Straits Echo, 29 August 1905

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • 47 1 M AKKIAGE. •luly 29th. n( London. E. H. Mnitt.of T<ii|)iiig. to Lilia, willow of G. K. Tigard. An#, ilrd. at Wimbledon, J. R. (.'aider (Smith, of Manila, to Lanuette Snell#rove. July 21M.1i. at Kensington. W. S. Henderson to Alice Livingston. older daughter of David McLean.
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  • 57 1 To-uat. 21*1 li l>av, 7th Moon. Town Hand, Golf Club, t> to 7 p.m. Opera India Zabba, Kin# Street, 1* p.m. The Moving Pictures Exhibition, Drurv Laue, 9 p in. Tu-moukow. Ist Dav., Bth Moon Town Hand, Esplanade, *> to 7 p.m. Opera ludra Zabba, Kin# Street, 1* p.m.
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  • 31 1 t O New \}<*on An#. oOth 8.13.4 i’ First Quarter Sept, tit I: II HS am O 1' nil Moon 14th I 10.0 a.m. feist Quarto* 22nd 5.13.5 a.m.
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  • 42 1 For Week ending Monday. Sept. 4 1905. A M I’ M. Tuesday, 21*th 11.40 11.1 Wednesday, t{oth 0.07» 0-*•• Thura.ii.v, Hist 0.55 I 2t* Friday, ist 1.45 2.10 Sa'utd.iy, 2nd 235 3.00 Sunday, 3rd 3.25 J5O Monday, 4th 4.15 4.40
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  • 1142 1 Batu Feringhi Scheme. Municipal Engineer s Report. Continue»' front i/’s •*5 It seems to me therefore that it hopeless with the financial means .it 11. disposal of the Commissioners to lev t meet the excessive demands fol* water mor of which is ouly wasted. s<‘*. I therefore
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  • 26 1 I*i isb (Simla) -list Aug. China (J falht) 2ud .Sept lierm.iu (Itayerri) -itli* China l 1 tii i Fricdnc/t) tilh Indian (T< sht 7tll
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  • 38 1 P. O. SAILINGS. Mail Service. Of. WAR I» H ,WKWA»i»b. Si min .7/ I mi/. Mail" Chilean It Hat/ 1 i.xira vlmmcc Oi l lloMEWARle. fWm -7 Malacca ln -V/'J Cmidm V'-t. w-.T For u>*tt ictiiars F»U«
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 383 1 JV1258 'I 4* jar/S °*IN P&> <5 roR n WHITEAWAYS FOR GENTS’ HAT AND NEWEST SHAPES, BIGGEST VALUE, LOWEST PRICES. •V >7 fn A »V.V A m White Drill Hats. stock of those goods just un\uicked Smart shape similiar to >ketch. I liese are o<k>l. wasimijjf l hits suited for
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    • 118 1 OPERA INDRA ZABBA, The Prince of Wales Jawi I’eranakan t heatrical Company. (Under hittirely New Management At King Street Theatrical Hall. To-night. Tuesday, 2vth August. The Company will stage I lie |m>|.n l;« r and charming piece, Rossina. 1 To-morrow Wednesday 30th Aug. Patama Watty. A Very Splendid Programme of
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    • 53 1 TIANG LEE 7& Co BASS'S ALE ON m m is v CO CD oc O Si «I f.'i o; Pi <9 n ir# LnOlS S.smMM! SIEAIIixS A\ JN E make* i»ootl. r«*tl rv-li lrlo->J. lni|> iris voutht'ul strength ;wi<i A nutrient Tonic. Esckmuje. Shore*. Produce. M !;<! Pi *<•*'« nu
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 36 1 WEATHER. Thk followingreuori is kiiniiv sumnie f iii* Signal l>i rector of Fort Cornwallis 5 li.lii. ii.Ut. VesMrday iu-day :iooi.. 1 t<Hla y Tiie rainfall <lurinir tiie 24 at 1'am. to*<ia\ was iti Pine Honrs emits!
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  • 28 1 DVA'I'H. At her residence. London-road. Lowestoft, on tho‘2Bth July, ItH*. 1 Mary Anne Clark, wite of J. D. Clark (Editor of Shan#hai Mercury and Celestial Empire). aged ♦»< years.
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  • 818 2 The Latest Thing in Life. StAKTLIN«I DISCOVBKY. With chilly sweat streaming down oui shapely neck, handstrembling like reeds rust- ling under pressure of some gentle zephyr, and with an iced towel bound round our aching brow we recently plucked up sufficient courage to impose upon the reading public
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 144 2 The IIIH.I1 who W blSpOI'H iluwil ;l well About (lie goods lie lias lo sell. Won't reap (lie gleaming golden dollars Jake lie who climbs a tree and holleis. The mail who le(s disease alone To wear him down to skin and Innie, Won I Is* in Ilea 11 li
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    • 1728 2 NOTICE. and after this date, all small advertisements intended for insertion in the Straits Echo must he paid for in advance. LIM SENG HOOI. 12» ii Julv, 1905. Managing Director. KATZ BROTHERS, Ltd., PENANG ROOF TILES. Important Municipal Notice. DOGS. v WNERS of Dogs are hereby informed that for a
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1750 3 tan 9. 9. I N. Co. INTENDED SAILINCS. British India Steam Navigation Co., Ltd. Expected Arrivals and begMirtnres. Mail Service. Outwards. AuK- S la connecting with s.s. hulta S«nt 13 h.s. Chilian do s.s. Britannia .7 s.s. Coromandel do s.s. Mongol in s.s. Arcadia do s.s. China Oct. 11 Homewards.
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  • 117 4 Justice KHtMlwfVerybt»!} ami justice «lone.— r«*n. Established June 1st, I90J. Published daily (except Sundays.* AT TUB CRITERION PRESS, Ltd., No 226—232, Beach .Street. Doming. l’RICE DAILY LOCAI l** r «"in.i.. OUTSTAY'DOi* Postage Kx’ra. j MAIL EDITION |tw Erect CABLE ADDRESS; Echo—Penang.’* Telephone No. IH8. 1 Editor-in-Chiff (Jhksnky
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  • 888 4 Shocking Distress in Manchuria. Run Cross Society Appeals For Assistance. At noon to-day we received troin Mr. L. H. Clavton copy of a letter addressed to His Excellency Sir John Anderson bv Mr. F. Anderson, Chairman of the International Red < ross Society oft Shanghai, with
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  • Current Topics.
    • 216 4 A correspondent of the Municipal Journal describes some of the conditions ot municipal rule in; Germ hi towns recently visited by a number of members of English municipal boards. Aachen, for instance, is governed lik«‘ all towns in the Rhine Provinces of Prussia by a burgomeister and
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    • 1184 4 Mk. Edward Dicey, C. lb, one of the highest authorities »>n Japan and tilings Japanese, in a thoughtful article in the Em/tirc lie view warns the public against taking too sanguine a view of peace prospects as between Russia and Japan. His opinion is that the Tsar
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  • 38 4 i The Chief Police Officer courteously U p. plies us with tile following return of do-s shot outside Municipal limits Number of dogs previously killed ;<>.(»; Number of dogs killedAluribg the week ending August 26th Total 7366
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  • 140 4 Damages about 812,000. At about one o’clock this morning a tiro broke out at premises No. 210, Ohulia Street, occupied by a druggist. The building was soon enveloped in Haines, which also spread to the next house, No. 208, a dentist’s aud tailor’s shop. The tire
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  • 139 4 Last Night’s Dance. Last evening the memliers of tiie Kugineers’ Institute gave another of tlieir popular dances, which have always proved to lie such bright spots in the somewhat humdrum life of Penang. As usual, the Ho >r was all that could be desired, the hosts proved' to
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  • 176 4 Anything that tends to the bodily aid physical improvement of out Penaug youngsters will be heartily welcomed by even section of the community, aud hence we are pleased to hear that last evening a meeting was held at the Drill Hull, Fort Cornwallis, under the presidency of
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  • 351 4 In last Friday’s Perak Goveru.iieut Gazette are published reports by 1 rofeswt Duustan. M. A.. F. K. 8-. director of tta Imperial Institute, Loudon, on samples guano aud patchouli audcitronella oi s tom the Federated Malay States. Due sample *»t guauo was sent li"in limestone caves at Packing
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 264 4 JUST ARRIVED FROM PARIS, The Longest and -Host Up-to-date Films Ever Shown in the East. Last Night! Last Night! Don’t miss this Opportunity. The Moving Pictures Exhibition Coy. XT THE NEW THEATRICAL HALL. Drury' Lane, Campbell Street. To-night’s Programme will include the following besides other scenes:— Reserved *>l-50 Second t
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    • 25 4 Health is better than wealth. J Woods’ Great Peppermint Cure more thau bU cents, but you can that, Irottle of is worth .ret it for
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    • 56 4 VV lieu a fiery drought shall li!l your veins, itli heated blood and weary pains, lie hopeful yet,- lie happy still, There is one cure for every ill. Through length and breadth of this fair laud, From forest deep to ocean strand, There is oue medicine safe and sure, And
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    • 19 4 7. f buy > D Look before you leap- \Vi*d J quack medicines try a lx*» < Great Peppermint Cure (80
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    • 28 5 Preparing for the Storm. Su/iylied by Reuter.) London, 21M li August.—'The extensive mobilization of reservists at Riga, Wiudad aud other centres in Russia is cotisiderue significant.
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    • 124 5 The British Fleet's Visit. {Supplied by Reuter.) London, 28th August.— 'The British Chauuel squadron has arrived at Swiueliiunde, on the ‘Baltic coast of Prussia. The towii is crowded with sightseers and the German active Heat is expected to arrive today. A Naval Reception. (The 44 (Jttatiatischer Lloyd's Service.)
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    • 78 5 German Note Satisfactory. {The 44 Oslo tia tier her Hoys Service.) Berlin, 28th August.—The German Note !>u the Morocco question has lieen received iu Paris aud has created a favourable impression, owing to the manner iu which it meets the wishes of France. Further Discussion Required. (Siip)died by Reuter.)
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    • 22 5 Resignation of a Governor. {The 44 Ot<tn*lastiteher Lloyd's Service.) Berlin, 28th August.—Herr Lely, the Governor of Dutch Guiana, lias resigned.
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    • 29 5 Further Risings. (The Os/q datisrher Lloyd'» Service.) Berlin, 28tli August.— The surprises and jmta in Gan tan East Africa coutiuue aod have spread to the Linda district.
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    • 184 5 The Arbitrator Starts. {Supplied by Heater.) Loudon, 29 th August. —Sir Michael j Hk-’ks-Beach, on the ItJth inst., left New j °rk for Vancouver, en route for Singapore, I as arbitrator in the Taujoug Pagar Dock affair. Accidents will Happen 1 hus a Rangoon contemporary: —A Correction L
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  • 263 5 The Peace Deadlock. A Further Postponement. {Supplied by Reuter.) London, 28th August.—The Peace Conference lias L*t*r* postponed until Tuesday at the request of Mr. 'l akahira, the Japanese Minister b> Washington, who explained that he had received nothing from Tokio. Humour of British Intervention. London, -8th August.—The Portsmouth
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  • 246 5 Tine Pknanu Voluntkkks. Thus a recent issue of the Asiau Mr. Justice .Stephen, who combines with 1 1 is judicial functions the command of (lie Calcutta Volunteer Rifles, recently issued the Auuual Report of that corps iu which he lamented the serious diminution in its numliers,
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  • 491 5 j .Should the peace negotiations tail we > may I** certain that Japan will not be long before she invests Vladivostok. An interesting account of the place is giveu by a correspondent in the Manchester Guardian of the 21st July. Although a bitterl. cold place in winter, from December
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  • 2093 5 HfiMtis' th«* t-ml is pmgrniuvr. it ne\t*r nuiu* repeats itself, but hi every art attempts the production of a new and fairer whole —/.Wn»i i Aiivkktisinu is not merely a device to obtain business; its foundation rests on 1 much surer ground. It is a need of
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  • 350 5 Ail over the world the wHsi.ers of |i np|) use marks to distinguish the clolhf s of t lieu customers If a changes Ids laundry often in Kngland the uuinlier of letter's used on his garmenfs is surprising enough •In parts of Franca* the name and i.ddiT*, !ot
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  • Shipping.
    • 67 5 Ji« Ho, Hr. ss. 11«». Hast rup, 2t*t h Aug Laugkat, 2Hth Aug. Gen., Heug Kee. Lanokat. iil a.a. IT.'. Liddell. 2!» th Aug., 'l’eluk Ausou 2*th Aug. Lien., K G. Co. CoiiNKia.v. Hr. s.s. H»4, Mains, i!!*i h Aug, Deli, 28th Aug, (ion K. U. Co. Van Oi’ihookn,
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    • 66 5 21Mh August i A. A year, ior Calcutta.- Acaijyce, for Port Swett* iili nn and .Malacca. Rotoruu, for Tongkali. Petrel, for Pangkahm l’randan Tan Tony, l«»r Asa hall. I)e Korn, for J>eii. Pm Seuy, tor Port Swetleuiiam, Ixuaia Lumpur and Singapore. Ladii Weld, for Teluk Anson Plyiny tiiili, for
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    • 54 5 •Iin Ho. Hr. s lit) Ha <t ti ip. 2!M.ii Aug.,, Lungkul. 28! li Aug. (den., Long Kee Ij.vno kat. Hr. s.s. 14-U, Riddell, 2fMli Aug., ieluk Aubou, 2Slli ,\ug. Gen j K. G. Co. Coknkjl.i v. Hr. s.s. UM-. Marris, Aug., I Mi. 2Sth A tig
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    • 86 5 Fot Pangkur Per Haletctjti, to-morrow, i 1 |> in Laiigkut—per Jin lt<>, to morrow, I p.m. Port Swettenhaui— Per l taw .DiWui. to-morrow, 1 p.m. Kdie. T. Semawe, Seyii, Olehleh and Sabang— Per TloL Canton, to-morrow, 2 j. in Teluk Auwi, Pvr Lamjkat, to-murr >\v, 2 p.m. Singapore
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    • 56 8 Ve$»eh 1 From Agent* Due Beulawers London S.B.ACo. 1st SeptSikh London S B.ACo. 5t h Silesia Colombo B M &0o. 5th Aust ria Singapoie S.K.ACo. Hth Ghazee fjoudon S. B.itt'o. 13th Benvenue London S.B.ACo. Utli Beualder London ,S B A Co. 27th Beulari^ Singapore S.B.ACo. doth Beumohr Loudon S.B.&Co.
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    • 58 8 Vexxelx For A<jentx rex lienlawers Singapore S li.ACo. Isl Sept. Sikh Singapore Mil Silesia Singapore l5.1l.iVC»'. •Mil Austria Trieste S K A Co. Oth Glia zee Singapore S 15 A loth Benvemie Singapore S.liAC*». 14t li iienahler Singapore *27fh Benlarig Marseilles 30th lien moll r
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 19 5 Parliament will soon dissolve, so will your cold if you take Wood*’ Great Peppermiut Cure, SO ceuts a nottle.
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    • 19 5 A stitcli iu time saves uine. A bottle of Woods’ Great Peppermiut Cure (80 cts.) iuav sure nine doctor».
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    • 21 5 Don’t be 80 cents wise and Sl< 0 foolish Spend 80 cts. on Woods’ Great Peppermint Curt, and zood-bro to colds.
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    • 180 5 IVilay’s Advertisements. W A.MTED. A rj LI'OI K A hi.lid s<**ks employment as companion or chilli's iiUiso Will '•l_ !<• 11 .IVei l> etei <'ln*»s yiv<*!l. M'l'l.v to E. M <• o Sir' /V Hi-h'i. wk Hti Hot Slngafore, Hongkong, Swalow and Amoy. r r«K air,,/,, Hock. UhiiUiii ii l.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 1113 6 Khoo Buan Phuan CHOP Gim Seng Moh, 203, M/tin Road, Taiping, lin Miners, Advancers and General Goods Store. 39c HONG BEE Co., den era I Store and Commission Agen's, 88, MAIN ROAD, TAIPING. "0* A. EVENBKRG. 08, Bishop Street, Goldsmith. Watchmaker and Repairer of Optical Instruments. Gramophones and other Musical
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  • 592 7 lhe following translation of a letter received b y a Japanese .rentlonian from a tr.eud in coiumautl of a tiist. class torpedo boiii in Admiral Togo’s f|'*et first, appeared I in i ne (Treat l'huudcrer prior to the ineiiior- abie Kittle of Tsushima PkaklJ-
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  • 331 7 The oilier day I in* Daily Chronicle quoted through its “Office Window tiic following passage from Mr. Be vesou-Gower’s “Bygone Years Slie suggested Browning, whom she said, besides being ail author ol great repute, spoke French admirably.I’lie Chronicle made this “The text for a national rebuke. For
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 769 7 NOTICE. THE NOTICE. W. CORNFIELD, |N thanking his Customers in particular and the Public in general for past favours, begs to give notice that he has let his premises, I 3, Bishop Street, AS FROM Ist of September next. An office will be Shanghai Building Investment Co., IXfcSft&SSgSSSag&s Europe ready
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    • 20 7 bp.tre ilie rod ami sjmm! the child. Spare Wood»’ Peppermint Cine (BO ct.-i. a bottle) :«nd ppoil tb<> child’? health.
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  • 127 8 Pin a no. 29th August {By courtesy of the Chartered Bank London Demand Hank 2/1 i 56 4 months’ sight Haul- 2 1 J 3 Credit 2U 3 Document»»» y 2I J Calcutta. Demand Bank Its !•>< 3 davs’ sight Priv-.»*e 59 Bimiliiir, Demand H ink ;•>, 3 davs’
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  • 125 8 j.»|d i*‘il I <4. I». P**{»|H r (W. Coast -til**. -'•<*/..) out <»/ stock White Pepper 38| sellers Tram.' Pepper season over Cloves (picked; out of season Mace 75 —sellers Mace Pickings 65. —buyers Nutmegs 1 lOs 34. sale* No. I mom Sugar 2 no stock. Basket sutlers lap>oca
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  • 180 8 Pknang, 20th August, 1005. Description. ]>kkk— c's Soup per caltv 12 Itoast n 28 Steaks 28 Ste>v or Uurrv Meal 18 Kmnp Steak 28 Ox Tail each 30 Tongue 70 Feet 15 Heart 30 Liver 30 PorkPork }»er catty 30 Pisj's Head 21 Feet 28 Tongue 32 Mutton
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  • 212 8 Be at Tin Miuiug Co Ld. 5 5. -Layers BersawwliGold M iningCo.. Ld. t2. —sellers Brieh Rubber Syndicate, Ld.s ?<» em. buyers Hi useii Hydraulic Tin Mining Co., Ld 4.25» buyers Duff Development Co. SB.— seller* Fraser A Neave. Ld SlOl. —sellers George Town Dispensary $25. buyers Howartii Erskiue,
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 31 8 E-R.&F. TURNER, Ltd., IPSWICH, ENGLAND. MAKERS OF High-class Steam Engines Boilers OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. (the“tEONBELt) For Particulars and Prices apply to lUTTEHBACH BROTHERS Si 00, MACHINERY DEPARTMENT, SOLE AGENTS. I 10.
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    • 295 8 THEAN CHEE Co., (ESTABLISHED 1858.) 7 General Store Keepers, Ship Chandlers, Outfitters. Government Contractors, etc», etc. Just Unpacked, Gentlemen’s Collars Shirts > V v>. ck.' '-i-m T < A u m u I X' •r-.. ;2£<Spf. Front view Back When on neck view 0 2 t 1 0 m The
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