Straits Echo, 28 November 1905

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 987 1 Corkscrew Brand. The Hesi Beer on the Market Light, Sparkling and Refreshing SOLD BY ALL LEADING SHOPS. BANKS. Chartered Bank of India, Hongkong Shanghai Australia and China. Banking Corporation. INCORPORATED BY BOYA L CHARTER. Capital Paid up Reserve Fund Reserve Liability of Proprietors -t800,000 £875,000 Paid-up-Capital SIO.OtKt.OOO Reserve Fund— Sterling
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    • 10 1 LE AGENTS GUINNESS’S STOUT. I air s.ssva TIANG LEE Co.
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  • 3645 2 The Hon. A. Huitenbach Interviewed With all his many engagements both aocial, commercial, and political, it i* not eaav to catch the Hon. A. Hattenli. -h and interview him. A. mild suggestion some Jew .Aiiiuutes were all that, need be spared bore fruit, however, and Mr. Hut ten-
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 43 2 is the name, a reiued\ Of sweet peculiar excellence (jlkkat, us the mighty restless seu, 'Ti* purchased too ui small expense, PpippEHMINT doth form its base. With Pharmaceutics, pure, of course. f’VRE you Oh, fool the hardest ea>«* Caun-t withstand >ts inairie force
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    • 684 2 Municipal notice. A SPECIAL Meeting of Commissioner* will Municipal Office at 4 *’.M. 1m Dccendier next. tlie Municipal I** held at the on Friila)’. the BUSIN ESS 1. To confirm By -laws toi storage cuckiM's and matches*. ■_> ,\nv ordinary busiue&s. Ii. A. Coutikk BIGGS, of Ay. Secretary. 27-11-0 5.
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    • 1899 2 FiR£ LIFE NOTICE. LOST. l N and after this date, all small advertisements intended for insertion in the Straits Echo must he paid for in advance. SENG IIUOI, i Uirec nr. A lsftli LIM .Julvl905. Mans ft i CHINESE receipt for *e\en hundred debars (deposited in Chop Swre Tek. lie.
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  • Shipping.
    • 107 3 B IDnchow, i*i. s *s. 1.217, .Somerville. 27i.h Nov., Swuusea, 24th Oct, «ten. W. M. A Co. M vi.AVA.Ger. ss. :>4S, lioewe, 28th Nov.. Deli. ‘27Mi Nov., Gen.;—B; M. A Co, M Vajikunhis, Dut, ss. t>72, Steeuborg, 28th Nov., Padaug, 18th Nov., Geu., H. L. Co. Bkvavon, Br. s.s.
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    • 55 3 28th November. Acayyte, for Port Swetteuham aud Malacca. Taw Tony, for Asahau. Cornelia, for l>eli. Pin Seay, for Port Bwetleuhaui<fc Biugapore. Lady Weld, for Teluk Anson. Pn'nz Eitel Friedrich, for Singapore, China and Japan. Flying Fieh, tor Port Weld and Taipiug. Sacheen, for Ceylon, Australasia, India, Alien, Egypt, and
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    • 32 3 Mai.aya. Ger. s.s. 348, Loewe, 28th Nov., ■>eli, 27th Nov., Gen., —B. M. «V. Co. Lanokat, Br. s.s. 149, Crichton, 28th Nov., Teluk Anson, 27th Nov, Gen., K. G. Co.
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  • 41 3 1 essels Front Agents 7/m* G. Apoii' Calcutta A.A.A.Co. 1st Dei.-. A. A pear Singapore AAA.Co. 1st Kiutuck Singapore W.M&Co. 2nd Calchas (Singapore W M.&Co. 3rd Cl i iua Colombo S.K.&Co. 6tli Trieste Singapore S.K.&Co. yth Benartv Antwerp |S.B&Co. Ititli
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  • 45 3 1 t'ttxeltt For I -li/e/i/*' Leaves G. A pear Singapore A.A.A.Co. Jlec. Knit uck Luuilou W M A,Co. 2ml A. A pear Calcutta A.A.A.Co. 2nd Calehua Genoa W.M.&Co. 3rd Cliiu.i Singapore SK.AOo. 6th Trieste Colombo fcj.K .iVt'o. 9tli Bona rt v Singapore S.B.ACo. lOtli
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  • 34 3 Fok Paugkaiau iJrandau—Per Petrefr toi morrow, 1 p.m. ‘-L Set ill -Per Hock Cl» nan U-u, 1 p.m. Teluk Ausou —Per Lanykat, to-morrow, '1 p.m. Paugkor—Per U. Ilalewyn, to-morrow, l p m.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1104 3 —-<S HIPPING.) 9 i 1 iil Co. Expected Arrival* and DepartureB, Mail Service. Outwards. INTENDED SAILINGS. British India Steam Navigation Co., Ltd. For Intended to Sail. Steamer. Negapatain, Madras, Pondicherv, Cuddalore aud Karri cal. Rangoon A Calcutta, [Moulmein and Burmese Ports]. Poit Swot ten ham aud Singapore. Dec. 8 s.s.
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    • 107 3 Compagnie des Messageries Maritime** •S 8. Dauube," <lue from Singapore ou 01 hb*> u t Ihe 4th December, lakes Cargo and Passengers for Colombo, Marseilles, Havre. ]>uukirk, Loiuion ami Antwerp. For Freight ami Passage apply to BOUSTEAD Co., 18-11-05. Agent». For Singapore, Hongkong, Swatow and Amoy. TITHE Company s Steamship
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 50 3 WEATHER. Thk following report is kindly supplied bv tlie Signal Director of Fort Cornwallis^— 5 p.m. *> uopi*. V -«terday To-day To-day Th. M» S 8 w Fair Fair Fair Wd. N.W. X. r f wuth The raiufall during the 24 hours ended at a. m. to-day was 06
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  • 117 4 JneOrr ~tlii*ri«neverylioil} aixl jn-tn alone. Fstablished Jane Ist, I9OJ. riihiinlwd daily (except AI Till CRITERION PRESS, 1.1.1., N<*. -"Jr*—g->*2, Beach Street. IVnaiig. PRICK j DAILY LOCAL r»r utu" in OUTSTATIOXS IWl.ti.'*- »;*in. MAIL KIHTION <|\*>t KTecl fli CAULK ADDKKss: Echo—Penally.” Telephone IBS Editor-in-Chi*/' Chks.nky Duncan Editor K.
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  • 1537 4 With these headlines (says a Ceyion 1 paper) we published an o«Iit«>ri 1 on the j loth July giving the views of Mr. M. S. j Parry, of Selangor, and of the I7iiit*-*d Planters* Association of the Federated Malay .States which body had pissed a
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  • 88 4 The above reward will be given to unv person gixing information to the Police, which will lead to the arrest of a lfok- kieu Chinaman named Tan Citing Pong, accused of having attempted to murder a :H ok kieu Chinaman iiam-d Yeoh Paik I Kliooii, at house No.
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  • 372 4 The following table shews what a serious situation has arisen in the official world bv the continual increase in the rate of ex!change:— SALARY IX HOLLARS I’Lit MKNSK3J CALCULATKD OX THE hOLLOWINO STERLING SALARIES f-hMi per £5OO j*er L*iOO per s annum annum annum Date. J <£33.6.8 £41.13.4
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  • 454 4 The foilowiug by-laws, passed by oui Municipal Commissioners, are published in the G"”ett a 1. 'i’lie making of all connect ion* l»e--t.\ve.*ii tbe Municipal mains and premises and 1 iie repairs to or cleansing ol* all service shall l>e done bv the Municipal workmen or by workmen authorised by
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  • 685 4 li»sT Nioiit’s Concert. bast evening the members of the Youm' Men s Christian Association gave a outlet n I aid of tlie fuuds of the Institution at the I Masonic Hall, wje.-.h had .generously lieen j placed at their disposal for the occasion. i I here
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  • 241 4 Concert. s HART I. Pianoforte Solo, “Dance of the Demon > {Edward Holst), Mr. W. E. Lowther. r Song. A song of the Southland." Flore rd Aylward) Mrs- Ebden. Song, Selected Mr. J. S. Cunningham. Trio, “Lift Thine Eves" 5}" <*“■*« iffcJXz. Song, Three for Jack.”..
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  • Page 4 Advertisements

    • 110 5 THc SEVASTOPOL MU (INY. Many Puzxliug Reports. {The Or-taaioetier/ier I Jo yd'*" Sc re ice.) Berlin, 27th NoyeuilWi Sir A. Nicolsou, British Ambassador at .Madrid, has been transferred to St. Petersburg. Berlin, 27th Nown!i*»r.—During the mutiny at Sevastopol tin* armv and navy touglit, but without committing great excesses. {Supplied
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    • 52 5 The Nava! Demonstration. (Supplied by Renter.) London. 27th November.—The International Heet has arrived at Mytileue. (The Ostasiattucker Lloyd'* Service.) Berlin, 27th Novemlier.-- The international squadron has occupied the Custom House and Telegraph Office at Mvtileue without interference, interest in Turkey is diverted from the demonstration on account of the
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    • 35 5 The Conference. The (Jsta*iati*cher Lloyd Service.) Berlin, 27th November.—Count Tatteubacli, who is at present in Berlin, proceeds to Algeeiras ns the second German delegate in the Moroccan Conference. The tirst delegate is Ambassador Radowilz
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    • 23 5 Reception of Corean'Japanese Treaty. (The UeUuiiatiecher Lloyd Service.) Berlin, 27th November.—The German press has received the announcement of the Coreau-Japanese Treaty calmly.
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    • 52 5 The German Dispute. Tin 1 Ortagia/i*clier Lloyd e" Service.) Berlin, 27th November. —The dispute between the Norddeutscher Lloyd, of Bremen, aud the Haiuburg-A tnerika Lillie of Hamburg, regarding their competition tight, has been referred to Government mediation, as the German Government does not wish Bremen to retrograde as a
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    • 17 5 Mure Earthquakes (The Ostanin! ieche r Lloyd'*" Service.) Berlin, 27th November.—Renewed earthquakes are reported from Italy.
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    • 32 5 The New Loan. (Supplied by Renter.) London, 2Hth Nuvemlier. —The prospeo*us of the Japiiuese loan was issued in London during the afternoon and the rush of applicants was greater than ever.
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  • 212 5 {Svpjdied by Reuter.) London, 28th November. —-The Daily News expresses confidence respecting the |*olitical situation and is relieved because of Lord Rosebery’s declaration, as it means that he will not l*c included in the next Government aud he is not au easy man to work with. A thousand
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  • 1143 5 The Assizes. (Before the Hoit. IV. W. Fieher, Rui*ne Judtje.) ink Bikam Estate Cask. IHE trial of the eleven JiOiiite»»* coohes of Bvram Estate, who are diaiged with (1) culpable homicide uot amounting lo murder, voluntarily causing grievoiiß hurt, (:j) 1 voluntarily causing hurt, commence m the .Supreme
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  • 211 5 About It* o’clock on Sunday night six Chinese armed with knives eutered the j Chinese temple in Teluk Aver-st, says the 1 Singapore Free Press. Two weut iu to the High Priest’s room and, threatening him with their knives, forced him to give up the gold rings on
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  • 514 5 Whkx iciii the F. M. S. Railway people frankly acknowledge that they have madu a hideous ami ghastly blunder iu the construction of that section of the Railway’ between Bukit Gan tang aud Padaug Rcugas r -Daily pap-er.] Three blind mice, j Hear .vliat they «lid; I
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  • 228 5 Ykt another ease ot .i serious assault upon Europeans au*i ou this «.evasion it happens t«i have been two judges of the f’alcul la High Court au«l their wives wle« ha«i g«me to see tire Pansiiu.itli processioua Jain celebration, says the Asm// of |Hth j inst. On their return
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  • 264 5 Th k L.vtk Block The scene of the block gives au abs<dute minimum of indications of a terrific explosion, says Indian Fnytnverinij It is within the zone of mud fiats that c institute geographically the lie«l of Lake Meuzaleh am] lies close ou 18 sea miles southward ftom
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  • 532 5 A German astr«in«>im*r has recent iv pub- lished some interesting observations on the theoretical effects of a change iu the colour lof the sun. It. is amazing to coushler the possibilities if our sun were green, blue or re«l. instea»] of what it is. If
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  • 173 5 'l'itK Shipping World s»a\>; “The in ichiuery for gaining information with a view to our markets and increusnij our I trade with the Colonies is most unsat k factory i '< deemed advantageous in main 1«*:.ptfis i“ t» i\e consular officers at the pried j pal
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  • 203 5 The Punjabi may or may not lie the tight mg man he once was, his pessimist critics liava still to prove their case. But he cau certainly give points to most i*eople in the matter of litigiousuess—possibly the result of substituting the rule of law for the
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  • 29 5 To-day. 2nd Day, 11th Moon. Football Match Post and Telegraphs is Noitheru League, Esplanade, 5 p.m. To-morrow. 3rd Day, lltii Moon. Town Band, Esplanade, b to 7 p.m.
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  • 30 5 First Quarter Dec. -IDs I 87 6 a m. O Fui! M«h>ii 12th 6 25.7 a.m. i ».ist llttli 78 6 p..\i O New Moon 26th 11.8.6 >..m.
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  • 20 5 China (SacUeen) 28th Nov. German Pr.E. Friedrich)... i:<Srli Imlian (Teenta) 2t»ih English {Delta) Dec. China Bengal) 8ih
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  • 46 5 P. O. SAILINGS. Hail Service Ot TWAlii/V KWA KI»-> Dr! to (j Dec. Petya 1 S Dec. Oceana *1 Sim '<• 'Pi i:xira Service. >UTWAkl>». i i < >.M KWAKI).', Palawan ,V6 N>n\ Somh H(t Noe. Japan Ii Dec. i Palermo V0‘ Dec. For particulars see Paire 8.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements

  • 119 6 knang, 28th November {By courtesy of the Chartered Bank London Demand Bank 2/1-*-'- 4 months’ sight Bank 2/2 o 3 Credit 2/2 •> 3., Documentary 22| Calcutta, Demand Bank R s !<;| j 3 days’ sight, Private 103-1 Bombay, Demand Bank i 3 days’ sight Private 03 J Madia-s.
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  • 195 6 Belat Tin Mining Co Ld. 5. —sellers Bersawah Gold MiuingCo., I«d. 14. —tellers Bruseh Hydraulic Tin Mining Co.. I,d i 10.25 sellers Duff icveioomeut Co. $8 50 s-ders Fraser A Neave, G*l *ll sellers George Town l-6 Howarlh Erskiue, Ld. $2BO,- sellers Karangan Hydraulic Tin M iuing (’<» Ltd.
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  • 194 6 Jold leaf 5 75. f>. Pepimr W. Coast dll»-. out oj flock White Peppei 34. —sellers Tiling Pepper season over Cloves (picked i out of a son Mace GO sellers Vfave Pickings 52. —sellers Nutmegs I lO- 31. —sellers No. 1 *i lo nom. -no;*- 'J in* si«x*k. Bask**:
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 59 6 I bad tried many doehtors and «wallowed their Aad »dv«Tti>. d lumhtrum.*. more than ouutmh* nil my con,., and tuy throat was' And the In in my shtuuiach refused to resEtd re* When a iK.UI, of Woo,*- grave a new Z™' And hroucht »,„ek tin, «l.mile* to the facetf my
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    • 18 6 SI EARNS WINE, for convalescents from auv severe illness. The goes! effect is at once seen. Stearne Win*.
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    • 60 6 CLEAR WHITE GLASS BOTTLES. 3 0 3 9 ft 0 3 tl H* 3 ■*f'o itmryir (IK StLt^jf 4 *t> thc STRA r V,(‘ If, °UIC»« t r.| SRO?. UHf k MPORE&PBi^ 5 1 X *> 2&32J 3C»ej* ,AR* TP AO DUNVILLES Special Old Scotch Whisky Glasgow. Scotland z o
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    • 157 6 WROUGHT-IRON TUBES AND FITTINGS. Stock Always on Hand. ADAMSON, GILFILL/VN CO., LTD. TO BE OBTAINED FRESH GRAPES GOON YEN FRIENDS. For Sale! For Sale! For Sale! Fresh Grapes! Fresh Grapes! Fresh Grapes! NICE AND SWEET. PRICES “MODERATE. AT CHIN JOO CO, 95 158. Beach Street. I I I m m
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 857 7 TEOH JOO MENG, NOTICE. Chop SO JN YANG Tkleph Vo. 321 HAVING JUST I.KOKIVLD A Portable Improved Wheel Rubbering Machine is now prepared to undertake promptly repairs of old rublier-t.y red wheels which are guannte«‘<l to give satisfaction. 'Vos. 178, 180 IH2 Penang Road, PENANG Establish ki> 1875. 'j|' HK
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    • 19 7 Do uot plav with lung trouble. Gain the first point— Strength. STEARNS' WINE is an invigorating ani strengthening tonic.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1021 8 A. EVENBBRG, 56, Bishop Street, Goldsmith, Watchmaker and Repairer of Optical Instruments, Gramophones and other Musical 10-8-05 Instruments. DENTISTRY W. MANSON, 3uim 530 American Dentist, Late of Dr. Allen to., Pha US.A. GRAHAM Co., Ltd. Wholesale and Retail dentistry Lim Sun Ho, CHOP HENG MOH Sl Co. 164, Beach Street,
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