Straits Echo, 24 November 1905

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1587 1 Corkscrew Brand. The Best Beer on the Market. tQ. Light, Sparkling and Refreshing SOLD BY ALL LEADING SHOPS. BANKS. Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China. INCORPORATED KY ROYAL CHARTER. Hongkong A Shanghai Banking Corporation. *10.000.000 Capital Paid up Reserve Fund Reserve Liability of Proprietors jfc 800,000 jt‘875,000 £800,000 Head
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    • 7 1 GUINNESS'S STOUT. sx 1 S > .•■vr S.SSW
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  • 1405 2 Tall or ihe Haunted Housk. The 0> out Itecieu) publishes the following, communicated l v a readier, it is striking and certainly gruesome. She writ» I was told the following remarkable si on of a haunted house by Mrs. Lascelles, mother of Captain Lascelles. the whilom
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  • 1249 2 Tuesday 30th January. Thurs day 1st February and Saturday 3rd February. FIRST DAY. TUESDAY, 30th JANUARY. 1900. 1. —The Maiden* Plate. Value *300. A Race for Maiden Horses. Weight as per scale reduced 14 lbs. All animals iuipoited into tlie Straits or
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 536 2 With artificial modes, of life New uiimeni* oft appear, And in our midst disease is rife. More dreadful every year. Vet who need suffer stomach pain. Ur sleepless night endure, While rest and ease lie's sure to gaiu Through Woods’ Great Peppermint Cure. MUNICIPAL NOTICE. N’OIR 'K is hereby given
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    • 1119 2 NOTICEi i|7K, tli*' undersigned, chops Hup Aik 1 V\ Toil# of Pena- g and Joo Sang Ouau 1 of Hongkong, I *♦*4 to notify that we have, oil flu- 29th August, 1905. bought the business of Kong Gunn Hook Kee of 48, Market I St reet, dealers iu silk
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    • 120 2 EYE-SIGHT Mr. H. LAZARUS. REPRESENTING Mr. N. LAZARUS, ,j may be consulted for SPECTACLES AT C. S. SE1TG Sc Co. Siam TESTING <* ADVICE FREE. FOR A FEW DAYS ONLY. 18 11-1905. 707 I <■» k. A UCTIO N SALE The undersigned Ills recei ved iust ructiom to pul up
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    • 39 2 P. /II oir Crane Co.’s CYLINDER OIL. Sanditands, Huttery Co. H. HODSON CO.'S TURPENTINE. Sand Hands, Huttery Co. AGENTS FOR LLOYD’S. National Bank of China, Limited. National Bank of India, Ltd. Insurance effected against all risk'. SANUIUNDS, BUTTEVY to
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  • Shipping.
    • 124 3 \:m.n\. l»r. s.s. '>24. Lkiiii'oiil. 241 h Ndv, SinyiijKiiv, 22iul Nov M |j Co. OMAt>uufc. lit :i4o. Beil. 2 Vd N«v. Ran-oon, 2Uili tM.,- U. n.. I\. »1..C0. Van Dick I'akka. I>ut s.s. 558. Boon. 24th Nov., Deli, 23rd Nov., (4 v n H. L. Co. Lavokat. Ilr. s.s.
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    • 69 3 24th November. /V/<»/.-, lor Port Swetteuiiiiiu and Malacca. Tit tv Tony, for Asahan. (In Pena, for Setul. Hock Chnan IJn, for Setul. Hon Whott Soon, for Port Swetteukani ami Singapore. Hok Coition, for Kdie, T. Seinawe, Segli. < Mohleii and Sabaiio. AT« in So mi. for Calcutta. Lady Hold,
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  • 44 3 1 < f Front Agenlr Ischia Singapore B.Al.&Co. 25th Nov. Socot ra Singapore A.G.&Co. 26th Beuavon London S.B.&Co. 26th Benledi London S.B tbC"< 27th G. A pear Calcutta A.A.A.Oo. 1st Bee. A. A pear Singapore A A A Co. 1st Beuarty 'Antwerp S.B&Co. 16th
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  • 54 3 1 tStelt t For A •jail* j Lett ret 1 lucliia Bomb v B.M iVCo. 25th Nov Socotra Colombo A.U&Co. 25th Bella voii Singapore S.B.&Co. 26 th Ben led i Singapore S.B.ACo. 27th <y. A pear Singapore A.A.A.Co. 2nd i>ee A. \pear Calcutta A.A.A.Co. j2ud Ben art v Singapore
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  • 81 3 For Ceylon, Australasia, India, Aden, Mauritius. Egypt aud via Brindisi, for Euisupe, etc Per Arcadia, to-morrow, t> Negapatam aud Madras —Per Thvmjvui, to-morrow, 1 p.ui. PangkaUiu Brandau— Per Petrel, tomorrow, 1 pin. Tongkah, lvopali, Renoug, Mergui and Tavov —Per Oh taper?, to-morrow, 1 p.m. Teluk Ausoii—Per Lainjkat,
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  • 97 3 Per Van Iter Parra, from Deli Captain Uidall, and HoCliye Yeaug. Per Chusaii, from Loudon Messrs, ti. Preust, I l Tovubee. From Marseilles Mrs. l>ew and Mr. O. P. Demon. Frpin Colombo Messrs. Mnnserrgii, Bligh Orr, lit mu n Chelty and Mrs. Carr lit hers. Per Kistua, from Singapore
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1132 3 (SHIPPIN G.) myv >\« P. 0.1 1 li. N Co. Expected Arrivals and Departures. Mail Service. Outwards. INTENDED SAILINGS. British India Steam Navigation Co., Ltd. INTKNDKD TO SAIL. STEAMER. Fok Negapatam, Madras, Pondicliery, Cuddalore and Karrical. Sat. 25tli Nov. 2 p.m. Sat. 9th Dec. 2 p.m. Rangoon A Calcutta. [Moulmein
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    • 86 3 For Singapore, Hongkong, Swatow and Amoy. riIHK Steamship Hoiuj Molt, Captain 1_ Dawson, will leave for the aliore, on Saturday, the 25tli inst., at 4 p in. For Freight or Passage, apply to KOE GU AN (Jo., A quid* for Wee Bin Co., of Singajtore. 20-11-05 sts 770 Compagnie des
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 48 3 WEATHER. Tuk following report is kindly supplied by the Signal Director of Fort Coruwailis Th. Wr. Wd. 5 p.m. C a.m. noon. Yesterday To-day To-day 8V W* Very Threatening Fair fair South South IhetdinfitU during the 24 hours ended *t 9 a in. to-day v as 110 tnchet
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  • 123 4 Jounce satisltoe everybody and justice alone. t Established June Ist, 100.*. Published daily loxcepl Sun.i.i* 4. 1 AT Til K CRITERION PRESS, Ltd., No. 220—Beach St eel. Penang. PKICK |DAILYLOCAI p*r OUTBTATIOSS rosta** Kxt.r». MAM. EDITION' (Post Kieet CAULb AlUHtKs**: Echo Penang.” Telephone N" 18*. Editor-in-Cltiej ChksNky
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  • Current Topics.
    • 277 4 Ur. Hystop has coiue ui for a <g-HH! deal of criticism, srys the P fact Hunter, for 1 having dared to say at the aHiiual meetj it,g of the British Medical Association that “the removal of woman from her natural sphere of domesticity lo tiia» of mental
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    • 307 4 Kmjtku s announcement »»f mu early dotation of a new Japanese foreign loan to tile amount of LoO.OOWjKXi st-erl- iug is evidence of the fact that. according to the lieliet expressed in a Japanese contemponii v, tiu.' postponement «»1 the I proposed Russian. loan on account of
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    • 891 4 Thk Chatham incident lias induced a cer- j tain portion of thej Egyptian press —curi- j uusiy enough mainly tlie French sec-, tioti—to clamour for Government control over the Canal Company's proceedings. remarks the Pioneer. It is asserted that the Company at present enjoys unique privileges which
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  • 845 4 Tiie fourth League match was» played ou the E>piauadc yesterday evening between the I*. K. C. and St. Xavier’»». The follow dig represented the iesi>ective teams IV 11. C Gnu \N Woodworth. Full Mac La, lie Mont burn, and K. P. Waller. I fill/ Backa. Widuiiiu, IJ. Axil, and
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  • 307 4 Messrs. Lewis and Peat’s Report. Ist Nov, 1903. \v>; have had a decliuiug market for p iir i »»orts during the mouth and a good busiues's has been done The closing quotation for 1< me 1 ara is -»s. 2jd. per lb. Medium grades, which are only in moderate
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  • 678 4 American Version or the Massacre. Mr. T. P. Hear lev, of Canton, semis tlw following account oi" the Lieuckow affair Cautou, November o —Supplementing my cablegrams to the Cablenews I sand vou herewith as fully as I can gather them, the details of the murders of the
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  • Page 4 Advertisements

    • 172 5 A CABIN I T CRISIS. Dissolution Predicted. (iS applied by Healer.) Loudon, 24th November. —A meeting of the Cabinet has been called for to-dav and rumour anticipates that, the result will lx* the tirst step towards the resignation of tlie Cabinet, which is to-day the absorbing topic. The
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    • 101 5 Ominous Preparations. The Ostusiatischer Lloyd s Service.) Berlin, 23rd Noveinlier. —The Porte has accepted the prolongation of the appointments of civil agents for two years, but declines to concede the tiuaucial control ot Macedonia aud holds the Powers responsible for an' bloodshed that may result from their action. (Supplied
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    • 135 5 A New' Loan. The “0. t<>si il ischcr Lloyd# Service. Berlin, 23rd November.—At the end o f the mouth the subscription list will l*e opened for a twenty-live million four per cent. Japanese loan at ninety. 'The loan is to lie issued by au international group of bankers, including
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    • 111 5 Latest War Office Scheme (by Healer.) Loudon, gdrd Nuvouibei'. —The Standard states that the W r ar Oflice authorities are considering the reorganisation of the military commands in the Colonies, with a view to co-ordination. London, ‘24th November. —It is understood that the Dolce of Connaught, on hi*
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    • 43 5 The Zemstvos’ Resolution. The o*l,i#i,disci,er yd s Service.) Berlin, 23rd Noveiuiier A resolution passed hy the Zemstvos by a great majority decides for assistance being given to Count AV itle iu carrying out the Tsar's Manifesto granting liberty to the Russian people.
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    • 93 5 hinjt Hakon Leaves Copenhagen. ■■(Supplied by Hauler.) Loudon, 24th Noveiuiier.—Copenhagen «as liedecked with Hags yesterday and Bin town was thronged with people witness the departure of King Hakon aud Ma*d fof Christiania Both King Hakon aud Queen Maud were •jeply.moved on bidding farewell b* King •diristian and the Danish
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    • 59 5 The Conference. I i Lite Oshuial writer LL,y<i s Set vice.) j Berlin, 2ord November. it is doubtful if the Presideutsiiip of the Morocco C >ntereuce will be accepted by »Sen**r M*>utereiros, on account, ol a Spanish Mmistei- ial crisis. Count T ttenbach has left Morocco for Berlin and
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    • 42 5 A Constitution Wanted. {The OslasiaJ iseher Lloyd Service. Berlin, 2drd Noveiuiier. it is reported from Loudon that the Chiuese Ambassadors iu Europe are preparing an address to the Throne asking for the establishment ot a constitution for China after live vears.
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    • 25 5 New Governor for Madras. {Supplied by Renter London, 24th November.—!Sir Arthur Law lev, Lieutenant-Governor of the Transvaal Colonv, has lx*en appointed Governor of Madras.'
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    • 32 5 Cheap Ice Helm Sfascial. Lpoli, 24th November.—The establishment of an ice factory in I poll has created such keen competition that ice is being sold at half a cent a pound.
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    • 41 5 Another Week’s Delay. Leho Special Ipoh. 24th November.—The slip on the railway at Bukit Gantang has been inspected by the Resident Engineer, who expects that through trams will recommence running between Prai and Kuala Lumpur in uiroiit a week.
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  • 534 5 In Acbeeu, petty warfare goes on steadily, and the ranks of the enemy are continuous I v thinned out. Some idea of the work done is given by the following telegram from the Governor of Acheeu dated 13th November Captain Yeltmau. in Upper Meuiabuh, killed four Aciiinese. A detach
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  • 1054 5 The ordinary general meeting of the shareholders of this compauv was held at the i Cauuou-street Hotel, London, on October 31. Sir Wiu. Hooddfrwtrlier, K. C. M. G., t who presided, said :—The report aud accounts relate to last year’s working of the old Lilieriau Coffee Compauv.
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  • 1015 5 The Prince's First Speech. The follow iug is the text of H R. II i Piiuce of Wales’ reply to tlio ad<be-s *>f welcome presented by the Bombay C »r:> atiou al the lauding of the R*oal visitors t lieiv: i thank you uiosl aiiicereh
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  • 116 5 NaiLiual camphor has become so high priced iu Europe that experiments along various lines are being made for the production of a cheaper ijuaiitv. l'urjienii. e is the usual starting point. A prove»s recently piVuted in France seems to have solved the problem. Turpentine is lirst conled into Us
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  • 292 5 A Nkw Story AJ. A. I’, 'r£l,l,B the following excellent stoi v of H. 1. Al. the Kaiser, which lias also! the recoiiiineiidatiou of i»eing entirely new I“ An excellent story is just now liemg toh. jof the Germau Emperor, whose power ol I being enthusiastically interested in
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  • 57 5 To- DAY. 28th ldav, loth AJoou. Ladies’ November Spoon Competition, Golf Club. Town Hand, Esplanade, »j to 7 p.m. Oriental Kiuetograph Show. Kiml»erlev Street, ft p.m Tu-mukkow. 2i>tii i i. 10l it Aioou. Ladies November Spoon Competition, Golf Club, 2nd day. I'oivn Land, Golf Club, 0 to 7 p.m.
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  • 24 5 > Nov. 2»ith 11.47.1 p.m i First Quarter l>te. 4tn 1 37.1» au. Pal »I*m»ii 12th t>.25.7 a.m. v l'dth 7.8. ti p.m
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  • 16 5 China (Arcadia) 24th Nov. Indian Thongwa) 2olii China (Sackmm) 28lh German (Pr.E. Friedrich).. 20th
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  • 40 5 P. O. SAILINGS. Mail Service. OUTWARDS. HoMKWaRI» Delhi H Iter, liemjal 8 Dee. Oceana JO i Simla JJ hxtra Service. Outwards. Homb wards. Dtdaivuu JS Nov. Socotra Ayr. Jajm h Vi Dec. j Sunda HO For particulars soe Page 3.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements

  • 1014 6 Lth Eonomic Possibility* TawiiaD iuteimtiug article in a cent w«ue of an Indian financial «*>•"•*"• porarv on the economic possibilities of Indian jack, which may prove mfnr»i....g to our readers, who do not see nur o»uu->» porary. Of course, all Anglo-Indiau- I.»" E Lit. hut feu rethap» k~«
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  • 117 6 kna no 24rH November tty court''*!/ of the Charter at Haul; D >iHi<>n Demand ID*»» I dioiitits’ dtfi*' Ibrnt -,-s o/ai > reilit O n |»,M'Uinei»r- ,r y "is Ohm»lVn.ani Bank Ks l«U days* Private "G Boninay. Demand Bant :J days’ sioiir Priva e >•* j Madras. Demand Bank
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  • 197 6 BelatTin Miuiug Co., UI. S o* salts ferwiwmtOoMi MiuiugC*». Ui. 5 14. sellns P„ u>. i. Hv.lraulie Tin Alimiiir j j* w >11. —sales and stilers [>„li i2v«..uii«-ut"e.. ?5 5(1 teller. K,.X W n 1 ..w n 1, Kwki*-. U. «W-- h “r" Ki.r-xi-'»»HvJniulic Tin Mum.,' C~ I.ul.
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  • 201 6 Gol«! >e;ti 4 B. !Ypp* i i u ;l 1.3llu»,‘»o/..) oni oj >tofk While P-pi-e. 5 34. seller» prang Pepper teuton over •Jlox. i > out of rtO.SUH t>0— sellers Mae*- I' cUii v <- o'l.—sebrs xjioi.e'u* 1 hk .>1." filets jv,. 1 0 In i tom. U«».M 2
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
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    • 391 6 SCOTCH WHISKY in UNIVERSAL DEMAND i^r *36; '.k IS THE A w, I Mil T*<m S'»' AM* ATKINSON’S. Shredded Wheat, Cold Medal Eau-de-Cologne. The finest made, very refreshing. Sold by:— (jJIM TElv BEE. TONG -100 A Go. GU AN MOH Cm. PITCHAY GUNNY. LKOXG GI AN Cm. THE AN CHEE
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  • 271 7 Business circles in Osaka are lint a little alarmed at the possibilities of a iimw. form of swindling that has just la-en discovered. I liis is nothing le>s than the use l»v -windj leiss of a eheiiueal- process hr which the written amounts oh cheques are f»erfec4lv
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  • 650 7 Max O’ Kell, in itis book, “J. hit Bull A j Go.. tells this story about himself 1 had just returned to the hotel after having given a lecture on the Scotch ai the I'own Hall. 1 was half undressed, when i here came a
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 744 7 THF. ('KI.KBRATED “S. JB. &L Co.” square fnr« f. .i> in red cases. Sandilands, Buttery Co. NOTICE. WROUGHT IRON TUBES AND FITTINCS. r |MIK lieg to iufonu the public of Penang uu<] tlin neighbourin'' Native 1 States that thev have been appointed Agents for Messrs Ingall Parsons, Olive John Bazley
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    • 76 7 Oil, thou hunky asthmatic old fellow. Whom has lieiit like a how Thou child with the colic whose liellow Disturbs the whole neighbourhood so Oh, Lad with the appetite hearty Whom sweetmeats too greatly allure Now mark what I say, or depart ye From Woods’ Great Peppermiht CukK STKARNB’ WINK
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1162 8 A. EVENBIiRG, 88, Bishop Street* Goldsmith, Watchmaker and Repairer of Optical Instruments, DENTISTRY W. MANSON, American Dentist, o f m Instruments. 10-b-05 Dim Sun Ho, CHOP HENO IVIOH He Co. 104, Beach Street, Penang. Charges Moderate, Consultation Free. residing at /Vo. 21a. Penang Road. A few doors from the Eastern
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