annum OUTSTATIONS Postage Krn. MAIL KDITION iPoet Free* $l5 CAULK ADDRKSS; Echo—Penang.” relelllione IB>> Kditor-in-Chi <4 Ohksnky Duncan Editor
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  • 1418 4 That the Chinese boycott of Atueri- I can goods is having the desired effect i' evider t from the fact that tiie President ~f the United States thought the mattei of sufficient importance to mention it in his message to Congress, i telling us that he said on
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  • 154 4 Under the aln*ve headiug, Indian Engineering remarks:—lt lias lieeu mad perfectly clear that no contractor who hi: not enormous financial resources couple*' with approved prior experience at, e < Dover, Gibraltar, Hongkong, etc., will have his temler so much as considered in the cis.of Singapore. .'l’he i<lea
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  • 188 4 Nbw Motor Engine Ordered. The Singapore Fire Briga !e has, for sonn years past, had three powerful steam tin engines of Messrs Metrv weathers’ “Green wich” double cylinder pattern, two lieiue of a pumping capacity of 900 gallons pei minute each. The success of tiie same firm’s
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  • 458 4 I metaphorically kicked him,” Extract f rom a Latr Keport If you’re summoned on the jury and arrive an hour late. And the judge says, “Fiftv dollars for contempt .lust tell the Judge you think lie’s metaphorically wrong. And from that liue you’ll fiu i you are exempt. If
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    • 225 4 To the EmxoK or the Straits Echo. Dear Sir am not a travelling optj•i ui. nor a doctor, and as a stranger iu these parts I do not "Ven know where such neoes*,ili**s are located here, therefore perhaps a word in season to my fellow Europeans in these
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  • 610 4 The following are the Agenda for the j Ordinary Meeting of the Commissioners j tomorrow 1. Minutes of last meeting to be read and confirmed 2. Auv special business the President i may bring forward. 3. Questions. 4. lie supply of separate taps to houses where a ball
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  • Page 4 Advertisements

    • 109 5 WITTE Til R EATEN I N<J. The Pope Intervenes. (.The Oetaeiati-che Lloyd,'»" Sen-ice.) Berlin. 14'li Dec.—Count. Witte appeals to the Russian citizms for assistance against the revolution ;it><i states that if lilh*i;il means tail othei.s will I»** tak**n lo suppress anarchy by force. The Pope is decidedly agaiust llie
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    • 146 5 The Assistance Court Martial (Supplied Li/ Reuter.) liondou, 16th Decentl>ur. 1 he Admiralty does not concur with the finding of the Court Martial which exonerates the Captain of the Assistance from blame for the stranding of his ship. The Admiralty relieves the Captain of the Battleship Commonwealth of
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    • 75 5 Deputation to Premier (Supplied lit/ Reuter.) Loudon, 14th December.—Some thousands of London’s unemployed gathered on the Thames Embankment and marched in procession to Hyde Park. They passed Sir Henry Campliell-Banuerman’s house and a delegation was granted an interview by the Premier, who said that he keenly sy in
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    • 81 5 A Patriotic Demonstration. (Siiji/ified hi/ Reuter) London, Dei*. —The Chinese Patriotic League of Stiangh H is endeavouring to promote a run upon the Hongkong and Shanghai Batik as a, demonstration agaiust the action of the British Assessor of the Mixed Court at Shanghai who, following the instructions of
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    • 66 5 The Budget. (Tlte Ostusiatircher Lloi/d'i- Service.) Berlin, 14th December. —The Reichstag has passed the first section of the Budget, dealing with financial reform and the uaval programme. 'The Budget will be concluded ou Friday and the Reichstag will then adjourn for the holidays. (Sujiplied hi/ Reuter Loudon, 14t.1i December.
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    • 94 5 Optimistic Oratory. (Supplied by Reuter.) Loudon, 16th December. —Speak iug at Hie North Borneo dinner, Mr. YV. C. Cowie, Hie Managing Director of the Chartered Company, dwelt upon the extraordinary development of the Railway and of the manganese deposits. He said that Hie niaugatiese alone would be worth millions.
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    • 22 5 The Immigration Bill. (Siipjiiit-d by Renter.) Condon, 14th Dec.—The Senate of the Vwtraliau Com men wealth lias pasoed tlm iluuuigratioa 3ili.
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  • 4169 5 The Assizes Rejore the Jlou II If. /'Vs// er, Puisne Jud j Thk Bii.i. of Ladiku Cask. (C on*ilined Jemu i/exterilu i/ ///»/<*'. i Cioss examined further l>v Mr Motion,, bob Slid: Koler Mvdin. Md. Fusnof and 1 are not partner*. Wh**u Rader Mvdin j delivers goods lie
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  • 30 5 To. DAT. lHtli, 1 lth Moon. Foot lull Match Chinese Rwrettidii Cl nit Northern Ijea<rue, Esplanade, 5 To-mourow. HUll 1) tl I .Moot! Municipal Meeting, 8 p.m.
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  • 13 5 i.Ki. iiriw ...F)*c. I9t.h78 6 i*.v O .Nm'v 11.3.6 *..u.
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  • 8 5 Kniflisli (Oceann) 21st OliitiM (Simla) 22n<]
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  • 45 5 P. O. SAILINGS. Mai! Ser\ice OUTWAKI>-«. iloMKWAKItS. (Jrt it in i 2I Der. Sim'a 22 Krr Arcailia -l Jan. (^husiiii 5 Jan. I AIM StflU OimVAIlhS. HOil KWA RI».'». Japan /•< Der Palermo 20 Dec Sumatra 26 Palma 14 Jan fa? F <<r p;ii'ti<’tiiars see 1‘aire
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 45 5 WEATHER. Thk followin'.' rv|»«.rr is lcindiv supplied l»< the Signal Director of Fort Cornwall is '> a.m. ■st<T<laj rn-d.ij Tr.. 83 toWr. Kain Thick Wd. X.W. Hast r*—I ,v Fine X.W. The rainfall «luring the 24 hours ended al 9 a.m. to-dav was T4 inches.
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  • 1203 6 The fact of woumn’s moral ami spiritual j superiority is generally supposed not to have been much questioned in L bustran eivili/.- ation by the large plurality of men have wives or that totality who have ban mothers. Sibtors even, and, in extreme instances, aunts aud
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  • 126 6 Pun a no. 14th I)kckmbkk By courtesy oj the Chartered Banh London Ileinand Hanl. j. months’ sight Kim 2/2$ V.'red it 2/2^4 i( 1 Mi-uinenrArv 2j2\ Calcutta. l>eiiM»id Hank* '62 ,j si \s’ siglii Friv <»4 Bouilcir. Demand Bank 3 days* sight I’nv e <»4 Madras. Demand Bank 161
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  • 213 6 BelatTin Miuiuir Co Ld. s.— tellers j Bers .with Hold Miningt'e lei. 14. —sellers Brich Rubber Syndicate Ld *5O buyers Brusell Hydraulic Tin Milling Bd. *10.25 »eiler# Duff Development Co. *B. seller* Fraser A Neave. Ld. ?1 Oo.—tellers George Town Dispensary s.o. Howarth Kiskin*-. Ld. 5-80.- sellers II
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  • 200 6 j.n. I leaf 5 75. B. I ’ep}< 1 <il*s. i out vj stocl While Peppe* 5 34. —sellers lYang IV season over Cloves p>. 1 out oj season \faee ♦>•) —sellers Mace I’e i* n. 52 —se l-rs Suimeir- it 31 —tellers ,No 1 010 noth. Sucat in*
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 17 6 —HHPOKiII” llaiulkereliiol'; Foot-hath —tmiatanlN» r**lief. I ►iM lill K, KOIt llcavpn Him* iluariw* not w.ui(«*«l I’KPfKItMINT Ct’KK
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    • 7 6 RUBEROID ROOFING. iAdamson, Giifillan Go. t Ltd.
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    • 132 6 WROUGHT-IRON TUBES AND FITTINGS, La Stock Always on Hand. ADAMSON, GILFILLAN CO., LTD. ATKINSON’S. PRESENTS. C/ A New Shipment OF j ELECTRO PLATED WARES HAS JUST ARRIVED AND WILL BE SOLD AT MANUFACTURERS’ PRICES. Purchase early to avoid disappointment. TIANG LEE CO., 53y Beach Street. Cold Med/il Eau-de-Cologne. The finest
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    • 443 6 NOTICE fIIHE undersized Wg to iuforin the public of Penang and the ueiuhbounng Native L states that they have been appointed. Agees for Messrs. Ingall Parsons, Olive &Co Ltd of Loudon, and have recently receive 1 i large shipment of very best, quality Europe readv made Coffins, Coffin Furniture and
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  • 957 7 (W. J. A H. Thompson > Retort Loudou. 16 Nov.—The official figures of exports during the first six months ot the Indian season form interesting raiding. According to there- details tlie shipments to the United Kingdom up to the end of September sin wetl deficit, of seven mdiion ll*s.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 773 7 the LONDON DIRECTORY, 1 A IMNti ovf*r 2.000 of cou- <l«n*e<l cornnioif;: <1 matior, enable* ent*rprisinK trader* fliroiijrhout fhe Empire to keep ni close touch with the trade of the Motherland. Be*i<le« lndiijr a coni|dele commercial to London and it* Smburbs, the Loudon Directory coutainn lint* of EXPORT MERCHANTS with
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    • 20 7 STEARNS’ WINE for weak. «ieklv women ami voiing «iris; tb«v are enjMviallv benefited by its use. A nutrient Iron Touiĕt
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1072 8 Urn Sun Ho, CHOP HENG 1VIOH Sc CO., 164. Beach Street. Penang. an kind, of European Clotn and General Commission Agents. *> l(l dentistry W. MANSON, American Dentist, Litle of Dr. Alton Co., Phn, U.S.A. GRAHAM Co., Ltd. Wholesale and Retail dentistry •I Dr. F. A. MOFFATT, R.D.S., SURGICAL and
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