Straits Echo, 26 August 1905

Total Pages: 10
1 10 Straits Echo
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  • 18 1 Birth. o>n 19th August, at Keuoug. the wit** of Mr. Uug Bok Hoey, of a sou.
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  • 53 1 To-day. 26th I Mv, 7tli Moon. Town Ban*], Golf Club, 6 to 7 p.m. Opera 1 mlra /abba, King Street,!* p.iu. The Moving Pictures Exhibition, Drury Laue, To- MORROW 27th Day, 7th Moon Tenth Sunday after Trinity. Opera India Zabbu, King Street, p.m. The Moving Pictures Exhibition, l>rury
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  • 30 1 O New Moon Aug. 30th 8.13.4- p.m. First Quarter Sept, tit it 1188 am O Knit Moon 14th 1. Itl.O a.m Last Qua riot 22nd 5.10 5 a.m.
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  • 42 1 For Week ending Friday 1 Sept. I. 190-5. AM PM Saturday, 20th ...0.3*5 10.10 Sundae, 27tli 10.2-5 11.— Monday, 28ih ...11.15 11.50 Tuesday, 20th .40 —.05 Wedeesdar, 30th 1 30 —.57* Thursday, 31st 2.20 1 45 Fridav, ist ...3.10 2.35
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  • 11 1 Kuglieli {Simla) o 1 st Aug. ChUia (Malta) 'iii't
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  • 39 1 P. O. SAILINGS. Mail Service. Outwards. H«*.mkwak**s S 'ititlii .'II A.u<\. Matin V Seat. Chusun 14 Sift, lit'aijol 10 Extra Service. Outwards Hunk wards. Poona 5 Sept. Malacca 10 Sept. Shhilii /8' Caudi" Oct. For particulars See Page 3.
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  • 1166 1 Batu Feringhi Scheme. Municipal Engineer’s Report. {Continued from yesterday's issue.) 25. ft will be feasible, I believe, to inter eept this stream lower down, where it Hows underground among l*oulders, by means oft i sunk weir and heading and obtain about 1,0t‘0,000 gallous per day without the
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 246 1 25S N in PO Sale Orders Most Reach Us Before September, 2nd High-Class Hand Sewing Machines, Thoroughly Reliable; All the Latest and Most Up-to-date Improvements. Complete with Book of Instructions SIX ATTRACTIVE BARGAINS: FRISTER AND ROSStHAN’S SEWING MACHINES. Mounted on the Very Best Walnut Wood Base; Bright Farts Heavily Plated
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    • 127 1 OPERA INDRA ZABBA, The Prince of Wates Jawi Peranakan Theatrical Company. tinder Entirely New Management At King Street Theatrical Hall. To-night Saturday 26th Aug. The'Company will stage the popular and charming piece, Nyai Dasima or Ed. William and a special rendering of the Chon Kina Song and Dance. To-morrow. Sunday.
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    • 65 1 r.UJNNFSS’S STOUT. tiang LPE Co., 9 00 fwß .'■< ..Li, $2 i® 2Sad u. v /.s P. /VI o/'r Crane <ft Co.'s CYLINDER OIL. Huttery C7>. John Bazley White Brothers’ “LION BRAND” PORTLAND CEMENT. ntlilnrnt<. tinfrpry rt Co. NOBELS’ EXPLOSIVES Go., Lid,. GLASGOW. BLASTING GELATIN E, GELIGNIT E DETON ATO
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 29 1 WEATHER. Thk following report ukiudly supplied by the Signal Director of Port Cornwall is The raiufiill during the ’24 hours ended at b to-day was 0 45 inches.
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  • 963 2 iustriictii e. and amusing matter relating to schools in general and to local educational establishments in par; irular w ill iqqiear under the above heading iu this journal about once a week, and it is hoped that ihis new feature of the Kcho may l»e welcomed by
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 14 2 ZYMOLE TOOTH powder, a perfect itutwei'tic ileutii’iiw. ileaiiries uud pre* lluj teeth,— venj rejreehinj.
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    • 2565 2 XOTICE. ON and after this date, all small advertisements intended for insertion in the Straits Echo must he paid for in advance. LIM SENG *****. 12tii July, 1905. Managing Director. Government of British North Borneo. a GOVERNMENT OF LABUAN Revenue Farms for 1001* 1907, 11*08. will lx* receive»! by the
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1877 3 582« X a —7 P. 0. IcmQi S. HI. Co. INTENDED SAILINCS. British India Steam Navigation Co., Ltd. Expected Arrivals and, Departures. Mail Service. Outwards. Autf. 31 Simla connecting with s.s. India B*»pt. 14 s.s. Chusau do s.s. Britannia L'S s.s. CoromaudA do s.s. Mongolia Homewards. .Sept. 2 ».s. Malta
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  • 129 4 Justice -utif-lie^everylsslx ami ju-'iie«*i«k>ue. ••»«<*. Established June Ist, I9OJ rublUhed daily (except Suiwlin AT TIIF. CRITERION PRESS, 1.ti1.. No. *23J. 1 leach Stn*el, Penang. I •HICK DAILY LOCAL *2* l*er OUTSTATK*X> RKJge K\'r.t. MAIL EDITION (Duct Free* #l5 CABLE ADDRESS; Echo —Penang." Teleplioue No. 1.88. Edit ur-in-C
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  • 1469 4 Do Present Prospects favoci: Hopes op Lasting Peace? As we write the fate of the Japanese demands—the full text of wiiich we have not yet received, scrappy items of it. from various sources, only having reached us up to the present moment— in the balance, and who
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  • 1040 4 Special Meeting. A special meeting of Hie Municipal Commission of George Town was held in the Municipal Chambers veslerday afte rnoon. Mr. J. W. HalGfax (President) presided, ami there were also present Messrs L M. CJaytou, A R Adalys and Lim Eli Toh: with I»r. G. 3 I.\
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  • 17 4 IHE July Ladies’ Spoon will be pla\*±d for o:i Wednesday next, the 36th iust.
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  • 46 4 Lawn Tennis Tournament. The following ties have lieen arranged for Monday, the 28th August. Vha mpionship. M. H. Graham w A. G. Anthony. (Unfinished tie; Wednesday, the 30th August j Winner of M. H. Graham A A.G. Autiionv. r*. J. E. Nathan (Holder)
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  • 551 4 Last night's show at Drury Lane was better than ever and included several new scenes which were very well received bv the audience, aud the gramophoue selections, consisting of favourite Euglish, Chinese aud Malay music, vocal aud instrumental, were also much appreciated. An announcement was
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 245 4 EXPLOSIVES Dynamite, Gelignite AND Blasting Gelatine. Detonators and Fuse SOU- AGENTS: GUTHRIE Co., Ltd., 91r PENANG. O-') KATZ BROTHERS, Ltd. PE N A N Gj HAVE JUST RECEIVED NATURAL STERILIZED MILK Absolutely the finest ever imported into the Straits Settlements. X rnuli>!***** Natura Milk is the most recent n t*i«?
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    • 20 4 Spare the rod and spoil the child. Spare Woods’ Peppermint Core (80 cts. a bottld) and *poil the child’s liwltli.
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    • 20 4 A stitch in time saves nine.* A l*'* l 1 Woods’ Great Peppermiut -Cure (SO ctt may sate nine doctors.
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  • 11 5 What May Harken if the Peace Negotiations Kai.i, Through.
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  • 338 5 Peace Prospects. Russian Press Less Bellicose. ('/Vk* Ostasiatischer Lloyd Service.) Berlin, 25th August.—The Russian Press favours the continuation of the Peace negotiations uurler M Witte. Americans Will Blame Tsar. (Supplied l>y Reuter London, 25th August.—The New York correspondent of the Tunes wires that the Americans regard Japan's demands
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    • 47 5 The Transport Disaster. (Supplied by Reuter.) Loudon, 25th August.—A British steamer collided with the Japanese transport Kinjo Marti, bringing troops from the front, in the Inland Sea on Tuesday last. The transport sank in three miuutes. Twentyone persons were rescued and one hundred and tweutv-seven drowned.
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    • 63 5 Minister of Interior Resigns (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 25th August. —The Tsar has accepted tin* resignation of M. Bulyguiu, the Miuister of the Interior, who succeeded ITiuoe Sviatopolk-Mirsky in February last. Be will probablv In? succeeded by M. Jguatieff, the ex-tiovernor of Kieff. Warsaw. I'he Out uniat i
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    • 33 5 France Prepared for War. (Ilot (Maniutitr/i*i‘ Lloyd x Service.) Merlin, 25th August.—Owing to the unjustified arrest of Algerian subjects at Fez '•y the Moorish officials, France has threatened to recall her Ambassador.
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    • 32 5 Disunion to be Negotiated (Supptied by Reuter.) London, 26lii August.—Sweden has appointed delegates to negotiate with the Norwegian delegates for the dissolution of the uuiou between the two countries.
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    • 41 5 The Financial Question. (Supplied by Reuter.) London. 26ili August.. —Six Powers have nominated members ot a Committee for the control of the tinanciai diiiiuist ration ot Macedonia and Itietr Ambassadors will immediately sin unit itieir scheme to the Poi te.
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    • 43 5 An Armenian Panic. The Otlaeiaiiecher Lloyd Service.) Berlin. 25th August..—The Armenians of Smyrna are in a state of panic because they are partly implicated in the late attempted murder of the Sultan. Several of the Toreigu Consuls at Smyrna have requisitioned warships.
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    • 53 5 Smuggling in the Gulf. (Supplied by Reuter.) Loudon. 2t>lh August.—A telegram received from St. Petersburg states that news is to hand from Teheran to the effect that Persia is negotiating for the purchase of two gunboats with a view to stopping smuggling in the Persian Cult’, which has recently
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    • 25 5 Yemen Revolt Suppressed. (The o*tu*iatiscker Lloyd Service.) Berlin, 25th August.— Sliaki Pasha has suppressed the insurrection in the Vilayet of Yemen, hi South-west Arabia.
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    • 33 5 Rajah of Bnni Uncaptured. (Echo Special Soerabayu. 26th August.—The Rajah of Boni is still at large, but one of iiis most prominent followers is still being vigorously pursued by the Dutch.
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    • 30 5 A New Volcano. (The Otta*iati*cher Lloyd t Service.) Berlin, 25th August. —A new volcano has lieen thrown up in Samoa, but the inhabitants of the island are stiil safe.
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    • 149 5 A Channel Failure. (Supplied by Reuter.) Loudon, 25th August.—Four attempts were made to swim the Kuglish Channel yesterday, one of the swimmers being an Australian lady. All failed to complete the task, however. Our Water Supply Municipal Engineer's Report on page 1; Our School |sag on page 2 Naval
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    • 133 5 To liir; Editor or mi; Stk.*h» K,iio. Sir. --Some time buck you published a par. in your valuable journal to the effect 1 that Ih«* “sphere of influence" of the interesting rivalry at football between the local schools bade fair to be enlarged by lauotltr Richmond in the field,
      133 words
  • 791 5 To the Editor ot thk Straits Echo. l)car Sir. —The People's Paper having won world-wide fame on account of its impartiality and its willingness to come forward to champion the cause of ilie oppressed, it has occurred to me that I might be serving a useful purpose
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  • 44 5 Thk mau who wins is the man who works: The mau who toils while the next man shirks The mau who stauds in his deep distress. With his head held high in the deadly press Yes, he is the mau who wins.
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  • 336 5 The Song ok the Rubber Planter. You see it ou your nckisha. And you have it on your bike. Upon your motorcar as well And the fussy little trike. You want it in your office And you use it in your store. Just try it when out
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 19 5 I’ulmineut will soon dissolve, so will your W>l<l if yvu take Woods’ Great Peppermiut Cure, SO cents a bottle.
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    • 19 5 Look Itefore you leap Before buying 1 quack mediciues try a bottle of Woods/ Great Peppermint Cure (80 cts.).
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    • 20 5 Don’t be 80 cents wise and slto foolish. Spend 80 cts. on Woods’ Great Peppensiut Cure, aud goud-bve to colds.
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    • 211 5 Health is better than wealth. A bot tle of Woods’ Great Peppermint Cure is worth more than 80 cents, hut von can yet it for j that. To-day’s Advertisements. CENTRAL SALES ROOM. BY ORDER OF THE SHERIFF. Auction Sale OF Valuable Household and Hotel Furniture. COMPRISING Dining Room Suites, Bedroom
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    • 663 5 Anglo-Chinese Girls’ School. NOTICE. 497, Penang R ud STAFF OF FIGHT TF.4CHKUS. I nsl: MCI ion Ki veil in Primary Classes and Standards I to VII. VV T K h i v«* ;l well Kindergarten iiii'l trail.o'l Kindergarten le.n-liei j in charge. Parents are it«|Uebled to <*iil or \\tit« f
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 1125 6 A. EVEN BERG, 56, Bishop Street, Goldsmith, Watchmaker and Repairer of Optical Instruments. Gramophones and other Musical 10-8-05 Instruments. 3ms 580 Khoo Buan Phuan CHOP Gim Seng Moh, 203, Main Road, Taiping. BERNESE ALPS MILK Co., Stalden, Emmenthal, Switzerland. PENG CIII N.i Coy., 11 gTS.’* MILK, CONDENSED MILK. Graham Co.,
      1,125 words

  • 803 7 I Noteworthy .Swings <g Notauek Men. \V<* ll;ive Iw'll slnillief• |i]v llllhllsillOHHi ik»» hi the way wo have fronted questions of national defence.” L.rd Selburne, Feb. 25, 1903. sorvice (the Navy) is thesafei .ti.iol .m<l Milwnrk oI England. and ought 'o In, dierisliod Wovond ail others.” f.Vi»e
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 1015 7 TEOH JOO MENG, Chop SOON VAIIft Telephone No. 321 HAVING JUST RECEIVED A Portable Improved Wheel Rubbering Machine is uuw prepared to uudertake promptly repairs of old rublter-tyred wheels which are guaranteed to give satisfaction. A 'os. 178, 180 A 182 Penang Road, PENANG Established 1875. NOTICE For Sale Carriages.
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    • 57 7 What brings the eulour to tiie cheek Of those that slitter :iu<] arn weak. Whose ailments have but made them crave To lie released and in their grave What, now, has given such desire To live again? You may un|uire. Diseases cannot well endure The strength of oods' (treat Peppermint
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 669 8 JONES BURTON Co. Brass and Gun metal Steam and Water Fitting^, Brass Cocks and Valves THEAN CHEE Co (ESTABLISHED 1858.) Genera/ Store Keepers, Ship Chandlers, Outfitters. Government Contractors, etc., etc. HATS and HELMETS. x I OF ALL SIZES. B. F. STURTEVANT Co. Improved Stationary and Portable Forges, Blowers, Exhausters, etc.,
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  • 2101 9 isitively Idiotic, and Otherwise. At euovmous cost, and after much trial 1 tribulation, the far-famed Office Tamby 4 to have succeeded in getting the tirst of the latest inventions of those highly esteemed, resourceful, and thoroughly reliable universal providers Messrs. Misfit, Canard. Miscreant, and Co. That our faithful
    2,101 words
  • 1196 9 Penang, 25th August. My dearest Fanny, —Oh, the time I I have been having with Tom ever since that wretched Show. You know, uiy dear, that 1 Tom went and bought me a whole lot of i dear little tin things; well, he used up all his spare
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 337 9 I v —•)>*. x 7^. PUBLIC NOTICE. TIIK Proprietors desire to mil public attention to tbe fact that they are mi.,,Mincing their nurlim.e O Woods’ Great Peppermint Cure into the Straits Settlements. It i> a specific specially prepared for those internal ailments which a-e peculiar t<> tropical countries. In Australia
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  • Shipping.
    • 87 10 Mossbl. Put. s.s. 1,217. Harthoon, 25th Aug., Edie, 24th Aug., (Jku.,- H. L. Co. Bhakata, Hi. s.s. 1,5*40, Alexander, 25th Aug., Singapore, 23rd Aug., Ten.,- H L. A Co Malaya, Ger. s.s. 34-8, Loewe, 26th Aug., Deli, 25th Aug., Gen., 1». M. A Co Palamoott.v, Hr. s.s. 2,206, Habh,
      87 words
    • 82 10 2t»th August. (.yi'wc/m, for Deli. Mary .Iwfi», for Port Swetleiiiiaiu Jin Jlo, for Laugkat. Chan Tai, for Perlis and Setul. Lamykat, for 'J’eluk Anson. Vidamcotta, for Raugoon. Tomj Chay Cm, for Ikilu Bahia ~ui Asa ban. i G. A pear, lor Singapore. j Hatty lice. for Singapore. Hongkong,: Swalow
      82 words
    • 77 10 1 eMflit trow A.Apc;u' Singapore A A A.Co. 28th Aug. Benartv Singapore S.BACo. 28th Idumeueub Singapore U.M.iCo. dOth Beulawers Loudou S.BACo. 1 st Sept. Sikh London S BACo. •‘uii Sile>ia Colombo BMACo. 5th Austria Siugap«>ie S K A Co. 8th Glia zee liondon S. B ACo. Ixth IW n
      77 words
    • 89 10 1 en*?#»/* For A*/€nl* /^«ires 1 A. A pear Calcutta A A A .Co. 2*UiAug. l>euar I\ M irseille> S B.&Co •2*th ItlolllelieUS fi< *iill■»ii \Y M a< u Benlawers Singapore S B AC”. l>t Sepl. Sikh Singapore S 1 5. At >. 5tl) .Singapore .«VCo. 5th Austria Trieste
      89 words
    • 123 10 Fok Hatu Ha lira —Per Padamj, 28th iustant.' 1 p in. Tnuig and Pang Nga—Per heli, 28th instant, 1 pin. Passenger*. Per I'ruiz Heiurieli, from Shaughai Cart. N. Widal, Mr. G. B. laiive and servant, Mr. Wegeruiauu and taimly. From Hongkong; Mr. Chuug Chin Fuud, Mr. Clieuog Viug
      123 words
    • 186 10 Gold leaf 74.50 B. Pepper \V. C«*ast 3ll>s.. r > out »J rlwh White Pepper 381 *< Her* Trane Pepper season over Clover* (picked) out of n>a«ov Mace 77* teller* Mace Picking* 05.- buyer* Nutmegs lit»,. Bt.— sale< y N«*. 1 o.ll> now. Sugar do stock. C P*a*ke: 5j
      186 words
  • 128 10 26th Auoisi (By courtesy oj the Chartered Bank.) London Demand Bank 2/1$ j 4 months’ sight Buik 2li 3 Credit 2/1* Doeumentaiy 2 j Calcutta. Demand Bank Its 156 i :l 'lavs’ sight Priv-i’e 1 58 i Bombay, Demand Haul: 156 i 3 days’ sight Privae IsBi Madras.
    128 words
  • 223 10 i BelatTiu Mining Co., Ld. i buyers Hersa wall Gold AI iuiugOo.. L*«. >2.— sell-r* Brieli Rubber Syndicate, Ld.* pteut. buyers Hruseii Hydraulic Tin Mining Co Ld 4.25 buyers Duff I Weiopmeut 0« sB.— seller* I'Fraser A Neave, Ld slol.— seller* George Town Dispense w $25 buyer* Howarth Erskiue.
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  • 193 10 Pknang. 26th August, IW-», DttctipiioH. j Bt,u— et>f. Soup pur catty 12 Roast 26 Steaks 2d Stew or Curry Meui Is Rump steak 28 Ov Tail each 60 Tougue 70 Feet 15 Heart 30 Liver 60 Pork Porlv per catty 66 Pitr’s Head 24 Fuel 2* Tongue 40
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 141 10 OLDHAM HALL. A BOARDING SCHOOL FOR BOYS. Healthful location, food the best, large play-ground, strict discipline, j daily studv classes nude*' personal supervision oi the Principal. SPECIAL ATTENTION TO ENGLISH Address: PRINCIPAL AN <« LO-CIIINESL SCHOOL. ltf-4-UO oluia a wk IMc Singapore NOTICE. Notice is herewith given that the Agency
      141 words
    • 547 10 THE CELEBRATED “S. B. St, Co.” square face Gin in red cases Sandilan ds, Buttery Co Kennedy Co. AGENTS FOR Win. Younger Co., Ltd. Monk Brand Ale Stout NOW READY. JOHN MARTIN, MINER A ROMANCE OF MODERN MALAYA. BY OLIVER ASHWELL, AUTHOR OF •T- ie, the Feu.- ChreuUlei of tl.
      547 words