Straits Echo, 20 November 1905

Total Pages: 10
1 10 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1718 1 Corkscrew Brana I he Bes Beer on the Market. i* rO. l.iglU, >p ii k mg and Refreshing. SOLD BY ALL LEADING SHOPS. BANKS. Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China. INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER. Hongkong Shanghai Banking Corporation Paid-ij p-Capital RESERVE FUND— Sterling Reserve slu,vMm>,Oou t ruecierlandsche Handel Maatschappij
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  • 1213 2 Remarkable Hobby of a Wealthy Russian. When Miss Vera Strellit/ married Maxim Sakharoff at Moscow recently (says the correspondent of a London jotirna the second i-tep was taken in one ot tin* most curiously uterestiug experiments ever devised by man. Miss Vera is the prettiest peasant,
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  • 1213 2 Tuesday JOth January. Thutsday 1st February and Saturday Jrd February. FIRST DAY. TUESDAY. 30th JANUARY. I90*J. E— The Maiden Plate. Value $000. A Race for Maiden Horses. Weight as per scale reduced 14 lbs. All animals iinpoited into ihe Straits or F.M.S.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 598 2 NOTICE IMIE Siamese Clovernuieut aud also the Authorities of Kedah and Situl are •fieri m; subKtautial reward;» for information liilt will lead to the arrest and couvi *tiou •f the ineu concerned in the late piracy off Situl. For further particulars apply to the undersigned, A. U NEUBRONNEK, Consul-General for
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    • 470 2 NOTICE. ON and after this date, all small advertisements intended for insertion in the Straits Echo must i be paid for in advance. LIM SENG HOOI, liitli .1 Iilv1905. Mbm.ging Direc or. NOTICE. PEOPLK willing to exchanged used Postage Stamps with those of I India and other countries please apply
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    • 288 2 AUCTION SALE i lie uudersigued lias received instructions to pul up fur sale l>y Public Auction At the Kaihviiy ard, Taiptnjg, On Monday 27. h \'ov >905, At 8-30 am. A LARGE quantity of Railway .Stores ami Materials including Boilers, Wagons, Trolley frames, Wheels. Sleepers’ etc etc. Complete list may
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  • Shipping.
    • 204 3 1a lu s Ur. ss. 10.',, iMii, s,.\ Vkiliuu. 170. N„v, Gen.. K <j 0 \AN hKK i*AUNA. Dm, s .tj. .V,s. 1;..0n loni i\ov. t ivii, iHiii >,ov. t ifn H. L. Co. J«.HVNNE. (ier S.S. 9.VJ. Inland. 19,1, Nov., l>eli. I«tii Nov., Hallast—H 1,. Co. As:.han. Ger.
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    • 58 3 20tii November. Tate Tong, for Asahau. Pegu, for Fdie, T. Seinawe, Segli, Oiehleii ami Saliaug. Canton, for Paugkor and 'J'eluk Auson. Hebe, for Deli. Lrlana, for Rangoon and Calcutta Palamcotta, foa Port Swottenliam, Siugapor, Hongkong, Swatow and Amoy. Malaya, for Deli. Johan n>\ for Singapore and Hongkong* Via, for
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    • 46 3 Irxieeh from Age nig Due 1 Lai Sau<r Calcutta B.&Co. 28rdNov. iVnvenue Singapore S.B.&Oo. 24th Nani Suu<_j Singapore B.&Co. 24th Glen turret London B.&Co. :!4rli Lena von London S.B.&Co. 26th Lon led i London S.B &C< 27th BeitarlA Antwerp j S.B &Co. 1 Gth Dec.
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    • 45 3 I “fxf/.*- i'lir Annul* Lv<ivtt Lai Sang Singapore B.&Oo. tionl Nov. lien venue Lou<luu S.B.«fcCo. 24tl. I Gieuturret Singapore B.&Cu. ‘ Kaiu Sang Calcutta B &Co. 25th lieuavou :Singapore jS.B.«SUJo. 20t It lien led i Singapore S.B.ACo. *27tli Beuartv Singapore S.B.&Co. 1 Ititli Dec
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    • 40 3 For Fort Sivetteuliu.ui ami Malacca—Per Acayyec, to-UJoiTovv, 1 p.m. l ong kali Per /{uturua, to-iuorrow, 1 p.ui leluk Anson —Per Lady Weld, to-morrow. Port Swetteuiiaui ami Singapore—Per Pin Sony, to-morrow, 3 p.m. Langkat—Per Jin Hu, instant, l p.m.
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    • 65 3 Per Yml l>er Parra, from Deli Mrs. Grant, Mr. Ismeltsali. Per Rotorua, from Tougkali Messrs. Adams, M. Duucau ami McClelaml. Per Lady Weld, from Teluk An sou, Messrs, E. Koch, Scott Gardner, J. P. Harper, How Hok Chock, Dr. Arch Donald, Miss Merrylees. Mr. and Mrs. Sielckeu, and Mr.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1246 3 (S HIPPIN G.) tAD ft X P. o. It Co. tlarptcted Arrivals and Departures. Mail ServiceOutwards INTENDED SAILINGS. British India Steam Navigation Co., Ltd. For Intended to Sail. Steamer. \r i t> t i Sat. 25tb Nov. 2 p.m. TUougwa Madras, Pondiehery Cuddalore and g it < <th -> Tee8t
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    • 114 3 For Singapore, Hongkong, Swatow and Amoy. TIIHE Steamship Hony Moh, Captain L. Dawson, will leave for the alcove, ou Saturday, the 25th inst., at 4 p.m. For Freight or Passage, apply to KOE GUAN Co., Aye id» for Wee Hut Co., of Singapore. 20-11-05 sts 770 Compagnie des Message ries
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  • 119 4 1 Jinnee .«Ojftftotiererybodr and justice aluoe. —kmermw i Established June Ist, 1903. Published daily (except Sundays.) CRITERION PRESS, Ud.. No. —232, Beach Street, Penang. PRICE DAILY LOCAL f.l per annum OUTSTAIIO.Nft ftatatfe Kx:n<. MAIL EDITION (fust PM) $l3 CABLE ADDRESS: Echo —Penang/* Telephone Xo. lb'-. Editor-it i-Ckit'f
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  • 22 4 Bikth. (Jn tiie 4tii November, at Revenacniig, Kluug Poh Youie. Bangkok. +be wife of C. Bartou West, of a daughter.
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  • 333 4 As Editor Tortured. iru reference to the arrest of Air Chang, Editor of the f Ch’u Pao” ai Hankow, the Nanfangpao savs tha* i i preliminary examination was held with Mr. Huang as the presiding magi»- tret** and two deputies appointed bv j A icero.V Chang Chih-tung
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  • Current Topics.
    • 277 4 V vi;kY inforin ng article ulh »n the bier naval action off 1 rtiHiiiina nniiAiir-i i-i i-i tno Eumhurgh Review, and n >t tlie least interesting portion of it is th° discussion as to what part the 12in. guim bore in winning for Japan her suprema v of the
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    • 488 4 The following, from the St. Petersburg correspondent of the Globe, probab- ly throws some light on the cause of the recent revolt at Vladivostok:—The rumour that the troops now iu tin 4 Far East are to l»e left there receives striking confirmation from the announcement of a remarkable project
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  • 369 4 he Th* Noveml»er Monthly Medal will 1** -e! p’lved for on Saturday and Suuday. the ut 25th and 2t>*h ii- The fiadies Novem l*er Spoon Com Dot it ion will take place on Friday and Saturday, the i v 24th aud 25th itists. e. I 'l k
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  • 1731 4 My dearest Fanny.—Here we are with another week gone by and nothing ven much to record, except that the sillv rail way has slipped down a hill, or something and so Amelia can’t come and spend tinweek end with me. It is horribly annoying, but Amelia says she
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  • 118 4 liie Post Office gives the following dates j l, J r Je P' )stlu o «f mails for the United i Kingdom to lie in time for Christmas ami New Year respectively FOR CHRISTMAS. i Lelteis via Lnudisi, up to G. p.iri. on 24tli November
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  • 471 4 s a HK judgment in the Locke i\.. Smith ake j case vJ1 delivered bv Mr. Justice Fisher utl, e Supreme Court this morning result ing ave u ,e plinutiff’s case being upheld and the be- J defendants case lieiug dismissed. The de* j cos L> both of
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 384 4 MUNICIPAL NOTICE. To-Night! To-Night!! N OTICL in hereby eiv«oi in ;Kscor<lnucM COMMBNCINCi AT 9 M M. %£ips£ Oriental Kinetotraph Stow, oat the election Jot a Municipal l\>muns- O i Kimberley Street. FOR A FEW NIGHTS ONLY, School Children admitted to the tuat sioner for the Mutiicipaiil v of Georg,., Town,
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    • 11 4 For all complaints take Woods’ Great Peppermint Cure 80 cent*.
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    • 12 4 For palpitation of the heart take Woods’ Great Peppermint Cure. 8U cents.
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  • 19 4 Death. Uu th** 1 »th Novtfiutier, at Lutiy Hill. 8iDifapore. Ulrich Robert infant sou of Mi-, and Mrs. Hafn<-r.
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    • 253 5 Strike to Lnd To-day. New British Ambassador. (The (J>tugiutischer Lloyds Service.") Beilin, 17tli Nov. —The strikers in Poland aud Moscow are quieting down in consequence of Count Witte’s appeal to his brother labourers. Kailway traffic has been reopened in Poland, but is still interrupted in Russia. The Tsar has
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    • 73 5 Terrible Loss of Life. (The (fslogiatitidier Lloyd V’ Service.) Berlin, 18tli November.—lt is reported from Kiel that the Germau torpedo-boat Sl2t> has baen sunk by a collision with the cruiser Undine. One officer and thirty-two men are missing. (Supplied by Healer.) Loudon, 20th Nov. —The cross Channel steamer
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    • 38 5 New King Elected. (Shj>iir h\‘iil> r.) Loudon, l*h November. —The Norwegian Storthing lias formally elected Priuee Charles of Denmark Ktug of Norway. The renal ution was carried unanimously and ouly ouo member of the Btor»hiu£ was absent.
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    • 26 5 New Treaty Approved. (The (Jetasiaf.ischer Lloyd g Service.) Berlin, 18th Nov.—The Dutch Chamber has approved the Treaty with Germany providing for mutual rights of settlement.
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    • 34 5 (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 18th Nov.—The Kiug s general beak li is excellent and His Majesty seems very cheerful. Ho has received numerous sympathetic messages, including oue from the London County Council.
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    • 27 5 Engineers’ Opiuion. (Supplied by Reuter.) Loudon, 20th Nov. —The board of consulting cugiueers for the Panama Canal Coinuiissiou are in favour of a sea-level caual.
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    • 39 5 Feet ball {Supplied by Reuter.) Loudou, 19th Noveuil*sl*.—The New Zealauders have leateii Scotland at Ediu•urgh at K’ughv football bv twelve points jo seven. During their tour the New Zealanders have I**s.i unheateu and have scored '*-4 against 22.
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    • 67 5 Kuala l.umpur Joint; i Rehv Special Kuala Lumpur. 19th November. —A meeting held here yesterday to consider what steps to take with regard to the L liinese boycott of American goods was a!tended by about three hundred merLaiits. |f was uiininmoiisly resoiv«*l In elopt the .same men.. ures
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  • 124 5 1 itk Government have refused to pay the Taujoug Pagar Dock Co. the 24 pier cent, that they claimed oil their last half-year’s working, ius lead of 24 per cent, they offer 6 per cent., claiiniug that the balance should lie appropriated to depieciation, re er\e aud
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  • 189 5 Some fifteen days ago a report was ina le at Butterworth station that a house at Sim pah had beeu broken into and property to the value of over a hundred dollars taken away and the complainnut stated that lie could identify the thief. Although the police
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  • 208 5 Illi execution of a new Agreement between His Highness the Raja and the Duff Development Co., Ltd., in place o the vague aud somewhat unsatisfactory document made five years ago. is undoubtedly one of the most important events of the period under report, says Mr.
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  • 363 5 This following is from the Ceylon Observer Mr. Herbert Wright, the Controller of the Government Experimental Gardens at Gaugaroova iu Ceylon, is preparing a book on rublier cultivation. Recently, asked about this new !>ook ou rubber, Mr. Wright stated that everything was finished, aud that the l*»ok
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  • 2382 5 A Meeting of tlie Legislative Couucil was held on Friday last, 17th mst. His Excellency the Governor, S r John Anderson, K’.c.m piesided aud lliere were preseut the Hons, the Acting 'oiouiai Secretary, the AttorueyI General, Colonial Treasurer, aud the Hons. G. S. Murray. W. P. Waddell, J.
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  • 596 5 Friday’s Pioueer says that the lull iu the weather has permitted a good deal of tilling to l»e done aud the train that has beeu I standing out iu the open siuce Saturday last was likely to come into Taipiug that i afternoon, the line to the north
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  • 214 5 A 5)1 NO A I*o KII PUNISHMKNT. 1 hi. pul *l c have of late been legal* d j with court literature aneut perjury cases. Perjury presumably inenns telling lies iu a Court, or. for that tnatu-i, any where*, after i being sworn to teii the Such cases
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  • 43 5 To-PAY. j 2 till Day, I Util Moon. Town Band, Esplanade, 6 to 7 p.m. Oriental Kiuetograph Show, Kimberley Street, it p.m. To- MORROW 25th 10. n Aioon Opening oi the Assizes, 11 a.m. I Oriental Kiuetograph Show, Kimberley Street, J* p.m.
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  • 29 5 i :ivt (Jiinrtoi Nov. 20th 8.33.9 a.H. i) \'»-w Moon 26th 11.47.1p.m. I First Quarter Dec. 4th 1 37.6 A m. s*o. .’J.»., i 12th 6.25.7 am.
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  • 19 5 English Chusnn) 22nd Nov. Cliiua (Arcadia) 24th Indian (T/wngwa) 25th China Sachsen 28th German (Pr.E. Friedrich).. 29th
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  • 42 5 P. O. SAILINGS. vlail Service. Outwards. Homeward.*. j 1Jhum'll 22 Noc. Arcadia 24 Niro. j Delta 0 Dec. j Bengal 8 Dec. I.xira Service. Outwards. Homeward*. Palawan 28 Noe. i Socotra 2d N’io. J>t[>au 12 Dec. Suuda 40 •< For particulars see Page '*>.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements

  • 873 6 Mal»el —“Going to the theatre again r I But you’ve seen the pieee Maud- Yes, but not in my new dress. Father, w here in atom» Atoms nn boy, what, do you mean" Why tha place where every bo-1 v blown to. That seems a vei w
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  • 119 6 r’IXARQ. 20th Novbmbku (By courtesy of the Chartered haul: London Demand Bank 2/-* month-*’ sight Kan* 2,2 6 3 Credit 2 jib 3 Dowiiiientarv 2 2 Calcutta. Demand Bank iis 62 3 (lavs’ -igii* Private 64 Boinwav, Demand Ban: '62 3 days’ sight Priva»** *64 Madras, Demand Bank 16)4
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  • 213 6 Beiat Tsu Aliiiiug Co., Ld. >.—sales iersu w:lI: Gold M ming Co.. Ld. J I I. seller* > ’.nisei Hydraulic Tin Miuing (j,j 511. —sales and sellers »uff it-veioDineut. Co. sB**o sellers •’ra.>er .v. Neave, L*l $lO5. —buyers leorge Town Dispensary iowartii Erskine, Ld. $-90. buyers \a ***** gaii
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  • 189 6 ioio ieai o. Pepjier (W. Co 3!bH.s<»/..) out ot stoel Vliiie Pepper sellers rang Pepper season over iov« > (picked) Old oj season Lev 'lo —sellers lace Pickii**. 52 —se l*rs Nfiitnmgs 31“ sellers No. 1 *5 l»> nom. Suuar Ut* slik*k. Basket 35" sales I’:- 1 oca K:**
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 55 6 THE CELEBRATED “S. B. Sc Co.’ 5 miliar* 1 face Gin in red cases. Sandilands, Buttery Co. John Bazlev White Brothers, “LION BRAND” PORTLAND CEMENT. HttHery Sr (Jo. Jeye's Perject Puri/ier. ILe Lest and most powerful disinfectant. extant. In J and Gallon Drums and in 10 Gallon Casks. Quotations on
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    • 690 6 na ss svr. the SCOTCH WHISKY in UNIVERSAL DEMAND is sr >4 .V o a a a m m mm amma m asm A m mam 5 PRB* V TW<.v if ,44 V Hf i r&i MW The International Hotel, 2, Leith Street, Penang ELECTRIC LIGHT THROUGHOUT. Excellent Table. For
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  • 376 7 1 Prisoner's Ama/.IMJ CoNPKHKION. Henry Leonard, a employed by Messrs. Halle and Heiglilx, the New York hunkers, was arrested aud charged with -stealing -4,72,0tKJ worth of securities from the National City Rank hv mean* of a forced cheque. After a rigid imiimli uj al the
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  • 544 7 A Terrific Extrusion. An EM the blowing up of the Chatham a Port .Said correspondent writes as f<4lows to the Pioneer:—Owing to the extraordinary reports circulated here as to the possible effect of the explosion, the inhabitants of Port Said were in a state of panic. From
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 1151 7 TEOH JOO MENG, Chop SOON YANG. i > IjKl’Jf r, N K No. 321 E. CHEM BEE, NOTICE. HAVING JUST DECEIVED A Portable Improved Wheel Rubbering Machine ih uow to undertake promptly repair» of old riild^r-tyred wheels ’vliicli are guaranty I to give satisfaction. (Vos. I7N, lAO Ifi2 Penang
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    • 48 7 Toll me not of diamond gems Sot in regal diadems; There's a priceless gem on earth, Of richer and of purer worth. Tis priceless, and is kuowu to iauie, And you, perhaps, may t mrVr_)|H nmor 1 For stomach ailments, sure, W h. Woods Orcat 1 “opt Cute
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1010 8 DENTISTRY. A. EVENBI-RG. 56, Bishop Street, Goldsmith, Watchmaker and Repairer of Optical Instruments, Gramophones and other Musical Lute of Dr. Allen Co., Pita, U. 10-8-05 Instruments. 3ms 530 1 Charges Moderate, Consultation tree. w. manson, American Dentist, Thean Chee Co., dentistry. Urn Sun Ho, chop HENG MOH Co., J 64,
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  • 1956 9 j pjtn t le Sun h’ranAect ktjuinint'r.) At uight, in her studio, from which she has emerged only ouee or twice hi five years, a beautiful, sad-faced girl, whose violet eyes shine through holes in a black mask, fashions from modelling clay weird and
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  • 211 9 Many «jpium smokers limit themselves to halt a dozen pipe*, of opium after each meal, aud maintain this practice t«»r many )e:ir*. The habit, then, we are told by Dr. F Brunet iu the British Medical Journal, appears to have no seriously deleterious i ffe«;t on tlie bealib.
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  • 540 9 buthusiastic Scenes al Tokio. The Admiral's Report. Admiral Togo went by traiu on the 22u«t October from Yokohama to Tokio. Tlie Kobe Hei’uhl reports bis arrival at the capital as follows The ariivai of the train at Sbiuibaslii was heralded by a display of fireworks, auo as so
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  • 174 9 Fen a no. 20th Nuvkmhku, iyUu. Bkki <"t*‘ Soup per catty 0 Boast 24 j Steaks -ij Slew or Curry Meat 1» Bump Steak 2fj Ox Tail I j *tO Tongue «At Feet la j Heart >• j Liver 30I Pork p or t per catty 34 Pig's
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 19 9 STEAHNS’ WINE, uetful people, old and •Hysfi* Improves the for thin, nervous aud vouug. Immediate quality iu the bl>*od.
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    • 84 9 I dwell in the palace ami mansions. My name’s on the lips of the Royal, I am crowned with a million laurels. By the itar 1 worn sous of toil l am hailed with a spirit of gladness In the lion es of the rich and poor. For I'm knoun
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    • 245 9 CSS. r hTTTon D0N AS SU R A N c l CORPORATION. I NiOKPORATED BY HOV A I CHARTER A.D. 172". r PHK midersigned having been ppomied I Agents for the above Corporation, at* now prepared to accept M il'INU and FIRE risks at current rates. PATERSON. SIMONS A Co.
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    • 735 9 I NSURANCES, F R Invested .CI.MMi2.l25. LIFE Royal i 4,,m,a Funds '.INSURANCE/ l,li:o,H COMPANY/ Larges! Fire Otfice INSURANCES. THH PATRIOTIC ASSURANCE Co Foundki* I8'2+.) liVliUiX, liO.XbUv. D, »Utye iifi, K'mi II <//,««» Si U4,lb2,57s. World. rilH K undersign?»! are prepare»! !<> i s-te 1 Fire ami Life Policies in tiie
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 670 10 EYE-SIGHT. Hr. H. LAZARUS, KEPRESEIvTIXG Mr. N. Li ZARUb, >IAY BE CONSULTED 1 OK SPECTACLES O. *3. SE2TG- Co. I* 4..« «4. StuHT TEST!HU A CIVILE FREE, j FOR A FEW DAYS ONLY lb 11-1905. 707 l v‘K. The Penang Khean (iuan Insurance Company. Lim ted. Capital 81,200,000 <Jivi<ie<i inu*
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