Straits Echo, 14 November 1905

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • 76 1 To-day. lHtb l)ay, 10th Moon. Football IV <C re. Northern League, Esphma e. 5 p in. Public Meeting, Chinese town Hall, 3 p.m. Cinematograph Exhibition, corner of Campbell Street and Penang ltoad, 9 Gaietv Stars’ Entertainment, King Street Theatre, 9 To-jkokrow. 19th l'»th Moon Town Hand, Esplanade.
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  • 26 1 I,l*l N<»v. 20th 8.33.9 a..m O Moon 26th 11.47.1 p.m First Quarter l>ec. 4th 1 37.6 am. O Full Moon 12th 6.25.7 a m.
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  • 14 1 German f/*. Heinrich') 1 th Nov English (Chilean) 22ml Indian Thunijwa 25th
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  • 47 1 P. O. SAILINGS. Mail Servitr I )U1 wAIt o- UoM K WARDS. tjkuean A hi'. Arcadia Vl Aw Della 0 Dec. Uenyal 8’ Dec hxna Nervier. Oui WAKOS. IhuiKWAUI» h’ofidtiKi II Nuc Socotra '~!'t A oo Palaiciiu US S Hilda 30 1 or particulars see Page 3.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 877 1 Corkscrew Brand. The Hest Hear Off the Market. Tv u Light, Sp.irkiing aiui Refreshing. SOLD BY ALL LEADING SHOPS. H. HODSON CO.’S T L' K P E N T I N E. Sandil/ind *>. Hutierv Sr Cn. COMPLETE HOSIERS AND OUTFITTERS. During the coming week we shall advertise everything for
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    • 772 1 BANKS Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China. I N CO KI RATED V ROYAL C HAUTE i. Capital Haiti tin Reserve Fund Reserve Liability ol Proprietors AhOO.Ot 0 A"r‘75.0< 0 tHXV oo 1 it .nl t HATTON COU1M, TliUKADNEEDLE STREET, LONDON. Agencies a net Branches. Bombay Bangkok Batavia
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    • 17 1 GiFFEL TOWERHighly Pccorrmcnded. tested by Municipal hnglneer. 3( M n V/ Tiang Lee Co., Sole Importers. US
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  • 2220 2 Report of the Penang AgriHorticultural Show, 1905. The Second Annual Agri-Horticultural j Show was held in Penang on the 9ih, I'.Ml. and 11th of August last, and was opened by i His Excellency the Governor. From every point of view it is admitted to have been in advance of any
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 65 2 STKARNS’ WINK places at the Command of the Physiciau the most advanced preparation of oo<l Liver Oil. Far superioi to the stomach dinturhin-,' emulsions. We are proml ol our aj;e. Ami all it can do We are proud of that wonder, 14 real Kdison, too. Lilt ai, this we may
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    • 2247 2 3NT OTICB. and after this date, all small advertisements intended tor insertion in the Straits Echo must he paid i’or ill advance. IJM SENG *****, |2iii J »ii v. I DO-'». Managing Direcor. IVIUNICIPAI. NOTICE. TO LET. I PREMISES No. GO, LOVE LANE. Apply to GUll BOON KENG, 3-11-09 2wk
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  • Shipping.
    • 103 3 I*' N 'Skn«, Bi‘. s s ‘,I7H. Davidson, i•>(ii No».. Sinuii(H*rv. litli Nov. Gen.,- ( Beug Kee. itoToitua. Ur. p, s. 55languid. Idtli Nov longkali, 12th Nov Gen K (I. (,‘u. Mai. ay a, Ur. ss. dt-'*, Uoewe, I4lli Nov. Ddi. Idtli Nov., Gen.. —H. li. Sc Co. MAKT.-UYCK
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    • 82 3 14th November. oimo.-a, tor Singapore, China and Japan Conn-ha, for Deli. Padarnj, for Bat ii Bahru. A uayyee, for Port Swetteiihain and Malacca Jin Ho, for Langkat. Hok Canton, for Edie, T. Setnawe, Segli, Olelileh and Sabang. Toiuj Chaif L it, for Batu Balira and Asalian Pin Semi, for
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    • 63 3 Rotorua, 1 Jr. s.s. 555, Liugard, Idtli Nov,, Tongkah, 12th Nov.. Gen —K. G. Co. Mai.aya, Hr. ss. 848. Loewe, 14th Nov., Deli, 13th Nov., Gen., —11. L. Sl Co. Taw Tono. Br. »s. 105, Hassan, 14th Nov., A«aliau, loth Nov., Gen., K. G. Co. I.ANOKAT, Br. s
      63 words
  • 44 3 Ve$*el« h'rnot A tjentg lh,. Oaufa Liverpool W M.&Co. 14th Nov Pathau Glasgow SBAOo. 15th Silvia Colombo B.M.&Co. 17th Flentshire Singapore B.AGo. 18th Machaoii Singapore W.M&C'o. 18th Ben venue Singapore 20th Lai Sang Calcutta B.&Co 23rd 1 Jena von London S.B.ACo. 24th
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  • 46 3 1 For .1 tjetU* Leaves Oanta S ngapore YV.Al.&Co. I4tli Nov L'atiian Singapore s i*. &Co. 15th Silvia .Singapore B.M.&Co. Wtli Fienlsliire London B.ACo. 18th Machaon London W.M.«%Co 18th Lai Sang Singapore B.&Co. 23rd Benvenue Loudon iS.B.&Co. 24th Uenavon Singapore S. 1 ‘.«.Vi, (Jo. 24th
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  • 40 3 I'OK A saltan— Per Taw Tony, to mono», I p.m. Tongkah—Per ltotorua. to-morrow, 1 (Kill Teluk Aiisoii— Per L'aiujlml. to-morrow. *J (Kill. Pangkor—Per 11. Halewyn, to-morrow. 4 pm. Traug iin<l Pang Nga—Per Deli, ltflli instant, I p in.
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  • 70 3 Per Potoiiiu, from Tongkah Messrs. Khaw »100 Sin, Sal.i Jorgensen ami Vara. Per M a lava, from Deli Messrs. Neol, Klnik. J. Obrien, Morton, Mr. au<l Mrs. Korniuigh, Miss Kinosta Osaka, Dr. Joukos. Per Luugkat, from Teluk Anson Messrs. J. 15. .Bourne. J. Moscrop, Dr. Gerrard. Mrs. and Miss
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1025 3 (SHIPPIN G.) fYfc\ I P. o. 1 Co. Expected Arrival* and Jtepartnre*. Mail Service. Outwards. Nov. 22 Chusan connecting with s.s. Victoria Dec. 6 ».8. Delta do h.h. Himalaya 20 s.s. Oceana do 8.8. India Jhu. 3 s.B. Arcadia do s.B. Britannia Homewards. Nov. 2+ 8.8. Arcadia connecting with s.s.
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    • 113 3 For Singapore, Hongkong, Swatow and Amoy. rpHE Steamship Hong Wan 1, Captain Slaker, will leave for the al>ove ports, oil Saturday, the 18th Novemlier, 1905, at 4 p.m. For Freight or Passage, apply to KOE GUAN Co., Agent# for Wee Bin Co., of Singapore. 13-11-05 sts 756 Compagnie des Messageries
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 27 3 WEATHER. Thk following report is kindly,supj>h»dbv the Signal Director of Fort Cprswaßis ltie rainfall during the 24 hours ended at 9 to-dav was 0 49 iuche6.
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  • 126 4 xaUKltoKeverybody andjnstice alone.— Ktnertfu Established June Ist, 1903 ritblUhetl daily (except Sgii-L» v AT TIIIC CRITERION PRESS. Ltd., N<*. 226 -202. I >ea**h Str*H«l. P»n»ng. PRICE DAII.V UK&i *2« »'«r allium* OUTSTAT lONS IWa«i' Exon. MAI I. KWTION I Punt Free) *l5 CAULK AIHIRKSS: Echo—Penang.’* Telephone N<>.
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  • Current Topics.
    • 163 4 Thk prophets ar«f busy just now with the future of China, savs the Standard. This boy of ten thousand years or so —what will he become The latest vatieinator is the new Chinese Minister to France, whose picture, in the columns of the Echo de Paris
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    • 260 4 As a rule we believe in brevity in despatches and reports. If a tiling can be put in tiie space of ten lines it is much better to put it in ten lines, instead of extending it to a column. We certainly cannot accuse the Agricultural Show
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    • 267 4 That the coolie traffic is at times merely slavery under another name is clearly shown by the following from the China Mail ot' 27th nlto An illustration was given, at tin* Magistracy, this morning, of the way in which permits are obtained in order to snip coolie
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    • 756 4 Thk October of the National Waifs' Magazine is a Mem- j oriai Number, most of its space being 1 •devoted to a sketch of the late Dr. Barnardo's life-work. A> a supplement is included an excellent portrait of Dr. Barnardo, oil plate paper, from a photograph taken on
      756 words
  • 2024 4 No. 3.* Enyiu m d expects thn f man it'ill Jo his duty.' -Ne-son Jly Dkaii Frikni».—Throughout t li-• j whole length ami breadth of the Driti-*. I Empiie, the lOOtli anniversary of the Bitthof Trafalgar (Oet. 21st) has just l>eeu celebrated with
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  • Page 4 Advertisements

    • 106 5 TO A N IN FLAM Foreigners in Danger. I'lu’ IJstasial iseher Ijloipl r Sei vice. Shanghai, IHli Nov. A revolution lias broken out at Vladivostok ant* fighting is taking place in the street* of the town, which is burning in different places The life and property <.| the inhabitants
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    • 271 5 Germany Neutral. Polish Revolt Spreading. (The Ost<mintiseher Jjtoyds' Service.) Berlin. 13th Nov.—Germany lias held no conference with Russia on the Polish question and there has lieeu no formation of special bodies of troops on the frontier as alleged. Germany most decidedly declines any interference in the Russo Polish troubles.
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    • 160 5 Togo to Visit England. A New Japanese Loan. (ISapplied by Reuter.) I <union, 12th November. —The Tokio correspondent of the Telegraph states that it is definitely decided that Admiral Togo w ill visit England with a Japanese squadron, probably iu Alarcli next.. The United States Legation at Tokio is
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    • 58 5 The Future King (Supplied by Reuter.) Loudon, 13th November.—The plebiscite '•a tlie Storthing’s decision to offer the Crown of Norway to Prince George of Denmark was proceeding yesterday and to-day. London, 14th November. J lie Norwegian plebiscite retuius show the certainty of an overwhelming majority in favour of offering
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    • 74 5 King Alfonso’s Visit. I In- Ostasiastisrher Lloyd Service.') Berliu, 13th November. —The visit of V,, V-? Alfonso to Germanv has passed off splendidly ami he left for Vienna amid the ‘«artiest farewells of the Inqiorial Family. I rinee vou Billow has gone t«* Nuernberg tin veil a monument to
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    • 42 5 The Royal Vi it. Snp/d it'll hi i Reu'er i Loudon. 14»h Noveniiier The Priiiceaud Princess of Wales are daily participating in functions of everv description in Bombay and are winning golden opinions from people of all classes, races and religious
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    • 34 5 Mine Disaster. Siiy/ lb d In/ Ilt-iiler London, 14th Novein I >er —A shall of the Driefonteiu I >eep Mine, iu the Transvaal, has collapsed One while and sixty-seven Kaffirs were killed.
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    • 27 5 A Royal Visitor. (Sn pptied by Renter.) London, 14th Noveniiier. The King of I Greece has arrived at Windsor on a visit to King Edward.
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  • 168 5 It will lie remembered that sometime ago some of tlie meuiliers of the Jubilee Club were arrested for playing iu a common gaming house, and. on lieiug brought liefore Mr. Peel in the lower Court, were convicted and fined $l9 each. They have now. through Mr. Martin, of Messrs.
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  • 503 5 Before Hi* Honour Mr. J net ice H. IF. Fisher. Chem Bi (Appellant) vs. Che At (Respondent.) Tnis * an appeal against the decision ol Mr. Sniith-Steiumetz, who convicted the appellant on the following charge That he, the said CJlieni Bi, oil or about i the mouth of
    503 words
  • 1179 5 The Sub-Contracts Question. 1 nth the Straits l imes of Saturday i last Government bus conceded thni —through I he grace and mercy of t he Crown Ageuts it is jMisfibl** that sub contracts <ui the proposed Harbour '‘lmprovement Scheme may be given to local contfactor* by
    1,179 words
    • 577 5 To run Editor or tin: Struts Echo. •Sir, —I read the Report of the Hindu Association which was published in your columns on the lltli instant with much i pleasure. 1 was also pleased to read that the j Hindu Association came into existence after the Indian
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 12 5 For ‘•rrat iud iu the stomach take Woods lVpjH*riunit Cute, Bt> cents.
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    • 14 5 For palpitation of the heart tak»* Wimmlr Great I ‘np|*M limit (Jure, HO c»*nth.
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    • 12 5 Woods’ Great Peppermint Cure —infallible f«»i rliildien s K.nmoli troubles. 80 rents.
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    • 108 5 For :il! internal complaints take Woods’ Great Peppermint (■uit*. SO cents. To-day's Advertisements. MUNICIPAL NOTICE. rpENI/EllS will l>e received till WednesI dav, 22nd inst., by the undersigned for the privilege of holding a Money Changers Stall beside t he Municipal Jinrikisha office on the passenger Jetty. The person holding the
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    • 486 5 Federated Malay States Railways. d \N <111« I ;i November I2(ii, lfio.'», die s-dioii of Railway l*etw«HMi T»i|.i«n£ aud Piiilmit' Reui;as ;s closed ior r.iHi«* uni i i flirt lier not ire. 4>ti ii<| after Noveniiier I2di, ilt«* follow, n« trains will nol run until flirt her not iro 7
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  • 51 5 Obituary. Mr. H. K Itelilios, C. M G. Siti'jtiieil by Iteulrr.) liotulou, 14tli Nov.—The death is atitloUllcetl of Mr. Kmanuel Raphael lielilios, e m j i* of Hongkong, latelv a Member of Couucil of that Colony, the ilouor of a public girls’ school, a reformatory au<l the founder of several
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  • 114 6 ;’*nan a. I4ih Novembbk (By court*»;/ if (he Chartered Bank.) L-nubo- Demand banc 3/1 j mouths’ sight boil" ...2/21°,; Credit 2/2 Documentary Ca.iei.iia. Demand bank 101 •5 .lavs' sight Private *t>3 bon mac. Demand Hank 3 days’ sight Private HW Madras. Demand Bank days’ sight Private H»2y Rangoon. D*3tna.iid
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  • 188 6 Beiat Tiu Milling Co Ld. 5. tat*» Hers.-iwah(fold MiniugCo.. I,d. 5 14. feller» Bruseii Hydraulic I'iii Mining Co.. Ld buyers Duff Development Co. $8.50 teller* Fraser Sl Neav**. L*i 5l0»>. buyers George'lown Dispensary 5 25. miles Howarth Krskine, L>l. $290. sale* Karangan Hydraulic Tin Mining Co, Ltd. t>. teller*
    188 words
  • 181 6 Goid leal $75. B.Pepper(\V.Ob-.nor.) out ot stock White Pepp* i 35| teller» Traug Pepj.e season over Cloves pi«*l 1 1 out of season Mace (50 sellers Mace Picking- 52. —selers I Nutmegs lio> sellers \o. 1 ti Id nom. Sugai 2 uo slock. I‘.a-he 3.50 sales i Tapioca 1
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 67 6 Oli. flu u husk asthmatic old follow. Whom oouirhing' lias limit like a bow Thou oilild with the oolio whose bellow Disturbs the whole neighbourhood so Oli. Lad with the appetite hearty Whom sweetmeats too greatly allure Now mark what I say. or depart ye From Woods' Great Peppermint Cuke
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    • 11 6 MACKAY’S LIQUEUR WHISKY. G/es/ers* Champagne. RUBEROID ROOFING. Adamson. Gilfillan Co., lid.
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    • 385 6 CLEAR WHITE GLASS BOTTLES the POPULAR SCOTCH WH/SfiY is f TMW m m A till if f TV#- w WJi*mo# TIANG LEE GO., NC BOTTLI U SZ si •> A rf m *m NEWLY AKKIVED Ex s. s. CARDIUM.” Pascal’s Sweets. Carr A: Co.’s Biscuits. Jacob At Co.’s Biscuits. Huntley
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 620 7 P. IVloir Crane <5? Co.'s CYLINDER OIL. Snndilnnifs, fStftery «S'* G'o NOTICE. THK CELEDKVIKh “S. 35. Si. Co.” square face Gin m rod cases. r |MIE uudeisigu<j«] lint» to iuform the public of Penang au-i tii«* neigltboui m<_' Native A States that. they lniv«! I well appointed Agents for Messis.
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    • 57 7 With artificial modes of life New ailments oft, appear, Ami in our midst, disease is life. More dreadful every year. Yet who need suffer stomach pain, Or sleepless endure. While rest and ease he’s sure Lorain Through Woods’Great Peppermint Cure. DAVID CORSAR SONS' Well-known Navy Canvas. SANDIUNDS. DUTTERY Co. BAXTER
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1128 8 A. LVENBIiRG, DENTISTRY Thean Ghee Co., 14, fil HOI* S i RE I'T. PENA A <7, 56, Bishop street, \V. MANSON, (ioldsinitii, Watciimak* r and Dentist, I Late 4 1». Alien a Co.. Pka, vs.A.\ gECi to inform their numerous customers 10-S-U5 I nstrumcnts. rm I>im Sun Ho, chop HENG
      1,128 words