Straits Echo, 7 November 1905

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • 81 1 To-day. llili I 'at, 10! I. Moon Town Band, Chinese Recreation Club, 5 to 7 p in. Oriental Kiuetograph Exhibition, Kimberlev Street, 9 p.m. Cinematograph Exhibition, corner of Campbell Street and Penang Road, 9 p in. To-mgkrow. 12th Dav, loth Moon. Auction Sale of Premises No. 74, King Street,
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  • 29 1 O Full Moon Nov. 12th 0.11.3 p.m. Last Quarter 20th 833 9 a.m O New Moon 20th 11.47.1 p.m First Quarter Dec. 4th 1 37.0 a m
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  • 16 1 English (Simla) Bth Nov China (CoromaiuFl) lOtii German (P Heinrich) loth Indian (Thongwa) 25th
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  • 52 1 P. O. SAILINGS. Mail Service Outvv a hits. Hom k w a ki>s. Simla S Noe. Coromandel 10 Not (Jith*<in lit j Arcadia 24 I xtra Service. < iUTWAUDS. Ho»l KH'AKIlS. Formota 14 Noe. Socotra 2o A or Pill a icon 28 Sun da 30 M 1s-4(? V or particulars
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 961 1 Corkscrew Brand. The liest Beer on the MarkettO Light, Spirkling :rul Refreshing. SOLD BY ALL LEADING SHOPS. BANKS. Charterer* Bank of India, Australia and Ch*na. I NC()lir<)K ATED I*.V Irn VA l, CHARTER Hongkong Shanghai Banking Corporation Capital Paid up Reserve Fund Reserve Liability of Proprietors ■fcHKJ.Ul 0 l >75
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    • 21 1 E FFELTOWER H'ghly Recommended* Tested by Municipal Engineer. is 2 Su o 0. Tiang Lee Co., s Sole importers K 3!
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  • 1889 2 (Continued from yettcrday* i**He 1. Tlih want of an Official Administrator both from the point of view of tin* •< v nki and to correct tlie evils «rising It.mi malndminist ration have often been insisted on. The subject, however, is a very difficult one. Various Hills dealing with
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  • 585 2 Au Ordinance for the Registration ot Partnerships and I* irius. Wliereas it is exjiedieut to make provision for the registration of Partnerships and firms carrying o.t business in the Colony it is hereby enacted by the Governor of the Straits Settlements with tin* advice ami consent of the Legislative
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 13 2 STEARNS’ WINE, for convalescents any ht*vi>it> illness. Tin* offwl OIK'C SVH.'U. attains' IV »/<«•.
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    • 2123 2 KTOTICB. ON and after this date, all small advertisements intended tor insertion in the Straits Echo must be paid lor in advance. LIM SKNG HOOK l .'lli July, 1905. Managing Director. MUNICIPAL NOTICE. >T (j'l'ICK is hereby given that tLe books 1 containing the Annual Valuations of ami rates imposed
      2,123 words

  • Shipping.
    • 94 3 I>kn of- Maims, Hr. s.s. 2,970. Singer. t>th Nov.. Singapore, 4-t li Nor (Jen., H. Co. SILKSiA. Alls s.s. 3 340. deal at)! le, (jtli Nov Singapore, 4tli Nov, Gen.,—S. K. A Co. Pin Sknu, Hr. s s 378, i>avidsou, Gtli Nov Singapore, 4tli Nov.. Gen.,—Quah Beug Kee. Pkhu.
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    • 73 3 7t li November. Oiit /fierr, tor Tongkah, Kopali, Helloing, Mergui ami T<ivo>. A vayyee, for Port Swettenliain and Malacca. Taw Tang, for Asaliau. Tong Chnau, for Main Habra aud Asa hutt. Pin •'''eng, for Port Swettenliain abd Singapore. hacii/ Wrld, for Teluk Anson. A (than, for Asalnin and Singapore
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    • 44 3 Lanokat. Hr. s.s. 142, Crichton, 7tli Nov., Anson, titli Nov., Geu.-, r**K G. Co. Oornklia, Hr. s.s. 194, Morris, Nov., Hangkat, ttli Nov., Geu,— K. G. Co. Pkou, Hr. ss. 297, Covsh, 7tli Nov., Aelieen, titli Nov Gen., —Hui Ho Hiu.
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  • 47 3 Vegseh root Atjents Due G. A pear Singapore A. A. A.Co. 9th Nov. Simla Colombo VG A Co. 9th Coromandel Singapore A .G ACo. 10th Patliau Glasgow S R ACo. 15 th Silvia Colombo B.M.ACo. 17th Beuavou Loutlou S.B.ACo. 24th lien venue Singapore S.B ACo. 24th
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  • 49 3 1 For Atjent* Leaves V (jr. A pear Calcutta A. A .A .Co. 9tli Nov. Simla Singapore A.G.&GV, 9th Coromandel Colombo A.G.&Co. 10th Pat lian Singapore S IS &Co. loth Silvia Singapore B.M A Co. 18th I Sena von Singapore S. IS.&Co. •24th Benvenue Loudon S.B.&Co. 24th
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  • 78 3 For Pangkalan Ihandau—Pet Petrel, tomorrow. 1 p.m. Port Swettenham—Per Mary Austin, to-morrow, 1 p.m. Singapore, Hongkong, Shanghai athl Japan—Per Nippon, to-morrow,.2 p.m. 'IVIuk Anson-—Per La tty/cat, to-morrotfr, 2 p m. Singapore, Hougkoug, Swatow atkl Amoy—Per Hu ay Bee, to-morrow, 3 pr.m. P.iugkor— Per 11. Ilaleioyn, to-morrfl#, 4 p
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1044 3 (SHIPPING.) XM, 9? i Kpected Arrivals and Departures. Mail Service. Outwards. FARES BY MAIL STEAMERS. Ii*t Claws To Ijoudon by Sea iX><> To Marseilles or Gibraltar 2nd Cl.uw £40 £56 £.‘W extra steamers Intermediate Service. yy ith excellent accommodation for a limited number of passengers. Outwards. Homewards. ts>'- Formosa 1
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    • 85 3 Compagnie des Messageries Maritjifiiciii rpHI 1 steamers of this Company belonging JL to their Far Eastern Liue, will maintain a regular bi-monthly service from this port, taking Cargo ami Passengers fot Colombo, Marseilles, Havre, London, Antwerp, &c. This service will be furthfef augmented by a monthly steamer of tlidit* Indo-Chiua
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous

  • 121 4 Jim'io* itinflet»everrbodjr and justice s«l<me.—, Hstahlished June Ist, 1904 Htihli4i»l *laily (exonpt tv*.* AT Til K CRITERION PRESS, 1.M., N<|. 22<> —-222, Beach Street, I’enaiiij. PRICK OAILY LUCA I si» P**r simnun OUTSTATIONB I‘osl.ijjt- Rww. MAI I. KIMTION (Post Kr«el $l3 CASKS ADDRESS: Echo —Penang.” Telephone No.
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  • Current Topics.
    • 90 4 One economic aspect of the m o v e in e nt to transform India into a manufacturing country deserves serious consideration, says it Calcutta paper. Supposing that i lie necessary capital and enterprise were forthcoming to erect the multitude of mills and workshops that would be forthcoming,
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    • 290 4 Australia is in much ilie same position as the nobleman who is staiving but who will not sell his plate, declares an Indian contemporary. She is hungering for immigrants, but she continues to keep them out by closing her doors. Her Restriction Acts indeed defeat their purpose. They keep
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    • 309 4 I'm: Westminister (bi/.ette 'call* to mind mi a note Very close upon -»0 years ago—the date having been October 1», 18-V>—the ratifications were exchanged of the first modern agreement between Croat Britain and Japan,it is especially interesting,in view of the extended treaty of alliance now concluded, to
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    • 811 4 Thek k is 11>*iv before the Legislative Council a short Bill having for its object the protection of the fisheries of the Colony. To put the Bill in a nutshell we may sav th it it contains a very proper prohibition of dynamite fishing and empowers the
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  • 1003 4 'i UK spiral system <»t tapping Heeea hraeiiieuei*, as cat lie I out by Messrs. Chas Northway auil E D. Bowman on Deviturai estate. Elipiti a, ami known amo'-g a limited, number of those interested in la i. ling in Cer lon ami the Malay s>t ilias proved
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  • 80 4 Emperor Interrogated. *S 111 no At 25 1 1 October—Tlieauihoriiies .t Peking continue their investigations into the recent bomb outrage, aud as ;i result of tleir inquiries the Empress Dowager has m ule certain i .terrogations. It is reported that His Majesty the Emperor Kuaug hsu has
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  • 143 4 On the 27th October last year a Governmeut notification was issued demouetisum Hie bullet, tical aud giving the public one year in which to exchange their holdings for ilit licals or currency notes. The bullet tied is now, therefore, only a. curiosity. In his recently
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  • 703 4 I’hk Philippine Government, and Commercial interests of the islands are to make a strong fight this wiut r for a definite •status in their relations with the United St ites and the granting of free trade. The ad 111 inist rat ion officials in Washington have tried
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  • Page 4 Advertisements

    • 480 5 The Amnesty. Horrible Atrocities. ('inland's Reputed Freedom. (The Oeliieiuhveher L oyd g Service Berlin, 6th Nov. The popular countin' revolution against liie I**w* and Socialists Continues in Kus»ia and several anti-Jewish outrages «re reputed M. Bulygin, the Minister of the Interior, lias been dismissed, as also has General Kaidhars,
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    • 70 5 The Mikado’s Carter. The Kaiser’s Gift. (Supplied by Reuter.) Loudon, 7*l* November. —The Kaiser has presented the Mikado with six black stallions fiom the Imperial stud. Loudon, fitli November.--Prince Arthur of Connaught starts for Japan, to carry the insignia of the Order of the Garter to the Mikado, in
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    • 70 5 A Naval Demonstration. (I he osta*iatincher Lloyd s" Service.) Berlin, 6th Nov.—A j«»in< proposal lias l»e«*ii made to six Powers by Austria and Russia «>r a naval demonstration against the Porte ou the Macedonian question. The proposal is for each P«>wer t«> semi two ships, the place of meeting
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    • 50 5 New Treaty. < I lit (Jglaeiatitcher Lloyd' Service.) l*eiTm,6tli Nov.— Baron Speck v«*n Sternthe German Ambassador to tlieUuite«l Mites, has delivered to tli3 Washington ■‘"thoritie* proposals for a German-Ameri-':u* Commercial Treaty. (Supplied by Reuter. Loudon, 6th Ntivember.—lt is stale*! iu "•din that Germany intends to appoint a Munster to
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    • 30 5 Flection Riots. (The" (Maei'tliecher Llm/d Service.) Berlin, titli Nov.—Election troubles, accompanied hy bloodshed, have occurred in Austria. A scheme for amending the laws of general elections lias been announced.
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    • 21 5 Exile’s Return {Supplied hy Rrtner.) Loudon, 0th November.- Paul Deroulede, the exiled French politician ami journalist, h;is arrived iu Paris.
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    • 84 5 Committee’s Report. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, tith Novem lier.—The report of the Committee appointed bv King Leopold, of Belgium, to investigate the affairs of the Congo declares that maiiv of the allegations aueut the atrocities are unfounded, but that there aie many abuses existing iu the rublier traffic.
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    • 90 5 Yellow Peril” Bogey (Supplied by lleuler Loudon, titli November.—The Austral an Commonwealth Government is introducing a Bill in Parliament varying the phraseology of the language test for aliens a* riving in Australia in a in inner which will conciliate Japan. It is reported iu Perth that the Colonial Office
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    • 33 5 The Coming Election, 1 (Supplied by Reuter London, titli November.; —The Times, com. mooting upon Mr. Chauiberlaiu's recent speech at Birmingham, anticipates that a geueral election will take place early next session.
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    • 29 5 Memorial Unveiled (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 6th Nov.—Mr. John Morlev, M.P., has uuveile«l a national memorial to Mr. Gladstone iu the Strand. The Duke of Devonshire was present.
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    • 203 5 Not to be Abandoned (Supplied by Reuter.) London. 0t.h November. —The Observer states that Great Britain has no intention of abandoning Wei-Hai-Wei. The Autumn political campaign is now in full swing in England, the Education Act passed in 1903 beiug one of the chief topics of discussion. The speeches
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    • 260 5 Latest New s. {Supplied by lieuler.f Lo.i<I<*ii, 7ili November. —I he prospectus ol lli** liiiik of A ssiuia lia* been issued lli** Bank is tn liavi* a ci|*il<il of Ii iIT a million sterlin and enjoys impoitaiif exclusive privileges for a period of fifty years The Governor <>f t he
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  • 109 5 The following table shows the comparative value in gold dollars of the exports of the principal staples from the U. S to China and Hongkong during the first seven months of 11*04 ami 1905 To China Cotton Mineral Wheat Cloths. Oils Flour. 1904 3.607,968 3,680.571
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  • 531 5 The Canton correspondent of the North China: Daily News writes as follows: Whilst in the north of China railway construction is being pushed forward—for even though the bridge across the Yellow River is \et ill com pie ted, travellers •oau proceed direct from Hankow to the
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  • 161 5 Travelling Mountain Range. Passeugeis by the steamei Mauapouri. which arrived at Aucklaml from the islands last month, report that the voFauo on the island «if Savaii, Samoa, was still very active 1 An emirmous quantity of matter, estimated at many millions of tons, hid been jeeled
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  • 158 5 Great Battleship Construo ion According t«i a London journal, ihe United States has under construction 13 first-class battleships ami 19 other vessels. Of the battleships, seven will be ready to lie commissioned within tlie next half year. The new vessels building for the Unite«l States navy are
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  • 287 5 Development Checked. According to a Peking letter, the Shaugpu having received from Viceroy Chou Fu of Naukiug au exhaustive report on the mineral resources of the Liangkiang Viceroy alty (Kiaugsu, Kiangsi.and Anhui provinces) has issued instructions to the Viceroys and Governors of other provinces ordering them to follow
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 17 5 r r !l a, ll l Fever trouMesand ftyneuterv 4<\' "°Uh Great IVt>i»*i mini fine, W cent*
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    • 13 5 Woods’ Great Peppermint fallible for cliiMieu*s K.mtiacl 80 cents. Cure in I roubles
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    • 12 5 For palpitation of the heart take Woods’ pireat Peppermint Cure. .''O cents.
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    • 110 5 The King’s Birthday. rpHE undermentioned Hanks will 1** JL dosed on Thursday, t in* Oth November, 1005. same lieiiis' a Public* Holiday: For the Chartered Hank of India, Australia and China E. M. JANION, A if. Manager. For iin* Hongkong and Shanghai Hanking Corporal ion. CECIL GUINNESS, Agent For the
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    • 436 5 To-Night! To-Night!! COM VlbNCING AT 9 I' M. Special Programme NOTICE. AT THE Oriental Kinetograph Show, Kimberley Street FOR A FEW NIGHTS ONLY School Children admitted to tlm Si iow at greatly reduced juices on presentation of voucher tickets to be obtained from their teachers. l>o not miss this opportunity
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  • 51 5 Obituary. (Supplied by Renter.} London, 0th November.—The death of Lord Montagu is announced. A Parliamenttary vacancy has been created through the succession of the Hon. John \V. E. Douglas-Scott Montagu to the title. Loudon, 0th Novemlter.—The death of Sir Trevor William Chichele Plowden, late of ihe Indian Civil Service, is
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  • 119 6 I'knano. 7th November. Hi/ noni t *'s// of the Chartered Haul: London Demand Bank c niontliii’ sight Haul 2/-A 3 Cre»lit I O I ft Cab iHta. Demand Bank Rs »lt, i 8 days’ sight I’nva e *>- i Bonn av, iJeinand Bank 8 days’sight Priva’e *»2l Ma«lras, Demand
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  • 214 6 BelatTin Mining Co., Ld. S rales Hersaw Ln ••>.<l \l mingUo., Ld. IT seller Sins I, Hydraulic Tin Mining Co.. I .»1 ‘3. buyers Duff veiot ineiit Co. $8 50 seller* Kra-i-r «V Neave, Ld $105. buyers Geo.'_* Town Disf-ei sary $25. Hoa.iiiii Eiskuie. I.d. s2ti»>.- buyers Ka noun
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  • 186 6 Gold leaf $75. B.Pepper (W. (%»ast 81b5.50/..) out ol .-lock White Pepper 35; sellers ITaug Pepper seuou over Cloves (picked) on 1 of ason Mace sellers Mace Pickings o’l—sel rs Nutmegs 1 lOs sales No. 1 I<* uoin. Sugar 2 no si m• k. Basket 3 5 1 sales
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 101 6 When a fterv drought shall till your v* in With heated Mood and wearv iiaiuK, Be hopeful vet, -he happy still, There is one eure for everv ill. Through lengt h and hieadlh of t Ins fair laud, From foiest deep to ocean strand. There is one medicine safe and
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    • 6 6 RUBEROID ROOFING. Adamson, Gilfillan Co., Lid.
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    • 377 6 CLEAR WHITE GLASS BOTTLES tty Appointment To 11.. M: i King. if. PitiNCEOf Wales. o R r V\W MACKAY’S LIQUEUR WHISKY. Gieslcrs 9 Champagne. Kenr.tdy Co r cr. Tf roR Wm. Younger Go.. Lid. Monk Brand Ale Stout TI'ANG LEE CO., IN lIOTII.Ii AND IN 111 I K. tlttr i.isi
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 844 7 THE CELEBRATED “S. B. Co.” square fac<* n in r«d eases. Sandilands, Buttery Co. E. CHEM BEE, Cycle Dealer and Repairer Nos. 8 10 BUCKINGHAM STREET, PENANG JUST ARRIVED DIRECT FROM NOTICE. r IMIE uudemgued l>«g to inform 1 he public of Peuaug au<l flu* neighbouring Nativi H. HODSON CO.’S
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    • 59 7 The mail who whispers down a well About the goods he has to sell, Won’t reap the gleaming golden dollars Like he who climbs a tree and hollers. The man who lets disease alone To wear him down to skin and bone. Won’t lx; in health so sound and sure
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1326 8 A. EVEN BERG. 5©, Bishop Street, Goldsmith, Watchmaker and Repairer of Optical Instruments, DENTISTRYW. MANSON, American DcnxJst, Thean CRee Co., i4. m<no’' street. pen a no. Photographers KG to inform their numerous customers iiku they have just received huge con- ciwigus Modi.'iiitp,consultation Free. h ments of goo ds per s.
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