Straits Echo, 15 November 1905

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • 99 1 To-DAY. l'.Mli I )a\, 10l li Moon Town Hand, Esplanade, 0 to 7 p.m. Cinematograph Exhibition, corner of Campbell Street ami Road, 0 p in. Gaietv Stars’ Entertainment, l\iug Street Theatre, 0 p.ui. To- MORROW. 2Uth ]>av, 10th Moon. Annual General Mooting, Penang Khoan Guan Insurance Co., 34 Peach
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  • 32 1 East (Juaitei Nov. 20th 833 0 A. At O Now Moon 2tith 11.47.1 I' M. First (Quarter l>ec. 4IL 1 37.6 am. O I* nil Moon 12th 6.25.7 a »i.
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  • 10 1 English (Ckusau) ——u'i Nov. Imli an Tlwmjioa 25th
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  • 50 1 P. O. S AILINGS. Mail Service. Outwards. Hum kwakiis. Cluisau 2t A 00. Arcadio 24 Nuo Della d Dee. lleagal 8 Dec Extra Service. Outwards. H o jm k w a u 1» Piiiatcau 28 Nov. Socotra S't A ov. Japan 12 > ec. Sun da 30 For particulars see
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1146 1 Corkscrew Brand The Best Beer on the Market. i--W light, Spjrkling ant! Refreshing. SOLD BY ALL LEADING SHOPS. BANKS. Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China. INCORPORATED BY KOVAL CHARTER. Hongkong Shanghai Banking Corporation. Capital Paid up Reiservo Fund Reserve Liabilit y of Proprietors *81*0.0» 0 *>7s,< 'l 0 i.
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    • 25 1 EIFFEL TOWERHighly Recommended. Tested by Municipal Hrg/neer. N r% o 2 uj 5 M U 4 «=7 U *y Tiang Lee Co., s >o/e Importers.
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  • 174 2 Gknhkal Van H»bw, the Governor- General of Netherlands India, has beeu striving hard to balance the Budget of the Colony and clear away a chronic deficit To do this, fresh taxation ha* been laid on, says the Straits Tiiuea. Amoug the taxes that came under his consideration was
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  • 579 2 Hints hv Bui.wkr- Lytton. Recently a remarkable letter of Sir Ed- ward Bn I wer-Lytton, giving hints for the successful administration of a Colony, came to light. It was written bv Sir Edward in 1859 when he was Secretary of State for the Colonies, and
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  • 1214 2 Tuesday 30th January. Thursday 1st February and Saturday 3rd February. FIRST DAY. TUESDAY, 30th JANUARY. !90*> 1. —The Maiden Plate. Value 8ti00. A Race for Maideu Horses. Weight as per scale reduced 14 lbs. All animals iinpoited into the Straits or F.M.S.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 96 2 In these newfangled daysof tliepryingX rays Of faith healiug and tram**' that’s hypnotic As life's secrets unfold, it ’s a wonder the Kim; of Terrors is still so despotic. But Ins gi ip is as strong as it was in the long, Long ago, ere the wot Id was mature,
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    • 1165 2 to Federated Malay States Railways. XN and ter November 12th, 1905. the s etion of Railway lietweeu Taiping jaud Padang Reugas is closed for traffic uulil further notice. On aud after Novemlier 12th, 1W-*. the following trains will not run until further notice 7 34 a. m. from Prai to
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    • 80 2 AUCTION SALE. The undersigned has received instructioi s to {Hit. up for sale by Public Auction At the Railway Yard. Taiplng, On Monday 27ih /Vov.. 1905 At 8-30 a m. A J.AKOE quautity of Railway Store» and Materials including Boilers. Wagons, Trolley-frames, Wheels, Sleepers, etc etc. Complete list may be
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    • 7 2 H. HODSON CO.’S TURPENTINE. Sandilands. Buttery to.
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  • Shipping.
    • 67 3 anton, 15r. s.s. 105) Mericnn, loth Nov., l'-luk A u sou, 14th Nov, Gen A’u Jling «V. Co 1 ui.nzK'S A lick, Get'. *>. t»,72't, Polach, 1-ttli Nov., Yokohama, 28tli Oct., Gen.,— 1». M. Co. Formosa, lir. s.b. 2,015, Barlow, 15tli Nov, Loudon, 1 Ftli Oct., Gen., P. &O.
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    • 41 3 15th November. Vi mz Hi ii i i-'/i, tor Singapore, Chiua and Japau. Taw Tony, tor Asalinii. Rotorua, tor Tougkali. Malaya, for Deli. Lanykat, for Teluk Anson. li. If ale iron, for Pangkor. Fli/iny brayon, for Port YVehl and Taipnig.
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  • 57 3 1 f'j'j't'/s Tom Aijenfs Dve Pal liun •ilaagow SB ACo. loth Nov. Silvia Colombo II. M itCo. 17th Flintshire Singapore 11 &Co. 18th Macli auii Singapore W.M.&Uo. 18th Lieu venue Singapore S.IJ.ttUo. 20th Lai San <4 Calcutta 11 A.Co 5 24rd Lenavon Loudon S.ll.ACo. 24th Mam Sang Singapore ll.AtCo.
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  • 63 3 1 f »«*'/>.' For A>jenl« Leu 1 ve^ L Singapore 1» tV-Oo. I otli Nov. Silvia Singapore lI.M.&Co. I8th M Flintshire London II. A Co. I Hth Machaon L< >mluu W.MACu 18th Lai Sang Singapore li.&Co. 23r«l lieu venue Lomlou S. Il.tfcCo. 24th 1 ieuavou Singapore Singapore S.
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  • 38 3 For Trang and P.-ug Nga—Per Deli, tomorrow. 1 p.m. Port Swettenham A. Malacca—Per Perak, 17th instaut. 1 pm, Pangkalan Brandau—Per Petrel, 17th iustaut, I p.m. Port Swettenham ami Singapore—Per llm Whatt Soon, 17th instant, 2 p.m.
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  • 46 3 Per Prinzess Alice, from Yokohama Major V. VVeise. From Shanghai Mr. Freemanu. From Hongkong Mrs. E. F. Skecl. From Singapore Messrs.. Bromhead Matthews, A. Van, J. Longue, liev. Galiver and Mrs. Okei. Per Formosa, from London Miss Good, Miss E. Chandler, Mr. J. YV, Black#tock.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1178 3 (SHIPPING.) p,4o.<safcsiu to. Expected Arrivals and Ufijuirtnres. Mail Service. Outwards. 22 s.s. Chilean connecting with s.B. Victoria l>ei\ 6 s.s. Delta do 8.8. Himalaya 20 8.8. Oceana do 8.8. India Jau. 3 8.8- Arcadia do s.s. Britannia Homewards. Nov. 24 B.s. Arcadia connecting with 8.8. China ]>ec. 8 8.8. Be.nyal
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    • 143 3 For Singapore, Hongkong, Swatow and Amoy. Steamship Hotiy Wan I, Captain L Slaker, will leave for the above ports on S;itunlay, the 18th November, 1005, at. 4 p.m. For Freight or Passage, applv to KOE (iUAN Co., Ayvnt* for Wrr Itia Co., of Sinyaoorc. lo ll -05 sts 756 Compagnie
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 26 3 WEATHER. The following report iskimlLv supplied by tlio Signal Director of Port Cornwallis lbe rainfall during the -4 Uouib eu.ied at d a.m. to-day was ml.
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  • 137 4 i Justice satislie» every body ami justice alone. Eiiier* >*i Established June Ist, 1903daily (except Sundays.) it I'll R CRITERION PRESS, Ltd., N**. ‘I-** 2'->’2, Beach Slt>*i*i. i’eiiiin^. PRICE j DAILY l/X-’A I. t i*«r ;iunuu» OLTSTATIU.NS IV*tage hxir». MAM. KIUTIOX ItVst Kreel ?L> CAULK VUURKSS; Echo—Penang.”
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  • 142 4 Information ims reached an official quarter in London from Tokio to the effect that, by order «it the Mkado, a history of the late war in the Far East is to he prepared, to he placed in the State archives of Japan. I’he history
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  • 182 4 Thi; Liverpool Post to hand by to-day’s mail bays :—lt seems now to be pretty cer- tain that I’riuce Charles of Denmark will be the new King ot Norway. There is no reason to believe that either King Edward or the Government of 1 this country have
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  • 223 4 lin Austro-Hun-garian crisis is exciting the greatest anxiety in political a. i and diplomatic quartets, says a mail paper. The impression is that the Austrian Emperor lias not acted with his usual judgment and caution, and that unless he modifies his course a rupture between Austria and Hungary
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  • 335 4 Writing on ramie, Mr. Ed wards-Rudely tfo. ar Indian expert, says at the present j time Rhea,” or ribbons, stripped from the stem, with no attempt to «lean them, fetch £15; whilst the ribbons divested < t much of the gum, as b- .lie Oh nese method, fetch to
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  • 347 4 In the course of a series of essays under the title of British Buie in India,” Mr. S. M. Mitra asks, Did Eng- land teach India to drink Mr. Mitra j enters a most emphatic negative to this j question, and he goes to considerable trouble to
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  • 233 4 Tanjonu Pagar Mkthous. Thus the China Mail: Business methods of various people have often l»een thesuliject jof com men t, and even the working system j of the Tanjoug Pagar Docks has not escaped the imputation of being ‘questionable. During the course of the recent Arbitration
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  • 114 4 Tills popular Company, who have es tablished themselves as warm favouritei with the Penang public, commenced i farewell season at the King Street Then tre last evening before a large and appro ciatiae audience, who were most euthusias tie in (heir expressions of approval l’iie Theatre has
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  • 170 4 KMKRiMY a very interesting civil suit was heard by Mr. Peel sitting as a Cuninissioner of the Court of Requests, in the Second Court, in which two Chatty brothers (M P. li. O. Odeapali Chetty anil P. li. Penir Kurpeu Chetty) were concerned. Odeipah Cnetty tlie elder
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  • 630 4 A puolic meeting of the Penang community was held yesterd > v afternoon at 3 p.m. at the Chinese Town Hall to discuss the j t hreeOrdinances regarding Fisheries,Estates, aud Registration <>l Fi ms which had lately b. j en laid before the
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  • Page 4 Advertisements

    • 297 5 The Y*- ar. 4 Governor?» Dismissed. Anglo-Rus inn Hnlente. 4 ([ike Uniaxialischer Lloyd's Service.) Berlin, 14th November. —The Tsar has removed to Tsarsk«»eselo Count AYitte has recalled live Governors <m account of the Jewish mass.teres. (Supplied In/ Healer.) liOiidou, 14th November. —Ti e Governors of Odessa, Esthouia, Tomsk and
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    • 19 5 Revolt Nearly Ended. (The Oslasialixrlter Lloyd's' Service.) Shanghai, 14th November. The riots at Vladivostok have Iwen nearly suppressed.
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    • 139 5 KqnU of Diplomats. Peace Thanksgiving. (The" Uxtasi'ilisclter Lloyds Service.) Berlin, 14th November. —The German Government int»*n*ls to acce»le to the suggestion ot Japan and raise the Japanese Legation to the dignity of an Embassy. London, 14th November. -The Cologne Gazette states that at the suggestion of Japan, Germany aud
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    • 76 5 Municipal Amenities. Rock Hands on Strike. (Supplied hy Heuler.) London, 14th November, —'The members of the London County Council have received a cor«lial invitation from the Paris Municipal Council to visit Palis iu January. London, 14th Novemlier, The Dockyar»! employees at 'Toulon, I/ Orient, Brest, lloelieldrt and < Mierbourg
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    • 94 5 Joint Action by Powers. Ih‘ Oslasmtischer Lhujd s Service.) Berlin, 14th Novemlier.—A «‘«inference ol die Ambassadors at. the Porte has «lecnled dm' a joint Not<* from the P«»wers emlaxlymg their demands in the form of an ultimadnn shall lie sent to thu Sultan and shall JJ* haeked hy a
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    • 36 5 A Roosevelt Scholarship. (Tin ()stosiafisrher Lloyds Service.) Berlin, 14th November. —Mr Speyer, of New York, has made a donation of two hundred thousaud marks to the Berlin University for the endowment of a Roosevelt scholarship.
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    • 30 5 A Monarchy Favoured The Ustuxia!isclicr L oad s Service.) Berlin, 14th November The Norwegn plebiscite regarding tlie election of a Kin shows a four-fifths minority in favour of Monarchy.
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    • 20 5 Railway Strike Ends. (The o>lasiaU*eher Lloyd s' Service.) Berlin, 14t h Novemlier.—The A list ia railway strike lias ended.
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    • 22 5 The (ierinsn Minister. (’The (J'l ixialisrher Lloy Is Service.'') Berlin. 14th Novemlier. Count Talteiibacli, the German Minister, has arrived at Tangier.
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    • 41 5 The Colour Line. 4 (Supplied hy eater.) Loudon, loth Nov.—The American Fed* ration of Labour has o|**iied its sittings ;i Pittsburg and takes a p oiiouueed stand fe tlie exclusion of Mongolians, includin Japanese, from the I nited States.
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    • 44 5 The Unemployed. i Sappiied hy lleutet London, loth Nov.—The result of Mr. Balfour's appeal on behalf of the unemployed at the Guildhall baurpiet i-> that subscriptions ate pouring into the Mansion House and the relief fund has already reached a hundred thousand pounds.
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  • 464 5 Tip. ;.4.>S .uai! brought tiles of tinit inter estin ws« l'ul, ami exceedingly \v**li illustriile.| Loudon fortnightly the India-Rubber Journal up to -Jot!i September. These eon tain a mass of information of interest to rubber planters ami shareholders in rubber plaudit ions. Iu the number of 2>sth September. British
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  • 2144 5 In Civil Jurisdiction (Ifejore Ilf Hun W. W. Fisher, FuitW Judge. Hu. P. V. Lockk anl> C. A. NYallTk vs. Joseph Smith and Louise A. Smith. The case for tlie defence in the above case opened before Mr. .Instice Fisher yesteiday morning, the examination of the I defendant,
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  • 48 5 Oamo.n, November 3rd.—No further news h s b *en received here cjucerniug (Ik; massacre at Lieuchow. Several hundred soldiers, under tin* nun. hi usd <>f a captain, have l»eeii despatched So she s ii<> of tlie murder by order of I lie Vicerox China MnV.
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  • 382 5 on 24a h ullo. t he Canton con es tNindei I of liie S C Morning Post s ivs I’Siere are many signs here I hat tlieChin iuivc tt of American good.-* is abating, i iiH s. s llraintocco, built by Messrs. W •>. Hailey and Co. spnnallv
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 15 5 the cough of influenza •-turut. Wiuti it, tile xeliaLl© piumpt J| goot-bf*» the air pabbU^eb.
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    • 16 5 i For Malarial Fever troubles *ud Dysentery j take Wools’ Great Peppermiut Cure, i AO cents
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    • 12 5 For Wiud iu the stomach take Woods’ Gr«r«u Peppermint Cure, 80 ceut».
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    • 217 5 For Col«l in the Heat] and Oou/hs takt Woods’ < 2reat <'iir>* KO cents I*4» x W •day s Advertisrmeiits. J?* DEt fcl. I.LS. A SMAIiTj Jolly Boat, fitted mi proved rowlock holders. movable ke-l. with siils, ete eomplote IxMiitituily piimtt*d and perfectly new, 1 »r Srto only. Applv
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    • 202 5 [central sales room. DY ORDEKOFTHEOFFICIAL ASSIGNEE. The Property of Messrs. Min Lkk 'o. (in bankruptcy). AUCTION SALE OF Whiskies, Clarets, Wines, Beer, Rum etc., etc. AT THE CENTRAL SALES ROOM, 2 Union Street, On Friday, 17th November, 1905 At 1 L-yi) a.m. Terms: Cash before delivery. See date and future
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  • 24 5 obituary. Mr. Whitehead. (Sujijilieti by lieutef.) I ji >u< Ion. 15th November. —The death i;luuounced ot Mr. Whitehead, the inventor A the Whitehead torpedo.
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  • 1214 6 Report of the Penang AgriHorticultural Show, 1905. (Coucluthd from yesterday' tssttt 19. I)' vision E.-- 1 his, the second I i.>i Division, was in charge ot Mr. M Peei, with Mr. A. Cavendish as \s»t. Hun Secre-, tary for the sectiou devoted tu Schools ouiy. Probably tu the majority of
    1,214 words
  • 113 6 \v.. 15th XoVKMBKU (Hi cutiricsr, uf the Chartered Hank •> I 4 L J ,i I I W 1 a tl_* *■/*"*> •> 6 re-lit e c* a <M|itiei*< 5 C ..i1... IVttnt.: 1 Ban» .mis’ B"oinaV. Demand B«.*** A days’ sight I’rtva c d 3 Madras. Demand Bank
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  • 196 6 BelatTin Mining Co., Ld. 5. sates i{ei>;.waii«ioi.l MmiugCo.. Ld. -5 !4. sellers Bruseh Hydraulic Tin Mining Co., Ld. >o.— buyers Duff Development. C< ?8 50 sellers Fraser A Neave, Ld slos.— buyers George Town Dispensary $25. stiles Hows. 1-til Erskine, Ld. $2OO.- sales Karatigau Hvdniulic'J’in Mining Co Ltd. o.—
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  • 181 6 Goid teat 5 t o. B. Pepper(W <' i- -tlit- ou.l «</ stock W iiite Pepiv 35A sellers Trang Pei i-n season over Cloves tf ■ke l out of season Mace 00 —sellers Mace Pick :.s 52. —sellers Nutmeg* s 31’ sellers ."No 1 *> In nont. Sii'j.i! uo
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 88 6 Tin* hi in who \vhi>|M i's dow n a well Ali.-tU thi* he ha* s«*II, Hi t r.*;tti tin. denmin' h.i1.1» it> l.iie Ik u It. i .‘litiil. .1 Ireland 1t..11l is In'- 111 111 ilO lt*l r»H~l' ilouo l’° wear )iiin down to rd;in ami hone. Won t
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    • 11 6 MACKAY’S LIQUEUR WHISKY. Giesfers’ Champagne. RUBĔROID ROOFING. Adamson, Gilfillan Co., Ltd.
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    • 336 6 CLEAR WHITE GLASS BOTTLES a 7 SCOTCH WHISKY is nn MM 6» i 1 > i -r! 9 ‘'Ar-rvi.V e ~4fTlfe.iv^S frpTIANG LEE CO., id Is 1"T t! G BO c* 4^ S3 ifc* 99 l^S!? .V' V-* S Se V1' KB -S3* tOi?w £3 n i ***=> I #5
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 1234 7 TEOH JOO MENG, Chop SOON YANG. Tkuti-ho in No. 321 HAVING JLST DECEIVED A Portable Improved Wheel Rubbering Machine BURN Co, Ltd., Electrical Engineers, PENANG. Show Rooms Login's Pu i I dings in now prepared to undertake promptly repairs of old niblier-tyred wheels •vliicli are guaranteed to give satisfaction. Nos.
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    • 126 7 Wlnit brings I lie colour to (.lie clieejc. Ul (liose that suffer ami are weak* Wl lose ailments have but inaiie then* crave To l»e release»! ami iu their grave? What, now, has given such ilesire To live again? You may inquire. Diseases cannot well endure The stieugth ot' Woods’
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1015 8 A. EVEMRERG. DENTISTRY. 56, Bishop Street, Goldsm it 1 1 Watchmaker ami W. MANSON, American Dentist, Thean Chee Co., Repairer off Optical Instrument:», tt e a Gramophones atld other Musical L(lte of Dr. Alien to., r HI, iu-8-u5 Instruments. Urns. '»3O 1 Lim Sun Mo, CHOP HENG IVIOI-f Co., 164,
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