Straits Echo, 1 December 1905

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 2150 1 Corkscrew Brand. The Best Beer on the Market. Light, Sparkling and Refreshing. SOLD BY ALL LEADING SHOPS. BANKS. Chartered Bank of India, Hongkong Shanghai Nederlandsche Handel Australia and China. Banking Corporation. Maatschappij. Netherlands I rading Society. Paid-op-(Japitat SlO.OOO.OOO Khtabi.ishbd I Rkkkrvb Fund— Issufci. Capita I. H. 45.4 *00.000— q i*i>
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  • 165 2 The “Native Notes writer of the “N. C. Dailv News'’ learns tlmt a high Chinese official staying at Shanghai lias ived a j private telegram from Peking mioiuung him that on ihe morning of II I 11. tiie Empress Dowagers birthday anniversary (Monday, <>th ult.)
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  • 177 2 The Nanking correspondent of the Nmfangpao” sends the following interesting message on Octoljer i This is a memorable day in Nanking. A large MUUUUtW of pfl®p* OWD Hsiakuuu this morning to witness the land iug of the newly-enlisted soldiers from Chinkiaiig, who were transported to Nanking by
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  • 550 2 Some Staktlinu Facts. t “China is bound to be tiie coming na- j tiou of the Fast. It will so»m be ahead of Japan,’’ naiil Itev. J. tiiciuiKl t< “Daily News" interviewer: ‘••'mna "in Ire greater than Japan within hail-awn- tury,” the
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  • 1250 2 Tuesday JOth January. Thursday 1st February and Saturday Jut February. FIRST DAY. TUESDAY, 30th JANUARY, 1900 I 1. —The Maiden Plate. Value $600. A Race for Maiden Hoi»es. Weight as per scale reduced 14 lbs. All animals impelled into the Straits or
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 87 2 From Grcciin ayes up to our own dav Have bronchial cures appeared and eeas»-il to In*: lint this. lh*> world admit*. has coin** to stav. And to Im> known a* The Great. Remedy. I'he trite old say it y riyht, tin best will hot. And last it will of this
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    • 718 2 NOTICE. <) N and after this date, all sm a, l advertisements intended for insertion in the Straits Echo must he paid for in advance. LIM SENG HOOI. Julv 1 V*'■> Managing Direc or. SELANGOR TUFR CLUB. REMINDER. ES for tlit* Christ mas Mealing V dose at 12 noou on
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    • 610 2 lost A CHINESE receipt f**r hundred dollars (deposited iu Chop Swee Tek, Beach Street), dated 5th dny of Chinese 3rd moon, corresponding t<. !*ih April, 11*05. Stamp, dated 11th April. 1905. Notice is hereby given that dns receipt has been cancelled. 25-11-05. lwk 705 WM CHOU.' Chinese Calendar for 1906.
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    • 91 2 JUST ARRIVED A new stock of station* eries, viz:— Ruled f’caps of 14,15 and 17 lbs. of the best quality, Waverly, Big Waverly, Pickwick, Hindoo, J M and William Mitchell’s G. 1 Pens, Tapes, Sealing Wax, Cheq- uered Seals, Ink Pots with t and without cover. APPLY TO THE CRITERION
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    • 42 2 Nobel’s Explosives: GELIGNITE, DETON ATOBS, FUSE. Aylesbury Garland, Sub-Agents, Perak. Magazines at Penang and !(*> h Sandilands, Buttery Co., Agents, Penang h'.ft.SAGENTS FOR LLOYD’S. National Bank of China, Limited. National Bank of India, Ltd. Insurance effected against all r s^‘ SANMUNDS. BUTTERS Co
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  • Shipping.
    • 144 3 A.vihkia, Oh. s.s. 3,351, Winner herd, dot l Nov.. Hamburg, 25» 1i Ot„ Oen 15. M. Co. Cauycso, Hr. ft .H 339. Low.v, l s t Dw., Singapore, 29th NOv., Gen,- W M A Co. Kihtna, J»r. s.s. 524, Learn-on!, I»i Dec., Singapore, 29th Nov Gen H I, Co.
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    • 57 3 Ist December. Perak, to» Port. Swettenham ami Malacca Jin Ho. fot Laugkab. Iftiii Whalt Soon, for Port Swettenham ami Singapore., for 1 >eli If mho'u, tor Singapore, Hongkong, Svratow, anil Aiuov. Lady Wold, for 'leiuk Aiisou. tiyiny Drayon, for Port Weld and Taiping. /ibeiuj/ila for Rangoon and Calcutta
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  • 69 3 1' t’HlSt'ilf Agent* 1) nt C. A pear Calcutta A. A .A.Co. i 1st Bee A. A pear Singapore A.AA.Co. 1st Kiu tuck Singapore W.M.&Op. L’tni Calciias Bautu Singapore Singapore YV.M.&Co. 3rd 9» B.ACo. 4th lMuube Singapore B&Co. 4th China Colombo S.K.ACo. rtth K lit Saug Singapore B.ACo. 7th
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  • 64 3 J cateiy A yen In Lt uven j la. A pear 'Singapore AA.A.Co. 2ud Jtec Kin tuck Loudoll W'.M &Co. 2ml A. A pear Calcutta AA.A.Co. 2nd Calchas Geuoa VV.Bf.&Co. drd l’>ant u Colombo B.&Co. 4th Danube Colombo Il.ACo. 4th C'liiua Singapore S.K.&Co. 6th Kut Suns' Calcutta BJOo. 8th
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  • 99 3 Kok >S^ Port Swetteuham- -Per Mary to-morrow, 1 p. in. l>eli—Per Cornelia, to-morrow, 1 p.m, Asahau— Per TawTony, to-morrow, 1 p.m. Perils ami Setul—Per Chan Tui. tomorrow, 2 p in. Singapore and Hongkong—Per G- A pear, to-morrow, 2 p in. Teluk Auson—Per Lanykat, to-morrow, 2 p.m. Calcutta —Per
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1023 3 (SHIPPING.) TAL c; w, 1 p. o. mmM. t co. INTENDED SAILINGS. British India Strain Navigation Co., Ltd. Expected Arrival* and Departure*. Mail Service. Outwards. l>ec. 1» ».s. Delta connecting with s.s. Himalaya JO 8.8. Oceana do s.B. India. Jan. 3 8.8. Arcadia do 8.8. Britannia 17 s.B. Donyolo do
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    • 129 3 Compagnie des Messageries Maritime»» t>. S. Dauube/’ due from Singapore on or about the 4th December, take* Cargo and Passengers for Colombo, Marseilles, Havre, Duukirk, London and Antwerp. For Freight and Passage apply to BOUSTEAD A Co., 18-11-0/». Agents. For Singapore, Hongkong, Swatow and Amoy. rpHL Company's Steamship Waihora, -1»
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  • 94 4 Justice H»Ualta*«verybody»nd justice Alone. < Established June Ist, IMM Published daily (except at tub CRITERION PRESS, I.BL. No. *2*2«! —282, Beach Stivel. Penang PRICK I i UIUKI» daily local OUTBTATIONS Kx,r MAH. EDITION (Poet Free* *l5 CABLE ADBKESS: Echo —Penang.” 'l'slepllOUtt N l 18» i Uitor-U-Vkiri OUNCAN
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  • Current Topics.
    • 233 4 The suite which "ill accou panv Prince A i thin of t’onnaught «m bispecial mission tt> I okyo to take the Garter to the Emperor ot Japar will consist of Lord Redesdale. Admiral Sir Edward Seymour, Geuem I Sir Thomas Kelly-Kenny, «'olom*. Da vide on (an equenv
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    • 260 4 By the ijir.-ition ot the Tanjjong I’.ig ir I Kick property. tin* Government also takes over the clerical *»;afi *1 that huge >. concern. In the armv »»t clerks and i assistants which that* staff comprises l tnav oe found men of great aud varietl experience, some
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    • 316 4 A Taipixo correspondent sends us a complaint auent the parsimony of the Perak Government in the matter of the lighting of Taiping town, which we think is worthy of record. Apparently Taiping folk look upon the be ho as the only effectual goad for Perak officialdom, but
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  • 759 4 As announced by us in yesterday s issue t of the I'rho. the Inspectors. Clerks and g other SiiU»rdinate Officers of the Police De- partnient, Province Wellesley, awaited upon Major de Hamel at his office at Butterworth vester»lav afternoon. Major de Hamel, who had been in town
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  • 927 4 \NOTHEH 0 BEAT toC UCESS. Penan»» always scores a huge success j iiere u «lance is concerned, for there is; nothing that appeals to everyone in this j Settlement so much so it is not to I» j: wondered at that last evenings dance! j went with
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  • 77 4 I Highland fcjchottisel.e—--•J Walt/. White Heather. ;I Lancers They all Love .Jack. i Walt/. TAe Chorister*. Oaiedouiaus Kuiyht of the Thirtle. Waltz Florodora. 1 7 R**d “T* j T'xtrn—Supper Dance liosey o'(irmly. j S Waltz The First Violin. ;i Po.ka Lancets Mikado. i ]ij Waltz Un Chant IXAmour. 1
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  • 880 4 i If e/ore the Hon W. W. Fisher, Puisne Judj j The Byram Estate Case. Culpable Homicide. The further hearing of the above case was resumed oefore His Kordship this morning when other evidence was adduced. ball bin Saleh, paddy planter, states 1 live at Kubaug Ulu I
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  • Page 4 Advertisements

    • 210 5 A Pitched Battle. Reservists in Revolt. (Supplied by He tiler.) Loudou, ' Nov.—The St. Petersburg newspaper Slovo announces that a battle lastin'; two and a half hours took place at Sevastopol on Tuesday. The reliel ships opeued fire on the torts, which replied. The cruiser Achakoff was pierced by
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    • 45 5 The Sultan Wavering. The Ogtivsiatiec.her Lloyd Sendee.) Berlin, Ist Dec.—Turkey is to-day deciding on the Macedonian question. A couuci* of the Ministers of the Powers has prepared a modification of the joint demands, if Turkey will accept tin 1 principal items of the same.
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    • 54 5 Constitution Suspended. Supplied by Healer. Loudon, Ist Decernl>er.—Owing to the disorders in Catalonia, the Rarceloua Cortes has agreed to i.he suspension of the Constitution iu Catalonia. (The Ontaeiatiecher Lloyd Service.) Rerlin, Ist Dec—Jt is announced that there is a crisis iu the «Spanish Cabinet, arisiug from recent debates as
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    • 60 5 The Insurance Scandals. (tSnpjdied by Reuter.) Loudon, Ist Dec.—The Committee which is investigating the Americau insurance scandal has issued an address to policy holders throughout America advising them to retain their policies despite t he revelations, as legislation will be ml reduced safeguarding their rights. Mr. McCurdy, the
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    • 37 5 In Best of Health. (The Utsta*iaii«eher Lloyd'ts Service.) Berlin, Ist Dec. The reports published by the British and French press of the Kaiser are without foundation. The Kaiser is leallv iu Ihe best of health.
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    • 33 5 American Minister ChaugeJ. (Sujtjtlieil by Renter.) Loudon, Ist Dec.—Mr. Morgan, the United .States Minister to Corea, has been transferred to Havana, succeeding Air. Squids, whose hostile attitude is resented by the Cubans.
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    • 143 5 The Colour Line. (Supplied by Renter.) London, Ist. December. —Lord Melbourne, replying to a deputation of British ludiaus resident in the Transvaal Colony, stated that, while Indians had hereditary rights as I British citizens, the Trausvaalers had similar tights, and he absolutely declined to permit Indian traders to
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  • 936 5 In honour of St. Andrew’s Day the Scotchmen of Penang yesterdav gave liattle to the Rest of the World” at Rugby football oil the Esplanade, and as the Sco*s were bound in honour to acquit themselves well, the Rest had a pretty hot time, and eventually had to
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  • 151 5 An Extensive Prookammk. The programme of the tour of the Prince and Princess of Wales is as follows Nov. 28- Jan. lti-20 Mandalay Dec. 1 Lahore Jan. 21-.. Rangoon Deo. 2-4 Peshawur Jau. 24-2* Madras Dec. 5-8 In the neigh- Jail. 23 tn.urhood of Feb. 4 Mysore
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  • 666 5 Messrs. Lewis Peat’s Report. Loudon, loth November, 1305.—The auctions held to day contained the largest and most important selection yet offered. The weight of Ceylon amounted to 5 tons aud the Straits and Malay Stales to 3 tons The quality of some ot the marks was very attractive,
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  • 103 5 Alk. I ten i sou. legal adviser t* ihe.Jaoaui esc Foreign Office, gave an interview to a I representative of the New York Times L fore starting on his return journey to Japan. Air Denison believes that fhocou- cessions Japan has gained are worth far more than the
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  • 276 5 Extensive Robiskky. A strange occurrence, at presen’ shrouded liu mystery, is staled t have occurred this morning at tin* Hongkong and «Shanghai Bank in this City, says the Hongkong Tele graph of 18th Novein I >er. It is stated that a shroff from the Fu Fung Chinese Bank
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  • 55 5 To- DAY. sth Da > 1 111* Mooli Queeu Alexandra’s Birtinlay. Special Meeting of M uuici pal Commissioners, 5> pan. low n Band. Esplanade. *5 to 7 pan Toaiou now. 6th IJav. 11th .Mooli. Auclioii Sal** of Household Furniture etc., B*> Nortl ani Wo 01. 11-30 Town Bind,
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  • 27 5 Fust I >ec. 4*l; 1376 A M. j I >*l Moon 6.25.7 a.m. 1.-*«*i qii.n r." 13th 7.8 6 P. \«-<* ii..oii 2*!fh 11.3.6 a.m.
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  • 9 5 Engiish Hello Oiii Dt*c. (Jliina He.nyal) *ih
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  • 55 5 P. O. SAILINGS. 'hit* Se'Vitc DVTWAKIi.*. fill XI K W A It OS. Delta 0 Dec. Henyal S Dec. Oceana 20 Simla 12 l.xirn Servict tlf I w a i: D-, H *M K w A it I »s. Jap tn IJ Dec. Palermo ‘Hi Dte Ma'area IU Palma IJ
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  • 39 5 Per Kistna, from .Singapore .Mes-rs. Wi Ison, Harper, LougTek Kuan, Gregory, Skinner. N. C. Fook, Mr. and Al*s. C. Imhiii Lib, Rev. Brother James and Rev. Brother Aiichael. Pei Palawan, from I«ondoii Air. and Alts J. 11. Hill.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 12 5 Cold iu Jtlie flead auj take »V<H>d*i (5 p#wt' mint Oiiiv c#Ut|.
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    • 12 5 W(*ot:s»’ Grse.i.t mint Cure, t.i Coujfli* .»ud Colds never fail*. Is. (id
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    • 71 5 For Children's Hacking at uii'lit. Woods’ Great Peppmiient Cure. Is. tid British India Steam Navigation Co., Ltd. Sea Trips during the Xmas Holidays. 1 > K'tTKN licl*e(> available I etween J -*.»I» JLV December ami lolli Jauuarv n»-\i will be granted al Fans for both first and second class 1o
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    • 587 5 FOR SALE. MUNICIPAL NOTICE. N OTIUE i> hereby given llmt for tlie 1. Due Brown Australian Hortr, iiuiel to ride and drive, perfectly Hound. it.. p.,„ v 1;.,.! r> ii 1 ejection ot a Municipal Commissioner Due buv .yiihtiniiun I onv, It I. muet i .1 1 tor the years
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous

  • 240 6 On Oct**l>er 10» li. says tlic BN B. Herald, as the s.L. Bulih. Mongiug to Messrs. the North Borneo Tr.diug Co., w s coming down th« river Sekong, a Chinese boy’ m the service of Mr- K. A. E. Paterson tell o\ci board. Beforethe lauuch eould be
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  • 341 6 Barely has a police-court case been productive of so much laughter as one which came before the chief magistrate at Hanover recently. I Hermann Duve, a toot man, was accused <d annoying a servant girl, named Emma Kuchel, with whom lie had fallen violently
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  • 489 6 Bob by's Essay on Advertising. is wliare you go to a newspaper or bill board or slim wliare and tell the vvurld to come around and see you. It I pays to advertise, bekaus t ha re has always J been lots of it done. Lt began in the gar-|
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  • 128 6 I'SNA»!. Ist Dkobmhkk litj courtesy of tltc Chartered Hank.) London Demand Bank -</l r« f months’ sigti l Bans ..2/2, b t 3 Credit -.-2/2i j > 1 tocuitlKtita r v 2 2-jfc Cai<-u»tM. Itenuiiul Bank Hs M»l{ j i dsivs’ si gilt Private 163 J < Bom tray.
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  • 210 6 Beiat Tin Miuiug Co Ld. o. tellers Ber>awaM4*»id M«t»ing<Tel. 5 1 4-. sellers Biu-eii Hvdraulic Tin Mining j j 10.20 setters 1 >ntT f teveiontnent Co. $8 50 sellei Fraser A Neave. Ld flO o.—tellers Geor« r e Town Disreitsarv J-*>. Hmvaitii Erskine. Ld 5280 .-sellers k'ai.mgaii Hydraulic T
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  • 187 6 Qol.i i«if 75. B. ReplHM c»> :tlb-..*0/..) out of sUicL White I 5 ‘44. —sellers Trang season over Gloves, < i.-i. 'I out of season \1 a*** «0 sellers \ia *e t* 52. —sellers So'in**-/- 1 31. —sellers No. I *j Itt uom. i A,.2 no slock. Basket 3.5<>
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  • Page 6 Advertisements

  • 366 7 Ihe protiis banana glowing are considera 1 Some month» ago, Mr. \V. K- Smilli, I li*j 'lnu(fral .Manager of the lrini linl Railway, wns sent by.the Agricul* i t iii'iil Sociotv ot' 'J’i iui to inquire into and report upon the notliod of handling, transporting
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  • 584 7 Flagship Tsarevitch Arrives. Shortly after two o’clock yesterday afternoon, says Monday's Singapore Free Press, a large Russian battleship was sighted making the port and by three o’clock die had arrived hi the man-of-war anchongee. The warship, which proved to be the battleship Tsarevitch, immediately on anchoring
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 839 7 TEOti .100 MENG, Chop SOON YANG. 'I ki.kk.;- *n i. No. '{2l HAVING» JUST UECKIVED A Portable Improved Wheel Kuhhering Machine in nov prepared to undertake promptly repair* of old rubber-tyred wheels which are «guaranteed to give satisfaction. Vos. 178, 180 Penang Road, PENANGL Kstabmbhep 1875. NOTICE. NOTICE. f uuderaignerl
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    • 23 7 STEARNS’ WINE whets the appetite, aids digestion, uuprorjjti asßimilatiou, strei'gtUens the stomach so that food doe* good. Strom* Wh;»' is the idesl Tonic.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 938 8 A. EVENBBRG, 56, Bishop Street, Goldsmith, Watchmaker and DENTISTRY. W. MANSON. American Dentist, Repairer of Optical Instruments, p; tt c A Gramophones and other Musical Lilt(* of Dl Allen •> 10-8-o.'. Instruments. 3ms 530 Lim Sun Ho, chop MEMO MOH Co. 164, Reach Street, Penang. Importers of all kinds of
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