Straits Echo, 31 August 1905

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
  • 38 1 Straits Echo IMILY CHRONICLE 01 EVENTS, CIRCULATING THROUillOlil III! STRAITS, Tit; IEPi RATIO AUI.A\ STMS, AND Till. EAR EAST GENERALLY VO I j» «3. $24 Per Annum. PENANG, THURSDAY, 31st AUGUST, 1905. Single Copy, 10 cents. No. 190.
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  • 45 1 'l’u-I»A V. 2nd iJay, Wtii M».»ci Towu Band, G»df Club, 3 t<) 7 p.n,. The -Moviug Pictures Exhibition, Drury Jj.UW, 9 p.m. To-mokkow. Ist Dav, Bt.ii M oon. lowu ]>itn<], Esplanade, ij to 7 p.m. Opera ludra Zabba. King St it et, 9 p.m.
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  • 31 1 First Quarter Sept. t>ri; I 1.8. H a m O l* (ill Moon 14th 1 10 0 a m. Last 22nd 513 A M O Moon 20th 4.59.5 a.m.
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  • 43 1 For Weekending Weil lies* lay. Sept. t> iu< »5 t v M em. Thui-**ii<v. Hist 0.55 120 Friday i«t 145 210 Sa'.uniav, 2ud 235 3.00 Sunday 3rd 325 350 Monday, 4th 4.15 4.40 Tuesday, sth 5.0» 530 Wednesday. oth 555 020
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  • 17 1 China {Malta) 2nd Sept German {Bayern) sth China (f*. Eittl Friedrich) t>th Indian (Tetula) 7th
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  • 47 1 P. O. SAILINGS. Mail Serxiic Outwards. Hum kwakds. Simla .11 Any. .Malta 2 SefA. 'humu 14 Sr/it. Itruyal IS I xira Service. Out w Anns. linn kwahds Poona 5 Se/i‘. Ma:a~ra JO Sri>t. Sh mi a IS Ca ml ia Ort. ■’Sc* For particulars see I'age 3.
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  • 919 1 Batu Feringhi Scheme. Municipal Engineer’s Report Concluded from yesterday's issue «7. It is assume»! in the foregoing that all the lauds in the citchment area will la* acquired. The prices for laml are b.iseil on valuations made by the Collector <*f Land Keveuue, and kindly place»l at
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 421 1 M2SB W>mi ,isi T OPERA INDRA ZABBA, The Prince of Wales Jawi Peranakan Theatrical Company. (Under bn ire y New Management At King Street Theatrical Hall. \Tb-nijht. Thursday, 31st August, IMo Performance. To-morrow, Friday. Ist September. I lie Company will staue the popular and cliarmiui' piece, Bertha and Siegfried A
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    • 79 1 GUINNESS’S STOUT. TIANG LEE Co, Efi§7 <2 DO ct: >•1 >- vo 7) «V Sa <2 s LL AGENTS. P. 11/loir Crane Co.’s CYLINDER OIL. Rmtcry Co. DAVID CORSAR ft SONS’ Well-known Navy Canvas. SWDILWhS. lIIITTPPV Si Co. BAXTER CO’S. BUST NAVY CANVAS. SANDII A NOS. BUTTERY Co Indrew Ushor
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 46 1 WEATHER. 1’hk loilmviuir i-«»p• »rr. iskiudiy supplied in tlie Signal Director of Fort Coruwaiiis o p.m. Vivlcrdi)' Til. «8» Wr, Kill* wa. n.w. The raiufall duriuur tiie iiT hours eiuled at It to-day was nil. <i a.»*, t o-day S.I«'aim '11(01.. To-day M71 loudy s<Mith
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  • 178 2 Which tense does an army in camp, prefer to use Perfect tents. Give an example of t he imperfect tense. Pretence. Give another.- Impotence. Of the future tents The unexpected eircus. In the sentence, “The officer who orders the men to storm the breast
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  • 339 2 Wild elephants aie generally considered an unmitigated nuisance by the peaceful cultivator, but apparently in parts of Burma they are as much the friends of man in their feral as in the domesticated state. Ihe Indian Forester contains the following interesting note from the pen ot
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  • 385 2 SOMK AMAZINO FIUUKKS A St. Pctkiisbuku correspondent recently sent, the following remarkable Mimman of the money spent by Russia—apart fiom ih* preseut war—on the schemes of Far Eastern expansion which now appear to have lieen definitely checked I*y the Japanese viefor’es! iu Manchuria and
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  • 550 2 Dr. WiL'-1 AM >* PINK PILLS Arc A Liver Tonic. They Cure by Giving Strength, not by Purging. When you are “liverish,' feel bilious ami bad-tempered, headachy, lazy, and out-of-sorts, see spots, have pains lietweeu the shoulders, don't want your food—that is a sign that
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 40 2 Don t be 80 cents w ise and sh;o foolish Spend 80 els. on Woods’ Great Peppermiut Cure, aud good-bye to colds. HUEAUNS’ WINK, for all wasting It iucreases weight. CVmsiiinpItvcK tiu'l it «foes good. Can 1* taken all KWifcOllh.
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    • 258 2 NOTICE. ON ami after this date, all small advertisements intended for insertion in the Straits Echo must he paid for in advance. MM SENG *****, 12 1 1 1 July, 190 b. .Managing Director. Important Municipal Notice. DOGS. OW NEKS of Does are hereby informed that for a period of
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    • 1301 2 NOTICE. TINKU SHAHABOODIN, DHCBASbD. NOTICE. TO Penang Hills Railway Co., Ltd. BUNGALOW at No. 100, I)URSUA NT to Section 46 „f the Conveyancing and Law »>1 Property Ordinance 1880, Notice is hereby given dial all Creditors and other persons having any claims or demands upon or against, tie* Estate of
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1921 3 MP n i N. Co. INTENDED SAILINGS. British India Steam Navigation Co., Ltd. For Negapataiu, Madras, Pondichery, Cuddalore and Karri cal. Expected Arrival ft and Departures. Mail Service. Outwards. Sept. 13 8.8. ChuMH connecting with s.s. Britannia 27 s.s. Coromandel do 8.«. Mongolia Oct. H 8.8. Arcadia do 8.s. China
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  • Shipping.
    • 103 4 Perak, Br. s.s. 297, Buchanan. nt. Aug Port Swettenham. 29tli Aug. Gen., K.G.Co Malaya. Br, s.s. 34*. Loewc. Gist Aug.J Deli, 30th Aug., Gen., b. M. C<>. Sikh. Br. ns. 3 210, Bow ley. Gist Aug., j Birkeiihead, lSth Aug., Gen.,—b. B. Co. v Simla, Br. s.s. 3, «05,
      103 words
    • 29 4 31st August Cornelia, for Deli. Canton, for Paugkoi and leu". Anson. Flying Fish, for Port Weld and Duping. Fitzpatrick, tor Rangoon. Zaida, for Singapore. Hongkong. Swatow and Amoy.
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    • 75 4 Prhak Br ss. 297, Buchanan. 30th Aug Port Swettenham. 29th Aug. Gen.,K G. Co ow n Malaya, Br. ss. 341, Wwe 31st BugDeli, 30th Aug., Gen.,— b. M. N C->. Glknfalloch, Br. s.s. 1-434, entne\. 31st Aug., Swatow, 17th Aug., Gen., K.G.Co Lady Weld, Br. s.s. 345. Treweeke.
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    • 164 4 Fok Deii Per Calypso, to-morrow, 11 a m. Port Swetteuham and Malacca —Per />r«»/.\ to-moi»ow, 1 p.m. Port Swetteuham and Singapore—Per j Jtan W/iatt Soon, to-morrow, 2 p.m. Perlife A Setul —Per Chan Tai, to-morrow. 2 p hi. Singapore aud Hongkong —Per C. Apc<n, to-morrow, 3 p.m. Teluk
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    • 60 4 Per Malaya. from JK*li Mr. ami Airs. Alontor* Mr. Jesseu and Air. Hayashi. Per Simla, from Colombo Air. H 1. Dew. From London Air. C. H. Bailey. AIiss C. Jones, AIiss Graham, AIiss A. Jones, Air. K C. Gold, Mr. J. M. Richards, Mrs. F. M lvevw. rth. From
      60 words
    • 77 8 Vet gels Fro in Aifeuls line Benlawers London S C. A: Co. l»t Sept. Sikh Loudon S 1’. \Co. oil. Silesia Colombo 1» M ACo. oill Austria Singapore S K.ACo. Stli Glia/.He London s I*. At 13 h Beuvenue Loudon S B A Co. 14: li Bewilder London IS
      77 words
    • 78 8 1 etoteh For 1 ltrove* Depliiwei'M lSiiij<»i jMtiv S 1 i A• 1' Sept. Sikh Silica pore S i Silesia Singapore l> M A<’<». -*iii Austria I'riesie S K.ACo. >»Hi (Jliazeo Singapore S I A. <\ Io» it ReuvffliuK Siuxapore S i A»'.. 14» it IJenaMei Smyapore S 1
      78 words
  • 115 4 Justice and just ice alone.-Eine.**!. Established June 1st, 1903. CnWislieil daity (except Sunday*.) at tub j CRITERION PRESS, Ltd., No. 22b 232, Beach Street. Peuang. PRICK DAILY LOCAL j OUTSTATIO.NS Kx’n. MAI I EDITION O’tift Free! Slo CABLE ADDRESS: Echo —Penang.” Telephone No. IKS Editor-in-chief Cjiksnky Duncan.
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  • 1276 4 Yesterday we took a brief survey yt the situation as outlined in the scrappy 1 terrains despatched from Europe as j soon as the long-wished-for news of the cessation of the war reached tie* ‘Hub of the l niver>e. Let u* now go a little deeper into the
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  • 888 4 Serious Charges Against Mine-owners. That well-known London weekly t'nblic Opinio>> is not prone to raise scares or indulge in mild sensations for the sake of the cheap notoriety which is so acceptable to “yellow prints. inclines to the sedate, and essays, and not without marked success,
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  • 114 4 It is most gratifying to learn that our appeal on behalf of the Band Fund is already bearing fruit. We are to-day informed by the management of the Moving Pictures Exhibition Company, which "is to-night giving the last of a verv successful series of exhibitions in the*Drurv Lane
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  • 317 4 Now that the stress of war is over and piping times of peace are to pervade the world once more, our readers will require something in the nature of a sedative; something to which to turn for an hour’s recreation to take their minds away from the
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  • 72 4 TuirupH for St. Xavier’s. The examination for prizes offered by the Chamber of Commerce for schoolboys proving themselves proficient in commercial subjects have lieen held, and have resulted in the list of candidates being headed bv five boys from St. Xavier's Institution. Three of these obtained
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  • 645 4 Most ot our readers will remember that at tlie Assizes of September 1901 a Cantonese was, among others, convicted of house breaking and sentenced to 5 years’ penal servitude. This same individual—probably on a ticket of leave—was charged irefore a Bench Court, consisting of Messrs. Ebdeu and
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 89 4 I WAtC^. r Yr. I-s'K&S&K ivE^SiSssfc :s?<£♦=£ '*s£rif •A-i/1?^ wjl. Aiawf zm#x > JUST ARRIVED FROM PARIS, The Longest and Most Up-to-date Films Ever Shown in the Fast. Last Night! Last Night! Don't Miss this Opportunity. The Moving Pictures Exhibition Coy. XT THE NEW THEATRICAL HILL. Drury Lane, Campbell Street.
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    • 15 4 A stitch iu time «wes uine. A Woods’ Great Peppermiut Cure may save uiue doctors.
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    • 293 5 How it Came About. Crops of Vague Rumours. (Supplied by Reuter.) Londou, 30tli August.—Some press correspondents awerl that a secret understandini' lias been arrived at lietween Russia and Japan regarding 1 the reimbursement of the latter’s war expenses, hut will lie omitted from the Treaty of Peace with a
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    • 284 5 Japan’s Magnanimity. Loudon, 30tli August. —The Loudon papeis are unanimous in declaring that Japan’s extraordinary magnanimity is an object lesson to the world, aud eulogise the efforts of President Roosevelt, to which the conclusion of peace is largely due. A German Tribute. (The Oetaeiatiecher Lloyd* Service.) Berlin. 30th
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    • 33 5 The French Prisoners. (The Ostasiol ischer Lloy V Service.) Berlin, JOtli August.—News from Morocco states that Count. Tattenbach, the GeriHiin Envov, has again asked the Moorish authorities to release the French prisoners.
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    • 68 5 A New Liner Launched. I'he Ostasiafiseher Lloyd's Service.) Berlin, 30th August. —The Kaiser Wilaccompanied by the Empress, has christeued a new Hatnburg-Ameriea line steamer, launched from the Vulcan Works *0 Stettin. The ceremony was the occasion l'>r brilliant festivities. New Passenger Steamers Berlin. 30th August.—On the 10th September
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    • 95 5 The Hankow Railway (Supplied by Reuter. Londou, 30th August.—A meetiug of the Chinese Development Company, held at New York, lias ratified the s;ile of the Hankow Railway to China for six aud three quarters million dollars. Riots at Amoy. (Echo Special.) Hongkong, 31st August.—ln consequence of the exactions of
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    • 44 5 Farther Dutch Successes. (The l t#to*ui#ti#cher Lloyd Service.) Berlin, 30th August.—News from the, Celebes is to the effect that the Rajah of Boni is a fugitive, the population is quiet and the Dutch troops have occup ed the positions of the euemv.
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    • 29 5 The New Viceroy. (Echo Special.) Simla, 3Jst August.—lt is announced that the Earl of Minto will relieve Lord Cur/.oti as Viceroy of India about the middle of October.
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  • 826 5 I’rkikiiknck kok Echo as vx Advertising Medium. On the loth we received a very gratifying communication front one of tin leading firms in Penang and, being naturally desirous to let our light shine before men, promptly iuserted an excerpt from it reading as follows; I have
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  • 1245 5 In the Third Magistrate’s Court, before Mr. Sniith-Steiumetz, yesterday afternoon, Oh Kay Hook, formerly of Chop Siu Lee Chuan, of Beach Street, was charged with assaulting a public servant in the execution of his duty aud also with voluntarily causing hurt to a Chet tv.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 25 5 Health is better than wealth. A bottle of Woods* Great Peppermint Cure is worth more than 80 cents, but you oau get it for that.
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    • 233 5 ANOTHER 66 ECHO 5* COMPETITION. FULL PAKTIC'S WILL APPKAK IN THK STRAITS ECHO ow I Saturday, 2nd Sept. ft ft It will couie a» a great surprise tu many although the idea is uot braud-uew Absolutely devoid of any element of vulgarity or chuuce, so there should be no iruessiug,
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    • 315 5 l*;t l ii inieut will sim»u «lis'olvp, so will your ll <»ll Olio* Wools ir'Hilt I VjipHlinillt Omc, MO cents ;i l.olile. To-day's Advertisements. W OTICB. 15V oKDEii OF 1 HE MORIOAGEK. Tin umlei is iiistructod to take possession ot and put up for sale by Public A uction On
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 1053 6 A. EVENBKRG, SO, Bishop Street, Goldsmith. Watchmaker and Repairer of Optical Instruments. Gramophones and other Musical 10-8*05 Instruments. 3ms 580 Urn Sun Ho, chop HENG IVIOW Sl Co. 164, Beach Street, Penang. Khoo Buan Phuan CHor Gim Seng Moh, 203, -Mam Road, Taiping, Tin Miners, Advancers and General Goods Store.
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  • 631 7 Hr, ..4:111 I ving :it Cowra. New Wales. has given birth to <|ii.idruplets --three l*oys 1 in 1 a girl. Slie prevnmslv 1*0111« triplets once mu) twins taviee. Hn.ii-, no-N lias l*een taken 111 iIh nmiiv Jo t lie* use ,.f such English words as M 'I-
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 1063 7 TEOH JOO MENG, Chop 800 N YANG. Tkl»phon« No. 321 NOTICE. THE PENANG STEAM SAW MILL CO., Sungei Pinang. Penang. NOTICE. HAVING JUST RECEIVED A Portable Improved Wheel Rubbering Machine is now prepared to undertake promptly re|>aiiB of old rubber-tprred wheels which are guaranteed to give satisfaction: Nos. 178, 180
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    • 214 7 aBHi artificial moues »>t life lew ailments oft. appear, ml in our midst disease is rife, I"ie dreadful every \ear. fet who need suffer stomach pain, >r sleepless night endure, V ldie iest and ease lie s sure to gain hrotigh Woods Great Peppermint Uure. BTEAKNS’ WINE, after infiuen/a and
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  • 122 8 Pkna so. 31st Aouum (toy courtesy »1 tUe ChariereJ Honk- L *ndoo Donum J Rmi —/1 c 4 •41”)»! Bank ..2 1 •> Credit .21. v. 4 |>»»«*n>uoHf.urv 2I A CitlcuM«i' I•**! Bunk ’•»<* n 3 days' sight IVivn'e 58 Bomlritr, Demand Bank 150 3 davC si»jiit I Viva
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  • 121 8 Gold leaf 74. I*. Pepper( W. C«»a»t I Ws.- T *<*/..) out ot stock While Pepjier 38s tellers IV: tug Pepper season over Cloven (picked) out oj reason Mace 00 buyers Mart Pickings 52 buyer* 1 lOs 34.—mV C No. 1 I" i" SugHl 11 i, Basket s*• lets
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  • 180 8 Pkxan»;. 31st Aigust, 1005. Desrript. on. Bfcia*- els Soup per catty 12 Ron»! 26 •Steaks 28 or Curry Meat 18 Rump Steak 28 < tx Tail each 30 Tongue 70 Fe-*t 15 Heart 0 Liver 30 I *OltK Pork |*er catty 36 Pig's Mead 24 Feel 2 "A
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  • 213 8 Belat Tin Miuiug Co., Ld. 3 5. —buyers Kersaw.ill Gold M iningCo.. lei. 12. —tellers Brieli Rubber Syndicate, Ld.# s prem. buyers Bruseh Hydraulic Tin Miuiug Co., Ld S 4.25 buyers Duff Development Co. sB.— sellers Fraser Sl Neave, Ld slol. —sellers j George Town Dispensary $25. buyers Howarth
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 34 8 E.R.&F. TURNER, Ltd., MAKERS OF High-class Steam Engines Boilers OF ALE DESCRIPTIONS. U ormch f J V EON BELT For Particulars and Prices apply to lUITENEICI BROTHERS CO. IMACHINERY DEPARTMENT, SOLE SCENTS. I 5
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    • 412 8 THEAN CHEE Co., (ESTABLISHED 1858.) 7 General Store Keepers, Ship Chandlers, Outfitters. Government Contractors, etc., etc. 1 Just Unpacked. Gentlemen’s Collars Shifts. Hi CP* r»tr» Back Front view view 0 When on neck. The Col’ar. Three gi* ;it ndvantitles are derived by wearing tli .E ins Collar 1. Passim; Bam)
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