Straits Echo, 30 November 1905

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 2051 1 Cories crew Brand, The Hest Beer on the Market. Light. Sparkling and Refreshing. SOLD BY ALL LEADING SHOPS. BANKS. > Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China. INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER. Capital Paidjup Reserve Fund Reserve Liability of Proprietors 800,000 -4*875.0C0 Hongkong Shanghai Nederlandsche Handel Banking Corporation. iVSaatschappij. Motherlands trading
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  • 1664 2 I havk just returned from a trip to Peking. It was a pleasure 1 had long hoped for, but on account of want of spare time aud other substantial reasons easily sm-mis-d but unnecessary to mention, 1 was u > ai>le to realize on my stock
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 14 2 KTKARNS’ WINK inak<‘* •m Ii blood luipurU youthful strength iiiul vigoui A nutriviit 'iv.nK-
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    • 287 2 The miser sat amongst his gold. T would not part.” he said. With hulf-a-guinea. *1*° m v life Were to he forfeited. But influenza grot him down. His breaths grew short and fewer Take «II I've got.” he cried, but give M*■ Woods' (treat Peppermint Cere. Municipal Notice 4 SI’EOJAL
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    • 767 2 municipal notice. PENANG LIBRARY. N accordance with Rule \IX, Library will be dosed fro... December 1st to 10th, inclusive, for il>** Auuual Extt.niua.ioH of books. For this purpose ail hooks ami periodicals should U. returned to the Library on or l**fore the 1st l>ece»niH*r tine of 10 cents may be
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    • 899 2 FOR SA.LB. Dublin. i 9. College Green. London. f)9, i\iug William Si THE PATRIOTIC ASSURANCE Co, 1. One Brown Australian Horse, quiet J (Founded 182L) to ride aiul drive, perfectly sound. 2. One Buy Australian Pony, 14.1, quiet to rule and drive, perfectly sound. Apply to CAPITAL £1,500,000, c o
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  • Shipping.
    • 60 3 •Solkowi», Nor. sh 1.1 Hodue, •><Jtli Nov., •Singapore, 28th Nov,, C. il A Sous. Van Dkk Parra, but. s:;|, Doom, Nov., Deli. 28'h Nov, Geu.,— H. ii Ac Co. Pkkak, Ur. ss. 297, Buchanan. 29tIi Nov Uoi l Swettenbam, 28th Nov (i«n K. G. Co. Jin Ho, Ur. s.s.
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    • 33 3 30th November Fin» tier Hurra, for Deli. Canton, foi Pangkor ami 'J'eluk Ansou. Soijunii, for Rangoon. 7V;-j cor Singapore. Palau >u for Singapore Ciiiua ami Japan b'/yiny b'ix/t, for Port Weld,him! Taipiug.
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    • 33 3 PfcKAK. Hr. ss —l*7, Buchanan, 29th Nov., Port Swettenham, 28th Nov., Gen., K. G. Co. Jin Ho, Ur. s.s. I lu, Hastrup, 30th Nov., Uaugkut, 20th Nov., (ieu., —Quail Beug l\ee.
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  • 58 3 1 I’d in Ayenttf />71« U. Apear Calcutta A. A. A.Co. 1st Dee A. Apear Singapore AAA.Co. 1st Kintuek Singapore YV.M.&Co. 2ud Cale lias •Singapore VV.M.&Co. 3rd 1 kill I II Singapore B.&Co. Ath Dmulx) Singapore B.&Co. 4th Chiua Colombo S.K.&Co. 6th Kut Sang Singapore B.&Co. 7th Trieste 'Singapore
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  • 66 3 1 tt!**?.!* For Aijeut* Leo vex 1 G. A pear Singapore A.A .A.Co. 2nd Dec Kiutuck London W.M &Co. 2nd A. A (km r Caleut ta A A.A.Co. 2nd M OillcllilH Geuoa W.M.&Co. 3rd Bantu Colombo B.^Co 4th Danube Colombo B.&Co. 4th Ciiiua Singapore S.K.&C'o. 6th K ut Snug
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  • 117 3 For I'.at Swattenliam and Malacca—Per rerok to-morrow, f p.m. bangkat—Per Jin Ho, p.m. Port Swet ten ham and Singapore—Per Ban Whatt Soon, to-morrow, 2 Singapore, Hongkong, Swatow, and Amoy—Per Waihora, to-morrow, 3 p.m. Teluk Anson—Per Lady Weld, to-morrow, 3 p.m. Calc u l la —Per A. Ajjcar,
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  • 129 3 Per P. E. Priedri -li. from Soutliamptou Mrs. K. Guinness, Mrs. Ik Paiu, Mrs. Cronin, Mis. Butler Madden. From Genoa Mr. J. V. Volleulioven, Mr. Hug, Air. A. Veiuesz. Mr. M. Lattermaun, Mr. P. Ewald, Mr. A. v. Giukel, Mr. C. M. E. Kooreuianu, Mr. C. v. Kueppreclft, Mr.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1081 3 (SHIPPIN G.) i 1 73 8. N. Co. INTENDED SAILINCS. British India Steam Navigation Co., Ltd. Expected Arrival* aw! Ilepnrtnros. Mail Service. Outwards. V V“ Ham burg-Amerika Linie, Hamlmrg. 3U The Strainers of this Company maintain a Regular Service Outwardh— Between Hamburg. Bremen. Auiwerp, Rotterdam. Penang, Singapore, Hongkong, Yokohama and
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    • 86 3 Compagnie des Messageries Maritime* •S. S. Danube,” due from Singapore ou or about the 4th December, takes Cargo and Passengers for Colombo, Marseilles, Havre, Dunkirk, London aud Antwerp. For Freight and Passage apply 'to BOUSTEAD Co., Agents. IS-ll-Oo. For Singapore, Hongkong, Swatow and Amoy. THE Company’s Steamship Waihora, Captaiu W-
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  • 71 4 Joatioe saliurte* every bod y and justice alone. > ,l Established June Ist, 1903 Published daily (except Sunday AT IHK CRITERION PRESS, Lid., 2'l*> —‘23*2, Beach Street. Pmnnig PRICE DAILY LUCA! OTJTSTATIONS Rutfaip* Kvp. M.MT. EDITION 'Post free» $l5 CABLE ADDRESS; Echo —Penang.” Telephone No. Is* Editor-in-Clue/
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  • Current Topics.
    • 96 4 The Malay Mail lias received a notification stating that the question of an export duty on rubber se**d i.* he considered at a general, meeting the Ceylon Planters’ Assoc inti n in He* middle*of next mouth. Our contemporary understand?* tna? the Resident-Central *>f th** F.M.S. Itas declined to
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    • 164 4 The übiquitous cigarette, it its use is detrimental in one wav, is looked upon with marked favour bv’the collectors of revenu-*. In Manila in October the greatest single amount of tax. Pesos -204,048-o*. was collected ai..„* uo d, ...ul 'tbni we have to pay a direct tax
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    • 1215 4 Turn v**geiarian that vour da vs may bo long in the land, is the mot- to to bo learned from six octogenarians who have been put forth by the London Vegetarian Association a* a challenge to meat-eaters the world over, and, n<* doubt, as an advertisement of the advantages
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  • 1036 4 {Before the Hon W. W. Finher, Fuirtie Judy*. The Bvram Estate Case. A Heavv Skxtknck. Tl, trial of the eleven accused in the above case was concluded yesterday attei„oon. Leu of tlieui declared that they had no knowledge of the light. but were quietly sleeping in tlieii lines.
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  • 979 4 1 hk South Indian planters have not vet lieeu caught by the ruhi»er fever toanv great extent, and. outside Travancore, the acreage to go miner the new product is very small. Conseqiieutlv the tea planters there can view wi h more than equanimity the planting up of tea
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 253 4 Natural Mineral Table Water, Bright, Sparkling and Effervescent, Unequalled either alone or with Wines or Spirits. Bottled in its Natural State at the Spring under the strictest supervision BY The Birano Mineral Water Coy., Ltd., Per Case 8 Dozen Splits $6-50. 4 Pints 4-75. V-*. X V \»Au SOLE AGENTS:
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    • 63 4 VL‘ \II huiilion eunilllllllicsliollf >ll'iul(i •dui Th" Mavaokk. Matter intended for Ahn«l.i' \l addre-ni to In r Kiumu. X «*«tnbn lion- must l»e written on one m<l« of tl»« 1-UH.r X All Cheques and Money Order- -lionld >*■ iildlM- made al.le to Tin: Paoi-s I KI OKS. I riteno.l
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    • 13 4 Far Children's Hacking Cough at night, 'V.>o<]k’ «}rtat Pefjyrinent Cur* l Is 6d
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    • 14 4 For Cold iu the Head and Coughs take Wrtorl»’ Q)n»t Peppermint C?im> 30 cent*.
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    • 8 4 For (Jbrouic Chest Coinplaiut#, dreaf Pepj*ermint Our**- h
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    • 262 5 ARMY IN REVOLT. Vladivostok Squadin Supplteti by Renter. i London, 29th November.—T’liti altitude of the army is the most serious tealure in the Russian situation. It is admitted in St. Petersburg that the spirit of revolt has pervaded the whole armv from Vladivostok to St. Petersburg. The Manchurian forces
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    • 157 5 The Kaiser’s Speech. Evidently Aimed at Britain. {Supplied bij Reuter Loudon. 29th Noveinlier.—Following the Kaiser’s speech from the Throne, the Berlin press, with remarkable accord, insists upon the necessity for increasing the German Navy. {The o*tasiuti*eher Lloyd'* Service.") Berlin, 30th Noveinlier.—The press agrees with the speech from the Throne
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    • 105 5 New Ambassador, The New Loan, (Shin»liril h; lietiter.) Loudon, 25Hh Novemlter. —M. Raimi re, at preseut French Minister at Herne, lias beeu appointed French Ambassador at Tokio. London, 30th November. l'he Japanese loan lias Iteen largely over subscribed in London, Paris and Perl in. London, doth November.— nese negotiations
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    • 60 5 Socialist Demonstration. {Supplied by Reuter.) Lvmdou, 29th November. Business was at a standstill in Vienna yesterday owing to the Socialists having organised a huge, but orderly, universal suffrage demonstration, on the occasion of the opening of the Reich sr*th, in which two hundred thousand pernouk took part. A deputation
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    • 33 5 The Naval Demonstration. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 30th Nov, —Six hundred sailors ■oin the International fleet were landed at, j ytilene, but five hundred were subsequents re-einharke«l, as they were not required.
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    • 57 5 The Channel fleet Siifijt/ietl bij lientff London, 30th November. The British Admiralty has decided to add Ihe live battleships withdrawn from the China Station to the Channel Fleet, which will heme forth lie divided into two squadrons, of which these five ships will practically form a North Sea
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    • 50 5 Home Rule Suj’/i/it'il by Heater, i Loudon, 30th. November.—-Mr. Asquith, speaking at W'isbeach, said that no substantial d fference existed amongst the Liberals regarding Home Rule, but he did not Ik*lieve that the introduction of a Home Rule Bill would form part «>f the policy of the next Government.
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    • 61 5 The Duty Question. (Supplied by Renter.) Loudon, 30th Nov.- The Anti Tea Duty Ijoague is resolved t«< renew the agitation for the remission of t he remaining twopenny war duty on tea in view of the imminence of a general election. More than half of the candidates election are
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  • 215 5 Tiib following are the Ageuda tor the Ordinary Meeting of the Commission tomorrow i—--1. Minutes of last meeting to lie read ami roufirmed. 2. To confirm By-laws for storage of Crackers and Matches. 3. Any special business the President mav bring forward I. Questions. 5. Letter from Government
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  • 82 5 Peking, Nov. 12th.—Negotiations regarding the Manchuriau Question have commenced at the old office of the Military Council, situate at the south-east ofthe’la-ko Hall I iu!h** Forbidden city, lief ween the Japanese Envoys, Boon Koinura and Mr. Ucliida, and the Chinese Commissioners, K. Prinoe Cluing, Ch‘u Htitig-Chi and
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  • 151 5 VN e cull the following from the Eastern Daily Mail of Monday last Latest News. We learn from the I'iuang Gazette tha* it has received information from a “reliable source that Mr. Silas C. Penny will shortlv j resume Editorial charge of the Eastern Daily Mail. Tins i>
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  • 743 5 Writing uiidet ‘late of l!*ih November., r the W’uehow correspondent of the Hongkong Telegraph sn> s:— I 1 imported the other day that a meeting of the Chiuese interested m the boycott movement, was culled for to-day, to worship the memory of the deceased hero Fung Ha Wei,
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  • 692 5 Chitty a Victim. lk Kay Hok, Kow Soon lveat and Tan Boon Han were before Mr. Seth on remand a I Singapore on the allegation of alietineiii ,of cheating P. R. N. I’ctapermai Clnttv in j lespect of BIO,(MRt. Messrs. Bra*hleli Bros will prosecute ami Mr. Harris
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  • 64 5 To-i>ay. 4t li I4.iv, I Ilii Moon. St. Amilew ’s 1) iv. Foutkiil Miilrli Aiii>i<»-Cliiu*‘>e Seliool «V. IVllilllii lv*H*reatloll i Mill». Kspi.imule, I''" Town Kami. Ueoealiou C’lul», •> to 7 p.m. St. Amlrew’s I tail, Voluuteer Krill Hall. To MO I! k« >w •!>tli I >a l 1i ii
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  • 30 5 Fii m Ouarter l>ee. Iti; 1876 a m O JoK Vl**.»» 12t.ii 6.25 7a m. l«i'> <Jusi.rl“* |mil 7.8 6 I* VI O \*«*»v 28 Hi 11.0.6 '.M.
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  • 12 5 Kui'lhtli hrifa) t»t 1 1 l*ec. < ’liiuii B' ttyttl) K||i
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  • 47 5 P. O. SAILINGS. Mail Service Ut’l WAIIIo Hl'M HW,U(l>h Delta 6 Dec. litmjiil S Dec. Oceana 1 Si in 1 it 22 Kxtra Service. OUTWAKUS. HoHIKWAIJOn Jit jnt n 12 Dec. Sun lit 'W A or. Malacca 19 Palermo 26 Dec ffcai?' For particulars see Pavfe 8.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
  • 346 5 Obituary. .\Jtt. Wish art I lie Free Press regrets to announce the death in London at the age of 71 rears t»f Mr. Wishart. The decease»] was quite one of the liest known of the older Singapore 1 residents, and whilst he lived there was noted for his geniality aud
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  • 786 6 Reflections on a Rkmabicable Libel Suit. Ur. Sweeney, formerly of Scotland 5 ard, wrote a volume of Reminiscences, m which he described a certain L igi Paimeggiaui, a London dealer in works of art. as having been a dangerous Anarchist, and hinted that his art collections
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  • 532 6 Father and Son in Siam Cubed bv Dr Williams’ Pink Pills. Nai Kularb of Bangkok, editor ol the magazine “Siam Pra Bhetli. w seventyone years of age and still active aud hearty. For many years, said lie. I was a yic11in p. ILemorrhoids (Piles) which
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  • 123 6 BN A NO, NOVEMBKK. lly cou.lefj nl the Chartered Haul; i London Demand Hank 2/1J,; i months* siorht K* 2/2 l b Credit 2/24 3 DoetiniHiir.aiy 2 2/k Calcutta., Demand Haiti. iis .(51 a days»’ sight Private Bombay, Demand Haiti: ](J1^ 3 days’ sight Pri va>e 03 j Madras,
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  • 194 6 Helat Tin Mining Co Ld. o—sellers iiei saw an Goal MmiugCo .I, t 5 IF—<o*/b <> Brusei Hydrauiic Tin Mining Co.Bd >10.25 teller» Duff Development IV YS 50 lev* Fraser .v Neave, La. ;Wo.- .ellers George Town Dispensary 5 Howard* Kiskiue. Ld. ?-80. sellers j Kanuigau Mvdraulic Tin Mining
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  • 188 6 Gold leal l J Li I’epiier W. Cnasl uul oj slock White Feppei 34 .—sellers j i’raug Pepper season over Cloves t pick» 1 out of reason Mac- 00 —sellers i M»ce Pickings 52. —seUers j I Nui meg* IKb ->l. sellers 1 Nn. b lo )!OIH. I
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 58 6 MACKAY’S LIQUEUR WHISKY. Gleslers’ Champagne, T11K rKI.KHUATKJ) “S. B. Co.” square lace Gin in red cases. Sandilands, Buttery Co. John Bazley White Brothers. “LION BRAND” PORTLAND CEMENT. Sanrlilnnds. Huttory Sr Co. Jeyes Perfect Purifier. Hio best ami inosi powerful disinfectant extant. In l and 5 Gallon Drums and m 40
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    • 7 6 jRUBEROID i ROOFING. Adamson, Gilfillan Co.. Ltd.
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    • 47 6 CLEAR WHITE GLASS BOTTLES. M ie 3 0 F 9 a 9 3 •d H» nrss/, TT' VN'"W 1 'ftfiALLY Sll^Y vMpORf: 6 Z o H R u T«AOl V\Af!* DUNViLLES Special Old Scotch Whisky Glasgow. Scotland U KATZ BKOS., Ltd., SV)/#» Agents, Dunville’s 3 Crown Whisky
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    • 267 6 For Sale! For Sale! For Sale! Fresh Grapes! Fresh Grapes! Fresh Grapes! I NICE AND SWEET. PRICES MODERATE. AT CHIN JOO CO., 95 158, Beach Street. T A I Y A I 'f 'A i, iY A t i, V ■I k A T I* 1 l «1 >1 lit
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  • 218 7 A I>U I.I.ETS Kx I'KAOKDI NAIJ V FLIGHT. Following extract from the Itangoon Advertiser i;ivcs details <>t' tlie p< collar accident leading to the death of Lieut. Twemlow at Mandalay 1 lie decease*) officer was watching the competition for the Lieutenaut-Geueial Commanding s prize and
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  • 662 7 A meric vn Bigamist's Rkmaskari.c Opkuations. American pajiers recently published parti culais of i he remarkable bigatuous career of one Dr." Wi zhoff iu America, which has been productive of some really amazing revelations regarding this man's operations against confiding women. It is now believed that this man has
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 912 7 LONDON DIRECTORY, CONTAINING tivi J.j>ajres of condensed commercial mutter, enable» enterprising' traders throughout the Empire to k«-ep in close touch with the trade of the Motherland. Besides being a complete commercial guide to London and its Suburbs. the London Directory contains lists of EXPORT MERCHANTS with the Goods they ship,
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    • 81 7 Bullocky Bill had a cold so bad 'l'hat. though liia language was very sad. Ilia team stood placidly chewing the cud. While the wheels sank deeper iu the mud. Woods" Peppkkmint (Jurk his voice brought back. When of classical speech there was no lack. And his cattle took to their
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 921 8 A. EVENBHRG, B6, Bishop Street, Goldsmith, Watchmaker and i vsA DENTISTRY W. MANSON, American Dentist, Grainoph 10-8-05 Instruments. 3ms 530 Lim Sun Ho, CHOP HENO MOH Sc Co., 164, Beach Street, Penung. Importers of all kinds of European Cloth and General Commission Agents. lc Charges Moderate, Consultation Free. UKSIUINO at
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