Straits Echo, 10 November 1905

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • 84 1 To-day. I-toll Day, loth Moou. Town Baud, Eitplauade. 6 io 7 p.m. Oriental Kiuetogrrph Exhibition. K nul>erlev St reet, 9 p.m. Cinematograph Exhibition, corner ol Cainpl)el! Street ami Penang Road. 9 p.m. Gaiety Stars’ Entertainment, Masonic Hall, Northam Road, 9 p.m. To-morrow. 15th Day, lOtli AJoou. Town Hand, Golf
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  • 28 1 O Full Moon Nov. 12th 0.11.3 v.m. f«n*t. 20th 8.33.0 a..\:. O New Moon- 2» >th 11.47.1 i*.m. First Quarter lH*c. 4ti; 1 37.6 a m
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  • 16 1 China (Coromandel) 10th Nov. German (P. Heinrich) loth English (Chnnnn) 22nd Indian (Tkon-gton) 25th
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  • 43 1 P. O. SAILINGS. Mail Service. Outwards. Homkwaros. (Jhuran 22 A or. Coromandel 10 Nor Delta 0 Dec. j Arcadia 24 Extra Service. Oin wards. Hum kwa uds. Forntota 14 Nod. Socotra 25 Nor Palawan 28’ j Sun da 30 For particulars see Page ■’>.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1233 1 Corkscrew Brand. The Best Beer on the Market. ~0 Light, Sp’.rkting and Refreshing. SOLD BY ALL LEADING SHOPS. BANKS. Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China. INCORPORATED BY IMYAL CHARTER. Hongkong Shanghai Banking Corporation. Capital Paul up Reserve Fund Reserve Liability Proprietors AlWt.o* 0 a?s7s.d« o •r J. H V
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    • 27 1 EIFFEL TOWERH ghly Recommendtd. Tested by Municipal Et jf Inter. O z 2 4J S l U Oc 0 rfaMltf*’ Tiang Lee Sl Co., -So/d. 1 importers.
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  • 60 2 Tkaok Dkvklopmk.nt. The Chinese Government lias sent despatches to the different vieeiovs ami vernor» instructing tln*ui t<> report on ah ciiiua and ports suitable tor trading purpose. It ih the intention oi l lie Gove-mnent to declare all such ports open to the trade of the world so as
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  • 765 2 This Collector ok Customs ikws. The Collector of Customs at Manila is wroth because a writer m a Singapore paper has lieeu adversely criticising tlie port. The writer of the ai tide iu question spoke of the storms which sweep over Manila harbour, rendering it unsafe for slopping.
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  • 515 2 In Hurtiri Completely Cured After Six Years of Constant Suffering From Scrofiil:i and Swol’en Glands BY |)r. Williams* Pink Pills- I hardly like to think now of the pain 1 suffered for all those years. The remarkable change from the misery of those days to
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  • 1227 2 Tuesday ,10th January. Thursday 1st February and 1 Saturday .ltd February. FIRST DAY. I TUESDAY, 30th JANUARY, I90ti 1. —The Maiden Plate. j Value $600. A Race for Maiden II uses. Weight as {>er scale reduced 14 lbs. All animals impoited into
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 116 2 I dreamt I li'Swhl mi a level d lied, (With Hit* cut taius gathered ami diawii) With a harking coiigli ami a burning head Vainlv awaiting the taidv dawn. When eloso to my lied side an Angel cam**. With a phial of liquid pm»*, \nd 1 read oil the
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    • 325 2 MUNICIPAL NOTICE T jIH Municipal Commissioners of George 1 I •mi, Penang, hereby iuvite tenders for <• mstm-tioii of drains at Pataui K’oad Fi.d |>iriieiilar» can lie obtained and' .1 I specification inspected at the Mima i, I lliitiineer’s Office. Teu s ••nl«*i>e«l Pataui Road I bain will In
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    • 940 2 NOTICE "Vf OTIOE is hereby given that all claims J3l against the Perils State or the ruling family thereof must be submitted in wiitiug, with full proofs, to the President, of the Perlis State Council on or liefore the first of Deceml*er 190 5 (the 29tli Ramzan 1323), after which
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    • 130 2 AUCTION SALE. Tlie uudersigned has received instructions to put up for sale by Public Auction At the Railway Yard. Taiptng, On Monday 27\h l\ov 1905, At 8-30 am. A LARGE «piautity of Railway Stores and Materials including Boilers, Wagons, Trolley-frames. Wheels, Sleepers, etc., etc. Complete list may be had from
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    • 7 2 H. HODSON CO.’S turpentine. Sandilands, Huitery Co.
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  • Shipping.
    • 162 3 I’ki.ak. Ur. ss 279. Utichanan. Hili Nov., I‘ori SweUenham, 7th N< v Gen.— K. G Co. i>v.N iiatr Soon. I'm. > (jlmiday, i*H. Nov 7,1, Nov., Gen.Q U hi ee. Ivintna. I;,. s.s. 524. Lwii-Ifoui. 10th Nov t Singapore, Htlt Nov.. (Jen.. —H 1,. Co. <i. ArcAR. Ur. ss.
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    • 69 3 10th November. Culif/mo, for Deli. Tenth, for Port Swetteuliam auo Malacca. Jin Ho. for Langkat. Chnan Un. for Setul. Tony Cho if Un, for Uatu Mahra ami Asahau Hon Whalt Soon, for Port Swetteuliam ami Singapore. Tail;/ Weld, for Teiuk Anson. G. A lira r, for Calcutta. Coromandel, for
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  • 38 3 Vestel* From Aqevts Due Oan fa Liverpool W.M.&Co. I4fli Nov. Machaon Singapore W.M&Co. 18th Pat hail Glasgow SB &Co. 15th Silvia Colombo B.M.ACo. 17th 1 Jen ven tie Singapore S.B.&Co. 20th i Jena von Lonilou S.B.&Co. 24th
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  • 38 3 1 essels I i <>r Aijenls l Leaves I < )aiifn Singapore VV.M.&Co. 14th Nov. Pat lian Singapore S 1» &Co. loth Silvia Singapore IVM.&Co. 18th Machaon Loudon W.M.&Co.l 18th Beuveuue Loudon S.B.&Co. •24th lienavou Singapore S.l».&Co. 24th
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  • 110 3 F O R Negapatam and Madras—Per Teenta to-morrow, 1 p.m. liajiin, Kdie, T. Semawe, Segli, Olehfcih and I’ulo Well Per ])e Kock, to-mi'llniM, 1 p.m. Asaliau Per Taw Tony, to-morrow, 1 p.m. 'l’eluk Anson—Per Lanjkat, to-morrow, 2 p in. Port, Swettenhain, Kuala Lumpur aiM Singapore—Per Kixtna, to-morrow, o
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  • 13 3 Per Simla, from London Mr. E. W'oek. From Colomlio Mr. Cecil Wray.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 989 3 (SHIPPING.) P. k o. it \r \r? Expected Arrivals and, Departures. Mail Service. Outwards; Nov. 2- 8.8. Chusan connecting with 8.8. Victoria !>„<•. 6 s.s. Della <lo 8.8. Himalayt 20 s.s. Oceana «1« s.8. India Homewards. FAKES BY MAIL STEAMERS. lot ClaM 2nd ClaJW To ljoudon by Sea £60 £40
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    • 112 3 Koiiinklijke I’aketvaart Maatschaftlj s.s. Van der Parra. AS the above steamer is dry docking for painting etc., she will not sail for l)eli on 2nd November. She will, however, resume her usual time table on lltli Novemlrer. HUTTENBACH, LI EBERT Co:. 30-10-02 1 Its 722 Ayĕido. Compagnie des Messageries Maritlmes»
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 28 3 WEATHER. Thk following report is kindly suppliedliy the Signal Director of Port Cornwallis The rainfall during the 2d hours ouded at 1* a.m. to-day was U 08 mokes.
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  • 115 4 j,» s.OhHc-. ».i.J «!<>' «.-SWr*»» Lst.iblisktJ June Ui. >.' «Liily t «I rilK CIHTEKION PRESS, Eld., N >. 22»> —232, Beach Si IVnaug. PRICE iuAII.V MJOAI |R*r OUTSTATIONS IVwtittcr Kx n. MAII. KIMTION (Post Fr*«*> $l5 C.\ ItLK AI»HRKSS: l-chft —Penang.’ Telephone N<*. IS*' \KdHor-in-Chi-f Chksnky
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  • Current Topics.
    • 163 4 Me. Moreland, of the l. ailed Provinces Coin mission. r* posting on the chronic iiihe.dtli of the Naini Till Terai, India. sa\> ;i supervisor was deputed who in ido a detailed and most intelligent study <*f (about forty wells, taking trial Ixuings I where necessary. Hi> enquiries s:m\v.*d I
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    • 413 4 There is every prospect that a shipping rate war fur the trade with the Far East will, says the Dailv Express, soon 1»*- in progress, similar to that which followed rue c •nclusion **t hostilities in South Africa. It will bo recalled that in the case of
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  • 2093 4 Liik Straits Times* Ai.lnoations Monday’s Strait- rim.*- contains the iig aneiiT tli* l Crown Agents and C«>ntr..c under the S ngapore H.n'mur Scli* me fs resiH'd *>f ihe statement made in this paper on Ein la 1 t to the ellect that t lie Crown Agents have
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  • 127 4 British Firm Leads. The motor fire engi ie is rapidly superseding horse drawn machines in the important tire brigades of the world and it is satisfactory to know that a British firm is in the vau in the production of these new fire-fighting machines. Messrs. Merry weal
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  • 634 4 At St. Xavier’s. Yesterday was celebrated at St. Xaver’s in right English style, tlie resident pupils being at home to their class mates, the day scholars, during the athletic sports held by the former in lion* urofthe King’s hir lidav. The sports were got up and conducted
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  • Page 4 Advertisements

    • 527 5 Horribe Hutch-ry. Jews Burnt Alive. Relief Mta tires Concerted. The (J*tii*iali'Clier Llm/d x Service.) Berlin, 8ih Novemi**r —Russia is quieting down and the c »ntr< versies are urcwiug less. The rumour •>' a v *vage abroad for the Tsaritza is a pure inv-mion. (Supplied t>y Reuter.) London, 8th Noveml>er.—An
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    • 143 5 A Lengthy List Siiji/illed by Reuter.) London, JMli Nov. Tin* fallowing Birthday Honours an* announced —The Hon. Mr. Newton, of the Mauritius Legislative Council, receives the honour of knighthood, Lord Windsor receives an Karldoin Loid Iveagli is created a Viscount Sir Forbes Leitli, a prominent Scottish Volunteer, is
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    • 99 5 Naval Demonstration. (Suppl led by Reuter.) London, 9th November.—lt is expected lil t a combined licet of the Powers, composed of fifteen warships, will appear in the Jt '‘Uit at the end of the week. It is stated 111 icnini that if this demonstration does J 1 ~,,Hl
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    • 37 5 The Mikado’s Barter. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 8th November.- Prince Arthur of Connaught’s mission, conveying the insignia of the Order of the Gaiter to the Mikado, will sail in the liner Mongolia on the 5th Jaumirv.
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    • 60 5 Koval Betrothal I* obib'e. t (l he Oxtaxuihxcher Ij'oy>t x Set vice. Berlin, 8th November. -The St anisli press responds cordially to the reception aecor led to King Alfonso in Berliu. Berlin, 9th November. King Alfonso has made the acquaintance of the Roman Catholic Prim ess Marie Antoinette, of
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    • 29 5 Ihe Coining Conference. (The IJ*tn*ia*tiseher Lloyd'*" Service.) Berlin, 9tli Nov.—!) he Spanish Government is issuing invitations to the Morocco Conference at Algeciras, which is t»l.o held in December.
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    • 29 5 A Railway Strike. (S <fi/ilied by /{enter. London, 9th November. -Ten thousand slate railway employees in Austria have struck. Their demands inclu ie the granting of universal suffrage
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    • 34 5 Th.‘ New Ministry. t The Ostneiatinc/ier Lloyd'* Set vice.) Berlin, Bth November.—The new Swedish Ministry is entiielv Liberal, with Herr Staaf as President and Herr Trolle, formerly Minister to Berlin, as Foreign Minister.
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    • 34 5 To Rest in St. Paui’s. (Su)>)ilted by /{enter.) London, 9th November. —Sir George Williams, the founder of the Young Men’s Christian Association, will In* buried in St. Paul's Cathedral.
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    • 59 5 British Naval Visit Snjijii ietl by lie liter London, 9th N«»v. After a week's most cordial amenities in the naval and official circles of Annapolis ami Washington, Prince Louis <»f Batteuberg lias proceeded with his squadron to Baltimore, where he received an ovation from a crowd of thirtythousand
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    • 36 5 Exchange of Gifts. The Oxbtxudixrher L/or/tl Service.) Berlin, 8th Novein’ner. —King Fdward i has presented the Kaiser with a Balmoral! walking stick and the Kaiser lias sent King Edward a valuable birthday present.
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  • 275 5 (•Supplied by lieuter.) 1 Loudon, loth November. —The Prince and Princess of Wales have arrived at Bombay, where they were accorded a spleu »id reception. The soldiers and sailors at Cronstadt have joined the workmen in sacking, pillaging and burning De-ip» rate lighting lias taken place between the
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  • 1138 5 K.-TKKDAY we were uoi, exactlv treated to Kings weather tor the gvnikiiiua given bv the Hunt Club, but, ail t lie officials worked with a will and a most enjoyable afternoon was s eni. There was a good attendance aud the B im I was in tine form,,
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  • 734 5 I’ ere was great exciteiueut iu the village of Piiliiu Tikus on Wednesday inorning when j a numlier of its residents found themselves relieved of tiieir fowls ami kitchen utensils Iby some mi .night marauders. For tines jor four nights already thefts had lie«*ii of i constant occurrence,
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 33 5 1 is a lood to anaemic persons ami in iu.S/! 1U 1,0,1 i,h Cod liivcr Oil as fouud 'l' ''>(» U iue, provides a most excellent 111 1 improves the «jualit vol the Mood.
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    • 15 5 ZYMoLE TOOTH POWDER, sr perfect antiseptic dentifrice, cleanses and pie serves the teetli, —vwj rt'itchiihj.
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    • 26 5 For palpitation of tlie heart Like Woods' Omit IVppoiniiiii Ohio. HO cools. EYE-SIGHT. MR. N. LAZARUS will shortly re-visit Penang. Sight test inf' and advice free.
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    • 466 5 MASONIC HALL, NOTICE OF SALE. Nor hum Road. Ey courtesy of the Worshipful Masie'. BY ORDS OF TH HERIFF. 1 In* uii*lt*r>igiie I are ins'metal t take jn>ssp>!>i<m u‘ uni |>11 1 up for sale by Public /V uction, G lETY STARS, j To-morrow, the Ilth Nov., IM)S, A I
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  • 254 6 Qkkkk to Prof. Bkhbinu. One of the wealthiest m* n >n N« w Vork who tortile present i* dtsiruir !> name shall he whl.l.* id i-yu. has authorise.! the Mei *'d to ai.m u that I ilO will COlltl ii.l.te S-7f"H'l lo jrjven to Prof. Behring
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  • 753 6 TIIK lIoNGKONi; I,OAK Thk following from ti e Shanghai Mei cury amplifies the important telegram from our Shanghai correspondent which we puhlished the other day The full text in Chinese ot the agreement between Chang Chilituug and the British Colonial Government m Hongkong was published bv the Universal
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  • 137 6 ,'bnxko. lOrn NovkmbUß. i (Htj <•*.//(/. of the Chartered Hank ij r.ii.ii n.iuitl Bank -/is I *ii<mils’ sight Ban• 2/2 3 ■i ‘re.ii. 2/2 j. i ii)* i*M y s Vilent tn, Demand !>..*»• I*3 01 3 davs’ sight f mv e o** j Bombay, Demand Bank 01 3
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  • 238 6 Belal Tm Mining C»>, L«l. 5i -3- >ale* *.«•1 *;i 111 I Ml. illgG*. let. t it. gellefh j P i H vdraulic Tin Mining I,j 8 buyers iy,,fl vei.. enient C*». i 8 50 seller* Fraser A Neave, Ld JlO5. buyers j •3**oi ge l own 1 lispens;*'
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  • 223 6 j Gold t 5 <•». 15. I *.-pper k*as! :tib*.. ><»/.. out ot stock White Pepjier ..5 05.' sellers 1 i'r iiig Pepper season over i Ci.»v l pi'-ked out of seas» n \i e l GO sellers \j .re Picking* 52 —se levs jNip in •<_'* i to*
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 20 6 BTEARNS’ WINK, for all waatiiiir «Iimmhoh. It i lie roast's weight. Coissuiuiv tiv.'K tut.| it. Can l«> taUt-n all ««asous.
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    • 280 6 CLEAR WHITE GLASS BOTTLES Kiitftiteiu’fo By r\ Ki Pi I. ‘NCJ TM T. pa 3^ •C 1 i MACKAY’S ►LIQUEUR WHISKY. TLA NO LEE CO., i&J! G/es lers’Champagne. x~WS'-JSĕJ2 Wjt Kennedy Co. wmACL TG FOR Wni. Yoimoer&Co.. Ltd. o Monk Brand Ale Bl Stout «ar tTjg-fe* ri'r IN BOTTLE AM)
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  • 314 7 The report that Dr. Sven Hedin is undertaking further explorations iu is highly interestin'.;, savs an Indian paper, ami it may be suggested that his goal is not the souree of the Bralinuiputra, which is already well known, but Lliassa. It is an open secret that the great explorer
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  • 525 7 So mauy people are constantly writing the experiences of Anglo-Saxon glolie trotters in India that there is at ail events a certain freshness iu the discussion of the value of travel in Britain to the modern Indian. A writer in the Hindustan Keview discusses this topic in
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 927 7 John Bazley White Brother?. “LION BRAND” PORTLAND CEMENT. Sandilands. Hnttery V*. Jeye’s Per/ect Purifier. The best and most powerful disinfectant extant. In I and 5 Gallon Drums and in 40 Gallon Casks. Quotations on Application. Sandilands. Buttery <Sc Cn E. CHEM BEE, Cycle Dealer and Repairer, Nos. 0,8 10 BUCKINGHAM
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    • 75 7 11l Veil tors are eccentric nieu, And make some wonderful tilings— From Itabies’ food and patent boots To sailing balloons with wings. But health comes tirst in this humdrum life, And this you can best ensure, By feuding off insidious ills With Woods’ Great Peppermint Cure. STEARNS’ WJNE acts on
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1189 8 DENTISTRY. A. EVENBERG, SB, Bishop Street, \Y. MAN SON, Goldsmith, Watchmaker ami Amt: lean Dentist, Repairer of Optical Instrument», Thean Chee Co., 14, BISHOP STRIC T, PFNANCi, to inform their customers 10-8-05 I nstruments. 3ms 5:30 Lim Sun Ho, CHOP HENG MOH Co., 164, Beach Street, Penang. Charges Modulate, Consultation
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