Straits Echo, 25 November 1905

Total Pages: 10
1 10 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1540 1 Corkscrew Brand. The Best Beer on the Market. l ight, Sparkling and Refreshing SOLD BY ALL LEADING SHOPS. I BANKS. Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China. INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER. Capital Paul up Unnerve Fund Reserve Liability of Proprietors -*800,000 -£875.00) -1*800,(00 Hongkong Shanghai Nederlandsche Handel International Bankings Banking:
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    • 10 1 SOLE AGENTS. GUINNESS’S STOUT >.3 aiv s.ssva tiang LEE Co.
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  • 194 2 Thih is a, Pakiiam snake aud mosquito story, aud therefore must l*e tine. I* is told that a man was bitten by a cobra in die jungle some way from Paknam, and **n I"» 'way borne lie was' 'outcome by it r> ffecis. lie hivl a small
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  • 169 2 Mu. Oscar Loren/., in charge ot the experimental Telefuliken wireless telegraphy stations in Bangkok and Koh-isi-Chang, leaves Bangkok to-morrow, or the next day, for the Straits and Calcutta, says the Bangkok Times of 14th inst He will then visit Batavia and other places in the Netherlands
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  • 574 2 In a discussiou of the Napoleonic idea! that the greatest men of the world have been small in stat lire t iie Strand Magazine, publishes some interesting figures regarding! the height of the leading men of the day j Au examination of tiie figure» given
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 69 2 I in* ni.m who wins].ms «lnwii :i, w**U I »«»1 1 1 I lII* <*OOlls lit* till s t«l «I*ll, W 'in I oil 1» tin* **l**nniin< r r ,h,lhu Ink** ho-wlio climlis a tri*i* :iu*l holkrs. Until who I**l S i'USisim* ;ili‘iln To wtui* him -linvn to skin ami
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    • 2546 2 NOTICE. lirjj, ilie undersigned, chops* Hu|j AiL t Ton*' of Peuat'ij umi Joo Sang Ciuau of Hongkong, lieg to notify that we have, on the 291 h August, 1905, bought the business of Kong Guan las* Hock Kee ot 48, Market •Street, dealers in siik and general goods, land that
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  • Shipping.
    • 127 3 Phono wa, B»‘- s.s. 13,428, Whitehead, 25th Nov.. Siiiirnt ore, 23rd Nov., Gen., ii l a Co. 1* i i/.\ j \xim < k I Jr s.s. 740, Heggii, 25th Nov. Rangoon, 21st Nov., Geu., H. C. Co. Arcadia, Hr. s.s. 3,518, Cubitt, 24th Nov., Singapore, 253nl Nov., Gen.,—P.
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    • 73 3 25th November. Tk onyura, for Noga|>atain and Madras. I)e Kuclc, lor Hajaii, Edie, T. Semawe, Segli, Olehleh and Pulo We'i. Malaiju, for IMi. Petrel, for Paugkalun Hrandan. Outa-pere, for Tongkah, Ivoj ab,, Mergui and Tavoy Lamjkat, for Teluk Ausou. Hiur our, for Singapore, China and Japau. Homj Moh.
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  • 44 3 Ve«» els From Agents Ihu Keuavuu Lou<lou S.B.&Co. 20th Nov. Ken led i Loudou S.H itC". 27th fdomeuetis Liverpool YV.M.&Co. 27th <i. Apear Calcutta A.A.A.Co. 1st Die. Kintuck Singapore W.M.ACo. 2nd A. A pear Singapore AAA.Co. 1 Kt 9» Beiiarty Antwerp S.B&Co. ltttll
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  • 52 3 1 esxrlr For A <ieii/r Leaves, Benavon Singapore S.B.&Co. 26th Nor. Bouledi Singapore S.B.ACo. 87th Idomeueus Singapore W.M.&Co. 27th (i. A pear Singapore A. A. A.Co. 2ud J>ec. K intuck I Loudon W.M &Co. 2 ml A. A pear Calcutta A A A Co. 2nd Beua rt y Singapore
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  • 86 3 For I>eli—Per Hebe, 27th instant, II a.m. Tranj» and Pang Nga—Per Ihili, 27th inslant, I p in. Port iSwetteuliani—Per Mary Austin, *2711 1 instant, l p.m. Tougkah Per lioturua 271 h instant, I p in. I.augkal—Per Jin Ho, 27 th instant, I p in Ilnlu Uahra aud Asaiiau—Per
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  • 19 3 Per Thougwa, from Singapore Messrs. A. and M. Sarkies, iMvianson, Nicholas, Miss Yeap, Miss Molok, Mrs. Choo Choon.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1229 3 (S HIPPIN G.) P. 0.13 2^ 8. N. Go. Expected Arrivals atul Departures. Mail Service. Outwards. Dec. 0 s.s. Delta connecting with s.s. Himalaya 20 s.s. Oceatw do h i?. India Jau. 3 s.s. Arcadia do s.s. Britannia Homewards. Dec. B.H. Bengal connecting with do s.s. Marmora 22 B.P. Simla
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    • 103 3 Compagnie des Message ries Mari times» S. 8. I hiuube,” <lue from Singapore ou or about the 4th December, takes aud Passengers for Colombo, Marseille», Havre, Duukirk. Loudim aud Autwerp. For Freight and Passage apply to BOU9TEAD Co.. 18-11*05. Agent*. For Singapore, Hongkong, Swatow and Amoy. rilllH lloiuj Molt, Captaiu
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 29 3 WEATHER. Thk following report is kindly supplied bv the Signal Director of Port Cornwallis The rainfall during the 2 1 hunts ended a* Z a m. to-day vas ml.
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  • 120 4 Jiiat i«« H»ti*tie*»everyb<»ly and justice nlone.— Established June Ist, 1903Published daily (except Buu<U) AI TIIE CRITERION PRESS, Ltd., N>». *226 —2J2, Beach Street. Phiisiiis;. I*KICK DAILY LOCAI l"*r umiim OUTSTAY lONS Ktfr». MAII KIHTION <Pu*i fwl *1CAULK ADIMIKXS; Echo —Penang.*’ Telephone No. lSf*. j Editor-in-Chiet Chkj*nkv Duncan
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  • 33 4 Bikths. On the gdrd instant, at Nirvaua. th*- wile of Mr. A. Stephen Anthony, of a daughter. On 25th November. at Telegraph House. Penang, to Mr. and Mrs. Procter, a sou.
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  • 1504 4 Volustekkixo in Penang cannot be described as being exactly a huge riuecos, as will be readily appreciated by anyone who reads our short report of the proceeding* it last night's annual general j meeting of the Penang \oiunteeis, 1 published in another coiumu. The Comuinudaut did not
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  • 1135 4 Annual General Meeting j The annual general meeiiug of the IVnlaug Volunteer» was held in tlie Brill ll .ll lat the Fort last evening, there l>eiiig p:• I sent Capt. A. K. Adams (Commandantin 1 t!ie chair. Capt. ,1. G Mian. Lieut. F. U. I Hallifax, Lieut.. Uower>-Smith,
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  • 71 4 Ihk Bif>ii ict 1 raffic Sup •i inlendeni, Taipiug, wires that on and alter tomorrow, Sunday, the sictiou of railway Iretvveeu iaiping and Padaug Re igas will be ieopeued for traffic, but the 7.34 a.m. mail train from Prai to Kuala Lumpur and the b. 40 a.m. mail
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  • 210 4 At three o’clock this morning a nkisha coolie named Thean, living at Telaga Ayer (about a mile from Butterwortli Station), woke up and got out of lied, when he was confronted bv a thief, who had entered his house. The thief, thinking that Lee Thean
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  • 504 4 A Magnificent Donation. I The preliminary arrangements for the foundation of a Central College iu Penang 1 > for the teaching of Chinese in the Mandarin dialect were concluded yesterday at the Chinese Tow n Hall His Excellency Thio Thio Siat, Vice-President of the Board
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  • Page 4 Advertisements

    • 279 5 THE CABINET MEETING. Dissolution Postponed. {Suji/diett by Reuter.i Loudou, 24th Nov.— Sir Henry Camplieillian normal), speaking at Stirling, openly declared in favour of home rule for Ireland, that his c«>m u-i ions of the necessity for it were stronger than ever. He advised the Nationalists to accept any
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    • 113 5 The Kaiser. Hie foreign Office Budget (The o*tu*i<Ui*<'Uer Ijlotfd s Sere ice.) Berlin, 24th November.—The Kaiser Wilhelm will pay a return visit to King Alfonso at Madrid in April uext. Berlin, 24th November.—The German Foreign Office Budget contains projects for a summer residence iur the German Minister to China
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    • 48 5 A Veiled Threat. 1 (Supplied by Hauler.) London, 25th November.—The reply of tie Porte to the powers on the Macedonian question is unusually detiant and cl mes with a veiled threat of a Mnssalnian outhreak if the pressure of the Powers in favour of the Christians continues.
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    • 38 5 Railway Debentures Issued. (Supplied, by Hauler.) Loudon, -4th Noveiuiter. Cue miliiou tour and a half per cent, debentures of the Kausai Railway of Japan were issued in Loudon yesterday, the issue price lieiug ninety-seven and a half.
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    • 27 5 Ntw Commissioner Appointed. Supplied by Hauler.) London,'Joth November—Lieut.-Colonel ILives Sadler, Commissioner of the 'ttuiida l’rolectoiiilc, »lui* l*eeu appointed 1 oinniissionei of the Last Africa Protectorate.
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    • 49 5 Permanent Under-Secretary. 1 ''applied by Heater.) London, _*.ith Novemlier. It ia officially •‘UUounced that Sir T. 11. Sanderson, Pci* j nder-Secretary of the Foreign I* U i 6 ltll 'nng, aud that lie is to be rekv Charles Hard in ge. British 'Uibijjhiidyr at St. Petersburg.
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    • 38 5 Manchester November Handicap. [Supplied by Reate, Miin.'l ov -—The lietuug on the u Ust ove,, d>er Handicap is 5 to 1 uthreak, 1()0 to 12 agsL Pradella to 1 vi* 0 af?B, Tom. and ,l «*t. JMiunow.
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  • 135 5 Election ok Grand Treasurer I The Euglish Masonic world is at the moment greatly agitated ou the subject of the election of* a Grand Treasurer. Up to j the present every vote has had to be tender* ed iu person each March at Pieemasou s i Hall, London, a
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  • 212 5 I Indian Mining Laws. The miuiug laws of India, under the fostering care of Lord Cui/.on, by the way, are very different from those of any other country says the ludian Daily News. In any ot her couut rv a person who wishes to prospe *t can go with
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  • 153 5 Wi; may leuiind our readers <>f the <-ouI cert to lie given in t lie Freemasons’ Hall ou J Monday evening next under the auspices of, the Young Men’s Christian Association.' I The to lowing will be the programme: I’IANOK*»KTK •sol.’ Dunce of llie Demon
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  • 440 5 A Rugby football practice match took place on tiie Esplanade yesterday afternoon, m view of the match between the Scots and the World, to be decided on St. Andrew's Day. The teams were about eight a side, cap tamed by A. Wallace Jones and O. V. Thomas. To
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  • 1557 5 Russia and Great Britain Apparenily Drawing Nearer Together. But Disturbance:» in Russia Hamper Progress. (icueral Booth at the Guildhall. I'kkeihem or the City Coni bkrkd. London’s great dkbi. (trout Our Own Oorretitontltnl.) Fleet Strkkt, 27th Oct. The failure to j briug Germany and Russia into closer re-!
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  • 503 5 A I’sTltALlA Favol'KH THE Il> EA. <1 Al sTKAi.Iv welcomes the new s that Singa- pore is to become a naval base. Juan > editorial on the subject the Sydney Te>r- > grofft says:—The decision of the British Govei iiuieut 1 o establish a great
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  • 862 5 Assaulting a European Okkicek Calcutta, 14th Noyeml«er. The Etnj iuiumnt says there appears lie j serious trouble in t he «list i ict of Rack -rgntijiu niiecliou with the part it ion-cum IhiwoII I ;igil.t<ion. it is now icported that the magis i.iie lias been him-elt nioh!>ed iu the
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  • 66 5 To-r>w -•'t il I Li 11 Kb Mikih Ladies NovemU‘i Spoon Competition, I Club, 2nd <1hv. Noyeinlwr M-iiihlv Medal Cum petition. Golf Club. 1W, lUn.l, Coif Club, 0 iu 7 i Oriental Kinetograph Sho.v,/ Kiiiilmrlbt Street. p.m. 'I «>- iu<>u Hun juUili Day. lotli .Moon I Tweniy-i bird Sun-lav
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  • 29 5 I U Moon Nov. 2bth 11.47.1 e..n. 1 I ir-l Quarter Dec. 4th 137.6 am. 1 Moon 12th 6.25.7 I l **ia!lei iPtll 7.8 6 F.JH.
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  • 11 5 I'ina (Sac/t *cn) 28th Nov. German Pr.E. Friedrich).. 21»th
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  • 48 5 P. O. SAILINGS. Mail Service. < PCI WAUIO* lio.MKWAKI*S. I LPc la H her. Jirui/a 1 l)+r. OotiUHl *tP Situ ’a •>•> *tr:i Service Of I W A liL>s iioMKWAROS. I PaJairatt 26' Noc. Socotra 25 Aon, Jo [no. I> l Per. 1 S Hutto HO Ror particulars see Page
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 16 5 For '■Hh** 1 Mpitutiou of tij <3 heart take Woods’ r r«„ 1M ao o«ni fc
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    • 12 5 As an ideal Iron Tonic STSAKNS WIFE tolerated with v?*eat satist'ucti' u
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    • 47 5 For ;i 11 internal complaints take Woods Gl' »:it P**fpori»iiiit t.'iiri*. RO i*>ufw. EYE-SIGHT. Mr*. H. LAZARUS, REPRESENTING Mr. N. LAZARUS, MAY BE CONULTED FOR SPECTACLES AT C. B. SENG- Co. SI JHT TESTING A ADVICE EREE. FOR A FEW DAYS ONLY. 25 1 l-**o ir 7i>*s
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    • 319 5 m* PENANG LIBRARY! IN accordance with Rule XIX, the Library will be closed from December Ist to loth, inclusive, for the Aunutil hxaiuiii,ition of books. For this purpose all books aUil periodicals should l»e returned to the Library ou or before the Ist Decemt»er. A title of K» ceuts may
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  • 1210 6 I«'ew Remaining Rkfuoeks eok the Man I’CRSUED BY THE LAW. A few davs ago a creditor complaiuea to liis Houoiir Judge Edge that he wa> unable to arrest a certain debtor owing to the fact that this individual was employed at tlie Courts, and that a warrant for
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  • 133 6 knano. 25th November i (By courtesy of the Chartered hank.) L union Demand Bank 2/1 J j I 4 months’ sight Bank 2/2§ J Credit 2/24 I »o«‘umenlarv .2, 2 J n j jCaicmto. Demand Bank its j •i days’ sight Private 103* j 'Bombay. Demand Bank lOl| 3
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  • 202 6 Beiat i'iu Mining Co., Ld. 5. seller* Hers i wait Goid M iniugCo.. L*i. 9 14.— feller» Ibuseii Hydraulic 'J in Mining Co., Ld. 10.25 sellers Duff DeveioDUii-nt. Co. $8 50 seller Kr.iser «k Neave. Ld slos. —tillers George Town Dispensary s>o Howarlh Erskine, Ld SlBo.- seller* h'araugan Hydraulic
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  • 186 6 ,5 10. k i'< i i i\ C«>a«! ->ii»>.-'•<•<. out oj i-tocL While Pepper 34 —sellers 1 rang Pepper season over Cloves (picked) out oj season Mace i —sellers Mace Pickings —ge l*rs Nutmegs 11 Os 31.— sellers. No. 1 *j lu Hum. ®Ug:«‘ "J uo Stock. I Past
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 7 6 RUBEROID ROOFING. Adamson, Gilfillan k Co., Ltd.
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    • 732 6 CLEAR WHITE GLASS BOTTLES. i M D SKY in UNIVERSAL H f sfe -i 1 s The International Hotel, 2, Leith Street, Penang USE OJtLY and USE ALWAYS ELECTRIC LIGHT THROUGHOUT. 2*l MOST REFRESHING. A Lly ri us Perfume Health. A NECESSARY RESTORA- VIN SICKNETG. Far Superior to the German
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  • 132 7 i Hu Antwerp correspondent of Voutmerrnt! Irtelligenre write»: The International Diplomatic Maritime < 'ontereuce which has ju>t closed at ltrusseis has i**eu eminently successful, and we may confidentiv look fojuard at some early date to the ado|>Hotr*r»f a universal maritime cotie governing collisions. The delegates are unanimously
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  • 142 7 A >Stkan<j> e Stokt. In the Divorce Court a strange story was told by Mr. be Has in askiug for permisMou to proceed without litilling oiie of the corespondents in Kidge-Joues v. Kidge Joiles aim Roberts. Counsel said that petitioner, Mr Llewellyn Ridge Jones, was a lieutenant in His
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  • 144 7 A Srlkni n> Achievement. The Russian gunboats Gaidumak and which were sunk at Port Arthur, have recently been refloated. They have been renamed the Shikiuami aud Mukigumo. The Jij'i states that the following are the only sunken vessels which are now in Port Arthur
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  • 346 7 News lias readied England of a wellknown Eastern traveller and scientist who started in May l!*Od, on an expedition across <Jhiua into Tibet. This gentleman staved tor sometime in Lhas»a, the capital of Tibet, where he learnt much of what had happened since the British departed. He discovered that
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 1086 7 JVTOTICE. TEOH JOO MENG, Chop SOON YANG. Tklkphohk Xu. 321 HAVING JUST RECEIVED A Portable Improved Wheel Rubbering Machine is now prepared to undertake promptly repairs of old rublier-tyred wbeels nrhicli are guaranteed to give satisfaction. Nos. 178, 180 182 Penang Road, PENANG. Establish ki> 1875. For Sale Carriages. DEVOTES
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    • 59 7 brings the colour to the cheek Oi those that suffer and are weak, Whose ailments have but made them crave 'lo oe leloased and in their grave? Whit, now. Inis gi v« n such de-die lo live iig.iQ? \on mtv inquire. 1 is jitses cauuot well endure 'lli stitn
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1184 8 A. EVENBERG, 56, Bishop Street, Goldsmith. Watchmaker and Repairer of Optical Instruments, Gramophones and other Musical 10-8-05 Instruments. :3ms 5530 DENTISTR Y. W. MANSON, American Dentist, Lute oj Dr. Allen Co., Pha, US. A. Charges Moderate, Consultation Fiee. Lim Sun Ho, CHOP heng moh C°, 164, beach Street, Penang. RKSIIUNO
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  • 2885 9 It ib often «aid that the white meu out m the East know lime or nothin» of the home life of the natives with whom they sojourn, and this is particularly true with regard to China. One obtains a glimpse of how the middle-class
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  • 175 9 Penang. 25th November, Iot>\. Beep— rtf. •Soup p* ,r cittty o Roast 24 Steaks 24 Ste.v or Curry Meat 18 Kump Steak 24 Ox Tail each 40 Tongue t>0 Feel 15 Heart 30 Liver 40 PukkPork o»ltv 34! Pig's Head 22 Feet 26 j Tongue 24, Mutton per
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 15 9 STEARNS’ WINE increases vigor, appetite,*yjjfrpftf mn anti nutrition. It does tbit conListentl*’. It curci.
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    • 22 9 Very palatable, eveu children. enjoy to take it, but it must be Seams' Wine, not tlie other.,. Far better than an;- emulsion.
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    • 71 9 99 the celebrated “S. B. <& Co. square face Gin in red cases. Sand Mantis, Buttery Co. John Bazley White Brothers. “LION BRAND’’ PORTLAND CEMENT. Ituttrry Cn. Jeye’s Perfect Purifier. Tli<* Lest. nnd most powerful disinfectant extant. In 1 and 5 Gallon Drums and in 40 Gallon Casks. Quotations on
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    • 268 9 KATZ BROTHERS, Ltd., PENANG, HAVE JIiST KKCKIVKD NATURAL STERILIZED MILK Absolutely the finest ever imported into the Straits Settlements. Trade-Mark. Homogeneous Nadira Milk is the most recent progress in the art of preserving milk. Homogeneous Xatura Milk is pure natural fluid cows milk without any addition and will keep lor
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 764 10 OLDHAM HALL. A BOARDING SCHOOL FOR BOYS. Healthful location, fooii the heat, large jams -ground, strict discipline daily study classes unde»* personal supervision of the Principal. SPECIAL ATTENTION TO ENGLISH Address: PRINCIPAL anglo-chinesl school. U-4-05 KJe Singapore TO BE OBTAINED L I MITED. I xhe Earlv |JOHN Wfl miner I
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