Straits Echo, 23 November 1905

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
  • 35 1 Straits Echo daily chronicle or events, circllai ing throughout the straits, the i ederateo Malay states, and the generally. VOU. «3. $24 Per Annum. PENANG, THURSDAY, 23rd NOVEMBER, 1905. Single Copy, 10 cents No. 2(sti
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1599 1 Corkscrew Brand 7 he Best Beer on the Market I ighl, Sparkling and Refreshing. OLD BY ALL LEADING SHOPS. BANKS. Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China. incorporated BY royal CHARTER. Capital Raid uj Reserve Fund JtBtH*,(R>o •£875,04 0 Hongfkong Shanghai tMederlandsche Handei Banking Corporation. Maatschnppij .Xetherlands trading Society, PaiD-UF-CaFITAL
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    • 18 1 GUINNESS’S STOUT. TIANG LEE Sl Co, m Cl x r/ <2 <2 A <? lsliD§ >' Lk AUENTS BASS’S ALE.
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  • 188 2 CuiNtsb Newspaper Wanted. Thb Chi-esc merchants at Manila ha\» been endeavouring for the past tv.<> veai- t<iiave a paper in their own language i>U’-nsh-ed in Manila, but. owing to the lack of talent to edit it and the necessary typesetter*, they have been unsuccessful. Attempt* were made U> import
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  • 205 2 Fears pok Fokien Whim no on tbli instant, the Amoy correspondent of the China Mail says batelv the people of Amoy have been greatly exercised because of the munlier of men-of-war that have come into our port. N*o fewer than rive destrovers came in. look exceedingly warlike.
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  • 464 2 Calcutta, «th November.— The Englishman says:—‘‘lt is clear the Swadeshi movement has become a matter for serious attention to the police in some of the mo- fussil districts We have received information that several cases have occurred in which boats laden with sail have been sunk by
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  • 409 2 OIL WILLIAMS’ PINK PILLS li'itN Sorrow To Jot In Sumatra. Ihe following statement made by a highly lesl>ectable business man residing at the i town of Silmg Sumatra, should convey information of much interest and importance to manv of our married readers i j> r Williams’
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 71 2 Ami all it can do We a ri! pron«l of t lull wonder. 4Jreal bidi Moil, too. lint at tli is vve may luurve! M* >ml eurtaiuly more, 'To» die boon of <<ur race—\Vo«< !>.’ tl resit I Vp|*>nuint (Jute, S VI'AKNS’ INF. a.-> <t reliable reined v lias l>ecn
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    • 425 2 3ST OTICB. Federated Malay States Railways. ON ;<n«l after November 12th, 19l«5, the set ion of Railway lietweeu Taipiug ami Reugus 1» ukn&e<l for traffic j uutii further notice. On ami after Novemiier 12th, 1905. the. following train» will not run until further not ice 7 34 u.m from Prai
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    • 2212 2 ASS-SSMENT notice. >TO’UCE 1» hereby Iveu that on or utter file 26« h day of November I lihe Books containing Hie valuation ot and rales imposed °*i buildiugs and lauds situated sv it in ii the Central District of j I Province Wellesley tor «l i>e open for inspection by
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  • Shipping.
    • 79 3 law lono, Hr. s s. 100, Hussau, 2oid N«>v.. A Mihail 2*2 in I Nov Oen K. |j. O*. i»an iiATT Soon, Hr. s.s, iHt*. (Holiday, 2drd Nov., 2l»t Nov., <r«*n.- B. K«*» Laky ki.d, Ur. s.s. 2-1»*, Treweeke, 2«ird Nov., Teluk Anson, 22ml Nov., Gen., Straits S. S.
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    • 42 3 2otd November. C'oi W 'I. tor l>eii Cm ton for Paugkor ami Teluk Ail sou. Lai Hatty, for Calcutta. Flt/iny Filth, for Fort Weld and Taipiug. Deli, for Tiling. Jin 110, for Laugkat. Tony Cliaii lin, for H;Uu Habra and Asaiiau
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    • 66 3 Taw Tono, Hr. s s. 100, Hussau, 2drd Nov., Asaiiau, 22ml Nov., Geu., K. G. Co. Han What Soon, Hr. s.s. 199, Glemlay. 2 ord Nov., Singapore, 21st Nov., Jen.. Q. H Kee. l*Ai*v W'klo, Hr. s.s. 240, Treweeke, 2drd Nov.,Teluk Anson. 22nd Nov.. Geu.,Straits S. S. Co.
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  • 66 3 t Metis Fro in Aijeulg v iJue X Bou venue 1 Singapore iS.B.&Go. 24tli Not. Nam Sans* •Singapore B.«fcCo. 24tli Glen turret. London 'B.&Co. 24tli T sc liia Silica pure IB M.&Go. 25th Soeotra Singapore |A.G.«feOo. 25th Beua vou Loudou S.B.&Co. 26tli Benledi Loudon 's.B «&Co. 27th G. Apcar
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  • 64 3 1 ryuels i lor AyetUts Leave» Beuveuue 1 jOlldoU S.B.A.O0. 24th Nor Gleu turret Singapore I D.&Oo. 24th Ischia Bouib*v B.M AOu. I 25th Socot ra Colombo A.G1CV 25th Nii m Sang Calcutta B.&Cb. 25th Beuavon Singapore j 1S.B.AC0. 2«tli Benledi Singapore iS.B.<*Co. 27th G. A pear Singapore A.A.A.Co.
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  • 134 3 Poit Port awettenhain aud Malacca—Per Perak, to-morrow, 1 p.m. A salta u Per Taw Toiuj, tomorrow. 1 p.m. >Setul —Per Hock Ghuan Vn, to-uiorripv, 2 p m. Port. Swettenham aud Singapore—per Han Winnt Soon to-morrow, 2 p in. I'M ie, T. Semawe, Segli, Olehleh aud Salta no —Per
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  • 30 3 Per ss. Lady Weld, from Teluk Ansuu Messrs. W. Jones, Fillis, H.' C. Shrenfel, A. T. Dew, Kok Peng, F. S. Brown P. J. Lachlan, Murray, Toft aud Peel.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 817 3 (S HIPPING.) P. 0. dm a i Expected Arrivals and Departures, Mall Service. Outwards. Dec. 0 s.s. Delta 20 s.s. Oceana Juu. 3 s.s. Arcadia Homewards. <lo do do s.s. I mb'a Nor. 24 s.s. Anuidia connecting with 8.1 l)ec. 8 lie nr/a! <lo s.s. Marmora 8 8.8. Bengal do
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    • 79 3 For Singapore, Hongkong, Swatow and Amoy. THE Steamship Homj Moll, Captain Dawson, will leave for the above, ou Saturday, the -”»th iust., at 4 p.m. For Freight or Passage, apply to KOK Co., A(/tiU« for Wee Hiu A. Co., of Si mjovore. sts 770 Compagnie dot Miitagiriai Marttfifidto. S. S.
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  • 123 4 Jimtice »tiiill«i.#verjbu(ly and .justicealone. —Kmrrvui Hstablished June Ist, 1903. Fubl laired daily (except SOmdayO AT Till CRITERION PRESS. Ltd.. No. 22‘J—202, Beach Street. Penang. PRICK DAILY LOC AI tnimin i OVTSIATIOXS PoMgc x'.rs*. MAIL KDTTIOX (P.*.t Free» *l3 CABLE ADDRESS: Echo —Penang.” IVIepiMIIIB No. lis*» \Editof-in-CUiej' Chbs.vey
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  • Current Topics.
    • 229 4 Pesanu is growing 1 >ouiewlmt notorious for its un- leteetetl crime. We till have fresh in our memories the ut* the son of Air. Ghee lvok j Pen g, v/lio was murdered hy ;m armed j burglar in a house in Argyll Road. I Then we have tlie
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    • 218 4 rH v. ixjft-bell umi ivudjustineutof lx'tii the Government and private tinance and the “iniuttnueous rise of business enterpriin Japan will, »t* necessity, says the Chugai, create in the immediate future a large demand for funds, which tli*capital at present in Japan will not be able to
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    • 285 4 1 nr. Mu ini'-hi in a highly appreciative strain reters to a London telegram which reported King Ed- ward's command to raise the British Legation in Tokyo to the rank of an Krabasgy. In the history of Asia ther* has never been an instance of any Western power
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    • 722 4 Matt we once again call the attention of the authorities to the large numbers <_>i I l»*ggars, both able-bodied and otherwise. to be met with at the present time in Penang? A stroll down any street (inhabiteu by Chinese at mealtime will (show these undesirables by the dozen, hanging
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  • 52 4 A prize presented bv the Captain u f the club will be played for on a date to be fixed later. Play to l>e over two rounds u f tiie Ladies' I.inks against Col. P U gev under seiiled handicap. No entrauce fees Entries to close JOtli
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  • 190 4 Ihe Assizes (Ifejore the Hoa W W AW.*#-, Pninne Judye.) Gano Robbery. Aesteroat afternoon, after the three Chinese concerneil in the J U i gangwere .-onv.cted and sentenced, Tio Ui stood u Bm,,li charge, the slight change being the place of the offence, which was at l ulo
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  • 711 4 £>uop Assistant Stabs Employer. St k a noe to say tli- vicinity of our Detec five Station appears to lie a favourite spit for the committal of crimes of violence. Not so very mauv mouths ago an uufortuu ate detective was horribly done to death ou I the
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  • Page 4 Advertisements

    • 92 5 THE JEWISH EXUDES. Anarchy Rife in the South. (Supplied by Heater.) Loudon, 22ud November. —The exodus from Odessa aud Southern Russia continues and the Colonization Societies at. Odessa are besieged by ruin**d .lews seeking assistance to emigrate. Loudon, 23rd November. —The newspapers of the Volga provinces of Russia are
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    • 62 5 The Naval Demonstration (Supplied by Heater.) London, 22ud November.—Tire Interna tioual Fleet for the naval demonstration against Turkey on tin* Macedonian question is assembling at the Piraeus. Each Power is sending two warships, with the exception of Germany,..which lias no sliipin the Mediterranean. London. 2‘drd No\et»»liei. The Porte has
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    • 118 5 The General Staff Scheme. (Supplied by Reuter. London, 22nd November. —Mr. id. O A mold- Forster lias addressed a minute to General Lyttelton laying down the principles to be followed in initiating the forma tiouofa General Naff. The General Staff is not to form a separate corps of-office
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    • 37 5 Ratifications Delayed {Su/ipiit d by Renter t London, 22nd Novemlier.—Owing to its Lang impossible to complete the necessary arraugeineiits by to-morrow, the exchange of tlm ratifications of the Russo-Japanese IV;tee Treat vat Washington lias lieen deferred.
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    • 30 5 king Hakim's Escort. (Sujijilied by Reuter.) London, 22nd November. —it is arranged that the British battleship Ca*sar is to atteud the entry of King iiakon V 11. into Christiania.
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    • 38 5 Many Kritish Drowned. by If*:titer.) Loudon, 22nd Noveutl»er.--It. now transpires that the victims of the Hilda disaster liiniil»■■red 12t\ including several Knglish Lundies, who were proceeding to speud the "inter at I iuard and St.. Sevvan.
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    • 232 5 I iietnployed and Jew». lSui>j>linJ hy lteuter.) Loudon, 22nd November. —The (Queen’s I uctuploved Knud now amounts t> <£G4,OOO and the internaliovtal Fuud for the lielief "f the Jews to j£170.000. Mu Surivenor. the F. M. S. Government tienluirist., had. again iii Kuala Tjumpur t>»)in l*:ihaug, where lie has
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  • 1157 5 Fkksh Dbvei.opm ents. j W k have received on excellent authority an intimation that the Government’s proposed Harbour Improvement Scheme is as dead as Anne, says Monday's Strait* Timex, and that the Government does not intend further to pit itself against the ex traordiuary hostility of the
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  • 948 5 A paskenoer by tin* Austrian Lloyd’s s. liuperatrix thus w rites to tli*r“Times of India ”of bow Port Said appeared just after ib block in (be Canal: Along ibe maiu anchorage, bow on to tlie town, a dozen ships were moored in the closest possible
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  • 192 5 Says a recent issue of the “Times ol Ceylon.*’- A Ceylon correspondent from up country, echoing the opinion of many people who are cognisant of what lias taken place, stated recentlv in our columns that the P. aud O Company had made a present to
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  • 806 5 Manauek Attacked and Wounded by Javanese Coolies. This morning, says l’uesday s Pioneer, a wire from Si in pang announced the news that the Javanese cooh-s had assaulted Mr. McGillivray, tlie inuiajer. with changkols and after leaving him for dead had all bolted. Inspector (Jowland, with a
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  • 172 5 A Valuable Process I A new process has lieeu discovered for warring against white ants, the pests of tie» tropical regions. There termite» -as they aie called—destroy the woodwork <»t Lie tiue»l huihliugs within six months. Some time ago it was suggested that expei imeiits should b*carried out
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  • 92 5 To-day. 27 th Day, lOmi M OOtl. Football Match Penang Recreation Club; eg. St. Xavier’s, Esplanade, 5 p.iti. Town Band, Chinese llecreatin Club, i 5 to 7 p.m. Oriental Kiuetograph Show, Kimberley Street, It To-morrow. I 28th Day, loth Moon. Auction Sale of Electro- plated Ware,Cutlery, i Lamps,
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  • 29 5 O A*-" Moon Nov. 20th 11.47.1 p m. First ler Dec. 4th 1370 a m. J I-nit \L»oii 12th 0 25.7 i...»: l9th 7.8 0 p.m
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  • 19 5 English (C'/iMsu/i) 24th Nov. China < Arcadia) 24th Indian (Thougwa) 25tli China (Sac/men) 28tli German (Pr.E. Friedrich)... 29th
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  • 63 5 P. O. SAILINGS. Mail Service. Ou T W AIM». Hum k W a R»S. i'Uumn 'H Sue. i A read in 24 Noe Delhi 0’ Dee. j He a < /a I 8 Dee. Hxira Service. tJUTWABDS. ii OM KW A 111». Puiaiein 28 A oe. i Bucotea 25 A
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 12 5 Mphatiou of the beart take Wi i( ills' IV*’ •••«111 £4O iv|its
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    • 13 5 As an ideal Iron Tonic STEARNS’ WINE ia tolerated vitL great aatisifacti u
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    • 14 5 For Malarial Fever troubles an«l Dvsenterv take W. ft |-mht IVp|>vimint ’»jin, SO i'Hllls
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    • 130 5 To-Night! To-Night! COMMENCING AT 9 P M. Oriental Kinetograph Show, Kimberley Street. FOR A FEW NIGHTS ONLY, School Children admitted U> I lie Show jit iriv.itlv reduced prices on presentation el' voucher tickets to beobtained from tlieir teachers. The Last Week in Penaner. Do not miss this opportunity of seeing
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    • 653 5 1 To-day'» Advertisements. MUNICIPAL NOfICE. Muuic:p il Com mis-ioini> of -1. jYJeorge Town. IVnang. horelv invito separate tenders lor tiio construction of the following y I -;Picf at, Hoad. Plains at I luck Kiln 1.0a.K 6. 1 trains at Cecil Street, hull jiaiticnlars can U- olnaincil ami plans ami sp*crfical
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous

  • 1017 6 PY uAO* IjAW-ON. (4th November, t*05 DuriNO tins week of Jubilee, events i Tokyo have moved too quickly for ordina.iv mortals, an»l one’s brain refuses to reoeiv assimilate, and separate such 4 continue», rush of impressions a triumphant,entry in to the capital, a Naval Review of rare
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  • 124 6 -'UNO;, 23lf> NoVEMKMi 'dH>l eourtrgy of the Chartered tinni, (j aiuoii i lenriiol It in t: 2/1 1 6 1 ni.ii* its* slg.ll ttaii* 2/21, .Vedit 2/2* O y i)tM"trii»*iir 1 ifi CJalcm«a. 1 Kuiniiid Hank lis bli davs sign* I’rivnt*» !0»»j B >in».ay. Demtlnd Ifctnk I dav*’ sight
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  • 195 6 Bela; Tin Miniu_ r Co., Ld. Milets iemawantjoul MmiugtJe .lei. J Ik —tellero Bruseit Hydraulic Tin Mining J( >ll. sale* and relief* Duff 1 teveionmeiil Co. 518 50 seller* Fraser A Neave. I.d SlOs.— buyers George lovvn Dispensary $-b Howarth Krskiite. lid $-90.- buyers Karaugan Hydraulic Tin Mining 0«.,
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  • 187 6 Join leal (-J. Pepper (\V. Coast 3lb*..'<o/.l out uj *t<tch «Vliile Pepper ->4. —tellers ITaeg Peppei season over J|<*\t i (picke<l) out oj seasou vliu*< 60— seffisto dace Pickir ~»2. —seders Nutmeg* lb*.- 31. —-sellers y .\i* I *j 10 i/o/a. 3uga* J '2 uo stool;. “asket 3 o**
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 31 6 RUBEROID ROOFING. i Adamson, Gilfillan Co., Lid. Nobel's Explosives: GELIGNITE, DETONATORS, FUSE. Aylesbury Garland, S ub-Agents, Perak Magazines at Penang and Ipoh Sannilands, Buttery Co., \gentn, Prnnng <t p. M S.
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    • 399 6 CLEAR WHITE GLASS BOTTLES v A' DC te na fj Cold Medal Eau-de-Cologne. ATKINSON’S. Shredded Wheat, The health-giving and nourishing food easily digested. Serve as Toast and Biscuits 2 at every meal. The finest made, very refreshing. Sold by GIM TKK BKK. I’ONG JOO Co. GCAN MOH A O. PITCUAY
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  • 516 7 L) IStjU IETI NO lI E Po UTS* Hitherto the .Department of A<»ijeullure ami Commerce has followed tiie practice of issuing a. forecast of the rice hayve-t liyice a yeai at midsummer ami at tie.* beginning of autumn. In view of the gloomv leports oi the
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  • 469 7 The Tariff Question. llFFfcußiNo to the tariff question, which oust sooner or later receive the attention of ilie Japanese public, the Kokutnin observes «hat, unlike the countries of the West, the Customs receipts form comparatively an insignificant portion of the national revenue of this country. This is regret- able
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 747 7 FOR SALE. WROUGHT IRON TUBES AND FITTINGS. Large Stock Always on Hand. ADAMSON, GILFILLAN CO., LTD. Chinese Calendar for 1906. NOTICE. TIANG JOO Go., PENANG, St. George” Solitaires St. George Solitaires Patent Quill Amber Cigar Sc Cigarette Holders i JXJST UNPACKED. AT THE PENANC STEAM SAW MIL»- CO., Sungei Pitmng
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    • 22 7 Don't w..ifc until you catch' eoldvhut begin now with Stsarn/ Wine in moftMfate doses to build up md st lengthen tlit b
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1238 8 j DENTISTRY A. EVENBI:RG, 56, Bishop Street, Goldsmith, Watchmaker and DKNTISTRY. W. MANSON, American Dentist, Repairer of Optical Instruments, Gramophones and other Musical Lute of Dr. AL.CH 0., rid, U--10-8-05 Instruments. 3m* 530' I Charges Moderate, Consultation Free. KESIJtIXfJ AT Xo. 21a. Penang Road. A few doors from the Faster»
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