Straits Echo, 21 November 1905

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
  • 37 1 Straits Echo DAILY CHRONICLE «I EVENTS. ClKti LAII.NCi THROUGHOUT Till: STRAITS, THE IfiDHRATLD MALAY STALLS. AND TUB I AL* EAST (iENfiRAI.LV. VOL. 3. $24 I’er Annum PENANG, TUESDAY, 21st NOVEiHKER, l»Ofi. Single Copy, 10 veins No. 2U4-.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1721 1 Corkscrew Brand The IleS’ Beer on the Market. foSrv! Light, Spark ing and Refreshing. SOLD BY ALL SHOPS. i BANKS. Chartered Bank of India, Australia and Ch'na INCORPORATED BY lfOYA L CHARTER. Hongkong Shanghai Banking Corporation Paid-u p-Capitat. Resbkvk Fund—Oiederlandsche Handel Maatschappij \etherlands Trading Society, International Banking Corporation. The Mercantile
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  • 1150 2 Kobbbb Skews and F -beion Countkiks. (Tun»* of Ce ion, Noc. With these headlines we published an editorial on the 15th July giving mo of Mr. M .8. Fartv, of belango*-, ami of j the. Uuited Planters’ Association ot the Federated
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  • 243 2 I ai.ital $1200.000 divided iuh* 24 OUO slmr. sof $0» < adi. Issued 16*70 -bares. Called up 320 js*r share. Total ainounr, ot t'apital paid up 8339,400 At the Twentieth Annual General Meetiug of the above Company, held on J hnn~ j dav,
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 577 2 NOTICE. Federated Malay States Railways. OY and after November 12th, the s el ion of Railway l»et ween Taipinu umI Padamr Returns is* closed for traffic i v •ini il further notice. On atid after Noveiulier 12th, 19Uo. tlie* ollowiiur trams will not run until turthei ii>t 7 31 a.
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    • 1659 2 munTcFpal notice. N book? OTICF. i* hereby given that ***** iuing the Annual Valuations of laud rates imposed on »1* build in tea »««1 (situated witluu the Municipality OiwiV Town. Peuaug. fn* tin* ye.u 19U6. "«‘M*** to tin* inspect ton of Ratepayer- oe MU uicipal Oflice daily ou week \n
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  • Shipping.
    • 95 3 f*i.\ I Jr. Sd :{7b, Davidson, 2"tii Nov.. Singapoie, 18lh Nov.. <Ji‘ii„- Hoi iieug Kee. Pa lam cotta, i Jr. s.s. 2.208. Uabh, 20» h Nov., linn goon, 17t li Nov., (Jen.,— H li. Co. Kikn, N'*r. s.s. 720, Alothusen, 20th Nov., Turicoriu, 14th Nov., Gen., -H. L Co.
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    • 59 3 21st November. PatUan, for Singapore aud China. Avatjyte, for Port Swetteuham aud Malacca. llnforua, for Tongkah. Petrel, for Paugkaiau lirandau. \au der Parra, for Deli. Abakan, for Asahan. Lady Weld, for Teluk Anson. Pin Semi, for Port Swetteuham Singapore Flying Fish, for Port Weld aud Taipiug. Pahiaicotta, for Port
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    • 20 3 1 1 a xiiKvr, Ur. s.s. 149, Crichton, 21st Nov,, Teluk Anson, 20th Nov., Geu., l\ r. Cl*.
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  • 43 3 1 cutsets From i Agents Due Lai Calcutta ll.iWo. 23 rd Not. Ueuvenue Siuoapore •S.B.ACo. 24tli Nam Siuoaporo li.ittV. 24tli •lien turret Loudon B.tfcLV. 24tli lieu a von London S.BACo. 2t)tli 'Vuledi London S.B&CV 27tli Benartv Antwerp S. B «fcC'o. Ititb Dec.
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  • 45 3 1 tWj. 1 /'i»r Atjenl* 1 i Lvove* Lai Saug Singapore li.<&Co. 23rUNov. 1 h'U veu ue Loudon S.B.&Oo. 24th Gieuturret Singapore B.&Co. 24th Nam Saug Calcutta IJ.&Co. ‘25th (leuavuu ;Singapore S.B.&Oo. 20tli Beule«li Singapore |S.B.40o. 27th Heuart v Singapore jS B.&Oo. Kith J>ee.
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  • 48 3 Kok Laugkut—Per Jin Hu, to-morrow, 1 p.m. Port Swetteuliam—Per Mary Austin, fco-morrow, 1 p.m. Trang— Per Deli, to-morrow, 1 p.m. Teluk Ausou—Per Lanykof, to-morrow, 2 p.m. Paugkor—Per li. Ha/ewyn, to-morrow, 4 p.m. Deli— Per Cornelia, 23rd iustaut, 1 p.m. Calcutta—Per Lai Sany, 23rd iustaut, 3 p.m.
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  • 23 3 Per Paiamcotta, from Raugoou Mr. aud Mrs. Gier. Per l<augkat, from Teluk Ansou Messrs. \V. Cowau, ii. M. Sulloii aud Woug Ngoh.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1225 3 (S HIPPING.) f. 0. M&JIS. 11. Co. tlx fleeted Arrivals and Departures. Mail Service. Outwards. INTENDED SAILINGS. British India Steam Navigation Co., Ltd. For Intended to Sail. Steamer. Negapatain, Madras, Pondicherv, Cuddalore and Karrieal. K Hambiirg-Amerika Linie, Hamburg SB. The Stnmieis ol this kompam maintain a Regular Service Sat. 25
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    • 100 3 For Singapore, Hongkong, Swatow and Amoy. riIHE Steamship I long Mvh, Ctis>taiu 1_ Dawson, will leave for the above, ou Saturday, the 25tli iusl., at 4 p m. For Freight or Passage, apply to KOE GUAN Co., Agent* for Wee Hin *fc Go., of Singapore. •JO-11-05 sts 770 Compagnie des
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 28 3 WEATHER. The following report is kindly supplied by the Signal Director of Fort Cornwallis lhd rainfall duriug the i l Iron» eulel at 9 a/m. to-day was nil.
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  • 119 4 Joarice autistleoeverybody »nd justice aloiw».— Kmery.i Established June Ist, 1903 Published daily (except Sunday*. 1 at in* CRITERION PRESS, Ltil.. No. 22t> —202, Beach Street. i v.' PFMCE DAILY LOCAL OU rSTATIONS IWHtte LxU-t MAIL EDITION (Poet Free» ?13 CARLE ADDRESS: Echo—Penang.’* Telephouo No. 18*. Editor-in-Chief Chesnky
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  • Current Topics.
    • 174 4 Thk Indian Lhiiiy News thinks that the triumph o! the New Zealanders in England seems to have infected Mr Seddon -with a great Boldness and hjs views <»u tlie exclusion of the Japanese from ins country possess the robust vaiu-glory for which he is so well known One
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    • 188 4 One cannot but untie* with the deepest regret the number of death» from enteric fever that hate oc :urre« unong young British otii -ers in ludis. during the past few weeks. E.eiy second or third day t'ie ba e announcement is made from Anuv Headquarterof tbe»e casualties/’ a»
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    • 243 4 Some amusing sneie* aie going the rounds of the Japanese papers cbll- ceruing the prep'rations made by the citi/ens of Tokio to welcoui- the Biitsh Fleet, and as tiic stories are mostly at I the expense of the Japanese themselves they -how that the alios will aland a
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    • 894 4 Barft Pain, writing in London Opinion and ToDay on this subject, says; —I admit that the 'young people who piny with this particular form of sentimentality often mean well. A good deal of harm gets done lone way and another by the people who mean well. The trouble
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  • 82 4 Water Polo. A match —Scotland t* The World will be played on Suuday, the 2t>th in.-t. Start of play at shaip. This should prove an interesting match as. with the near approach of St. Andrew’s T»av, the Scotch players will doubtless feel stimulated to do their
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  • 104 4 A Canton wire to the Hongkong Telegraph save: Ihe trouble arising out of the dastardly murders at Lien-chow promises serious I developments. It is reported from the interior that the restlessness of the natives is spreading to '•The surrounding country and the hitherto peaceable people iu the
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  • 602 4 Calcutta, 9th November.—A body of two hundred men. employed at the General Post Office as menial peuus, struck work thi morning. About a mouth ago these men forwarded a petition to the Presidency Postmaster, demaudiug an increase of pay by the Bth of Noveinlier, and threatening to
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  • 116 4 The following arc the entries tor the principal events to be run at the coming Calcutta Meeting: THE VICEROY B cl I* Dalkeith, Great tSoot. Mallard, Ballark. Pure Gold, Killeexau, <'liersou, Applause, Amplify, Long Tom, Aeet.ine, Munderah! Kitchener, Lieutenant l*:|j, .Sacristan II an 1 Contest. THE.TRIAL STAKES. Dalkeith,
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  • 143 4 Laying the Foundation-Stone. An interesting ceremony was performed at Tientsin some few weeks hack, the occasion lieiug the laving of the fomidatiou-stone of a Sikh temple iu the extramural concession ot that city, l’he Sikhs have locallv laised 2,30 b dollars, of which large share was
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  • 214 4 A Russian View. The Times' St. Petersburg eoi lespoudeut report» that it has received fiom a very authoritative source an outline of the Russian ideas in reference to au understanding between Great Britain and Russia with regard to Central Asian quesiious. Its informant said that Russia
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  • 370 4 Burma VVoou Pui,p. Mr. E. W. Sindall, f. 0.5., who has l>eeu commissioned by the Government of India to report ou the possibility of Burma as a wood-pulp producing country, and who is now in Rangoon, has an expert knowledge of all materials used iu the manufacture of pulp
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
  • 114 4 Ohituu ry. Mu. P. D. MacTaogaui We regiet to aiinonue-* t!i;U Messrs. Mae A lister and Co. a.o in receipt of :i telegram to the effect iliai Mr. F. D. MacTaggarl, the Managing iMrectoi of the Company, who had gone to Europe on private business, died yesterday at Marseilles. Mr.
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    • 145 5 THE BUDGET. New Minister «if Justice (7 he t)*/<x*tatischrr l.toyd s Service, i Berliu, 20 November Ihe «iruft **l’ the German Bmlget shows lii.u it is proposal to expeml on Kiaochou 8,410,000 marks on harbour construction, 1,990,000 marks on public works, 13,600,000 mai k i as subsidy and 50,000
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    • 70 5 Steamer Lost in a Log. S up/died by Heater.) London, 2d;h Novemlier.—The Steamer Hilda, from Southampton to St- Main, steamed into a fog and struck a lock three miles from her destination. The majority of her crew ami passengers were asleep at the time and there was apparently
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    • 35 5 Death of Whilbui. Tiit Ostasiatischer Lloyd Service.) Berlin, 20th Novemlier. —News lias been received from German South West Africa to the effect that Hendrik Witlnii. the Hottentot chief, has died of Ins wounds.
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    • 19 5 Strikes Ended. (The Ostasiotischer Lloyds Service.) Berlin, 2*'<h Novemlier. —The Russian stnl»e« have ended and quiet is restored.
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    • 25 5 The Ratifications l Supplied by Healer.) Loudon. 21st Novemlier. —The ratifications of the Russo-Japanese Peace Treaty will Ik* exchanged at Washington on 22nd instant.
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    • 356 5 Ducks and Harbour Scheme. Siipplied hy Renter.) Loudon, -1st. Novendier. Mr. J. C. lug-, iis. General Manager ot the Great ANestern Railway, has been appointed General Maua- ger of the docks and harbour to lie constructed at Singapore. Latest News. (Supptieil bif Renter London, 21 it. November. —A Couveutiou
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  • 2107 5 ill Civil JnrisJictiun < Hej'orr the Hon. H H. Fisher, l*wfne Jutlqe.) Du. I’. Locke am* C A. \V u.i.kk J<»ski*h Smith axu Louis*. A. Smith. Judgment tor Plaintiffs. The following is the full text of flic judgment in the above e »e, as delivered bv Mr Justice
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  • 1061 5 SOJL.ICU«*K.-GfcN*ltAl.’B AfPLICA I lON. The last Assiz s of the year opened in the Supreme Court In-fore Mr. Justice Fisher this nioining. wbeu the court house Ws cramped wiili an unusually large number of hearers. 'fhe Solicitor-General, before proceedings were commence 1. ma le ;m application to His
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  • 137 5 Thb dual niwiini; in connection with the winding up of 1110 Tehrau Planting Co. "as i held *>n Nov. 7at t Lit* ottioH of tin* liquidators. Messrs. J T>. Humphrey t and Sou, Huljj--1 koug. The report, stated that t here was a uAt balance of capital.
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  • 37 5 To-d v I ‘Jotli 1 PJth Moon [Oriental lvinetograph Show. Kiinln-rley Street. 9 p.m. To-JK'UKoW •Jtil u |».i *#r !j Moon. Town |>;md l-pianade. ti to < p. it .11 Keniograph Show. I\iml»*ii«-y Si rtf!. 9 p.m
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  • 27 5 t» N<>v. 2t>tli 11.4«. I fm. I'»i-»* .uaiier i>eo. 4rl; 1370 am. ..ii M.mmi 12rI» 025.7 a.m. i a-l 1 Quarter 780 P. V
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  • 20 5 English {Chtusnn) 24th Nuv, China (Arcadia) 24‘h Indiau Thongica 27»t li China {Sachsen) Ot*riiiau (P/'.i’. Friedrich tlMl;
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  • 46 5 P. O. SAILINGS. Mail Service. UUTWAKOS. HuAIKWAUIIS. tjhuson ‘i'i Au( Arcadia ‘H A Too Delta t! Dec. Bengal b Dec. r.xtra Service. Out w a ki>.* H k\v.vuj>i. BaUii r (a i\ of. Socvtrii -•> Auc. I Japan I Dec. 1 Snad.a ■*<> F«n particulars see I’age
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 9 5 A«au ideal liyu Touic STEARNS’ WINE l: witlj satisfaction
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    • 13 5 For Wind in the stormtrh take Woods O-jpear Popper mint Cure. 30 eeut<-
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    • 430 5 To-day's Ad vertisements. WANTED. IM MEDIATELY A TYPIST. Apply to HuWAimi EKSKINE, I/11>. 1 11.00 lwk 783 J leach Street. WANTED rp\Vu Kill Collectors, Chinese preferred, 1 with security. Applv to A. B. C, 21 11-00 770 lwk c o Straitg Echo W-A.KTTBID. \rolNG MAN. married, seeks employmeut. Has hotel
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    • 420 5 PENANG TURF CLUB NOTICE r pH L Race IViiiw will In- officially open 1 lor Training ,»n ;m<| after Mu'lnv, 11»** 27th November No Hacking will I»- allowed <>:• the Course iiefore 7 BO m. oil and after that till to. All lior*>es going on to the Course must Ui
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  • 1242 6 A Talk of Inp. America ocean-tonal ly produces «'Ur in tereatiDg storien abou« India, stories wide are more iuterestmg than tiue. Here 'son** of the latest .--Upon a string of leupearb worth X 3 200 sewed almut lifer wand when a child and no» embedded in
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  • 117 6 r’*NAN«« -Ist November By Courtesy of tire Chartered Haul: tj.Hiioi* l*»*i(iaii«t Bant--4 ,n*.mlis’ signi Bank 2/2* 3 t’nnlit -,«i Documents» ry 2,2-j*. iciil t-si. Demand Bank Ks 62 3 days’ sight Private *64 B-nnhitv. Demand Bank Ib2 3 davs’ sigiit Private 64 Madras, Denimm Bank 161^ 3 d?.vs’ sight
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  • 207 6 BelatTin Miuiug Co L<l. 5. sait-i !•»<•"! Mmiugi 0.. Id. I*4. fflisis Braseh Hydraulic I'm Minin*' (jo., l»*l 11.— sale* and se-llcrs Duff 1 tevelouinent Co. >8 50 sella Fraser A Neave, L*l Jlos —buyers George Town Dispensary 8.6 Howarth Krskine. l,*l. S'-itU. layers Kaiangati Hydraulic Tiu Mining
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  • 206 6 Gold leaf 77». B. Popp* rt A Cons! oil »>. 1 util oj stock vV lute Pepper 4 35d sellers I'rang Pepper season over Cloves (picked) out of ssason VI ace (>'► —sellers Via»*** I’ ck'ngs 52 —se l-'rs VIII megs I lOs 31-i *elle?rs 7 N«>. I I**
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 21 6 MihNTS HJK LLOYD’S. National Bank of'China! Limited, National Bank of India, Ltd. lasuiance effecied again it all risks. HANDS, BUTTER Co
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    • 508 6 CLEAR WHITE GLASS BOTTLES -5 UNIVERSAL D TO IISKY is uO THE 1 pr w >* m 3Ĕ. ATKINSON’S Shredded Wheat, Gold Medal Eau-de-Cologne. The finest made, very refreshing. Sold by:— gim tek bee. tong JOG Co. GUaN MOH «A Co. PITCHAY GUNNY. LEONG GUAN Co. THE AN CHE <1
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  • 158 7 I’ossißi.K Tkou hi, t, in China. It is understood that. the meeting of tlie Critish, Aniei ic m and French llee*s in II ngkoug lias tor one of its purpose*, perhaps its principal object, a conference of tin- liiree ivdiuiraU, probably on the rjUestiou iof united precautions
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  • 242 7 \o.. art! old, Father William, the young man said, Ami your hair is decidedly grev et you never have worked for your daily bread. Come! fell me (lie reason, 1 pray.” lu the days of my youth,” Father William replied, 1 hut is fifty odd years ago,
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  • 370 7 A Ma dbnkd Mob Thk Caul on correspondent of the China Mail writes ns follows under date 9th November: The official investigation into the Lieuciio'.v massacre is now proceeding at the American Consulate. The American Commissioners are: Captain Evans, U. S. S. 4 Oregon,” Captain Dismukes, Monadnock.”
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 734 7 TEOH JOO MENG, Chop SOON YANG. Tici.kphok» No. 321 HAVING .1 UfcJT I.’KCKIVKD A Portable Improved Wheel Rubbering Machine is uow prepared to undertake promptly repairs of old rultliei-t vied wheels which are guaranteed to give satisfaction. Nos. 178, 180 182 Penang Hoad, PENANG KsTABXiIHH Kl* 1h75. NOTICE. NOTICE. f
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    • 70 7 Is life worth liviug many ask It is,” the most, reply. Though some say “No, it is a task,’ Without a reason why. The hit ter elass, yon understand. Their ailments <lo endure, Tl»e former—wise and happy baud Use Woods’ Great Peppermint Cure. A good way to take IRON, because
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1009 8 A. UVENBLKIi. dfnti^tfy. 56, Bishop Sirte», Goldsmith, Watchmaker and W. MAN SON, American Dentist, Thean Chee Co., Repairer of Optical Instruments, pJ tj a ones and other Musical Ldtf> of Dr. Allen A: Co., rlia. U. .A Gramoph 10-8-05 Instruments. 530 Lim Sun Ho, CHOP HENG MOH Sc Co. 164,
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