Straits Echo, 6 November 1905

Total Pages: 10
1 10 Straits Echo
  • 39 1 Straits Echo 10-PAGE EDITION. l»A!I.V CHHOMIII f<: rvt-STS. CIKCtiUTINIi TMKOIXiiIOI T l iil STKAiTS, Till. FCDHRATKII VIVI.W STXTI-S, AND ITIH FAR FAST (iIiNFHAt.LV. VOL. 3. $24 Per Annum. PENANG, MONDAY, oth NOVS.HiiER, lOOS. Single Copy, 10 cents No. 252.
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  • 61 1 To- I)AT. 10th Day, I Otli Moou. Town Hand, Esplanade, to 7 p.m. Oriental Kinetograpli Exhibition, Kimberley Street, 9 p.m. Cinematograph Exhibit ion, t urner of Campbell Street and Penang Road, 9 p.m. To-morrow. 11th J tax. 10th Moon Oriental K inetograpli Exhibition, Kimberlex Street, 9 p.m. Cinematograph Exhibition,
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  • 27 1 O Full Moon Nov. 12th 0. 11.0 p.m. Last Quarter 20th 8.33.9 a.v O New Moon 20th 11.47.1 p.m First Quarter Dec. 4th 1.37.0 am.
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  • 17 1 English (Simla) Bth Nov Chin a (Coromandel) 10th German (P. Heinrich) loth ludiau Tltouotoa) 25th
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  • 41 1 P. O. SAILINGS. Mail Service. Outwards. Homewards. Simla S Nov. Coromandel 10 Nov Chumn 22 Arcadia 24 hxtra Service. Outwards. Hum kward*. lor mom 14 Nov. Socotra Ho Nov Palawan 28 I Sunda SO M feir vor particulars see Page 3.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 970 1 Corkscrew Brand. 7 he Hesf Beer on the Market. if TV Ught, Sp rk in** anJ Refreshing. SOLD BY ALL LEADING SHOPS. BANKS. Chartered Bank of India, Australia arsci Civna. iNToKI'o RATED liV i <>V Ai> 0 HARTER. Hongkong Shanghai Noderland&che Handel Banking Corporation. JVfaaisch^ppij International Banking Corporation. The Mercantile
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    • 21 1 EIFFELTOWERHighly Recommended. Tested by Municipal Rrgineer HP/ K' os o 0 aw •Ms mo wo Tiang Lee Co., •So/e Importers. PORTLAND
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  • 1218 2 CAN WB FULFIL II (By (Quarter in the lif fimtu If the forecast of the Anglo-Japanese treaty given hv the Osaka correct.aud it the new alliance really imposes obligations on eacli of the Powers concerned to inline- diatelv render assistance in t he event
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  • 1231 2 Tuesday 30th January. Thursday 1st February and Saturday 3rd February FIRST DAY. TUESDAY, 30th JANUARY, 1906 1. —The Maiden Plate. Value $600. A Pace for Maiden Horses. Weight as per mm a* reduced 14 lbs. All; animals impoited into 'he Straits or
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 514 2 We are proud of our age. And all if eau do We are proud of thal wonder, Great Edison, tot*. [Jut at this we may marvel Most cerlaiulv more, "Tis the l»ooii of our nice Woods’ Great Peppermint Cure. notice. ON and after tliis date, all small j advertisements intended
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    • 1116 2 notice. “VTOTICK is hereby given that nil claims! agaiust the Perils Slate or tUnruhng I family thereof must be submitted with full proofs, to the P.esi.ieilfijpt the Perl is State Council on or belore «he hist of December 1905 (the 29th Hamzat KLd), after which .late no further claims will
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    • 246 2 AGENTS FOR LLOYD’S. National Bank of China, Limited. National Bank of India, Ltd. Insurance effected against all risks. SANDIUNDS. BUTTERY Co John Bazley White Brothers. “LION BRAND” PORTLAND CEMENT. Sandi/ands. Hutlery Co. PRYE RIVER DOCK, PENANG. Drydock, Slipway, and Berthage for Vessels Undergoing Repairs or Discharging Cargo. Drydock. Length on
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  • Shipping.
    • 139 3 ■lin Mo, Mr. s.k 110, Ha»lrn|>, «lilt Nov. I ningkat, 3rd Nov., Urn, Ueng K ee. Zjbknuhla. I Jr. s.s. 2 0 0. i'ackiinill, 6th Nov., Rangoon, 3rd Nov Gt»K, H. L Co. Hkbk, Hi. s.s. 390, Inkster, 6tli Nov, Sirgapore, 4tli Nov., Men., VV M A Co. Diombd,
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    • 61 3 6tli November. Jiu Ho, tor Langkat. Tony Chni/ Un, for Hatu Habra and Asabau. Malaya, for Deli. Deli, for Trang ami Pang Nga. Chun Tai, for Perlis and Set ill. C’litou, for Pangkor and Teluk Anson. Hebe, for Deli. Xibenylilu, for Port Swetteuiiam, Singapore, Hongkong Swatow and Amoy. b'lyiny
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  • 34 3 Vegs*/x trout Ayentg Due Silesia Singapore S.K £Co. 6th Nov <i. A pear Singapore A. A.A.Co. Simla G'olomU» A.G.ACo. 9Hi Silvia Coiouilm B.M.&Co. 17tl> lienavon Loml.rn S.B.&Co. 24th Beil venue Singapore S.B.ACo. 24th
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  • 40 3 1 1 For Affentn Leaves Silesia Trieste S. lx ACo. dth Nov (jt. A pear Calcutta A. A. A.Co. 9th Simla Singapore A.a.&Co. 9th Silvia Singapore B.M ACo. 18th Ceu venue Loudon iS. B A Co. A *1. 24th
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  • 110 3 Fok Singapore, Hongkong, Swatow ami Amoy—Per Glenogle, to-morrow, 9 a.iu. Tongkali, Kopali, Renoug, Mergui ami Tavov —Per Omapere, to-morrow, 1 p.m. Port Swettenliam ami Malacca —Per Avayyee, to-morrow, 1 p.m. Asalian—Per Taw 'Tong, to-morrow. 1 p.m. Port Swettenliam and Singapore—Per Pin Seng, to-morrow, 3 p.m. Teluk Anson—Per Lady
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  • 19 3 I’er As•han, from Asalian Mr. Kamerliug. I’er Lady Weld, from Teluk Anson Joo Hoe and A. F. Goodrich.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1151 3 (SHIPPIN G.) i Expected Arrivals and Departures. Mail Service. Outwards. Nov. 10 s.s. Coronuiudel connecting with s.B. Mongolia 24 s.s. Arcadia do s.s. China Dec. 8 s.s. Bengal do s.s. Marmora 2- s.k. Simla do s.s. Macedonia FAKES BY MAIL STEAMERS. Int Class 4n<l Class To London by Sea £OO
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    • 84 3 Compagnie des Message ries Mari times. rPHE steamers of this Company belonging L. to their Far Eastern Liue, will maintain a regular bi-monthly service from this port, taking Cargo and Passengers for Colombo, Marseilles, Havre, London, Antwerp, &c. This service will be further augmented by a monthly steamer of their
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 26 3 WEATHER. Thk following report is kindly the Sigual Director of Fort Cornwallis The rainfall dunug the 24 hours ended at 9 a.m. to-day was nil.
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  • 124 4 Justice *Hl.i*tte*every burly and justice iilwiie.—*"***^°“ Kstablislied June Ist, I9IKI PiiMUh«*l daily (exwjit Stin lay».» AT Til K CRITERION PRESS, 1.1*1., -*:52, Sii-eel. IViiang. PRICE •jAIM Uli AI. S’* |«rr annum ot’TsTA ITONS I\*.t:ujr* Kx r:*. VIAII. EDITION il'ixt Kiwi $l5 CAISI.K ADDKKKS: Edit» —Retiring.” Telephone n**.
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  • 24 4 Birth. Anderson. On 4th instant, at No. 1 Ayer Rajah Road, the w ife of A. F. G. Anderson, of a damrhter.
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  • Current Topics.
    • 170 4 If our memory is not piaying us false we believe that it was not so very long agc> that the Municipal Engineer la d before the Commissioners a report upon waste of water in certain Government quarters. The Commissioners smiled, everybody smiled, and we have heard n >, more
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    • 247 4 If the report of the sub-com-mittee appointed by the Cal-C-itta Corpo at ion to consider the Calcutta llea 'th Ottic. r's note regarding the milk supply T that town is a faithful description of tin- existing conditions, anyone who ha- the smallest regard for his health «night at once
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    • 993 4 1 he Straits Times of Friday last dropped a veritible bombshell bv the publication in its leader column in large type, of the following:— We understand that the Crown Agents intend to accept no tenders from contractors in tin* Straits for work in the immense Singapore Harbour
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  • 2233 4 e |hk Hon. A. Huttenhaoh’s Views. The Hon A. Huttenbach was anion e those who spoke on the Colonial Secretary' motion for the second reading of the Supply r, Bill, at the meeting of to* L-igislativ e Council on the 2/th ultimo, but, uu i- fortunately, lie was
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 182 4 To-night! To-night!! a Grand Exhibition. To-Night! To-Night!! COMMENCING AT 9 PM. Special Programme AT THE Oriental Kinetograph Show, Kimberley Street. Japanese War Pictures. Longest Films Ever Exhibited in Penang. The Huge lias been erected at the corner of Campbell Street and Penang Bead. REDUCED PRICES OF ADMISSION. First <
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    • 25 4 STKARNS’ WINK places at the Command of the Physician the most advanced preparat ion of Cod Liver Oil. Far superior to the slomach disturhiug emulsions.
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    • 13 4 For Malarial Fever troubles am] Dyneiiterv lakt* cmmls’ I V|>|H*rininl <*ure, 80 leuls*
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    • 325 5 THE AMNESTY Finland’s Freedom. Horrible Atrocities. (The IMatiatischer Lloyd s Service.) Berlin, 4th Nov.—Tlie Russian amnesty includes crimes committed prior to 30th October against tlie Tsar aud the Imperial Family and connect ion with secret societies for revolutionary purposes. St. Petersburg and Moscow are quiet. At Warsaw a split
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    • 38 5 The Budget. (The (JetasUitiecher Lloyd s Service.) Berlin. 4th Nov. —The German Budget provides for the establishment of a Colonial Office and for the trial construction of bigger warships, on the model of those of otlier countries.
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    • 39 5 The Insurrection. (Supplied by Reuter.) liomlou, 4th Novemlier.—The Cretan insurgents have agreed t«> accept the terms «if the Powers provi«le«l that the surrender of their arms cau be arranged in such a manner as to spare their susceptibilities.
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    • 59 5 British Naval Visit. (Supplied by Reuter.) I .«union, 4th November.—Prince Louis of Batteuberg aud t lie Officers of the British squadron have g«me on a three «lays’ visit t«« Washington. Tliev were receive«l at the White House with great ceremony and cordiality by President Roosevelt. Prince Louis delivered
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    • 45 5 The Yellow Peril Bogey. (Supplied by Renter.) btiudon, 4th Novemlier.—The lit. Hon. Richard John Seddon, Premier of New ZeaI'Ui'l, in the course of a speech, declared that «Japanese would not be allowed to come to Nc'v Zealaud, which refused to lie dictated to.
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    • 30 5 The Royal Progress. {Supplied by Reuter.) b« union, Ith November,—H. M. S. Reu* wu c °u v eviug the Prince and Princess of "ales to India, has left A«len.
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    • 29 5 Campaign Reopened (Supplied by Reuter.) I.'iudoii, 4th November.—Mr. J sepli win km lain has reopene«l his fiscal camo 11 speech at Birmingham urging of an early general election.
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    • 22 5 Russo-Chincse Batik (The Ortagiatincher Lloyd V' Service.) Berlin, 4th November —The RiissoCli inese Bank is to open a hiatich in London.
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    • 25 5 The Insurrection. (The in.-her Lloyd V Service.) Berlin, 4th Nov.—The leader of the iusurrecti ii in Gowa, Celelies, has submitted to the Dutch authorities.
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  • 24 5 Thk output from these mines for the month of October was Piculs of tin ore 1,040 Approximate value $40,750
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  • 111 5 1 he Gaiety Stars gave what w is announced as their final perforinuc,* in Penang on Saturday night. Penangites seemed to ha v e awakened to the fact that this was a really good show and a lietter audience was the result. The Wheelers were more amusing
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  • 120 5 A Chick i t match has been arranged to be played on the Esplanade on Saturday afternoon, the 11th instant, commencing at 2 o’clock sharp, between the P. C. C. aud the past pupils of Straits Schools. The game should prove very interesting, as the latter team is said
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  • 490 5 Manager Charged With Stealing a Watch and Chain. J. W. Hingert, stated to lie the manager of tlie Eastern Daily Mail,” a Eurasian, t stood in the dock of the Singapore Police I Court. Iietore Mr Seth, on Saturday mornF ing, on the serious charge of the
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  • 1400 5 My Dearest Fanny.—] am rapidly comj iug to the conclusion that there is a place in the world for everybody and that the famj ous pagoda tree is not a myth after all. We I are the pagoda trees out here, mv dear, and the servants shake us
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  • 220 5 j Thk first stage in what is one of tlie longest and most costly prosecutions in I Singapore history was closed on Friday morning. says the Straits Times, when tlie t wo tow Wavs, Hong Jong Kim and Seng Heng Guan, were formally committed to I take
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  • 497 5 Respecting the Duff Development Co, Poor Duffer” writes t«i a financial pajier at home ;—“At a meeting «if the larger shareholders, held ou Oct. 5. the chairman state«i that the £lOO.OOO «ihtaitied i by issue of shares, etc had l»een exhau&t--e«l, and to timl funds to carry
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  • 784 5 m According to Sir James Crichton-Browne, the celebrated medical authority, the normal 1 life of man is 100 years. Sir James, who has himself overtopped the span ot three score rears having l>een born in 1844 J, contends ihat many contributions of inestimaI
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 14 5 ,2r U r 4 r «?a t Peppermint Cure— in- for eliiUlreu’s sfuinarli troubles.
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    • 19 5 Do not plav with lung trouble. Gain the first point Sfretujih. STEARNS' WINE is an invigorating and strengthening tonic.
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    • 12 5 For Witd iu the stomach take Woods’ Croat Peppermint Cure. HO rents.
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    • 11 5 For nil internal complaints take Woods’ Great Peppermint Cure. 80 cents.
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    • 78 5 The King's Birthday. riIHK undermentioned Hunks will I** X. closed on Thursday, the 9t li November, 11H)5, same l»eiiig a Public Holiday For the Chartered Hank of India, Australia and China:— E. M. JANION, Ag. Manager. For the Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation. CECIL GUINNESS, Agent For the Netherlands Trading
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    • 525 5 To-day's Advertisements. w /X KTTTiin A CHINESE CASHIER for a local European firm. Good salary ami prospects. Security required. Apply to A. I> C ti-11 <>.i dis 744 c/o ‘Strait* Kr/to. TO LET. I) REMISES 67 Dench Street. Suitable for Mercautde business. Eutry Ist December, 1905. Apply to PENANG COMMERCIAL
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  • 864 6 Worst Curse of the Race. Tiik Injustice ok Pbkmittiso t- I Importation and Pkohibitinu it* Bai.k. (Sunday 'Vi <»• a* Special While it i« well known that tin* Chinese Reform Arwociatioii is eo-operating witli the Public Morals Committee in an efloil to secure the prohibition of
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  • 107 6 I’KKASA. t)TH NoVICMBKK coiirte*y of the Chartered Hank ‘> H b-iMiet 1 ten ia mi Dante months’ sight Danlr ft i Credit M g Cii.«-o"a. Demand Bank i*'> d daws’ sight IV.% >- Bo.Mirai Demand Bank d days’ sight I’m e Madras. Demand Bank ji*. j d dnys* signt
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  • 194 6 BelatTm Mining Co Ld. S <*■—* tterhawaliGold M mmgC*'.. Ld. IS.—tell** |>i useii "Hydraulic Tin M 50 buy fir* Duff !)eveloi>meiit 0«. Fraser A Neave. Ld 1108.-6«**» George Tu;vn Dispeim**' -•> Howartl. Rrskine. Ld 05 6m .V™ Karangan Hvdraulic Tiu M a.., L»d. b Tr rr Kint* Tin Miner.
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  • 189 6 Gold leal 75. B. Pepper (W. Coast out ol stud, i White Pepper 5 sellers Trang Pepper season over Cloves (picked) oul of season yj ;iw 60 —sellers Mace Pickings 52 se levs j Nutmegs lit).- 311 sales y No. I "I" MOM. so .;i• no slock. Basket 3.50
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 72 6 Wlmt brings the colour to the cheek Ot those that sutler aud are weak. Whose ailments have but made them < nave To la* released and in their grave r What, now, lias given such desiie To live againr You may impure. Itiseases cannot well endure The stieugth of Woods'
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    • 21 6 THF. ('EIjEBRATEJ > “S. B. 4St Co.” square face Gin in red rases Sandilands, Buttery Co. RUBEROID ROOFING. Adamson, Gilfillan Co., Lid.
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    • 275 6 By Appointment To .Nf; th*. King7i?i M H.H tiif. Phi.nce of Wales! THE POPUL S 2 < vS 3 >- <r. w MACKAY’S LIQUEUR WHISKY. TLA N(t lee 00., C testers 9 Champagne, Kennedy Co. AGENTS FOR Wm. Younger Go., Ltd. Monk Brand Ale Stout IN IM)TTLK AND IN lil'LK.
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  • 961 7 Thk following Bills, now before the Legislative Council, will doubtless prove of I interest to our renders. An Ordinance for the lletter protection of the Estates and Effects of Deceased J Persons, j Whereas it is expedient to m ike lieller provision ley law for the protection and
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 1470 7 FOR rp HE WORLD* GREAT CL \SSK> volumes, ne* Offers nr. ifod. NOTICE. T price 5250. 27-7-05 0/0 Strait Echo SALE. jj /PHE undersigned lieg to inform tlie public of Penang and the neighbouring Native 1- States that they have been sippoiuted Agents for Messrs. Ingall Parsons, Clive I <k
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    • 49 7 Oil, thou husky asthmatic ohl fellow, Whom coughing has lieut like a l»ow Thou child with the colic whose bellow Disturbs the whole neighbourhood so Oh. Lad with the appetite hearty Whom sweetmeats too greatly allure Now mark what I say, or de(>art ye From Woods’ Great Feti’ekmint Cure
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1242 8 A. EVENBERG, 56, Bishop Street, Goldsmith, Watchmaker and Repairer of Optical Instruments, Gramophones and other Musical 10-8-05 Instruments. 3m« 530 rEOii JOO MENG, Chop SOON YANG. i'KI.KI'HON R No. 321 i i. m I-3Lo, ClfOI J HRNG IVIOJHL cfe Co., 64, flench Street, Penang. Importers of ali kinds of European
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  • 2221 9  -  BY VIOLA GRAEME, AUTHOR OF l hr < hihl of SocrotcJ 'he Treacher tf of Lor Min*',” 1 The Hand of Hod,” Low's Loyalty” A Royal Rebel.” Her Sold in' Street heart” The Reality of tlo- 6*-anon,” The Tea-shoy Itii'l, S’oteh Marriage, The Milliner Model. A (iainbley
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  • 180 9 Penano, Oth October, ltH)5. 1 Uekk— rig Soup per caltr 1 Roast g| Steaks 2-J Ste.v or Currv Meal ]7 Rump Steak o.| Ox Tail each 30 Tongue 66 Feel n ]5 Heart 30 i Liver tf 3o Pork Pork per catty 34 Pig’s Head 30 Feet 28
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 13 9 or Cold ih the Head and Coughs take uo^'s I'eppenniut Cure 80 oouts.
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    • 12 9 For palpitation of the heart tako Woods’ Great Peppermint Cure. 80 cents.
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    • 120 9 J a these uewtangled daysof the pryingX rays Of faith healing ami trance that's hypnotic As life’s secrets unfold, it’s a wondei the King of Terrors is still so despotic. I jut his '4 lip is as si long as it was in t he hmg, Coug ago, ere the
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    • 80 9 PRITCHARD St CO., PENA NQ. FURNISHING DEPARTMENT is leplete with a large and well assorted stock of Bedsteads. fcL e 3U ri i H i tit "TT~ 3; Four-post Bedstead, 1J in. Pillars, gold hands oil all four pillars, with 4 Brass head and foot rails 2 Killing; Brass Vases,
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    • 387 9 Thean Chee Co., 14, HIS HOI* STREET, I'ENANG, Bbjd to inform their numerous customer!? that they have just received huge con* sign ments of goods per s. s. Manelaus, Palermo Glaucus and Cardium. NEARLY 300 CASES JUST OPENED OUT. This is a splendid opportunity for our patrons to buy money-saving
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 468 10 BURN Co., Ltd., Electrical Engineers, PENANG. THE CRITERION PRESS LIMITED. Show Rooms Logic's Building kinds of electrical work at the t men nude: ARK how prepared to undertake all kinds ol electrical shortest, notice. All work done hv fully compete» European supervision. House wiring l a speciality ESTIMATES FREE. PRINTERS,
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